Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 30

Találatok száma: 1235



Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the earth, remember me
Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the world, remember me
Beside every anemone flower wherever you saw a lover
Remember me...remember me...
Wherever a voice was tired, wherever a heart was broken
Wherever there was someone sitting by the road waiting...
Wherever someone could not breathe, did not have any opportunity
Wherever you saw a bird has no home but a cage
Remember me...remember me...remember me...
Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the world, remember me
Beside every anemone flower wherever you saw a lover
Remember me...remember me...

Holy Water

Don't blame me
Please don't step into here
Just don't mess up this place
Don't turn the lights on
I beg you not to light here up
Don't try to find this place
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Forgive me
Accept me
And relieve my thirst, holy water
Father Earth and Mother Sea
Forgive me, save me
Holy water which awakens my soul
The sacred song turns into a prayer
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Don't leave us alone
So the loneliness won't grow inside me anymore
Please need me
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Oh believe in me, believe in me, believe in me, please
Give me a sign
Shake me awake
And give me a way to make amends, holy water
Father Light and Mother Sky
Give me a sign, save me
Holy water which makes me think about the meaning of life
The sacred voices overlap
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Now stand up
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Forgive me, save me
Holy water which awakens my soul
The sacred song turns into a prayer
The time has come
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
The time has come
Holy water, holy water
The time has come
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water

The Rain

I thought I don't need anyone,
I'll manage better on my own
I have a cat and a beautiful home in the city
Everything what I wanted,
I thought I don't want anyone
To mess with my plans
A life like a garden party in July,
Clean white tablecloths
But then you come like the rain
You tangle my hair and head
Rain drops stick to your shirt
And I don't want to go anywhere,
I stay here
I don't want to party till morning anymore
And stay up for weeks
I want to lay under the same sky with you
In the clear mornings
But then you come like the rain
You tangle my hair and head
Rain drops stick to your shirt
And I don't want to go anywhere,
I stay here
Because others don't do like you do,
They don't be with me like you are
And the ones who were before,
They don't matter anymore,
I stay here
Let's drive all night,
Let's drive anywhere
And when we arrive to the beach,
The morning dawns
You're the only one
I want to love
But then you come like the rain
You tangle my hair and head
Rain drops stick to your shirt
And I don't want to go anywhere,
I stay here
Because others don't do like you do,
They don't be with me like you are
And the ones who were before,
They don't matter anymore,
I stay here
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

What hard things we went threw

I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we alqays stayed united (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we always stayed united
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love, whatever it is you can't leave (x2)

Sabrina The Animated Series (Greek 2nd Intro)

with her little kitty
she does a magic trick
and with her broom
she flies in to the sky
a small witch
very sweet
and naughty
in a magic world
if you want as well
come! together with sabrina
a small witch
very sweet
and naughty
watch out
she will enchant you
sabrina x3
she will enchant you
watch out

Strap on a broom and fly far away

Though you may not care about anything
The life of a dolphin
You will swim at the end of the century
In your fishbowl
If you don't know whether you're a rat
Or just another amorphous mass
You only need to give the mirror a kiss
If you do not want to understand
That the witches are wintering
Strap on a broom and fly far away
Far away
Very far away
Though you may not be able to
Though you may die

You Are in the Distance of the Rain

You are in the distance of the rain
and sorrow is a carriage of tear
and the tear is a short neigh
You and I must feed in the stable of death
(so) get down from this carriage
(as) you (should) also neigh sometimes
Gallop, oh stud of oxygen
and find a trail or something
toward the window
The air of confinement is breathtaking
Galloping, unlock me
Gallop, you who are full of paths
I'm the one who is a sad stork
on your chimney
I'm a fish in the long
sea of your highlighted hair
I'm the one who is a bait on the hook
Capture me, oh fish
I'm the prey, capture me
then kiss me and swing me
then swing me and kiss me
and then do what, what to me
'what' is whatever you want
(Do) want what you want
Hey, you with your nose up
Get down from this carriage
And stick to me right now
Kiss me right now
as living is only a couple of blows
and life (nothing but) a short cough

