Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 15


The Party-Hard Girl from Belén

I party the hardest in my family
The prettiest Black woman ever born
In Havana's neighborhood of Belén
I, I am the one who arrives at the party
And when I start dancing with my spongy little waist
I draw all the fearless handsomes
From out of the crowd
I've got hot sauce and peppers
In my atomic waist
And when I dance 'rumba' music
Let me leave my own juicy flair on it
Because I party the hardest in Belén
Because of my little waist
The men go crazy for me
Because of my little waist
(Because of your little waist)
Yeah, I party the hardest in Belén
(Because of your little waist)
Hey, those men go crazy over me
(Because of your little waist)
It's because I have hot sauce and peppers in my walk
(Because of your little waist)
Hey, Belén, Mari Belén, Mari Belén, I could die
(Because of your little waist)
They call me the 'guarachera' rhythm lady of Cuba
(Because of your little waist)
Oh, Belén, ay, Belén, Mari Belén, Mari Belén, I could die
(Because of your little waist)
Belén, Belén, Belén, Belén, Belén, Belén...

The Modern-Day Herbalist

There's a rumor about an announcement going around
And it goes:
The herbalist is here in town, is here in town
I bring you some root beer plant for the throat
I bring you some Monkey's hand for bloating and swelling
I bring you some nerve plant for your destiny
I bring you some common rue for the guy who's sneezing
I also bring basil for skinny people
Some Jesuit's tea for those flare-ups
Some vetiver for the guy who can't see
And with this herb, you'll get married
~ ~ ~
Hey, yeah, I bring you some root beer plant
For the throat
And with this herb, you'll get married
Oh, yeah, I bring you some common rue
For the guy who's sneezing
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some Jesuit's tea
For those flare-ups
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some Monkey's hand
For bloating and swelling
And with this herb, you'll get married
~ ~ ~
And with this herb, you'll get married
Hey you, my modern-day herbalist
Modern day herbalist
And with this herb, you'll get married
Hey, yeah, I bring you some root beer plant
For the throat
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some Jesuit's tea
For those flare-ups
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some vetiver
For the guy who can't see
And with this herb, you'll get married

Bríd Thomáis Mhurchadha / Bríd, daughter of Thomas Murphy

Bríd has a garden, smooth and sweet, on the other side of the stone wall
Apples grow on trees there that are harvested twice a year
The bees have honeyed roses every where I go
and Bríd shakes brown sugar on every food she tastes.
Oh Bríd of (many) friends, understand now it’s not play.
I thought I’d tempt you with the nice, quiet/sweet, flattery from my mouth.
Oh my heart gave you love, don’t do the opposite and reject me.
My love for you is so much greater than for all the nicest girls in the world
Bríd’s kiss is sweeter than all the waters of Loch (lake) Éirne,
or the finest wheat that is milled with the sweetest bee’s honey.
Her neck is brighter than the swan that rests in the nest.
Your sweet rosy mouth has tempted hundreds of men.
I would go to Galway to buy me an apple garden,
and [I would buy] ships on seas to make sport.
On my returning from Sligo with a small help/hint from the wind
ah devil I’d not rest on the way until I’d taste your kiss my love
If I’m empty, I swear that would be a big story,
with so many nice women that gave joy to the glory of my mouth.
If it was frosting, and snowing, everywhere under the sky
but with you beside me I wouldn’t feel life’s sorrows.
Oh Bríd, Oh, I praise the top with you
with brightnest, with blondness, with loviness, and with peaceful beauty,
your tidy head of hair with it folded into a golden plait
it would give light to anyone without vision [blind].
Oh only son of Mary, that put the holly growing through the grass,
aren’t I the true Mary [compares himself to Mary’s sorrows] with my losing my limbs because of love.
If it is in our destiny that we are not to be together
you be a candle and I’ll be a moth.

Neainsín Bhán / Blonde Nancy

Neainsín Bhán, who do you prefer another man or myself?
Neainsín I fancied you ahead of any other woman in the world.
I thought you more beautiful than any woman ever in life.
Any person that wouldn’t praise you to me would be crazy (literally:not a word in his head).
If you go to the market take with you the sheep and the lamb.
If you are settling down have what you desire first.
Oh, she should be noble, honest, and praised by her reputation.
It’s not great wealth that will have you settled, nor be tempted by a tramp.
If my shoes had good heels and tops, and the soles in good repair,
wouldn’t I go every Sunday to the place where there is fun.
And the young people wouldn’t hold against me every step and shape I’d do.
And if my love was on top of a stool, I wouldn’t feel the night passing.
Isn’t it a pity that coming near Christmas I’m still constantly planting in the soil.
Like a hawk would be on top of a hawthorn tree or the green top of a raspberry.
But my curse forever on anybody alive or Earth
who would resent me whispering to the beautiful love of my heart.
But, my love, you can’t not find anybody
who would wash your clothes for you, or kneed your bread.
But my pearl who is beautiful from breast to foot to hand
it is my regret that I’m not on the hill/moor with you and every other great man envious of us.

