Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 617



Versions: #1
When they got to the house
With a gun in each hand
He came out through the window with a rose in his hand
And he began walking on air...
And even though they were covered in blood
His hands shone like two wings
And gunpowder turned right into sand
As soon, as it saw these things
Air will hold only the ones
The ones who believe in themselves
Wind will blow only the way
The way it is ordered to blow by...
They stood there and waited, waited for when
HE will fall down from the cloud
But the red rose he held in his his hand
Resembled a cross so proud
And something turned on, all by itself
In a pocket of the colonel's pants
And someone's voice, said oh so very sound
And everyone around ~ heard:
Air will only hold the ones
The ones who believe in themselves
Wind will blow only the way
It is ordered to blow by the ones who smoke green plants
Colonel was thinking a thought
While observing dust on his belt
'If thieves walk right on the sky,
Why are we here on Earth?'
Children look at us from up above
And dogs bark at us pass on the street
But if no one phrased a question for me,
How do I hear the answer that sings
Air will only hold the ones
The ones who believe in themselves
Wind will only blow where
It is ordered to blow by the ones who belive
Air will only hold the ones
The ones who believe in themselves
Wind will only blow where
It is ordered to blow by the ones who sing!


'Everything is so silent around me, and my soul is so calm. and I can - through the stormy, soaring clouds- see some stars of the eternal sky! No, you will not fall!

Eternal Joy on the Mountain of Loneliness

I have waited so long,
that a mountain has grown beneath me,
It elevated me into the sky
Near the stars.
Here the sky opens up just for me,
The starry darkness shines here,
just for me.
I am by myself, and my joy is endless
That's how I look down on everything,
Everything that I left underneath me forever.
All that I have found up here is different,
It surpasses everything I've anticipated
I have left everything else behind
I will stay in my solitude forever
I am by myself, in the endlessness of my joy
That's how I look down on everything,
Everything that I left underneath me forever.


My footsteps
are matching yours again
I keep keep keep
getting used to this
I like walking on your right side
It feels so natural
I keep thinking about you
Every time we talk
Without even knowing
A smile keeps coming on my face
It’s not just once or twice, I wonder if you feel the same
What are we?
These days, you keep keep keep
Coming into my eyes, you look prettier than before
These days, I keep keep keep
Thinking about you, making me wait for your call
Was it since the beginning?
I keep keep keep falling for you
I keep smiling
I want to hold you in my arms
And whisper to you
That I like you a lot
I keep thinking about you
Every time we talk
Without even knowing
A smile keeps coming on my face
It’s not just once or twice
I wonder if you know how my heart races
Again today, I’m thinking about you
These days, you keep keep keep
Coming into my eyes, you look prettier than before
These days, I keep keep keep
Thinking about you, making me wait for your call
Even after time, my feelings won’t change
Do you know? The more I see you, The more I like you
I keep thinking about you
Every time we talk
Without even knowing
A smile keeps coming on my face
It’s not just once or twice
I wonder if you feel the same
What are we?
These days, you keep keep keep
Coming into my eyes, you look prettier than before
These days, I keep keep keep
Thinking about you, making me wait for your call

Onece upon a time

Once upon a time, I've found you at the dawn of my life
Once upon a time, maybe I was happy with you in my dream
But it was only a dream, so I can't rest any longer
Since now I know that he1is alive somewhere
So come and find me and love me from the heart, you dream-vision!
La, la, la...
Since now I know that he's alive somewhere
So come and find me and love me...
Prince Philip:
... from the heart, you dream-vision!
Once upon a time, I've found you at the dawn of my life
Once upon a time, maybe I was happy with you in my dream
But it was only a dream, so I can't rest any longer
Since now I know that he's alive somewhere
So come and find me and love me from the heart, you dream-vision!
  • 1. Or she, the 3rd person pronoun in Hungarian is genderless

Call Me Maybe

I don’t know what’s wrong with me
You really drive me crazy
All day, I’m busy but whenever I have time
I get curious about you
I’m not trying to play games
But this unfamiliar feeling is electric
I’m feeling good
Like on the moon
Feels like I can go anywhere
Right now, just us two
Call me maybe you
Make my heart flutter again, love you
Tonight, let’s see how far we can go
Stay with me
Call me maybe you
I am you, you you you
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere
More than the red hot sun
We are burning hot, we are one
I want to trust myself in your ocean
I’m coming for you
I don’t care who is first
Let’s go with the flow
I’m feeling good
Like on the moon
Feels like I can go anywhere
Right now, just us two
Call me maybe you
Make my heart flutter again, love you
Tonight, let’s see how far we can go
Stay with me
Call me maybe you
I am you, you you you
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere
Baby, only whisper to me, call me tonight
So I can melt down even more sweetly
Instead of worrying, just call me tonight
There’s only one chance
Call me maybe you
Call me maybe
Call me maybe
Call me maybe you
Before the night is over
Call me maybe you
I am you, you you you
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere
Call me maybe you
Call me baby just call me
Call me maybe you
Tonight, let’s go somewhere

Ash, when will you come into leaf?