Mindketten győztesek vagyunk

Hihetetlen miket tudsz művelni velem
Soha el nem képzeltem, hogy Te ilyen vagy
Nap mint nap áldom a percet amikor enyém lettél
Mer’ csillagom, hiszem te egy szerencsecsillag vagy
Mindketten nyertesek vagyunk, drágám, ez az igazság
(Igen, a valóság)
Veled szeretkezni vérpezsdítő
Mindketten győztesek vagyunk, drágám, ez nem hazugság
(Igen, nem kamu)
Te mindig boldoggá teszel (teljesíted vágyam)
[Instrumentális betét]
Soha nem tudtam megmagyarázni mi is történik velem
Egy érintésed elég és lángra lobbanok
Édesem, csodálatosan gyönyörűséges, hogy
Ugyanazokat a foglalatosságokat kedveljük mindketten
Mindketten nyertesek vagyunk, drágám, ez az igazság
(Igen, a valóság)
Veled szeretkezni vérpezsdítő
Mindketten győztesek vagyunk, drágám, ez nem hazugság
(Igen, nem kamu)
Te mindig boldoggá teszel (teljesíted vágyam)
[Instrumentális betét]
Gyere, csináljuk ismét
Mindketten nyertesek vagyunk, drágám, ez az igazság
(Igen, a valóság)
Veled szeretkezni vérpezsdítő
Mindketten győztesek vagyunk, drágám, ez nem hazugság
(Igen, nem kamu)
Te mindig boldoggá teszel (teljesíted vágyam)
Oh, aranyom
Oh, kicsim
Oh, egyetlenem

Egy csókkal kezdődött

Egy csókkal kezdődött
Az osztályterem hátsó sorában
Hogyan tudtam volna ellenállni
A parfümöd aromájának
Te és én elválaszthatatlanok voltunk
Szerelem volt első látásra
Megígértetted velem, hogy elveszlek feleségül
Megígértettem veled, hogy a feleségem leszel
De aztán
Te csak nyolc éves voltál
És én épp, hogy a kilencet töltöttem (épp a kilencet töltöttem)
Azt hittem, az élet mindig jó
Azt hittem, te mindig az enyém leszel
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Emlékszem minden kis dologra
Mint a harcokra a játszótéren
Ahogy néhány jóképű srác
Elkezdett arrafelé lógni
Az a srác nagyon bántott
De örültem, mert te sírtál
Mégis, nem tudtam nem észrevenni
Azt az új, távoli nézést a szemeidben
És aztán
Mikor tizenhat voltál
És épp a tizenhetet töltöttem (épp a tizenhetet töltöttem)
Nem tudtam tovább ragaszkodni a szerelmedhez
Nem tudtom tovább ragaszkodni az álmaimhoz
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Az utcán sétálva jött
A Szerelmes Történetem sztárja
És a szívem gyorsan kezdett verni
Olyan tiszta volt az emlék!
Hallottam a hangom, ahogy kikiáltotta a nevét
És ahogy arra nézett, elnézett
Fájdalmat éreztem, kicsinek éreztem magam
És csak annyit tudtam mondani, hogy:
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Nem emlékszel rám, ugye?
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle
Egy csókkal kezdődött
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez lesz belőle

Rendbe hozom

Ha nem tudsz többet vállalni
Ha úgy érzed, létednek vége
Dobd el piruláid, vedd elő a tollad
És én újrarajzolom életed
És ha hitevesztett vagy
És Istentől sem kapsz választ
Írj nekem, el fogom olvasni és utána
Én újra teremtelek
Rendbe hozzuk, ismét együtt
Rendbe hozzuk
Ha reménytelen a helyzet, csak írj és utána
Én újjáépítelek
S ha elvesztél a homályban
És nincs kihez fordulnod
Miután kivezetlek a sötétségből
Ismét összeraklak
Rendbe hozzuk, ismét együtt
Rendbe hozzuk
Küldj egy pár sort, értesíts mikor
És összehozzuk
Ha reménytelen a helyzet, csak írj, barátom
És én rendbe hozom


Öt éves korunk óta együtt voltunk
Olyan szép volt
Mindenki szemében Emma volt a sztár
És mikor azt mondta, filmsztár lesz
Senki sem nevetett
Egy angyali arc
Bármi lehetett
Emma, Emmaline
Magasra fogom írni a neved a vászonra
Emma, Emmaline
Olyan nagy sztárrá foglak tenni, amilyet még nem látott a világ
Tizenhét évesen összeházasodtunk
Éjt nappallá téve dolgoztam
Hogy meglegyen a napi betevőnk
És minden nap Emma elment
Keresni azt a játékot
Ami soha, sohasem akadt az útjába
Tudod, néha hazajött
Olyan szomorúan
Hallottam sírni a hátsó szobában
Annyira aggódtam
És visszaemlékeztem, mikor öt éves volt
A kimondott szavaira
Emmaline életre kelt
Így szólt:
Emma, Emmaline
Magasra fogom írni a neved a vászonra
Emma, Emmaline
Olyan nagy sztárrá foglak tenni, amilyet még nem látott a világ'
Sötét és hideg decemberi éjszaka volt
Mikor kinyitottam a hálószoba ajtaját
Mozdulatlanul és hidegen feküdt
Az ágyon
Egy szerelmes levél hevert a padlón
Ez állt benne:
'Kedvesem, szeretlek
De nem tudok tovább az álmaimból élni
Nagyon erősen próbálkoztam nem egyedül hagyni téged
De csak nem tudok tovább próbálkozni
Aaargh, Emmaline ...
Aaargh ...
Emma, Emmaline ...
Aaargh ...
Emma, Emmaline ...

