Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 37

Találatok száma: 1235


The Carnival

The Masquerade
ends here
But you have fun
a little bit more
it's always carnival
for those who haven't got
thornes inside the heart
The carnival goes goes goes
it has a bad ending goes goes goes
and this mask now is useless
you make me die
because of the heartbreak
and my tears for you are just confetti for you
And while i'm falling down down
you laugh more and more
but it's carnival
You make me die
because of the heartbreak
but you have fun, I'll not be a party pooper
It's carnival
I love you but it's useless
I know that your heart can't fell
The carnival goes goes goes
it has a bad ending goes goes goes
and this mask now is useless
you make me die
because of the heartbreak
and my tears for you are just confetti for you
And while i'm falling down down
you laugh more and more
but it's carnival
It's carnival

Teuvo, the king of highways

The street of my hometown was made of gravel
There my Anglia turned on its roof
I wonder if the street sign is still crooked
That I crashed due to an driving error
As I had flown through the windshield
I had span along the hard shoulder
While I was spitting teeth at the bottom of the ditch
I puked blood and cried
A scar would be a pretty thing on this face
And the teeth could be redone
But the police took my license and the plates of my Anglia
That makes it difficult to have a hobby
I'm hoping to become a rally driver
Mommas boys shouldn't be giving advices
You won't win if you are scared
At the finish line we are celebrating our winner boy Teuvo
As I was looking for a car for the weekend
I borrowed my neighbours Sierra
As I collided with a truck on the highway
I might have collided for the last time
Teuvo, take us on a ride
Teuvo, they sold your Anglia

Marry Me

Love, love is endless
Love transforms and stays forever in your heart
For love, for love we'll forgive
If it's for that special someone, no mistake is too great
With you, I'm stronger
Because with you
I learned to fly
You can see in my eyes
That I'll never leave you
With my hand on my heart, my love
Today my heart wants to sing to you
With one and a million songs
I have something to ask
Marry me, marry me
After all this time, if we're together, it's destiny
Marry me, marry me
The sun and the storm will be part of the journey too
I want to be with you
By God, I'm asking you
Marry me
I don't want to lose you, because you've been my lucky streak
And you'll be in my eyes, and in your gaze I'm strong
I don't want to lose you, because you've been my lucky streak
And you'll be in my eyes, and in your gaze I'm strong
Marry me, marry me
After all this time, if we're together, it's destiny
Marry me, marry me
The sun and the storm will be part of the journey too
I want to be with you
By God, I'm asking you
Marry me
With you, I'm stronger
Because with you
I learned to fly
You can see in my eyes
That I'll never leave you
Marry me
With my hand on my heart, my love
Today my heart wants to sing to you
With one and a million songs
I have something to ask
Marry me, marry me
After all this time, if we're together, it's destiny
Marry me, marry me
The sun and the storm will be part of the journey too
I want to be with you
By God, I'm asking you
Marry me

I'm late

Oh I'm so late
I'm late,I'm late,I'm late
I'm late,I'm late
I'm getting too late
I don't have enough time
I'm late,I'm late,I'm late
Don't ,don't ,don't
I'm in a hurry
Don't make me be late
I don't have enough time
I'm late,I'm late,I'm late
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek

Az éjfél eltávolodik, hol vagy?
Azt mondtad, találkoznál velem, most már negyed-kettő
Tudom, hogy hangos vagyok, de még mindig akarlak
Hé Jack tény, hogy a városban beszélnek
Megfordítom a hátamat, és te gátlástalan vagy
Nem vagyok nagyon féltékeny, nem szeretek úgy nézni, mint egy bohóc.
Éjjel-nappal rad gondolok
Elraboltad a szívemet, akkor vetted el a büszkeségemet
Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek!
Nem tudok megszabadulni attól, amit csinálsz
El akarok menni, de visszafordulok hozzád, ezért ...
Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek!
A napfény elöltötte az éjszakát nélküled
De álmodom a szerelmedről ...
Nem leszek olyan dühös, mint a pokol, amint átmentem
Hé, ember, fogadom, hogy jól tudsz bánni velem
Nem tudod mit veszitettel tegnap este
Szeretném látni az arcodat és elmondani ' felejtsd el ' csak gyötrőddel.
kórus.- 3x
Utálom magam,
amiért szeretlek! - 3x.
Utálom magam,
Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek!
Dana Kósa

