Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 16

Találatok száma: 814


Just Friend

Without any innocence, you replied and kissed me,
softly, playing like an adult.
The words after “you see,” I was sure would be “I love you.”
How come you took so long to decide not to say it?
I don’t want to keep going in circles.
It will all end here if I want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
It’s you who broke me, and we couldn’t laugh at each other.
Just Friend, why did you kiss me?
I remember that day when you softly kissed me
everytime I see you on the bus going home.
You laughed at me right in my face, like it was nothing.
I will never forget it.
Since then, I was defeated.
I’m the same, because I still want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
I always thought I wouldn’t care if I was broken.
Just friend, it hurts turning my back on you.
Why is it so painful being just friends?
Even if you love someone else, I was happy.
It will all end here if I want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
Yeah, you push me away, and it was only me who cried.
Just Friend, why did you…
It will all end here if I want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
It’s you who broke me, and we couldn’t laugh at each other.
Just Friend, why did you kiss me?

He/She doesn't come back to me

İ wish he/she came back to me one day,exhausted and the regretful
İ kneel down and cry,to my gratitute prayers
The sin of the lover which is the easiest forgiveness
The curse of the anyone don't stay in anyone
İf only he/she said 'i came' to me,if only he/she give life to me
He/she can't give me the days that pass
My everythings has changed,i have been hurt and come to an end
İ'm not how i used to be,even though he/she saw,he/she can't know

Old days to forget

My throat is dry
They're waiting for me at the end of the street
If they ask for me someday, you keep your mouth shut
Your hands are full of blood, because of steel doors
What missing if longing exists in the nature of guilt?
Compassion of poor people is extortion
Guitar in his hand
Always waiting with tears in his eyes
Grief on his shoulders
One day these people will kick the scales
We are witnesses to the chaos
We will present it first
I will realize from my voice that I've grown old
Or from the fact that I've written lyrics with intention of farewell
There will be left nothing but crumbs from my ugly desires and love for you
And this will happen alone
If you don't hear those people who get burnt more than you
How can we be friends?
We will be left with a handful of debt
And a cheerful rose will bloom in the parks
Old days to forget
Upcoming days to enjoy
There are such days
Believe me!
'Life is just lie and waste of time.'
shouldn't be your last words
We got stuck in the winter of shame
and got tricked by applause
We woke up into such weary and awful mornings
One of my dream is hidden in your eyes
No one is leaving the future and nothing is expected from it anymore
Besides, I always told it, you know?
I said, 'He has no tongue.
He has no one.
He has no joy and no dream.'
He said, 'Let your shoulders fall.
What's the point of poetry and song?
Nothing changes.'
It's not like that at all, there must be a solution!
Have we sacrificed our sleep all these nights for nothing?
Think all those people who suffered and wiped their eyes
His dream is in tatters
Old days to forget
Upcoming days to enjoy
There are such days
Believe me!
'Life is just lie and waste of time.'
shouldn't be your last words
We got stuck in the winter of shame
and got tricked by applause
We woke up into such weary and awful mornings
One of my dream is hidden in your eyes
No one is leaving the future and nothing is expected from it anymore
What kind of love in the present order?
All you comfort yourself with is false, you're fake
What's left?
There is a life I dream about and fears I am ashamed of
When I have set my heart on
and understood a nation
You have the insomnia now
They clear their consciences
If you are hungry, looting is considered rebellion
A mother's farewell is the real definition of separation
Winning is dirty so let's lose and be human
Imagine a huge meal in the middle of the neighborhood
In the middle of the world
The suns would make it bigger above us
Bourgeois dreams remain after the lies
How much people appreciate good songwriters?
I stole these flowers from graveyard
I have lied next to multinational solitude
Sky is full of stars
Old days to forget
Upcoming days to enjoy
There are such days
Believe me!
'Life is just lie and waste of time.'
shouldn't be your last words
We got stuck in the winter of shame
and got tricked by applause
We woke up into such weary and awful mornings
One of my dream is hidden in your eyes
No one is leaving the future and nothing is expected from it anymore

