Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 13


Who Would Have a thought?

He is so nice
And almost fine
But he was coarse
And he was bad
And very mean
Now he is dear,
Quite shy, really,
He has something which certainly was not so before.
She’s looking hither
What is that?
Then she doesn’t have any fear at my paw.
It cannot be,
It is strange,
She looks at me,
It definitely wasn’t like that before.
but also strangely,
It wasn’t clear to me that this would happen
Aaaaaaand he is peculiar
But something’s in him which I didn’t see before
Who would have thought?!
Oh, God Thank you!
I find it swell
After all that fighting!
Who would have thought, that they’d find each other all on their own?
How Wonderful!
We will see, We will see,
Maybe even,
Soon Something will show up which wasn’t so before!
Even I say
Maybe there’s something there,
Which wasn’t so before.
Perhaps now something will arise,
Which wasn’t so before


Madame! Gaston!
I listen with pleasure
Madame! Gaston!
Just do it
Not me, never, I guarantee it
Because by now I feel I need more thank this
From a distance calls
A long-awaited adventure
It is a wonderful strange thrill
Maybe my dream is none other than
Simply that of an eternal soul mate
And the desire for a new life

Until dusk

The world used to be at my feet
Fate did everything the way I said
I thought: why would I need another to be happy
Today, I know it's not like that
The pain will remain forever-
I can see her under my eyelids
I let my heart be stolen too easily
Where to get strength from? Where, I ask?
She will always be next to me,
Even if she runs away
She's holding my soul, wounding, lifting up
Teasing... How to stand that?
Alone in this tower, slowly fading,
I squirm like a wild animal
Will she wish to come, here
And be with me until the dusk?
Why does love tempt like that?
May eternal darkness be gone
Although she is so far, I don't know where
My sight wants to chase her
She will always be next to me
Even when hidden in fog
Always giving me strength, day after day
I count seconds with her
Alone in this tower, slowly fading
I squirm like a wild animal
Will she wish to come here?
And in this long night
There will be less loneliness
Just to be with her - until dusk

They've Got a Chance

He's so sensitive and polite
But at first he was so scary and coarse.
Now he's gentle and so deserving
Suddenly my heart felt that there's a chance.
She looked at me, could this be?
She held my hand without even trembling.
No, this is scary, just insane
But my heart feels that there's a chance.
This is a feeling of togetherness
I didn't even think this is possible.
He is not the perfection of beauty,
There's a thing I didn't notice, intriguing, hidden.
Well, who'd have thought?
[Mrs. Potts:]
And who imagined?
That this will come?
And who guessed that they'd bond,
That it will happen on its own?
[Mrs. Potts:]
Yes, it's surprising, but they both-
Yes, there's been a change in them both
Suddenly the heart feels that they've got a chance.
It's certainly true!
Suddenly the heart feels that they've got a chance.
What, mama?
[Mrs. Potts:]
Suddenly the heart feels that they've got a chance.
What is it? What's going on there?
[Mrs. Potts:]
I'll tell you all about it when you're older.
Okay, I'm older!
[Mrs. Potts:]
Chip! You little rascal.

Let's attack

He must be killed now
He'll be on us soon
He'll take small children away from us
Steal them with him
He can destroy the whole village
If he can be free
It is time to make a choice
So now follow me
We'll go to adventure
Long shadows will tangle us to their fears
We'll paddle through swamps and woods
Pray for not being the first one
When we finally find the cruel beast
The beast got fangs, sharp like knives
Those claws can kill even you
Roars like this, belows like that, I can't come back home
Until he is dead
Let's move on!
To journey, off to battle
Bravely now move on
And our Gaston shall show us the way there
It's enough that I just say
That a danger's threatening us
So the crowd will follow me
Anywhere I take it
Though a monster is waiting in the castle
A beast is released in here too
Let's move on, men
With these swords, with these bows
With these we'll win the beast
We will win them
Bravely to the grim fight
We're marching as our flags waver
Singing, off to battle
We'll go even as far as death
You see, there's strength in the country of France
Now let's attack!
Let's attack!
Let's attack!
Let's attack!
Let's attack!
Let's attack!
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


