Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 15



Nincs itt semmiféle politikai korrektség
Se balra, se jobbra, de egyenesen a húsba
Egy dal a fejbe, hogy a fogaikat is kiverje
Hogy motyoghassanak a parlamentbe', míg az alkotmányt vitatják
A zsarnokság elleni lázadás
Ami széttépi a bilincseket
Nincs irányítás felette
Ez már tömegreakció
Ébresszétek a miniszterelnököt
Hadd halljam a bilincseket
Sorolja fel a minisztereket
Elő a kincstár kulcsaival
Gyerünk, most évértékeld a népnek, hogy ki lopott
Ki tett tönkre minket és nem volt számon kérve
Jól összejátszottatok, hát nincs visszavágó
Lopás törvénykönyve van, amit senki sem vallott be
És az emberek nem emlékeznek minderre

Sajnálom Szerbia

Belgrád. A képzelet bűnösen az aszfalthoz köt. A szarság borzalmas itt, az utca mindent lát. Tíz dűne, a kölyök, apáé hazajön. „Vigyázz, vége van fiam! Ma vihar közeleg!” A banda még mindig lop tőlünk. A tagság továbbra is fontos. A jelvény még mindig letartóztat minket. Nem a Marsról pottyantam le. Tudom, hogy mindez bohózat. De ha nem megyek át, nincs visszaút számomra. Pár főiskolai haveromat régen felgyújtották. Szerencséjük volt, de hiányzik nekik Szerbia. Ha ez így folytatódik, senki sem marad itt. Én: tolvajok, kutyák, robotok.. az utolsó kapcsolja le a villanyt.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Az aranykor sátra valójában koromsötét. Mint a pezsgő, amikor ünnepelnek, kinyitják a fejünket... gumi labdák repülnek a gyerekek fölött. Sisak, lovasroham. Páncélozott járművek, kórházi furgon. A tüdőmet elpusztította a háborús méreg. Nem huligánok vagyunk, csak zavarodottak és magányosak. Nem, nem az ország ellen vagyunk, hanem a rezsim ellen. Nem állunk senki oldalán, nem vagyunk párt ügynökök. De nem most jöttünk a falvédőről. Ez rosszul veszi ki magát?! Akkor csak magyarázza el nekem, hogy van itt a felosztás. Mindent a csókosok kapnak, akik a kincsesládán ücsörögnek. Erős hálók, sovány alkatrészek. És amikor jönnek a lezárások, senkinek nincs szüksége rájuk.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Senki nem kérdez tőlünk semmit, csak bólogatnak. Aztán mindent visznek a kincstárba, ahol eladják a földet. Kiagyalják, hogy a harcnak nincs értelme. Csak összeesküvés-elmélet - mondják. Ha itt nincs változás, akkor nincsenek emberek, akik elkezdenék. Nincs más lehetőség, mint összecsomagolni. De nem menekülhetünk, mert itt vannak a gyökereink. És, ha százszor eltaposnak, feltámadok. Mindent elloptál, és továbbra is ítélkezni akarsz felettem?! Bármit kínálsz nekem, bűzlik! Nem leszel képes megvenni engem. Lehet, hogy a város most a tiéd, de ezek az én utcáim. És amikor az emberek megtöltik őket, ne csodálkozz utána!
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Sajnálom, Szerbia, én nem voltam ott neked
De mindent megteszek, hogy kijavítsam a hibákat
Bocsáss meg, életért, minden elveszett időért
De soha nem késő újra elindulni

