Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 132

Találatok száma: 5101


Don't you keep looking at that tango fiddler!

In the old days, when a man took a girl to a ball
Never, ever would she have looked at another man in the dance hall
Old, bearded gents used to play music for dancing
The girl wouldn't have cared for them at all
But ever since those jazz bands were sent from heaven,
The girls now get confused,
Which is really annoying, so as to say:
'Baby, you really make me nervous!'
Don't you keep looking at that tango fiddler!
What is so great about Argentina?
You don't even realize that it's me you are with
The lines of my body aren't that bad, either!
That boy seems Spanish to you,
But he doesn't care for you at all!
So, don't you keep looking at that tango fiddler!
What is so great about Argentina?
It must be that old uniform he's wearing
That has an effect on women like chloroform
If I were to wear such a monkey jacket
She'd want to romance me, I'm sure
But I - praise the Lord - despise such kinds of tricks
They have to love me just the way I am, or let it go.
If she falls for that -
There you are, that's not my cup of tea
Don't you keep looking at that tango fiddler!
What is so great about Argentina?
You don't even realize that it's me you are with
The lines of my body aren't that bad, either!
That boy seems Spanish to you,
But he doesn't care for you at all!
Don't you keep looking at that tango fiddler!
What is so great about Argentina?

Believe it

Pass the ball
Go for it
The crowd get excited
Go outside
Feel the mood
On the streets, at the bar
Everyone supporting
Yellow shirt
The painted street
Flag in hands
Everyone cheering
The big play happens
Got to the penalty area
(Brazilian) Team Goal
Believe it, go for the ball, don't be an empty bag
Believe it, we can get the Cup (trophy)
Believe it, we are the best on feet skills
Believe it, the Hexa (championship) is coming
Believe it, go for the ball, don't be an empty bag
Believe it, we can get the Cup (trophy)
Believe it, we are the best on feet skills
Believe it, the Hexa (championship) is coming
The daring, crazy, bold, happy, Brazilian soccer, artists know
how to improvise
Pelé's, Garrincha's, Romário's, Ronaldo's, Neymar's soccer...
If it's on (a) yellow (shirt) you gotta respect...
Believe it, go for the ball, don't be an empty bag
Believe it, we can get the Cup (trophy)
Believe it, we are the best on feet skills
Believe it, the Hexa (championship) is coming
Believe it, go for the ball, don't be an empty bag
Believe it, we can get the Cup (trophy)
Believe it, we are the best on feet skills
Believe it, the Hexa (championship) is coming

Egy vagy a millióból

Egy vagy a millióból
Egy vagy a millióból
Néha a szerelem minden nap beüthet
Néha mindenkibe belezúghatsz, akit meglátsz
Csak egyetlen egy tud maradásra bírni
Egy égi jel mondta nekem
Egy vagy a millióból
Egyszer egy életben
Kényszerítettél, hogy felfedezzek
Egy felettünk lévő csillagot
Kerestem azt a különleges valakit
És kutattam azt a valakit, akinek odaadhatom a szerelmemet
Mikor azt hittem, minden remény elveszett
Egy mosoly, ott voltál és én elmentem
Mindig emlékezni fogok, hogy éreztem magam azon a napon
Egy számomra leírhatatlan érzés
Mindig tudtam, hogy van válasz az imámra
És te, te vagy az, az egyetlen számomra
Egy vagy a millióból
Egyszer egy életben
Kényszerítettél, hogy felfedezzek
Egy felettünk lévő csillagot
Az elején hűvös voltam és minden lehetséges volt
Próbáltak elkapni, de ez lehetetlen volt
Senki sem tudott ártani nekem, ez az én játékom volt
Mígnem találkoztunk és ugyanolyan voltál
És mikor nem akartál, én akartalak téged
Mert a vicces dolog, hogy szerettem a műsort
Szeretem, mikor bonyolult
Szeretem, mikor kemény
Akkor tudod, hogy megéri
Hogy megtaláltad a szívedet
Egy vagy a millióból
Egyszer egy életben
Kényszerítettél, hogy felfedezzek
Egy felettünk lévő csillagot
Egy vagy a millióból
Egy vagy a millióból

