Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 586


Ha ezt hívják szerelemnek

Újra a városban vándorlok
Nem tudom, éjjel van-e vagy nappal
nyugtalanul kialvatlanul
mindent magam mögött hagyva
És te valahol ott ülsz ővele
egy mesterkélt romantikában
gyertyák, asztal és így tovább
Csak egyedül a fagyos szél
jár énvelem, ahogy te,
De ő nem céltalan, kialvatlan
Bármerre is megyünk
Amikor valaki rád néz
minden nagyon jól néz ki
és tudod, ez nem igaz
Autó és lakás, polgári álom
és én szerettelek téged
Hadd öleljelek, hadd szeresselek
hadd lássanak velem az emberek
Ha ezt hívják szerelemnek
akkor én nem szeretlek
Add a legdrágább ajándékokat
de tudd, hogy ez az arany nem ragyog
Hadd öleljelek, hadd szeresselek
próbálj meg boldogulni velem
de ez nem lesz lobogó tűz
ez csak félhomály lesz
Nekem te voltál a világ, vásároltál egy virágot
de tudd, hogy ez az arany nem ragyog
Újra a városban vándorlok
Nem tudom, éjjel van-e vagy nappal
nyugtalanul kialvatlanul
mindent magam mögött hagyva
És valahol együtt ülsz vele
mesterséges romantika
gyertyák, asztal és így tovább
Nekem te voltál a világ, vásároltál egy virágot
de tudd, hogy ez az arany nem ragyog

Weakness point

For having me, sometimes...
She pretended to love me
She thought that she could...
Fill the blank space with talking
It could be what and now what happened!
She could ask what, and what she asked for!
All she wanted from 'having love'
Was just ' having'
She was taking a wrong path...
Her attempt would get Aimless
I gave her a lot of opportunities
(But) her time was wasting with me
sometimes,she was lying to me
She didn't want me to believe that she had shortcoming
She knew i love her
And that was my weakness point
(that was my weakness point ) ×3
She promised me, but every time...
The opposite of it occurred
She loved me too, but...
Not as much as she was showing
Somewhere she made me sure...
That i don't let her back again...
I let her this opportunity
To see ,who is at a loss!
She was taking a wrong path...
Her attempt would get Aimless
I gave her a lot of opportunities
(But) her time was wasting with me
sometimes,she was lying to me
She didn't want me to believe that she had shortcoming
She knew i love her
And that was my weakness point
(that was my weakness point ) ×3

Where is the sun?

Where have you been?
Where did you go?
I even wrote to you
But now I'm so tired
I'd buried myself
I'd lost everything
My safe heaven
My peace, my battle
Where is the sun that will warm me?
Where are your arms and where is the source?
Where is the light that will finally shine?
That will make the cold disappear?
I look for your face
The pain has disappeared
But the chilliness remains
I'm waiting for that one thing
That will drive the silence away
I'm waiting for a sign
A voice or a word
That will break through this
As long as you hear me
But where is the sun that will warm me?
Where are your arms and where is the source?
Where is the light that will finally shine?
That will make the cold disappear?
I look for your face
And suddenly you were there
I saw you go again
I even stepped aside
But you kept standing next to me
You kept walking beside me
You went back home with me again
My heart opened again
I feel home again
You are the sun that will warm me
Your strong arms, they form my source
You are the light that will shine again
That will make the cold disappear
I see your face

Why are you so shy

As soon as I saw him, I noticed
his currly hair and
a naughty smile
So I watched him, he watched the floor
I approached him
And asked him,
why are you so shy,
why are you afraid of me?
why dont`t you dare come closer
and when are you standing here?
why are you so shy?
whyare you trembling?
Invite me to dance fast
show me what you can.
Now when we are allready couple für long time
The bar laughs
Nobody is remembering
How we got there
I've been watching you
you watched the floor
I approached you
and asked you:
why are you so shy?
whyare you trembling?
Invite me to dance fast
show me what you can(x2)