Watch out watch out

Watch out I just got here, watch out, watch out, let me tell you,
Watch out I'm leading the crew, watch out, looking for the jerks
So try to manage it, watch out we're like brothers,
Who wants to mess with us will live shorter.
Watch out where you go, so watch out who follows you,
Watch out, watch out how you spread it, since it can come back to you
Watch out what you're rejoicing at, watch out you shall not covet your neighbour's goods
in the cold cell, you're hanging out in a nasty group
You say this has nothing to do with me, this has nothing to do with us.
Watch out that's a mistake! No, watch out, remember the days,
when you cheated, pillage the city, fucked the whores, bothering people,
everything, watch out for everything, even breaking the laws
Watch out, watch out, like pitbull I was training and killing it,
Now we're reducing bills, I've heard you had lots of them,
Arguing with God, watch out you fucked up big time,
Opening the doors with your leg, selling drugs to kids.
Watch out, they told you: Watch out, be careful what you do,
But you didn't care, you just didn't stop.
Cus life didn't treat you well, so you didn't treat others well either
now you have what you wanted, cus you never watched out.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out, time flies, first gray hairs are showing up,
You think you're young for them, but the streets don't spare
You weren't lucky, you weren't, that's right,
but that's what makes you stronger, you're not a kid anymore.
Not a kid anymore, so watch out what you do, the world's cruel
people are cruel. Watch out, watch out for the mistakes.
Watch out to not burn yourself, the streets are boiling,
like African plains. Watch out, watch out for hyenas.
Do you hear it in the distance? It's death laughing at you.
Now you're greedy like never before, cus your time is running,
success withing reach, but they're watching out for you.
You feel the looks of jealousy, envy, the punches.
Watch out for dorks, snitches, bad influences,
be careful who is who, take care of real friends.
Open your eyes wide and watch out where you take your steps,
there are hungry vipers at every turn
Open your eyes wide, keep moving bravely,
but watch out that you don't get blinded by all the ignorance.
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Look, I can't believe what our destiny is like,
When I gotta watch out where I go and to not believe people.
Watch out, as far as I can see, nobody takes care of others,
but they only care about themselves, steals from others.
Watch out, nothing is worth it, authority is always safe here,
they don't have to watch out, they do everything without any effort.
They don't need to use force to ride us without kicking,
We watch out for ourselves, cus we don't ask questions.
But we do care about stuff that have expiration date,
Watch out everything draws your attention, only for your vigilance to be lowered.
Watch out, watch out, this car, this whore, this money,
Watch out, watch out, new bonehead from a reality show
That's only a part of their plan for brainwashing,
watch out, the news they give you affect you like Prozak.
Watch out, you're your own prison, watch out, your complex is your compass,
watch out, it'll be too late when you realise you're reaching for your own failure.
Watch out, be careful, so that you don't regret it tomorrow,
that you were always watching out and breaking your spine.
Watch out, it's still not too late to say some things out loud,
let the ones that you watch out for watch out for you.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Look we won't last too long if we keep going this way,
But look, it doesn't seem like it until you change the perspective.
Whilst you look at everything passingly, you can't judge it,
Cus you don't watch out for anything but satisfying yourself.
And in good weather, people are still gloomy,
cus nobody is watching out for them, nobody pays attention.
They go where the wind blows, cus that's easier,
instead of filling the sails and grabbing the rudder.
Look someone will say that it's like it used to be,
but in their time, it wasn't any better,
just ask him if he's willing to let their kid go out,
and not care that they're not back, and it's getting late.
Watch out, before kids used to love marbles,
were able to fight when they see djidanje*
now they love video games, shooting on their screens,
they don't know how to punch, yet they're already killers.
Maybe I didn't pay attention in class, so I don't understand,
how this life without a meaning is an improvement.
Where has love between the close ones gone,
and why is science more important than the truth?
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
For this crucial moment, you gotta stay awake!
Watch out, watch out
And when the storm begins - your faith is protecting you!

Jövőre Prizrenben!