Eső Decemberben

Vannak dolgok, amiket bánok
Vannak dolgok, amiket nem tudok elfelejteni
Vannak dolgok, amikben hiszek
A kapott utalásokon keresztül
Még nem adom fel
Annyi dolog van, amit el akarok mondani
De a szavak az utamban vannak
Annyi dolog van, amit meg akarok tenni
Helyre tudom hozni
Hiszem, hogy találni fogunk egy utat
Néha esik decemberben
(Mind tudjuk ezt)
Néha hull a hó júniusban
(Nem tudtad ezt?)
Habár fáj emlékezni
A bukásunkra szeptemberben
Tudom, hogy sosem fogom feladni
Keresztül tudom juttatni ezt hozzád
A hülye dolgok dacára, amit teszek
Sosem szándékoztam kimondani azokat a szavakat
Látni akarlak, bár fáj
Bárcsak át tudnánk ezt beszélni
Próbállak hívni a telefonodon
Csak hogy lássam, otthon vagy-e
Próbálok szavakat találni, amiket mondhatnék
Hogy mennyire hiányzol mindennap
Bébi, kérlek, vedd fel a telefont
Néha esik decemberben
(Mind tudjuk ezt)
Néha hull a hó júniusban
(Nem tudtad ezt?)
Habár fáj emlékezni
A bukásunkra szeptemberben
Tudom, hogy sosem fogom feladni
Néha esik decemberben
(Mind tudjuk ezt)
Néha hull a hó júniusban
(Nem tudtad ezt?)
Habár fáj emlékezni
A bukásunkra szeptemberben
Tudom, hogy sosem fogom feladni
Néha esik decemberben
Néha hull a hó júniusban
Habár fáj emlékezni
A bukásunkra szeptemberben
Tudom, hogy sosem fogom feladni
Néha esik decemberben
(Néha esik)
Néha hull a hó júniusban
(Néha hull a hó júniusban)
Habár fáj emlékezni
A bukásunkra szeptemberben
Tudom, hogy sosem fogom feladni
Sosem fogom feladni
Sosem fogom feladni
Sosem fogom feladni

Felnyitottad a szemem

Felnyitottad a szemem
Elhitetted velem
Hogy van esély egy olyan srácnak, mint nekem
Felnyitottad a szemem
Egy teljesen új világra
Bébi, nem tudod
Hogy csak azt akartam, hogy melletted legyek
Hogy találjak egy utat sötétségen keresztül a fénybe
Te láttad az embert
Aki mélyen, legbelül voltam
Van egy hang
Ami a fejemben sikított
Most csendes és békés
Mert tanultam a dolgokból, amiket mondtál
Felnyitottad a szemem
Elhitetted velem
Hogy van esély egy olyan srácnak, mint nekem
Felnyitottad a szemem
Megmutattál valakit, akik senki nem látott azelőtt
Felnyitottad a szemem
Beengedted a napot
Elhitetted velem, hogy vagyok valaki
Felnyitottad a szemem
Egy teljesen új világra
El voltam veszve
És féltem, hogy elveszítem a józan eszem
Mindig elfutottam önmagamtól
Mert volt ott valami, amire vártam, hogy megtaláljam
Ott voltál te
Az ég egy angyalt küldött odafentről
Erőt adtál
És megmutattad, hogyan szeressek
Amiért hálás leszek
Az életem végéig
Felnyitottad a szemem
Elhitetted velem
Hogy van esély egy olyan srácnak, mint nekem
Felnyitottad a szemem
Megmutattál valakit, akik senki nem látott azelőtt
Felnyitottad a szemem
Beengedted a napot
Elhitetted velem, hogy vagyok valaki
Felnyitottad a szemem
Egy teljesen új világra
Most eltűntél
És bár fáj tudni
Hogy valaki újjal vagy
Tudod, hogy mindig a legjobbat akartam neked
Megérdemled azt is, hogy a legjobbat kapd az életben
Hálás vagyok a veled töltött időért
Felnyitottad a szemem
Elhitetted velem
Hogy van esély egy olyan srácnak, mint nekem
Felnyitottad a szemem
Megmutattál valakit, akik senki nem látott azelőtt
Felnyitottad a szemem
Beengedted a napot
Elhitetted velem, hogy vagyok valaki
Felnyitottad a szemem
Egy teljesen új világra
Felnyitottad a szemem
Felnyitottad a szemem
Felnyitottad a szemem
Felnyitottad a szemem


Te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Máskor, megtanultam a leckét
Megint máskor, lezuhantam és megégtem
De hiszem, hogy mindenkinek van valakije
Egy kis kávézó és rengeteg zaj
Egy zsúfolt hely, de csak egy hang
És a pillanattól kezdve, hogy megláttam az arcod, tudtam...
Te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Egy angyal mosolygott rám, a legszebb dolog, amit láttam
Bébi te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Egy ragyogó csillagot látok, amit a Menny küldött hozzám
Amit a Menny küldött hozzám
Figyelmen kívül hagytam, becsaptak
Alig élveztem az elért céljaimat
És mi az értelme a sikernek, amit nem tudsz megosztani
Habár régebben darabokban voltam
Sosem fogok hozzászokni egy törött szívhez
De mikor látlak téged, örömmel kockáztatok megint...
Te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Egy angyal mosolygott rám, a legszebb dolog, amit láttam
Bébi te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Egy ragyogó csillagot látok, amit a Menny küldött hozzám
Amit a Menny küldött hozzám
Beléd estem ma
Beléd estem, mikor elsőnek megláttalak
És remélem, hogy te is meglátsz majd
És ha nem, azt is megértem
És ez okés, de sosem éreztem még így
Te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Egy angyal mosolygott rám, a legszebb dolog, amit láttam
Bébi te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Egy ragyogó csillagot látok, amit a Menny küldött hozzám
Amit a Menny küldött hozzám
Te, te valóra váltod minden álmomat
Reménykedem és elhiszem
Hogy egymásnak lettünk teremtve