[Young Adam:]
You are not in my life anymore
Only at my last dawn
I will see you
[Maestro Cadenza:]
Ah, will I ever hear again
The way the love of my whole life sings?
[Lumière & Plumette:]
Won't we be truly free of shackles
And chains of the witchcraft?
[mrs. Potts:]
Ah, that sunlight
You're not with us for so long
Who will advice
How to return the warmth?
[Madame de Garderobe:]
We don't sing
About the tears all of us shed
We're captured by the curse
But still, we will always sing only about happiness
How among all this sadness
Love hasn't left you?
I've lived so simply before
And now everything is so complicated
(Sunlight) I can't go back into my childhood
(Has illuminated the shadows and dissapeared) The one, where my father led me
I take my wings but still drowning
I've become strong, but still in captivity
We believe, it will be back
That light of love
Only sunlight will save us from the darkness

I assume

I assume, he is tender
Suddenly he feels irrestible
I fall in love, yesterday
I didn't even knew I'd get a friend from him
She looks at me, smiling
And when she touches me, my arm shakes
It's true, she smiles
She completely captures me with her gaze
Ah, a new and strange feeling
Who could've guessed that it would be this way
He's not any prince Charming
But I guess beauty is not always seen from outside
Who would've guessed
Mrs. Potts:
Oh heavens, yes
I didn't know
Nobody did
That they would be enjoying there so well
Mrs. Potts
It's really odd
We're watching
Plumette, Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth & Lumiere:
We're watching
Now the day two
If the relationship would grow to be stronger
And listen
I wish their relationship would grow to be stronger
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


Don't sit there mourning, Gaston
The corners of your mouth downwards
Everyone would love to be Gaston
To always be in your shoes¹
You see, no one else here is as admired as you
You're the only man in the town
That's why everyone wants to be like you
And everybody probably knew the reason to that
You are smart, Gaston
Every girl, Gaston
Likes you as your grip doesn't slip, Gaston
Because you indeed are stronger than the others
There's no one like him
You can ask these men with beards
What makes them to be with you
LeFou & Chorus:
You filled the points, Gaston
Gaston charms all the hearts
No one can come to your way, what an obstacle, Gaston
I'm again very satisfied with myself
LeFou & Chorus:
Oh, what a man that Gaston
Oh LeFou, you're an irreplaceable friend
Gaston is also the greediest for praises
Too much?
Only Gaston hits like that
Such a splendid work, oh Gaston
When wrestling, only Gaston bites like this
When I go hunting, I aim for my prey
And don't feel any fear
Because from my hiding place, carefully to its back
I always just shoot
That's devious!
So be it
You are sanity, Gaston
You are pretty, Gaston
No one never even spits like Gaston
I always get the best points when shooting
Gaston got the tens!
Already when I was young, I ate thousands of eggs
So I would grow to be bigger
And now the job is done for me
I can't become any stronger no more
LeFou & Chorus:
Oh, how that Gaston is
Gaston is marvelous again
No one ever tells songs like Gaston
I got all of my preys on my wall
LeFou & Chorus:
Everyone knew that
Who's this men among men?²
The greatest, the most beautiful, the most perfect
He makes the whole city fall into ecstasy
Because this hero who will always win
Named G-A-S-T
And then probably another T
It just came to my mind that I can't read
And I've never had to spell it before
LeFou & Chorus:
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