Full soul

You leave me alone on the corner of loneliness
With the shadows of myself to fight with
Without being able to find the switch to my heart
To close the light and turn everything around
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution
Double crossing at the tunnel of your body
And all the roads take me to exits
Falling forwards on your minds wall
And I want you like crazy, sorry
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution

The Cathedral of St. Vitutus*

If you're not a believer, start believing
Boy, welcome to the new neighbourhood
Here nothing's like it used to be
All you trusted has changed, just like that
The world's most beautiful, dreamy internet
I was yours completely
But I guess in the end it was only an ugly mistake
That we should have all the information in our homes
The beautiful algorithms pried out my ugly sides
It's no use being on Insta if Sanni doesn't take a peek at you**
I am so alone, my head stays the same all summer and winter long
Here good intentions are buried under nonsense
When the facts grow dim, being civilized is boring
Even if the extreme ends of the spectrum were extremely wrong
Shut up dad, go and suck your own dick
You only do what someone told you to
I guess I'm not from here, I was found at the station
On RDX, I came from an exoplanet
And I was stupid enough to think that here deduction rules
When something nonexistent leaves you empty handed
What is sacred, I don't believe in anything
Not in the big bad dough or a good soul
We stay stupid and cynical
When nothing lasts
Except being pissed off
The post-truth church of the flesh
Quiet rooms of noise
Distances as long as the words
Between the lines an entire world
At the end of the rainbow nothing but a paranoia of binaries
The stars are faxing dead light
The eternal state of being pissed off***
If you're not a believer, start believing
Boy, welcome to the new neighbourhood
Here nothing's like it used to be
All you trusted has changed, just like that
That's where the hate storm started, another scandal was initiated
The kids are dying of boredom if there's no fighting
I'm not messed up enough to be completely nuts
But not sane enough to have had anything work out
The truth is found on Jodel, what are they yodeling about?
The world is a machine, daddy is fumbling with the modem
I can't feel my profile, face is numb****
I bought a Tamagotchi
A naughty boy who has wilted in the corner
I only read the same books and watch the same movies
All over again from the beginning, the resolution is obvious
I've sometimes talked to the clouds, and the cloud answered
I wanted to raise a question
but the question raised me
The post-truth church of the flesh
Quiet rooms of noise
Distances as long as the words
Between the lines an entire world
At the end of the rainbow nothing but a paranoia of binaries
The stars are faxing dead light
The eternal state of being pissed off

Being Real

Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Verse 1:
You look great and keep up with everyone
else with being perfect step by step
Your world is digital and turns fast
Your friends, names you don't even know.
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Verse 2:
Want to prove ourselves to be always at first place.
A copy from faster, farther, all sham
Feelings, a back and forth between yes and no
Facade, let yourself fall and dare to be good
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Go ahead and show who you are
you missed yourself too long
Did not believe yourself that you can be anything
seen nothing, done nothing and not danced.
You were not ready to be yourself,
It's about time your way to.
Don't look from the outside, but finally from the inside,
because there is the power to win!
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

I can't wait for the summer

Knock me, my heart
Knock me, with your love
Knock me, try to knock
I'm not good with half-hearted loves
With all my heart I want you to make up your mind
A strong punch to the shore of my chest
Love is not a game
Welcome boy with Oedipus complex
Nobody strong can snatch me away from you
The hem of your pure white T-shirt
I wanna go catching. I follow you!
I can't wait for the summer. I can't wait for the summer
The deep red sun is in a hurry and impatient
I can't wait for the summer. I can't wait for the summer
Don't get in a bad mood and hold me without warning
Stop if you're going to kiss me as a friend
You can be more ambicious
Push me down your arms
I hate a certain air
Like if it came from the movies
Because I can't go on being sweet
Open your convertible cape
Wash away my feelings. Take me
I can't wait for love. I can't wait for love
I just want a lively love under the deep blue sky
I can't wait for love. I can't wait for love
Stop teasing me. Suddenly the deep water is lovely.
I can't wait for the summer. I can't wait for the summer
The deep red sun is in a hurry and impatient
I can't wait for the summer. I can't wait for the summer
Don't get in a bad mood and hold me without warning
Knock me, my heart
Knock me, with your love
Knock me, try to knock
Knock me, a door opens
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Water Lily