Én hiszek a sorsban
Mert mi is így találkoztunk
Esett az eső és
Mi bőrig áztunk
Leintetted az utolsó taxit
Az üres utcáról
Aztán rám mosolyogtál
És azt mondtad, foglalj helyet
Azt kérdeztem, hiszel
A szerelem első látásban?
Azt mondtad, ha adsz
Egy okot, talán
OK, szóval a hajad vizes
És rendetlen a ruhád
És a sminked
Lefolyt az arcodon
És mégis, te olyan...
Gyönyörű vagy, annyira édes
És aranyos
Egy csoda vagy
Egyszerűen ellenállhatatlan
Annyira gyönyörű vagy
Annyira édes és aranyos
Te vagy a legszebb dolog
Amit életemben láttam
Te vagy minden
Amiről valaha álmodtam
Most hét éve
Egy hónapja és egy napja volt
Hogy találkoztunk
És olyan boldog vagyok, hogy azt mondhatom
Ma férj és feleség leszünk
És az életünket egy olyan drága
Dolognak szentelhetjük
Amit szerelemnek nevezünk
Szóval most itt állok
Egy fekete öltönyben
Amiről azt mondtad, viselnem kell
És mikor besétálsz
Te lenyűgöző dolog
Elakad a lélegzetem tőled
Mert annyira gyönyörű vagy
Annyira édes és aranyos
Te egy csoda vagy
Egyszerűen ellenállhatatlan
Annyira gyönyörű vagy
Annyira édes és aranyos
Te vagy a legszebb dolog
Amit életemben láttam
Te vagy minden
Amiről valaha álmodtam
Szegénységben és gazdagságban
Míg a halál el nem választ
Egészségben, betegségben
Mindig a szívemben leszel
A napig, mikor
Öregek leszünk, a hajunk szürke
Ápolni és szeretni foglak
Minden módon
Annyira gyönyörű vagy


When loneliness is one's only friend,
When nothing welcomes hope
And when sadness covers the garden
And a mist of sorrow fills my home,
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The story changes like a season,
The sea changes, the stars change,
The skin rejuvenates and songs also change,
And love leaves with an absurd dream
And you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The secret that you gifted to me
Is the strength for all my journeys
Because you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...

The voice of my song lives in Mallorca
And my dream rises in Alexandria,
And corals adorn me in Nicosia
And the breeze caresses me in Menorca
For you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The secret that you gifted to me
Is the strength for all my journeys
Because you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...


Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt

This is the story of the Baby Kitty Schmidt,
a cute baby boy of one year.
It was quiet in his buggy,
let himself diapering, feeding, carry,
until that day when her birthday was.
Kitty's parents drank brandy with the guests in the evening.
Suddenly Aunt Elli staggered toward him.
and shouted: ?kissy! kissy! dear!
Tickly! Tickly! Kiss!
There Kitty throw her the cake in the lap.
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Everyone smoked Kitty could barely breathe.
Suddenly she grabbed in the ashtray
Two cigars was
Slipped the Dad in the
There dad started to yell like a Lion:
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Later then dancing she was raised. A pale, a queue and splint. Aunt Rosi called: 'Helloho! Now I bite you in the butt!? Then the baby released a thunder poop.
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Because the baby cried, the Grand took his snaps and he said: 'drinkydrink! Fine juice! Because then my little bunny is sleeping!? Kitty raised for his nose and bit in anger in it with all power.
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Suddenly, the baby ran alone in the hallway jumped casual on a skateboard and drove away Mama cried, dad swallowed, the family but looked really puzzled after the baby, what a
After a while, it was back infront of the house ten-portions of ice-split it handed out fast again, everyone applauded, cheered and congratulated this fabulous, lovely, sweet child.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Weeds and thickets

Maybe we should just live a little
Without a plan
Running away along the edge
Like unafraid children
Because I don't know where
I want to set my eyes
And everywhere I look I want something new
So I walk around here
In weeds and thickets
So I walk around here
In weeds and thickets
Maybe it's worth it
To lose our grip
And just go ahead
Floating out there like a cloud
Where the whole sky is blue
But I don't know where
I should take my steps
Because wherever I go
I see something new
So I walk around here
In weeds and thickets
So I walk around here
In weeds and thickets
But I don't know where
I should take my steps
And I don't know where
I want to set my eyes
But I know that inside
In my heart of glass
In weeds and thickets
Is my voice of strength
So I walk around here
In weeds and thickets
So I walk around here
In weeds and thickets
I walk around here
I walk around here
I walk around here
I walk around here