My brother

What is hurting you, my brother
to make you cry like this?
Are you thinking about that woman?
Go on, tell me.
What is hurting you, my brother
to make you cry like this?
Are you thinking about that woman?
Come on! Tell me.
Ref. 2x
She isn't worth your pain
or your love.
Which woman dares to wound my brother
and not to pay with her tears?
It'll get better, my brother,
believe me on this.
Don't mention her name,
just forget her.
Ref. 2x.
Come with me, my brother,
I'll take you
but do not speak a single word about her,
don't, please!

We Have to Talk

I'm on my way for days
When I come home and I say
And now a hot bath first
You slowly walk along with me
You fill the bath for two
And I only think such a good idea
Until you say, we have to talk
We're lying together in our bed
I've just put the alarm clock on
I'm completely finished
You gently lay your hand on me
I think, oh my, here we go again
We have to talk, darling
It's like you forgot how beautiful silence can be
So if you want to talk, to have results, keep it small
It's like you forgot how beautiful silence can be
So if you want to talk, to have results, if you want to hate me, or leave me
If you got very big worries, save them for tomorrow
I want to sleep, I want nothing, I want silence
We having breakfast together
You want to tell me anything
You're done with it all
I hear you voice, but I have to go
I've done it all
We have to talk, darling
It's like you forgot how beautiful silence can be
So if you want to talk, to have results, keep it small
It's like you forgot how beautiful silence can be
So if you want to talk, to have results, if you want to hate me, or leave me
If you got very big worries, save them for tomorrow
I want to sleep, I want nothing, I want silence
I don't want to be rawer than raw
But don't talk it over
It's not that I don't want to say
Sometimes we're better off silent
Maybe it explains something
If I summarize it for you
Sometimes we have to hush... darling

Most Hated

On top of my living room table
There are one, two, nine keys for nine cars
When I go to Hawaii, macadamia nut chain 5 stars
Audemar on my wrist bust down meek mill
My lyrics are 111%, no lies, my shit real
A song you hate
A song you hate
A theme you hate
Clothes you hate
A flow you hate
I’ll pick everything you hate
If someone hates something, it’s not my problem
But when it comes to rap, I’m never second place
I made quite a lot, you’re still far behind
When I see how they act, I see them in a frame
Bring me a diamond measurer
Let’s see if it shines after it’s cleaned
If you get embarrassed after that, let’s see if it’s funny
Okay its AOMG ILLY
We don’t place limits, we go all the way
I just live without worries
All other rappers’ rhymes are so forced
They only write rhymes to make money
Because of those kinds of guys, we overturn the tables
I place my life on top of the beat
I don’t write things that are twisted
I won’t follow your success
A song you hate
But u gotta love it
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
You can hate it
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
You can hate it
I don’t care about others
All we do is hustle yeah everyday
I don’t chase money, I just do my thing
But we still get paid
Foreign whips all the chicks CEOs TV Shows
Do it all never fall always summer never fall never fall
Rap you don’t like, flow you don’t like
You don’t like me, teasing me about my boob arty
But you wanna be me
I go on a show and the quality goes up
You already know who’s really cool
You saw from the cypher
The meaning of my hand sign
When I talk about the Rock
I’m not talking about a rock
I may be on a risky team but it’s not gambling
Hit the jackpot, getting on the hundreds
A lot of artists to support, charge your phone
Bullets get shot, I am Superman
I never grow old, Peter Pan from Neverland
Even if you’re not cool, respect yourself
Even if you can rap, your mindset is wrong
I don’t hate it but I can’t acknowledge your music
But I like you as a person
If this touches a nerve, that means I’m talking about you
Representing Korean hip-hop
Homie we still worldwide
This that sh*t that you don’t like now
Haters gonna hate our success
Until when?
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
You can hate it
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
A song you hate
You can hate it

Unending cigarette

Versions: #2
I'll walk alone this night too
in hopes of finding
the water of your disrememberance
and in dark basements
I'll find a sign in a glass
until dawn's panic
Endless cigarette
my heavy loneliness
resembles a woman
tired from the street
she flashes a smile
sits near me
treats the next round
and pats me on the shoulder
I see your eyes
In a glass with a lit candle*
and weep silently
The noose of your song
wrings around my
again hazy mind
Endless cigarette
my heavy loneliness
resembles a woman
tired from the street
she flashes a smile
sits near me
treats the next round
and pats my on the shoulder
*Candle set next to religious icons as part of prayer and ceremony

Mi a neve?