Ash, ash, when will you come into leaf?
All trees have come into leaf
Dear ash alone was not coming in leaf
Dear ash only started to come into leaf
When a nightingale flew over
Nightingale is forging a crown
In my dear garden of roses
I neither sleep nor work
I only have to listen to the nightingale


La tête dans les nuages parce que sur terre c'est trop glauque, poto
Le mariage est démodé, les petites se foutent en cloque trop tôt
Ils veulent tous faire le tour de la planète comme les globes-trotters
Manque de pot y a pas de sous donc en attendant c'est drogue, poppers
Stressant comme de prendre le train sans billet
Comme d'apprendre que tes poumons ressemblent à un cendrier
Comme se déshabiller pour le bloc opératoire
Man si t'as déjà prié rajoute des surérogatoires, akhi !
Y'a pas tant qu'ça d'ici a k-new-yor
Même procédé dans la façon dont ils accueillent les Noirs
À quoi ça sert d'être enterré dans un cercueil en or ?
Tu sais mon frère, ça dure pas plus de 3 jours quand les gens pleurent un mort
Toujours les mêmes qui sont visés
Les mêmes sur qui on envoie les mêmes p'tits cons d'huissiers
Les mêmes qui visent l'estrade, les mêmes qui visent les strass
Les mêmes qui visent les grosses fesses dans les vis-Lé Strauss
Niggas enchanté, vu la haine que j'ai c'est mieux que j'arrive en chantant
Y'a des marmots qui t'écoutent, on m'a dit 'Black M, sois gentil'
Fermez tous vos gueules parce qu'à coté y a des gens qui
Trois points de suspension, les buter j'en ai envie
C'est la fin du monde, akhi n'est-ce pas ?
Mais rien ne sert de leur parler de ce qu'ils ne connaissent pas
[Black M]
Wow ! j'vais finir par quer-cra, venez vite on quer-cro
L'état du pe-ra je n'sais plus trop
J'étais parti pour militer, la réalité m'a fait faire demi-tour
Des problèmes, beaucoup de divisions
Chacun pour sa peau : seule solution
Au quartier ça veut des tunes
Les plus petits s'imaginent qu'on peut rebondir sur le bitume
Des histoires bêtes qui finissent souvent chez les keufs
Beaucoup ont niqué leur carrière d'numéro 9
Faut pas trop qu'j'pense, j'suis trop sensible
Et plus qu'une larme et le vase va déborder
Manque de pot ici
Dès qu'un Noir parle français on va lui dire 'mais ça c'est quel genre de poésie ?'
J'veux juste le nécessaire
Je n'veux pas être le cadavre le plus riche du cimetière
Niggas enchanté, vu la haine que j'ai c'est mieux que j'arrive en chantant
Y'a des marmots qui t'écoutent, on m'a dit 'Lefa, sois gentil'
Fermez tous vos gueules parce qu'à coté y a des gens qui
Trois points de suspension, les buter j'en ai envie !
C'est la fin du monde, akhi n'est ce pas ?
Mais rien ne sert de leur parler de ce qu'ils ne connaissent pas, de ce qu'ils ne connaissent pas
Akhi c'est moche comme une tumeur au sage-vi
Mais y'a tellement de Français qui préféreraient que tu meurs au llage-vi
L'État fait des promesses depuis l'époque d'l'Apartheid
Mais t'as le temps de crever combien de fois si t'attend qu'ces bâtards t'aident ?
Ça y'est c'est l'été, les go s'dessapent c'est l'festival
Pour ton pote tu bouges même pas mais pour une paire de fesses t'y vas
Sur les îles y'en a qui ont mis le cap
Nous on crève de chaud sur la ligne 4
Tu sais quoi ? J'ai même pas vu un quart d'l'Europe
Et ça fait des années qu'j'ai pas renouvelé ma garde-robe
Ça parle d'union, de vivre tous ensemble
Mais ça va finir avec des innocents, toussant le sang
Oui ça pète c'est pas depuis hier qu'on sait ça
Si je me jette pas sur le rain-té c'est parce que l'argent d'la cons' c'est sale
Ils veulent qu'on respecte les consignes
En gros ils veulent qu'on reste bête et qu'on signe
Y'a des règlements de compte pour des trucs complètement con
Le calme est rare comme un Somalien qui a un double menton
Paris la nuit c'est des murs tachés de sang dis-leur
Pour l'caillou blanc les geuchs pourraient schlasser cent dealers
[Black M]
Un gars à part ! Pas là pour que le monde change
Cours imbécile, reste pas sur place si t'as de longues jambes
Y'a pas qu'les nuages qui font de l'ombre aux gens, ouais
Fais pas l'mec qui m'a pas compris parce que c'est tout ton genre
Y'a pas d'ampoules, y'a pas de lampes , y'a encore moins de génies
La rue Saint-Denis me trompe parce qu'elle a dit 'Je t'aime' à G.I
En gros limite je gémis, peut-être qu'Iblis me l'a mise
J'te raconte pas la suite, la famille
Dans le gouffre, en chute libre, sans parachute, ivre
Doivent être à l'écoute les ennemis subtils
J'devrais même pas lé-par j'dirais même même pas rapper
Combien d'fois des frère sont venus me l'rappeler ?
Dans ma bulle grave, chaussures trouées, pull crade
J'suis sûr qu'parfois mon gars sûr pense que je n'suis qu'une pul-cra
Mets-moi juste l'instru akhi que je tue le trac
J'ai trop de choses à dire et le délire c'est qu'il n'y a plus le time
Niggas enchanté, vu la haine que j'ai c'est mieux que j'reparte en chantant
Y'a des marmots qui t'écoutent, on m'a dit 'Black M sois gentil'
Fermez tous vos gueules parce qu'à coté y a des gens qui
Trois points de suspension, les buter j'en ai envies
Niggas enchanté, vu la haine que j'ai c'est mieux que j'reparte en chantant
Y'a des marmots qui t'écoutent, on m'a dit 'Lefa sois gentil'
Fermez tous vos gueules parce qu'à coté y a des gens qui
Trois points de suspension, les buter j'en ai envies

