Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 814


Whore That Could Be Killed By A Fist

Cursed be the day I met you
Afterwards everything is clear,
I know the whole truth about you
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, it's time to die
Time to say goodbye to life
Now that you will get beaten, there's no one to save you
Not even fucking dogs are jumping
I was highly shocked when I noticed all the cellulite
Although you are so young, your ass looks fifty years old
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, your cunt is ugly
It smells fucking bad
When I licked it, I had to swallow my own vomit
I still have nightmares about that
Die, whore die!
Die, whore die!
[Solo: A. Kippo]
If you don't even know where Japan is located
Then it just means that you're a fucking idiot
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, it's time to die
Time to say goodbye to life
Now that you will get beaten, there's no one to save you
Not even fucking dogs are jumping
I can't wait for the day
When I slay your large ass
If you think this is over now
I've got plans for your whole family
I'll make you all suffer
You will experience horrible fate
None of you will stay alive
I'll laugh as I piss on your grave

I want to die

I want to die, I want to die,
I want to die so I won't be in pain 1
But who will look upon my slum 2
When it will remain deserted and orphaned?
I have a mother and siblings, I have a wife and children,
And if I close my eyes 3, they will remain in the alleys
The days aren't passing by, the days aren't passing by,
The days aren't passing by so that I won't be bitter
All, no more, the weights have fallen on me
And how am I supposed to carry them on my two feet?
I have a mother and siblings, I have a wife and children
And if I close my eyes they will remain in the alleys
I want to die, I want to die,
I want to die so that I might redeem myself
But the blackness of poverty 4 has judged me,
I will neither die nor live.
  • 1. Literally, so I won't be hurt.
  • 2. 'φτωχόσπιτό' is a compound word that literally translates to 'poor house'.
  • 3. Literally, 'little eyes'.
  • 4. Literally, this says 'black poverty', but could be interpreted to mean the darkness of poverty.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

We could have met

We could have met,
how many times you have passed by me and our eyes never locked
we were in the same places, and we could have met.
How many times you were beside me, and I didn't turn
and on the same bench, if you have stayed a little longer,
I could have sat beside you, by chance
How chances played us,
when we were crying on different pillows at the same time
and where we kneeled on the same floor
Praying that I will meet you...and you were just beside me
and to see you, for the first time,
even if you have been passing by me since ever.
How our hands missed each other
and we missed lots of chances, never paying attention to each other
and on every crossroad, life was laughing at us
How many times I leaned towards you and then withdrew back
if you would have spoken a word, laughed or murmured,
I could have heard your voice
How chances played us,
when we were crying on different pillows at the same time
and where we kneeled on the same floor
Praying that I will meet you...and you were just beside me
and to see you, for the first time,
even if you have been passing by me since ever.

He had hastened–Then he wound up

He had hastened–
Then he wound up.
He had given up–
Then he drowned.
He looked round–
No one’s there.


Ahogy szaladnak a szürke városok
A ködön át látom, felsejlik a hold
Aztán egy hang a fejemben oldja a hasonlatot
Azzal hogy:
„Kövess engem, menjünk le a völgybe, tudod
A lelkedből átsüt a hold fénye”
Túléltem amit furcsa családom akart
De lelkem csendjében megszólalt a hang
Azzal hogy:
„Kövess engem, menjünk le a völgybe, tudod
A lelkedből átsüt a hold fénye”
„Dávidom nem kell félned
E világ neked túl hideg
Támaszd hát fejed nékem
Van erőm, hogy vigyelek”
A 20-as évek szellemei jönnek
Az arany nyarak megtartanak
„Kövess engem, menjünk le a völgybe (kövess, kövess engem), tudod
A lelkedből átsüt a hold fénye
Jöjj Lázár, várunk rád
Ideje, hogy felkelj és járj”


Versions: #3
Nézz ide, a mennyben vagyok
Sebeim vannak, mik nem láthatók
Harcom volt, mi nem lopható el
Mindenki jól ismer már
Nézz ide ember, veszélyben vagyok
Már nincs mit elvesztenem
Az agyam ringlispilként pörög
A telefonom a mélybe szállt
Hát nem jellemző?
Amikor New Yorkba értem
Királyként éltem életem
Majd elköltöttem minden pénzem
Kerestem a seggedet
Így vagy sehogy másként
Tudod szabad leszek
Mint az a kék madár
Hát nem jellemző rám?
Ó, szabad leszek
Mint az a kék madár
Ó, szabad leszek
Hát nem jellemző?