Solitude is what you gave me
It felt like I heard it from cold hands
Even though I was feeling that fever
Somehow I am happy and smiling
Those eyes were gazing at me
Like a light flowing in
It disappeared like magic
The shape of the words blocking my chest
From when you touched me
It was as if different colors broke free
It was breathtaking and radiant
I was frightened because I adored you, that's why
Solitude is what you gave me
I'll also give it to you
Whenever my heart holds my breath
Whenever I ask about both eyes gazed at me
It's like kissing in the joints of a fever
Whenever I think of you it comes close
Loneliness must be something I adore
I'll keep on filling it up
Me reflected in those blurry eyes
I discovered it within you
No matter if that heart sees everything
There's nothing it can do for us
But still right now I want to be by your side
And bring distance to the time that we part someday
Whenever my heart holds my breath
Whenever I ask about both eyes gazed at me
It's like kissing in the joints of a fever
Whenever I think of you it comes close
Loneliness must be something I adore
I'll keep on filling it up
Me reflected in those blurry eyes
I discovered it within you
I hope you like my interpretations of the songs.
Please link back to my page if you want to use any transliterations or translations I personally made.

Please correct me if I make any mistakes. It is greatly appreciated and only helps me learn more.


Versions: #2
As soon as you talked about the end
I'm still frozen in that time
The reason for my living was to cover my breath
It raises up to my chin
Stay here, stay here
The words that I could not reach to
Stay here, stay here
Disappearing like a flood
Are you there? Are you there?
I who am waiting for you
You're my one
You're my world save me
Get me out
I’m under water
I'm all alone, cold
Save me
Still under water
Extend your hand, give me your breath
Won’t you help me out
Help me out
Won’t you, won’t you, won’t you
Help me out
I can’t breathe
I can't breathe anymore
I can't live
I can't endure it anymore
Tell me how to forget you
And baby tell me
How to stop loving you
Do you still love me too
Or am I asking to you
Just like a fool
I’m tryna be good
I thought I’ll be great
I thought everything will be okay
But everything wasn't
Stay here
Please stay for a bit
So that I can breathe again
Stay here, stay here
Until you return
Stay here, stay here
I'm trying my best
Are you there? Are you there?
The light is disappearing
You're my one
You're my world save me
Get me out
I’m under water
I'm all alone, cold
Save me
Still under water
Extend your hand, give me your breath
I’m falling for you
Still falling for you
I’m falling for you
Still falling for you
After the waves crash and crash
The surface of the water
My body didn't move
And was cold
The moon shines down on me
And wraps around me
Cloudy over here, slow slow
Swarming like a heart
The water makes my head go crazy
The changing hoo
I want to grab onto my eyes that were freed
Your face
That looks transparent
Even if the time passes, even if it's forever
I can't erase you
If you are still there even after the end
If you could save me
Help me out
Get me out
I’m under water
I'm all alone, cold
Save me
Still under water
Extend your hand, give me your breath
I’m falling for you
Still falling for you
I’m falling for you
Still falling for you
I'm falling for you

Come and take me into Your arms

You've delivered me from all evil, for You're good God
You've healed my chest wound
And by Your great love, You gave me grace and forgiveness
You've rescued me from burdens and sin.
/: Come and take me into Your arms,
Deliver me from the evil depth
Take me to the house in the stars
For You're good and great God! : /
You've watched over me, as child, and protected my heart
You made it to be just Yours
That's why, today I'm singing to You, in white garments
Today, I made forever a Covenant with God.
Today I'm washed by Jesus, the eye of glory from above
I give all my being in His hand
Here, I openly declare everyone my Savior
I confess my belief through Baptism.

Külön Utak

Mi az, amit akarsz tőlem?
Azt kívánom, bárcsak tudnám
Nagyon erősen próbálkozok, hogy megtegyek mindent
De ez nem elég jó neked
Újra és újra
El fogjuk követni ugyanazt a hibákat
Újra és újra
Ott egy érzés, amit nem tudok lerázni
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?
Tudod, hogy mennyire szükségem van a szerelmedre
Nem látod, mit teszel velem?
Olyan erősen próbálom megérteni
De az igazságot sosem egyszerű meglátni
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?
Időről időre megpróbáljuk majd megérteni
Nem tudom, hol rontottuk el
De nincs értelme tovább kitartani
Újra és újra
El fogjuk követni ugyanazt a hibákat
Újra és újra
És ez több, mint amennyit egy ember el tud viselni
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?
Itt az idő, hogy külön utakon menjünk tovább?