Merre tartanék ha nem tudnám az indulási pontomat - ahol sírjaink a babarózsa mezein vannak,
az elmúlt századok nagy tetteinek néma tanúi a hősöknek akik inkább talpon állva haltak volna meg?
A termékeny földet csontjaink táplálták netán hogy ma hallgatnunk kelljen, míg a hatalom eltépi tőlünk?
Fontos-e hogy Metóhijából vagy Dorcolból származom-e, hogy a lelkem fájjon az igazságtalanság miatt?
Ebben a harcban a repülőgépek mit sem érnek, csak azok a tankönyvek amelyek világosan kimondják:
ki emelte fel a kolostort, ki gyalázta meg az oltárt, mely örökség az örök büszkeség és mi a szégyenletes.
Se a bombák se a szavazatok nem törölték el Lázárt, mindaddig, amíg új generációk nőnek fel rajta.
Ami szent, soha nem lehet elveszett. Reményben növekedj, piros virág, valaki újra fel fog szedni.
Az iránytűm a gyökered, a mellkasomban az én szívem. Nélküle a pénzemmel a Kegyelem útján átkozott vagyok.
És mint a papír hajók melyek a hazugság tengerén vitorláznak, de alapvetően csak süllyedek...
Folyamatosan kérdezitek tőlem, mit jelent számomra Koszovó. Nem értitek? Ismét megmagyarázom:
Koszovó az a mag, amelyből megszülettem, a forrás és a völgy, ahonnan a nép származik.
Gonosz nyelvek azt mondják, hogy Koszovó összeomlott. Az ártatlanok és a gyengék azt mondják, hogy Koszovónak vége van.
Én mindenkinek azt mondom, hogy Koszovót csak elrabolták, lerombolt és égetett az átkozott fő ellenség által.
Furcsa számotokra, hogy a városi gyereknek nincs más témája mert most itt ilyen a helyet – mindenki csak a maga érdekét nézi.
Hit nélkül, remény nélkül és vágy nélkül élünk. Tornyokat emelünk de elfelejtjük az alapokat.
Mert egy nép származás nélkül csak egy kiszárított folyó. Anya nélkül tejtől megfosztott gyermek vagyunk.
De itt a régi helyen, ahol Milos életét áldozta, Lázár igazságosságával vezetve újra feltámad a nép.
Mert bennünk továbbra is él a jóslat - A koszovói fogadalom amely örök időkig él majd.
Ezért tanítjuk a gyermekeket, hogy ismerjék a valódi igazságot. És az üdvözletünk legyen: 'Jövőre Prizrenben!'
És én imádkozom,
Kandallómhoz, hogy visszatérjek.
A lelkem téged csókol,
Égtől megvett szent föld.
Koszovó, Koszovó, szeretett földem, Sas vagy az egemen de a szárnyaid töröttek.
Keserű a könnyem, a mellkasomban űr van, a hazám szíve a személyiségem lényege...
Félelmet nem ismerő hősök véréből a mezőn babarózsák nyíltak. Azon a helyen, ahol országom felemelkedik az égre,
az uralkodó megmutatta nekünk, miért érdemes szenvedni. Koszovóhoz kötött minket Lázár, mítosszal és átokkal.
Az ördög akkor sem állt meg és a gonoszt továbbra is küldte - undorító fő ellenségeket, kevesünkre akik megmaradtunk.
Csak egyszer voltak a törökök, majd éhes farkasok jöttek. Tegnap nyársra húztak minket, most egy sárga házban kínoznak.
És még mindig tiltják, hogy nem láthatom a freskóimat mert emlékeztetni fognak a dicsőséges őseimre,
hogy soha ne halhassam a Decani szerzetesek dalát, Milos hős szívében, hogy ne ébredjen fel az erő.
Ismerem mindezeket a csínyeket és számtalanszor láttam már keresztjeinket mikor törik és megszentségtelenítik Vidovdán-t,
De ez itt nem az első alkalom hogy elvándorlásban vagyunk. De amikor eljön az idő, a paraszt eljő a mezőjéhez.
Mert mi életünket adtuk mindenhol a szabadságért, hogy holnap a szerb gyermeket hősnek nevezzék.
Ezért hallgasd meg, fiam: És a legrosszabbnak is bocsáss meg de a hazáért add az életed.
Kosmet örökre a mi földünk!
És én imádkozom,
Kandallómhoz, hogy visszatérjek.
A lelkem téged csókol,
Égtől megvett szent föld .
Babarózsáink, hogy feltámadjanak dicsőség,
Jövőre Prizrenben!

