Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 147

Találatok száma: 5102


The Motherland

Know that I will be next to you until your final breath,
until your last moment - I promise!
For me you are shores and sea.
This Bulgarian heart of mine will beat for you.
The Motherland! (she is, she is so precious) (x4)
When I was little the spark was ignited,
I'm a chess piece, but not the queen.
I love my hometown, there under the hills.
Freedom is the wind and we are the passers.
When you enter a classroom know that it's a temple.
If I watch the news I feel ashamed.
With a hand on my heart I forgive
and promise myself to fight for freedom.
She is, she is so precious! (x2)
Know that I will be next to you until your final breath,
until your last moment - I promise!
For me you are shores and sea.
This Bulgarian heart of mine will beat for you.
The Motherland! (she is, she is so precious) (x4)
Motherland is not just a word, it is a feeling.
I am free to feel, no need to be reminded.
Fly the flags, but the branded ones.
Remember the heroes, love your compatriots.
When you enter a classroom know that it's a temple.
If I watch the news I feel ashamed.
With a hand on my heart I forgive
and promise myself to fight for freedom.
She is, she is so precious! (x2)
Know that I will be next to you until your final breath,
until your last moment - I promise!
For me you are shores and sea.
This Bulgarian heart of mine will beat for you.
The Motherland! (she is, she is so precious) (x4)

Us Against This Life

Versions: #2
Fireworks in the parking lot of a shopping mall, young parents bringing all their kids along,
The lights from the Walmart and baseball field,
Look like meteorites from another world.
A paycheck earned hungover and sick.
A city that to butterflies is allergic.
At a bypass my coworker met their end.
That makes one every year for the past ten.
It’s over once you wonder about what all of this means.
Or so we like to claim as we crush ants beneath our feet.
Philosophy is to us like the poem you see in a bar while in the bathroom and sitting on the seat.
And only when you’re already drop-dead drunk do you nod your head up and down in empty agreement.
Covered in sweat and lotto tickets the next day, it’s not long before you're all dry.
Through the trees sunlight shining, by a switchyard near the station, on you as you’re working
On the world that one day you’ll find yourself changing.
There was a time when it was only you and me.
We called it the world and it was brimming with peace. Our bodies connected.
In the end I would care for the sick and weak,
As the sunset lit the clouds in the country.
The ribbon on my blazer and the lovely ending scene,
On my shirt is a fresh oil stain to clean.
I load my illusions into the back of my truck.
In every time, it’s us against this life.
It feels like I might have left something behind when I left.
But I no longer have a clue what it might be.
I suppose it’s possible that I might have been the one left behind.
Always rushing around like I’m on some mission.
I just remembered my girl who rushed off was called Time.
And I can’t see her anymore. I can’t even remember the smile she wore.
Pain has come and gone, like a scab during a sunset, but the scars still throb.
The sound of the alarm clock from me was robbed.
Once there was a wasteland stretching forever before my eyes.
To my fallen friends whether you stay or should you go, courage is required for both.
I would never leave any of you all alone by the road.
Delicate and in a hole, we finally take to arms and mutiny.
From the jaws of defeat we snatch victory, our first instance of glory.
But what will our final destination be?
In every time, it’s us against this life.
I truly believed that this world would change.
I truly believed that I myself could change.
But all everything does is just separate.
If these feelings of mine don’t change, there's no room for doubt in my vocal range.
Betrayed, lead astray, and accusations you’ve no reason to say.
Flattery and reasons lame,
Words with no ink to their name.
A humble cafe and well-packed train,
Compliments that fall flat on their face. Accepting the blame, plus abuse and shame.
Companions who always say what they mean. Friends who were there through fire and flame.
Funny stories that honestly weren’t that funny all the same.
Music made, all your children safe, authority obtained.
Decisions shake, this past and present place and the future at stake.
A moment’s rest on the weekend.
Through the park blows a tepid wind, clasped together hands.
The amount of time that’s passed, and all of the warmth that it sent.
The world that I saved that day can stay evermore,
Now that I have destroyed the world that was here before.
Even with this agony, we continue to live so eagerly.
In every time, it’s us against this life.

You are leaving, darling (from the movie Les Parapluies de Cherbourg)

//Lyudmila Senchina:
You are leaving, darling,
Think about me.
Ages will be passing
Like a flock of birds.
Ages will be passing,
Think about me.
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
//Michel Legrand:
Tu sais bien que ce n'est pas possible
Mon amour, il faudra pourtant que je parte
Tu sauras que moi je ne pense qu'à toi
Mais je sais que toi tu m'attendras
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Better wait for ages
Than just four short days.
What if you already
Think no more of me?
In your distant places
Think about me.
//Michel Legrand:
Calme-toi, il nous reste si peu de temps
Si peu de temps, mon amour, qu'il ne faut pas le gâcher
Il faut essayer d'être heureux
Il faut que nous gardions de nos derniers moments
Un souvenir plus beau que tout
Un souvenir qui nous audera à vivre
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Life is long, yet longer
I will have to wait.
//Michel Legrand:
Nous nous retrouverons et nous serons plus forts
//Lyudmila Senchina:
My whole life is worthless
If I don’t have you.
In your distant places
Think about me.
//Michel Legrand:
Je t'aimerai jusqu'a la fin de ma vie
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
You are leaving, darling,
Think about me.
Ages will be passing,
Think about me.
Winter comes or summer,
I will wait for you.
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
Life is long, yet longer
I will have to wait.
My whole life is worthless
If I don’t have you.
In your distant places
Think about me.
Darling, I love you.
Wait for you,
Wait for you.
Darling, I love you,
I love you.

