Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 30

Találatok száma: 1254



Sosem mehetek vissza
A lelkem nem lel békére
Próbáltam elveszteni az árnyékomat
Még mindig hordozza a múltamat
Sosem vagyok egyedül
Ezek a démonok befészkelték magukat
Mélyen a törött testem belsejében
Azt hiszem, elvesztettem az irányítást
A szívem, a fejem, harcolnak egymással
Elvesztem a fogást, csúszok
Kereszttűzbe kerültem
Próbáltam megmenteni magamat
Elfutok az arc elől, akit látok
Hogy visszabámul rám
Futok, de mindig is saját magam rabja leszek
[2. versszak]
Tovább imádkozok a változásért
Szóval miért vagyok még mindig ugyanaz
Az emberek azt mondják, jobban nézek ki
De ők nem érzik a fájdalmamat
A szívem, a fejem, harcolnak egymással
Elvesztem a fogást, csúszok
Kereszttűzbe kerültem
Próbáltam megmenteni magamat
Elfutok az arc elől, akit látok
Hogy visszabámul rám
Futok, de mindig is saját magam rabja leszek
Saját magam rabja
Saját magam rabja
Egy rab, egy rab
Elfutok az arc elől, akit látok
Hogy visszabámul rám
Futok, de mindig is saját magam rabja leszek

Isten nevében

Hogy lehet ez?
Miért Ő a Kiválasztott?
Egy szent eltévedt
Egy jogarral és egy fegyverrel
Tanulj meg hinni
A Mindenhatóban, a Teherbíróban
Gyere pumpold meg a fenevadat
Kövess engem nem tart sokáig
Hallgasd a prófétát
Mikor szól hozzád
Pusztítva Isten nevében
A hitet erőszakba fordítja
Isten nevében
Egyenes az út
Mely a te üdvösségedhez vezet
A gyengéket legyilkolva
Etnikai genocídium
Egy szép napon mindannyian
Száműzötteké válunk
Te meg leszel mentve
Míg engedelmeskedsz
A belső démon eszközei
Szent álruhába rejtve
Azzal a céllal, hogy mindannyiunkat
Hallgasd a prófétát
Mikor szól hozzád
Isten nevében gyilkol
A hitet erőszakba fordítja
Isten nevében
Elmosva a határokat
Az erény és a bűn között
Az sem mondhatják
Ahol Isten végződik
Az emberiség ott kezdődik
Ők nem ismernek más életet
Csak ezt
Amit a bölcsőtől
Hallgasd a prófétát
Mikor szól hozzád
Isten nevében öl
A hitet erőszakba fordítja
Isten nevében
Hívők százai
Utolsó ítélet kultuszába csábítva
Minden elpusztul majd
Isten nevében
Önjelölt Messiás
Rendezgeti szolgáit
Haláluk felé
Nyolcvan meggyilkolt
Isten nevében
Negyven fiú és lány
Elfogathatatlan poligámia hitvesei
Isten nevében
Földalatti vallás
A mérvadó fény
Felé fordulva
Vak odaadás
Isten nevében
Az erőszak igazolása
Hivatkozva a Szentírásra
A gyűlölet tanítása
Isten nevében
Hallgasd a prófétát
Mikor szól hozzád
Isten nevében pusztít
A hitet erőszakba fordítja
Isten nevében
A vallásosok hiszik a
Vakbuzgó rögeszméket
Követve a hitet
Eljutunk az erőszakig?
Terméketlen keresztes háború
Isteni kinyilatkozás
Követve a hitet
Eljutunk az erőszakig?

You Who Hate God

You who hate god and Christian life
Who feel his presence as a bitter force
Here it may be desecrated and be desecrated greatly
The meadows of Heaven are covered in blood
Hater of God
And the plague of light
Look into the lame eyes of God
Then they spit in the sight of God
Kill his pathetic lamb
With a club
God, with your ways and your people
You have laid my Norwegian realm in ruins
The stout-hearted customs from days of old
You devastated with your ugly words
Now you must leave our field
write me if you saw any issue in my added lyrics and/or translation

Mountain Fire on my Forehead

My friend who heat his forehead within mountain fire
My friend who clean his face within blood
Claret rose which smiles in your lips while you are asleep
Let blend my heart within uprising
Now on your calm body, a silencement growing with buzzing
Let it be a rifle which would be impatient to get exploded
Lean your head to my shoulder
I would carry you on my chest
My body to your body
My body to your body
My body would be a life to yours