People do not fly

One of my buddies flew from the roof
When he landed, did not get up
And boots were carrying along the streets for a while
His mixed with blood brains
People, people, people do not fly (x4)
People do not fly, do not fly like birds
Because they grew big asses
Because of inclement weather
Because crawling is more popular nowadays
People, people, people do not fly (x4)
Yes, sometimes I am like an angel
And then I start flying, oh, oh, oh
I get wasted with vodka and I put face into the puddle,
With scream: fuck your mother
People, people, people do not fly (x4)

A Look From Screen

Versions: #1
She read the world as a novel,
But it turned out to be a novella.
The neighbors from her house
Are guys with pimply conscience.
A walk in the park without a dog
May cost you too much.
Mother memorizes by heart the morgue phone number
When she's not at home for too long.
Father, coming home, does not find the door
And spits into the prepared dinner.
She is older than mother,
He must become her husband.
The first experience of fighting against sweaty hands
Always comes too early.
Love is just a face on the wall,
Love is a look from the screen.
Alain Delon speaks French,
Alain Delon speaks French.
Alain Delon, Alain Delon does not drink cologne.
Alain Delon, Alain Delon drinks double bourbon.
Alain Delon speaks French.
Guys can try their best in the apartments of their female friends,
She is there sometimes, too,
But this does not give her a damn thing,
Except for everyday morning dramas.
But at home there's a completely different movie:
She looks into his eyes,
And fantasies enter the bosom of love
Stronger than all those who would meet her.

Tum Hi Aana Song Lyrics

Versions: #1
Tere jaane ka gum
aur na aane ka gum
phir zamane ka gum kya karein
raah dekhe nazar
raat bhar jaag kar
par teri toh khabar na mile
bahut aayi gayi yaadein
magar iss baar tum hi aana
irade phir se jaane ke nahi lana
tum hi aana
aa.. aa..
koi toh raah wo hogi
jo mere ghar ko aati hai
karo pichha sadaon ka
suno kya kehna chahti hai
tum aaoge mujhe milne
khabar ye bhi tum hi lana
bahut aayi gayi yaadein
magar iss baar tum hi aana

This World Needs Love

This world needs Christmas
So that the darkest night of all
Could see the eternal light
Which as yearning eats up the heart
If we manage to hide
All things beautiful from each other
This world needs Christmas
To reveal our love
What's wrong with peace among people
What's wrong with a prayer
That echoes over the cities during Christmas
What's wrong with love
This world needs love
Just like darkness under darkness needs light
It's useless to say anything else, it's useless to resist
This world needs love
Do all the children have food
Have the guns already fallen silent
Good will among people
Have our dreams come true
If it is so, we can say thank you for everything
Then the world is ready
Nothing else is needed, it is enough
Then Christmas is useless
What's wrong with peace among people
What's wrong with a prayer
That echoes over the cities during Christmas
What's wrong with love
This world needs love
Just like darkness under darkness needs light
It's useless to say anything else, it's useless to resist
This world needs love
This world needs love
Just like darkness under darkness needs light
It's useless to say anything else, it's useless to resist
This world needs love


