Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 23

Találatok száma: 769


The rope/Missing cats

We're all summoned to the big demonstration
to the plaza! to the plaza!
We all go together because today walks on the rope
the wellknown climbing tightrope walker.
And that other who dodges the rope
who's also an expert climber, stands out.
And that other who isn't so famous
but he's also a pure breed feline tightrope walker.
Attention! Stop the music!
Attention! Stop the music!
The stick counterbalances,
the right on one side, the right on the other.
He walks on the long rope
the heavies on one side, the right on the other.
Staring at the goal
the front on one side, the right on the other.
One foot and another, one foot and another
the words on one side, maths on the other.
Order, time and sanity,
Tradition, fámily and property,
corruption for one side, treason for the other.
Attention! Exactitude challenge!
Attention! Everyone below look at him!
Attention! One manoeuvre after another! What a waist! Beautiful!
Attention! Seven lives of skills!
Attention! Of promises!
Stop the music!
Stop the music!
Stop the music! Cut!
Stop the music!
Stop the music!
Stop the music! Cut!
Stop the music!
Stop the music!
Stop the music!
Stop the music! Cut!
Cut! Cut! Cut! Stop the music!
listen, you can't talk this way,
right in this moment, you can't,
accept that you can't sing this way,
it's disrespectful and besides is not advisable
strategically is not advisable.
Do you want a suggestion?
I suggest you to not keep going with this song
do something else, whatever...

We interrupt to give an information,
that has to do with the population
and it turns out to be strange for the public opinion.
There's a terrible and absent absence,
There's a obvious, present absence,
There's a brutal, total absence,
There's a fatal and hot absence,
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Lots of cats are missing!
At La Union, for example, there were 12536 cats just a while ago,
today there are only 22.
Maybe they drowned them under the concrete.
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Only remains some skinny cats!
At Paso Molino, zone of cats with sweet flesh,
of 4654 cats, only remain 41.
Maybe they dumped them to the sea.
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Only remains some bones of skinny cats!
At La Teja, ha!, of 14484 only remain 96.
Where are the cats? Attention! Where are the cats?
They're not buried at the cementery.
We searched and they're no there!
Maybe, maybe their eyes, their eyes maybe.
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Only remains some barrel grills with strips of skinny cats!
At the Cerro, the old Cerro, the last census showed 8402 cats,
and pay attention, this is incredible, today there are only 7!
even though at the Cerro, there are no more meat plants!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Missing cats!
Only remains some ocelots! What?
Only remains some ocelots! What?
Only remains...!
Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!
it's disrespectful, it's impossible,
don't waste all that scratches in a tight spot,
it is not advisable, strategically is not advisable,
it's not the right moment.
Look, I have no other solution but to advice you sincerily
To not keep going with this information.
Well, but if you want, grab the song again,
and go with it soft, soft, soft
we must have balance, grow up...

We're all summoned to the precipitation
at the plaza, at the plaza!
Today walks on the rope the wellknown climber,
the promise of the masses.
Today he crawls on the tightrope,
shaking like a rat tail.
Today he crawls on the tightrope,
the tense rope, the rope on the neck.
Everyone below wait for him with the hungry eyes,
licking their lips.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

What a business

How many things are that you never told
which are your fears
how many situations that you've betrayed
which is your sin
How tight are your knot instincts
accomplice tangles
Which is your profit in all this issue
Which is your appetite
How are you different
How are you
How much splendid morbidity over your impulses
which is your turbid face
Which is the sensation you always feared
which is your dirty step
How many things are that you never knew
How many things are that you take for granted
that you make clear that are assumed
Where is the lie
How much is your goodness (the other one, the deep one)
Which is your prescence
Where is your conscience (the other one, the deep one)
How is your prescence
And your solidarity (the other one, the deep one)
Which is your innocence
Where will reach your thick skin
How far will reach your sadness
To what grade will reach your beast nature
How long is it going
How long is it going
of poison.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Seemed Stange

[First Verse]
In this quite water we in loved without reason.
But I dunno: to stay or choose an ending,
Ask for more for parting.
When there will empty and feelings are ended up
We missed it and turn it over again
Under the set of sleepless nights, now it'll be easier for us.
[Chorus (2x)]
You seemed strange at this evening.
We've play our first time just once.
So it's difficult to fell in feelings again
And it's late to change.
[Second Verse]
Calls again, wanna share'em too,
Cuz it'll soon be over.
And lines are hold us stronger then wine,
Pouring dream to remains of ice.
When there will empty and feelings are ended up,
Let's touch our lips and let
Our eyes stay half-closed, glasses are unfinished.
[Chorus (2x)]
You seemed strange at this evening.
We've play our first time just once.
So it's difficult to fell in feelings again
And it's late to change.
Tibor from QS-FB