Returning Home

The time has come to wake up
To leave everything- to overcome
To return home- Not to search for any other place.
The time has come to change,
Even if we've missed a few stops,
You can get off, there's a train going back to the neighborhood.
Everything is possible but if there's a will,
The searcher always finds,
Even if he finds himself somewhere at the far end.
The doors of Heaven never lock,
When a son calls, he is rescued,
Then Father in Heaven arrives,
Even if we've done something wrong,
He forgives and Pardons, He forgives and Pardons,
He stretches out His hand to assist, and in His mercy gives
The strength to fix, and return to Him
The time has come to regret, if you've already fled from the wrong,
If you once took, then now take in order to give.
This is the time to draw close, not to fear from the pain,
And if you're giving, then give with all your heart.

Mi betegek vagyunk

Egy gengszter vagy, én meg egy jó kislány
Az emberek nem ismernek minket
Az emberek nem emlékeznek ránk
Az emberek elfelednek minket
Mi betegek vagyunk
Elveszett, poros
Kifordulunk magunkból
Kiugrik elsőnek
Maga a tett
Megmarad a szerelem egyik formája
A szerelmed mérgező
De valahogy még tart
még tart
Te a kedvenc helyünkön vagy
Itt vagyok a lapok között
Írom a dalt rólunk
Két beteg
Nem mondjuk el senkinek
Mi fáj nekünk
Mi fáj nekünk
Két beteg
Nem mondjuk el senkinek
Nem, nem...
Egy gengszter vagy, én meg egy jó kislány
Az emberek nem ismernek minket
Az emberek nem emlékeznek ránk
Az emberek elfelednek minket
Mi betegek vagyunk
Mi más világban élünk
Nekünk más nem mond meg semmit
Nekünk más nem szab meg semmit
Micsoda élet... Szeretem ezt az életet!
A szerelmed mérgező
De valahogy még tart
Még tart
Te a kedvenc helyünkön vagy
Itt vagyok a lapok között
Írom a dalt rólunk
Két beteg
Nem mondjuk el senkinek
Mi fáj nekünk...

Hymn - From the rough centuries of the Hungarian people (National Anthem of Hungary)

O Lord, bless the nation of Hungary
With your grace and bounty
Extend over it your guarding arm
During strife with its enemies
Long torn by ill fate
Bring upon it a time of relief
This nation has suffered for all sins
Of the past and of the future!
You brought our ancestors up
Over the Carpathians' holy peaks
By You was won a beautiful homeland
For Bendeguz's sons
And wherever flow the rivers of
The Tisza and the Danube
Árpád our hero's descendants
Will root and bloom
For us on the plains of the Kuns
You ripened the wheat
In the grape fields of Tokaj
You dripped sweet nectar
Our flag you often planted
On the wild Turk's earthworks
And under Mátyás' grave army whimpered
Vienna's 'proud fort.'
Ah, but for our sins
Anger gathered in Your bosom
And You struck with Your lightning
From Your thundering clouds
Now the plundering Mongols' arrows
You swarmed over us
Then the Turks' slave yoke
We took upon our shoulders.
How often came from the mouths
Of Osman's barbarian nation
Over the corpses of our defeated army
A victory song!
How often did your own son agress
My homeland, upon your breast,
And you became because of your own sons
Your own sons' funeral urn!
The fugitive hid, and towards him
The sword reached into his cave
Looking everywhere he could not find
His home in his homeland
Climbs the mountain, descends the valley
Sadness and despair his companions
Sea of blood beneath his feet
Ocean of flame above.
Castle stood, now a heap of stones
Happiness and joy fluttered,
Groans of death, weeping
Now sound in their place.
And Ah! Freedom does not bloom
From the blood of the dead,
Torturous slavery's tears fall
From the burning eyes of the orphans!
Pity, O Lord, the Hungarians
Who are tossed by waves of danger
Extend over it your guarding arm
On the sea of its misery
Long torn by ill fate
Bring upon it a time of relief
They who have suffered for all sins
Of the past and of the future!

Olvassunk el mindent róla

Versions: #1
Birtoklod a szavakat, mik megváltoztatnak egy nemzetet,
De megharapod nyelved.
Már eltöltöttél egy életet a csöndben,
Félve, hogy valami rosszat mondasz.
Ha senki sem hallja, hogy fogjuk megtanulni dalod?
Szóval gyerünk, gyerünk,
Gyerünk, gyerünk!
Olyan hangos szíved van, mint az oroszlánok,
Akkor miért hagyod hangod megszelídíteni?
Baby, mi egy picit mások vagyunk,
Itt nem kell szégyenkeznünk,
Birtoklod a fényt, mely küzdhet az árnyak ellen,
Ezért ne rejtegesd tovább!
Gyerünk, gyerünk!
Énekelni akarok, kiáltani akarok,
Sikoltani akarok, míg a szavak ki nem száradnak,
Mint a papírok.
Nem félek,
Mindent el tudnak olvasni róla,
Elolvasni róla, oh,
Éjjel felébresztjük a szomszédokat,
Miközben blues-t énekelünk,
Ügyelve arra, hogy emlékezzünk, igen,
Mert mi is számítunk,
Még ha az igazság tiltott is,
Akkor is áthágunk minden szabályt,
Tehát gyerünk, gyerünk,
Gyerünk, gyerünk!
Fogd a tv-t és a rádiót,
Játszd le újra dallamunk,
Itt az idő, hogy megjelenjen a mi verziónk,
Nem kell félni,
Veled fogok énekelni, barátom,
Gyerünk, gyerünk!
Énekelni akarok, kiáltani akarok,
Sikoltani akarok, míg a szavak ki nem száradnak,
Mint a papírok.
Nem félek,
Mindent el tudnak olvasni róla,
Elolvasni róla, oh,
Igen, mindannyian csodás, csodás emberek vagyunk,
Szóval miért félünk ennyire?
Most már végre megtaláltuk hangunkat,
Hát ragadjuk meg az esélyt, gyere, segíts énekelni!
Igen, mindannyian csodás, csodás emberek vagyunk,
Szóval miért félünk ennyire?
Most már végre megtaláltuk hangunkat,
Hát ragadjuk meg az esélyt, gyere, segíts énekelni!
Énekelni akarok, kiáltani akarok,
Sikoltani akarok, míg a szavak ki nem száradnak,
Mint a papírok.
Nem félek,
Mindent el tudnak olvasni róla,
Elolvasni róla, oh,
Énekelni akarok, kiáltani akarok,
Sikoltani akarok, míg a szavak ki nem száradnak,
Mint a papírok.
Nem félek,
Mindent el tudnak olvasni róla,
Elolvasni róla, oh...


