Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 36

Találatok száma: 1235


Le Plus Grand De Tous Les Amours

Je crois que les enfants sont notre futur,
Elevez-les bien et laissez-les suivre leur chemin.
Montrez-leur toute la beauté qu'ils possèdent intérieurement
Donnez-leur un sens de la fierté pour leur rentre les choses plus faciles
Laissez-leurs rires d'enfants
Nous rappeler comment nous étions avant
Tout le monde recherche un héros
Les gens ont besoin de quelqu'un auquel s'identifier
Je n'ai jamais trouvé quelqu'un qui a satisfait mes envies
Un endroit solitaire pour exister,
Et j'ai donc appris à ne compter que sur moi
J'ai décidé il y a longtemps
De ne jamais marcher dans l'ombre de quelqu'un
Si j'échoue, si je réussis
Au moins, j'aurais vécu comme je croyais
Peu importe ce qu'ils m'enlèvent
Ils ne peuvent m'enlever ma dignité
Parce que le plus grand de tous les amours m'est arrivé
J'ai trouvé le plus grand de tous les amours en moi
Le plus grand de tous les amours
Est facile à atteindre
Apprendre à s'aimer soi-même,
C'est le plus grand de tous les amours
Je crois que les enfants sont notre futur,
Elevez-les bien et laissez-les suivre leur chemin.
Montrez-leur toute la beauté qu'ils possèdent intérieurement
Donnez-leur un sens de la fierté pour leur rentre les choses plus faciles
Laissez-leurs rires d'enfants
Nous rappeler comment nous étions avant
J'ai décidé il y a longtemps
De ne jamais marcher dans l'ombre de quelqu'un
Si j'échoue, si je réussis
Au moins, j'aurais vécu comme je croyais
Peu importe ce qu'ils m'enlèvent
Ils ne peuvent m'enlever ma dignité
Parce que le plus grand de tous les amours m'est arrivé
J'ai trouvé le plus grand de tous les amours en moi
Le plus grand de tous les amours
Est facile à atteindre
Apprendre à s'aimer soi-même,
C'est le plus grand de tous les amours
Et si par hasard, cet endroit particulier
Dont tu rêvais depuis longtemps
Te mène à un endroit solitaire
Trouve ta force dans l'amour.
La méchanceté est gratuite... si elle était payante, ça ruinerait les cons !
L'urgent est déjà fait. L'impossible est en cours. Pour les miracles prévoir un délai.

Szerelem és gyűlölet

Itt állok,
és meghívok mindenkit, nézze meg a műsort.
Felszólítom a démonaimat is, hogy engedjenek el!
Szükségem van valamire, adj valami nagyon szépet!
hogy nem oda visz, ahol nem kellene lennem,
nem tudod elvenni tőlem azokat a dolgokat, amelyeket isten adott.
Nincs több fájdalom, nincs több szégyen, sem nyomorúság.
Nem tudsz lenyomni,
nem tudsz megtörni,
nem tudsz lenyomni.
Szerelem és gyűlölet,
mennyit kell még elviselnünk?
Nem látod, hogy több jut belőle nekem, mint amennyi hibát elkövettem?
Néha ezt érzem, és ez elbizonytalanít.
hogy nem oda visz, ahol nem kellene lennem,
nem tudod elvenni tőlem azokat a dolgokat, amelyeket isten adott!
Nincs több fájdalom, nincs több szégyen, sem nyomorúság.
Nem tudsz lenyomni,
nem tudsz megtörni,
nem tudsz lenyomni.
Szerelem és gyűlölet,
mennyit kell még elviselnünk?
Nem látod, hogy több jut belőle nekem, mint amennyi hibát elkövettem?
Néha ezt érzem, és ez elbizonytalanít.
hogy nem oda visz, ahol nem kellene lennem,
nem tudod elvenni tőlem azokat a dolgokat, amelyeket isten adott!
Nincs több fájdalom, nincs több szégyen, sem nyomorúság.
Nem tudsz lenyomni,
nem tudsz megtörni,
nem tudsz lenyomni.
Látom a dicső kegyelmet,
afelé tartok,
hogy mindenki azt jegyezze meg,
amikor valamiben hibáztam.
Most azt érzem, néhány nap a kegyelem napja
Salamon templomában:
mindenki az arany szívre figyel.
Itt állok,
és meghívok mindenkit, nézze meg a műsort.
Felszólítom a démonaimat is, hogy engedjenek el!
Szükségem van valamire, adj valami nagyon szépet!

Yes yes... It's me.