Kibaszottul gyönyörű

Én, csak közel akarlak tartani téged,
Baby, nem akarlak elengedni.
Még ha nem is hiszed el,
hogy az én világom kibaszottul gyönyörű.
Azt hiszed nem értem,
pedig nagyon is tisztában vagyok vele.
Az életem olyan, akár egy party,
újabb vörös rúzs.
Minden szabályt áthágtam,
amikor nem vettem fel neked a telefont.
Készen állok, hogy belevágjak
és elinduljon a rock 'n' roll.
Baby, csak közel akarlak tartani magamhoz,
kérlek ne engedj el, hallgass meg.
Én, csak közel akarlak tartani téged,
Baby, nem akarlak elengedni.
Még ha nem is hiszed el,
hogy az én világom kibaszottul gyönyörű. (x2)
Olyan fajta királynő vagyok,
amilyet még sosem láttál.
Keményen lecsapok,
tarts velem ma éjjel.
Kezd minden felforrósodni,
ne állíts meg.
Csupán ragyogni akarok ma éjjel,
csak engedd, hogy megtörténjen.
Baby, csak közel akarlak tartani magamhoz,
kérlek ne engedj el, hallgass meg.
Én, csak közel akarlak tartani téged,
Baby, nem akarlak elengedni.
Még ha nem is hiszed el,
hogy az én világom kibaszottul gyönyörű. (x2)
Hogy a világom kibaszottul gyönyörű.

Boil My Cauldron, Boil

Boil up my cauldron, boil up
Cut crunchy the serpent
Dragon's skin
Decayed witch bone
Sorrow over sorrow
Boil my cauldron, we'll boil
Sorrow over sorrow
Boil my cauldron, boil
Sorrow over sorrow
Boil my cauldron, boil!
Boil my cauldron, boil!

The hunters

Little path on the mountain
steeped by the rain,
where the hunter found
the tracks of the deer.
Mountain who is loving
to those that seek refuge in it,
but what dangers await those
who always want to mock its law,
but what dangers await those
who always want to mock its law.
To the little water well
the deer came down to, down to drink,
and because it was careless, the poor thing
didn't even have time to run.
To many men the same thing happened
as it did to the deer,
because they are careless
they lose their lives, they lose their hearts,
because they are careless
they lose their lives, they lose their hearts.
Little path on the mountain
filled with flowers and hope,
listen to the hunters,
how they praise you in their song.
From the little water well
the hunter returns content,
he goes to his refuge where a
bloody life1 has abandoned him,
he goes to his refuge where a
bloody life has abandoned him.
  • 1. a violent life, a life filled with blood.

You’ll Be Proud (Of Me)

I accept I’m no good
I accept I’m incapable
But still , for once
Please just trust me
Give me a chance to prove
To show you, that I can stand tall
Everyone will be so proud
And I’ll be unstoppable
You’ll have to trust me
I will never give up
I will save the day
And come back here triumphantly
Maybe then you will realize that
I am not such a failure
Sure, I've made lots of mistakes
And I know that,I've disappointed you
Still, whatever it takes
I promise,I'm gonna fix it
I’ll win your hearts(love) back
Even if I have to die
I will make you proud
I will make you have faith in me
I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past
I am filled with so much enthusiasm
And will only return here triumphantly
You will be amazed,to see your son rising at last
The pride in your eyes
When you’ll see all new me

The Ring of Gold

This is maybe
because we blew up and we fought to answer
we already did not want to put on
the promise of the gold ring
i saw in it only burden and untruth
and maybe
it is because we took a ferry to the islands
it was very very nice for us
a vibrant space opened up around us
i learned that it is possible without disappointing
my love, surely it does not have to be
that we will fall again into the same mistakes
go with me into the coming days
between the kindnesses and the flaws
and maybe
the accounts that fell between there and here
are a dangerous game
and the desire knows and draws closer
the promise of the gold ring
my love, surely it does not have to be
that we will fall again into the same mistakes
go with me the coming days
between the kindnesses and flaws