the moment our eyes met was ready, action (oh, yeah)
you immediately aimed at my heart (you target me)
you approach so close i can touch, oh, wait, girl (ooh)
hey i’m in danger, i can’t take my eyes off you (hot thang)
oh, your eyes, nose, lips
all the way to your perfectly beautiful smile
baby, step by step
our distance is narrowing until i’m in front in you
your actions are calculated
there’s no other variables
i see nothing but you, alright
oh, you got me now, baby
all week long
i’m thinking of you all day
oh my, oh my
l-o-v-e y-o-u
i can’t help it when i see you
alright, alright
this has become a game
i never thought this would happen
never thought i’d fall in love, what do i do?
la la la la la
you’re every direction
i’m locked in
never thought i’d fall in love, it’s serious
la la la la la, checkmate
i’m getting curious, i wanna know who you are
my once-cold heart is on fire (on fire)
you approach without warning, wait, girl (ooh)
hey i keep my eyes on you, i only see you (hot thang)
oh, your eyes, nose, lips
from head to toe
baby, step by step
no one can refuse you
you pick it up and put it down, black & white
you just keep taking the lead
i see nothing but you (alright)
oh, you got me now, baby
all week long
i’m thinking of you all day
oh my, oh my
l-o-v-e y-o-u
i can’t help it when i see you
alright, alright
this has become a game
i never thought this would happen
never thought i’d fall in love, what do i do?
la la la la la
you’re every direction
i’m locked in
never thought i’d fall in love, it’s serious
la la la la la, checkmate
give me that, give me that, give me that (give me that)
give me that, your, your love
losing my, losing my, losing my (losing my)
i'm losing my game for you
give me that, give me that, give me that (give me that)
give me that, your, your love
love me now, love me now, love me now (love me now)
i give you my everything
la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la
oh my, oh my
l-o-v-e y-o-u
i can’t help it when i see you
alright, alright
this has become a game
i never thought this would happen
never thought i’d fall in love, what do i do?
la la la la la
you’re every direction
i’m locked in
never thought i’d fall in love, it’s serious
la la la la la, checkmate

Remember Me

I want to confess to you that I already have the certainty
That your memory lives inside my skin
I have a heart that is losing its head
Because it realized that it has fallen between your feet
I look for any excuse to get close to your side
If I get it right maybe it seems accidental
Finally I will use all the courage I have saved
To confess what I could never say
I want to convince you
But I don't want to risk losing you and you wanting to leave
Because whenever I look at you I never know very well what to say
Remember me
In case your heart looks for an owner
Or if you want a kiss in some dream
Or if you want more nights that make you not want to go to sleep
Remember me
That to me you always come first
I'm discreet but I still love you
Sorry if I haven't known how to talk to you about how I feel about you
Remember me
I've never been close to learning how to forget you
To be honest I never wanted to try
I live with the curse of seeing you everywhere
Despite that in the end I need to see you more
I want to convince you
But I don't want to risk losing you and you wanting to leave
Because whenever I look at you I never know very well what to say
Remember me
In case your heart looks for an owner
Or if you want a kiss in some dream
Or if you want more nights that make you not want to go to sleep
Remember me
That to me you always come first
I'm discreet but I still love you
Sorry if I haven't known how to talk to you about how I feel about you
Remember me
Remember me
When someone else has forgotten you
I remembered you whenever I was in love
If you're not love
If you're not love
Where do I stay?
Remember me
That I have been a soldier for you
I remembered you in all your past wars
If you're not love
If you're not love
Where do I stay?
Remember me
In case your heart looks for an owner
Or if you want a kiss in some dream
Or if you want more nights that make you not want to go to sleep
Remember me (No)
That to me you always come first (To me you always go first)
I'm discreet but I still love you (How I love you!)
But if I haven't known how to talk to you about how I feel about you
Remember me

Ik khawab sunawan

Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Salawa Tula Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Habib Salam Alayk
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Purnoor fiza waa'n
Aaqa da mohalla
Jenu arsh nu aala
Kadi aan Farishte
Kadi jaan Farishte
Sade azlon jud gaye
Aaqa nal rishte
Oh karma'n nal weda
Palkan nal chumda'n jaawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Rab le gaya menu
Jado Shaher Madine
Ek Haji laya Menu kut ke sine
Kadi piwan Zamzam Kadi pada'n Namazan
Meri pahonch jetho tak
Mein deya Niyazan
Rab sohne pal wich suneya
Mere dil diya'n sab Duawaan
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Aaqa da weda palkan di dhari
Dil kare guzara othe umar mein sari
Kaabe de chakkar mein le paj paj ke
Mein Hajre Aswad chumeya raj raj ke
Mere sir te Rabb ne kitiya'n
Rehmat diya'n thandiya'n chhawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Oh Soniya'n Galiya'n wich Rehmat Rabb di
Mera Aaqa Sohna gal sunda sab di
Mere amal di chadar utte daag hazara'n
Kis maan te waaja'n Tere karam nu maara'n
Kede Munh naal bakhshish manga
Menu aandhiya'n baat haya-aa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Chup reh ke begaya Roze de nede
Hoya Noor da channan Mere dil de wede
Fir Supna tuteya Oho kachi kulli
Mein ropeya sa'dat Meri akh kyun khulli
Fir Aaqa sadya dar te
Hoiyan dil diya'n puriya chawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Purnoor fiza waa'n
Aaqa da mohalla
Jenu arsh nu aala
Kadi aan Farishte
Kadi jaan Farishte
Sade azlon jud gaye
Aaqa nal rishte
Oh karma'n nal weda
Palkan nal chumda'n jaawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n