A lányom megint késve ért haza
Hajnali kettő van, hol voltá'?
Csak lógtam pár haverommal
Az anyád egyáltalán nem tudott aludni
És a te dolgot csak az lett volna, hogy telefonálsz
Hogyan gondoltad, hogy valaha is megbízhatunk benned
Csak lógni akarok a haverjaimmal
Csak a plázába akarok menni
Kérhetek 20 dolcsit?
Most egy hétig szobafogságban vagy
Szóval csak enni és aludni fogsz
Ez nem ér, programom van mi a nevével
Elmondhatod, mi a neve
Felejtsd el a hétvégét
Nem vagyok dühös, csak csalódott
Elmehetek mi a nevével?
Csak a moziba megyünk
Azt hiszem, tényleg szeretnéd őt
Tönkreteszed az életem

The Device Who Knew Too Much

Any time of the day
he stood in front of the device,
as you in the past
prayed to a god of stone
Because he got help from this
to do good business
He became rich
and thanked his god
We need each other
I have questions, you have answers
Even though I can think,
you do it very fast
Soon the entire world is ours
Fortune came to him
and then it went home again
when his wife
moved down in the basement
So he went to consult
the electronic genius
why the wife
always had a headache
Soon the entire world is ours
Soon the entire world is ours
Soon the entire world is ours
And I need your brain
Power is money and money is power
You can think
very fast, you get half my kingdom
I am everything you need
You have questions, I have answers
Even though you can think,
I do it very fast
But don't pull out my plug
Soon the entire world is mine
Soon the entire world is mine
Soon the entire world is mine
Soon the entire world is mine
Soon the entire world is mine
Soon the entire world is mine


Why is it so boring? Whatever I do, I’m not interested
Why is time so slow?
Everything is just so annoying
It’s hard
Each day is the same
I wanna fling everything away (go) and just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go) and just play
I’m telling the night sky
Gonna play today!
Everyone only nags me
Honestly, what did I do so wrong?
Do this, do that, how do they have so much to say?
Getting tired
It’s hard
Each day is the same
I wanna fling everything away (go) and just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go) and just play
I’m telling the night sky
Oh ohoh
I don’t want something amazing
I want a good night
Oh ohoh
Not saying I’m gonna do something amazing
I just want a good night
I wanna fling everything away (go) and just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go) and just play
I’m telling the night sky
Gonna play today!
Gonna play today!
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Fekete tavirózsák

Amikor egy csónakban vagyok
lebegek - tudom sosem fulladhatok meg
Most látom a vízalatti világot
A szél az egyetlen hang...
Megfogom a kezed, amikor alászállok
Én fenn vagyok és feljebb*
Megfogom a kezed, amikor alászállok
Én fenn vagyok és feljebb*
A folyón
a víz alatt
Az óceánba uszom
Ezer fekete tavirózsa...
Fekete tavirózsák...
A folyón
a víz alatt
Az óceánba uszom
Ezer fekete tavirózsa...
Fekete tavirózsák...
Karok nyujtóznak előre
Az én karjaim - Nem látok többet
Táncolunk ahogy lebegünk körbe,
Az óceán mélye felé tartunk,
Megfogom a kezed amikor alászállok
Én fenn vagyok és feljebb*
A folyón
a víz alatt.
Az óceánba úszom.
Ezer fekete tavirózsa...
A folyón
a víz alatt.
Az óceánba úszom.
Ezer fekete tavirózsa...
lefelé lebegek

