Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 158



Megtalálod a módját
Járj az igazság nyomdokain
Ifjúságod dalaival
Az egyetlen, amit sajnálok
Idő és képmutatás
Elszakítottam a kötelékeket
Később látni fogod
És mentsd meg magad
Anyai remény
Később találkozol vele
Kövesd az utam
Már nem az igazság alapja
A gyermekkori versed
Az egyetlen, amit sajnálok

If I had only one apple

I'll cut my apple in two:
Half for me,
Half for you
I'll cut my smile in two:
Half for me,
Half for you
I'll not sahre with you my pains, but as may last breath
I'll keep it secured to the breast, until the moment of my death.

To where shall I go

The jew gets rushed and stressed
Every day isn't certain for him
His life is a pitch black night
No goals, everything is closed off for him
Abandoned, with many enemies, no friends
With no hope, no certainty
To where shall I go
Who can answer me
To where shall I go
If every door is locked
The world is big enough
But for me it feels quite small
But in a flash we are back
Every brick in disarray
To where shall I go
This life is so nice and sweet. Every little circle, every little stone that lays in the street. This life would truly not be unpleasant were it not for man and his bitterness. So they say to me, no actually, to where shall I go if everywhere they charge my steps. Am I made of stone? Am I not made of blood? Is all of this because I carry the title 'Jew?' I'm not ashamed... but,
To where shall I go
Who can answer me
To where shall I go
If every door is locked
The world is big enough
But for me it feels quite small
But in a flash we are back
Every brick in disarray
To where shall I go

Our language

Albanian brothers!
Let us touch wisdom,
Take the right path,
To revive Albania.
Albania has been
And it will be,
But today in our days
There should be no flaws.
God has honored
Albania always ,
It used to be very good,
It will also become now.
We had bravery
In that old time,
Albania had a name ,
Like no other place.
How many cordial men
Albania has issued
Then and before,
What history writes!
It was a fiery time
And we had a lot of trouble,
But today pen and card
We need nothing else.
O men, Albanians,
To receive knowledge,
Cause it's not the stone age,
Now light is needed.
To write 'your language,
To enlighten the nation,
Everything that is and has been
Let's learn it slowly.
Just look what a good language!
How good is the taste,
How beautiful and free,
As the language of gods.
Very white this day
For all Albanians,
It will bring us a light,
That the first did not have.
This light will give us
All goodness
And it will raise all the
Damages and nonsense.
How blessed is he who sows,
Blessed is he who plants this tree!
Cause this is going to give birth,
It can't be covered with lies.

Átzuhanni az időn

Gyere sétálj velem
Át a rejtelmeken
Ismerek egy helyet
Ahol az angyalok átzuhannak az időn
Sokszor voltam ott...
Ahol a tudatlanságod az út
És a küzdelmeidből
Lesznek szent énekeid
És ahol a szeretet színe
Egy fénysugár a sötétben, a sötét fényben
Hiszek benned
Lopnék érted
És hűségesen követni foglak téged
Akkor is, amikor eltévedsz
Áthágom a vonalat veled
Szőlőt gondozok veled
Átzuhanok az időn veled
Egy kicsit távolabb
Még az idő kezdete előtt
Van egy hely a lelkedben
Ahol a szellemek éneklik a neved
Sokszor hallottam őket...
Mikor az árnyékod a sorsoddá nő
És a bánatod egy karmikus dalt sző
És a szeretet visszhangja
Egy hang a pusztában1
Én várni fogok rád
És kinyitom előtted a kaput
És a bölcső dalát suttogom majd neked
Ahogy álomra hajtod a fejed
Mögötted jövök majd
Látom benned a Istent
Átzuhanok az időn veled
Ahol a folyók találkoznak
És a levegő íze édes
Ott van egy hely a föld és menny között
Ahol a te sugarad létrejött
Emlékszel rá?
Ahol az esszenciád és minden, ami vagy
Testet öltött akár egy fényes, új csillag
És az égbolt mennydörgő dobjai
Verték az ütemet
Tűzet gyújtottam neked
A dróton végigmentem veled
És elkaptalak valahányszor megbotlottál
S majdnem lezuhantál
Érted ég egy fény
Miattad feláldoznám az enyémet én
Veled zuhanok át az időn
  • 1. Vagy 'Egy hang a vadonban'.

Túl a Holdon

Bal kezem a Földet,
Jobb pedig az Eget tartja.
Tenyerem minden irányban villámokat szór.
Felgyorsul az idő, telnek az évek.
El is röppent hát háromezer élet.
Bal kezemben virág, jobb kezemben kard.
Orcámon tízezer év hava pergett le.
Egy könnycsepp...
Ez vagyok én...
Bal kezem a Holdat érinti,
a jobb a sors vörös fonalát sodorja, hogy összekösse szerelmünket.
A holdfény alatt...
Te és én... egyek vagyunk...
Bal kezemet tollak, jobbat pikkelyek borítják.
Életem egy részét a felhők felett,
míg másik részét a Földön töltöm.
Kész vagyok követni, s hamuvá lenni érted,
hogy végre elhagyhassam-e földi létet.
Bal kezem magához ölel,
jobb ellök téged.
Összezárom a tenyerem és a szívembe zárlak végleg.
Egyetlen füstölő leégte alatt,
te és én eggyé válunk.