Patema Inverted

Two worlds spread each to the opposite side
One and the other pulled by touch
One and two, pushed by hands
Heaven and Earth, cut apart,
Are joined on the palm of the hand.
The ray of light of the beginning has come,
This world, with hope!
Both, surely, someday...
Resonating upside-down, two heartbeats
One and the other exchange words
One and two bring their hearts closer
The heavens and the earth, cut apart,
Are pressed in the palm of a hand.
The sound of footsteps of the beginning is coming,
They're travelling here with the future!
Both, surely, someday...

Sooner Than Later

The deep and cold night
I drive through the buildings
Baby love, to find you
Don’t say I’m late
I’m going crazy with regret
I think I’m going to die if it’s not you
I fall every night
I couldn’t see the end of the emptiness
I think I’m under a curse
Not to get drunk even though I drink
That you will always be
Near me forever
I finally regret that arrogance
I don’t dare ask you to forgive me
Don’t push me out
I can’t live without you
My love I
I know you remember me, don’t say you
Forgot everything, that you don’t know me anymore
My heart
Because it only beats beside you
So baby come back sooner than later
Girl, my night lights that shake
I picture you in my head again
I try everything to try to forget you
But I’m just in the same place, you’re always on my mind
Every morning, when I fall asleep
I see you in my dream but I can’t reach you
Give me another chance, baby come back
Come back to me before it’s too late
Every morning that comes
To live another day
Is crueller than a nightmare
I’d rather not wake up
So it isn’t too late
Give me another chance
I know the one that has to change is me
I don’t dare ask you to forgive me
Don’t push me out
I can’t live without you
My love
I know you remember me, don’t say you
Forgot everything, that you don’t know me anymore
My heart
Because it only beats beside you
So baby come back sooner than later
I beg you
Please pull me up from here
I can do just you
I’ll change and I’ll think more and I’ll live for you
So it’s not too late
Let’s make us happen again
Come a little closer, baby
My love
I know you remember me, don’t say you
Forgot everything, that you don’t know me anymore
My heart
Because it only beats beside you
So baby come back sooner than later

Two friends [Friends like me]

I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming
Master, I think you have no idea what you've got
So while you're thinking, I'll shine a light on the possibilities
It was easy for Alibaba, know
Scheherazade had a night
But boss, you have a lot bigger power up your sleeve
So prepare the heavy artillery
Fill the cannons for a hard war
'Cause now you've entirely, totally, gotten up the speed
Rub the lamp, I'm here right away, let me take your order...
My dear Aladdin, everything is orderly
Just say what you want, I grant it
See, we're two friends
Life is sweet, just know, and I'm the appetizer
Let my ear hear everything
That we're two friends
Yes, I'm always at your service
And master you're a king, a czar
You have a wish, I grant it
At least the quantity is not a problem
Something from the A side and something from the B side
Try everything, make your dreams come true
That's why we're two friends
(Wow-wow-wow) oh come on, (wow-wow-wow) no, no
(Wow-wow-wow) come on, come on
Watch this trick, watch this stunt
Now pull a rabbit out of your hat
I'm like a dragon, hoo, hey look at that
Come on now, abracadabra, one, two, three
Now make it all disappear
Don't stare, come to your senses
From now on it will always be as you say
'Cause I'm verified, I have guarantee
To be your almighty servant
Come on say it now, I want to help
What are your wishes, I want to know everything
'Cause your list has no end
Come on rub the lamp, ohoo
Mister Aladdin say a wish, two or three
'Cause from now on you're my VIP
That's why two friends, two friends
That's why two friends, two friends
That's why we're two fri-ends
We're two friends