Nem, nem maradhatok itt tovább
Nem tudsz megsiratni
Tehát hagylak téged tűnődni azon,
Hogy mivé fog válni életünk
Nehezen nyelek
Összetörök és vérzek, de
Nem látod
Könnyek nem fognak folyni
Amíg a büszkeség magasan áll
Talán nem hallhatóak, vagy láthatóak
De a könnyek nem csendes dolgok
Bár a torkom ég
A szemeim hazugok lesznek
És megpróbálnak szárazak maradni
Amíg el nem fordulsz
Nehezen nyelek
Összetörök és vérzek, de
Nem látod
Könnyek fognak folyni
Mind hallom őket
Nem olyan halkak és ártatlanok
Savas eső az ujjlenyomataidból
A magány visszhangzó folyói
A szívem falát ütik
Nem olyan halkak és ártatlanok
Savas eső az ujjlenyomataidból

A magány visszhangzó folyói
A szívem falát ütik


By The Elm Tree Near Pines

By the elm tree near pines
I made love to you three times,
But just two times under pines,
My tool too needs rest sometimes!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Into Your Eyes

'Why fight it, when you know you can't win?' 1
But, the clouds carry away the light load of my sadness.
I'll try to live by the light of the hot sun.
And nothing is stronger than its rays.
In your eyes, the universe is limitless.
And for me, this story of life is over.
Chained as if by magnetic force,
looking into your eyes, I whisper. 2
I try to touch destiny, trying not to breathe.
And come what may, I ask my soul just to be with me.
I would give everything for you to fly. And, all I want
is that the sun's rays power your flight.
In your eyes, the universe is limitless.
And for me, this story of life is over.
Chained as if by magnetic force,
looking into your eyes, I whisper.
Into your eyes.
In your eyes, the universe is limitless.
And for me, this story of life is over.
Chained as if by magnetic force,
looking into your eyes, I whisper.
Into your eyes.
  • 1. English saying to try to get the Russian meaning across. Literally, the Russian is 'I won't even try to taste it. It tastes so bland.'
  • 2. Literally: 'I whisper in your eyes'

What's Been Lost of My Lifetime

What's been lost of my lifetime for you, I must relive it after you
My soul was between your hands, and on your hands it returned to me in your remoteness
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
I haven't lost you, you're the one whose injustice got him to lose
You got yourself to lose a heart that loved you
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
Why would I regret your absence/remoteness, you, whatever God wishes for you, your injustice did not hesitate
It was a must that all of this would happen, no one in this world learns for free1
Remoteness of the unjust is mercy, & truely love would be blind,2if we didn't learn
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
I haven't lost you, you're the one whose injustice got him to lose... a heart that loved you
What's been lost of my lifetime for you, I must relive it after you
  • 1. from their mistakes.
  • 2. 'Love is blind' an Arabic proverb.