This black wind tastes of Africa
The white elephant was already there
The caged lion, old America
Gray snow, sand of popcorn
The kangaroos down under in Australia dance
Radio Sidney says 'It's all ok'
The Wall ages and loses its charm
Petersburg in the name of Big Bang
The Pharaohs of Mercury are drowning
Sister sphinx in its old enigmas
The ancient oracle can not answer
To a tourist looking for a hotel
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

The video is me

If you really see the genius inside me
No wonder, never hurt me
The video is me, a not played planned video tape
The video is me, vitality
Functional, rational
If your mind in black and white thinks1
Evanescent provocative you want the color
The video is me, I'm a video tape
Which informs you, that probes you
The video is me, complicity
Look how nice video, so lower your radio
You really want to record a little of afterlife, causing, never play
The video is me, I'm a video tape
With a deeper wave
The video is me, actuality, the video is me, I am a video tape
The video is me, I'm a video tape
The video is a me, I'm a video tape
The video, the video is me
Look how nice video, lower your radio
  • 1. alt. imagines
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

I'll say it outwardly

Why do you ask me secretly
If my heart cries for the woman I love
for man it'll never be a shame
to speak of his love outwardly
I'll say it outwardly
for her I wither,
I tyranize myself, I hurt
suffer and melt
Why do you put salt on my wounds?
Why do you treat me to poison?
Doesn't anyone feel me in this Dounia?*
I'll leave far away and forget
Dounia is a large mountain range near Sparti which is often used metaphorically in songs to refer to something of great magnitude
I'll say it outwardly
for her I wither,
I tyranize myself, I hurt
suffer and melt

Catastrophes and worries

Catastrophies and worries
beat me day and night
I never breathed
in this bullet
Mother why did you birth me
to live Ike a damned man
worries hit me,
poverties and injustice
I never did injustice to anyone
why would they do injustice to me
and why would they separate me
from the woman that I love

A Word is Told to Me

I was told a word, I split it into a string,
The voice was connected to a telephone call.
Strange orchestras amble in my head,
Strange orchestras...
That which fingers know - that is unknown to the eyes,
The piano keyboard exudes nerve gas,
Rabid wolves in naked wires -
Look into to your eyes and you will see fear!
I don't know formulas, but electric current is always electric current,
I saw a woman, I threw her a flower,
The wolves parted, now you can dig an underground passage -
But in the opposite window, a machine gun is installed.
You will see the sun in blinding heights.
If you caught someone in the evening in the rye.
I learned yesterday from the report of the latest news,
That I will die unknown in the shadow of my children.

The fisherman

Why don't you want me
my lady
because I'm a fisherman?
I'm a bit of a troublemaker
as a fisherman and boater is
And you dare to think
that you won't be well off with me
I have a small boat
with oars and a sail
and I fish every night
alone with the fishing line
And I sell the fish I catch
in the market
And if I walk barefoot
don't look at me and laugh
I know how to look after
the woman that I'll have
And to cater to her happiness
no matter if I'm a fisherman

Hug me and you'll see

Versions: #4
Don't tell me what you think
I believed that I know it
Just look at me for a moment
And I'll guess
How difficult it was to loved us
And to stop loving us
And at the end of the way
Meet again
In your eyes there is no secrets
I can see it
You always had the world
That made me feel that good
How difficult it was to love us
And to love again
If it's true love
Everything can happen
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Since I saw you
Now take my end
I don't want to wait
I feel wind on our wings
Let's fly
And how well it feels to love you
When you're by my side
And how beautiful it's to look at you
And hug you one more time
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Because you're my energy
You're giving light to my life
Since I saw you
Since I saw you
Since I saw you

Nighthawk's Star

Beetles and many other insects
They kill me every night
And that unique-only-one me
This time kills the Hawk
Such a painful act
I've already stopped eating insects
I starved until I died
No, before that
The Hawk has to kill me
No, even before
I have to face the faraway sky
And go to its boundaries