Jigsaw puzzle

Is that they were, were your hugs
that like saber wounds shattered me
sharp were your looks
I was left torn apart and drowned in crying.
Red and mad, the flame of your mouth
it burned me, and it's my time to quench.
I begin a new life
a jigsaw puzzle I have to work on
Far away, away from his influence
that cruel smell that invaded my being.
From the weeds came out your promises
germinating sadness in my head.
Your nasty deed took me by surprise,
to hurt, you're very skilled.
How delightful were your caresses
bad news, they were pure malice.
I don't want to run towards to you anymore,
I don't want to scream your name anymore.
Far away, away from his influence
his love was almost death.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The peg

Your eyes are two headlights
That shine on the garbage dumps
Your feet are two pegs
To tie a lot of cows
Your hair is like a mop
Messy dirty and ugly
Your heart doesn't beat
And is as dangerous as dynamite
So long, see you
May a car crash you
May a lighting strikes you
May a train splashes you
So long, see you
May a dog bite you
May you be taken by the devil
And marquis skull
Your twisted brain,
Is a nest of snakes.
Your stomach doesn't feel hungry,
The excess of bile
Caused it a cramp
Your hands know karate,
May God don't let them kill me
You're a bad fortune bird
If I don't get far I'll die
So long, see you
May a car crash you
May a lighting strikes you
May a train splashes you
So long, see you
May a dog bite you
May you be taken by the devil
And marquis skull
You're not a person
You're only a beast
And I love you till death
I love you dead
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I'm Also a Human

When I close my eyes
it's like I'm melting
on your lips
When I wake up
I'm losing my mind
on your arms
When I close my eyes
it's like I'm melting
on your lips
When I wake up
I'm losing my mind
on your arms
Chorus 2x
I'm also a human made of blood
I was living stormily
maybe I'm not your first one
but I'm certainly your last one
I like to sleep
dreaming about you
in the long nights
When I surrender to you
I'm looking at myself
in your eyes
I like to sleep
dreaming about you
in the long nights
When I surrender to you
I'm looking at myself
in your eyes
Chorus 2x
I'm also a human made of blood
I was living stormily
maybe I'm not your first one
but I'm certainly your last one
I'm daydreaming in the nights
and I'm forgiving you
on your shoulder
When I love you
I wanna burn with you
in your flame
I'm daydreaming in the nights
and I'm forgiving you
on your shoulder
When I love you
I wanna burn with you
in your flame
Chorus 2x
I'm also a human made of blood
I was living stormily
maybe I'm not your first one
but I'm certainly your last one
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

Forró Kapuk

Versions: #2
Nem oly nagy dolog, megállni hogy énekelj,
Várni az esőben
És ez a legjobb gyógyszer, ez túl sok
Ismét a határon állsz
Ne kapd el a szemed
Nem segít, de észre vettem a rideg kifejezést
Azon az kedves arcodon
Miért beszélsz mindig amikor nincs kegy
azon a kedves arcon.
De még a sötétben is láttam, te voltál az egyetlen egyedül
Azokon a forró kapukon köpködöd a mérged kifelé
Bár megesküdtél sosem teszed többé.
Nem lehetek számodra minden amit szeretnél,
De mindig feltétlen szeretlek
Van számomra is egy fontos kis apróság
És még ha sírunk is élnünk kell
Egy másik törékeny határ, egy lágy hang,
És már megint a padlón vagy
Közel ahhoz az ostoba pengéhez, az eltűnés igérete
Semmi nincs már számodra ezen az éjszakán
De még a sötétben is láttam, te voltál az egyetlen egyedül
Azokon a forró kapukon köpködöd a mérged kifelé
Bár megesküdtél sosem teszed többé.
Nem lehetek számodra minden amit szeretnél,
De mindig feltétlen szeretlek
Számomra is van egy fontos kis apróság
És még ha sírunk is élnünk kell
Engedd hogy a vérem csak akkor hagyjon el ha a világ dönti el.
Nincs kiút az egyetlen életedből,
Így inkább fuss, fuss!