White Butterfly

The sun is shining on a white butterfly,
You are so happy.
You are playing with a golden ray,
Riding the spring wind.
Now you are up in the sky,
Reaching towards the white clouds.
Now you are in the garden,
Sniffing the fresh flowers
In selecting the flowers, I see,
Your ambition is high.
The whole garden is yours,
Alight wherever you like.
You are playing with a red flower,
Which is like the sun.
The chrysanthemums are waiting for you,
And the snow-white peonies...
You are like spring, seeking only
The flowers in full bloom.
But you could never, oh butterfly,
Alight upon a golden leaf.

Nincs visszaút

Más vagy, mint rég, más vagy, mint rég
hazudsz, mikor azt mondod, hogy barátokkal voltál
de a lelkiismereted elszunnyadt,
mikor megláttad, és kicsit berúgtál
Ne blöffölj, mert veszítünk
tudom, hol voltál,
és kit csókoltál
Refrén 2x
Nincs visszaút, nincs visszaút
számunkra, kicsim
már nem ketten vagyunk,
már ő, te és én vagyunk
És a négy fal között
összetörném az összes falat
de nincs arcod*
de nincs szégyenérzeted
Más vagy, mint rég, más vagy, mint rég
elrejted az arcod, nem mersz rámnézni
de nem aggódom érted,
mindig talpra esel
Refrén 3x

Hug you

How is it possible that I always see you smiling,
Someone like you, who is always so strong and special.
I cannot take it anymore, I always felt so worthless,
Nobody ever needed me by their side.
You, who are always ready for anything. Surely,
you have mocked of someone like me.
I wish I could talk to you and, maybe that way, establish a
You, who I have envied because of all your courage, now tremble and are alone,
I see you filled with pain
But if you have ever felt the fear of a goodbye, it is only because
that dread is human.
I wish I could find the strength and courage today to hug you tight and give you my warmth.
And I think that we could speak of so many things,
little by little, yes, to allow time to put everything in place.
Tell me why I try to flee if you move away, when I was finally close
to you.
You, who are afraid today and hide your pain, carry on always
smiling but cry inside.
Listen, my heart also knows what fear is,
it has felt alone time and time again.
I wish I could find the strength and courage today to hug you tight and give you my warmth.
If you wish for it today, loneliness will leave. Close your eyes and search within your heart.
Tell me who is it, who feels tears inside and like the wind
I will erase them all.
Because you must know that loneliness is like that for everyone but because of that, never take a step back.
I wish I could find the strength and courage today to hug you tight and give you my warmth.
my heart also knows what fear is, it has felt alone time
and time again.
I wish I could find the strength and courage today to hug you tight and give you my warmth.
if you have ever felt the fear of a goodbye, it is only because
that dread is human.
I wish I could find the strength and courage today to hug you tight and give you my warmth.


Versions: #1
So close, all I ever wanted
(Was to) lay so close
Thoughts about you (have) haunted me
And there's no way to escape them
Like a little boy, I can't figure out what will happen next
Maybe feelings don't mean anything
But I just can't forget you
c h o r u s :
Where will our hearts take us?
And how many nights will we have?
I gotta say so many things
Because dreams about you - (are) such wonders
I will dissolve into you as if into (the) shadows
And we flight up to sky
All thoughts will be about one thing, that you and I are together
And there will be no better story
I know that at the deeper the bottom, the higher I'll fly
But I can't forget your eyes
If only I knew when to fly to them
Like before, nothing will be the same as it used to
I need to let go and move on
If our feelings can't be saved
I will dissolve in you (x7)


I have faith in the God of universes, no matter how much the time changes, no matter how much the thoughts become confused and how much the griefs increase I have faith, faith, faith. A new sun will rise, and it will shine in my celebration, and it will wake up the human in us, I have faith, faith, faith. I have big dreams, love, peace and a lot of good things. The childhood will come back to the shy smile that needs tenderness. A new sun will rise, and it will shine in my celebration, and it will wake up the human in us, I have faith, faith, faith. I have faith in humanity, no matter how long my patience lasts, the groan inside of me will turn into a sigh in a happy world that is filled with colors, colors.