Versions: #1
Hundreds of perfumes, dreams of flowers
Sweet, bitter, mellifluous forgetting
Rose and nerium in a thin little bottle, oh it numbs me
Myrrh and almond locked up in a small place, syringas, violas, secret little vials
Testing them in droplets, in sprays, it dazes me so
Now i'm throwing all of them out
I'm throwing my misshapen mirror away
I'm forming wings of my coat
Breath freely
Wind makes me fly, sun warms me up
Sometimes you cry out of wounded clouds
Whenever autumn is on fire, you make new dreams
In my heart sweetly, smokily, dizzyingly
Flies the smell of life
Magic of perfume, world of petals
Glowing of our desires, gliding of silks
Spice of the East, its silly little tale dazes me so
Now i'm throwing all of them out
I'm throwing my misshapen mirror away
I'm forming wings of my coat
Breath freely
Wind makes me fly, sun warms me up
Sometimes you cry out of wounded clouds
Whenever autumn is on fire, you make new dreams
In my heart sweetly, smokily, dizzyingly
Flies the smell of life

Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz

Nehéz kimondanom dolgokat,
De néha beszélni akarok,
Mikor nincs itt senki más, csak te és én,
És az a régi, törött utcalámpa.
Zárjuk be az ajtókat,
Hagyjuk kint a világot.
Mindenemet, amim van, neked adom,
Mindazt az öt szót*, és önmagam.
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz,
Hogy a szemem voltál,
Mikor én nem láttam,
Hogy szétválasztottad ajkaim,
Mikor nem tudtam lélegezni,
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz,
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz.
Sosem tudtam, hogy volt egy álmom,
És ez az álom te voltál.
Mikor szemeidbe nézek,
Az ég is másmilyen kék.
Eltaláltad a szívem,
S már nem hordok álruhát,
Ha próbáltam, te elhitted,
Elhitted a hazugságaimat.
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz,
Hogy a szemem voltál,
Mikor én nem láttam,
Hogy szétválasztottad ajkaim,
Mikor nem tudtam lélegezni,
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz.
Felemelsz engem, ha elesnék,
Megnyomod a csengőt, mielőtt kiütnének engem,
Ha fuldokolnék, te szétválasztanád a tengert,
És kockára tennéd saját életed, hogy megments.
Zárjuk be az ajtókat,
Hagyjuk kint a világot.
Mindenemet, amim van, neked adom,
Mindazt az öt szót*, és önmagam.
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz,
Hogy a szemem voltál,
Mikor én nem láttam,
Hogy szétválasztottad ajkaim,
Mikor nem tudtam lélegezni.
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz.
Mikor nem tudtam repülni,
Oh, te adtál szárnyakat,
Szétválasztottad ajkaimat,
Mikor nem tudtam lélegezni.
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz,
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz,
Köszönöm, hogy szeretsz,
Oh, hogy szeretsz.

A good gig/party

Versions: #1
My car is washed-clean already, the [car] stereo system is set up just right
Everything is ready, come with me, ['cause] the sound here is first-rate
Girl, don't be shy, jump in [the car] and celebrate
Just ring me later, I'll love it, so let's go...
Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight
I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night
To dance and jump,
Until the sun comes out
Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight
I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night
To dance and jump,
Because tonight there's going to be
The 'tche tchererere tche tcheche'
Tcherere tche tche,
Tcherere tche tche,
Tche, tche, tche,
Gustavo Lima and you
If you look at me, I'll want to touch you
And next, to make out with you, to have fun
Because tonight there's going to be
Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight
I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night
To dance and jump,
Until the sun comes out
Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight
I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night
To dance and jump,
Because tonight there's going to be
The 'tche tchererere tche tcheche'
Tcherere tche tche,
Tcherere tche tche,
Tche, tche, tche,
Gustavo Lima and you