Mint azelőtt

Ha ő visszatérne, mit tennék én?
Mi lenne az első reakcióm?
Akkor talán hátat fordítanék neki?
Hihetem-e vajon, hogy még mindig szeret
vagy egyszerűen búcsút mondana?
Ha visszatérne, mit tennék én?
Az ő mosolya előtt senki nem mond nemet
Szeretném ugyanúgy a száját,
mely engem újra megőrjít
és gyengéden szeretkeznék vele.
Mint azelőtt,
Amikor két barát voltunk, két szerelmes.
Mint azelőtt,
amikor a szerelem megmozdult a bőrünk alatt.
Mint azelőtt,
hogy próbára tegyen és összetörje a szívemet.
Mint azelőtt,
amikor minden pillanatban magáévá tett engem.
Mint azelőtt,
amikor a nagy szenvedély felébredt bennem.
Mint azelőtt,
átlépni az ajtón és elbúcsúzni ...
Isten veled!
Ha ő visszatérne, mit tennék én?
Ha soha nem tudnék elszakadni ...
Ő még mindig vágyaimhoz kötözne,
Ő továbbra is rabul ejtené a lelkem
és én vulkán volnék, és ciklon volnék.
Mint azelőtt ...
Mint azelőtt ...
Ó! Mint azelőtt ...
Mint azelőtt ...

Ha engem nem szeretsz

Dühös vagyok
Miért hallgatsz?
Amikor többet kérek tőled
Felemésztesz engem
Fél óra
És te el akarsz menni
És te elhidegülsz
És te elidegenedel
Te olyan vagy mint egy hullám
Mindenhol egyszerre támad rám
És a csapás ugyanúgy eltűnik
Amikor te lüktetsz
És remegsz
És sikítozol
Mondd meg nekem, mi a helyzet
Miért hazudik nekem a tested
Ha nem szeretsz engem?
Amikor téged elkaplak
Egy csókban van az egész élet
Mondd, mi a helyzet
Miért hazudnak az ajkaid
Ha nem szeretsz engem?
Visszajössz, mintha semmi. (Nem történt volna)
Két szó és én kísértésbe esem
Egy másik hajnal
És az én párnámon
Morzsálgatod a szerelmedet
És te elhidegülsz
És furcsán érzem magam
Te vagy a büntetésem
Mint egy sorscsapás, mint még soha
Szeretnélek elhagyni
Lüktetve kiabálsz
És remegve elhallgatsz
Átölelsz engem, megcsókolsz engem
Hazudsz nekem, megbolondítasz engem
Ha nem szeretsz engem

You say: May I be stabbed on behalf of you

She says: May I be stabbed (on behalf of you), and I respond: May I die before you 1
I'm a Southern guy, spread his sorrow on a Southern cloud 2
When she says: 'I would sacrifice my life for you my love' Oh people
I feel like I'm on the top of Abha's mountain 3, feeling the Northern breeze
And keeps me thinking
When she says: May I carry you burden on behalf of you
She showers me with her sacrifices, day and night
And I dance on its music 4 a Southern dance 5
  • 1. May I be stabbed on behalf of you, is a phrase used in the Southern region of Saudi, it's only said to the very close and loved ones, whether a mother, father, son, husband, wife. It means the one would sacrifice his life for this beloved.
    The second phrase: it has almost the same meaning but it's used as a response.
  • 2. The Southern region of Saudi Arabia is rainy almost all of the year. So this could be a metaphour like his emotions comes out as rain drops over his land.
  • 3. Abha: a Southern city known of it's mountains and cool weather
  • 4. Like if hearing such phrases from his beloved is music to his ears. It could also mean that hearing it raises his heart beats to a level where he can dance on his heart beats. I mean Arabian gulf music is based on beats check this video on 4:30 , that's why such metaphour is used in poems.
  • 5. Saudi Southern dance called 'Khatwa Jenoubia' means 'Southern step' this is a video of the dance The video footage is in Saudi Southern region.
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!

Lo, Just A Year Ago - With Bitter Anguish...