Hatalmunkban Rábízzuk A Támogatott Szerelmet

Repülj ezüst szárnyakkal
Ezen a viharon keresztül
Amit a szerencsés szerelem hozhat
Vissza a karjaimba újra
A szerelemét
Egy korábbi aranykornak
Megbénít a félelme annak, hogy melyik irányt válasszam
Mivel, most, hogy a kormány fordul,
úgy látom, hogy a hitem elhagy engem
Ez az éjszaka meg van töltve a kisemmizett
Gyermekek kiáltásaival, akik a Paradicsomot keresik
Egy megoldatlan becsvágy, ami
Forgatja a szélkereket körbe-körbe
Megbénít a félelme annak, hogy melyik irányt válasszam
Mikor az emlékezet tanúja
Az ártalmatlanságnak, haldokló dühben elpusztítva
Az út a szereteten keresztül vezet
Nem létezhet más eszköz a cél eléréséhez
Vagy kulcsok a szívemhez
Sosem fogod megtalálni...
Sosem fogod megtalálni!
(A misztikus gyönyör kertjét)

The dictators

If I was to start a football team with dictators
I would select Mussolini as centre-forward, but not Hitler in goal,
No, because he's too short
Pinochet would be left wing, and Mao would be left wing, cause he's on the left
And Pol Pot, he would be a trainer: 'Oh, it's ok, it went back in on its own, it's ok'
Stalin red card, Mao, yellow card, to the stake, execution!
Woh lalalalalala nice head, Ceaucescu
Where are the supporters? Where are the opponents? Where are the referees?
They were put in cages.
If you play football with dictators, don't forget to warm up, to hydrate, yeah
Otherwise your skin will get scorched
And summer is coming soon
Ouapapadam ouapapadam parapapapapapadam
Ouapapadam ouapapadam
If I was to start a reggae band with dictators
Kadhafi would be on guitar 'cause he had long hair once
Saddam Hussein would be selected 'cause he is a baassist
And Khomeiny with his rasta cap would be on keyboards
And Pol Pot would be on barrel organ, wow you are too good at bar.. at organ
Now, now a solo by Pol Pot, hey, everybody listens, it's the technical part, shtt!
If you don't clap, he'll send you to jail, and if you clap, he'll send you to jail
Where is the public? Where are the technicians? Where are the musicians? Oh, they are in the pit.
If you play reggae with dictators, don't forget to bring your papers, yeah
Oh, no, no, not to roll (a joint)
It's just to present your identification
Ouapapadam ouapapadam parapapapapapadam
Ouapapadam ouapapadam
If we were to open a summer camp with dictators
People would not pay their cocktails with necklace pearls, they would pay with er... with their fingers
Come on Django, call for a round of drinks: 'Well no, you are too many'
The club song is in German, and you better know the steps, 'cause the coach just came back from Rwanda
Where are the coaches? And where are the G.O.s? And the girls in swimsuits? They are in the showers.
If you go to a summer camp with dictators
Don't forget to bring your swimsuit, many activities occur in water
Or rather, underwater
Bloob bloob bloobbloob bloob bloob bloob bloob bloob...
[Sir, sir, he has eaten water]
If we started cooking with dictators: 'No thanks, it's ok, I'm not very hungry...'
If we started an amusement park with dictators: 'Strange, no queue for the Russian mountains (roller coaster)'
If we were in a fashion house with dictators: 'Your Mao style(mandarin) collar seems a bit too tight'
If we were to start a democracy with dictators: Yeah!... No, no
There's nothing you can do with dictators
Someone will always get hurt
In the present state of things
They will find it difficult to be retrained...
Though not necessarily, they have excellent opportunities at the job centre for dictators
They need someone for a genocide in Africa
Well, of course you've got to like Africa... Wait, otherwise there's still Eastern Europe, just wait 10-15 years till things settle down. You've got to get ready for a long wait, you've got to get ready...

The Skateboard Song

We're rushing through the city on the super awesome skateboard
See us, hurrah!
We give one another a hug on the super awesome skateboard
See us, hurrah!
We're doing a lot of cool turns on the super awesome skateboard
See us, hurrah!
We can do a lot of stuff on the super awesome skateboard
See us, hurrah!
Hugo and Rita are having fun, causing trouble
Rushing through the neon-lit street
Hey, watch out, there's a car!
We'll just turn around this corner with in totally awesome style
On the super duper fly skateboard!
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Let's Go