In a thousand years I'll see you again

I'm leaving now and in a thousand years I'll see you again,
I haven't finished yet, I have much to do
but it won't be long, I've almost resolved it
and you'll see that I'll be done soon.
Few were the words you gave me
but (those) few I came to understand,
there was only a handful that truly knew you
and I knew you best for your way of being.
Your footsteps are no longer heard in the hallways
nor the water that you ran in the mornings,
the sun no longer warms me nor does it diminish,
only the immense pain remains.
In the end, the time came all of a sudden:
the wind arrived hastily through the window
the moon set and everyone awakened,
but you stayed with the night, sleeping.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Melody of Love

Love's melody
divine music,
Love's melody
who gently touch the soul
For every street
it seems to take our hand
and it says 'I love you',
It repeats 'I love you'.
Love's melody,
Eternal music,
Who caress my heart
and doesn't let it go.
And everyday
everyhour it sings in me,
Love's memory
that I've to give to you
Murmur and fly,
Fly my song,
My, with your sweetest,
Sweetest melody
Love's melody
Love's melody
For every street
it seems to take our hand
and it says 'I love you',
It repeats 'I love you'.
Love's melody,
Eternal music,
Who caress my heart
and doesn't let it go.
And everyday
everyhour it sings in me,
Love's memory
that I've to give to you
Caterina Caselli - Insieme a te non ci sto più dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I don't want to be with you anymore

Versions: #2
I don't want to be with you anymore, I gaze at the clouds up there
In you I looked for tenderness, the one I don't have
For the understanding that I can't manage to find in this shallow world
You're not that person anymore,
That person (I was looking for) isn't you
This is where it ends,
The ones that go - how they hurt you!
My eyes are laden* with clearwater streams
Whence I will drink, I'm looking for woods that suit me
And dales where the sun burns hotter than you!
I don't want to be with you anymore, I gaze at the clouds up there
And when I go, you have to smile to me if you can
It won't be easy but, you know, it kind of feels like we die** in order to live.
Goodbye my love, so long,
the clouds are already leaving
This is where it ends,
The ones that go - how they hurt you!
Viikate - Me olemme myöhäiset dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

We Are The Ones Who Are Late

Salutation from here, the noble of Oblivion!
Where only darkness will carry you
To pay the ransom for the morning sun
We are the ones who are late
Night will hold you, carry you in its arms
Like a maiden over a treshold
Like soot, foam reaches the shore of freedom
We are, we are the ones who are so late
Go, misplace your dreams
Once the sky will fall upon us
We will be washing dishes with tears
Of tranquil seas
There is no wolf to howl at the moon
That, stroking with its chilly light,
Brushes our hair
The one who is locked in a chest, latched a thousand times
The keys have vanished into the rising sun
Will not recognize blood running between cuts
We are
We are
We are the ones who are late
Go, misplace your dreams
Once the sky will fall upon us
We will be washing dishes with tears
Of tranquil seas
There is no wolf to howl at the moon
That with its chilly light
Brushes our hair
Dvicio - Quédate dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I haven't begun with the right foot
And I missed some words
But I like you since a long time ago
And I'm led by my heart
You were waiting for someone who'd give you
What you wanted to hear
And then this crazy came to make you see
That nothing can be calculated
If you leave and close that door
If you leave, you lose the best one
And if it's not with me
Tell me who can be better
And if it's not with you
This crazy guy loses his mind
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
I had good intentions
With a perfect plan, I came close
You had a thousand reasons
The look on your face said 'Go away'
If you leave and close that door
If you leave, you lose the best one
And if it's not with me
Tell me who can be better
And if it's not with you
This crazy guy loses his mind
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
It burns me
It burns me
I feel that I may be late
My desire to love you is left waiting for what you will say
And if it's not with me
Tell me who can be better
And if it's not with you
This crazy guy loses his mind
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
I'll give to you the best
I'll give to you
Any corrections are welcome.
Rana Alagöz - Ateş Bacayı Sarmış dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Fire has also Surrounded the Chimney

They saw you yesterday on the road
There was someone in the arm
Oh tell me of this sin
Fire also has surrounded the chimney
Fire also has surrounded the chimney
I've seen you in one day
Another one in the arm
You would introduce an old friend to everyone
Look what happened in the end
Look what happened in the end
They saw you yesterday on the road
There was someone in the arm
Oh tell me of this sin
Fire also has surrounded the chimney
Fire also has surrounded the chimney
No would that this loving me
He kept me in his hands
Maybe I forgot forgive all
I can not start if you'd back
I can not love you if you'd
Klapa Iskon - Dobra Večer Prijatelji dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