I'm Era
I'm Era and my time's coming..
If you don't love me
then I'll love myself
I don't need you heeeyo
I can have fun by myself
You can't put me down, I'm here
You can't do it, can't do it, can't do it, can't do it do it
It's okay okay* even if it's not okay not okay
You want, you want
Bet you wanna taste it
It's okay, it's okay
Bet you wanna taste it I
I know you want want want x2
Come get me and let's leave
If you want the girl
You're the king as long as I say so x2
Sunday night
I put a light
In my blunt right
We don't hear from each other anymore, don't need you at all
When I do,you're not here anymore
You used me
Dammit dammit whatever
Gonna be alright
Bounce and increase increase the bass yo
Cuz my time has come, increase the bass
They wanna do it like us
Cause we're high, yes we're high & mellow
Oo let's not talk about what I had
Oo you broke my password
He read my eyes and the expression on my lips
Scanned everything I had under my top
Honey, bear one thing in mind
I told you that once you mess it with me, it's over
Many chances no more
Cause when you cool it once, I don't heat it anymore

Dreamily Dreaming

I've got so many things that I have to do inside my dreams.
There's so much that I just might be rushing things a little.
If I took a good look, there might not be many that are important.
The shadows all around dance merrily with the wind.
And today we're still dreamily dreaming.
All of us are running through the dream in our heads.
And even if dreams are driven from this world.
Dream of a dream where dreams come true.
Even if I keep my eyes forward and my feet moving,
My tears will start flowing and I won't be able to take it.
At the end of this night where we can't control a thing,
Let's tell the dumbest stories and see if we can crack a smile.
And today we're still dreamily dreaming.
All of us are running through the dream in our heads.
And even if dreams are driven from this world.
Dream of a dream where dreams come true.
And today we're still dreamily dreaming.
It's possible that what we're seeking was never there.
Experience a world where dreams are gone.
Dream of a dream where dreams come true.
And today we're still dreamily dreaming.
All of us are running through the dream in our heads.
And even if dreams are driven from this world.
Dream of a dream where dreams come true.
And today we're still dreamily dreaming.
It's possible that what we're seeking was never there.
Experience a world where dreams are gone.
Dream of a dream where dreams come true.

L'Hymne de Bataille du Kentucky

Dans l'année 1861, nous avons quitté notre pays natal,
Parce que nous ne pouvions pas plier nos esprits à la dure commande du tyran.
Et nous avons rallié notre Buckner, alors que nos coeurs étaient tristes et douloureux,
Pour offrir notre sang pour la liberté comme nos père l'ont fait avant...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Quand au début le drapeau du sud déployait ses plis dans l'air,
Ses étoiles étaient à peine rassemblées que les fils du Kentucky étaient présent.
Et nous avons prononcé un serment solennel, et nous nous sommes sévèrement rassemblé
Nous voulons seulement vivre en hommes libres sur le sol sanglant et sombre.
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Avec Buckner, notre chef, et Morgan dans le van,
Nous planterons le drapeau de la liberté dans notre clair et heureux pays,
Nous conduirons les serviteurs du tyran dans le flot roulant de l'Ohio,
Et teindrons ses vagues avec le pourpre du lâche sang yankee...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Alors applaudissez, vous, braves du sud, vous verrez bientôt le jour,
Quand les plus belles filles du Kentucky vous encourageront sur votre chemin,
Et que leurs fières vieilles mères vous accueillerons tous,
Car unis nous résistons, mais divisés nous tombons !
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Simon Bolivar Buckner (1823−1914), et John Hunt Morgan (1825−1864) étaient tous deux des généraux confédérés lors de la Guerre de Sécession

Love me less strong

Love me less strong
But love me for awhile
Don't say yet
If this only lasts a little while
Love me less strong
But tell me it often
Without making an effort
Don't pretend
Love me less strong
But love me truthfully
Don't give me your body
If you heart is absent
Love me less strong
Love can be learned
The majority are wrong
It will take more time
I'm scared of flames
I'm scared of fire
I'm scared of the blazing after life
Because we learn by the taste of regret
I don't have the weapons to do better
I am bread, I am calibrated for this game.
Love me less strong
But love me for a long time
Don't say yet
If this will only last awhile
Love me less strong
But tell me it often
Without making an effort
Don't pretend
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Love me less strong
Love can be learned
The majority are wrong
It will take more time
I have too many tears
I have too many bruises
That God gave me
If I lie a little
We will discover
My skin is sensitive
My eyes are sensitive
Love me less strong
But love me truthfully
Don't give me your body
If your heart is absent
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Don't pretend
Love me, Love me
Love me less strong
And love me for awhile
Love me, love me
Don't tell me yet
If this only lasts a little while
Love me, love me
Love me less strong
But tell me it often
Love me, love me
Without making an effort
Don't pretend

I make a funnel from my hand

If I go to the flea market
I am browsing among the discs
Only such one which went out of use
Condonable circumstance.
I make a funnel from my hand
And I say it cheerly:
'Uncle another is trendy now'
But for me as good as it is.
Old gentleman hurries before me
Gramophone raspingly plays
He becomes happy when I say it:
'I know it because of my daddy'
I make a funnel from my hand
And I say it cheerly:
'Uncle, the trend is changing'
But for me as good as it is.
Copper mortars are in the corner
Between the swords there are some scruppy pictures
Eventhough girls prefered (dance) for music
Ladies and soldiers.
I ironically make funnel from my hand
And I say it cheerly:
'Uncle another is trendy now'
But for me as good as it is.
I go home and there are waiting for me
The newest album of Beatles
I don't want to believe to my ears
It's already familiar a bit.
I laughly make funnel from my hand
And I say it cheerly:
'Uncle, this trend is crafty,
But for me as good as it is.
I chuckle when I make funnel from my hand,
And I say it cheerly:
'Uncle another is trendy now'
But for me as good as it is.
For me as good as it is, for me as good as it is.