Man flu

Here in the North we get to be cold
I have ice bags filled with honey
It's Portion Boys
And HesaÄijä here hey
Take out the trash
I can't
Do the dishes
I can't
Clean the toilet
Do the laundry
Fold the sheets
I can't
Take out the dog
I can't
Make food
I can't
How about some NHL, beer and pizza
Well heck, yes I can
It's just horrible
When every part of you body hurts
It'll start to get better soon
When the medicine is at the door
The illness is serious
A soup lunch helps
Nobody enjoys this
God damnit!
Here in the North we get to be cold
I have ice bags filled with honey
Muscles hurt, take and drink
Cold sweat breaks, oh poor boy
Hey baby spread some menthol on my chest
It doesn't matter if there's skin showing
I've got the man flu, man flu
Don't shut the drip, the meter says 37
Throw me some medicine
Fire up the PlayStation
Rooster on lips
Here it goes
Wait a moment
My woman is calling
I don't want hubbabubba
This illness is worse than jumping syphilis
Not 'jallajalla' at the porta potty
Gotta go, my ass is in pieces
Oh no, I can't help
Luckily a women looks good when hoovering naked
Now get rid of all clothes
Judgement day
What a diagnosis, HesaÄijä
'It seems pretty serious'
Man flu
Man flu
Man flu
Don't shut the drip, the meter says 37
By the way guys, that was it

I want to know everything

Tell me about the place you come from
About the streets, your friends, and your mom and your dad
About youth and rebellion and your first love
Was it at first sight, or someone you knew from before?
I want to know everything
I want to know everything
Tell me about when you left the green valley of your childhood
Was it fairytales and happiness, or did you run away?
Maybe it was just a dream that nothing ever became of
You found no solace, for all of us longing is what we have
I want to know everything
I want to know everything
I want to know everything
I want to know everything
I want to know, is it me you think about
When you look back through time, and here where we are now
I want to know what lifts you up, and what drags you down
Maybe you're fighting a battle I don't see
I want to know everything
So tell me now, where does the road you're walking go
Are you travelling alone, or are you looking for a friend?
I'll walk here behind you, and will always stand by you
Tell me now, so I understand who you are and what you want
I want to know
I want to know everything
I want to know everything
I want to know everything
I want to know everything

The butterfly and the bird

From branch to branch, flies the bird
Which gently, reaches freedom
From flower to flower, the butterfly comes smiling
And is the talk of the town
She's running away from a collector
He's afraid of the distracted police
From wind to wind, they met on a flower
And in this life nothing but that is talked about
With many touches, she makes her contact
He preened up to make a good impression
And the two flapped their wings through the woods
Synchronized in the throes of passion
From branch to branch, flies the bird
Which gently reaches freedom
From flower to flower, the butterfly comes smiling
And is the talk of the town
But every story has the ending it deserves
And nature did well intervening
In the end, it's each to its species
And nothing else is said about it here

Little Savannah Tree

Little savannah tree...
I have come to ask you, ask you:
If when he went away from me, little tree...
Did you see him pass by, pass by?
Open your dreams to heaven
Without a cry, loneliness.
The dead field smells
The sweet sundown flower.
You, with momentary sorrow,
Only sand from swamp.
Dreaming of May air,
How much pain you have!
That even there are no leaves left to you,
Little savannah tree!
Dreaming of May air,
How much pain you have!
That even there are no leaves left to you,
Little savannah tree!
Little tree with fine leaves,
Nest made with pains,
Since you have no leaves,
The sun kisses your thorns.
Herd without pawns,
I pass with my song,
And you, in your profound silence
Remains drier and sad.
Little tree, you saw him,
You saw him pass by!
And you, in your profound silence
Remains drier and sad.
Little tree, you saw him,
You saw him pass by!
Little savannah tree...
I have come to ask you, ask you:
If when he went away from me, little tree...
Did you see him pass by, pass by?
  • En: Total, partial or modification reproduction of this lyrics without the express and/or written permission of the author is prohibited. All translations on this website are protected by ''.

Enjovher® All Right Reserved.

You're a very pretty girl

You're a very pretty girl
I knew it when I touched a boob
It was soft, round and clear
Anyway a very pretty boob
I might date with that girl
I knew it by caressing your buttock
And I said damn. It's a beautiful buttock
I'd like to spread seaweed cream on it
You're doubtlessly a goddess
Because when I saw you laying naked
I thought of asking help to Christ, Allah and Buddha
For our intercourse to be awesome
I deduced that you were someone unusual
By carrying out the sexual act
Becuase it was weird and normal, bizarre and natural
It was healthy, pure, wicked and brutal
But then I changed my mind
Because you passed a bad gonorrhea on me
And I called you dirty, ugly bitch
I blamed you for synthesise the gonorrhea
And now here comes the fun part
Not only my dick itches, I have AIDS
Goddamned pervert, you fucked up my life
My life is going downwards and not upwards
And after all it's all over
What began as a screw, ended in a screw
But though a good screw has killed me
I'll be dust, but dust in love.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Poland, the white and red

National colours
rule in the stands.
Greenness under the feet.
Today is the time of victory.
As long as our Eagles
have gold on their minds,
they carry pride in their hearts,
Let the rival hide.
Poland, the white and red.
Now nobody will catch up with us.
You have white and red colours.
A little eagle gleams on the chest.
Poland, the white and red.
Now nobody will be better than us.
We have white and red colours
and we're proudly singing today.
There's team spirit in the crue
and it's the time of records.
We're going to World Cup
'cause it's high time.
The favourite of tournaments.
Nightmare of those beyond Odra.1
The dark horse of World Cup.
It's time to win gold.
Poland, the white and red.
Now nobody will catch up with us.
You have white and red colours.
A little eagle gleams on the chest.
Poland, the white and red.
Now nobody will be better than us.
We have white and red colours
and we're proudly singing today. (x2)
  • 1. it refers to Germans 'cause they live west off the Odra river in western Poland