The Little Mermaid (OST) - Kommer En Kwel [Poor Unfortunate Souls] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Doom and gloom [Poor unfortunate souls]

In the past I was not
Quite a wimp
Very understandably I was often called
A witch
But I have decided
Converted myself one day
And made peace with my new existence
Right? Yes!
Look, I am quite dextrous in doing magic
It is a gift that I have always possessed
And lately I spend
My worries on that pain
For those fools I have
Always had a weakness
How sad!
What doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
So sad, so mean
This one wanted (to be) a little thinner
That one over there longed for a woman
And do I offer help?
Yes, right away
O, what doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
How sad, what a disappointment
They appear during my consultation hour
Begging: help me, please!
And do I offer help?
You bet
But sometimes a poor customer would
Not be able to pay
And my methods then are
Not very subtle
I did not get complaints very easily
Because I give all of my heart and soul
To all that doom and gloom (those poor unfortunate souls)
Those men over there are
Not fond of chatting
A woman that gossips
They think of as a braggart
On land one is used to
Women keeping silent as being decent
And above all
That chatting doesn't bring you anything
Well then, those men don't like conversation
A real gentleman avoids it if he can
But they nearly faint
For such a beautiful silent woman
So someone that keeps their mouth shut, will get a man
Come on with all your doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
Go ahead, choose for them
Don't let me wait for you
Because I have a lot to do
I don't ask much
Just your voice
You with your doom and gloom (poor unfortunate soul)
It is sad, but true
If you truly want to go up
Then you will not hesitate for a moment
Take that pen and put your name
Here at the bottom of this document
It is done
Because I have her
That girl now says goodbye
Tot all that doom and gloom (poor unfortunate soul)
Beluga, sevruga
A mermaid's voice comes to me
Larynxes, glacydis and max laryngitis
La voce (the voice) to me
Plastic (Poland) - Dlatego dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

That's why

'Cause inspiration has its rights
Each of us cares about his/her own freedom
'Cause the mind goes ahead but the heart backward
That's why
Strange me, strange you
Imagination without boundaries - three witches
And it raises us above the time
Above the time
'Cause our sounds has been broken
And great words haven't swollen
We are where we are not supposed to be
But we want to live
'Cause friendship is strongly attached to us
And love is something that happens only once
And we still don't know what is what
...and this too
In the air, songs and dust are hanging
And there's nothing to lose anymore
'Cause the dream about flying is coming back
Yes, this one
And again we're lighter than two butterflies
'Cause only with music, it makes sense
And we will not give up, oh no...
...you already know how it is
Super Junior - 미워 (Hate U, Love U) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Hate U, Love U

I want to hate you,
I’m tired of seeing you happy with another person
I had to send you away without you knowing why
It happened so long ago, the feelings are probably all gone now
I tried so hard to erase you
But I can’t help it that it’s impossible too,
Please stay next to my side
Nothing’s changed except that I’m alone
I tried to believe that I would find another love
But now it’s even hard to breath
My sorrow over you keeps getting bigger and bigger
I just can’t seem to erase you from my head
I want to hate you
I’m tired of watching you pretend that you’ve forgotten me
I hate myself for living each day without any strength
I try my best to change but it just won’t
I tried so hard to erase you
But I can’t help it that it’s impossible too,
Please stay next to my side
Nothing’s changed except that I’m alone
I tried to believe that I would find another love
But now it’s even hard to breath
My sorrow over you keeps getting bigger and bigger
I just can’t seem to erase you from my head
I was going to send you away without any grudges
I believed that I’d be able to take the pain
But it just keeps getting deeper, this sorrow
I can’t withstand this anymore, I’m disliking you more and more..
Nothing’s changed except that I’m alone
I tried to believe that I would find another love
But now it’s even hard to breath
My sorrow over you keeps getting bigger and bigger
I just can’t seem to erase you from my head
Mariska - Matematiikkaa dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