Love from Kateřinice

I have a thousand heavy bodies around me
I have the blast of cannons still in my ears
Should I, should I cover myself with a black featherbed?
Should I rise from some cranny like the stem of a plant?
My love springs near Kateřinice
The sun caresses blue grapes from the vineyard
Over the mountain, over the tall mountain,
under my skies, fresh bread turns golden
Over the rapid river under my skies,
soft moss grows, moss, moss,
soft moss grows, moss, moss
I can still smell your scent from the pillows
I keep begging God to bring you back
My love springs near Kateřinice
The sun caresses blue grapes from the vineyard
Over the mountain, over the tall mountain,
under my skies, fresh bread turns golden
Over the rapid river under my skies,
soft moss grows, moss, moss,
soft moss grows, moss, moss,
soft moss grows, moss, moss,
soft moss grows, moss, moss
Feel free to repost elsewhere. Please let me know of any mistakes you find!

I am Already in Love

I want a spring,
Only from me, for you.
A gift of white blossoms.
I just want a story, only true for you.
I tell, you understand.
Wish we get lost in love.
I lie down on your skin, your heart.
Kiss while we chat like birds.
When I wander your name.
One day, I blushed.
You were in front of me,
Like I was naked.
I was already in love.
We couldn’t get along.
You was broken.
I loved, I can’t abandon you.
I am already in love.
Your eyes must always smile, your lips must always kiss.
Every part of you must think of me.
I am a jealous, selfish lover, your heart must know.
If you dont accept me like this, then don’t love me.
Wish we get lost in love.
I lie down on your skin, your heart.
Kiss while we chat like birds.
When I wander your name.
One day, I blushed.
You were in front of me,
Like I was naked.
I was already in love.
We couldn’t get along.
You was broken.
I loved, I can’t abandon you.
I am already in love. (x2)

And then make love

And then make love.
No sex, just love.
And by this I mean
slow kisses on the mouth, on the neck,
on the belly, on the back,
bites on the lips,
intertwined hands,
and eyes inside eyes
I mean, hugs so tight
to become one thing,
bodies stuck and souls in collision,
caresses on the scratches
clothes off, together with fears,
kisses on our weaknesses,
on the signs of a life
which, until then
had been a little wrong.
I mean, fingers on the bodies,
creating constellations,
smelling scents,
hearts beating together,
breaths traveling
at the same pace.
And then smiles,
true, after some time
they hadn't been anymore
make love and don't feel ashamed,
because love is art,
and you're the masterpieces.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


We’re ready,
my turn I’ll make you burn
Emergency move your body
(you got my attention)
Your party is over,
what more are you expecting
Your turn is next
(get out of my mansion)
Your boys and ladies you were calling
Everyone’s here, come back to me now
Hey what you thinking about it yea
I’ll show you more clearly
You were waiting for me tonight
More thrilling, more hotter,
you’re going to touch me
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give it to you, want me
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Oh oh
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give you everything, want it
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
A-baby guess whose back
4minute back in the game
Put your hands up in the air (oh oh oh oh)
I’ll fill you up,
I’ll engrave myself deeply into your heart
Do it do it 4minute time
Scream so I can see
Go more crazy so only you can reach me
Hot issue, I’m a classic
Let me show, I’ll shatter common sense
Hey what you thinking about it yea
I’ll show you more clearly
You were waiting for me tonight
More thrilling, more hotter,
you’re going to touch me
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give it to you, want me
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Oh oh
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give you everything, want it
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
A-baby guess whose back (oh oh oh oh)
4minute Back in the game (oh oh oh oh)
Put your hands up in the air (oh oh oh oh)
Do it do it 4minute time
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give it to you, want me
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Oh oh
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give you everything, want it
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Whatever whatever whatever
Whatever whatever whatever
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