So finally I'll tell you what I think
Right in the face
When I see you
I'm ashamed,
That the world would still tolerate you
And be aware
That now I know
I know every answer
Come on, say something
I know all the answers
I know all the answers
I have an acute response
And now you cant escape
You cover your face from a blow
And do million stupid faces
Just wait
I will give you hell
You mimic it all
Everything that i do
I have enough of you already
Those eyes empty
Just wait a bit I'll smash the mirror - yes yes
Yes yes - there in the mirror
It's unfortunately me
Yes yes - in the flesh
Yes yes - there in the mirror
It's unfortunately me
Yes yes - in the flesh
Just now
When no one hears
(Do not worry - you're alone in the house)
You fill up the bathtub with warm water and
Proclaim in the mirror
That you want to change the world
I know - you strive for it a litlle
But tell me
How many days did you spend in front of the mirror?
Yes yes - there in the mirror
It's unfortunately me
Yes yes - in the flesh
Yes yes - there in the mirror
It's unfortunately me
Yes yes - in the flesh
Now even I,
Even i dont believe you anymore
Just take a deep breath
Hide you tounge
Okay - I know
I know you tried
Take it easy
Yesterday you didn't get a wink of sleep
Yes yes - there in the mirror
It's unfortunately me
Yes yes - in the flesh
Yes yes - there in the mirror
It's unfortunately me
Yes yes - in the flesh
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh yeahhh

Grając na mej gitarze

Na piasku przy ogniska blasku
Przyglądałem się jak spada gwiazda.
Wtedy dama wyszła z mroku nocy
I poczęła na gitarze mojej grać.
Ona była jak melodia,
Której nikt nie słyszał wcześniej.
Zaśpiewała swą magiczną pieśń.
Wysłuchałem każdego słowa jej.
I sprawiła, że ujrzałem to,
O czym dotąd nie śniło się mi.
Dała także wolność mi,
Jakiej nie zaznałem na tej ziemi.
Ta dziewczyna potrafiła śpiewać,
A ja myślałem co przyszłość może przynieść mi.
Przy gwiazdach i ogniska blasku
Ta muzyka była słodka i klarowna,
I choć miałem ją tylko dla siebie
Bałem się, że ktoś usłyszeć może.
Wkrótce jednak inni usłyszeli
I wkoło zaczęli się zbierać.
Po kolei zostawali,
Bo nie mogli wiary dać.
I sprawiła wtedy coś
O czym tamtym się nie śniło.
Oni także wolność otrzymali
Jakiej nigdy przedtem nie zaznali.
Ta dziewczyna potrafiła śpiewać,
A ja myślałem co przyszłość może przynieść mi.
Teraz widzę ją codziennie
W telewizji i na filmach.
Siedzę gdzie siedziałem, ciekaw będąc
Czy też ona myśli o mnie czasem?
Na piasku przy ogniska blasku
Zanim gwiazdą stała się
Była po prostu melodią
Wygrywaną na mojej gitarze.
Wygrywaną na mojej gitarze
Wygrywaną na mojej gitarze...
Copyright: Tomasz Piwowarek.

Rossz idők járnak

Rossz idők járnak
Látom közeleg az ítélet
Földrengés, vihar tébolyít
Mára semmi jót nem ígérek.
Ma este ne menj sétálni
Mentsd a menthetőt
Démoni árnyak fölöttünk járnak.
Süvöltő hurrikánok támadnak,
Tudom itt a vég nemsokára.
Félek a folyók megáradnak,
Mindennek megvan az ára.
Helyes !
Remélem egyben vagy lelkileg
Remélem, kész vagy a halálra.
Úgy tűnik most minden véget ér
A természet 'szemet szemért' kér.

لست تدري

آعرف بأن نواياك طيبه
وآنك تحاول إنتقاء كلماتك
أعدك بآني تعلمت درسي جيداً
ولكن الآن ، أنا لا أريد أن آكون بخير
آنا متعبة جدا ، أجلس منتظرة هنا
إن سمعت 'اصبري' مرة أخرى
لن يغير ذلك من الواقع شيئاَ
دعني أستسلم
دعني أرحل
لا آريد آن أعرف
إن كان ذلك خيرا لي أو لا
دعني أتوقف عن المحاولة وحسب
دعني آوقف عن المقاومة
لاأريد نصائحك الثمينة ولا تعليلاتك
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
لا أستطيع آن أنقذ قدماي من الغرق
وقد أصبح الأمر جلياَ
أنت تحدق بعينيك بينما أنا أغمضهما
ولكن لاتخبرني ماترى
لقد اكتفيت من سوء الحظ
'ومن سماع كلمة 'اصمدي
هل سيتحسن الوضع يوماً؟
دعني أستسلم
دعني أرحل
لا آريد آن أعرف
إن كان ذلك خيرا لي أو لا
دعني أتوقف عن المحاولة وحسب
دعني آوقف عن المقاومة
لاأريد نصائحك الثمينة ولا تعليلاتك
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
لاتنظر إلي هكذا كأنك تفهمني
لا تحاول أن تثنيني
دعني أستسلم
دعني أرحل
لا آريد آن أعرف
إن كان ذلك خيرا لي أو لا
دعني أتوقف عن المحاولة وحسب
دعني آوقف عن المقاومة
لاأريد نصائحك الثمينة ولا تعليلاتك
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر

Stay this night

Sleep with me this night
Stay with me this night
Love me a lot this night
I'll be yours this night
Let go the keys and put the case
back again in its place
Think that ther's no reason to be angry
and even to leave without saying why
Come to my arms and tell me what's going on,
I want to save our love
If maybe I made a fault,
I want to apologize.
Leave your stuff and come,
we'll talk later
And now stay here I want to say
how much I need you
Together we will see
on that great window
The morning coming and sitting at your feet
when you're enjoying my love
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A kapu

[1. versszak]
A begyógyult mellkasi sebem
Egy kapuvá változott át
Melyen át a szeretetet kapom
Melyen át átadom a szeretetet
[Refrén 1]
És én vigyázok rád, törődöm veled
Én vigyázok rád, törődöm veled
Vigyázok rád, törődöm veled
Én vigyázok rád, törődöm veled
[2. versszak]
Sok részre osztódnak széjjel
A becsapódott fénysugarak prizmákká válnak
Azután újra egyesülnek
[2. Refrén]
Ha te vigyázol rám, törődsz velem
Ha te vigyázol rám, törődsz velem
Vigyázz rám, törődj velem
És akkor vigyázni fogok rád, törődöm veled
Én vigyázok rád, törődöm veled
Én vigyázok rád, törődöm veled
Vigyázok rád, törődöm veled
[3. versszak]
Nem voltam annyira szorult helyzetben
Csak a normálisnál jobban összetörve
Büszke az önellátásra
Az én sziluettem ovális
Ez egy kapu
[Chorus 3]
Én tudok rád vigyázni, gondoskodom rólad
Én tudok rád vigyázni, gondoskodom rólad
Én vigyázok rád, gondoskodom rólad
Én vigyázok rád, gondoskodom rólad
Én vigyázok rád, gondoskodom rólad
Te vigyázol rám, gondoskodsz rólam
Vigyázok rád

Well, Baby

Well, baby, I've been missing you terribly
My heart wanna
Feel yours beating
(Well, baby, I've lost all my plans
Because of the disillusion
I've seen my world breaking down, breaking down)
Well, baby, I've had so many others lately
Sometimes I had to lie that
I've forgotten you
(Well, baby, I've been liyng to the world
But the strong missing
Made of my life something sadder)
Well, baby, the missing hurts too much
It ripped out all my peace
It's hard to forget
(Well, baby, don't forget me, please
I'm losting my mind
Because of I'm missing you)
Well, baby, I've had so many others lately
Sometimes I had to lie that
I've forgotten you
(Well, baby, I've been liyng to the world
But the strong missing
Made of my life something sadder)
Well, baby, the missing hurts too much
It ripped out all my peace
It's hard to forget
Well, baby, don't forget me, please
I'm losting my mind
Because of I'm missing you
Well, baby, the missing hurts too much
It ripped out all my peace
It's hard to forget (to forget you)
Well, baby, don't forget me, please
I'm losting my mind
Because of I'm missing you

Eyes that talk

Your eyes, beautiful,
Brighter than the stars,
Are blacker than the black,
Are like the two sighs.
Every sigh is burning
But its fire is sweet,
It penetrates into the heart
And doesn't give it peace.
But who can forget you,
Eyes that talk
Without speaking,
Without speaking?
Look at me, yes,
And stop for a moment,
How I say,
How I wish,
How I wish!
They are black, brighter
Than the ebony.
Like a delicate silk
Are the eyes of Concettina.
Always if I look in them
I find in them a passion
Because I'm used
To caressing them with the look.
But who can forget you,
Eyes that talk
Without speaking,
Without speaking?
Look at me, yes,
And stop for a moment,
How I say,
How I wish,
How I wish!
Fragrant flowers and petals,
I don't search too many things!
The most beautiful girl,
Even if she's rich, doesn't fascinate me.
But all the sympathy,
But all my life
Will be in success or go to ruin
Because of eyes of Concettina.
But who can forget you,
Eyes that talk
Without speaking,
Without speaking?
Look at me, yes,
And stop for a moment,
How I say,
How I wish,
How I wish!
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Rated K (Are You Ready Now?)

Do you want to hear the stories?
Do you want to know about these now?
Do you want stories that are serious?
Successes and setbacks
Romance and face-heel turns
Yeah, You like to listen to amazing stories
Life lessons that surely you'll not be bored of
Stories of different people, things or animals
Even about the country
Even tales so scary
So when Sunday night comes
Hold on, here are we
Are you ready now? Go shout OK! Together we will watch Rated K
(repeat from Sunday night's start)
Are you ready now? (Rated K, Come join us!)
Are you ready now? (Rated K, Have a good time)
Are you ready now? (Rated K, Come join the experience)
At Rate K!