Lo, just a year ago - with bitter anguish,
In mad nostalgia I was leaving you,
It seemed to me: for ages I would languish,
For I have lost both life and joy with you.
A year have passed - in torment of oblivion
You disappeared as longtime distant dream,
And only sometimes I recall as trivia
The bygone days, when I saw nightly dreams.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Good News

All my life I had
routine, routine,
my feet stuck in the nets1
getting uip, sailing,
fishing, going back to bed.
I was like fish
that suffocate in the free air
and look, he is coming..
All my life I had
routing, routine,
starting, restarting,
my eyes on reflections
going back, cleaning up,
I was llike scorpions
who walk backwards
and at last he is coming.
The Good News is him
The Good New is crazy
The Good News is him
The good News is us.
All my life I had
routine, routine,
my heart trapped by my thoughts
and as the only future
to have been born to die
he undoes our bonds
I will get rid of mine,
at last he is coming.
All my life I had
routine, routine,
my hands that bled on the lines.
Judas and John:
he said 'raise your heads'
The Kingdome is a party
Peter and Judas
Only he knows our worth.
We are the new men
he is coming.
The Good News is him
The Good New is crazy
The Good News is him
The good News is us.
He says 'follow me, leave everything'
That's fine, us, we've got nothing.
Fortunate2 are the meek and the little children.
Peter, Judas:
Tht's fine, we like life.
Life is eternal.
It is ours if we follow him,
if we follow him.
The Good News is him
The Good News is crazy
The Good News is him
The Good News is us.
  • 1. always the same
  • 2. or happy
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.

Molding Our Futures

Versions: #3
From as far back as I can remember, I’d always hated myself. But somehow, I’d all but forgotten.
I wonder why. I bet it was the moment that I first met you.
Whoever the person in front of me was, I would think they were hiding something.
I was never very good at smiling, yet the time I spent wearing a smile kept increasing.
I’m not afraid of all the time passing by. I’m sure tomorrow will be wonderful. That’s what this song is about.
And I will say, “Thank you so much. Good-bye for now. I’m home.”
I hope that we can stay like this, so comfortably, forever and ever.
Ever since I was born I’ve been running away, from loving others and being loved in return.
Dealing with people is so intimidating. That goes double for when my heart’s put on display.
Of course, I’ve known the truth all along, the truth that I’m the one who’s in the wrong.
I can’t say for sure just how well it’ll go, but if nothing else I can give it an honest try.
I know I’ve hurt many people. I gave up on them before they even had a chance. Now’s the time to make amends.
And I will say, “Thank you so much. Good-bye for now. I’m home.”
I hope that we can stay like this, so comfortably, believing in each other.
If only I could rewrite everything I’ve ever done until now.
If only I could toss all of my failures into the trash where they belong.
And because of how I am, if all you you do is tell me that you’ve fallen in love with me,
That’s enough. That’s enough. That’s far, far more than enough.
I can stick out my chest, and with a loud voice, finally say I’m proud to be me.
Please tell me, tell me that it’s okay for me to come back whenever I want.
I’m finally willing to be myself with all of my heart.
And all for you, to do the same for the one who never stopped believing in me.
And I will say, “Thank you so much. Good-bye for now. I’m home.”
I hope that we can stay like this, so comfortably, even far into the future.

Daididau (*nickname)

Versions: #2
I picked a pen and wrote a letter to you my dear,
Beauty of your face is like moon on 14th day,
When I recall you, my lovely,
It drives misery inside me which is harden.
Oh, Daididau,
You drive misery inside me which is harden.
Is it true that you left me my dear friend,
Did you decide to get apart?
It seemed we would never get apart,
What can I do if you broke your promise.
Oh, Daididau,
What should I do if you broke your promise.

A Dark-Eyed Young Cossack Girl

A dark-eyed young cossack girl
Once did shoe my horse's hooves,
Then she asked me for some silver -
Gave herself little value.
What's your name, my little dear?
And this dear said to me:
My name can only be heard,
In the gallop of a steed.
I went riding down a street,
And I galloped down a road.
On a path, among the brown,
and the greyest of all stones.
Masha, Zina, Dasha, Nina?
None of them, it seems, are her.
'Katya, Katya,' cutting through me,
From the horseshoes can be heard.
From that time, starting to ride,
In a gallop, the first step,
'Katya, Katya, Katerina,'
I whisper to myself again.
What a massive fool I am,
I've already another!
But, my Katya, like a song, can't be
Dragged out from my soul, brother.
A dark-eyed young cossack girl
Once did shoe my horse's hooves,
Then she asked me for some silver -
Gave herself little value.
What's your name, my little dear?
And this dear said to me:
My name can only be heard,
In the gallop of a steed.