Because of you

Hey, the youth is passing
Even the last hope that
You'll be mine is fading
Hey, empty, hangover years
Filled with
One wish, one pain
Because of you I've welcomed many dawns
Because of you I went crazy many nights
Because of you I've sung many songs
For you, my darling, I've grieved
Hey, I'm dreaming about you, sad in the night
Empty dreams, we are together
Only in them
Hey, play for me now
So that I ease the grief
With music and wine at least

Marica ne hibáztass

De szép az éjszaka,
Marica mennék hozzád,
Marica ne hibáztass, ne hibáztass,
Marica tiéd vagyok.
Velem te ne szórakozz,
Ó te mérges kis ördög,
Csak mond már ki érthetőn, gyönyörűn,
Hogy szeretsz engemet.
Mikor megöregszem,
Már nem törődsz velem,
Magadat megjátszod, megjátszod,
Mert kisördög voltál te.

For you!

Do you remember our childhood?
Do you remember I was fighting till I bled?
For you, for you, for you!
My mama had problems with my broken knee or eyebrow.
For you!
And then there were countries with highways.
For you, for you, for you!
Mujahideen were shooting and only one thing kept me alive: You!
A birthmark looks like a grain on your shoulder
I'll drain my glass to the dregs for you!
For you, for you, for you!
I have sung a lot of songs on the night boulevards
For you, for you, for you!
The guys were surprised because I had never sung for anyone else
For you!
I'll go through every sunset and sunrise again and again
For you, for you, for you!
Do you remember our childhood?
I was fighting till I bled for you!
For you!
A birthmark looks like a grain on your shoulder
I'll drain my glass to the dregs for you!
For you, for you, for you!

Bár tudnám hogy felejtselek

Élhetek több ezer évet
hogy a nyarak elvesszenek,
mert ahogy az ajkad, másé
csókolni nem fog engemet.
Meghalhatok kedves holnap
mintha sosem lettem volna,
mert ahogy a tested, másé
hozzám többé nem simulna.
Bár tudnám hogy felejtselek
hisz te voltál a mindenem
bár tudnám hogy felejtselek
egyetlen drága szerelmem.
Mástól is kérhetném mindezt
hidd el ahhoz nincs már kedvem
mert ahogy a szíved, másé
nem szerethet úgy már engem.
Ref. 2x

Golden strings

In the distance, acacia leaves the branches
don´t touch the old wounds of the night
let me alone, you just play
Golden strings say everything in the face
and I'm weak on tamburitza
tears choose my song
Chorus :
They ask me what is sad
whay is sad my heart
and they don´t know I don´t have a heart
next to you is left
They ask me whay am alone
I've been alone for years
and they don´t know I'm with you
in thoughts every day
Where does it go, I don´t know it all by myself
I just know it's a little nights, days
like in heaven, in your embrace
But the strings say everything in the face
and I'm weak on tamburitza
like they know what to play

There is no better woman than Rakija

Oi rakija, sour sljivovicha
you made me drunk many times
ref x2
There is no better woman than Rakija
she is rocking me for 3 days
Oi rakija i love you so very much
and you rako are slowly pushing me into a ditch
There is no better friend than Rakija
when i drink her i dont know what's sadness
ref x2

When the sun shines

When it's in the sky
It seems like everything goes better
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Everyone awakes from their hibernation
Because of that beautiful red copper boy
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Nobody knows any evil
All misery is extinguished
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
And the biggest pessimist becomes a wanted humorist
Oh, life is so beautiful when the sun shines
The whole world is a flowery carpet
And the neighbor (♀) a pretty girl
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Silver birds fly though the sky
Every drama becomes a mere farce
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Every hospital becomes empty
And the baker's wife rolls dough
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
The whole world is getting a new color
Everywhere there is such a blisful, sweet smell
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
And the terraces are crowded
All people are so excited
Oh, life is so nice in the sun
If the sun had not been there
There'd never be reason to party
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
When the sun shines
When the sun shines
When the sun shines

A whole new time

It was long ago, I still know how it was
I heard the bell ring every year
And together we began, full of joy,
A whole new time, like today
A whole new time