Me, and Suffering, and Your Love

Me, and suffering, and your love,
Live for each other.
What is it going to be, then,
With you?
You, who have forgotten me?
The promise of love I have kept,
Never have I broken it,
Kept it hidden in my passion,
And sang it with my heart,
And said.
'I will sing,
With you, you who are cruel.'
And you parted from me,
And remained cruel,
And my youth was disoriented,
And love spilled out between us,
I am patient, and waiting for you,
But waiting is not for us.
What is it going to be, then,
With you?
You, who have forgotten me?
Those stricken with love are patient,
And envious of those not stricken,
As love is treasonous, and leaves hearts confused.
Oh, you who I have loved, you have addled my love,
I sought your heart, you injured mine.
And you parted from me,
And remained cruel,
And my youth was disoriented,
And love spilled out between us,
I am patient, and waiting for you,
But waiting is not for us.
What is it going to be, then,
With you?
You, who have forgotten me?
My eyes are on yours, and your lashes,
But your eyes have hurt me.
They speak to me, and greet,
But you are upset.
And with every look, I see your love,
And you never once told me,
The reason of your discontentness.
And you parted from me,
And remained cruel,
And my youth was disoriented,
And love spilled out between us,
I am patient, and waiting for you,
But waiting is not for us.
What is it going to be, then,
With you?
You, who have forgotten me?

Grief has green eyes

Grief has the eyes of green
They won't forgive nor spare.
I go by with my head bowed
And hide my guilty gaze.
I'll go into a field a welcoming
To weep in sorrow over fate.
Who had come up with such a pain?
And why would I this pain have?
I didn't think, it so happened
It was the fate not spite,
It wasn't written in the stars 1
That with me you'd fall in love.
It is not my hand you hold
When walking home,
And I can't even be the cloud
That floats in the sky above.
We didn't meet when time was right,
Weddings played out long ago,
To be a third wheel in your life,
Seems to be my destiny forever.
Nights, sizzling nights
With windflowers rustle,
But grief, with her green eyes,
Relentlessly us watching.
Grief has the eyes of green
They won't forgive nor spare.
I go by with my head bowed
And hide my guilty gaze.
I'll go into a field a welcoming
To weep in sorrow over fate.
Who had come up with such a pain?
And why would I this pain have?
  • 1. lit. Embroidered shirt
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


be strong

little things, simple things
And a few surprises in the middle of the road
Times pass and change
Yesterday you were a king
Where did the expectations go
And how you remaining without an answer
You have not done yet
And what remains of all love
It all depends on you friend
Be strong don't give up
Don't let the sadness hurt you
be strong and overcome
It's hard to see but sometimes
A wheel closes in the middle of the story
And there is no more strength for your body to continue
Can also give up but you are not allowed to
It all depends on you friend...
The conclusion friend, Gather all the entire force
It's easier to talk when fear is released
In spite of everything you understand that this is the way
be strong friend, be strong
It all depends on you friend...

I never love

I never love, I am bluntly saying this to you
and if you loved me, tell me why this is any of my concern
Don't get gloomy without reason towards bitterness and pain
I never love, I never settle
My life is unstable, I like freedom
just like gypsies, who don't live in the same city
Don't get gloomy without reason towards bitterness and pain
I never love, I never settle
Even if we part ways, so what, this should not scare you
a better boy is suitable for you
Don't get gloomy without reason towards bitterness and pain
I never love, I never settle


You play with fire ever since the day you were born
And you're not afraid of it not one bit
Humility is not a virtue of yours, no
You always look for everything out of life
You don't know about fear and pain
And you never want anything half way
You're not always fair when playing this game -
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
You always go all in
When roulette starts to turn
I see that crazy glow in your eye
'All or nothing' - reads on your face
There's only one possible outcome for you
Everything must always be your way
That is the key to success
Right ahead is your only direction
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
You always go all in
There are no obstacles for you, no!
You are a stubborn beast
Prepared to demolish the wall using your head
Like a gambler... (like a gambler...)
Like a gambler... (like a gambler...)
Professional - gambler
You can't stand mediocre people
Lukewarm gets you in the nerve, I know,
You hate playing safe more than anything
You always fight your own battles
You don't know what a compromise is
You're the strongest when everyone attacks you
I know, you can't always be fair -
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Professional - gambler