Kitörölni a pillantásod

Hej, hej!
A feketére fehéret tettem,
Befejeztem a kettőnk játékát.
Hej, hej!
Nem vagyok a tiéd, te sem vagy az enyém
Ne akarj nemet mondani nekem
Hej, hej!
Te a tiéd és én az enyém
Egy új szerep kezdődik
Hej, hej!
Te nem szeretnéd, én sem szeretném
Nem akarok hazudni, nem
Minden hajnalban, mikor rád gondolok
Kételkedem abban, hogy te is gondolsz rám
Később, mikor látlak, ahogy épp indulsz
Azt hiszem, nem bátorítom magam, nem vagyok a sorsod
Éjszaka próbállak elfelejteni
De te emlékeztetsz, próbálom, de nem tudom
Alvás közben rólad kezdek álmodni
És nem vagyok képes kitörölni a pillantásod az egész napból
Éjszaka próbállak elfelejteni
De te emlékeztetsz, próbálom, de nem tudom
Alvás közben rólad kezdek álmodni
És nem vagyok képes kitörölni a pillantásod az egész napomból
Hej, hej!
A feketére fehéret tettem,
Befejeztem a kettőnk játékát.
Hej, hej!
Nem vagyok a tiéd, te sem vagy az enyém
Ne akarj nemet mondani nekem
Hej, hej!
Te a tiéd és én az enyém
Egy új szerep kezdődik
Hej, hej!
Te nem szeretnéd, én sem szeretném
Nem akarok hazudni, nem
Minden hajnalban, mikor rád gondolok
Kételkedem abban, hogy te is gondolsz rám
Később, mikor látlak, ahogy épp indulsz
Azt hiszem, nem bátorítom magam, nem vagyok a sorsod
Éjszaka próbállak elfelejteni
De te emlékeztetsz, próbálom, de nem tudom
Alvás közben rólad kezdek álmodni
És nem vagyok képes kitörölni a pillantásod az egész napból
Éjszaka próbállak elfelejteni
De te emlékeztetsz, próbálom, de nem tudom
Alvás közben rólad kezdek álmodni
És nem vagyok képes kitörölni a pillantásod az egész napomból

With you

I'm looking through our bright photos:
Cities, trains, planes -
The world full of colours.
I love you so easily, so whole-heartedly,
I'm running towards the sun and the wind,
I'm following your steps.
Let's not part,
Let's fall in love again,
Let's be together
I want to be always with you,
I want to be your destiny,
You're my universe,
You're mine, you're mine!
I want to be always with you,
Even if it rains,
There's nothing stronger than the fire,
The fire of my love!
I'm feeling the power through every cell,
I'm beautiful and light in your eyes,
I live.
I won't get tired of repeating you, darling,
You've found me and made me happy,
I love you so much.
Let's not part,
Let's fall in love again,
Let's be together
I want to be always with you,
I want to be your destiny,
You're my universe,
You're mine, you're mine!
I want to be always with you,
Even if it rains,
There's nothing stronger than the fire,
The fire of my love!
I want to be always with you,
I want to be your destiny,
You're my universe,
You're mine, you're mine!
I want to be always with you,
Even if it rains,
There's nothing stronger than the fire,
The fire of my love!
© Vladímir Sosnín

Like birds

Tell me if you want
to take a ride together,
dancing on the sea,
stepping across rivers.
Sunlight slumbering
between the trees.
Don't wait until tomorrow
for life to slip between our fingers.
Like the birds in the air
sing mysteries
we have all we need to feel good1
Wearing our souls on our sleeves.
We will climb very high
with our backpacks.
We'll see where light
is hiding on Earth.
On the steps of our forefathers
we're walking in the desert.
It's hard to believe
we're walking across our history.
When we get out in the country
with a confused heart
you can already see up there
the horizon getting brighter.
Like the birds in the air
sing mysteries
we have all we need to feel good
Wearing our souls on our sleeves.
We will climb very high
with our backpacks.
We'll see where light
is hiding on Earth.
(repeat and fade)
  • 1. 'avoit tout pour plaire' actually means 'we're very attractive' but I suspect a wrong use of the expression
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Silent words

The bygones don't ask
don't look at the past
the spring is black for us
I exorcise her with lemon flowers.
Deep inside your memory
keep these kisses
cause I won't see you again
I saw it in tonight's wine.
Silent words inside the silence
everything changes at once
time is law and captain
it does not take us into consideration, sadly.
I made my bed to sleep
a bed for heaven
bring flowers and swords
I erase every old relationship of ours.
Roof's adornment
the pain of an old wound
the light that burns silent
lights every harsh behaviour.