Szórakozásból húzod meg a ravaszt
Elfeledve azt, hogy én egy töltött fegyver vagyok
Szóval azért utálj, amiket tettem, és ne azért, amivé váltam.
Akarom ezt
Szükségem van erre
Imádom ezt.
A pokolból mászom, bűnbe estem
És nincs itt már mit tennem.
A múltat a sírban hagyom
Hogy újjászülethessünk.
A mocskos trónodon ülsz
Elítéled azt, amit nem te építettél
Szóval utálj, mert te még ugyanott tartasz
Nézd, azért lövök, hogy öljek.
Így élek
Ez a levegőm
Ez után epedezel.
A pokolból mászom, bűnbe estem
És nincs itt már mit tennem
A múltat a sírban hagyom,
Hogy újjászülethessünk.
Egy dolgot elfelejtettél
Nem vehetsz rá, hogy halottat játsszak
Nyeltem a szarságaidat
Nincs tisztelet, rohadtul beteggé tettél.
Csak adj egy indokot!
Nem fogok a nyelvemre harapni, nem félek
Gerinctelen, örökké a nagy semmin fogsz uralkodni
Röhögsz, de mit alkottál?
Kurva, adj egy rohadt aszpirint a fejfájásomra.
A poklon át, a mennyből
Semmi nem maradt
A pokolból mászom, bűnbe estem
És nincs itt már mit tennem
Tanultam a hibáimból
Hogy újjászülethessünk
Fájdalmaink vannak és betegek vagyunk
Süllyedj el vagy ússz
A föld alatt
Ott lesz a gyógyír arra, hogy kik vagyunk és mi rejtőzik bennünk.
Szüless újra!'

Farewell, My Friend

One star has dimmed forever
with a pure, beautiful, noble soul
and she was my best friend.
Yes, Rumyana was her name!
We were colleagues, good friends,
but the evil fate separated us.
With whom I will share my secrets,
that we talked about through endless nights.
Farewell, my friend,
farewell, rest in peace.
Farewell and I hope you hear me,
that no one will replace you.
She was a mother, a real woman,
who was watching over her children,
and they sang her playful songs
they were together so happy.
But it’s what God has decided
and a place for her He has found.
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful.

Ek khawab

Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Salawa Tula Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Habib Salam Alayk
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Purnoor fiza waa'n
Aaqa da mohalla
Jenu arsh nu aala
Kadi aan Farishte
Kadi jaan Farishte
Sade azlon jud gaye
Aaqa nal rishte
Oh karma'n nal weda
Palkan nal chumda'n jaawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Rab le gaya menu
Jado Shaher Madine
Ek Haji laya Menu kut ke sine
Kadi piwan Zamzam Kadi pada'n Namazan
Meri pahonch jetho tak
Mein deya Niyazan
Rab sohne pal wich suneya
Mere dil diya'n sab Duawaan
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
LT → Requests → Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu → Rahat Fateh Ali Khan → Ek khawab sunawan
Please translate Ek khawab sunawan
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Artist: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Featuring artist: Rahet Fateh Ali Khan
Song: Ek khawab sunawan
Request: Urdu → English
Submitted by Muhammed Suhail on Tue, 29/08/2017 - 08:40
Ek khawab sunawan
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Salawa Tula Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Habib Salam Alayk
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Purnoor fiza waa'n
Aaqa da mohalla
Jenu arsh nu aala
Kadi aan Farishte
Kadi jaan Farishte
Sade azlon jud gaye
Aaqa nal rishte
Oh karma'n nal weda
Palkan nal chumda'n jaawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Rab le gaya menu
Jado Shaher Madine
Ek Haji laya Menu kut ke sine
Kadi piwan Zamzam Kadi pada'n Namazan
Meri pahonch jetho tak
Mein deya Niyazan
Rab sohne pal wich suneya
Mere dil diya'n sab Duawaan
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Aaqa da weda palkan di dhari
Dil kare guzara othe umar mein sari
Kaabe de chakkar mein le paj paj ke
Mein Hajre Aswad chumeya raj raj ke
Mere sir te Rabb ne kitiya'n
Rehmat diya'n thandiya'n chhawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Oh Soniya'n Galiya'n wich Rehmat Rabb di
Mera Aaqa Sohna gal sunda sab di
Mere amal di chadar utte daag hazara'n
Kis maan te waaja'n Tere karam nu maara'n
Kede Munh naal bakhshish manga
Menu aandhiya'n baat haya-aa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Chup reh ke begaya Roze de nede
Hoya Noor da channan Mere dil de wede
Fir Supna tuteya Oho kachi kulli
Mein ropeya sa'dat Meri akh kyun khulli
Fir Aaqa sadya dar te
Hoiyan dil diya'n puriya chawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Purnoor fiza waa'n
Aaqa da mohalla
Jenu arsh nu aala
Kadi aan Farishte
Kadi jaan Farishte
Sade azlon jud gaye
Aaqa nal rishte
Oh karma'n nal weda
Palkan nal chumda'n jaawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Please translate Ek khawab sunawan
Lyrics is too short, sorry
Author's comment
Link to the source
If you're going to add a translation made by someone else, please make sure that the author does not mind about reprinting.