Still, on the boughs of the trees, there are only crows
Ah, The flowers are withered 
There is a madman in the garden
My heart is like a goblet of fire
My body is like a stove, it burns
But there is not even a light in the whole world
There is not even a light, there is not even a light
I came from the other side of the world to this place
Don't tell me the world is beautiful, I don't see its beauty
Still, there is sorrow in my heart, it is a strong torment
Don't tell me not to cry
Don't tell me life is short
Don't tell me life is short
Don't tell me life is short
Which nocturnal mourn, Which nightly summon
Which spell and magic, Which romantic prayer
Take me to my home, to my beloved
From this side of the world to that side
Take me to my beloved, take me to my beloved
Which way, Which road
Which tear, Which moan
Which cloud and which zenith
Which tide and which moon
Take me to my home, to my beloved
From this side of the world to that side
Take me to my beloved, take me to my beloved
Still, convoy of love doesn't reach it's destination 
We are drowned and our voice doesn't reach the shore
Doesn't reach the shore
Still, there are tears in my eyes
and I gaze at the road (for my beloved)
There is no sun here, no moon
How very dark the world is, How very dark the world is

Everything Happening

everything happening.. is happening in my heart,
because of you who is living in my heart
if my heart didn't love your eyes
it wouldn't have carried love
everything happening in my heart
is because of you who is living in my heart
how can I not stay up singing? and the light of your eyes is away from me
oh you who is making me stay up, this is a vow that I made, come back to me so my heart becomes strong again
if my heart didn't love your eyes, it wouldn't have carried love
everything happening in my heart is because of you who is living in my heart
your name is high and your light is precious, and your ghost is in this light in front of me
I make myself happy and I forget myself.. my heart is hurting more and more
if my heart didn't love your eyes
it wouldn't have carried love
everything happening in my heart is because of you who is living in my heart


Versions: #1
I knock on your door
I knock on your door all day
But the door is closed
You took me
You took me hostage
What do I do now?
I don't understand what you're doing with me
In a wave love blows my mind away
And I really wanna be with you
c h o r u s :
Maybe, maybe this isn't serious
How do I be with you
I can't stop loving you
How, how is this all possible
But you're so one of a kind
And you're making me lose my min
A shadow behind you
Like a shadow behind you
I now walk
A thousand nights
Near for a thousand nights
I would spend with her
But I don't understand what you're doing with me
In a wave love blows my mind away
And I want to be with you so bad
Oo-oo-o isn't serious (x4)
All that I so badly want to tell you
All that's left, left for you to find out
All that I so badly want to tell you
All that's left for you to find out
What's making me want to scream
Oo-oo-o isn't serious (x4)

The City Speaks to You

The city speaks in the evening
from within wandering clouds
and its hands draw the sword
and stab my heart from the inside.
So your body, exposed by light, is a stone,
a shelter for my stabbed body,
and I'm not even thinking
about the red sand on a cold day.
Because the city speaks to you,
and today it makes my lips mumble
And it sees the beauty of your face
embraced in both of my hands
The city speaks at night
to all the rooms of the quiet people
and says what's good and bad for it
in shadows, in tears, in laughter.
It watches over its cubs well,
over all those who are seeking refuge.
It won't lose sight of us
When it quietly goes before our eyes.
Because the city speaks to you,
and today it makes my lips mumble
And it sees the beauty of your face
embraced in both of my hands.
Because the city speaks to you,
and today it makes my lips mumble
And it sees the beauty of your face
embraced in both of my hands.

Convenience Store Umbrella

Versions: #1
The convenience store umbrella,
drenched in 365 days of scornful laughter, does not return to the earth.
It isn't trash, nor is it a possession.
It isn't useful, nor does it get in the way.
In the afternoon, it's pecked at by crows.
At night, it scowls at the constellations.
The crucified trees by the road say to 'Look.'
I went with it, and in the far off sky I looked up at--
winter clouds, and a ballistic missile flying at 3 kilometers a second.
'The winter rain is so cold,' I whisper,
and close my eyes again.