The City, Baked in Moonlight

Through the curtains the moonlight comes pouring
So now to this letter my pen begins flowing
Should now be the signal to the end of my life
This note will be pinned to the wall with that knife
The various reasons behind various things
On this journey that traces my whole history
Detailed in this regrettable itinerary
This pen looks to me no different than a blade
My wild imagination imposes itself upon my feelings
To somebody’s heart these bullets are connecting
In this city the sky up above is slowly burning
Bust my gut at the city I always thought laughed at me
Thus began the days that I spent trying to flee
Only to be cornered with nowhere behind me
I stood there waving around my freedom like a weapon
Only for it to spin back around and cut my head off
Shut in their head, eyes frozen lead
Hands held and red, my life it mends
Journey ahead, when will it end
A dream in bed, over once said
So burn this world. Burn it all dead
Burn it all dead. Burn it all dead.
Rain in droplets. On feet they fled.
On feet they fled. On feet they fled.


When grievances will come to nothing,
When you are ready to burn in the fire,
When you are ready to forgive me,
Let me in at dawn.
When the desires prevail,
When against thirst will remain with you forever
I will cease to fear that the wrath of heaven
Tells me 'This is the end.'
Surrender! A draw in your war, and I ask – come back.
Surrender! In my desert you are a mirage, but you do not disappear.
I did not believe, that the soul without love, as without water, dries up.
I'm not your enemy anymore. Surrender!
At a distance of two steps,
When I touch you are ready
Give me your word, that there will not be an abyss and
Love will be saved.
When your trap snaps shut,
When I'm ready to die from this wounds,
Give me your word, that you will cease to execute me,
Became a brutal game.
Surrender! A draw in your war, and I ask – come back.
Surrender! In my desert you are a mirage, but you do not disappear.
I did not believe, that the soul without love, as without water, dries up.
I'm not your enemy anymore Surrender!
I'm not your enemy anymore!
Surrender! A draw in your war, and I ask – come back.
Surrender! In my desert you are a mirage, but you do not disappear.
I did not believe, that the soul without love, as without water, dries up.
I'm not your enemy anymore.
Surrender! A draw in your war, and I ask – come back.
Surrender! In my desert you are a mirage, but you do not disappear.
I did not believe, that the soul without love, as without water, dries up.
I'm not your enemy anymore. Surrender!

Add meg magad

Amikor a nehéz érzések elhalványodnak,
amikor készen állsz rá, hogy tűzben égj,
amikor készen állsz arra, hogy megbocsáss nekem,
hogy beengedj a hajnalodba.
Amikor a vágy dominál,
amikor arra vágyok, hogy örökre veled legyek,
arra késztet, hogy ne féljek a Mennyek haragjától,
amikor azt mondja 'Itt a vég!'.
Add meg magad! A harcodban nincs győztes, s arra kérlek - gyere vissza.
Add meg magad! A sivatagomban te vagy a délibáb, de kérlek ne tűnj el.
Sosem hittem, hogy a szerelem nélkül kiszárad a lélek, akár víz nélkül.
Nem vagyok az ellenséged tovább. Add meg magad!
Két lépés távolság,
ennyi kell, hogy készen álljak arra, hogy megérintselek.
Ígérd meg, hogy nem kerül közénk válaszfal,
és meg tudjuk menteni majd a szerelmünket.
Amikor a csapdád hangosan összecsukódik,
amikor készen állok, hogy meghaljak a sebek miatt,
ígérd meg, hogy nem hozol többet ilyen nehéz helyzetbe,
hisz a játék már így is kegyetlenné vált.
Add meg magad! A harcodban nincs győztes, s arra kérlek - gyere vissza.
Add meg magad! A sivatagomban te vagy a délibáb, de kérlek ne tűnj el.
Sosem hittem, hogy a szerelem nélkül kiszárad a lélek, akár víz nélkül.
Nem vagyok az ellenséged tovább. Add meg magad!
Nem vagyok az ellenséged tovább!
Add meg magad! A harcodban nincs győztes, s arra kérlek - gyere vissza.
Add meg magad! A sivatagomban te vagy a délibáb, de kérlek ne tűnj el.
Sosem hittem, hogy a szerelem nélkül kiszárad a lélek, akár víz nélkül.
Nem vagyok az ellenséged tovább...
Add meg magad! A harcodban nincs győztes, s arra kérlek - gyere vissza.
Add meg magad! A sivatagomban te vagy a délibáb, de kérlek ne tűnj el.
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EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Mom (The rocky bulwark)