Once upon a time in a faraway land
A young Prince - Who lived in a glorious castle
Even though he had everything what one would dream of
The Prince was poised, selfish, and unkind
But one night
An old beggar woman came to the cast - Who gave the Prince a rose
And asked to be sheltered from the biting cold
Disgusted by the hag's ugliness the Prince rejected her gift
And drove her away
But the old woman warned him not to let appearances deceive him
For beauty can be inner beauty
And when the Prince rejected her gift again
The old woman quickly transformed into a beautiful Enchantress
The Prince tried to apologise - But it was too late
For the Enchantress saw - That there was no love in the Prince's heart
As punishment she transformed the Prince
Into a disgusting monster
And put the castle underneath her enchantment
Ashamed on his horrible appearance the Beast retreated inside the cast
And the magic mirror was his only window to the outside world
The Enchanted Rose - That the Enchantress had given
Would bloom until the Prince would reach the age of twenty-one
If the Prince could learn to love
And if somebody would love him - The spell would break
If the Prince doesn't learn - He is doomed to be a beat forever
As the years passed the Prince fell into depressing and lost all hope
For who could ever love a beast?

The Girl As Well As Him

Versions: #1
An old legend is full of life
Again friends find the feeling
Cold ice melts
He tries to find a friend
They want to be close like so
The girl as well as him
This feeling is so new for them
Whoever can reach it
Luck soars - Reaching the skies!
An old legend is irresistible
Charming everyone - Radiating brightly
Like the sun
The starts twinkle - Conquering the twilight
They want to be close like so
The girl as well as him
They want to be close like so
The girl as well as him

The cry

The ellipse of a cry
reaches from hill
to hill.
Soaring from the olive trees,
it appears as a black rainbow
above the azure night.
Like the bow of a viol,
the cry has made the long strings
of the wind vibrate.
(The people of the caves
hold out their oil lamps.)

Fekete Részem

Minden ideám lopott mondat,
Minden gondolatom
Rég lejátszott film, ami megfeketít.
Bennem minden mástól eltanult,
Valótlanra épített híd,
és a mélybe taszít.
Egy ingyenélő álomevő,
Egy jövő nélkül ébredő ember lettem,
Míg önmagam kerestem.
Akinek minden törekvése megfakult,
és önmaga ellen fordult minden tette,
Ami megsebezte.
Te vagy a súly, ami húz,
Ami elnyeli mindenem.
Te vagy a sors és a vég,
A fekete részem!
Én a térítés nélkül megehető, olcsó
Alamizsnával megelégedtem,
Ha éheztem.
Oh, ha tükröt adtok, eldobom, mert
Nem akarom, hogy újra meg újra
A szemembe nézzen.
Tovább ne mérgezzen!
Te vagy a súly, ami húz,
Ami elnyeli mindenem.
Te vagy a sors és a vég,
A fekete részem!
Takarodj innen, fekete részem!
Takarodj belőlem, fekete részem!
Fekete részem!
Fekete részem!
Fekete részem!
Fekete részem!
Takarodj innen, fekete részem!
Takarodj innen, fekete részem!
Te vagy a súly, ami húz,
Ami elnyeli mindenem.
Te vagy a sors és a vég,
A fekete részem!
Te vagy a súly (te vagy a súly), ami húz (ami húz),
Ami elnyeli mindenem (elnyeli mindenem).
Te vagy a sors és a vég (és a vég),
A fekete részem!

Gyönyörű nap van a szomszédságban

Gyönyörű nap van a szomszédságban,
Gyönyörű nap a szomszédoknak
Lennél a szomszédom?
Lehetnél a szomszédom?
Szomszédi nap ebben a gyönyörű erdőben,
Szomszédi nap a szépségnek
Lennél a szomszédom?
Lehetnél a szomszédom?
Mindig olyan szomszédra vágytam mint te,
Mindig egy szomszédságban szerettem volna lakni veled
Szóval hozzuk ki a legtöbbet ebből a gyönyörű napból
Ha már együtt vagyunk mondhatnánk akár azt is...
Lennél a szomszédom?
Lehetnél a szomszédom?
Nem lennél a szomszédom?
Nem lennél,
Nem lennél?
Kérlek, nem lennél a szomszédom?