I find myself scratching at the bottom
I'm so impossible and you knew
Everything that I've discarded
Has left my hands black and blue
You don't have to say anything to me
I understand you by looking at you
Two hearts beat in me
One is yours and one is mine
Let's go for another day
Light up, time for a memory
Ride on (ride on) is what we used to say
Stand here, survive another day
Remember back to where we started
Behind the eyes broke something new
Something big and sweet and rotten
But most of all something true
(To the end) Some will never see
(To the end) Just another day
Let's go for another day
Light up time for a memory
Ride on (ride on) is what we used to say
Stand here, survive another day
Let's go for another day
Light up time for a memory
Ride on (ride on) is what we used to say
Stand here, survive another day
Ride on (ride on) for another day - for another day
Ride on (ride on) survive another day - for another day
Ride on (ride on) for another day
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


The Strategy

Versions: #2
I know It's never good to show up, that I mustn't call you
That It must seem that I'm good this way, that I could forget her
Like I know that It was her decision and I must respect It
And I must curb this hope of loving her again
If I do it all good perhaps one day I will make her cry
And It's not that I want her to suffer,It's that I don't want her to Ignore me
That although I did It with no guilt maybe my fears get the best of me
If I do it all good perhaps one day she'll fall back in love
Do It all without mistakes to see if I can captivate you
And find the perfect excuse to let u know that I'm still alive
And make that phone call that shows that I still exist
The strategy is the least of it, I Just wanna hear your voice
I don't wanna keep playing
Let my friends be the ones who decide what I do
The truth is I'm drowning
Swallowing my words and not telling you I miss you
And not saying I love you
Hurts so much your game that I pray for anesthesia
Bleeds out a heart as yours has amnesia
It doesn't remember that night that we vow to be forever
That we were gonna give it all to love each other
That parallel universe in which you still love me
It's the cure for moments that hurt me so much
Hurts so much the abandonment, I gave you everything you have
And the more Iove I give you the more you sharpen It and hurt me
I don't wanna keep playing
Let my friends be the ones who decide what I do
The truth is I'm drowning
Swallowing my words and not telling you I miss you
And not saying I love you
I've been told that you forgot me
And that you're not sad anymore
That there's another one and you no longer care about
What you felt about me one day
And I don't lose hope
And dream about those you lied to
And that you use the same strategy
That I used when you left
I don't wanna keep playing
Let my friends be the ones who decide what I do
The truth is I'm drowning
Swallowing my words and not telling you I miss you
And not saying I love you

Dead Like Lifeless

If you step on me
I'll have to sting you
Wearing a harness of love
You know of the cold-blooded ones
It won't row or back paddle
The graves will be dug in time
The Devil, The Devil
The Devil will take me only when I'm
Dead like lifeless
They are
Lake can freeze over
As long as tango plays over the sea
I'll tear open the wounds of love
That other only dream of
It won't row or back paddle
The graves will be dug in time
The Devil, The Devil
The Devil will take me only when I'm
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
It can take me only
When the ice stops rattling
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
I am dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
I am lifeless
Dead like lifeless
It can take me only
When the ice stops rattling
It can take me only
When the boot has stopped stepping

My Spanish Girl

Abraham Mateo-eo.
Verse 1:
It's 12:00 AM and my body asks to dance with you
And although I'm not your friend, with a touch, touch,
I'll make you feel that you know me, I know,
We have all night, baby.
Feel how it's going up,
Feel how it's going down,
My body is calling for it,
My heart is accelerating.
This dance is getting good,
My head is getting out of control,
She is showing her figure,
Her Spanish-style beauty.
Lelelele, so crazy,
Lelelele, my Spanish girl.
Lelelele, so beautiful,
Lelelele, she gets out of control.
And that's my Spanish girl,
And that's my Spanish girl.
Verse 2:
She swings the nightclub
And dance so that everyone can see her.
That's my Spanish girl, of hot blooded.
Be careful, don't leave her alone
'Cause she gets on the table and we've already burning it,
And leaves all the men K.O.
She turns and dance a Bulería for you,
Either by solitude or happiness.
And that's my Spanish girl,
Hey, you got me crazy, baby!
And your body,
Yes, your body will soon be more 'my own' than yours,
Even if I'm traveling the world,
I'll carry you in my heart.
Feel how it's going up (going up, going up),
Feel how it's going down (going down, going down),
My body is calling for it (calling for it, calling for it),
My heart is accelerating...
Abraham Mateo-eo,
From Cadiz to the world.
  • En: Total, partial or modification reproduction of this lyrics without the express and/or written permission of the author is prohibited. All translations on this website are protected by ''.

Enjovher® All Right Reserved.