My Favourite Marija

Everybody has a Marija
The only one in the world
The one he calls his soul and heart
Calls his heaven and sun
I have a Marija of my own, too
My precious, my favourite color
With eyes like pearls
And that, my dear, is you
I know nothing else
But to love you
Of all the Marija(s), honey,
You are my favourite one
Everybody has a Marija
The one he keeps in his chest
The one he lives and breaths for
Loves her more than anything
And I, Marija, I have you
You're the one I dream and sing about
Nothing on this world can make me
Let go of you


The mirror is collapsing
So even more unclearly
Sees, who thinks, he sees
But he hopes more
Than anyone
It's invisible for the eye
But in 100 and 100 forms
It is sensible
In the disappearing time
She's also there
I'm not asking for more,
Just enough time to
Understand and look for Her,
Who's afraid for me, and hopes,
And invites you to see
Only time
I'm not asking for else
If life is only a dream
Once everyone wakes up
On a clear dawn
Horror waits for it
Or mercy
I'm not asking for more,
Just enough time to
Understand and look for Her,
Who's afraid for me, and hopes,
And invites you to see
Only time
I'm not asking for else
The finite watches the infinite
Tries to find out, what does it mean
But from chaos the order
From a killer a saint
Not will become, only if
Has also appeared in you
I'm not asking for more,
Just enough time to
Understand and look for Her,
Who's afraid for me, and hopes,
And invites you to see
Only time
I'm not asking for else

- Reality copy art

Lyrics Costel Zăgan
- Reality copy art
of the
directives lyrics
My parents
(mother especially)
from the grave
And so
that a grandfathers
at the gates
of creation
I have
church bell
in the
here I am
to come
Shall I
Costel Zăgan, Ode tende


Isaac, one carton of nervous.
Glee and ache, less than a step apart.
Factories, black smoke the campus.
Langston, just a little puff of drama.
A well-dressed woman massaged the back of a Shinagawa Station congested and coughing.
In the crouching streets one early morning,
Another day for criminals who for their kind are hunting, jam-packed with the noise of peepers, experts, and speculating.
'You villains don't have the guts to look each other in the eye,' the least self-aware of them all is shouting.
Many things mistaken for being upstanding. Corrupting delusion,
Obituaries in autumn, the discharge of a gun,
The first snow that's on the run from Touhoku in December.
Isaac, one carton of nervous.
Glee and ache, less than a step apart.
Factories, black smoke the campus.
Langston, just a little puff of drama.
If someone always feels pain whenever they hurt someone else, that pain will lead to their death.
You might even say that kindness is a disease.
Whenever someone spits on the ground, every last one of us will step on it as we move forward.
In blizzards or stormy trails, even if there's no light before our sails.
So desperate that we'll break our body, grasp death and insanity.
Like a mine caved-in, humanism burying people within.
Hope will one day disappear. But only when breath leaves our bodies.
Isaac, one carton of nervous.
Glee and ache, less than a step apart.
Factories, black smoke the campus.
Langston, just a little puff of drama.

If You Sing to the Sky

Versions: #2
Cut through fact or fiction, and look up to the heavens, the eternity that flew away
If you sing to the sky, pay no heed to regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, a future which will surely come to pass
For that reason, claw onward!
A mirage, paddling through a river of tears for so many years
Goodbye, I must go!
No matter what you lose,
The unforgotten bitterness and shame
Will adorn your heart
Cut through fact or fiction, and look up to the heavens, the eternity that flew away
If you sing to the sky, pay no heed to regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, too bright to break off from,
To that future, claw onward!
Cherished desires can't be achieved without hurting someone
The ideals you don't mind losing will be your signpost
Laugh if you must, take the scorn with you too
Your voice that day, what you wanted to say, what you couldn't say
If you sing to the sky, shake free from your regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, in throwing away, you carried too much
For that reason, claw onward!
Anguish becomes a sudden downpour.
The quagmire of scorn clings to your leg, not letting you go
Confined within a rain cloud
The isolated sky
Flight from the captured darkness
The things I gripped slipped out immediately.
The things I believed passed away too quickly.
And yet, with just this warmth they left behind,
This life is worth living.
Emerging from the muddy stream of disappointment
A streak of light shining from the dull, cloudy sky
By then, the rain had already lifted.
Cut through fact or fiction, and look up to the heavens, the eternity that flew away
If you sing to the sky,
Your voice that day crying something, what you wanted to say, what you couldn't say
If you sing to the sky, go along with your regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, in ending, you lost too much
For that reason, claw onward!
Finite, finite, our slim remaining future
For that reason, claw onward!