Funeral music

Some people rest in peace beneath the waves
Some people live in the grave under pressure
Some people live a long time staying silent
And funeral music plays in the background
Some people rest in peace beneath the waves
Some people live in the grave under pressure
Some people live a long time staying silent
What makes you rise up at six every morning?
And you run out into the cold night, to reach your boring job on time,
Life's a test that nobody survives,
It tests your heart, and you can't influence that,
You've just have to accept that one day it's gonna stop,
And pleasure is the only good reason to live,
Groups are born, idiots are born, the weak ones need help,
Falling falling, everybody falls someday, and wants to return to the beginning,
Other people have theses, but I only have memoirs and memoirs,
Each darker than the other, they're bound to my notebook with ink,
Awesome feelings when you have theses,
'Cause this isn't TV and you don't get any slow motion replays,
Though I know I probably won't find what I'm looking for at the bottom of a ditch,
I don't have the energy to make an effort for what you have,
My ship is guided by the waves, and sometimes I dive to the bottom,
But at least I don't need to regret wasted time,
refrain (2x)
I fought the bad feels, until the end
Learn to read the map, okay, and it won't wait for thee last checkpoint
This is what makes you grab a weapon
This is what makes you get used to hard stuff
As long as we live, we know how to fear
W have a mission, we spy and collect inteel
Everyybody's taking a fight, each in his own ring
And I bet that even the last round isn't wasted
Bad and good, I guess there are no wrong choices
The bad one's make you feel like life isn't worth much
Sometimes when you're pissed off you just want some pity
Sometimes it's torture when you think you're heating voices
But what humans fear the most is what they can't see
Check the fire doors, don't leave your back against the wall
When you spend enough time screwing, you finally learn
Because in the end the heart only has space for one bitch1
refrain (2x)
People turn their backs to the hearth, they're too scared to live
They fear they'll never get nothing or nobody
They wake up so they can go back to sleep, they let their dreams drown
Into a too-small hourglass in which futility runs down
They panic like drunkards, right before the bar closes
When you're at work or sitting at the school desk, I continue walking
Don't smoke ganja, burn some money and speak out
Don't lose your life, buy a house in Vantaa
Everything's a part of the same trap, with your salary you get all kinds of shit
And then at least someone is coming to meet you at the door
And the thieves hug you, while they hold your foot
Into the concrete of pretty words, and then they pull the rug from under your feet
And when you worship money you can't see me near the world-ceiling
The ball and chain on your feet makes me nauseous when I look down
Today I stood at the liquor store counter again, and I wondered if the world was just a silver screen
But whatever you've done, you've done your best
  • 1. This is an old linguistic joke: the Finnish word 'sydän' (heart) is conjugated as 'sydämeen' (into the heart). It's pronounced with two M's m in the middle, but written with one. Students sometimes find this difficult to remember, so they use the mnemonic 'sydämeen mahtuu vain yksi ämmä' (the heart only has space for one M). This sentence has a double meaning since the word 'ämmä' means both the letter M and 'bitch'.

Self esteem

You went away earlier than i expected
And all i got left is two euros and half a Winston
And i remember the nights, not making a sound
To not wake up your mother i was always quiet
And in the clubs you used to dance with drunk guys
They were not looking for love, but stories to tell
And i was looking at the most beautiful thing in the world
Without finding the words
Without being able to talk to her
It would be better to be shallow
To stop thinking,
Have fun and then die
It would have been better to have let you go
To have the excuse of falling in love to got out
And i didn’t know you were such a bitch
By accident i treated you like a queen
Between a drop of pressure and a drop of self esteem
You want to be a woman but you act like a little girl
And i took you out to dinner out of the box
And i took you to the core of my thoughts
I want to lose my mind
Cause you’re the reason of my problems
You went away without saying goodbye
What do you talk about with the others?
With no money even to cry
And with the guards a step ahead
Public relationships on public transports
You hold my hands tight and look me in the eyes
You go ahead and kiss me but you’re always the one to dodge
Erasing the bridges that connect our worlds
It’s that inside me there’s a kid that will forever scream “Stop”
And my father used to beat up my mother and yell
And i didn’t know you were such a bitch
By accident i treated you like a queen
Between a drop of pressure and a drop of self esteem
You want to be a woman but you act like a little girl
And i took you out to dinner out of the box
And i took you to the core of my thoughts
I want to lose my mind
Cause you’re the reason of my problems

So loud so empty

Verse 1
When I know what I can do
Would I do that
I ask myself 'What I'm waiting for?'
Maybe I lack of courage
It's always remained the same
The words, that we bend
The words, that we give and obtain
The words, we always bend again
Empty phrases, promises, slogans
So loud so empty
Empty phrases, promises, slogans
I want more, I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more, I want more
Verse 2
When I change myself, it feels like
As I'm defeating myself
Because I notice what I can do
Instead of lying myself
With the words that we give and obtain
With the words that we bend
Empty phrases, promises, slogans
So loud so empty
Empty phrases, promises, slogans
I want more, I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more, I want more
Empty phrases, promises, slogans
So loud so empty
Empty phrases, promises, slogans
I want more, I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more, I want more

Haïku 16. The daughters of autumn

The leaves of autumn
are the daughters,
chestnut, brown, red, fair-haired ones,
of Trees.
Their fathers abandon
them, let them go, one
Day, in town,
For us, marvelling men,
To gaze at.