Amina mother / Prophets birth

Amina, mother of prophet Muhammed
she gave birth to a pearl, a grain of pearl
when Amina was hamila with him
a lot of sings she had seen
the father of our prophet, Abdullah
He chose the benefactor haqq-Allah
When the time came near for him to be born,
Every good thing is coming to you.
it was time of Rebiul-evvel, spring,
Monday night twelfth is coming.
When Muhammad's mother gave birth,
She said she saw a miracle.
As a lightning from the house falls on us,
Nur flies from him to the heavens.
On the hewai an angel lays a mattress
from a paradise named Sundus is.
I saw three flags crucified,
listen to what I am telling you.
On the maghrib, on the mashrik two ayans,
The third flag is right from the Kaaba to the attic.
I knew immediately that he was the best slave,
To dear God, from everyone the favourite
lots of angels came from heavens,
Surrounded our house like Kaba.
The wall dissolved, and I looked,
I saw many miracles next to me.
From the paradise came three Hurries,
They praised Muhammed in everyway
Blessed are you, happy mother, they said,
And with words of praise they spoke of my son
A mother has never given birth like this,
Blessed are you who carried him.
And when the time comes for me to give birth,
The good that will come for me to see.
Thirst came to my soul,
They gave me a cup of sherbet.
colder then snow and whiter,
It was sweeter than sugar and prettier.
And the sherbet they gave me when I drank,
The whole of me drowned in nur.
I drowned in the nur certainly,
And I didn't know for my self.
A white bird accepts me,
Again, all my strength came to me.
And the king was born of the faith at that hour,
And in nur the whole world drowned.
You bring salawat to him,
You will acquire paradise from God.
It is good to bring salawat
And to water your eyes with tears.
Who ask that the fire doesn't hurt him,
Let the heart awaken with salawat.


Everyone is in a hurry,
Everyone is going.
Everyone is nobody to
The metro is rushing,
Intrusion isn't retro.
The silent mass is
Stone cold.
They make tracks
for the void.
Sometimes all people
run out of here.
The train pulls into a black hole.
There is a metro-draft under the ground.
You're being assessed by eye beam lights.
I catch one - it so happens, yours-,
I look back, and I feel like,
This is when life so far ends
My hand is fumbling,
Head is empty.
That's how it goes about
something every day
Time goes by,
Confetti rain is pouring.
The dirty street-depth
is coughing.
I come by here
The globe is dusty,
it slowly falls apart.

Scared shitless

And i wanted to see you today
And i wanted to run a red light
I have a weakness for things that are
that dangerous
It's been a few years
But what will the neighbors say
And I saw you, dancing in a dream
And I cried, when I woke up at dawn
I always have a weakness for things that are
that dangerous
You know me, that fear is real
And it's been like this for a couple years now
This passion burning me from within
But what will the neighbors say ?
Years, years
Passion burning me from within
But what will the neighbors say.
(Aaaah Aaaaaahh Aaaaah Aaaaah)

No need to cry

There's no need to cry. Just look, there's a star,
there - above the leaves, to the right. Ah, don't start,
I beg you! What was I about to say?
Yes, about that star above the garden gray

Do what pleases you

Do what pleases you, it doesn't mater anymore,
you want to leave and have us separate, go for it.
Thankyou for your kindness but please don't claim,
that you're honest, thankyou for your 'honesty'.
There was never anyone else in my life besides you
in my heart you're the only one and my heart is your yard.
From each and every path I seek you,
and the waves of my love have exceeded your value.
Oh how much I loved you, conscious and unconscious,
the world was your world and the sky was your sky.
I was a ring for you, and you were a ring on my finger.
I wear myself out for you and still turn to your comfort.
From the clouds above, you see where I stand,
until you knocked the stars down and fell.
Now it doesn't matter to me anymore, go if you wish
I no longer want your heaven or your apple (Eve's apple)

Love you

Undeniably beautiful, you never understood
You were the only good reason of this world
But it wasn't your fault, wish it was possible
For you to not know to be this beautiful
Your fame has spread as far as the coastal cities,
Sea can distinguish you from the rest of the people
Prior to you, beauty had a limit
Won't be my destiny without sorrow
Your beauty has misplaced the boundaries
Love you
Don't leave cause without you, any steps
Won't be my destiny without sorrow
My other half
My whole love and belief
If I leave you, I'll die
The day when your eyes, be my share, be my eyes
Sorrow can leave me alone
You've turned the whole city mad for your beauty
Your beauty has a lot of headache for you
Love you
Don't leave cause without you, any steps
Won't be my destiny without sorrow
My other half
My whole love and belief
If I leave you, I'll die
Love you
Don't leave cause without you, any steps
Won't be my destiny without sorrow

I’m hearing to you

I’m hearing to you please continue after I love you what did you say.
You think that the day I seen someone else,
I didn’t hear to you
No, by God, I didn’t sigh, and I didn’t be lazy at that time. I’m hearing to you and see for others and I’m thanks God that you are belong to me.
I‘m with you and I‘m hearing to you.
You are the one who knew and ignored all my life, my weakness, my Lord, in my hearts, made you into it.
You came to me and I feels like a crazy the day that you left my senses are back to me.
Look at me, I sold my mind and came madly to follow you and hear you.
How do I separate from your love that has an effect on me.
How can I collect myself ?
How can I get out of your love?
And you are still in my heart.
How can I live without your heart that swears won't let you down and leave.
Many questions if you ask one of it that will not tired yourself out, and you rub your finger. Yes, I love you, but continue
After I love you what did you say.
The important thing is that my silence is prolonged, you know that I’m hearing to you. Listening and following to you.

Most distinguished, Lady Separation

Versions: #4
Most Distinguished, Lady Seperation
We've been relatives a while, there's the situation.
Don't rip up just yet, the envelope my dove.
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.
Most Distinguished, You oh Lady Fortune
For some of us you're only sweet, others get misfortune
Nine grams to the heart I hope you've yet not called.
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.
Most distinguished, Lady Foreign Country
Always hotly holding me, yet you didn't love me
Don't you try to catch me with a net above.
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.
Most Distinguished, you oh Lady Victory,
I guess that this means my song is not History
Would the devil stop swearing on our blood?
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.