1. There far, far away in a quiet town,
Alone in the middle of lands, in a dusky room
My midnight pilgrimess
Is praying to God for my salvation.
The only thing she begs, 'Guard her, Lord'.
And all night long wax candles have been burning on a window
For my strayed soul, that lost faith and love, to gain light.
Mom, mom, only you will never betray, will never stop love.
In this world and the other one (world) You will always stay with me.
You the only one, to whom I come heartbroken.
Mom, mom, you are my rocky bulwark.
2. The night is black, the path is obscure. There's fathomless darkness.
And dark powers prophesy misfortunes for me .
But two vigils keep me safe in darkness -
The eyes of mom and those of Mother of God.
People say that I've never felt sad.
Only you know, my dear,
How many times, being mercilessly beaten by fate,
I survived because of your prayers.
3. That is why troubles couldn't break me.
Because far, far away in the middle of lands
My midnight pilgrimess
Is praying to God for my salvation.


I was a very honest girl,
Polite and reserved,
My virginity was mine,
My pride, and all that other shit.
But I gave in to no one,
Kept myself, much as I could,
Only, at my own cost,
Sex gnawed away at my bullshit.
Oh, how I want a real man,
To leave me black and blue,
To caress me everywhere,
But just not clasp at my zipper.
But if he really pesters me,
And hints at anything,
I'll tell him 'no,' but, at least,
Agree to a blowie.
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie.'
Now I'm getting married soon,
My husband will respect me,
I was just a girl, after all,
I was just protecting my hymen.
And girls, listen to what I tell you,
Save yourself for your groom,
Don't agree to that, no,
But, bravely, give him a blowie,
Yes, It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie.'

Neked szánom

Végignéztem az életet
Anélkül hogy láttam volna
Láttalak a szemeimben egy pillanatra
És láttam milyen vagy
Milyen leszel, milyen, milyen leszel.
Neked szánom azt,
Amit nem tennék meg érted
Ha bezárkozom a csendbe
Az ötletek összekavarodnak
Te vagy az idő amit
Neked szánva útra engedek
Egy olyan szerelmi vágy vagy
Amit sosem éltem még meg
Te itt örökké jelen vagy
Inkább ma mint tegnap a fejemben.
Most a gondolataimban vagy
Azok közt amik nem tűnnek el
Egy olyan nagy tükör mint az ég
A hold és az életem közt
És akarlak annyira akarlak.
Ahányszor csak sírtam
Esküszöm megállítanám érted az időt.
Neked szánom azt
Hogy nincs lehetetlen
Mennyiszer kerestem
És ki tudja te hányszor
Vesztettünk mi, de előbb utóbb minden utazás a szélben véget ér
Te itt örökké jelen vagy
Inkább ma mint tegnap a fejemben.
Akarlak szerelmem nem tudod
Mennyire akarlak
Még még még
Még még jobban
De ennél több mi van még
Ha van azt neked akarom
Neked szánom...
Neked szánom...
Előbb utóbb minden utazás a szélben véget ér
Te itt örökké jelen vagy
Inkább ma mint tegnap a fejemben.
Akarlak szerelmem nem tudod
Mennyire akarlak
Még még még
Még még jobban
De ennél több mi van még
Ha van azt neked akarom
Neked szánom...
Neked szánom...
Előbb utóbb minden utazás a szélben véget ér
Te itt örökké jelen vagy
Inkább ma mint tegnap a fejemben.

Close Your Eyes

Close your eyes and flew
One dream, we so wanted
We were so dreaming of winning
We so wanted to surprise
Close your eyes and flew
You and I saw it
And led one dream
And I'm singing to you now
When the sun shines clearly
It's not flammable
When tears flow
People just laugh like this
When the sun shines clearly
It's not flammable
When tears flow
People just laugh like this
Close your eyes and flew
And let the doors are closed for us
Dreams must not come true
But who said that they shouldn't
When the sun shines clearly
It's not flammable
When tears flow
People just laugh like this
When the sun shines clearly
It's not flammable
When tears flow
People just laugh like this
Tibor from QS-FB