1+1 is supposedly two
taking one away
all of sudden goes subzero
At least for awhile until you get
back on your feet
Unless one plus one became three
divided by two aint one and half
but one and two thirds
We were not told that in math lessons
About those numbers
Weird ones that goes in my head
round and round day after day
twentyfour by seven I solve equations
In my dream until I wake up
Once believed I get it right some day
When i go it thru I find errors
How ever can i figure this out
and make a perfect model
Life is mathematics
with no logic
And when referring to previous equation
I does not apply in this problem
Plus and minus is mixed in me
Add a bit and you get simply null
Take away a bit it's much better to be
Better to be
They say minus and minus mutilate each other
Why two times wrong make right then
When I try to make bad to good
the outcome is negative
The hardest formula
that I've seen so far
the sum of potent factors
I get mixed with not only the calculus
Numeric chaos
Its really a wonder
that I've been able
to remain one time me
When I'm pulled to five directions
and if I'm feeling less than one part of the five
I'm worth of nothing
Or the worst of the worst
Six six six minus seventeen
leaves again one me
For awhile it makes sense
Until correction brings X it means you
Life is mathematics
with no logic
And when referring to previous equation
I does not apply in this problem
Plus and minus is mixed in me
Add a bit and you get simply null
Take away a bit it's much better to be
Better to be
...Life is mathematics...
Wagakki Band - Strnog Fate dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Strong Fate

I connect one to the other two
Ten thousand yen to ten thousand yen
Endless ringadong in this place
I do not know what to stop and do not know what to do
Shibusoryiru Mimi Fumesukon
People who peep at peacefully
It is awkward to give up, it makes me cry
I will only show up on the other side
To hesitate to ask
Wandering Wandering Wrong to those with hands
In the fading fading reverberation
I see a swaying and flickering illusion
With no reason (wake), let's hold back
Sea of thought noises Strong Fate
At the end of the world
That sound that cuts you
I can hear it I hear voice that distorts blood and distorted voice
Wandering Wandering Wrong to those with hands
In the fading fading reverberation
I see a swaying and flickering illusion
It is swallowed by the wretched waves
The whirlpool vortex associated with a postcard
Silent Gate
With no reason (wake), let's hold back
Sea of thought noises Strong Fate
At the end of the world
Andrea Berg - Piraten wie wir dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Pirates Like Us

You take me captive,
The wind carries us away, on a big journey.
You shackle me,
You shackle me recklessly your way,
You never steal my thunder.
I am wild and free with you.
You keep me on course, and I feel,
This dream never again passes by.
We hoist the anchor, we set sail,
We are not afraid, and no sendoff hurts.
Pirates like us, they never turn back!
Pirates like us, they cannot lose a battle.
Pirates just like us, they will never sink.
Pirates like us, they sail against the wind,
They never surrender because dreams are invincible.
We sail are heading towards the stars, heading towards Heaven's tent.
We sharpen the sabres,
We travel during night, through the fog into our world, towards the sun.
We live life - no path is too wide.
Pirates like us will never surrender until doomsday.
We enter love, we capture happiness,
We leave jewels and silver behind.
On roaring seas, we never give up.
Pirates like us, they cannot lose a battle.
Pirates just like us, they will never sink,
Pirates like us.
Kate Ryan - Sage Comme Une Image dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

As Good As Gold

It's a no but don't believe that I'm not old enough.
It's nothing more than a matter of makeup.
You're likely to remove the red from my mouth.
I touch no one and nobody touches me.
I touch no one and nobody touches me.
I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
lying in my room, distracted I'm contemplating
the phone that's ringing and yet it seems to me
That I have warned you, I never answer.
It's really kind to have thought of me.
It's really kind to have thought of me...But
I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
If sometimes I get bored, It's really not a big deal.
Modern little girls don't cry because they know, ouh.
They wait for no one, they'd rather play alone.
And learn to lead the game the way they want to, ouh, ouh.
All the records I like speak to me and protect me.
They only need to be played for the night to end.
The sleeves parade and I would like enough
To be like them made of glossy paper.
To be like them made of glossy paper.
I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
I am, I am, I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
I am, I am, I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
I am, I am, I'm as good as gold, good as gold.
I am, I am, I'm as good as gold, good as gold.