Girl, tu as besoin d'un shot ( Boyz 12 )

Poupée, tu vas sentir une petite douleur.
Poupée, tu as besoin de B12, tu sais que tu en as besoin.
Tu as du B12 qui coule en toi.
Tu ferais mieux de laisser ce copain avant que je le cogne.
B12 va te faire te sentir bien et vive.
Allonge-toi sur mon lit et retire ton haut.
Boyz 12 est le plus grand boys band que tu as vu, c'est sûr.
Plus de garçon que tu as pu voir avant.
Ne pense pas qu'ils ne te donneront rien de neuf, tu vas avoir du B12 quand même gars chantent.
Steve : Oh poupée, tu as besoin d'une dose de B12
Tous : Break it down !
Barry : Je suis B1 est je suis énormément marrant.
Georgie : Je suis B2 et je veux être avec toi.
Toshi : Je suis B3, tu veux être avec moi ?
TJ : Je suis B4, je te ferai décoller.
Parker : Je suis B5, je vais te faire te sentir vivante.
Steve : Je suis B6 et je ramasse des bâtons.
Snot : Je suis B7, je vais t'amener au paradis
Victor : Je suis B8 et je suis génial !
Abraham : Je suis B9 et je suis cool.
Boris : Je suis B10, je me souviens quand ...
Abraham H. : Je suis B11 et je suis amoureux de B7
Constantine : Je suis B12 et nous sommes ...
Boyz 12 !
Poupée, tu as besoin d'une prise de B12, tu sais que tu en as besoin !
Snot: On fait l'appel !
Barry !
Georgie !
Toshi !
TJ: TJ !
Parker !
Steve !
Snot !
V-V-V-V-Victor !
Abraham !
Boris !
Abraham H. !
et Constantine !
Tous: Poupée, tu as besoin d'un shot de B12
Parker: Écoutons les garçons
Barry : Gros garçon
Georgie : Mauvais garçon.
Toshi : Japonais !
TJ : Ma sœur est morte.
Parker : Je suis doux.
Steve : Je chante bien.
Snot : Génial !
Victor : Je suis B8, j'ai un pénis d'homme.
Abraham : Mes parents ont divorcé.
Boris : Je suis diabétique
Abraham H. : Je suis grincheux
Constantine: Je suis fatigué, et ensemble nous sommes ...
Boyz 12 !
Poupée, tu as besoin d'une prise de B12, tu sais que tu en as besoin !
Poupée, tu as besoin d'une prise de B12, tu as du retard !

[It's] All About the Weed

Hear me now!
It's true they don't know, woo
The pipe, man, smoke
And, one to them, bobby, hear me now
It's all about the weed,
How do you love the weed
How goes it farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved
God's voice sends the wicked to the curb
It's all about the weed
Of course, I love the weed
How goes it farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved
God's voice sends the wicked to the curb
Give me a draw, give me a [marijuana] cigarette
Turn it to [the] east, you make, we make a wish
All those [who] smoke alone make the police crazy
Marijuana, you know, is a Rasta's favourite dish, alright!
And who is going to try to stop the weed flow
Somebody whisper in my ear, ask me how I know
In my garden, I plant and then I have to sow
Open my window, [and] watch my marijuana plant grow
It's all about the weed,
How do you love the weed
How goes farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved
God's voice sends the wicked to the curb
Put it [weed] in the store, put it in the market
It's the healing of the nation, so no one oppose it
I have a portion now, wow, sell cross it
Farming people around the world take complete advantage of it
And, the highest grade of weed is in my food.
When you see [me], my brain has completely numbed
Some people around the world stay far from coke,
Use the best trick, you must reach the poor
It's all about the weed,
How do you love the weed
How goes it farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved
Jah Jah's sound send the wicked to the curb
It's all about the weed
Of course, I love the weed
How goes farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved
God's voice sends the wicked to the curb
My eyes are red like blood
Medicine comes from this substance
My eyes are red like blood
It makes me tired, I smoke as soon as there's a bud
My eyes are red like blood
If you lose, come back as you were
My eyes are red like blood
No bad feelings, police,
nobody would destroy the world
It's all about the weed,
How do you love the weed
How goes it farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved
God's voice sends the wicked to the curb
It's all about the weed
Of course, I love the weed
How goes farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved
God's voice sends the wicked to the curb
Give me a draw, give me a [marijuana] cigarette
Turn it to [the] east, you make, we make a wish
All those [who] smoke alone make the police crazy
Marijuana, you know, is a Rasta's favorite dish, alright!
And who is going to try to stop the weed flow
Somebody whisper in my ear, ask me how I know
In my garden, I plant and then I have to sow
Open my window, [and] watch my marijuana plant grow
It's all about the weed,
How do you love the weed
How goes farmer man, come plant my seed
It's good for the nerves, it has to be preserved

Eu Amo O Jeito Que Você Me Ama

Eu gosto do sentimento do seu nome nos meus lábios
E gosto do som dos seus doces beijos gentis
Do jeito em que seus dedos correm pelos meus cabelos
E de como o seu perfume dura mesmo quando você não está
Eu gosto do jeito em que seus olhos dançam quando você ri
E de como você gosta do seu banho de duas horas
E de como você me convenceu a dançar na chuva
Com todos olhando, como se fôssemos loucos
Mas eu amo o jeito que você me ama
Oh, amor
Com força e selvagem, levemente e com calma
Coração e alma, tão completos
Amo o jeito que você me ama
E gosto do som de R&B1 antigo
E de como você rola os olhos quando estou um pouco desafinado
E gosto do seu inocente jeito de chorar
Em filmes sentimentais antigos que você assistiu milhões de vezes
Mas eu amo o jeito que você me ama
Oh, amor
Com força e selvagem, levemente e com calma
Coração e alma, tão completos
Amo o jeito que você me ama
E eu poderia listar um milhão de coisas
Que eu amo gostar em você
Mas elas podem todas se resumir a uma razão
Eu nunca poderia viver sem você
Eu nunca poderia viver sem você
Mas eu amo o jeito que você me ama
Oh, amor
Com força e selvagem, levemente e com calma
Coração e alma, tão completos
Amo o jeito que você me ama
Oh, amor
Amo o jeito que você me ama
  • 1. Rhythm and blues
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Zamak u snegu