Haīku 16. The astronaut-ant

The astronaut-ant
That keeps climbing
The redwood giant
Believes, of course,
It is exploring
The whole of the universe.


Versions: #1
Uh, cennet hissi veren saç
Ve senin iki gözün
Yıldız ışığı gibi parla
Yorucu bir günde geliyorsun
Küçük bir çocuğun duası ciddiyetle sana ulaştı
Renksiz, kokusuz, sessiz
Yavaşça kalbime giriyorsun
Yağmurdan sonra açık sokağın rengi
Bu benim tanrıçama benzediğin tazelik
Gökyüzünde bir çiçek yükseliyor, yerde çiçek açan bir bahar, onları durduramıyorum
Baştan karar verildi
Seni çeken kalbim (Aşk)
Nefesim sana ulaştığı an
Senin kokunla boyandı
Güzel güzel
Çiçek yapraklarını andıran bu vücut hareketi
Oh sen güzel güzel
Küçük parçalara ayrılacak mısın?
Oh sen güzel güzel
Seni kalbimin içeriğine saramadım
Oh sen güzel güzel
Sen benim göz kamaştırıcı canımsın
Güzel güzel
Cennetin kapısını aç
(Kapıyı aç)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Gözlerim neşeyle sırılsıklam
(Tezahürat patladı Oh)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Zamanı unuttum ve uyudum
(Hadi cennete gidelim)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Seni sonsuza kadar hayal edeceğim
Tüm sözlerin
Rüzgar ol ve etrafımda oyala
Kasırga gibi gıdıklayan fısıltı
Bir şeyleri etrafa fırlatır, kalbim durmaz
Benim adım dudaklarına ulaşır
Senin için bir anlamım yoktu ama şimdi özel oldum
Gökyüzü, altın bir ışığa giren okyanus ışığı
(Bak) Gün batımına benzer bir aşkın ne zaman geleceğini asla bilemezsin
Tek kelime etmeden yayılacak (Aşk)
Başka bir renge sahip olsam bile senin dünyanda boyandım
Güzel güzel
Çiçek yapraklarını andıran bu vücut hareketi
(Oh çiçek yapraklarına benzeyen bu vücut hareketi)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Küçük parçalara ayrılacak mısın?
(Korkarım parçalara ayrılacaksın)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Seni kalbimin içeriğine saramadım
(Korkarım kadınımı kırabilirsin)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Sen benim göz kamaştırıcı canımsın
Güzel güzel
Cennetin kapısını aç
(Hey lütfen sadece bana izin ver)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Gözlerim neşeyle sırılsıklam
(Şerefe patladım bebeğim ol)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Zamanı unuttum ve uyudum
(İkimizi bırakalım)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Seni sonsuza kadar hayal edeceğim
Oh çok güzel (Oh çok güzelsin)
Oh çok güzel (Benim için çok güzel)
Oh çok güzel (Ve bilmene izin vermeliyim kızım)
Bana bana
Güzel güzel
Sesinin melodisi
(Sesinin melodisi oh)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Hassas ışığı takip et
Oh sen güzel güzel
Bir peri masalındaki herhangi bir yıldızdan daha fazlası
(Herhangi bir yıldızdan daha fazla)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Sen çok zekisin
Güzel güzel
Cennetin kapısını aç
(Sadece bana izin ver)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Gözlerim neşeyle sırılsıklam
(Sana tamamen aşık oldum)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Zamanı unuttum ve uyudum
(Beni unutmuşsun gibi)
Oh sen güzel güzel
Seni sonsuza kadar hayal edeceğim


Hátulról figyelem mozgásodat,
Szomorú szemekkel nézek az arcodba,
A folyosón mintha repülve jönnél
Gyógyszert hozol és egy poharat
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak,
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak
Kimondom hogy barna a hajad,
Kimomdom szeplők vannak a melled alatt,
KImondom, hogy illatos aparfümöd,
Kimondom, miattad bolondnak tűnök
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak,
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak
Ábrándozva fekszem az ágyamon,
Kifakult köntösödről álmodozom
Ledermedek, mikor kis lépésekkel közeledsz
Ha lehajolsz, kockáztatsz, de mi mást tehetsz?
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak,
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak
Megmondom hogy barna a hajad
Megmomdom szeplők vannak a melled alatt,
Megmondom, hogy illatos a pafümöd
Megmondom, hogy érted megőrülök
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak,
Megmondalak, megmondalak, megmondalak megmondalak