Next Year in Prizren

Where would I go if I didn’t know where we came from?
Where fields of peonies cover our graves.
Silent witnesses of centuries of great deeds.
Heroes who chose to perish on their feet.
Did they feed their bones to the fertile land
So that we today remain silent, while they take it from us by force?
It matters not if I am from Metohija or Dorcol.
How can my soul not hurt from the injustice?
In this battle airplanes are useless.
What matters are schoolbooks that tell us:
Who built the temple, who defiled the altar.
What deeds brought eternal honour, and what deeds brought shame.
Neither bombs, nor elections could erase Lazar.
And as long as the new generations preserve his memory
That which is sacred will never be lost.
Grow with hope, red flower, that someone will pluck you once more.
My compass is your root, the heart in my chest.
Without it, I am cursed, without Grace, living for money
And like a paper boat, sailing on a sea of lies
I only keep sinking…
You keep asking what Kosovo means to me.
You still don’t understand? I’ll explain again:
Kosovo is the seed I grew out of.
The spring and the trough from which my people started flowing.
Ill wishers tell us Kosovo is lost.
Disloyal and weak say Kosovo is done for,
Destroyed and burnt down by the cursed enemy.
It puzzles you that a kid from the city thinks about such things?
Since these days everyone just watches their own ass.
We live without faith, without hope, and without the will,
Building towers without foundation.
For a people without roots is a dried up river.
Without our mother, we are infants without milk.
But here, at the ancient place, where Milos gave his life,
Led by the justice of Lazar, the people will be resurrected.
For within us the prophecy lives on –
The Kosovo Oath will live forever.
So let us teach our children to know the full truth
And let our greeting be ‘Next year in Prizren!’.
And I pray
To return to my hearth
My soul will sanctify you
Oh holy land, bought from the Heavens
Oh Kosovo, Kosovo, my beloved land
You are the eagle in my sky, but your wings are broken.
My bitter tear, the emptiness in my chest.
The heart of my fatherland, the essence of my being…
Peonies have grown in the field, they sprang from the blood of fearless heroes
At the place where my land reaches up to the sky.
Our sovereign taught us what one should sacrifice for.
Lazar has bound us to Kosovo through myth and curse.
The Devil didn’t stop then, he kept sending evils –
Filthy enemies and scum – at what little was left of us.
Back then it was the Turks, now it’s hungry wolves.
Yesterday they impaled us on a stake, today they torture is in the ‘yellow house’.
And they won’t even let me see my frescoes,
For they will awaken memories of my proud ancestors.
They won’t let me hear the song of the monks from Decani,
So that the strength of the hero Milos doesn’t awaken in my heart.
I’ve seen that trickery countless times, and I know it well.
When they break our crosses and defile our Saint Vitus’ Day.
But it’s not the first time that we find ourselves fleeing and trekking,
And the peasant will always return to his field some day.
For we have died everywhere, and always for the sake of freedom
So that a hero’s child could call himself a Serb
Listen well, my son: Forgive even the worst person
But for the fatherland one must die
Kosovo is forever our land!
And I pray
To return to my hearth
My soul will sanctify you
Oh holy land, bought from the Heavens
May peonies resurrect
Our glory, next year in Prizren