The Call

Versions: #2
God is the greatest
God is the greatest
God is the greatest
God is the greatest
I testify that there is no overlord except for God
I testify that there is no overlord except for God
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God
Come to the assembly
Come to the assembly
Come to salvation
Come to salvation
God is the greatest
God is the greatest
There is no overlord except for God

Crushed Beneath an Empty Sky 空っぽの空に潰される

Versions: #6
I collected too many letters that I had to get rid of my own belongings.
Just as I finally start to feel satisfied, the truth is it feels empty again.
''It's better to have more money'', ''It's better to have more friends'',
''It's better to have more peace of mind'' - what is ''happiness'' in the end?
We spell ''frantic (必死)'' as ''certain (必) of death (死)'', we spell ''dazed (夢中)'' as ''inside (中) of a dream (夢)''.
And, right now, frantic and dazed, we're running through the seasons.
Our injuries wouldn't stop growing, but we had friends who could laugh and say, ''It hurts!''
But don't envy your past self - that person's only an imaginary rival.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right? When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
These curt seasons come one after another, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
In the end, ''humans beings'' seem to have one or two things missing.
Do you think we're lacking something? Do you think we're in need of something?
I only have as little baggage as I need, and for me that's more than enough.
So let's see if I can run again. Let's see if I can run, frantic and dazed.
Today comes to an end, and another today comes around. I can't go anywhere as they stream past, but when I said I hate the things I hate, I've finally washed ashore at this ''today''.
That's why today is an anniversary: the anniversary of when I finally took a stand.
But there's still just one problem: today feels completely empty.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right? When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
The people and things we loved abruptly disappear, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
Would things get easier if I complained? Would things get easier if I did nothing but cry?
Does it feel nice to say ''I want to die''? Do I even want to take another step from here?
I left something behind somewhere, in a classroom or maybe back in the womb.
''Happiness'' must be learning to love your permanent flaws.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right? When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
I came all this way from a dark place, only to return back to another dark place.
But in that time, what can I even do? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.


Reggel arra ébredtem, megdöglött a kutyám
Valaki nem szerette és ezért fejbe lőtte csúnyán.
Reggel arra ébredtem, a macskám is kimúlt
Tudom, hogy hiányozni fog, leültem ...könnycsepp az orcámra hullt.
Estére haza értem, és a disznóm is eltekerget
Úgy gondolom, hamarosan odébb állok, ezek az emberek nem szeretnek.
Most történt valami, ami még egy szentet is elszomorítana
Hátat fordítottam és a házam lángba borult vala.

amazarashi - Sayonara gokko さよならごっこ (Pretending to Say Goodbye)