I'm not ready to lose you

You're going...
shadows remain after you,
a silent world remains,
a desperate world.
You're going...
I want to stop you, to ask you
how I disappeared from your heart so fast?
Goodbye, love.
Goodbye, dear memory.
Goodbye, unshared dream.
Hello harsh life.
Hello life, in which
I'm not ready to lose you.
You're going...
pain remains after you.
A silent world remains,
world full of dust.
You're going...
I ask myself, why I destroyed everything
and teared my heart into pieces?
Goodbye, love.
Goodbye, dear memory.
Goodbye, unshared dream.
Hello harsh life.
Hello life, in which
I'm not ready...
The time and I get entangled in a reckless fight.
Who will grab the memory of you?
Whether the wind will blow it?
Whether it'll remain in me forever?
I will stand by the door, waiting for you!
I'll be collecting the parts from my heart!
When I sing I'll curse, I will love in madness,
and I'll remember everything you gave me!
Goodbye, love.
Goodbye, dear memory.
Goodbye, unshared dream.
Hello harsh life.
Hello life, in which
I'm not ready...
to lose you! (x3)
I'm not ready! (x6)

Dreams of a woman in love

I'm standing halfway
it's not the time to run from myself
in the garden of my memories
even a beautiful rose sometimes scratches
And the fact I lost you
It, nevertheless, didn't hurt me
I have to move on
And where are you
You were coming up with verses
Written for me on the face of the wind
But from us only remained
A few love songs and shadows
The fact that I lost you
It, nevertheless, didn't hurt me
Chorus 2x
And it's irrelevant if you're close or not
Each love takes its own road
Because with time, everything, precisely everything is changing
But never the dreams of a woman in love
You were coming up with verses
Written for me on the face of the wind
But from us only remained
A few love songs and shadows
The fact that I lost you
It, nevertheless, didn't hurt me
Chorus 2x
And it's irrelevant if you're close or not
Each love takes its own road
Because with time, everything, precisely everything is changing
But never the dreams of a woman in love
But never the dreams of a woman in love


This tea for two has been moldy for a while
There's a piece of shabby sky in my soul
My love is like syntax
Humanity is partially losing the need in it
Hundreds of virgins, hundreds of pregnant ones,
by hundreds with sealed lips,
A hundred of defenseless and unfriendly ones
are traveling through worlds.
And I am just a small star of the spring sky,
sending signals into space
and wanting to be where you are.
My consciousness contains something like Christmas tree decorations,
and calls it dignity.
Don't touch it, let it stay there just in case
On the edge of insanity and clouds, bordering the eternity.
Hundreds of virgins, hundreds of pregnant ones,
by hundreds with sealed lips,
A hundred of defenseless and unfriendly ones
are traveling through worlds.
And I am just a small star of the spring sky,
sending signals into space
and wanting to be where you are.

For the First Time in Forever

Please, don't cast me out
Don't close the door!
You don't have to avoid me anymore!
Yet for the first time in forever
I can finally understand
For the first time in forever
we can link our hands
We can leave this mountain together!
You don't have to live in fear
For the first time in forever
I will be right here
Anna…! Go home, please
Live your life
Enjoy the sun, open the gates
Yes! But…
I know…
…You're a good person
So let me be
Yes, I'm alone! But I'm alone and free!
Just keep your distance and you'll be safe!
Not in reality
Not? What do you mean?
Seems like you don't know it!
And what is it I don't know?!
Arendell is covered in in in sno—ow!
Well, you somehow released an eternal winter and it's… everywhere.
That's okay, you can make it melt again.
No, I can't! I… I don't know how?!
Of course you know! I know you know!
Yet for the first time in forever
Oooh… I'm such a fool! I can't be free
You don't have to be afraid at all!
There's no way to drive out this storm!
We can do it together!
I can't control this curse!
We'll ward of your storm!
Ooooooh! Please stop, Anna! You're just making it worse!
Don't panic!
So much fear!
Let the sun shine!
You're not safe!
We can face it together!
We can change it. Change this cold weather. And then everything will be…
Noo! I…
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Hi there, thanks for reading all the way down! Sourced translations belong to the public domain or were shared with permission. Unsourced ones were made by me and all of them are free to use in any way you desire. Did you find a mistake or a typo? Please let me know. I'll be happy to correct them. 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Why lemons are sour