Your Silence Shall Be To Your Husband

You remember the light that fell upon the street
But you do not remember the street
On the way, another summer ended and soon
Cracks on the sidewalk will turn to a wet sea
When your steps will soak up the drops
The clouds are the first to cry
And love there's only within rooms
Out in the sun, the lies open up
You love his hand that caresses you silently
But it is him whom you don't love
And if he is the pain, then he is also the comfort
And meanwhile it grows, except there is no soil here
So you should return home
And your desire shall be to your husband
And love there's only within rooms
Out in the sun, the lies open up
You watch over his heart so it would not stray from yours
But you do not watch over him
All of your questions you lay there where you stand
Will he answer, it does not matter
You already know
When the street is full of alleys
The weak are the first to make mistakes
And love there's only within rooms
Out in the sun, the lies open up
So you should talk to yourself
And your silence shall be to your husband
And regret comes in the morn
In the dark, your secrets are safe

All my days

All days and all nights
I would give them to you if I could,
All days and all nights
I keep them for you. I love you so much!
My beautiful one, take my life and do whatever you want with it,
It is yours, anyways, and I will not change.
My beautiful one, take my life and do whatever you want with it,
It is yours, anyways, and I will not change.
I keep your love in my soul
And your touch,
Whatever it would be, I won”t lie to you,
My love, my love...
All days and all nights
I would give them to you if I could,
All days and all nights
I keep them for you. I love you so much!
I am lucky, everything is wonderful because I met you,
I cannot believe, my soul, that I am the chosen one.
I am lucky, everything is wonderful because I met you,
I cannot believe, my soul, that I am the chosen one.
I keep your love in my soul
And your touch,
Whatever it would be, I won”t lie to you,
My love, my love...
All days and all nights
I would give them to you if I could,
All days and all nights
I keep them for you. I love you so much!
My beautiful one, take my life and do whatever you want with it,
It is yours, anyways, and I will not change.
My beautiful one, take my life and do whatever you want with it,
It is yours, anyways, and I will not change.
I am lucky, everything is wonderful because I met you,
I cannot believe, my soul, that I am the chosen one.
I am lucky, everything is wonderful because I met you,
I cannot believe, my soul, that I am the chosen one.
I keep your love in my soul
And your touch,
Whatever it would be, I won”t lie to you,
My love, my love...
All days and all nights
I would give them to you if I could,
All days and all nights
I keep them for you. I love you so much!
All days and all nights
I would give them to you if I could,
All days and all nights
I keep them for you. I love you so much!


Rivers return to mountains
Bringing with them the scent of the sea
The horizon is
Serving champagne
I look, look, look upwards
And order us something to drink
Every other person is probably a sinner
Does that mean you're one? Because I'm not
Drowning one's heartaches
Crushing the last ice cube
You look, look, look downwards
And order more drinks
And again
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Whenever you're next to me
Whenever you're next to me
Dusk finally falls
I do understand that
The night wind will rinse away from one's hair
Even the last dregs of the original sin
I look, you look upwards
The sea is serving drinks
Yes, and again
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Whenever you're next to me
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Absinthe is almond-flavored
Whenever you're next to me
Whenever you're next to me
Whenever you're next to me

Fall In Love With Me

Versions: #3
To make my dream come true, what will I do?
Where do I start, how can I carry it out?
You're so distant, my love, the only thing that I know
Is that I don't know who I am anymore, where I'm from, where I am going
Since I saw you, I lost my identity
You're in my mind, just you and nobody else
And it hurts to think that you'll never be mine
Fall in love with me
Realize... that the day you fall in love with me
I am going to be happy, and with pure love
I will protect you, and it will be an honor for me
To dedicate myself to you, may God want it so
The day you fall in love with me
I'm going to see the light at last
And I'll get rid of this loneliness, of slavery
That will be the day when
you fall in love with me, my love,
I'll see the light at last

Blue and Silver

Atoms, particles, electrons, protons, neutrons, photons
All for real, for you
Who is curious
All that you want to know
Orbits, satellites, comets, milky ways
And black holes for you
Who feels too much thirst
All for you, as a gift
All the perspectives, edges and drifts, rims
All the borders for you
To organize the word
All everyone together, to fit
Christmas lights, neons, boreal auroras
Entire electrical trios
For your deep eyes
Fireworks like me
And kisses and hugs
Sweets and flowers as well
Caresses and embraces
Of all tastes
Wrapped with
A blue and silver ribbon
That I did myself
Just to make you happy
Atoms, particles, electrons, protons, neutrons, photons
All for real, for you
Who is curious
All that you want to know
Orbits, satellites, comets, milky ways
And black holes for you
Who feels too much thirst
All for you, as a gift
All the perspectives, edges and drifts, rims
All the borders for you
To organize the word
All everyone together, to fit
Christmas lights, neons, boreal auroras
Entire electrical trios
For your deep eyes
Fireworks like me
And kisses and hugs
Sweets and flowers as well
Caresses and embraces
Of all tastes
Wrapped with
A blue and silver ribbon
That I did myself
Just to make you happy
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Collateral Love