I know how you are, I know for sure it's love.
When I'm near you my heart beats incredibly loudly.
I know what you're thinking when you give me your soul.
That feeling is much stronger than you think.
Whenever I think of you I get goosebumps.
You've looked to deep into my heart.
Whenever you say “I love you” I get goosebumps.
I get those butterflies in my stomach again...
Desire makes people blind, I finally found my way to you.
Love is much more than a word.
Playful like a child, hold me tight right now.
You laugh like the sun when the day begins.
Whenever I think of you I get goosebumps.
You've looked to deep into my heart.
Whenever you say “I love you” I get goosebumps.
I get those butterflies in my stomach again...
Whenever I think of you I get goosebumps.
You've looked to deep into my heart.
Whenever you say “I love you” I get goosebumps.
I get those butterflies in my stomach again...
I get those butterflies in my stomach again...


On a white summer night,
a half-moon is something like a countersign
Right now, the clear words
for some reason, make me dizzy
when kissing under the streetlights
Above the night sky, more more
The stars keeping pouring down
That star connects
in front of us, should we make a fortune?
With you, with me, us, yeah
When it rains
without failing,
your memories are rising
I love you, I love you, I love you
It's clear
I won't promise
Just hope your nights
won't fade away
I'll protect you
Beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful, you
Beautiful, beautiful
The moon is always
on my head
Just like you
always shining on me
Ya mmm
So beautiful
Moonlight filled with raindrops
Stars and fireflies
draw everything
Step by step, more and more
My spreading fingertips
holding the end of your hand
In front of us, should we make a fortune?
With you, with me, us, yeah
When it rains
without failing,
your memories are rising
I love you, I love you, I love you
It's clear
I won't promise
Just hope your nights
won't fade away
I'll protect you
Beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful, you
Beautiful, beautiful
You're beautiful
so I won't leave
My world
is filled entirely
Stay still
As if I'm
staying here
Now, just like this
When it rains
without failing,
your memories are rising
I love you, I love you, I love you
It's clear
I won't promise
Just hope your nights
won't fade away
I'll protect you
Beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful, you
Beautiful, beautiful
Like the stars of a summer night
Beautiful, beautiful
My world of you
Beautiful, beautiful
Now this heart, this moment
We'll always ride this wind
Reach for my heart

That's why I love you

I place a rose in the vase
Stowing my thoughts
And I'm thinking about you.
You leave, you leave, you come back and you leave
You pick the dream
That's why I want you
You're a vision, a utopia
You go over everything
The absolute freedom
That passes me by all the time.
Sweet mirage, you're my soul
A deep wound, oh my consciousness,
For all I live, I want to live in you
However much I feel the pain
Because life, I adore you.
Circle, deep down the vicious circle
I seem like a black swan
That suffers here.
Come, come back my sweetest madness
Staggers' propeller
Holy awaiting.


Szeptember 1. 1989
Kedves Naplóm!
Úgy hiszem én egy jó ember vagyok. Tudod, hiszem hogy mindenkiben van valami jó, de - itt vagyunk! A végzős évem első napján!
És öhm... Ránézek ezekre a gyerekekre, akiket egész életemben ismeretem, és azt kérdezem - mi történt?
Szörnyszülött! Szajha! Kiégett! Gülüszemű! Pózer! Dagadék!
Olyan aprók voltunk, boldogok és ragyogóak
Fogócskáztunk és üldöztük egymást
Szörnyszülött! Szajha! Lúzer! Kattos!
Énekeltünk és tapsoltunk, nevettünk és pihentünk
Sütit sütöttünk, tésztát ettünk
Leszbi! Arcbéla! Colos!
Aztán nagyobbak lettünk, ez húzta meg a ravaszt
Mint amikor a hunok leigázták Rómát
Ó, bocsi
Üdv az iskolámban, ez nem középiskola,
Ez a Thunderdome
Tartsd vissza a levegőt, és számold a napokat, hamarosan érettségizünk
A főiskola egy paradicsom lesz, ha nem halok meg júniusig!
De én tudom, én tudom, az élet lehet gyönyörű
Imádkozom, imádkozom egy jobb útért
Ha akkor megváltoztunk, megváltozhatunk megint
Lehetünk gyönyörűek
Csak nem ma
Hé, jól vagy?
Takarodj már, nyomi
Öhm, oké
Szörnyszülött! Szajha! Kripli! Buzi! Buzi! Buzi!
A dolgok jobbak lesznek, ha megjön a levelem
Harvardból, Duke-ból vagy Brown-ból
Ébressz fel ebből a kómából, vedd el a diplomám,
És aztán felrobbanthatom ezt a várost
Egy álom növény-lepte falakról és füstös francia kávézókról
Leküzdöm a vágyat hogy meggyújtsak egy gyufát és ezt az egész szemétdombot lángokba borítsam!
Ram Sweeney. Harmadik éve hátvéd, nyolcadik éve üti ki a kezekből a kajás tálcákat, és egy hatalmas fasz
Mit mondtál, ribi?
Aah, semmit!
[VERONICA:] De én tudom, én tudom... [GYEREKEK:] Tudom, tudom
[VERONICA:] Az élet lehet gyönyörű [GYEREKEK:] Gyönyörű
[VERONICA:] Imádkozom, imádkozom [GYEREKEK:] Imádkozom, imádkozom
[VERONICA:] Egy jobb útért [GYEREKEK:] Egy jobb útért
[VERONICA:] Korábban kedvesek voltunk