Svetlo bledi sada
Moja duša trči na putu koji ne mogu da dohvatim
Mozak mi se okreće i glava me boli
Svakog dana sve više
Svetlo bledi sada
Snagu mi isisava krvava pijavica
Strah mi se smeje i užas peva
Svake večeri sve više
Ne mogu ništa da vidim
Vezanih sam očiju
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Ja sam zombi
Ne znam šta da radim
Trebala bih biti sakrivena
Ali moram da ostanem ostanem ostanem, ostanem ostanem ostanem
Tako sam usamljena
Ne znam da li ću se izvući
Želim da plutam svemirom
Ali moram da ostanem ostanem ostanem, ostanem ostanem ostanem
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
Mogu da čujem ptice
Mogu da ih vidim kako lete
Mogu da vidim nebo
To je uzvik bitke

Crnooki dečak

Ne, ne fali mi ambicija
Zar ne možeš da vidiš šta mrzim
Da si ti onaj koji je bolestan
Zaključan iza gvozdenih rešetki
Trebalo bi da znaš
Padaš u zaborav
Mogu reći
Da si na nekoj ludačkoj misiji
Ti si crnooka duša
Trebalo bi da znaš
Da nemaš gde drugde da odeš
Moj crnooki dečače
Pronaći ćeš
Sopstveno mesto i vreme
Nazivaš me sujevernom
Povezuješ me svojom obmanom
Nikada ne bih mogla da budem zlonamerna
Iako delujem gorko
Trebalo bi da znaš
Padaš u zaborav
Mogu reći
Da si na nekoj ludačkoj misiji
Ti si crnooka duša
Trebalo bi da znaš
Da nemaš gde drugde da odeš
Moj crnooki dečače
Pronaći ćeš
Sopstveno mesto i vreme
Crnooka duša
Trebalo bi da znaš
Da nemaš gde drugde da odeš
Moj crnooki dečače
Pronaći ćeš
Sopstveno mesto i vreme
Trebalo bi da znaš
Padaš u zaborav
Mogu reći
Da si na nekoj ludačkoj misiji
Ti si crnooka duša
Trebalo bi da znaš
Da nemaš gde drugde da odeš
Moj crnooki dečače
Pronaći ćeš
Sopstveno mesto i vreme
Crnooka duša
Trebalo bi da znaš
Da nemaš gde drugde da odeš
Moj crnooki dečače
Pronaći ćeš
Sopstveno mesto i vreme
Crnooka duša
Trebalo bi da znaš
Da nemaš gde drugde da odeš
Moj crnooki dečače
Pronaći ćeš
Sopstveno mesto i vreme

Story of fishing

A small Gaspesien fisherman
Followed his dad every morning
Fifteen and a half and already has sea legs
Under the glow of an old lantern
Accompanied by the stars
Took off the wind in the sails
Every day his father would tell him
When they pulled up the nets
There are so many fish in the St. Lawrence
That we will have until the end of time
At the end of 40 seasons
The father of reason
Decided to throw the anchor for good
The small Gaspesien fisherman
That was no longer a child
Happily took over for the old man
Like the fishermen from the area
He wanted to expand
Exchanged the old boat for a bigger one
We cannot stop change
The small Gaspesien fisherman
Rolled his hump cheerfully
In the seventies and eighties
And to better run his business
He took his two sons
Just like his dad had with him before
Fishing was booming
It was the time of the great records
They came back every day at low tide
The boat filled with fat cod
Then a blow to the region
Only mist on the horizon
It looked like there were fewer fish
Everywhere we denied the obvious
But the rumor ran in the cove
That one would have overestimated the abundance
Since there are no more cod
And that the catches go down
The scientists shouted: stop there!
It was necessary to impose quotas quickly
Cod will come back soon
Repeated the most optimistic
Even if many were going straight to bankruptcy
Many young people of the town
Discouraged went off in waves
There are no jobs here what do you want us to do?
When we base an economy
All on the same industry
It's like putting your eggs in one basket
We remain surprised when the basket is empty
The small Gaspesian fisherman
Could feel the sadness fill up inside him
When he sees his boys exiled in the distance
Both have dry feet
One in Montreal the other in Quebec
Never again do they smell the oder of kelp
The fish never did return
And his beautiful boat was sold
All thats left is the beautiful landscape
And his memories somewhere at sea