A tale heard in the transportation depot

So I was on my way to delivering some gravel
in my old wreck of a
and I drove slowly, chatting with a chick
to which I gave a ride, just for the company.
I talked to her tenderly, like to a princess,
yet she must have weighted about 20 stones1.
Had she been working as a stewardess
the plane would never have lifted off the ground.
I said 'Bonjour madame merci l'amour toujours2 or something,
I would be delighted to know your name.'
And she said: 'Pardon me, my name is Nyurka3,
and what about yours? How should I call you?'
I told her I was Grisha4, also unmarried,
a lone traveller since young age,
and I added that I was pretty well-off,
with a plump wallet in my pocket5 for more than 30 years.
After a dozen kilometers or so,
I quietly stopped the GAZ-51 and told her
I had busted the [beep]ing shaft and we were up [beep] creek.
Then I quietly drove in neutral toward the forest.
She said: 'You're taking the piss, I bet the shaft is fine.
You just have something on your mind, but that's ok, I'm game'
And of course everyone around here knows I'm an adept [beep]er,
and I thought 'great, now she's all mine'.
I climbed onto her, but the cabin is pretty small, you see,
and her navel squeezed me right against the roof.
Out of breath, I said 'My dear Nyurka,
let's get out of here, I can't stand it any longer!'
We went to a forest patch, that was easy to find,
and she immediately forgot all about her, hmm, modesty.
I [beep]ed her blind6 and gave her six [beep]ing helpings!
She said: 'Exhausted already, you scoundrel?
Now I'll climb on top of you and squash you on the spot.
Come on, get a move on, why did you stop?
Faster, come on, shake it until I [beep]!'
I can endure quite a lot, but still I'm not her pig,
and I have an (appointment?) at half past five.
And then I said to myself: 'come on, driver Egorov,
give her a good [beep]ing and let her run away home.
I lifted her with difficulty and gave her (hell).
'Get lost, you [beep]' I shouted as she ran.
'Well, you wanted a good [beep],
but how many times is it possible? I went to 7 already.'
I walked back and happily sat in my cool truck
I reversed along the track and was back to the long road in no time,
and I laughed about the whole [beep]ing story as I drove,
thinking to myself those chicks were nothing but [beep].
Now listen further:
After delivering the gravel, I immediately went to the pub,
to get myself a good beer after a long ride.
But when I put my hand in my pocket, I immediately realized
my plump wallet was gone!
I am the GAZ driver!
- Come on Petrovich7, finish your story. Pour him another drink!
I am the GAZ driver!
- Petrovich is pissed! Pour him another!
- Another glass for Petrovich!
- Bring 'em up!
Now I will give an advice to all at the end of my story:
In order not to loose your wallet ever,
don't fool around with chicks nor stray into the forest,
and your wallet shall always stay with you!
  • 1. 7 puds, which puts the girl's weight around 115 kg or 18 stones (rounded up for luck, making the poor girl about 10% heavier)
  • 2. 'Hello miss thanks love always' in (broken) French
  • 3. A diminutive of 'Anna'
  • 4. A diminutive of 'Grigory'
  • 5. 'my pocket had not been empty'
  • 6. '(so hard) that my eyes went blurry'
  • 7. His father's name, I guess. The full name must be Grigory Petrovich Egorov

Sose Becsülj Alá Egy Lányt

Egy lány kell ahhoz, hogy megértsük
Hogyan is kell nyerni
Ő tudja... Ő képes rá
Azt hiszem ez tiszta
Kiviseli a nadrágot
Milyen fiúnak... lenne egyáltalán... esélye
Ő azt mutatja milyen egyszerű
Teljesen az irányítása alatt áll
Ő a legjobbat hozza ki belőled... minden egyes... alkalommal
Azt hittem mostanra rájössz, hogy nem kellene
Sose becsülj alá egy lányt
Mindent megszerez, amit akar
Ő sosem fog leállni
(Te tudod... mi tudjuk)
Sose becsülj alá egy lányt
Neki mindig van egy terve
A világ a kezében van
Neki meg van hozzá a rúzsa
Minden összepasszol
A fiúknak jól megy
De a lányoknak még jobban... (vigyázz)
A titkárnőd talán
Egyszer a főnököd lesz
Akár tetszik, akár nem
Ő azt mutatja milyen egyszerű
Teljesen az irányítása alatt áll
Ő a legjobbat hozza ki belőled... minden egyes... alkalommal
Azt hittem mostanra rájössz, hogy nem kellene
Sose becsülj alá egy lányt
Mindent megszerez, amit akar
Ő sosem fog leállni
(Te tudod... mi tudjuk)
Sose becsülj alá egy lányt
Neki mindig van egy terve
A világ a kezében van
Talán elnök lesz belőle
Minden szabályt Ő hozz majd
Ne próbáld megnyerni a játékot
Csak veszíthetsz ebben
Most csajok, tudjátok, hogy bennünk megvan
Bennünk minden megvan hozzá
Mindvégig ezt próbáltuk nekik elmondani
Figyeljetek srácok
Fogadjatok el egy jó tanácsot
Sose becsülj alá egy lányt
Mindent megszerez, amit akar
Ő sosem fog leállni
(Te tudod... mi tudjuk)
Sose becsülj alá egy lányt
Neki mindig van egy terve
A világ a kezében van