Silently the time rolls forwards here
These days just follow each other
Again today, this small village wakes up to the morning like this
'Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour!'
Look, there the beaker brings bread again like before to sell
Like every morning he bakes a warm bread to the villagers like this
Monsieur Jean: 'Morning, Belle'
Belle: 'Oh, monsieur Jean, are you looking for something?'
Monsieur Jean: 'I guess I do. It's a shame that I can't remember what'
Monsieur Jean: 'Well, it'll be alright. Where are you going?
Belle: 'I'm just returning boon. It told about lovers.'
Monsieur Jean: 'Sounds boring'
And there goes the weird girl again
Who could explain this to me?
Why is she always alone
Left without any company?
But this Belle is still a really good girl
'Bonjour! Hello, how are you?'
'Bonjour! How is your wife?'
'Put six, hey for that price'
I want to get to a place far away someday
Pere Robert: 'Oh, the only bookworm of our village. Where did you go this time?'
Belle: 'To the city of Verana, and didn't want to come back'
Belle: 'Are there any new places?'
Pere Robert: 'Nothing new. But you can always borrow something again.'
Belle: 'Your library makes even this village feel big'
Pere Robert: 'Bon voyage!'
Belle: 'Bye'
Look, there the strange girl goes again
Who would explain it to us?
Why are her eyes dreaming
When she only sat her gaze to a book?
What a mystery this Belle is to us!
Ah, this chapter is the most beautiful, it tells how she, see this
She meets a beautiful prince
She doesn't tell at all who she is, now let's move on
Well it's not so odd if her name is beautiful, you can see that the girl is too
But behind the face you will find a shy girl
Really different than us
She's different than us
Different than us is Belle
Gaston: 'There she is, LeFou. My future wife'
Gaston: 'Belle is the most beautiful girl of our town, that's why she's the best'
LeFou: 'But she's so reading and you're... more athletic'
Gaston: 'Yes, but after the war ended I've wanted something more'
Gaston: And no other girl has that...'
LeFou: 'Je ne sais quoi?'
Gaston: 'I don't speak French'
Right from the moment when I saw that girl, I noticed she's pretty
This beautiful girl will find a significant other from me
And I want to get married quickly
Oh no, oh my, I want him
Monsieur Gaston, he is cute!
Oh my, oh no, I can't handle this
He is so tall, strong, dark man!
Gaston: 'Pardon'
Belle: 'Hei vaan'
'Mais oui'
'Is this a pig?'
'Hey this way'
'Give me the cheese'
'A meter'
Gaston: 'Excuse me'
'Here it is'
Gaston: 'Out of my way'
'This is hard'
'The fish smells'
'This bread is so soft'
'You, a cup of tea'
Oh, there has to be something else than this
Soon I will arrange our wedding
Hey, look there the weird girl goes, that pretty strange mademoiselle
She is pretty, tender so and also nice
That's why she is an odd girl
And a really good hirl
That's why she is a strange girl that Belle!
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


Our town as a calm world
And every day follows the same schedule
Our town has its calm ways
It's saying
Bounjour! Bounjour!
Bounjour! Bounjour! Bounjour!
There comes the baker with his bread as always
His morning trip is trivial
I've seen the same sight
Since we came to town
This sweet, tiny town
[Monsieur Jean, spoken]
Good morning, Belle
[Belle, spoken]
Good morning, monsieur Jean
Did you lose something again?
[Monsieur Jean, spoken]
Yes, I think so
But the problem is... I don't remember what
Oh well, I'll probably remember later
Where are you going?
[Belle, spoken]
To Père Robert with a book
It's about two lovers in Verona
[Monsieur Jean, spoken]
It sounds boring!
There goes the girl who is strange, she really is
She goes about, dreaming on her own
Never included in the girls' crowd
She doesn't need more than herself
She's rather odd, that Belle
Bonjour! Good day! And greet your family
Bonjour! Good day! And greet your wife
Six eggs for me! They're far too expensive
[Belle, spoken]
There's got to be more than this village life
[Père Robert, spoken]
Ah, there we have the only bookworm in town!
Where did you go this week?
[Belle, spoken]
To two towns in the northern Italy
I didn't want to go home at all
Have you gotten any new destinations?
[Père Robert, spoken]
No, unfortunately not...
But you can read one of your favorite books again
[Belle, spoken]
Thanks, your library makes our tiny corner of the world a bit bigger
[Père Robert, spoken]
Bon voyage!
[Belle, spoken]
See you later
There goes the girl who is very strange
She seems rather special
She wants to seem smart
With her gaze in a book
We don't really understand that Belle girl
Oh, it's adventurous
That's the place I like the best
Where she meets the prince
But she doesn't know that he's a prince until page nine
It's fitting that Belle means beauty
She is as beautiful as the sun itself
Well, but behind the exterior shine
There seems to be a very special mind
She is not the same kind as us
She doesn't think like us
Isn't the same kind as us, that Belle
[Gaston, spoken]
Look at her, LeFou—my future wife
Belle is the most beautiful girl in town
And thus the best
[LeFou, spoken]
But she's so... well-read
[Gaston, spoken]
Yeah... But since the war ended, it's as if I've been lacking something
And she's the only girl who fives me a feeling of—
[LeFou, spoken]
Mmm... je ne sais quoi?
[Gaston, spoken]
I don't know what that means
I saw right away that she's sexy-smexy
And I decided on my own
That she's the best babe in town
She's just as beautiful as me
I want to marry and settle down with Belle
Why, there he is
He's so adorable
Monsieur Gaston
He's so sweet
My cheek goes red
My thought sinful
He's such a big and lovely hunk
[Woman 1]
[Woman 2]
Mais oui!
[Woman 3]
Are you looking to buy ham?
[Woman 4]
A beautiful bouquet!
[Man 1]
Some cheese
[Woman 5]
Ten feet!
[Man 1]
One pound
Excuse me, I'm coming through
[Cheese merchant]
I'll get my knife
[Woman 6]
That bread
[Woman 7]
That fish
[Woman 6]
Is stale!
[Woman 7]
Is dead!
We're such nice guys
Okay, maybe
There's got to be more than this village life
I swear that I'll get Belle as my wife
There goes the girl
Who's something special
A very strange mademoiselle
It's a shame she's so odd
She doesn't fit in here
She's very strange
A beauty, but strange
Yes, very strange
That Belle!