دج هو الاسم الثاني

بعد ظهر الجمعة، حان الوقت لحزم حقيبتك
طريق طويل إلى النادي، وحان الوقت للذهاب، لأنك لا يمكن أن يكون في وقت متأخر تذكر صبي لا يمكنك أن تكون في وقت متأخر
الموسيقى العظيمة في سيارتك، كوبين من القهوة والكعك
كل عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في حياتك تبدو بالضبط نفس الشيء
عندما يكون دج هو الاسم الثاني
من فضلك اخبرنى الحقيقه
هل من الصعب القيام به؟
عندما ألف شخص حزب معك
أريد أن أشعر نفسه
السبب دج هو الاسم الثاني
هل يمكن أن أشعر بالموسيقى مثلك؟
من فضلك قل لي قل لي قل لي ما يجب القيام به
أريد أن أشعر الموسيقى مثلك
من فضلك قل لي قل لي قل لي ما يجب القيام به
هل يمكن أن أشعر بالموسيقى مثلك؟
صباح يوم الأحد، يستيقظ في فندق آخر
الطريق طويل المنزل، وحان الوقت للذهاب الآن، ولكن اليوم يمكنك أن تقول
كان عرض عظيم، يمكنك أن تقول
الموسيقى العظيمة في سيارتك، كوبين من القهوة والكعك
كل عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في حياتك تبدو بالضبط نفس الشيء
عندما يكون دج هو الاسم الثاني
من فضلك اخبرنى الحقيقه
هل من الصعب القيام به؟
عندما ألف شخص حزب معك
أريد أن أشعر نفسه
السبب دج هو الاسم الثاني
هل يمكن أن أشعر بالموسيقى مثلك؟
من فضلك قل لي قل لي قل لي ما يجب القيام به
أريد أن أشعر الموسيقى مثلك
من فضلك قل لي قل لي قل لي ما يجب القيام به
يمكن أن أشعر الموسيقى مثلك
هل يمكن أن أشعر بالموسيقى مثلك؟
أريد أن أشعر الموسيقى مثلك
من فضلك قل لي قل لي قل لي ما يجب القيام به
يمكن أن أشعر الموسيقى مثلك

Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg

Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå
Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå
Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå
Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå

La Rose Jaune du Texas

Il y a une Rose Jaune au Texas
Que je suis allé voir
Aucun autre soldat ne la connait,
Aucun soldat excepté moi
Elle a tant crié quand je l'ai quittée,
C'est comme si ça avait brisé mon coeur
Et si jamais je la retrouve
Nous ne nous séparerons plus jamais.
Elle est la plus gentille fille de couleur
Que ce soldat n'aie jamais connu
Ses yeux brillent comme des diamants,
Ils scintillent comme la rosée
Vous pouvez parlez de votre chère May
Et chanter Rosa Lee,
Mais la Rose Jaune du Texas
Bat toutes les belles du Tennessee.
Là où le Rio Grande coule
Et où les cieux étoilés brillent
Elle marche le long de la rivière
Par une calme nuit d'été
Elle se demande si je me souviens
Quand nous nous sommes quittés il y a longtemps
J'ai promis de revenir de nouveau
Et de ne pas la quitter ainsi.
Elle est la plus gentille fille de couleur
Que ce soldat n'aie jamais connu
Ses yeux brillent comme des diamants,
Ils scintillent comme la rosée
Vous pouvez parlez de votre chère May
Et chanter Rosa Lee,
Mais la Rose Jaune du Texas
Bat toutes les belles du Tennessee.
Oh, mes pieds sont déchirés et sanglants
Et mon coeur est plein de tristesse
Je retourne en Géorgie
Trouver mon oncle Joe
Vous pouvez parler de Beauregard
Et chanter Bobby Lee,
Mais le vaillant Hood, du Texas,
Il a joué l'enfer dans le Tennessee.
Beauregard, Robert Edward Lee (Bobby Lee), et John Bell Hood furent tous trois des généraux Confédérés durant la Guerre de Sécession aux Etats-Unis.
Cette chanson est une adaptation confédérée de la chanson populaire 'the Yellow Rose of Texas'.

Tanti Auguri

Questo giorno e diverso dai altri e lo sai molto bene
Il sole sale altrimenti e anche la luna
Ti facciamo un brindisi se stiamo qui insieme
E accetta nostro piccola gioiosa canzone come un regalo.
Che Tanti, Tanti, Tangi Auguri di Buon Compleanno
Vogliamo che tu abbia altri giorni cosí belli
Sei diventato maggiore con un anno ancora e forse piú sensato
Conserva i tuoi ricordi e sia molto gioioso.
Ti facciamo un brindisi se stiamo qui insieme
E accetta nostro piccola gioiosa canzone come un regalo.
Che Tanti, Tanti, Tangi Auguri di Buon Compleanno
Dopo la primavera viene l'estate e poi dopo del autunno viene l'inverno
Ma ogni anno viene quel giorno quando sei nato.
Ti facciamo un brindisi se stiamo qui insieme
E accetta nostro piccola gioiosa canzone come un regalo.
Che Tanti, Tanti, Tangi Auguri di Buon Compleanno....
Che Tanti, Tanti, Tangi Auguri di Buon Compleanno....