Melancholy scatters in the wind and casts a shadow where it gathers.
Our footsteps incessantly remind us of our impermanence, and I get so lost when I peer into the depth of your eyes.
We used to have hopes, right? About what lies ahead?
The reason we joke and laugh is that the road we travel is so dark, and I guess it's our job to turn on the lights.
I'm all to familiar with pretending to say goodbye, but I still broke into tears as I waved farewell.
This deep red sadness of ours gets darker, and darker, and then becomes night.
Even if it's inevitable that tomorrow will come around, I didn't ever say that I wanted to live for it.
Even though I'm better off quitting, I still keep on having dreams of the future. Of the future. And it's all your fault.
All the things we need to accomplish are hanging from the crescent moon.
Even wandering the roads at the night, your figure radiates reassurance.
It takes time to trust - especially when it's trusting another person.
But if we're on the same road, there's no reason to stay distant either.
When all's said and done, if I'm going to share something, then I'll need someone to share it with, and I'll need myself too.
I'm all to familiar with pretending to say goodbye, but I still broke into tears as I waved farewell.
This deep red sadness of ours gets darker, and darker, and then becomes night.
If love was there from the very beginning, we never checked to be sure.
Destiny takes us along to meet the most unexpected people, and they leave a lasting impression in the depths of our hearts.
If there's hardship, we can bear it. If there's pain, we can share it.
But I couldn't shoulder your burdens all the way up to your fated destination.
Farewells are always hard, no matter how many times I've done them, so we're only pretending to part ways. This is just a goodbye game.
It's a game where I trick myself by saying ''I'm sure we'll meet again.''
''I'm sure we'll meet again.''
I'm all too familiar with pretending to say goodbye, but I still broke into tears as I waved farewell.
These deep red lies of ours they dampen, and dampen, and then morning arrives.
I guess the fact that we've grown apart means that we were united at one point.
If we called it ''giving up'', then I'd feel guilty doing it.
But it's fate. It's fate. That's what you called it.


Egy sírt ástam* neked
A halálodat kívántam
Megcsomóztam neked a kötelet
Majd álmomban meglincseltelek
Mondd, hol vannak a csillagok
Tarts és hallgasd a szelet
A halottnak mondottak tovább élnek
Mert ők a végsőkig harcolnak
A halottnak hittek visszajönnek
A sírból, mint Lázár
Mutasd meg még egyszer utoljára
Az utat a sötét Paradicsomba
Tápláld csillapíthatatlan, mohó vágyam
Az állatot bennem
Elhoztalak a folyóhoz
A hideg vízbe fektettelek
Rózsavirágokkal betakartalak
Megvártam, míg a harang ütött
Mondd, hol vannak a csillagok
Tarts és hallgasd a szelet
A halottnak mondottak tovább élnek
Mert ők a végsőkig harcolnak
A halottnak hittek visszajönnek
A sírból, mint Lázár
Mutasd meg még egyszer utoljára
Az utat a sötét Paradicsomba
Tápláld csillapíthatatlan, mohó vágyam
Az állatot bennem
Megcsináltam a koporsódat
Megsirattam a halálod
Emlékezetem az eskünkre
Mi ketten először a halálban egyesültünk
A halottnak mondottak tovább élnek
Mert ők a végsőkig harcolnak
A halottnak hittek visszajönnek
A sírból, mint Lázár
Mutasd meg még egyszer utoljára
Az utat a sötét Paradicsomba
Tápláld csillapíthatatlan, mohó vágyam
Az állatot bennem
Az állatot bennem!
Az állatot bennem!

amazarashi - Monster バケモノ

Versions: #3
He was a monster. A beast that feeds off lies.
I met him in the park, like an abandoned dog on a Monday morning.
Amidst the dew-coated morning glories, collapsed beneath the midsummer sun, he was gasping, and he looked at me with frightened eyes.
When I stroked his patchy fur, his mouth twitched, in spite of his starved body.
Perhaps out of pity, or sympathy, or something else entirely, I thought, ''Maybe I should give him one of my lies''
Like how even though right now I want to disappear, I'm pretending that I don't.
Or right in front of my family, ''I always leave for school right on time'', and when I get home, I'll say ''Today was a fun day, too'' - lying about that.
''Eat these up, little monster. You seem to be enjoying them plenty, aren't you?''
He was a monster. A beast that feeds off lies.
After I filled his stomach, he took a liking to me, and grew right before my eyes.
Me, an outcast. The bridge where I jumped.
The window of a hospital room. My sobbing mother. The evening glow in a grove of trees.
A greedy expression showed on his face, and as time went on, his body grew fatter.
Since he keeps pestering me more and more for my next lie, I guess I'll give him another one, shall I?
Though the truth was just that I screwed up at killing myself, I lied about it.
Right in front of my family, timidly smiling, ''I was so lucky to have survived.''
And so now today, just as easy as breathing, I tell lies.
''Eat these up, little monster. You've grown plenty big, haven't you?''
And now the monster has grown even taller than I am.
Since I'm just a pile of lies, won't he eat me up once and for all?
''Living was so hard! It was painful, and I couldn't take it anymore! But it would have been the most painful to have other people think that I was suffering!''
When I finally screamed out what I really felt, the monster shrivelled before my very eyes.
But hey, I'm still hiding some lies - lies that even I fall for.
Even though all I want is to live happily even after, I keep telling these lies.
If they're trifling delusions meant to fill the gap between our ideals and our reality, then maybe lies are inevitable for us, being so weak.
And now today, everyone out there is telling lies.
''Eat those up.'' Don't we all have two sides to us: the real thing, and the shadow lurking behind.
He's a monster. A beast that feeds on lies.
One by one, each and every one of us hides him behind our backs.
And that secret, the swelling that we try to cover up, is like a shadow that looms behind you. It's pretty big, isn't it?