Green Toy Soldiers

Dirt soft drumming drizzle
Children are hiding
Underneath mother coats
Small animal eyes
Looking out towards death
The tires sinking in the mud
The hearse hangs in space
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip, slip
“Oh, da spirits be with ya now, mon.'
- Bwonsamdi

Leave it, don't cry!

You stand by the window, breathing the air of autumn.
The day reached the bottom, and there is again no-one beside you.
In your dreams you are needed by someone, in reality, you owe to somebody,
There is reality and dreams, the wall divides them, and tears fall again.
Leave it, don't cry! How long will you look for tears in your love?
Leave it, don't cry! Wait and live, everyone will be in demand.
There will be enough of stars in the sky for everyone.
Why we need them - that's the question!
Play your part, assume your post.
The shy rain passes by with tears.
You lie to yourself, thinking that you are loved.
Of course, he is nice and cute, of course, he will shiver
When you finally understand that tears and lie are not exactly necessary.
Your castle is the prison which should be escaped.
Just think, you are not 15 any more.
And there are friends in this life, and there are places in this world,
Where your road will bring you. Is it the time to pack?
Leave it, don't cry! How long will you look for tears in your love?
Leave it, don't cry! Wait and live, everyone will be in demand.
There will be enough of stars in the sky for everyone.
The path to them is exclusively simple!
Play your part, build your bridge!

A Nobody !!

While time's flyin, i am starin at wall
I know that life's fleeting, But still i waste the time
The world is advisin me, 'Go to work ya boy'!
But i still on wait , till i\ll reach retirement
I look through window blinds , for i to see who's on
the street
Wonder who's passin around , why the dog is barkin'!?
I smoke again a cigarette and i drink once again some
flat water
I eat bread and butter, and say that life's wonderful
I have only 'airs' in me and i reckon' ..
That i am feelin soo good when i am such a fool
Ehhh.. NO point for i to keep my mouth ..
I'm always messin around, and i live dengerous
World knows me , that i am such a low-life ...
A nobody , that has nor' even 1 Leu in the account
Come let me sell ya a tip , I work at roads and bridges
I gather experience , while i am not doin a thiiiinnng ...
And i am drownin , i'm drowning
Among spits upon the asphalt, with ants i am competing
I have ma head empty, come blow in it
See how the impressions are showin up from such overzealous
The world can say what they wanna
Anyway they are sayin' what they want
I do what i want m when i want , how i want ...
Not interested if is none of my concern !Heyy
IS not my concern , it is my own problem ...
I do what i want the way i want , ya stay the F aside!
When not havin what to do , i collect caps
I do annoyin things , i stick up snot on the serviets
I run among restaurants, for i to kidnap them employers
For i to lay myself bossy , dressed nicely
I do ilegal races, with the snails on the salads
When the sun's burnin me , i stick into mouth petards
I gonna reach Mars , but the lazyness separates us
'cause i loose the time, and it grows the hair
between legs
at the fake friends , i say them fast 'Fuck off!
Cause they want me only for my 'lil' money ' from
the pocket
I go out to drink some Cico soda, i have fancy sneakers
But none is observin , that i dress from second hand
If ya eat breed on the beaches , you have on the
face one shell
You drive a tow truck , and smoke wrappers
Don't be shy bro, and come lil' closer
At the group of idiots
My head is empty , full of dirt
The world's knowin that i clean my brain in alcohol
I'm a idiot, such a idiot
I wonder how i still resist, i to live on this planet !?
The world can say what they wanna
Anyway they are sayin' what they want
I do what i want m when i want , how i want ...
Not interested if is none of my concern !Heyy
IS not my concern , it is my own problem ...
I do what i want the way i want , ya stay the F aside!