The present me is in a great confusion
only because of your words
when I kissed you today, that kiss
will become my memory from now on
Say a thousand 'sorry'
my heart won't change
maybe we shouldn't have begun
this is a wrong choice
You are not worth my love
I am nothing more than a piece of a playing card in your hand
I'm sorry I don't allow regrets
I'm sorry I don't allow regrets
Oh oh
Girl, I used to believe in love
Oh even if you have already left me
Now I will continue to search
to search for that sparse and genuine love
Collateral love
Your leave woke me up from the dream
now you are not important
I will make you regret this
I will make you regret this
Collateral love
The present me is in a great confusion
only because of your words
when I kissed you today, that kiss
will become my memory from now on
Say a thousand 'sorry'
my heart won't change
maybe we shouldn't have begun
this is a wrong choice
Oh oh
Girl, I used to believe in love
Oh even if you have already left me
Now I will continue to search
to search for that sparse and genuine love
Collateral love
Your leave woke me up from the dream
now you are not important
I will make you regret this
I will make you regret this
Collateral love
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Yourself, free

An anonymous person was passing late
Through the wet and deserted park,
Fallen leaves on the pavement
Were following him from their sad landscape.
Determined, determined, you passed a hard border,
Somewhere, somewhere, sweet is your freedom, somewhere,
Risking even, hope and you`ll succeed,
Yourself free, yourself free, free shore you`ll find, yourself free.
Ironically marked by delirium,
Scattered thoughts and memories
Swarm in the mind and in looks,
Painfully grinding at his heart,
The past that once humiliated him.
Determined, determined, you passed a hard border,
Somewhere, somewhere, sweet is your freedom, somewhere,
Risking even, hope and you`ll succeed,
Yourself free, yourself free, a free shore you`ll find, yourself free.
Yourself free, yourself free, yourself free..
Betrayals haven't defeated you,
The fire in your soul they haven`t killed,
Not even the prisons that enclosed you.
Be at peace, if you can, with this failure,
And start everything over, from the start,
Be at peace, if you can, with this failure,
And start everything over, from the start.
Determined, determined, you passed a hard border,
Somewhere, somewhere, sweet is your freedom, somewhere,
Risking even, hope and you`ll succeed,
Yourself free, yourself free, a free shore you`ll find, yourself free.
Yourself free, yourself free, yourself free..
The road that's given to you, you have to walk it,
Don`t turn back scared by needs.
Where you are expected as the first one called,
Go towards there, yourself free.

Let's shake the elbows

Let's shake the elbows
to get everything
by grabbing
from the freedom...
Without elites, without dictates
Let's shake the elbows in freedom
at strict times as much as possible
taking everything out of the way
Through sophisticated drives
to great obesity
generators of cowardice
without envy, vitrification
In perfect opacity
with pre-packaged feelings
distributed, supplemented
according to mystified tables
Who to whom, which which,
neither vengeance. nor food,
neither quarantine. nor slaughterhouses,
neither lightning rod, nor candle ...
Let's shake the elbows
to get everything
by grabbing
from the freedom...
Neither career, nor postponement
neither fornicated, nor too virgin
Sleep on his stomach, death on his feet
rushing on the corridors
Until the state of alienation
inoculated in each other
as a comforting sentence
after the lantern assault
Vulture dreams, life of a worm
Don't touch, 'cause it falls!!
Let's shake the elbows
to get everything
by grabbing
from the freedom...
Let's shake the elbows
to get everything
by grabbing
from the freedom...