I mustn't stop here.
I mustn't stop because I make brawl every day.
I mustn't call anybody.
I can't replace anyone with you, as if it were such easy.
The stones fall from the mountains
I did wake up from empty naps.
Which September you? Which spike I?
I'm fed up with from Istanbul and home
I have traveled all over the country
Aydin, Izmir, Afyon and Usak
Finally I came to Bodrum
I a little stopped there
When I young
My hair has just been extended and I wear sunglasses.
I'm constantly swearing, but my eyes were beautiful.
Years passed single breath
From this body with great eagerness
Gives advice
Actually, I carry the whole load
The soul only has weight in this body.
My strength is not enough
Because of this reason, I have keep quiet
I'm very tired anymore
I came to this city yesterday evening
I have decisions, I will outgrow anisette
If you don't feel well, won't drink bro !
If you become crooked, won't drink bro !

Mountain of Good Hope

Mountain of Good Hope, hope that settles
In the Heart of Brazil a handful of land
In the heart of who goes, in the heat of who goes
Mountain of Good Hope my last love
I depart leaving longings, longings leaving
Withered fallen on the mountain there close to God
Oh my mountain now's the time of farewell I'm going away
I'm leaving the light of the glance in your moonshine
In my song I carry the memory of the mountain
I know Jesus doesn't punish[,] the poet he was
We poets once were, because we rhyme well
Our eyes in the eyes of someone who's not coming
Mountain of Good Hope, do not be afraid
I will keep your image by the grace of God
Oh my mountain now's the time of farewell I'm going away
I'm leaving the light of the glance in your moonshine

For you

Versions: #4
Do you know why
I am searching in you ...
for happiness
Which will be?
Because you,
You are in my
Dreams, and my nostalgy
so strongly mine?
But with you,
Flies away
The ache of the pain which
Weighs heavily in my life.
But how will I be able
to be always the only one...
To give you the dream which
You have made me live with...
My love...
like the sun and even more,
You warm up my heart...
Do you know why
We are together: you and me?
Because of you, our love is,
The meeting of two souls...


Versions: #2
I, who change shape from moment to moment, will disappear
From the face of the Earth, on a bolt of lightning
Someday, I will cease to exist
I am drunk on the night, and in the darkness, I laugh
I dawn a mask made of light and I forget
People say a lot, and when they judge me harshly
My answer is
There is only you, some friends, and music
That know my heart
I will stay, forever, a child, like the wine of a bygone era
I travel through time...
I mix paints and extract straight lines with my mind
You listen to theories from foolish people
Who can't persuade me.
There is only you, some friends, and music
That know my heart
I will stay, forever, a child, like the wine of a bygone era
I travel through time
Listen to me...
Stand on a shore, and if you see a shooting star, catch it
Wish upon it for what you want, anything is possible
I'll live every minute as if it were the last
Time is a circle, and the moments slip by
Now, I see the future, trumpets sound
I take flight with my wings...
I, who change shape from moment to moment, will disappear
I am drunk on the night, in darkness, I laugh
And I say to the Moon:
There is only you, some friends, and music
That know my heart
I will stay a child forever, like the wine of a bygone era
I travel through time
Look at me...


Nézd meg
Még mindig nem tudom, mire vártam
miközben az időm vadul futott
Milliószor zsákutcába jutottam
Minden alkalommal, amikor azt hittem, elkészítettem
Úgy tűnt, az íze nem olyan édes
Így hát megfordultam, hogy szembenézzek magammal
De soha nem sikerült elkapnom a pillanatot
Ahogyan meglátják a többiek a hamisságot
Ahoz túlságosan gyors vagyok, hogy ezt a tesztet elvégezzem
(Fordulj és nézz szembe a furcsasággal)
Nem akarsz gazdagabb ember lenni
(Fordulj és nézz szembe a furcsasággal)
Csak más embernek kell lenned
Az idő lehet, hogy megváltoztathat
De időt nem tudok keresni
Mmm, igen
Nézem a hullámokat, változik a méretük
De soha ne hagyják el a meleg áramlatot
Így lebegnek a napok is a szememben
Újra és újra ugyanazok
És ezek a gyerekek, akik köpnek mindenre
Ahogy megpróbálják megváltoztatni a saját világukat
és képtelenek a párbeszédre
Teljesen tisztában vannak azzal, hogy mit csinálnak!
(Fordulj és nézz szembe a furcsasággal)
Ne mond nekik, hogy nőjenek fel ( és ki belőle)!
(Fordulj és nézz szembe a furcsasággal)
Hol van a szégyened?
Kihúztál minket a nyakunknál fogva
Az idő megváltoztathat
De nem tudod nyomon követni az időt
A furcsa varázslat, lenyűgözött engem
Ah, az ahogy változások zajlanak
És a tempó, amivel megyek
(Fordulj és nézz szembe a furcsasággal)
Ó, nézd meg rock'n'rollereket!
(Fordulj és nézz szembe a furcsasággal)
Hamarosan idősebb leszel
Az idő lehet, hogy megváltoztathat
De időt nem tudok keresni
Azt mondtam, hogy az idő megváltoztathat
De időt nem tudok keresni