The Little Priest

Isn't he a great little priest, the love of my life
Aren't his congregation blessed
He has a brand from the Virgin Mary and a seal from Christ
And he's trying to go to college
This night is dark and cold
And it's weighing heavily on my heart
My love left me and is nowhere to be found
And it will weigh on me until I die
Oh, listen, nice girl and don't shed a tear
Because I wasn't made for you nor any woman alive
But I'll baptise your child for you with the help of god
If I could undo it all I'd be yours
And I came last night to yonder door
And I let out a whistle to my true love
Her father told me she wasn't there
Because she was spending the night with the white boy
It's a shame that my beloved darling is without me
Aboard a ship wandering far
The tide flowing in and the tide flowing out
Without my people knowing if we were there
And if my little mother was a woman of the house
Oh, she'd make the beds for us at the head of the house
I'd be allowed to come and go as I please
And to court the love of my heart
Oh, I'm not sick but I'm not healthy
Is what my people said until they die
God and Christ what a shame
To be in love with a woman and to night find her by side

The Big River

One hundred blessings to the Big River and my sorrow without me tonight by its side
And so many small lonely roads running between me and it
In the place where young play sport and the pastimes of the night
The jug on the table and my little love choosing a wide veil
But only that for my youth and lack of sense I'd spend my life happily
Or escape overseas with Máire in the midnight hour
When we were refused by Mr. Burke in the city of saints
And he left wander me wandering not knowing where I'd sleep the night
As long as I'm alive in Ireland I'll never forsake playing nor drinking
As long as I'm alive in Ireland I'll never forsake the feebleness of a young woman
As long as I'm alive in Ireland, oh, I'll bang the jug on the table
And a hundred blessings to you, my beloved darling, and who would say you're not mine alraedy
And my mother is all alone at the jetty
Sighing and lamenting from night to day
Her friends are laid to rest in Kilbride and a head stone on their grave
And her son all over the country playing and capering with women
My big coat is torn, woe is me, and it's falling down on me
And the person who'd bring justice to my sorrow is far out of my way
And person who'd get a kiss from my little love, I'm by his side
That he get a nosebleed or that his friend form the country be strong
My heels are cut and I don't feel the pain my side
Pickin up and putting down the this bags on my back
But If I were with my mother in the place I can relax
I'd have the eye of the King of Grace and I'd be short of nothing but a bit of time from life

Paper soul

Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
This is the myth which you know
In which the man has to be the bandit
But I'm the bandit, an outlaw
I stole your heart and not for money
And bam bam, you know that I'm like a poem
Which only Eminescu could have written
And I only have, only have one life in which to demonstrate to you
Give me the clear soul and I'll color it
There is nobody
To give me an addiction like tobacco
Only you give me sense, you're my universe
On the soul, I write verse by verse
My mind is one in a thousand
And maybe I'll write it to you
On a paper soul
You're the one who deciphers me
You always know what follows
And all that I'll write to you
On a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
You're with the fact, I'm with the idea
I'm a padlock, of which you will be the key
You are the answer, I'm the question
We butt heads like the mountain and the sea
And tam tam, we do it on any type of subject
I'm more creative, you're the clever one
And I only have, only have one life in which to demonstrate to you
Give me the clear soul and I'll color it
There is nobody
To give me an addiction like tobacco
Only you give me sense, you're my universe
On the soul, I write verse by verse
My mind is one in a thousand
And maybe I'll write it to you
On a paper soul
You're the one who deciphers me
You always know what follows
And all that I'll write to you
On a paper soul
In this life, it was written in my DNA
To be with you for the rest of the chapters
I will be with you through the good and the bad
Because I'm yours and you're mine
My mind is one in a thousand
And maybe I'll write it to you
On a paper soul
You're the one who deciphers me
You always know what follows
And all that I'll write to you
On a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

A fekete nőnek kecses a járása

Ez a fekete nő aki járkál
Ez a fekete nő akinek kecses a járása
És mikor az emberek őt nézik
Ő táncol oldalt és jól áll neki a szűk ruha.
A fekete nőnek kecses a járása
És sosem járkál a mellékutcákban.
Ha azonnal jönni akarsz
Jobb ha szemből mész
Hogy ne legyenek akadályok
És hogy gyere és legyőzz mindent.
Ha az első akarsz lenni
Jobb ha lassan futsz
Élvezd ki jól az életet
Még ha mérték is kell ehhez.
A fekete nőnek kecses a járása
És sosem járkál a mellékutcákban.
Amikor az emberek meghalnak
Azt mondják olyan jó volt
Annyira jó volt mikor éltek
Mint az éjjel és a nappal
De hagyom nektek hogy mondjátok meg az igazat
Nem bírom tovább a hazudozásokat.
Élvezd ki jól az életet
Még ha mérték is kell ehhez.
A fekete nőnek kecses a járása
És sosem járkál a mellékutcákban.
Kecses a járása
Egyesen megy és nem oldalt
Az éjszaka Istennője, édes mint a méz
Olyan mint ő sosem találtam még
Jöjj ide hogy megosszam veled
Hogy te vagy a szép fekete nő aki boldoggá tesz
Mást nem akarok
(Te vagy ki inspirál engem)
Nélküled meghalok
(Nélküled összetörik a szívem)
Mást nem akarok
(Ha nem vagy itt kiábrándult vagyok)
Nélküled meghalok.