Сломанные кости

Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
О, Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
Я отправился далеко в Техас, штат Миссисипи,
Надеясь, что все сложится так, как я задумал.
Но каждый доллар, который я зарабатываю тяжким трудом,
Отбирает белый.
Кто-то скажет, что я много говорю, но мне все равно,
В отличие от них, я не убегаю от своих страхов.
Я переломал себе кости, тяжело работая1, взглянул Дьяволу в глаза,
Надеюсь, он разорвет эти цепи, о, да.
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
(Да, освободит меня)
Еще один тяжелый день, ни воды, ни отдыха,
Я увидел свой шанс, наконец-то поймал его,
Я схватил его шестизарядник, всадил две пули ему в грудь,
Теперь он замолчит навеки,
О, теперь он замолчит навеки.
Дьявол хорошенько о нем позаботится.
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Давай, Господи, может уже заберешь меня?
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Давай, Господи, чего ты ждешь?
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
(Дьявол освободит меня).
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Давай, Господи, может уже заберешь меня?
(Дьявол освободит меня).
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
(Дьявол освободит меня).
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Давай, Господи, чего ты ждешь?
(Дьявол освободит меня).
  • 1. break stones (дословно — раздробил камни) — идиома, означающая «зарабатывать на жизнь тяжелым трудом»

Love Has Come

Love was asleep in me so many years.
This word doesn't mean anything to me
Love lurked deep in the depths, its waited -
And then it woke up and opened my eyes!
Now I'm not singing - love is singing!
And this song is echoes in the world.
Love has come as the morning comes.
It's cries and laughs in me!
And the whole planet was opened for me!
And this joy, like the sun, will not cool down!
You can't get away from this fire!
Don't hide, you'll not hide -
Love will overtake you!
And the whole planet was opened for me!
And this joy, like the sun, will not cool down!
You can't get away from this fire!
Don't hide, you'll not hide -
Love will overtake you!
Love was asleep in me so many years.
This word doesn't mean anything to me
Love lurked deep in the depths, its waited -
And then it woke up and opened my eyes!
Tibor from QS-FB

TU ești unica ...

Când te întinzi în patul tău
Iar visele îți dă târcoale
Atunci gândește-te la mine
Cruță un moment sau două
Pentru dragostea pe care am cunoscut-o, acum și apoi
Gândește-te la mine
Și te voi ține departe de restul inimii mele
Mai presus de orice sentiment cunoscut vreodată
O iubire supremă ce revine din nou
În inima mea, dragă, TU rămâi unica pentru mine!
Una singură,
Numai una vei vedea
Una singură,
O inimă în eternitate
Iar TU draga mea, rămâi unica pentru mine!
Când aduci din trecut
Toate amintirile, să-mi spui ...
Voi fi acolo?
Nu lăsa timpul să ducă departe dulcea amintire de ieri
Lasă-mă să știu că încă îți pasă
Prin soare și ploaie
Prin râs și durere
Voi purta floarea iubirii pe care ai semănat-o
Vor fi și altele
Dar voi mărturisi mereu
În inima mea, dragă, TU rămâi unica pentru mine!
Una singură,
Numai una vei vedea
Una singură,
O inimă în eternitate
Iar TU draga mea, rămâi unica pentru mine!
Dana Kósa


Oh sí, estamos de vuelta ahora, ¡oh!
Hay mas malas noticias en la radio
El planeta Tierra está a punto de explotar, sí.
Las estrellas han perdido su brillo hoy
Todos han quedado impresionados
Juntos, solo la esperanza puede estar ausente
Déjame escucharte decir
Un día, nosotros estaremos juntos.
Nunca estaremos separados,
Un corazón, una mente. ¡sí!
Un día estaremos juntos.
Recuerda que este viejo mundo es tuyo, y mío (sí)
¿Ves a ese hombre con un lápiz y una pistola?
Dice esto para todos (oh no)
No, no creo que sea verdad.
Pero supongo que depende de mí y de tí.
Juntos, encontraremos un camino a través.
Yo creo en ti
Un día nosotros estaremos juntos.
Nunca estaremos separados,
Un corazón, una mente. ¡sí!
Un día estaremos juntos.
Recuerda que este viejo mundo es tuyo, y mío (sí)...
Oh oh oh ...

Ist dort jemand, da draußen?

Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?

Niemands held

Ik denk dat het tijd is om hierover praten
Ik denk dat je het te ver hebt laten komen
Ik wilde nooit anders zijn
Heb niet gevraagd om iemands ster te zijn
Probeer het te beheersen
Omdat je krijgt wat je ziet
Probeer het te beheersen
En niet mij
Je zegt dat men het over revolutie heeft (niets nieuws)
Je zegt dat er gevecht in de lucht hangt
Jij denkt dat ik de oplossing heb
Maar denk je werkelijk dat dat eerlijk is?
Probeer het te beheersen
Omdat je krijgt wat je ziet
Probeer het te beheersen
En niet mij
Vooruit dan maar
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Ik wil niemands ster zijn
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Dus sta op, verdwijn, wees jezelf
Jij denkt dat het tijd is om mij over te halen
Om te doen waar jijzelf niet toe in staat bent
Maar laat helden jou geen opwinding bezorgen
Het hangt van jou af en van niemand anders
Probeer het te beheersen
Omdat je krijgt wat je ziet
Probeer het te beheersen
En dan zul je het merken
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Ik wil niemands ster zijn
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Dus sta op, verdwijn, wees jezelf
Jij denkt dat je niemand bent
En dat ik alle pleziertjes beleef
Maar niemand is niemand
Iedereen is iemand
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Ik wil niemands ster zijn
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Dus sta op, verdwijn, wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

It's over

Everything I do to you
You did it to me before
And now, what do you want with me
If you don't exist for me?
I'm still a better person
Because I don't want to hurt you
I just know that I don't love you,
My love has gone with the years.
It's over
Because I tood the decision and I suffered
Like nobody suffered and my skin
Was left empty and lonely, teminally ill
In the oblivion and after
Fighting against death I began
To recover a little and I forgot
All that I loved you and now..
And now my world is another.
Don't come with silliness
Don't ask me to help you,
When I needed you
I never had you.
I don't love you neither I hate you,
I want you to understand well,
That you're one of many
That I never knew.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.