Boer*1 in Concrete

I am an Afrikaner in the city, I wear my mask like a cat
through dark alleys and buildings, take five my brother, take five
and somewhere in my subconscious I still see the Karoo's sunshine.
I hear the border fences' singing
I feed the gnomes in my garden
I smoke imported fags, and read English mags
and never go to church because it's a drag
I am a Boer in concrete like 'Oom Paul' on Church square
nobody knows of my pain, because I am well camouflaged
I am a boer in concrete
Somewhere within me the voice of Strydom and Verwoerd sounds and
the clasp-knife blade, of patriotism that still flashes
Even if I make fire with blits
every forefather a pioneer and I know I don't belong here
I sit around in bars late at night but don't know the smell of soil anymore
There are fields that are still calling, somewhere there is still a Boer porch
The Big Trek over the open Savanna
the shiny barrel of a Sanna
I am a Boer in concrete like 'Oom Paul' on Church square
nobody knows of my pain, because I am well camouflaged
I am a boer in concrete
There's a kettle that's still boiling, there a bonfire that is still smoking
there are women that still cry and outsiders who fan the flames
I am a stranger just like you in this city
Somewhere within me the voice of Antjie Krog and Breyten also sound
every forefather a pioneer, but I know I belong here
Even if I sit around in bars and barely know the smell of soil
Somewhere there is still a Boer porch, there are fields somewhere that still call
my palms are white like you, I beg for solace where I can find it

Winter's coming

Get ready for a rough ride, honey,
winter will be tough this year.
The days of plenty are over,
we're having misery for dinner.
I have to get snow tires fitted
to my old rusty crate.
With gas getting more expensive by the day
they know they hold us by the balls.
I'm stuck in the traffic every morning
together with millions of human beings
fighting over a bit of highway
without thinking too much of where it's headed,
all alone in their cars,
humming FM tunes
all just as aware as I am how tough life is
but you got to keep on playing.
A truck accident on the Mercier bridge, it's a bumber to bumper crawl.
Code red on the subway. Jammed solid every day.
A guy gets cut in and honks the horn, shaking his fist
like a caged lion, stuck in the traffic jams.
Come on, law abiding citizens dreaming of beaches and vacation resorts
in the middle of the Canadian winter. Your job is the only cure.
You'd better watch out though, burn out is on the prowl.
You're working, old chum, and your life flashes past under your nose.
Money gets the whole planet going.
Looks like it's pretty serious
since in the higher-ups world
losers don't really belong.
They simply chuck
night and day
their rubbish advertising at us.
They are never out of bullshit to sell.
In the shopping mall parking lots
the war rages on yet again.
Cars a mile around
and packet shops.
Santa just showed up,
yey we're not even past mid-November.
Sweet Jesus must feel depressed,
the merchants have come back to the temple.
Pay later, buy now.
Credit or cash.
Visa, American Express.
I even cash bullshit checks.
I am the junk dealer,
the cheap dreams seller.
American Dream incarnate.
Fun does come cheap,
come on, step into the dance.
Buy a nice car on credit.
No interest for a year.
Put your ass on heated seats.
Your bland lives will be changed
by my neatly packaged illusions.
Now if you're not happy
there is no refund here.
I loan my life to an employer
with working days and sweat drops.
To think we're all whoring
to buy some nice cushions
and realize yet another new trinket
doesn't put joy into your heart.
Because happiness can't be bought
in a cardboard box anyway.
And yet in front of my beer glass
my throat is a parched earth.
I'd gladly have a pick-me-up
to wash away my bad weather,
buy as always I don't have a penny in my pocket,
even now that winter is coming.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

90 Minutes (Futbol Mode)

[ChocQuibTown, Prince Royce]
Prince Royce, baby
Let's go
Yeah, yeah
[Prince Royce]
Tonight I swallow energy
To give you until the next day
More, if you go, I go
I follow you, you put the rules
If you let me, I play your way
More, if you go, I go
[Prince Royce]
I see you dancing before all the people
With a tembeleque that lights everyone
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, I'm yours
Only 90 minutes left
Oh, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, I'm yours
Only 90 minutes left
There is no time to lose
If you don't know what to do, pass it
If your feet hurt, pass it
Here I'm, pass it
Oh-oh, oh-oh, live it up
In Russian or in French
Come and give me a kiss
You are right
Move faster than I'll reach you
If I grab you, I swear, you will not save
I have a couple of tricks that leave you breathless
Do not neglect me, that shot goes inside
[Prince Royce]
I see you dancing before all the people
With a tembeleque that lights everyone
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, I'm yours
Only 90 minutes left
Oh, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, I'm yours
Only 90 minutes left
There is no time to lose
Have fun
Have fun
Right, have fun
A great right, have fun

Love in afterlife

Again I eagerly wait for the end of Octobre,
I don't eagerly wait for the end of Octobre in vain -
You will come to me on the 31st night again,
Being mixed deadly again - loving shudder,
you will come, come from your grave.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
Long ago you died for everyone, only not for me,
Let your beautiful corpse stink for a few years,
Worms have eaten our rotten flesh,
We - are sinful people, the Lord has not taken our souls,
I need your dead flesh.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
Over the cemetery shines the big moon again,
You have no idea how much I nedd you, honey,
It's cozy for us in the family tomb with you together,
In the light we will make a [small] skeleton with you,
there will be three of us in the tomb.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.