Be a Guest Here

Ma chère mademoiselle, it fills us with deep pride and great
Pleasure to welcome you here today
And now we invite you to relax
Take a seat
Because we now present the meal:
Your dinner!
Be a guest here, be a guest here
We serve without haste
Tie the napkin around your neck, chérie,
So that you don't miss anything here
Soup du jour in terrines
We are here to serve you
Try this there, it tastes exquisite
Ask the dishes, you know they don't lie
When we sing and when we dance
One only thinks: Vive la France!
Poor food is despised by everyone here
Read the card carefully, it's from our perspective
Be a guest here, be a guest here, be a guest here!
Rinds-ragout, a soufflé
And pudding en flambé
We prepare -- and with flair
And culinary cabaret
You're alone in misery,
But the menu's ready for you
There should be no lamentations here
When the cutlery entertains
We'll tell you like it's nothing,
Every new candle joke
And what you can bet on is certainly the taste!
Come on and raise your glass
We bestow enjoyment to you
You're a guest here, don't be stressed, enjoy a rest with the meal
Be a guest here, be a guest here, be a guest here!
It can be so depressing
When a servant may not serve
He feels hollow, the guest's satisfaction on his mind
Ah, where did the time where one needed us go? Ah, when did we become so restlessness?
Suddenly the old times were gone
Too long the rust was accumulated
We wanted so much more than cleaning
A wanted exercise, a chance for our talent!
Almost every day we mulled around in the house
Sloppy, fat, and slow, you came here and now we're merry!
[Madame Pottine:]
Oh, a guest! Oh, a guest!
My soul, now be ready
Here's the drink, and thank God
The damask is freshly ironed!
For dessert, she'll want tea
To that, I cannot say 'no'
When the cups aren't shy to dance
I will boil, I'll be brewing
I serve piping hot
Is that a spot? Now, I'll excuse it
Wipe it away, we just want for everything to fit
Thus everyone is running around for sugar - One? No, two
You're our guest
Our guest
Our guest
Our guest
Be a guest here, be a guest here
Your wish is our command
We've had no guest here in the palace for too many years
For your wellness, for your meal
We'll make it ideal
If the candles glow for you
We want to please you
Course by course
Pot and pan
Until you shout: 'Now stop!'
Then you recover from the ordeal in your sleep
Lay down to rest, but first eat
Be a guest here, Be a guest here, Be a guest here!
Be our guest!

How can time last forever

It's Paris from my childhood
Here started the journey of my life
In the cold, dark attic
Of an artist and his wife
I have the memory with me
It's just as unclear
Here I can feel from my childhood
Has been