Hug me

Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
I still remember the day we met
You didn't even look at me, actually, you ignored me
Because you didn't want to suffer for love again
Your broken heart needed me
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Don't you feel alone
I'm here for you
We're lucky
to hug each other strongly
You suffer in silence
And that's not good
Tell me what you feel
I love protecting you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you
Hug me
If something goes wrong, I'll be here for you
Calm down, your problems are mine too
If you need it, just cry
I'll take care of you

Forty Years Since Then

Couplet 1
Forty years ago they shouted to me: “Hold on!”
They scream again, perhaps they know better
After all, one hundred losses and one hundred awards, my funny life*
That was, and is, worth it for her
Forty years through the foam of days, I see again and again
No matter where my path takes me
Ahead and a little faster my love flies
Only to lend a hand
And I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
Couplet 2
I left your unkind, hangover ball
Everything goes in a circle for the hundredth time.
In a moment, when we hear a scream, it was someone deceiving us
It's a pity I won't see your eyes
But I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
But I ran after her, I chased the horses
Day and night, I only thought about her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
Just not a step closer, I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her

prettier than you

i dont find anyone prettier than you, nicer than you
seen from afar, may sunlight hit in your heart

Limu, Limu, Lima

Limu, Limu, Lima
God, let the sun shine
Over the mountains of blue
Over small the small hills
Like walking in the forest
In the summer
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar


Flowers have scents, I don’t know much about it tho
I have love, I hope I do
My eyes are a camera that captures the age, my throat is a quiet siren
I turn off the room light
At night I turn into a dragon, swim through the gap between the stars
The unseen figure undulates,
grabbing mountains, eating oceans
This is the place only I can come, and the self only I know
Even if my scales peel off and get tattered
The pain has no name, time heals it, that’s all
If you have a lonesome mind, you end up growing distorted
Still you have love
At night I turn into a dragon, swim through the gap between the stars
Let’s write a song nobody has heard
Tracing trees, searching for the morning
This is the place only I can come, and the self only I know

Its eyes are crying

April was only 30 fucking seconds long
It was foreshadowed and not believed
Everything had wept
Deeply understood in my soul
The sky opened its doors for it
But it saved itself every time
Life's fire went out
In an hour
In a strange time, it beats again along my wounds
She sings to everyone through the screens
And everyone sees that her eyes are crying
It was really early when you left
No longer someone's wife, but a mother
And for her son's sake, she'll believe in miracles
In the tour's schedule, they kept pressing stop
Remembering that the day will become night
And at least look at something with some sense
Watching as everyone tries to help
There's nothing to save
just leave her be
and once she forgives herself
give a standing ovation
In a strange time, it beats again along my wounds
She sings to everyone through the screens
And everyone sees that her eyes are crying
It was really early when you left
No longer someone's wife, but a mother
And for her son's sake, she'll believe in miracles
The whole country will cry with you
They'll never forget it
And even though our support could mean so little
we're with you until the very end