Aruba, Jamaika
Oh, el akarlak vinni oda
Bermuda, Bahama
Gyere csini mama
Key Largo, Montego
Bébi, miért nem megyünk?
Florida Keystől
Ott egy hely amit Kokomonak hívnak
Oda akarsz menni
El mindentől
Testek a homokban
Trópusi italok olvadnak a kezedben
Szerelmesek leszünk
Egy steel drum banda (karibi zenét játszó együttes) ritmusára
Lent Kokomoban
Aruba, Jamaika
Oh, el akarlak vinni oda
Bermuda, Bahama
Gyere csini mama
Key Largo, Montego
Bébi, miért nem megyünk?
Oh, El akarlak vinni téged Kokomora
Odaérünk gyorsan
És aztán lelassulunk
Oda akarunk menni
Az út le Kokomora
Martinique, a Monstserrat mystique...
Kihúzunk a tengerre
És tökéletes a kémiánk
És dacolunk
Egy kicsit a gravitációval
Délutáni élvezet
Koktélok, és holdvilágos éjszakák
Az az álmos pillantás a szemeidben
Adj nekem egy trópusi kapcsolatot
Ott lent Kokomon
Aruba, Jamaika
Oh, el akarlak vinni oda
Bermuda, Bahama
Gyere csini mama
Key Largo, Montego
Bébi, miért nem megyünk?
Oh, El akarlak vinni téged Kokomora
Odaérünk gyorsan
És aztán lelassulunk
Oda akarunk menni
Az út le Kokomora
Port au Prince, el akarok kapni egy utolsó pillantást...
Mindenki ismer egy kis helyet, olyat, mint Kokomo
Hát most, ha el akarsz menni
El mindentől
Irány le Kokomora!
Aruba, Jamaika
Oh, el akarlak vinni oda
Bermuda, Bahama
Gyere csini mama
Key Largo, Montego
Bébi, miért nem megyünk?
Oh, El akarlak vinni téged Kokomora
Odaérünk gyorsan
És aztán lelassulunk
Oda akarunk menni
Az út le Kokomora


Her beauty
Her scent, her words
Her feet, her arms
Her clothes, her hands
Her neck, the necklace on it
On top of her bathtub with her in it
The floating bubble, in English it's bubbles
Her bubbles, her bubbles
Disappears so easily, yeah
On top of the easily fallen leaves
Pour hot water to make tea
Waiting for it to brew is boring
I have no patience, sadly
I have no patience, sadly
Leave my personality so it can change
Leave my personality so it can change
Sad things all have some kind of meanig
If I'm sad over the sad things, you're somewhere else
It's a fatal mistake of calling it obsession
I'll let it go, straighten my shoulders
Take a deep breath and give a seductive glance
Love is like a game of kickball
I'm feeling you and feeling you
I'm feeling you and feeling you
Drooping my shoulers and bending my back
If I droop my shoulders, I can hug you
I can know you
I can buy you
Even if I don't have money
I can buy you
I can buy you
I can buy you
I can buy you
I can buy you
Please don't say that you ain't lying
I know Oh
Please don't watch me burn alive
Thoughts mixed with miscellaneous thoughts get deeper
I've been tryna get it straight but it's fucked up
I've been lovin' you
Since I woke up
Oh huh
Tell me no no no no baby
I’ve been loving you oh you oh you
Face it up and promise
that you call
Girl love won’t you please
A fatal mistake
I haven't sinned but I became a sinner
Typical things pass by typically
Love is the main event right now
I'm so angry, I'm trembling
You're so scared, you're trembling
Whether our memories are great or bad
It transforms beautifully into dust
The thing you put on your face
The thing we brushed off
You look at me like I'm a criminal
You're disgusted, seeing your arrogant
Face drives me crazy
Makes me lose my mind
Holding you twice for everyone time you held me
Why is that a sin
Her beauty
Her scent, her words
Her feet, her arms
Her clothes, her hands
Her neck, the necklace on it
On top of the her bathtub with her in it
The floating bubbles, in English it's bubbles
Her bubbles, her bubbles
Disappears so easily, yeah
Disappears so easily, yeah
Disappears so easily, yeah
Disappears so easily, yeah
You're getting smaller than the dust
This place is an empty house
That was brighter than anyplace else

Say goodbye

They says to me that time is curing all wounds
they are lying, my happiness, it's harder than before
heaven is infernal up above us
everything is dying, and also you left me
Chorus 2x
Say goodbye, my love
let roads to lead you
I don't have to go nowhere anymore
love is dying
They says to me that time is curing sadness, pain
I don't live since you aren't mine
my paths are cursed, our end still hurts me
how is to me now, just you don't ask me that