Heart Matters

There's nothing new on the news
More unemployment in our backyard1
A man sick of inflation
Died of a information attack
There's nothing left of what was mine
I don't know anything about you for a long time
And they don't broadcast on television
These heart matters
Explosions, fires, floods
Plagues, contradictions
They sound banal in comparison
To these heart matters
The radio announcer doesn't even want to know
About my love that doesn't want me anymore
The world falls down on information
Oblivious to the heart matters
Two enemy continents
Made an agreement on the news
They made peace on television
I and my love didn't
Explosions, fires, floods,
Plagues, contradictions
Mere events without dimension
In comparison to the heart matters
The president spoke to the nation
But I'm not in sync
Where does the button
Of these heart matters turn off?
  • 1. In this context, it means 'little country'

A date ☆ a date

That girl is nice and so is this one
I'm outta here
That guy is no good and neither is this one
They gotta do better
Dresses are good and so are ribbons
But not the jeans
Let's try kissing, how about tomorrow?
I don't want to return
Why are bad boys troublesome like this?
I can't go out
This 2-people road show is
a love story
Going to the restaurant is
At first you can see the stars
from the seaside terrace
But then it gets a little scary
so I will leave after all
Why are girls like this? I don't wanna be like this
My apologies
Would you like to meet and have a date
from city to city
swinging until midnight
and chatting?
Whispering in the bed
with a little kissing
that turns off the room's light
Mommy will get up
Mommy will get up
Mommy will get up


Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the earth, remember me
Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the world, remember me
Beside every anemone flower wherever you saw a lover
Remember me...remember me...
Wherever a voice was tired, wherever a heart was broken
Wherever there was someone sitting by the road waiting...
Wherever someone could not breathe, did not have any opportunity
Wherever you saw a bird has no home but a cage
Remember me...remember me...remember me...
Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the world, remember me
Beside every anemone flower wherever you saw a lover
Remember me...remember me...

Holy Water

Don't blame me
Please don't step into here
Just don't mess up this place
Don't turn the lights on
I beg you not to light here up
Don't try to find this place
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Forgive me
Accept me
And relieve my thirst, holy water
Father Earth and Mother Sea
Forgive me, save me
Holy water which awakens my soul
The sacred song turns into a prayer
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Don't leave us alone
So the loneliness won't grow inside me anymore
Please need me
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Give me a sign
Shake me awake
And give me a way to make amends, holy water
Father Light and Mother Sky
Give me a sign, save me
Holy water which makes me think about the meaning of life
The sacred voices overlap
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Forgive me, save me
Holy water which awakens my soul
The sacred song turns into a prayer
The time has come
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
The time has come
Holy water, holy water
The time has come
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water

The Rain

I thought I don't need anyone,
I'll manage better on my own
I have a cat and a beautiful home in the city
Everything what I wanted,
I thought I don't want anyone
To mess with my plans
A life like a garden party in July,
Clean white tablecloths
But then you come like the rain
You tangle my hair and head
Rain drops stick to your shirt
And I don't want to go anywhere,
I stay here
I don't want to party till morning anymore
And stay up for weeks
I want to lay under the same sky with you
In the clear mornings
But then you come like the rain
You tangle my hair and head
Rain drops stick to your shirt
And I don't want to go anywhere,
I stay here
Because others don't do like you do,
They don't be with me like you are
And the ones who were before,
They don't matter anymore,
I stay here
Let's drive all night,
Let's drive anywhere
And when we arrive to the beach,
The morning dawns
You're the only one
I want to love
But then you come like the rain
You tangle my hair and head
Rain drops stick to your shirt
And I don't want to go anywhere,
I stay here
Because others don't do like you do,
They don't be with me like you are
And the ones who were before,
They don't matter anymore,
I stay here
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

What hard things we went threw

I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we alqays stayed united (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we always stayed united
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love, whatever it is you can't leave (x2)

Sabrina The Animated Series (Greek 2nd Intro)

with her little kitty
she does a magic trick
and with her broom
she flies in to the sky
a small witch
very sweet
and naughty
in a magic world
if you want as well
come! together with sabrina
a small witch
very sweet
and naughty
watch out
she will enchant you
sabrina x3
she will enchant you
watch out

Strap on a broom and fly far away

Though you may not care about anything
The life of a dolphin
You will swim at the end of the century
In your fishbowl
If you don't know whether you're a rat
Or just another amorphous mass
You only need to give the mirror a kiss
If you do not want to understand
That the witches are wintering
Strap on a broom and fly far away
Far away
Very far away
Though you may not be able to
Though you may die