I would really like to point out that
Long ago lemons were—
Exactly when, I no longer
recall—as sweet as candy
Until they once said, 'We lemons,
We want to be big like melons!
We also find our yellow color abhorrent,
And would rather be red or bluish!'
God above heard their complaints
And said, 'No, that will never do!
You must remain as you are! I'm sorry!'
And that's how lemons became sour…

In the path of life

Reign this country
Reign this country
Reign this country
Reign this Earth!
Time has arrived (oh)
It dawns
The time has come
Ruler of the earth!
Time has arrived
Time has arrived
Rule the earth
Rule the earth
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Here comes a lion, father
Here comes a lion, father
Here comes a lion, father
Until we have
Our path
At the top of the mountain
In the path of life

Imperfect Love

Hand in hand, for a while
We caught each other, but we got lost again
But where does it take?
The love that is already over
And that locked us in our worlds
Changing its face along the road
And changing us
We stop here
We stop now that
It's time do it and there aren't tears
Here, there are no tears
No catchphrases
It's an imperfect love, but that's what it is
It's an year-long break-up
Deep down, that's not too much, and it gave us so much
This wind consumed it
We no longer believe
In the feeling that found us
Each one, hiding in their own lairs
And that sets us free from deceptions and no longer accuses us
We stop here
We stop now that
It's time do it and there aren't tears
Here, there are no tears
No catchphrases
It's an imperfect love, but that's what it is
We stop here
It's time do it and there aren't tears
There's nothing to add and nothing to take off
No tears, no catchphrase
It's an imperfect love, but that's what it is
We, we
We stop here
We stop here
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Zlatibor's dawns

I like my nothing,
than your everything.
I prefer to be single,
than you next to her.
I forgive you Zlatibor's dawns,
the Moon above sea of Montenegro.
I forgive you rivers and plains,
some bih things, but I don't forgive little things.
I prefer my eyes,
salty springs,
then your smiling,
seas of disloyalty.
Let my single life be
walk on misfortunes.
Better than to die
slowly on your arms.

Dreaming of the Sun

I can't take it no more
Weeks and weeks of rain
Everything seems then cold and hard
Bleaker than the grayest city
Then I might join in
and stand in the cold
But I've had enough of that feeling
No, that's is not something for me
So you know what
I simply start dreaming of the Sun
Of the light with which it all began
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
The Sun in California
sung about and famous
All seems even more beautiful then
It even makes yourself more beautiful
The light in North Dakota
doesn't get mentioned so often
From horizon to horizon
They sometimes joke about it
But you know what
I simply start dreaming of the Sun
Of the light with which it all began
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
I simply start dreaming of the Sun
Of the light with which it all began
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
I made this!
You can go ahead and copypaste it to your heart's content, but only if that makes you feel special.

I Thought Life Was

I thought life was
Two or three glasses of red vine
Scream from a girl sitting on my knee
Followed by the violin cries
Bye, Mary! Bye, beautiful Naples!
Bye, my darling! Bye, my love!
I spent many days
I haven't slept many nights
Street raised me
Tavern was my mother
I'm sorry, my happiness! I'm sorry, my darling!
I'm leaving forever, don's cry in vain.
Now my lungs are dying
That is why I'm miserable
I gave my life to women
And I withered so young
Bye, Mary! Bye, beautiful Naples!
Bye, my darling! Bye, my love!
Bye, my love!

On the sunny side of life

On the sunny side of life
it's good to walk together.
On the sunny side of life,
there's my home and you.
So far away and so close,
where there's the land of childhood years.
On the sunny side of life,
the heartbeat and the warmth of hands.
La la la la laj la, la la la la laj la, the sunshine,
let's sing together, la la la la la la la la la.
In love with the sun, in love with each other at such a time,
let's sing together la la la la la la la la la.
On the sunny side of the hill,
where the taste of wine matures,
on the sunny side of life,
you are and you say this:
so far away and so close,
where there's always time for love,
on the sunny side of dreams,
when you come, you'll meet us.
La la la la laj la, la la la la laj la, the sunshine,
let's sing together, la la la la la la la la la.
In love with the sun, in love with each other at such a time,
let's sing together la la la la la la la la la.