I am here

I know you're looking for much but try to stop
For just a moment look around
We live our lives like we're a factory's trash
While somebody sorts us, keeps us going
Chooses if we're good or bad and throws us away
And we listen to the instructions of the crazy voices
Powerless like boats in the storm
And no one to remember how to drive it
Nobody remembers to think with his head
We let the programs tell us what's going on
We're looking at a screen to get to know someone
We sit across the street, and we're so far away
Repeated phrases lose their sense
The best ones are used again and again
No one is trying to say something new
It's easier for everyone to stay away
Let's go out for a while, where there's action
To see the reality outside of newspaper articles
To hear firsthand how things are
So let's go back to the old ideals
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
And when everything stops -- I'll be there again
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
Until the wounds are closed -- I'll always be there
I'm the fifth element of music, turn up the speakers
Come out of the closet, let the sound come with you
Try to bother (them) again, because the system is destroyed
Life is complex but I can regulate
Feel the madman's pulse, don't be afraid, get up
You spent a lot of time at the edge of the cliff
Forget the soap operas and the hooks
To own the streets is the evidence you're the king
Suspicious eyes narrowed their view, many are confused
Tell a judge about it before he dies
Our brain is programmed to get instructed
Their lies are balm for deadened functions
There are new factions, a revolution on the tape
DJafe Selasije defends the soul of the nation
For all the lost ideals and the state of hibernation
Brings you the right 'mental editorials'
Be patient, follow me, without panic
Go out there get out of your shoes faster
To share the inventory of truth
Because time flies fast and out habits are bad
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
And when everything stops -- I'll be there again
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
Until the wounds are closed -- I'll always be there

One more night

Yeah, let's drink now, and take over
BS, all together now, one more night
And if we don't see each other again
I share happiness and pain, one more night
Do you see, do you hear
Do you feel, do you understand
This music is here to remind you
To follow the right path and get away from the wrong one
And this is perhaps our last evening
My friends, let the alcohol flow
Go crazy if my tears run
I will cut it now, but I'll relate until the end
This lasts for one more night
For only one more night I give it my best
Let my vocal chords burst, let the sweat roast my face
Call an emergency - To get me off the stage
I can't hide my sadness any longer
I'm trying to joke, but in fact I barely breathe
Silently I gather more and more power
Beogradski Sindikat, dies this night
Ref 2x
My friends, I'm here for one more night
One more night, and then I decide to leave
Now and here I swear, on this rotten world
Am I supposed to be disgusting - I don't know, I don't remember
This night with these sounds with just my people
My good people, and If i'm gonna die
I decide to spit on this world that's full of sadness
But fuck tomorrow, it will be as it will be
Tonight I still found salvation for a moment
And every new night the word spreads like fire
Useless are the tear gas, useless are the wars
Tonight you do not have enough handcuffs for us
Because I'll break everything, blood flows like tears
Damn this life - When you're happy you've got everything
And as it runs like a river, damn, I may never see you
But the memory shines, shines like the Sindikat
Give me another night, to say what I have to
Let me make another toast with everyone
To see in their eyes that the fight is still alive
So let me face my fate with a smile
This world is cold, nobody cares
They're not interested in anything outside their four walls
I'm searching for the meaning between two rhymes
But I found people who give meaning to everything
Tonight they hear us
Let the song make it's way through wind and storm
They can arrest us, keep us and beat us
But they have no way to stop the message
Discrete heroes are consistent with the code
Real values are not for sale
Tomorrow, when we leave, the songs may stay
To sing them as a call for the final rebellion
One more night!
I found you, and I found myself
Only with you my memories don't fade
Now, at the end of the road, the light from the beginning shines
Through happiness, pain and sadness making their way through words
One more night, let me raise my glass
To remind everyone again of our eternal fire
Which has set on fire, and will burn the evil on which it will fall
Which fire lighted up so we don't lose our way*
Which is the flame of truth, turns lies into dust
Gives strength like the sun, gives life with the truth
Let the fire of the eternal love that we call 'Sindikat'
To enlight all the people and never turn off
Friends, comrades and brothers, these are my words
Now bring a glass of bile with a drop of utopia
Give me an ancient goblet to make it fly up high
To drink a glass for the BS - our love
Ref. 2x