Adjatok neki tűzet

Ez a férfi akid van, nem ér semmit.
Hiába is szereted őt, elhasznál téged.
Nincs neki jó modora
És nem figyelmes veled.
Ez a férfi nem érdemli azt a sok kedvességet amit adsz neki.
Alszik ő reggel és te dolgozol
És aztán éjszaka lelép
Elvárja tőled hogy moss rá
Nézd őt és hogy ellásd őt
És ha ellenkezel
Felháborodik és meg akar verni.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Tegyétek be egy fazékba
És főzzétek őt meg a borában
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Függesszétek fel egy üstökösre
És vágjátok el a fonalat.
Ez a férfi akid van, jó barátnőm
Ha a te helyedben lennék, elhagynám őt
A bőröndök az ajtóban
És egy cetlit hagynék amire leírnám:
Ettől a pillanattól fogva
Főzzön neked a nagyid.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Tegyétek be egy fazékba
És főzzétek őt meg a borában
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Függesszétek fel egy üstökösre
És vágjátok el a fonalat.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
És ne legyen neked olyan rossz és léhűtő
Hogy legyen jobb veled.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Főzzétek őt meg a borában
És te kezdj másik útat.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Adjatok neki tüzet
Adjatok , adjatok, adjatok neki
Mondd neki hogy ne legyen kretén.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Ez a férfi nem érdemel meg téged
Mondom neked hogy el kell őt felejtened.

Az élet egy karnevál

Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja hogy az élet egyenlőtlen
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem igaz
Hogy az élet egy kedvesség, amit meg kell élni.
Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja hogy egyedül van és szomorú
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem így van
Hogy az életben senki sincs egyedül, mindig van valaki
Ay, ne sírj hát, hisz az élet egy karnevál
És szebb énekelve élni
Oh, oh, oh, ah ne sírj hát
Hisz az élet egy karnevál
És a fájdalom énekeléssel elmegy
Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja, hogy az élet mindig kegyetlen
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem igaz
Hogy csak rossz pillanatok vannak és minden elmúlik
Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja hogy ez sosem fog változni
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem igaz
Hogy rossz időben is van szép és minden emúlik
Ay, ne sírj hát, hisz az élet egy karnevál
És szebb énekelve élni
Oh, oh, oh, ah ne sírj hát
Hisz az élet egy karnevál
És a fájdalom énekeléssel elmegy
Azoknak akik sokat panaszkodnak
Azoknak akik csak kritizálni tudnak
Azoknak akik fegyvert használnak
Azoknak akik beszennyeznek minket
Azoknak akik háborúznak
Azoknak akik vétkezve élnek
Azoknak akik rosszul bánnak velünk
Azoknak akik megfertőznek minket.


Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Abambelé, practice love
Defend your brothers and sisters
Because among brethren, life is better
Abambelé, practice love
Protect your brothers and sisters
Because among brethren, life is better
And it goes on
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Why did Songo hit Borondongo?
Because Borondongo hit Bernabé.
Why did Borondongo hit Bernabé?
Because Bernabé hit Muchilanga.
Why did Bernabé hit Muchilanga?
Because Muchilanga pushed Burundanga on him.
Why did Muchilanga push Burundanga on him?
Because Burundanga's feet are swollen.
Eh! What a fuss.

Life is a Carnival

Versions: #1#2#3#4
Anyone that thinks that life is unfair
They really need to know it's not like that
Life is a beautiful thing, we have to live it
Anyone that thinks they are alone and that it's wrong
They really need to know it's not like that
In this life there's no one alone, there's always someone
Oh, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
Anyone that thinks that life is always cruel
They really need to know it's not like that
There are only some bad moments, then it all passes
Anyone that thinks that this will never change
They really need to know it's not like that
Smile through all of those hardships, and it will end right
Oh, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
(Carnival) Is to laugh free
(No need to cry) To enjoy life
(Carnival) To delight yourself
We need to live on singing
(Carnival) Life is a carnival
(No need to cry), We can all sing
(Carnival) Oh my friends
We need to live on singing
(Carnival) To anyone that thinks out there
(No need to cry) That life is so cruel
(Carnival) They'll never be alone
(We need to live on singing) God is with them
For those that complain a lot (Out)
For those that always criticize (Out)
For those who use weapons (Out)
For those that contaminate us (Out)
For those that make war (Out)
For those that live sinning (Out)
For those that mistreat us (Out)
For those that infect us (Out)