Do me zaza zaza

I know a boy that
when the night comes
he gets a girl
and takes her to his home
And then (zaza zaza)
What happens? (zaza zaza)
And then (zaza zaza)
What happens? (zaza zaza)
If the girl doesn't want
because she's not confident
first she drinks a cup
and then zaza zaza
And what does he mean
when he says zaza zaza?
As he lives alone
he makes her clean the house.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Look at this world

Take a look at this world,
Magical, kind, and beautiful.
Open your heart and
Accept another life experience.
Open up your eyes,
Beauty unfolds before them.
Travel with me on the horizon, and
Pay a visit to the bright moon and stars.
Look at this world,
Embrace this new feeling,
Leaping through the clouds, between the moon and stars
Between our friendly feelings
Look at this world
My heart was once dominated by loneliness and melancholy
With you at my side, flying in the sky
My tears have transformed into clouds
Flying in this brand new world
Take a look at this world
Magical, kind, and beautiful
Another frame of mind fills life with freshness everywhere.
Look at this world
Open up your eyes
Embrace this new feeling
Beauty unfolds before your eyes
Leaping through the clouds, between the moon and stars
Between you and me, sweetie
Looking down at the world
A worldwide tour
In this brand new world
A million feelings disperse
Aladdin & Jasmine:
With you at my side, flying in the sky
My tears have transformed into clouds
Look at this world (Look at this world)
I'm by your side (I'm by your side)
A new feeling (A new feeling)
By your side

Meeting mother

She was the first who showed me the moon
and the first snow on the spruces,
and the first rain.
Back then, I was as little as a tiny seashell,
and mother's black skirt rustling sounded like the Black Sea.
A night.
The oil in the lamp is burning out.
A mosquito laments around my ear.
Maybe it is you, mother, in the sky,
is it you, this trickle of stars?
Or the white sail on the lake?
Or a wave against the sloping shore?
Perhaps your hands have sprinkled
my manuscript with stardust?
The clouds, hollows, acorns and knots
have lighted up with great glare --
as if the whole world was a silver spruce,
a silver bittern singing songs.
The leafs begin to rustle,
the birds start singing,
My mother used to buy such candles,
They are dozing. A nice intention is dwelling in them.
Just arrange them and light them,
and see what goes out of them:
a precious, rounded face gleam in the candles.
Mother raises a finger. The wind will die away.
Kiss mother's hands and hair
then sprinkle the snow on the alley ways,
so it twinkles and crunches.
Then all the twinkling lights...

Take Off The Hat Infront Of Yourself

A fall in the deep without network
How often do you hurted yourself
But your Motto Especially now
The way down from the valley up to the Hill
That you did by yourself
Take off the hat infront of yourself
You have the heart and the bravery
Take off the hat infront of yourself
Phoenix from Ash and embers
You are my hero without medal
And my idol absolutely
Take off the hat infront of yourself
Take off the hat infront of yourself
You showed me to see the luck
Hidden under the dust
Against the torrent often uncomfortable
It's not easy to go the way
Take off the hat infront of yourself
You have the heart and the bravery
Take off the hat infront of yourself
Phoenix from Ash and embers
You are my hero without medal
And my idol absolutely
Take off the hat infront of yourself
Take off the hat infront of yourself
You are my hero without medal
And my idol absolutely
Take off the hat infront of yourself
Take off the hat infront of yourself
Take off the hat infront of yourself
Take off the hat infront of yourself