Who is that, who is she and who the fuck are you?
Is there anyone else but me that's losing it?
What the fuck, I don't understand, what have you done to me?
I was just resting for an hour, who are you, girl?
And hey, what time is it and where am I?
Who is Sockan1, what kind of name is that?
Should I stand up? No, I shouldn't
[I] might as well sit down, I don't think I'll be capable
Of being that chipper guy
I got big problems with all the senses of the body
And my terrible memory, get yourself together Byzan
You're a rawmodel, think about RFSU2
And by the way, this is the beginning of the party
How am I supposed to manage the rest of it when I'm this low?
I'm from Finland, I drin booze with a spoon
Says the guy with thirteen beers but who blacks out on three
That was nothing
They said, here, take another one
They gave me fresh beers, fresh glasses, fresh shots
Until I stumbled away
I woke up somewhere
Where no one could help me
Where I didn't now anyone
I knew no one
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
I fucking misbehaved
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
But I finally got out, I just stumbled around
I had 2 different shoes, this is really weird
It's like this: you never learn from your mistakes
But you play the game according to the pleasant rules
'Cause you know, if you've lived on macaronies for week
It doesn't take much for you to fall and black out
Thinking that this is enough, or give me a sexa3
And I should actually open the beer that I've bought
Nothing can get left behind, nothing can be given away
Nothing can get wasted, everything has to go down fast
Right brand or not, it doesn't matter, give me something
I got something slightly annoying but tasty
That I drink before I enter the place
But to be honest, the drunk tank probably awaits me
Before the pub closes, fuck, how can something get this wild
And the bouncer is babbling now 'please, can you stand still'
That was nothing
They said, here, take another one
They gave me fresh beers, fresh glasses, fresh shots
Until I stumbled away
I woke up somewhere
Where no one could help me
Where I didn't now anyone
I knew no one
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
I fucking misbehaved
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
  • 1. Lit. 'the Sock'
  • 2. Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
  • 3. Lit. 'a six', a late night meal

How to Tell You Goodbye

Under no circumtances do I want
to in a misfourtunate way,
you must explain to me a bit better
how to tell you goodbye.
My heart of stone is quick to catch fire,
your heart of glass is fire-proof,
I'm quite confused, I don't want
to resolve upon goodbyes.
I'm well aware than an ex
has so little chance, or none all,
but for me an explanation would be better.
Under no circumstances do I want
to overexpose my eyes in front of you,
behind a kleenex I would understand better
how to tell you goodbye,
how to tell you goodbye.
You have blacklisted
our sleepless nights, our overcast mornings,
but for me an explanation would be better.
Under no circumstances do I want
to overexpose my eyes in front of you,
behind a kleenex I would understand better
how to tell you goodbye,
how to tell you goodbye,
how to tell you goodbye.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.

Our flame doesn't die out

Either leave yourself to me
Or leave me to myself, I'll live with it
What kind of a break-up it is, don't come again
Don't come, let me get used to it
You stay alone in
I can't only address (I can't be your only address when you feel lonely)
Either be mine completely
Or forget me entirely
We were trying for years - it didn't work
The fault is somewhat mine, somewhat yours
But let's not prolong it any further
Don't you ever come again
Our flame doesn't die out,
but doesn't burn brightly either
Break-up is hard, but it doesn't work when we're together
If our destiny was once written with a divine pen
No pen can erase it and write anew

Quarter Best Friends

You died in the middle of the story
And I already forgot your name
It was such a bewildering dream
There were dragons, warriors, dwarves and magic
Come on just a little further
Shall we continue just a little longer
Surely there is a bright star above us
Shining silently in full glory
Two birds are singing outside
And tapping on the window
I still haven’t figured out how to scare them off
But I can’t invite them in either
Hey don’t you remember
When you sang of loneliness and freedom
How your voice bellowed
Love was too much for you
So it softly escaped through the door that night
Come on just a little further
Shall we continue just a little longer
Surely there is a bright star above us
Shining silently in full glory

Te nem tudod

Tudom, hogy a legjobb szándékaid vannak
Csak próbálom megtalálni a megfelelő szavakat
Ígérem már megtanultam a leckét
De most nem akarok rendben lenni
Annyira fáradt vagyok, ahogy itt ülök várva
Ha meghallok még egy 'Csak légy türelmes'-t
Ez mindig ugyanaz marad
Tehát csak hagyd, hogy feladjam
Engedd csak, hadd menjek
Ha ez nem jó nekem
Nos, nem akarom tudni
Hadd fejezzem be a próbálkozást
Hadd fejezzem be a harcot
Nem akarom a jó tanácsaidat
Vagy okokat, hogy miért vagyok jól
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Nem állíthatjuk meg, hogy ezek a lábak süllyedjenek
És ez már kezd mutatkozni rajtam
Bámulsz miközben pislogok
De ne mondd el, mit látsz
Annyira elegem van ebből a sok rossz szerencséből
Meghallgatok még egy 'Emeld fel a fejed'-et
Fog ez valaha változni?
Tehát csak hagyd, hogy feladjam
Engedd, hogy menjek
Ha ez nem jó nekem
Nos, nem akarom tudni
Hadd fejezzem be a próbálkozást
Hadd fejezzem be a harcot
Nem akarom a jó tanácsaidat
Vagy az okokat, hogy miért vagyok jól
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Ne nézz rám így
Hanem úgy, hogy megértesz
Ne próbálj visszahúzni
Csak hagyd, hogy feladjam
Csak engedd, hogy menjek
Ha ez nem jó nekem
Nos, nem akarom tudni
Hadd fejezzem be a próbálkozást
Hadd fejezzem be a harcot
Nem akarom a jó tanácsaidat
Vagy az okokat, hogy miért vagyok jól
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Te nem tudod, nem tudod, nem tudod
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Te nem tudod, nem tudod
Te nem tudod, milyen ez
Te nem tudod, milyen ez