Rooh (Tere Bina Jeena Saza Ho Gaya)

Kehnda ae dil mera mainu,
Tere naal mohabbtan pavan
Kehnda ae dil mera mainu,
Tere naal mohabbtan pavan
Tera baal bingha naa hove,
Teri aayi traun mein mar javan,
Kehnda ae dil mera meinu.
Tere bina jeena sazza hogaya ve sanu,
Ishqe tere da,
Nasha ho gya ni sanu,
Ishq tere da,
Nasha ho gya ni saada,
Tere bina jeena saza ho gaya,
Ratan nu neend na aave,
Dil tainu vekhna chaave,
Ruk gaiyan ghadiyan sohniye,
Ik pal na kateya jaave, (Repeat x2)
Tere bina jeena saza ho gya ve saanu,
Ishq tere da nasha ho gaya nee saanu,
Ishq tere da nasha ho gaya nee saada,
Tere bina jeena saza ho gya,
Teri main rooh ban jaavan heeriye,
Teri main rooh ban jaavan sohniye,
Zulfan dee chaan ban javan,
Bulan te naa ban jaavan,
Enha khyalan vich main kho gaya nee
Hun tera deewana jaane,
Tej ho gya ni,
Hun tera deewana jaane,
Tej ho gya,
Tere bina jeena saza ho gya ve saanu,
Ishq tere da nasha ho gaya ni sanu,
Ishq tere da nasha ho gaya ni saada,
Tere bina jeena saza ho gya,
Sohniye meri sohnie,
Heeriye meri heeriye.

I Have Ordered Plastic Phallus

I have ordered plastic phallus
Off the 'net - price can't be beat!
I've received a dick: so callous,
Nothing good will come from it!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Love wavelets

If God really exists in this world
I want to die embraced by you
Ah, there's a small boat on a lake
Kiss me tenderly
It repeats like wavelets
If you hate me
I want you to leave me quietly
Ah, there's a small boat on a lake
If I think of farewell, tears overflow
It repeats like wavelets
No matter how far you leave
I'm your hometown
Ah, there's a small boat on a lake
Remember me everytime
It repeats like wavelets
Like wavelets
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Dream decoration

In this world, men only live
Women a men's dream decoration
Drowned and withered in the night
I'm falling like a butterfly
Just living is yet painful
I don't understand your heart
Love is like dreams
Dreams are like the wind
Love is a revolving lantern
You're an illusion
I like the sea at dawn
It can become a tender feeling
Without hating you who are despicable
I can send you to the waves
Like a dancer on the trap of a royal fern
Men and women pile up scars
On the other side of the window the morning comes
Love becomes the water that wakes me up
Inlaying revolving tears
You're an illusion
Just living is yet painful
I don't understand your heart
Love is like dreams
Dreams are like the wind
Love is a revolving lantern
You're an illusion
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


With you one would become a Majnoon*, with you one would becomes astonished,
With you one would be fallen in love, under the rainfall, the rainfall of your eyes, your awaiting eyes,
your moon-like face drives me crazy,
When the moon sees your eyes, it comes short of you,
It feels secluded and sits in a corner out of jelousy,
Until a wind comes to pick the blossom of your love,
I fell in love with you, I watied for you,
My joy is that I love you,
I'm a crazy one, singing for you,
Your love is as if it is attached to my life,
If the world
I fell in love with you, I waited for you,