Travelling Companions

I only know your name
Don't know what you came from
I have never seen you cry
Have never seen you being a dad
But it's as if you know my heart
That you can sense where I'm actually headed
And we know that it rhymes with pain1
Still we do it again and again and
We have gone all the way side by side
And we've been hurt side by side
And we've shouted out, we've lost
They've pushed, they've made us
Side by side
We are
Travelling companions
We are
Travelling companions
Do you remember standing at that club
At an after after party
Absolutely amber seven horses Nik & Jay & Neph
Mano a mano, out into the world
We might not see the same things
But I see who you are my friend
Wisdom comes to he who waits
We look into ourselves where we get
The love that can change
Frequencies changes us humans
Yeah, some laughed and pointed their fingers
But as the Olympic torch it's fire we bring
They must surrender before time runs out
Listen to the ocean calling
Simon2 is calling
We are waves that follow each other
We follow each other until we reach the shore
We go together, stand together, fall together
And then we get up together
We are
Wavy wavy
Like waves, yeah, waves
Cause we are
Travelling companions
For ever, ever
Like sparks, yeah, sparks
From the same blaze
We are
Wavy wavy
Like waves, yeah, waves
Cause we are
Travelling companions
For ever, ever
You are, I am
A wave
Brother (brrrr)
It's cold out here for at warm heart
My brother
Words (brrrr)
My words can burn their way through
That's my meteor
Yeah, the sunroof all the way up – it's that season
I lean back at my front seat
Look how much we've grown
It was worth the travel
And the scars that was the cost
But we are buddies
When the fight begins
Until the fight is over
It's that feeling, brother
From outcry to tribute
(run run run run)
They couldn't catch us even though they ran
(come come come along)
Now we're on the road again as if we were hitchhiking
No sweat in the palm of my hand
I'll never throw down my towel
Filled up with good energy
I feel anything but emptiness
We are
Wavy wavy
For ever, ever
A wave
Wavy wavy
For ever, ever
We are
Wavy wavy
Like waves, yeah, waves
Cause we are
Travelling companions
For ever, ever
You are, I am
A wave
For ever, ever
Like sparks, yeah, sparks
From the same blaze
  • 1. 'Pain' is 'Smerte' in danish. 'Smerte' rhymes with 'Hjerte', the danish word for heart
  • 2. Simon Kvam is the lead singer of Nephew

Why are you silent, Serbian brother?

Get up, get up, get up Serb!
Why are you silent, silent Serbian brother?
Lift up your head, glory calls upon you.
Glory calls you to the holy land,
to that Serbian Kosovo field. 2x
Why are you silent, silent Serbian brother? 2x
Get up, get up, get up Serb! 2x
Hey do you hear me, hey do you remember
that terrible curse.
Do you still remember King Lazar,
Kosovo field and the chivalrous battle. 2x
Why are you silent, silent Serbian brother? 2x
Get up, get up, get up Serb! 2x
Serbian brother rouse yourself and go,
open your eyes let them see the dark.
Let it see the enemy, let it hear the enemy,
Serbs are still alive, the Serb is a hero! 2x
Why are you silent, silent Serbian brother? 2x

March in step, one, two, three

Ah-... Ah-...
At daybreak, the sounds of war songs resound throughout the village roads,
their bayonets high, the soldiers advance on the road of training.
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Your mothers, which have cooked your food, affectionately wave their hands,
through out your chests, majestically walk forwards, brazenly.
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Before the troops, the Great Commander's star shines on the deep-red flag,
we, who are close to the spirit of Mt. Baekdu, are the ones who will fulfil it.1
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Ah-... Ah-...
March in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Ah-... Ah-... One, two three!
  • 1. Unsure about this part.

Utálj engem

(fiú) Azt mondja ments meg, ments meg
(lány) Azt mondja talán, talán
(lány) Elkezdett elfordulni amikor azt mondja...
Utálj engem
Törj meg
Engedd meg hogy annyira fájjon nekem mint neked
Lökj meg
Zúzz szét
De igérd meg nekem hogy sose veszítjük el egymást
Utálj engem
Törj meg
Majd ments meg, ments meg
Lökj meg
Zúzz szét
Majd ments meg, ments meg
(lány) Befejezte a sétálást, sétálást
(fiú) Befejezte a zuhanást, zuhanást
(fiú) Belenézett a szemébe és mondta...
Utálj engem
Törj meg
Engedd meg hogy annyira fájjon nekem mint neked
Lökj meg
Zúzz szét
De igérd meg nekem hogy sose veszítjük el egymást
Utálj engem
Törj meg
Majd ments meg, ments meg
Lökj meg
Zúzz szét
Majd ments meg, ments meg
Utálj engem
Törj meg
Majd ments meg, ments meg
Lökj meg
Zúzz szét
Majd ments meg, ments meg
(fiú) Azt mondja ments meg, ments meg
(lány) Azt mondja talán, talán
(fiú) Azt mondja...
Utálj engem
Törj meg
Engedd meg hogy annyira fájjon nekem mint neked
Lökj meg
Zúzz szét
De igérd meg nekem hogy sose veszítjük el egymást