Role Model

You know for sure who this is - MC Gauti
Only I and intro beats
Hey, are you 'fresh'?
You empower us because I do it the best
Some want to stop me, there is no chance
Because I love focking music, I love this 'blast'
'Too late' when I put on 'shades'
And all of these 'babes' ask for more
'The beat' and lights, and I lose myself and go on stage
Eight years at this, others call me role model
call me role model
call me role model
call me role model
call me role model
'Too late' when I put on 'shades'
And all of these 'babes' ask for more
'The beat' and lights, and I lose myself and go on stage
Eight years at this, others call me a role model
Role model for sheep you see, that's so clever
because a while ago it was realised that MC Gauti is insanity
Check out how I come, I run 'show', yo we 'kill'
Always go 'all-in' when I hold the right cards
Because you have arrived, then listen my lovely child
This is not Öskjuhlíð, this is just my 'stash'
One more glass, but I had some more
So call 'five-0' if you see me driving downtown

Only I

Hey baby
come here
talk a little with me (talk a little with me) (talk a little with me)
I open my eyelashes
stare at the pillow
think how much I want
to fall asleep again
Is to ask
to stand up and (con)front
Damn how heavenly
tasty meal I then eat
No work today
so I am not late
Late to realise that
I'm not alone
But she faces the wall
I don't see face
but outlines tell that
she's not fake
Not wild
but the answer is no
I kiss her on the shoulder
gone away
Is a fine catch
but is no one
Had a while yesterday
but I want no more
come for a visit
I (s)p(l)e(u)dge(t) not to be secretive
don't want any deprivation from father in-law
Nooo, nooo
come for a visit
I (s)p(l)e(u)dge(t) not to be secretive
don't want any deprivation from father in-law
Nooo, nooo
come for a visit
I (s)p(l)e(u)dge(t) not to be secretive
don't want any deprivation from father in-law
Nooo, nooo, noo
So come along to my house
to check me out
the fashion, the floor, baby
in out
in out
So come along to my house
to check me out
the fashion, the floor, baby
in out
in out
I open my eyelashes
stare at her
the brain is private
but she is digging
The silence is golden
but she started talking
and I know this
eye look subscription drama (drama)
Stand up and reply
still describe stories
I have to go
Beer-chill tonight
the two of us chatting
happiness kindness
I'm off to do other things
Sorry that I've forgotten
nice to think that you
are the one and only
There is no room in
this small heart
it's only I
and no one else
Baby, baby, closer
don't be afraid
I do no harm to anyone
Don't be afraid
come closer
I don't bite anyone
So come along to my house
to check me out
the fashion, the floor, baby
in out
in out
So come along to my house
to check me out
the fashion, the floor, baby
in out
in out
So come along to my house
to check me out
the fashion, the floor, baby
in out
in out
So come along to my house
to check me out
the fashion, the floor, baby
in out
in out

When you trust the Lord

when you trust the LORD you will not be shaken
through the visions of night and by loneliness
You shall have comfort, whenever dawn is breaking
for he that gave his cherubim charge over thee
that you'll have protection
for he that gave his cherubim charge over thee
that they shall protect you night and day
when you trust the Lord, you shall taste the comfort
of those loving hands that hold and prosper
and shall be hopeful, and know that help is waiting
when you trust the LORD, you shall have your pleasure
for the path that you chose is not yours alone
you shall have guidance, in every situation

Different species

Sometimes I feel like a stranger to my own planet
I have nothing to do
With this story
With these guys
I'm from a different species
I'm neither from the future, nor from the past
I'm simply from somewhere else
Don't ask me what happened
I overcame my fears
Colonel Kurtz, Marlon Brando
I'm back from the heart of darkness
On my own like John Rambo
I've stitched my own wounds
I come back in peace, I won this war
With whip marks on my back
A slave yesterday, I'm proud today
Ready for the apocalypse now
I went on interstellar travels
On journeys to my brothers' hearts
What I saw made me cry