Straight through the wind

As I sit in the cafe, I observe the people from the corner of my eye
and I recall the times when I had dark days
When I didn't know what to do, hell and shit everywhere
When I fantasized about happiness, measuring life to be as high as the branches
With another is happiness - that's how the saying goes
From Bučno go the trains - not even one random passenger
From every side I lie about why you aren't in school
And I have no idea what to say when they ask about you
But the pro's [hit-men?] won't be calling your house like everyone thinks
You're sick as hell, I'm always bringing you medicine
But now tell me quickly why you called me here
This will bring us a pile of shitty problems
He shows me his hand - 'I know, that's why I'm calling
Because I believe you like a friend, because I just started to inject'
What!? I don't believe it, you've pierced the vein
'I'm completely fucked, that's how it started and hooked me'
What!? 'That's how it started and hooked me' - do I hear that correctly
But you used to beat the shit out of, abuse and spit on junkies!
'Yes I admit it, I know everything, it was a mistake
Believe me, I remember our agreement and I've crossed that line'
Brother, it'll be hard, but I haven't been with you from the start
For everything there's a cure - let's go practice like before
Because in front of you here is one who is ready even for hell
He waits to come by your side to face whatever monster
From there the years passed, but brother, I still miss you
Because I no longer meet people who have that kind of good heart
With a straight face I reminisce while I gaze at the tracks of the clouds
So if there's worse problem- I'm here for you, call if you need me!
Ref. Do you know how I live every day
And yet I'm still full of smiles
Through these oceans of problems I sail straight through the wind!
I meet an old buddy from the block - He's been using dope for years
There was no end to our reminiscing, so he's now sleeping in the hallways
He was once someone to look up to, you could trust him with your life
But now he just sits there poor and destitute, with no women by his side
But I remember how as kids everything was disgusting
While we watched the older junkies waste away like flies
I would have given up my head back then to protect myself from that destiny
But now when I look into his eyes I only think: 'What a pity'
And my conscience eats at me because I'm freaking out since I could
have pulled him out of that place from which I have lifted my hands
I could have at least told someone, and then I could have moved away
If at least his family would have known the truth prior to his collapse
then maybe they too would now also be alive, and he would have had a chance
if they had sent him to Moscow when it still wasn't too late
But I just watched and shut my mouth, and left him to use
I thought he'd come around, that he'll be able to turn around
That he won't let his life to go to complete shit, that's its all just a temporary phase
I didn't know the devil's face - a being stronger than anything
And now on the edge of the path powerlessly I look at my friend
My corrupt soul, now in it a deep wound that oozes pus
And so I want to tell those of you who now look up to someone
Don't fuck around with your life because you'll fuck up those you love
You won't be able to turn back even if you now think you can
Because those whose lives have now turned to shit also thought like that
And now they're just graves, bitter to the taste and memory,
Not because of what they were but because of what they became.
Ref. Do you know how I live every day
And yet I'm still full of smiles
Through these oceans of problems I sail straight through the wind!