You Are in the Distance of the Rain

You are in the distance of the rain
and sorrow is a carriage of tear
and the tear is a short neigh
You and I must feed in the stable of death
(so) get down from this carriage
(as) you (should) also neigh sometimes
Gallop, oh stud of oxygen
and find a trail or something
toward the window
The air of confinement is breathtaking
Galloping, unlock me
Gallop, you who are full of paths
I'm the one who is a sad stork
on your chimney
I'm a fish in the long
sea of your highlighted hair
I'm the one who is a bait on the hook
Capture me, oh fish
I'm the prey, capture me
then kiss me and swing me
then swing me and kiss me
and then do what, what to me
'what' is whatever you want
(Do) want what you want
Hey, you with your nose up
Get down from this carriage
And stick to me right now
Kiss me right now
as living is only a couple of blows
and life (nothing but) a short cough

Mindketten győztesek vagyunk

Hihetetlen miket tudsz művelni velem
Soha el nem képzeltem, hogy Te ilyen vagy
Nap mint nap áldom a percet amikor enyém lettél
Mer’ csillagom, hiszem te egy szerencsecsillag vagy
Mindketten nyertesek vagyunk, drágám, ez az igazság
(Igen, a valóság)
Veled szeretkezni vérpezsdítő
Mindketten győztesek vagyunk, drágám, ez nem hazugság
(Igen, nem kamu)
Te mindig boldoggá teszel (teljesíted vágyam)
[Instrumentális betét]
Soha nem tudtam megmagyarázni mi is történik velem
Egy érintésed elég és lángra lobbanok
Édesem, csodálatosan gyönyörűséges, hogy
Ugyanazokat a foglalatosságokat kedveljük mindketten
Mindketten nyertesek vagyunk, drágám, ez az igazság
(Igen, a valóság)
Veled szeretkezni vérpezsdítő
Mindketten győztesek vagyunk, drágám, ez nem hazugság
(Igen, nem kamu)
Te mindig boldoggá teszel (teljesíted vágyam)
[Instrumentális betét]
Gyere, csináljuk ismét
Mindketten nyertesek vagyunk, drágám, ez az igazság
(Igen, a valóság)
Veled szeretkezni vérpezsdítő
Mindketten győztesek vagyunk, drágám, ez nem hazugság
(Igen, nem kamu)
Te mindig boldoggá teszel (teljesíted vágyam)
Oh, aranyom
Oh, kicsim
Oh, egyetlenem

Egy csókkal kezdődött

Egy csókkal kezdődött
Az osztályterem hátsó sorában
Hogyan tudtam volna ellenállni
A parfümöd aromájának
Te és én elválaszthatatlanok voltunk
Szerelem volt első látásra
Megígértetted velem, hogy elveszlek feleségül
Megígértettem veled, hogy a feleségem leszel
De aztán
Te csak nyolc éves voltál
És én épp, hogy a kilencet töltöttem (épp a kilencet töltöttem)
Azt hittem, az élet mindig jó
Azt hittem, te mindig az enyém leszel
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Emlékszem minden kis dologra
Mint a harcokra a játszótéren
Ahogy néhány jóképű srác
Elkezdett arrafelé lógni
Az a srác nagyon bántott
De örültem, mert te sírtál
Mégis, nem tudtam nem észrevenni
Azt az új, távoli nézést a szemeidben
És aztán
Mikor tizenhat voltál
És épp a tizenhetet töltöttem (épp a tizenhetet töltöttem)
Nem tudtam tovább ragaszkodni a szerelmedhez
Nem tudtom tovább ragaszkodni az álmaimhoz
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Az utcán sétálva jött
A Szerelmes Történetem sztárja
És a szívem gyorsan kezdett verni
Olyan tiszta volt az emlék!
Hallottam a hangom, ahogy kikiáltotta a nevét
És ahogy arra nézett, elnézett
Fájdalmat éreztem, kicsinek éreztem magam
És csak annyit tudtam mondani, hogy:
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle

Rendbe hozom

Ha nem tudsz többet vállalni
Ha úgy érzed, létednek vége
Dobd el piruláid, vedd elő a tollad
És én újrarajzolom életed
És ha hitevesztett vagy
És Istentől sem kapsz választ
Írj nekem, el fogom olvasni és utána
Én újra teremtelek
Rendbe hozzuk, ismét együtt
Rendbe hozzuk
Ha reménytelen a helyzet, csak írj és utána
Én újjáépítelek
S ha elvesztél a homályban
És nincs kihez fordulnod
Miután kivezetlek a sötétségből
Ismét összeraklak
Rendbe hozzuk, ismét együtt
Rendbe hozzuk
Küldj egy pár sort, értesíts mikor
És összehozzuk
Ha reménytelen a helyzet, csak írj, barátom
És én rendbe hozom