If you want to go to the steppe
You'll have to look for Casatchok
This is the name of a small Cossack
That his dance will teach everyone
Run, run by the little Cossack
Dancing along with casatchok
Casatchok is the steppe dance
Dancing, dancing and the cold goes away
Casatchok the winter passes quickly
Like vodka, your nights will flare up
You will not have anybody's love
If you can not dance the casatchok
While dancing in the heart of the steppe
Your heart will beat strong
A thousand balalaika orchestra
In the night will accompany it
La, la, la ...
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Bemiram Bemiram

I let you die free
The cried flower made me die from sadness
Die die die night and day
I let you free myself from dying
What a god like earthquake
You die in my warm arms
Until you broke with me the king of sorrow
I'm burning fire, I die like a dew

If I sing to The Sky

Piercing through falsehood to see the blue sky, eternity's in flight!
If I sing to the sky, not even regrets stand a chance
It's inevitable. The future we got with our strength.
Keep up the fight.
Seeing a mirage, I've paddled through a tear river. Much has passed.
Goodbye, I've got to move forward
It doesn't matter what I lose
I'll use my unforgettable humiliation and frustration
And I'll decorate my heart
Piercing through falsehood to see the blue sky, eternity's in flight!
If I sing to the sky, not even regrets stand a chance
It's inevitable. The future was too bright
To be abandoned.
Our dreams can't be grasped without hurting someone
I'm ready to lose my ideals, it's a signal
If I laugh, laugh too, it's all a joke. Follow me!
Your voice that day, the things you said and couldn't say
If I sing to the sky, I'll throw my regrets away
It's inevitable. Throw away what you've been carrying.
Keep up the fight!
Suffering became a sudden rain
To keep up the walk will only hurt your feet and leave them in a muddy mess
Swimming in rain clouds
On an isolated sky
Escape the darkness by which you were captured
What I've grasped is long gone
Even though, only with this warmth they've left
It's worth living this miserable life
Beyond this turbid and cloudy sky
Only a ray of sunlight pierces through
By that time, rain was getting heavier and more frequent
Piercing through falsehood to see the blue sky, eternity's in flight!
If I sing to the sky
What you've screamt that day, the things that were said, and the ones you couldn't say
If I sing to the sky, regrets stay by your side
It's inevitable. We've lost many things we've finished.
Keep up the fight
It's limited. What remains of our future
Keep up the fight

Maybe next year

If you ever want to be able to understand me
you have to walk in my shoes
worn too long, mud encrusted
they're not tailored for soft steps
If you ever want to be able to keep me
you need to have the key to my heart
wounded a hundred times, broken a hundred times
and hidden behind seven padlocks
Maybe next year
I'll change everything
one time until next year
I'll fall in love with you
If you ever want to be able to fall in love with me
you have to see with my eyes
so you don't recoil, so you don't run away
when you reveal everything under the veils
Chorus 2x

New shoes

For the first time in my life
when I've lost a girlfriend
for the first time in my life
I've cried more than ever
I've put on my new shoes
ran out on the street
streets of Dubrava are calling me
break in those damn shoes
Streets of Dubrava are calling me
clench your teeth and don't cry
You can do it, you're stronger
For the first time in my life
when I've really started working
for the first time in my life
when I didn't know where and when
You can do it, you're stronger
For the first time in my life
when I've really started working
for the first time in my life
when I didn't know where and when
You can do it, you're stronger


At zero o'clock the doors of years will thrust open. I will come in and break your casual circle.
I will carry off, steal the wonder of sinful hands. Casanova.
A carnival, a carnival at this late hour. A real scandal among sultry eyes.
It's me who have mixed everything up, fooled you. Casanova.
The night fire dance turns me on again.
I'm a lonely vagabond of love Casanova.
An eternal lover and an eternal villain lady-killer.
But I won't become tired of seducing again and again.
So I will stay a lonely vagabond Casanova.
A circular lust day and night, day and night. Fateful power over new lips and new tears.
I want to steal this breathe, this tremble. Casanova.
A carnival, a carnival at this late hour. A real scandal among sultry eyes.
It's me who have mixed everything up, fooled you. Casanova.
The night fire dance turns me on again.
I'm a lonely vagabond of love Casanova.
An eternal lover and an eternal villain lady-killer.
But I won't become tired of seducing again and again.
So I will stay a lonely vagabond Casanova.
I'm a lonely vagabond of love Casanova.
An eternal lover and an eternal villain lady-killer.
But I won't become tired of seducing again and again.
So I will stay a lonely vagabond Casanova.