Kosovo is Serbia

I drank some inspirations to sing some amusing verses about Serbia
Some provocations because of the situation
There will be woes in the Southern part of our nation and in a part of the population
There will be a middle-generation and they won't rest in peace Nobody will be allowed to bury the ax. We're taking what's ours, spilling our blood so we can say: Kosovo is ours!
Whether by right (peacefully) or by might badja will stay where it was
Nobody will move it even by a single tiny 100th
where they till the fields with their nails and worm like roaches, filthy and destitute
But fuck it, a mudpile like that won't be reached so easily
Now here, brother, needs to begin a third Serbian uprising
Let's go now all Serbs rise up, hook, hoe and maj.
Signal flares
Slaughter everyone, Albanians, Albanian whores
The better ones will be broken in their homes
Mojne will straight away fuck your mother
if you once more try to touch our part of the Balkans.
You took Kosovo and you still want more
but that won't happen, not even America will be able to help you.
Clearly you have forgotten the strength of Serbian roots.
We naturally speak how important this is to us
Now the time has come to celebrate the Serbian victory
in our mind only one thought:
Kosovo is Serbia, Serbia is Kosovo.
That which is now yours will be ours once again.
VTO leads the battle charge
and it's still not over!
Albanians, Kosovars, extremists and mafia
I spit on all one by one together with my buddies.
Albania is shit so you now want Serbian territory
There will be less of you when we come there with with our guns.
One girl is pregnant ten times one grandpa has 100 grandsons.
Poor girls, let's save them from their misery,
All for sterilization, to clip them from the generation.
Because you breed like wild pooches
Everyone, brother, thinks the same thing about you
Not just Serbia, you and I both.
Why should we suffer when Albanian debauchery floods our land
On every corner they'll be a mosque
Every morning the mullah will dress up
Serbia will break apart just like former Yugoslavia
You are the extremists, we the so-called terrorists
Nationalists and avengers
A bullet is reserved for you all because you're scum who shoot at children.
If you know what's good for you don't touch what belongs to Cetniks, Kosovo won't be multi-ethic.
Go the fuck back to the city of Tiran.
We have planned a battle to fuck your mother,
Kill, slaughter, so the Albanians exist no more.
Albania, is afraid of me my dear people,
Nobody whatsoever is afraid of your shit
Over here let's slaughter those people and fall them all in line
You breed children like crazy so every single one has to be counted
You'd better pray that VT organization doesn't show up at your door,
Baščaršija, reaction, there goes our whole nation
You have thick mustaches and beards for nothing
Burn the buildings, pray however much you want
Bin Laden is finished, we ousted him just yesterday
Don't brag about that to your many sibling look-alikes because we didn't touch them
Until now you haven't been afraid
But you will be, in time,
wherever we are, when we come
You'll all be finished
But the children and the women we won't touch at all
It's been a long time coming, the Serbian king is gritting his teeth
Cutting off heads like baskets
When we come, tails between your legs, run as quickly as you can
If you want to survive, fire from our side of Europe.
Hundreds of years back the struggle for Kosovo began to unwind
now it's unwinding once again
When we paid to ensure our tribes survival
so that we flourish, the ducklings hadn't yet hatched
now there's a mountain-full, tribes like a herd
So they have mustered up the courage to attack us where it hurts.
Burned our churches, the bells no longer chiming
They began to burn and destroy our houses
They began to rub their hands greedily as if to say, 'Homes, sweet homes'
Forcing women, children, stop, I say to that
Like terminators [bad word] dogs there they go beside me
We need to teach you how to use condoms
If you don't follow that advice, we'll fuck you morons up
I can easily find some guns or bombs
to throw again at your katakongs
Your final words will be 'Burial grounds, sweet burial grounds'.
I'm the last one on the list, and the theme is rather delicate
I speak for the team of under age people, special Cetniks
who are dissing the poor bastards,
Censures will be no more, so fuck it
First, let's straighten some things out
who controls who, who is controlled by whom
This battle will last a long time, it's already starting to get old
the Albanians have been fucking with us there for two centuries already
First a united tribe, then afterwards entering the city
Every Serb for that reason carries a gun under their ears
And a sabre under the pillow
so that some (Albanian) bastard doesn't mug him
the judges throw the bastard in jail, and quickly set him free.
Excuse me, where is the logic in that?
That's like freedom being cast away in the wind
Kosovo is the darkest tale in our chronicle.