Öt éves korunk óta együtt voltunk
Olyan szép volt
Mindenki szemében Emma volt a sztár
És mikor azt mondta, filmsztár lesz
Senki sem nevetett
Egy angyali arc
Bármi lehetett
Emma, Emmaline
Magasra fogom írni a neved a vászonra
Emma, Emmaline
Olyan nagy sztárrá foglak tenni, amilyet még nem látott a világ
Tizenhét évesen összeházasodtunk
Éjt nappallá téve dolgoztam
Hogy meglegyen a napi betevőnk
És minden nap Emma elment
Keresni azt a játékot
Ami soha, sohasem akadt az útjába
Tudod, néha hazajött
Olyan szomorúan
Hallottam sírni a hátsó szobában
Annyira aggódtam
És visszaemlékeztem, mikor öt éves volt
A kimondott szavaira
Emmaline életre kelt
Így szólt:
Emma, Emmaline
Magasra fogom írni a neved a vászonra
Emma, Emmaline
Olyan nagy sztárrá foglak tenni, amilyet még nem látott a világ'
Sötét és hideg decemberi éjszaka volt
Mikor kinyitottam a hálószoba ajtaját
Mozdulatlanul és hidegen feküdt
Az ágyon
Egy szerelmes levél hevert a padlón
Ez állt benne:
'Kedvesem, szeretlek
De nem tudok tovább az álmaimból élni
Nagyon erősen próbálkoztam nem egyedül hagyni téged
De csak nem tudok tovább próbálkozni
Aaargh, Emmaline ...
Aaargh ...
Emma, Emmaline ...
Aaargh ...
Emma, Emmaline ...

Full soul

You leave me alone on the corner of loneliness
With the shadows of myself to fight with
Without being able to find the switch to my heart
To close the light and turn everything around
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution
Double crossing at the tunnel of your body
And all the roads take me to exits
Falling forwards on your minds wall
And I want you like crazy, sorry
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution

The Cathedral of St. Vitutus*

If you're not a believer, start believing
Boy, welcome to the new neighbourhood
Here nothing's like it used to be
All you trusted has changed, just like that
The world's most beautiful, dreamy internet
I was yours completely
But I guess in the end it was only an ugly mistake
That we should have all the information in our homes
The beautiful algorithms pried out my ugly sides
It's no use being on Insta if Sanni doesn't take a peek at you**
I am so alone, my head stays the same all summer and winter long
Here good intentions are buried under nonsense
When the facts grow dim, being civilized is boring
Even if the extreme ends of the spectrum were extremely wrong
Shut up dad, go and suck your own dick
You only do what someone told you to
I guess I'm not from here, I was found at the station
On RDX, I came from an exoplanet
And I was stupid enough to think that here deduction rules
When something nonexistent leaves you empty handed
What is sacred, I don't believe in anything
Not in the big bad dough or a good soul
We stay stupid and cynical
When nothing lasts
Except being pissed off
The post-truth church of the flesh
Quiet rooms of noise
Distances as long as the words
Between the lines an entire world
At the end of the rainbow nothing but a paranoia of binaries
The stars are faxing dead light
The eternal state of being pissed off***
If you're not a believer, start believing
Boy, welcome to the new neighbourhood
Here nothing's like it used to be
All you trusted has changed, just like that
That's where the hate storm started, another scandal was initiated
The kids are dying of boredom if there's no fighting
I'm not messed up enough to be completely nuts
But not sane enough to have had anything work out
The truth is found on Jodel, what are they yodeling about?
The world is a machine, daddy is fumbling with the modem
I can't feel my profile, face is numb****
I bought a Tamagotchi
A naughty boy who has wilted in the corner
I only read the same books and watch the same movies
All over again from the beginning, the resolution is obvious
I've sometimes talked to the clouds, and the cloud answered
I wanted to raise a question
but the question raised me
The post-truth church of the flesh
Quiet rooms of noise
Distances as long as the words
Between the lines an entire world
At the end of the rainbow nothing but a paranoia of binaries
The stars are faxing dead light
The eternal state of being pissed off