Where are you, she asks me
It always happens, after the first
When you want, leave the house
And she says to me, see that I need you (I need you)
But there is a reason
The last time she lost her mind
I never say no
It makes it impossible with voice notes
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to fuck, tell me the time
To break the floor with the blender
I always say yes when you invite me
Or if you do not send me a picture in order to make me an Ozunita
I am hers and she is mine (Mine)
I told her while she was eating me (-mine)
Always freaking, we are doing well
I want you for me, I do not want you dor anyone else
I am hers and she is mine (Mine)
I told her while she was eating me (-mine)
We're freaking, we are doing well
I want you for me, I do not want you dor anyone else
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I aske her to take it to the ship (To the ship)
Another day that thinks of me, she knows (You already known)
Again and again I touch her and she wants me not to stop (Do not stop)
She checked what I had been told, yeah
I am always the hunter to her, she comes out
When she is with me she knows what there is (here)
It is mounted in the car, she does not want to go down (She does not want to go down)
She does not put music,so we do it again already
One more time
Ask me one more time (Again)
That without me she does not want to be
When she is with me, she does not want to stop
She is so eager and she can not help it
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
What do you do, yeah
I am a fan of what you do, yeah, yeah
I do not wanna, I do not wanna tell you about it
I am a fan of what you do, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

Castle of rain

Rain, the city is empty, and we're walking
Down the street the two of us
We wandered together, joking
Behind the walls of rain
In the wet windows the light goes out
But we’ve not been there for a long time
We don’t know what’s coming next
As if we’re bound by rain
In our ghostly castle
c h o r u s :
We entered this castle of rain
Just the two of us, you and I
And we’ve been so long together
We’ve been saved in this castle of rain
Just the two of us, you and I
In the loneliest of places, you and I
But morning is close, and now
The first ray touched us
Destroying the magic
Of your revelation
And already from afar approaching
Looking haughtily
And laughing in front of our eyes
As he doesn’t believe in miracles
Is a lonely passerby
(chorus x2)
You and I

Kérlek, ne árulj el*

Kérlek, ne árulj el
Bánj velem úgy, ahogy szeretnéd, hogy veled bánjanak
Kérlek, ne rakj tiltólistára
Hagyj el, mintha szeretnél megtalálni
Ne elemezz engem
Áldozz fel
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Kérlek, ne büntess meg
Mutass csak egy darabka kedvességet
Próbálj segíteni nekem, hogy lássak
Vezess engem vakságomban
Ne vess meg
Osztályozz engem
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Ne, ne, ne árulj el
Ne, kérlek, ne árulj el
Kérlek, ne játssz a fejemmel
Ne adj burkolt célzásokat
Ne hazudj nekem
Látom, ahogy a szelek fújnak
Ne alázz le
Pusztíts el
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Kérlek, ne sorolj be
Ne áruld el a bizalmamat és ígéreted
Kérlek, ne bosszants fel
Nehéz nekem, hogy ne hordozzak rosszindulatot
Ne állj az utamba
Manipulálj engem
Kérlek, ne árulj el
Ne, ne, kérlek ne árulj el
Ne, kérlek ne árulj el

Related People

You're my light, my ray of light
You're my gentle one, my sweet and lovely
You're very beautiful
I'm with you everyday, every hour
Wherever I may be, you're in my heart
You're a mother's gift to me
I love you very much, my dear friend
Related people, brother and sister
We'll tell the world with love, and silently
That we are proud, happy
We're friends, family
We're together no matter what happens
Related people, brother and sister
We'll tell the world with love, and silently
That we are proud, happy
We're friends, family
We're together no matter what happens
Let there be light in our lives
I sing for you with my heart and soul
This song, our song
To heaven I pray that for us
Only good news, we're together
Brother and sister
Like two creeks
Two stars of a constellation
I know that I'll be with you forever
We are tied with one thread
Together is a hundred times easier
You and I are sister and brother
Two with one native blood
I know that I'll be with you forever
We are tied with one thread
If grief is easier for me
Then joy is twice as easy
Two with one love
Our holy love
Related people, brother and sister
We'll tell the world with love, and silently
That we are proud, happy
We're friends, family
We're together no matter what happens
Related people, brother and sister
We'll tell the world with love, and silently
That we are proud, happy
We're friends, family
We're together no matter what happens
Let there be light in our lives
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Nazani (Lovely)

You are the angel who stole the boat.
Because you stole and captured my heart as hostage with delusion, my lovely.
There is no one like you, my lovely,
Not in the east, nor the west, nor the north, nor the south.
There is no one like you my lovely,
Not in the east, nor the west, nor the north, nor the south.
For your love, a lot of people lose their faith and belief.
Have a mercy on me and stay with me
Then my happiness would last forever
With a guitar, a violin and a tambour, my lovely.
Then my happiness would last forever
With a guitar, a violin and a tambour, my lovely.
Then my happiness would last forever
With a guitar, a violin and a tambour, my lovely.

The Third Aria of Ivan

Versions: #2
Eventually, our Ivan the Good Guy reached Koschei's place,
Came to his castle, yelled 'Come here, villain!'
And Koschei appeared in front of him, said 'Hey!
You, Ivan, crossed the border and trespassed my territory!'
Ivan came to him, took out his sword, sawed-off shotgun, gat.
Having drunk a big jug of vodka, he told these words:
'Hey, dude, you make a mistake when you offended me,
You, shithead, will be crapping for three days because of fear,
I'mma cut your balls off and gouge your blinkers out,
You, dickhead, will remember me for a long time,
I'mma castrate you with my kladenets1,
You, asshole, will say 'good-bye' to your dick,
Come here, mud duck, we're gonna fight each other,
That'll be face to face, face to face,
Face to face, face to face!
Bam! Get some strikes, jackass!
Bam! Get some strikes, jackass!
Why have you snatched my beautiful fiancée?
I'mma break your skull and piss on your brain,
I'mma tear your ass like a German cross,
You're gonna see that I ain't lying,
Hey, thin motherfucker, there's no sence to howl so loudly,
You're gonna see how I can kill my enemies,
I'mma piss all over you and trample your nose,
You, cocksucker, will see that I ain't joking!
Bam! Get some strikes, jackass! (x6)
Ivan began hitting motherfucker Koschei to kill!
He fucking kicked his enemy in the ugly mug and struck on the balls, too.
And when he got tired of kicking, he ran to find his wife,
And, being screwed up, Koschei immidiately crawled to the bushes.
  • 1. Kladenets - in Rusian folklore, it is a mythical sword that has magic power and provides victory over enemies.

В своей одинокой жизни

Несмотря на всю испытываемую боль
Я ухожу (я ухожу)
Чтобы выпить ночью и почувствовать адреналин
Пока я не кричу (пока я не кричу)
Так что, если я сломлен
Ты должна была пошутить
Предполагая, что потребуется время для исцеления
Лекарство от моей боли
Это смех и флирт
Притворяясь, что это расставание, не реально
Ты увидишь, что я плохой
Ты услышишь, как я схожу с ума
Скорее под неоновыми огнями
Со мной все будет в порядке
Ты увидишь, как я круто играю
Ты услышишь, как я жесток
Хочу я умереть или нет
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой жизни
Я склоняю голову и включаю
Свое радио (свое радио)
Избегая Бейонсе и ее песни
В стерео (в стерео)
Давай, давай!
Так что, если я сломлен
Ты должна была пошутить
Предполагая, что потребуется время для исцеления
Лекарство от моей боли
Это смех и флирт
Притворяясь, что это расставание, не реально
Ты увидишь, что я плохой
Ты услышишь, как я схожу с ума
Скорее под неоновыми огнями
Со мной все будет в порядке
Ты увидишь, как я круто играю
Ты услышишь, как я жесток
Хочу я умереть или нет
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой жизни
Ты увидишь, что я плохой
Ты услышишь, как я схожу с ума
Скорее под неоновыми огнями
Со мной все будет в порядке
Ты увидишь, как я круто играю
Ты услышишь, как я жесток
Хочу я умереть или нет
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
Ла-ла-ла-ла жизни
В своей одинокой жизни

Once My Sweetheart Told Me

Once my sweetheart told me: 'Dear,
Without love you won't have me.'
Then I smacked her in the ear,
She must know what's 'C'est la vie'!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Quitting Drinking

Quitting drinking is my drill -
Mornings're really stinking,
But will I retain the skill
Of creative thinking?
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.