Stop all the clocks,
hinder the dog
from barking at the wheel.
Wherever I end up I find you,
You're falling within the shadow of the days
as silence and sting.
I toast to you dozens of bottles of wine,
but would rather be a maggot
The coffin crumbles,
Flowers fall into cheeks,
First white, then blue, then gray, then green,
Then foam, then brown and leaves and dust.
Please, beat yourself out of my head, my house,
How else will I endure the terror?
Endure with what kind of heart, what kind of body?
Wherever I end up I find you,
You're falling within the shadow of the days
As silence and sting.
I wait for you, when will you return home?
I never wanted so much to be a maggot.
To be a maggot,
To be a maggot,
To be a maggot.
A Maggot.
Let me in, in, be hard as bone like you,
Let me into your eye,
I want to see it, I want to pass this test
Without pain, without pain, without pain.
You stone, let me in!
Waiting doesn't help and crying doesn't and screaming doesn't.
For everything in this world, that keeps you alive,
I'll also shatter my firmament,
Such that below you it will crumble,
And you will fall,
And you will finally come out again!

Fado from Ribatejo

I don't walk happily anymore
Through the fields of my land
The warm light don't even warm me anymore
Of the sunny afternoons of the land
Escaped from me the sun of venture
Of the sky of my illusion
And to the God's voice, a dark night
Fell upon my heart
Oh, Ribatejo
Father of my Tejo
I don't see you anymore
Always singing
Your horizons
Rivers and springs
Fields and hills
I feel that's crying
All the beauty
Of nature
I find sadness, desolation
As I find black the destiny
Because the peasant is in prison
Always laughing I barely knew
That laughter is the cousin of sorrow
And has the holly joy
Of the people of the riverside
The mother's love which all gives
(that's how I remember it)
And only teaches us pleasure
It was just in the school of life
That I learned how to suffer

I'll Be Late

Oh, my dear rabbit whiskers!
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
Oh no! Oh no! I'll be late and the meeting will be missed
I won't greet you, I won't say hey
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I won't get there in time again, I'm too busy
I won't greet you, I won't say hey
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

Turned off sun

I belive in what I see
And I see darkness around me
White is white
Black is black
Nobody deceive me anymore
I belive in what I ses
And I see white in my eyes
Not a voice, not a light
The sun doesn't live anymore
Turned off sun turned off sun
on the lips of who has loved me
Illusion of a moment
Only for me a turned off sun
It's over it's over
My land is without love, without rain and without wind
Turned off sun turned off sun turned off sun only for me
Turned off sun turned off sun turned off sun only for me
I believe in what I see
and I see darkness around me
The day is over, the night has come but the time doesn't pass
Turned off sun turned off sun
on the lips of who has loved me
Illusion of a moment
Only for me a turned off sun
It's over it's over
My land is without love, without rain and without wind
Turned off sun turned off sun turned off sun only for me
Turned off sun turned off sun turned off sun only for me

Mondtam az utóbbi időben, hogy szeretlek ?

Mondtam az utóbbi időben, hogy szeretlek ?
Hogy az első helyre tettelek ?
Boldogsággal megtöltöd szívem
A szomorúságot kioltod belőlem
mindezt TE teszed velem !
A reggeli napfény minden dicsőségében
Bizakodóan köszöntöm a napot reményben
Nevetéssel megtelik szívem
Valahogyan Te szebbé teszed
Bánatom enyhíted, mindezt a TE műved!
Ez egy isteni szerelem
Mindkettőnké akár a Nap
És a napvégén
Megköszönnünk kellene és imádkoznunk
Egymásért, te értem, érted én
Mondtam az utóbbi időben, hogy szeretlek ?
Hogy az első helyre tettelek ?
Boldogsággal megtöltöd szívem
A szomorúságot kiűződ belőlem
Bánatom enyhíted, és mindezt TE teszed.
Ez egy isteni szerelem
Mindkettőnké akár a Nap
És a napvégén
Megköszönnünk kellene és imádkoznunk
Egymásért, te értem, érted én
Mondtam az utóbbi időben, hogy szeretlek ?
Hogy az első helyre tettelek ?
Boldogsággal megtöltöd szívemet
Elűződ szomorúságom, az összeset
Bánatom enyhíted, mindezt TE teszed !
Elűződ a szomorúságot, az összeset.
Boldogsággal töltöd meg szívemet
Bánatom enyhíted, mindezt TE teszed velem !
Elűződ szomorúságom, az összeset
Boldogsággal töltöd meg szívemet
Bánatom enyhíted, és mindezt Te teszed!