La Gozadera

Miami megerősített engem
Gente de Zona
Puerto Rico nekem adta
Miami megerősített engem
Gente de Zona
Marc Anthony
Dominica,akit már aprítottak
Karibiak vagyunk te és én
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
Irányt váltó!
A dolog nagyon kemény,de hogy az isteni
Perú Hondurasszal, Chile Argentínával
Panama hozza zandungát, Ecuador Bilirrubinát
És Uruguay Paraquayal, Costa Ricával testvérek
Bolivia már jön,Brazília már úton van
A világ illeszkedik a latin emberekhez
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
Marc Anthony!
Gyerünk Guatemala, a szadabság vár rád
Hívja Nicaraguát, El Salvador besurran
Kubáról énekelek, és a világ rájön
Ha latin amerikai vagy, húzd ki a zászlódat
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én

Számunkra késő

Keletről nyugatra
A bánat megragad
A szív(em) miattad törik össze
Egy lépésre vagyok a fenéktől
És kicsúszik a talaj a talpam alól
Boldogság,megint kiadtál.
Neked az élet mindent megadott
De te ezt is kevesled
Szerelmem,számunkra késő
És apránként,minden,ami a miénk,összeomlott.
Semmi sem maradt nekünk.
A Földtől az űrig
most minden idegesít
A lelkem tele van zűrzavarral.
Egyszer valamikor együtt voltunk,
most két külön világ vagyunk.
Boldogság,megint elárultál.

The clover field may rustle

The clover field may rustle
The pines may creak in the wind,
I'll stand still, listen to them and remember
That one day I will die.
I've come to understand a thing or two in life
So my life hasn't been in vain
But it seems I've forgotten everything that I remembered,
And I've remembered everything that I've forgotten.
I've understood that in childhood snow seems more fluffy
In youth the hills seem greener
I've understood that in one life there are as many lives,
As the number of times we have loved.
Happiness is the view from a plane.
Grief sees the earth unvarnished.
Happiness is something rather treacherous
Grief will never betray you.
I've understood that I was secretly involved
In the destinies of many people from all times
I've understood that a person is unhappy
Because he looks for happiness.

You are leaving, darling (from the movie Les Parapluies de Cherbourg)

//Lyudmila Senchina:
You are leaving, darling,
Think about me.
Ages will be passing
Like a flock of birds.
Ages will be passing,
Think about me.
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
//Michel Legrand:
Tu sais bien que ce n'est pas possible
Mon amour, il faudra pourtant que je parte
Tu sauras que moi je ne pense qu'à toi
Mais je sais que toi tu m'attendras
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Better wait for ages
Than just four short days.
What if you already
Think no more of me?
In your distant places
Think about me.
//Michel Legrand:
Calme-toi, il nous reste si peu de temps
Si peu de temps, mon amour, qu'il ne faut pas le gâcher
Il faut essayer d'être heureux
Il faut que nous gardions de nos derniers moments
Un souvenir plus beau que tout
Un souvenir qui nous audera à vivre
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Life is long, yet longer
I will have to wait.
//Michel Legrand:
Nous nous retrouverons et nous serons plus forts
//Lyudmila Senchina:
My whole life is worthless
If I don’t have you.
In your distant places
Think about me.
//Michel Legrand:
Je t'aimerai jusqu'a la fin de ma vie
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
You are leaving, darling,
Think about me.
Ages will be passing,
Think about me.
Winter comes or summer,
I will wait for you.
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
Life is long, yet longer
I will have to wait.
My whole life is worthless
If I don’t have you.
In your distant places
Think about me.
Darling, I love you.
Wait for you,
Wait for you.
Darling, I love you,
I love you.

Along the river of life an honest Greek swam

Along the river of life an honest Greek swam,
And drowned, or maybe a cancer has caught up with him.
The Greek was involved in dobbing a man-
And the Greek than, really got in to the drink.
He has the roots of kindness, this sod-
That's why he began to delate,-
'To snitch' - ordinarily used word.
And at the same time it means- 'betray'.
Or there is another similar example:
Because of his origin he took off on and on,-
He started from the deep, from people,
And didn't really want to return.
He swallowed reproaches and yawned from boredom,
He new, that from the people he did separate,-
But 'separate' - It's scientific lexicon,
And using our jargon it's'run away'.