We are the team

Versions: #2
Bs, team ready for everything
My whole life I am about training
To knock down the obstacle
To paralyze the trouble
The big one on my soul
So I did my best
In the worst time
Walked over thorns
Not over red carpet
Even when the life wasn't good
It was all making sense
I never felt bad
For giving everything up 300 times
And I was biting like Pit Bull
Faced with the crisis
I could lift 10
But I lifted 150
I never felt a defeat
Somebody says it is bitter
Somebody says that the fight
Is just a foreplay for disaster
When it is hard they say 'enough'
In fact it is a trap
But I have a medicine against it
Formula is the will
Sun that is burning
Like it tells me to resist
Wind is music to the ears
Rhythm is a rain that is falling
Over Belgrade asphalt
Where legends are being made
They bloom like pumpkins
Until they become the best
Through the cracks sprung up
In every neighborhood in the city
They rised all the way to the stars
But they all remember where they are from
Chorus 2x
Sun is shining like a gold
Everybody in attack, be brave
Know that in Belgrade
Today is the day for victory
We are the team
That understands each other in the movement
Fights by the code
Matts in one turn
We are the team
With the state of possesion
Agreement in one look
Sufficient for a desicion
When the emotions are carryng us
And the concearns are breaking us
That's the point of the team
Everyone knows us by that
Everybody to remember the champions
Millions of champions
That leave their heart
Until they burn in the fight
Because we grew up that way
Raised the Spartan way
We had no childhood
Just to become the best
To stay immortals
We have connected
We have renounced ourselves
That's the way we were preparing
Come on, put your hands up
Because this people is made
To cheer until the dawn the ones
That are burning for colors of my flag
Because we came here
To achive our dreams
To set sea on fire
Make all of you to stand up
Our thought, idea
Let it shine as a flare
Everybody, be together with us
Because from here, there's no going back
Chorus 2x
Sun is shining like a gold
Everybody in attack, be brave
Know that in Belgrade
Today is the day for victory

KOSOVO IS SERBIA (Hands on heart)

Hands on heart, regards All Stars formations
phantoms on head, action can start
Plan for tonight is to cross over their borders
From houses and villages make them slaughterhouse
Slaughter Shiptars, kill Wahhabi
Put on the boomer anyone who kick up a row
I see that they are crying, I say it was enough
and women and kids throw up from bridge
there is no more forgiveness
you see house - burn it
for every our church yours mosques will pay
AK-47, bombs, high three fingers
let them knee when they see Jesus from cross
One was Arcan's guard
All stars brigade is coming, make Shiptars to suffer
Star on gunpoint, racket speed
tanks on front, mark of All Stars machines
Nothing won't be finished without fight anymore
our unit is elite like Cobras
And look now boy how your mother is bloody
and remember message: KOSOVO IS SERBIA!!!!!
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists
Rema maniac, brutal tyranny
real accidents, let Albania disappears
I'm destroying, leave him, he is dead, burned mosque
with words as burst on instrumentalist
I'm killing for Serbia
I rip up microphone with my teeth, I'm giving words as a present to others
I swear with my heart and blood, I will smash you all
I'm leading unit force and I'll always be the first
in church on the oath, than direct in fight
for our Kosovo I will put my head in bag
from your blood soups, from your meat cakes
Rema ALL Stars clan, hero of the serbian brand
Three fingers, three players, never stronger team
get up and regret Sosa's cutthroat
Soso is runing away over meadow, but bullet is faster
where are you going Sosa, is it come to that?
knife is under your neck, you passed well
Final fight, chest to chest
Serbian flag and power of cross is leading me
clan of Ultra terrorist will smash you
ALL Stars army, forever solid
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists
New state, new shit, wounded country
is quitting and it can't get up
Serbia, get on your legs, a lot of battles against Shiptars and drugs are comings
contemporary bogeyman America, which is raising degenerates
tell me how much to endure lies while they are killing our soldiers on guard
for hand of dollars, make lies about genocide
for everyone who loves her
onr serbian tear, thousand Albanians
burned Tirana, Serb is bitting as piranha
battle for Kosovo until Judgment Day
from contest with raised head, tricolour flag are rising
and celebrates victory, never again enclave
never again debacle
I don't want anything from someone else. I don't give what is mine
while I'm watching you through the target
sata-ta-ta-ra, country old by centuries
with faith in God, unanimity is saving Serbs
we have culture, our language is rich
to take off hymen, you fucked goats
raped your sisters, everything in name of dynasty
you will disappeare, disgusting creatures
for future of Serbia and her generation
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists