Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 27

Találatok száma: 1938



I see myself
I'm falling for him
But I know myself
With no one I act like I'm with you
Like night and day
Like notes in melody
That's how you make me feel
Like a dream
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
'We're not going to be friends'
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
Are you coming
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby
Come on closer now
Imagine when we're together
I won't think anymore
No more, no more
Come on closer now
Cause it's my song nana
I won't think anymore
No more, no more
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
'We're not going to be friends'
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
Are you coming
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby

Tame my heart

Please, tame my heart
But do it gently
It is a strange heart
He has recently recovered
And if you want I'll give it to you
He went around the streets
To warm up a little
And only then will I be there
And only in that moment will I love you
And only then will I be there
And only in that moment will I love you
Tame my heart
You will love my wounds
Tie my hands
Until they heal
Two strays with closed eyes
Who smell love
Listening themselves in silence
Taming their own hearts
And only then will I be there
And only in that moment will I love you
And only then will I be there
And only in that moment will I love you
And only then will I be there
And only in that moment will I love you
And only then will I be there
And only in that moment will I love you

New Day, New Light

The light of the stars makes me feel good
The warm yellow Sun makes me feel good
Like the flight of a swallow that goes wherever it wants
Oh, day, oh, light, oh, life for me
And I'm feeling good...
It's music, it's enough, I feel good
It's the sound of my piano, and I feel good
There's a river that always overflows that
Flows in my veins
A new day, a new light, a new life for me
And I'm feeling good...
Sleep in peace at night to want me well
And learning together to want each other well
And give up on the soul
You know, you know that it's not good
Because the dream is mine, the day is mine, it's my life
It's mine
And I feel, feel, feel, feel good
The sweetness of a man, the violence of a man
All that you see and all that you believe
No, no, my oppression is, is your expression
Is, is my expression
And freedom is mine
And freedom is mine
A new day, a new light, a new life for me
And I'm feeling, feeling good
Feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling good
Feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling good

Night has fallen

Night has fallen
you wait for me
my chest is pounding
to kiss you again.
Our love
will not break
even if they talk a lot
and they make you cry.
I don't want to see
crystal eyes
wet with tears
whose fault it is not.
Listen to me
stop crying
I have always been yours
you have to be mine
They say that a love
is only for two
and that it's easier
to make it walk
when one falls
the other one lifts.
when one falls,
the other one lifts.
Night has fallen
you wait for me
my chest is pouding
I want to kiss you.

The Horsemen Came From Hinglands

Between mountains and rocks
I am at the mercy of wilds
I took wings and flew into dreams
Plains are far away
My hope, which was the mill of griefs at sunset, was a kind of seeing
I didn't leave this flock of birds
I flew with them
I wandered like nomads
Under the rain
My breath echoes
When I am silent
My soul is mute
The horsemen came from highlands
They held the dance of the rebellion
Hands with colorful handkerchiefs
O fog, o rain
Uncle's daughters were called
Son of uncles knelt (for better aim)
O snowstorm, o mirage
The road blind and so cold
The moon is amazed above
The stars(tears) fell from the eyes but I remained
Gray horse rear
looking through the clouds of spirits
I don't leave you
But it's too late
I am building a stone house for you
Let the door be made of tulips
Roof made of pearls(or beads)
house torch your sense
The horsemen came from highlands
They held the dance of the rebellion
Hands with colorful handkerchiefs
O fog, o rain
Uncle's daughters were called
Son of uncles knelt (for better aim)
O snowstorm, o mirage

I bid adieu

I bid adieu
The two of us, we must part
Till the reunion
I will wait for comfort
I leave with you this heart of mine
For where you go
There I shall be
Be it joy or grief, be it joy or grief
Always I will be wholly yours.
I leave with you this heart of mine
For where you go
There I shall be
Be it joy or grief, be it joy or grief
Always I will be wholly yours.

The Stars' Pirates

Here we are the whole bunch
Already at your command
Captain tell us
What new heist you plan to try
We are all set
Then toward the blue sky
In your wake toward the moon
Captain together
We'll become the Stars' Pirates
The Stars' Pirates
We are the Stars' Pirates
The bow goes up goes up
The flag already in the wind
Give us rum captain
The battle is beginning
And who'll stop us
Here in our den now,
If there's a booty you know
Captain together
We'll become the The Stars' Pirates
The Stars' Pirates
We are The Stars' Pirates
Here we are the whole bunch
Already at your command
The bow goes up goes up
The flag already in the wind


You sold yourself to be pretty like a victim
With drops the rain replaced the tears
You told me that you do it for my sake
As convincing as you could win an Oscar
You left like a tragicomedy
A divine sacrifice for love
A long series without an ending, our history
Only I know how and how many episodes in life you took me
I lived like in a cinema
I was the actor and you the spectator
You're as real as science fiction
The antagonist of my happiness
Do you say I was only a romance
Only a mean for many ends
I remained a lost hostage to the mistery
You one to your directed drama
Because behind the curtain an abyss is hidden
For both of us


Now that I think about it, I never got my wake-up phone call this morning
I still haven't heard your voice today
Instead of searching for the answer right away, I'll make some forgotten memories*
That wouldn't be so bad now, would it?
※You whisper sweet things to me, and snuggle up close
That's the 'you' I always see
But one day you'll taste true happiness
I can only hope it'll be because of me
Wouldn't that be nice?※
The city sure is pretty at night
You put your arm around me, in your camisole
But I know that life is going to get a little bit unfamiliar moving forward
△If you keep on moving forward
That's alright with me
C'mon, you can go on before me
And one day you'll taste true happiness
I can only hope it'll be because of me
Wouldn't that be nice△
In this world, everyone has someone they want to surpass
For me, that person was you
That's all I wanted, and yet...


I implore you to smile
everything will work out in the end
don't see black
look over the fence
in the distance the sun waits for you
with illuminating rays
that[ll caress you
I implore you to smile
everything will work out in the end
don't keep it inside
it'll only weaken and then be released
and the time has finally come
to open a place in your heart
for happiness that'll come
Dance, be happy
don't deny yourself
from singing, learning, being curious
don't be afraid to let loose
even if it's difficult, continue on
i'm here, i promise you
everything will work out in the end
How it's possible that your should believe that you are loved
don't be afraid of deciding
this moment won't return
it's okay to err, to be confused
only he who fails occasionally, learns
Dance, be happy
don't deny yourself
from singing, learning, being curious
don't be afraid to let loose a bit
even if it's difficult, continue on
i'm here, i promise you
everything will work out in the end
With closed eyes
the footsteps are so small
good thoughts abound
the dreams erupt
a sea of people
and you've mine - perfect inside

You Couldn't Stay

They asked about you
My friends, from always
They know that you left
And they wanted to know
If you're gonna come back
I told them: 'No'
It wasn't a see you later
A goodbye is not a game
And I heard it clearly
From your lips, my love
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
And I couldn't help to
Gift you a sigh
What I loved most
It was you and you left
I am left without you
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
If the limit of our sight is the vastness of the sky
You were the one that put the limit
When you announced your departure

It's OK

I really don't get it how you made it again
To chose so wrong
Always the same irrelevant people
Cloud your sky with gray
There is someone who will go after you
Even when you run
Who will grow old with you, watch your back
Even when you're wrong
It's OK, there is more light waiting for you
Bright new mornings will rise for you
Don't worry, birds will wakes up
Hide your pretty face into my arms
I know you for too long, nothing needs to be said
It is written all over your face
The only thing that matters, that needs to be said
You deserve more
There is someone who will go after you
Even when you run
Who will grow old with you, watch your back
Even when you're wrong
It's OK, there is more light waiting for you
Bright new mornings will rise for you
Don't worry, birds will wakes up
Hide your pretty face into my arms


Versions: #1
Today I touched your photograph, I kissed it again and again.
Time, be slow

My Love Has Come

My love
My love has come
My love has come
My love has come
My love has come
When the niqab was lifted
The colors of chivalry shine
The time has come
My love has come
My love has come
When the niqab was lifted
The colors of chivalry shine
When the niqab was lifted
The colors of chivalry shine
The time has come
My love has come
My love has come


It's 5 o'clock
The time has no end.
A hidden force
Leads us with the music.
It's the exact time,
Let's escape from here.
Hold onto my hand
And surrender to my will.
And may life free us
From bloody guilt
Far from good and far from evil
Far from good.
That come at dawn.
Your best days
Inside my body.
Your truth should feel
Beyuond good and evil.
Let's escape, we want to,
Surrender to my will.
And may life free us
From bloody guilt
Far from good and far from evil
My darling, let's escape
From bloody guilt
Far from good and far from evil
Far from evil
Far from good, you
Far from evil, you
Far from good, ah ah
Far from evil
Far from good

Gyilkos szimfónia

Versions: #1
Ma éjszaka
Szüntelen inszomnia,
Téboly üldöz engem.
Az vagyok, ami elől rohanok.
Kopogtat fejemben.
Lesújtó harmónia...
Megfizetsz bűneidért,
Bármi történjék.
Vonszolod láncait,
A kínjait.
Átadom éjszakáimat
A gyilkos szimfóniának,
A rekviemnek.
Haraggal pusztítom el,
Amit megvetek.
Átadom éjszakáimat
A gyilkos szimfóniának
S az istenkáromlásnak.
Bevallom, mindazt elátkozom,
Kik képesek a szeretetre.
Az ellenség
Felemészti lelkemet,
Ünnepli vereségeimet,
Szüntelen dacol velem.
A végzetes eretnekséget,
Mely felemészti lényemet.
Bár újjászülethetnék!
Átadom éjszakáimat
A gyilkos szimfóniának,
A rekviemnek.
Haraggal pusztítom el,
Amit megvetek.
Átadom éjszakáimat
A gyilkos szimfóniának
S az istenkáromlásnak.
Bevallom, mindazt elátkozom,
Kik képesek a szeretetre.
Életem zokogó hegedűjét,
Irigységeim szenvedélyét,
Elszívja e szimfónia…
E koncert, mi vágyat ébreszt.
Játszom, mégse érintem a szépet.
Hamisan cseng tehetségem.
Elfojtom bosszúságomat
A melomániába,
Eltemetem fóbiáimat
A diszharmóniába.
Átadom éjszakáimat
A gyilkos szimfóniának,
A rekviemnek.
Haraggal pusztítom el,
Amit megvetek.
Átadom éjszakáimat
A gyilkos szimfóniának
S az istenkáromlásnak.
Bevallom, mindazt elátkozom,
Kik képesek a szeretetre.
Átadom éjszakáimat
A gyilkos szimfóniának.
Bevallom, mindazt elátkozom,
Kik képesek a szeretetre.

No Need

It seemed to me, that there's no end
To my utter loneliness
And around me people are running about
But among them I don't see your face
Tell me, why are you doing this to me, I'm dying
In this stone forest without you
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
I got used to the inevitability
There were many words, but little tenderness
And it seemed to me, that there's no end
To my utter loneliness
Tell me, why are you doing this to me, I'm dying
In this stone forest without you
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need

My heart, why do you stay

My heart, why do you stay
awake during the nights of love,
if your master rests
in the arms of another?
My heart, why do you stay
awake during the nights of love?

my soul claims

I have had in my life
many Loves
I have had a fortune
and I have had pleasures
almost a thousand hearts
they have adored me
but today none
it's by my side.
The woman, always good
he loved me
and me, as always
love pretended them
'who do you think you are?'
he asked me
'what are you cheating and lying
like no one.'
My soul claims
cry out
why, if I had love
why, if i was the best
today i was alone
just alone
i had nothing
nothing nothing.
Until today I understand
that everything is paid
until today I understand
because my heart
it's dying.
My soul claims
cry out
why, if I had love
why, if i was the best
today I was alone (alone)
just alone
i had nothing
nothing nothing.


The chakras got fucked up
And it's so fucking hard to forget it, that she even made a Snapchat account
Lighting up molasses, yeah
Y uploading question boxes to Instagram, to see what happens
The sky is full of stars, take one if you want
I have the head between the clouds and my feet on the ground here under the moon
I know that your eyes have cried, don't be scare (no, no)
I'll protect you
You, that have a frozen heart, yeah, just like mine
I pour you more wine
When it sets we will run away
Others don't know how I feel (no), only you're mine
I know you're sad and empty
Let's start a fireplace today, and I'll teach you how you forget him
She never reads messages, but
When they message her 'how are you?', she responds 'as always' (as always)
And when she takes pictures of herself, she shows the diamonds, but never the teeth (yeah)
It's because sex with her (wow) I promise you, it's impossible to forget (no)
Baby, I want to understand why you're so sad and empty (it goes, wow)
When it sets we will run away
Others don't know how I feel (no), only you're mine
I know you're sad and empty
Let's start a fireplace today, and I'll teach you how you forget him
You smile only on Insta, but never in real life
We get that you're sad looking at your face
He buys you with a Visa, lady
As you stare at that ring on your finger
Oh, no, no, baby, escape with me
I have two seats in first class, I don't know the destination
You say: 'It's fine with me if there's only you and me'
Our wet lips, flying by the clouds
The sun will rise and tomorrow will be another day
Twerking I turn you on, in case you your heart gets cold
I know you're sad and empty
Let's start a fireplace today, and I'll teach you how you forget him
When it sets we will run away
Others don't know how I feel (no), only you're mine
I know you're sad and empty
Let's start a fireplace today, and I'll teach you how you forget him

Come here (PART II)

Come here...
I’d like to be alone with you tonight
To understand what you think
It’s starting again, baby
I don’t listen to you anymore
Now winter is coming and I’m already groaning for love
Don’t say no to me
Let's fix things, then you leave
My heart, what do you want?
Baby, please don't...
The water is making a downpour
And we’re down here
It doesn’t pass at all, I couldn't give a fuck
Baby, love me tonight
Now winter is coming and my heart is in my throat
Just to get a hug
I don’t even know how to distract myself
Don’t tell me no, baby, please don’t go
Winter is coming, I won't stand
I'm so fucking hot
Come on, come here
The wind blows, we’re here
I'm so fucking hot
Come on, come here
It’s not silver
Don’t worry
Wherever you are I'll pick you up
I’d like to be alone with you tonight
To understand what you think
It’s starting again, baby
I don’t listen to you anymore
Now winter is coming and I’m already groaning for love
Don’t say no to me
Let's fix things, then you leave
My heart, what do you want?
Baby, please don't go
Come here...

The heart has no master

The heart has no master
It can’t take it easy
There are already too many words
Baby, we’re still here
We have only one passion
I love you Naples but don’t cry
There are already too many words
Consistency and mentality
And when I hear this blue music it seems poetry to me
Hugged with me
Hugged with me
And when I see this sweaty shirt it feels like magic
Hugged with me
Now sing with me
To defend you
To defend you
The heart has no master
It can’t take it easy
There are already too many words
Baby, we’re still here
And when I hear this blue music it seems poetry to me
Hugged with me
Hugged with me
And when I see this sweaty shirt it feels like magic
Hugged with me
Now sing with me
To defend you
To defend you
To defend you
The heart has no master
To defend you
To defend you

A swift discharge to you

A swift discharge to you, my beloved
How your parents have missed you
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
Your lover longs to see your face again.
It has been a year since we sent you away
And hung your torn picture on the wall.
But I cannot complain, even though I cry
For a debt to the nation is a debt of honor - I shall wait.
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
How your parents have missed you.
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
Your lover longs to see your face again.
Your letter has arrived, your father has received your greetings
And so did your sisters, the mukhtar, your poor mother
And even the cow and the yellow ox.
Only your lover was not mentioned in your letter...
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
How your parents have missed you.
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
Your lover longs to see your face again.
Around the fountains and the rooms they say your name
And I can feel my heart being torn apart.
It should not be a sin to want you back,
Even though I cannot confess my troubles even to myself.
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
How your parents have missed you.
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
Your lover longs to see your face again.
The spring has come, the flowers are blooming
The seeds of last autumn have begun to blossom.
The henna on my hand has begun to fade
I can't bear it anymore, let us be apart no longer.
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
How your parents have missed you.
A swift discharge to you, my beloved
Your lover longs to see your face again.


Bojovniks1 are now on the run
They didn't know of Panthers2
Now the Panthers are ordering them
To stop poisoning the Serbian land.
Move, troops, move on now!
Young mayor is in command!
It's permanent wish of the people
To repel all invaders.
They will show their true face
They will avenge both Brod and Kravice3
and if, God wills it, the true order is achieved
Alija must fall soon too!
The oppressor will feel, damn his mother
The suffering of the Serbian people
They won't hide their intention
That they will defend their land!
  • 1. Soldiers of Croatian HVO in Bosnia
  • 2. Elite unit of VRS
  • 3. Places where Muslim and Croatian forces committed warcrimes against Serbian civilians

Poor sovereign Bosnia

Oh, poor sovereign Bosnia
Now you lie destroyed because of Alija
Why have you proclaimed the sovereign Bosnia?
May your head fall off your shoulders.
Why have you proclaimed the sovereign Bosnia?
May your head fall off your shoulders.
The time has come for Serbs' revenge
All mosques are flying to the clouds
Ante1, Azem2 and Tito are here no more
To protect you from the Serbs.
In vain you practise the Ramadan fast
Neither Allah nor Holy Mary could save you
Because there are no equals to Serbs
A Serb wants no one's yoke.
Because there are no equals to Serbs
A Serb wants no one's yoke.
Alija, you won't get off as easily as last time
You'll carry your dimi3 on a stick
Your doom is already in sight
When your daughter is studying politics.
Your doom is already in sight
When your daughter is studying politics.
  • 1. Ante Pavelic, Ustashe leader of WW2
  • 2. Azem Vllasi, Albanian communist politician turned nationalist who was arrested in 1990 for 'antirevolutionary behavior'
  • 3. Turkish clothing

Northeastern Song

What a hot hot sun what sadness
That was made of beauty
A sight to see
That belongs to God and Nature
They forgot for sure
About the people of this place
Look at the priest with the candle in his hand
He is sumoning to pray
A shoeless boy
Already doesn't know how to cry
Prays a long pray to see if the skies know how to
But the rain doesn't come
And this pain in the heart
When will it end
When will it... end

Fo' My Girls

I have, and I alone provide for myself.
I come and go wherever I want to.
I make the floor tremble and I don't ask for permission.
When I arrive, I don't let anyone know.
A woman as tough as me
was the one who taught me all this flow.
This guaracha1 (Cha-cha, eh...)
is fo' my girls
who let their hair loose (Hair...), who do it fearlessly,
to whom this song fits them like a ring on a finger. (Finger...)
Fo' my girls. (Chas-chas...)
Fo' my girls.
I'm not just a pretty face. (Not a pretty face...)
I've got strength, fire and dynamite. (Boom, me...!)
Whether I'm thin or curvilinear, whatever, you like it.
Be careful with this hottie.
I'm committed to my cravings.
About me, they say I am
a luminous tyrant.
I was born my sharp nails.
Fo' my girls, the ones who always answer,
the ones who don't ask and arrive out of nowhere. (Where...)
Fo' the ones who know the way they are and don't like being instructed, hey.
You don't know us, so don't talk about us.
You're nothing but one who's lived under our shadow. (Shadow...)
What you lack, well, daddy, I've got tons of it.
You're not gonna pit us against each other.
A woman as tough as me
was the one who taught me all this flow.
This guaracha (Cha, cha...)
is fo' my girls (Ah ah, hey, yeah...)
who let their hair loose, (Who what...?) who do it fearlessly,
to whom this song fits them like a ring on a finger.
When I'm crying,
I mix my tears with tequila and lemon,
and I get up!
(Fo' my girls...!) Yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh, eh!
(Fo' my girls...!) Yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh, eh!
(Fo' my girls...!)
This guaracha is fo' my girls. (Fo' my girls...!)
This guaracha is fo' my girls.
(Fo' my girls...!) Yeah, eh, eh!
(Fo' my girls...!) Yeah, eh, eh!
Yeah, eh, eh!
(Fo' my girls...!) Haha!
Yeah, eh, eh!
(Fo' my girls...!)
Yeah, eh, eh!
(Fo' my girls...!)
Who let their hair loose, who do it fearlessly, (Fo' my girls...!)
to whom this song fits them like a ring on a fin.
Squeeze it!
(Fo' my girls...!)
No, eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!
(Fo' my girls...!)
No, eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!
Girls, eh eh.
(Fo' my girls...!)
Fo' the girls!
(Fo' my girls...!)
La Becky.
Fo' the girls, mum!
(Fo' my girls...!)
Hey, yeah.
Tell me about it, Nicki.
Fo' the girls!
(Fo' my girls...!)
  • 1. A Cuban folk dance.

The People Are Angry

Now is not the time to be complacent! We've got to do something!
Something is coming, it's drawing nearer
Something is sinister, I feel it, I feel it!
Somewhere among us walks a stranger
My knees are shakin, I'm done for, I'm done for!
They'll attack us as soon as they get the chance
A sharp, hard horn is pointed at you
The darkness is no longer balanced (Oh, for a long time now!)
A new evil power attacks us
We can't wait any longer, time is running out
Don't just sit around now, because there's no mercy
So stop thinking, just come with me!
Unknown horns, unknown wings
Playing on our nerves, nerves!
Your heart is furious, it's beating hard now
We need this too, the panic, panic!
Be angry!
(More? More!)
That's it, that's it!
More, more, angry mob
Let's say, that's it, that's it!
Step up! You just need pride!
As an earth pony, in a group, your strength fills you
Look! There's no mistake here!
It's enough to be louder than everyone else
You're suffocating, fear has posessed you!
And suffering has surrounded you
It's looking very bad for you!*
Trust the leader blindly, whatever he asks
What he commands you, do, and you won't have to be afraid!
Who are we? (An angry pony mob!)
Who are we? (An angry pony mob!)
Beautiful cob! (It's good when cooked!)
And the guys? (My name is Rob)
More, more, angry mob!
Let's say, that's it, that's it!
More, more, angry mob!
Let's say, that's it, that's it!
Be determined, that's just enough!
That's just enough
That's it, that's it, done!

I Won't Leave You

This picture is weird for now, there's no light
Where does this road lead, I ask
How would I play a pegasus, this is very hard
Moving ahead like this is hard
But there's no trouble yet, a brave pony's by your side!
Now, wait! Maybe...
I won't leave you, don't worry
Wherever you might be, I'll protect you
It's good to have support
I won't leave you, don't worry
Only the earth ones are good from ponies
This is fact, this is what was heard everywhere
I found that weird, I didn't have a partner who understood me
They yelled at me for it
If you need a loyal partner, don't turn away, just look at me! (Now I understand why!)
I won't leave you, don't worry
Wherever you might be, I'll protect you
It's good to have support
When you're on the wrong path, feel the light
As a pony, everything's beautiful...
I'll protect you! (I'll always be there for you)
(And protect you anywhere)
(My heart protects and keeps you)
Don't worry!

You'll Fit In With Us

Earth ponies aren't on the rank list, they just vegetate
The terrible pegasus is a monster, they're all merciless
They all stink and they're angry! And they live on the meat of children
That's what they said to us everyday but I no longer believe it
Today, I can see there's not a great difference between us
Because our horns are just a trait and not a quality
Let's put aside every bad thorn, understanding is the goal! Wo-oah!
Come, let's rewrite the book of our fate, let it be past
This is a new chapter that holds a shared future
Come and show the pony who lives at the bottom of your heart!
You'll fit in like this!
This... Is very embarrassing. (You'll fit in like this)
This is a crazy plan!
They told us, every creature that wears a horn is terrible
Their teeth rip you up and scar you, the horn is like a sharp rock
They grind up your ribs and snack from it every night
This is how they put a whole series of wild images in our brain
But we won't even look back, why should we wait anymore
We take on the risk, whatever may come
This is what we need for change, be brave, step boldly!
You'll fit in wth us!
If you say so. (You'll fit in with us)
Just watch me, do as I do!
I'll show you how to step right (Step!)
We're dying for some chatting (Look!)
You can easily hoop too, hopp! (Hopp!)
Pay attention not to cause (This- Ow- Ah-) trouble
Always close your feet elegantly
Shake your butt gracefully too!
I'll show you the best part! (Wow!)
Use what I say and that's all!
Oh and it's really beautiful, what you see on my head
I don't have a bigger treasure, that's my secret, nothing else
There's no two same horns so every unicorn is different
It gives off a royal glow
And your appearance is trés magnifique!
We will have the rocks, this is what gives hope today
This is what we've been waiting for for so long, we could win the jackpot!
Our precious land can't live without its heart
And this situation has grown ready for a change
Prison awaits if we fail!
But our hearts still aren't afraid!
We'll still hold out!
(We'll follow the light)
I'll follow the right step
I'll start the chatting
What I want, I know well!
This is what my unicorn song is about!