Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 30

Találatok száma: 1938



I'm coming from Mars.
You smell like something dead again today,
you give out a sweet smell of aged death,
but at least you know what the scent is from.
Your charm and sense of humor died.
You are about to have intercourse with an abbot.
Because you are devout? - No!
Because you are stupid!
The stars have turned their backs on you even though you are young,
but calm down, suicide is always an option.
The search for inner peace
will take you to a dam lake with a brick tied around your neck
show courage and go a little deeper,
drowning lasts 5 minutes at most.
Mmm Cancer!
Nothing good awaits you today
and you arouse no interest in anyone.
The fact that you are boring is scientifically confirmed,
don't bother your brain, it's not much anyway.
Behind the mask of the cruel tyrant
hides a talentless squirrel in heat.
You need some time so it becomes clear to you,
that Leo is only your zodiac sign and you - an alcoholic!
Vi-vi Virgo!
You haven't had sex in only two days,
and now you would even put a grater in you.
Don't wonder why they're chasing you out of the zoo,
everyone knows what looks you throw at the horse!
This is your horoscope, your horoscope,
I'm your beloved astrologist.
The stars share with me,
I am at your service from Monday to Sunday. x2
The long midnight reflections
brought you kidney stones and anemia.
You have been living in the delusion that thinking happens with the spinal cord,
I can't even....
Your complexes are already a syndrome,
there's no point in rubbing your ass with 'Danone'.
Although, according to the Internet it makes you pretty
we hide from you behind the most proven, strong lock.
Spring has blossomed, but you didn't,
your libido will take you to a terrible place.
You are attracted to everything that breathes and eats,
as if there is a magnetic field around it's ass!
May God protect us from your postures,
from fear of safety you bought a taser,
but calm down, with that face that came out of hell
no one has any desire to attack you.
The intellect is not in your nature,
in your absence the people sing of joy.
Dressed as a woman with a naked penis on 'Tulovo' train station,
it's not that 'art', it's rather a little silly.
Your existence in this world
proves that if there is a God, he is blind.
You are the product of a misunderstood stupid joke
and there is no going back.
This is your horoscope, your horoscope,
I'm your beloved astrologist.
The stars share with me,
I am at your service from Monday to Sunday. x2
Enough... straight from... Ursa Minor.
We're comiiiiing, with the spaceship, bro.
It's on petrol, hey!


Waves from the northern ocean
flood my big shore
and I, like a rock,
freeze slowly under the ice.
I see,
there will be no change.
Because I know,
there are no warm waves.
Icy, icy, icy
is this day, too.
Into ice sinks
the sun in me.
The baker takes out warm bread,
but I can't eat it.
My soul is feeling cold
and my voice is frozen in ice.
Come with me
in my icy room
and there beside you
I will coldly dream.
Icy, icy, icy
is this day, too.
Into ice sinks
the sun in me.
I will not be able to understand
what my life really is.
I will not be able to understand
what your life really is.
I will not be able to understand
what our life really is.
No, no, no.
I will not be able to understand
what our life really is.

The Impossible Dream

To dream… in the impossible dream,
To fight… steady fight in the conflict,
To bear… with the regret torrent,
To run… brave and run through the ventures,
To ambitious… mend wrongs to be right,
To love… in nation all our life,
To die… die for fame and honor,
To do good things…without announcing it to the world,
To not give up. To do good and right things,
Not to hesitate and reluctant to reach,
Not to raged and neglected in destiny,
No regret, to die for all these things
This is the truly determine commitment.
To remain all of the justices,
Although suffer and torture,
Still certain and remain to love Thailand,
This world gonna change for the greater good,
From the uncompromising men who never give up,
Still steady to do all these things,
To dedicate and sacrifice all… for Thais,
This is the truly determine commitment.
To remain all of the justices,
Although suffer and torture,
Still certain and remain to love Thailand,
This world gonna change for the greater good,
From the uncompromising men who never give up,
Still steady to do all these things,
To dedicate and sacrifice all… for Thais

Valahol A Szívemben

Nyáron a városban, ahol a levegő áll
Megszületett egy baba a túlzásra
Kit érdekel mit mondanak
Lesétálunk a szerelem autópályán
Az ambíció és szerelem bokszkesztyűt hord
És szíveket virágokat dalol
Valahol a szívemben
Van egy csillag ami érted ragyog
Ezüst hasít a kéken át
A szerelem ezen átlát
És valahol a szívemben
Megvan a szándék, hogy szabadon eresszelek
Csak is igaznak kell lenned
Egy csillag a város felett az északi sark felé
Túlzásra született egy baba
Nem mondom, nincs hova mennem
A TV és a rádió
Az ambíció és szerelem bokszkesztyűt hord
És szíveket virágokat dalol
Valahol a szívemben
Van egy csillag ami érted ragyog
Ezüst hasít a kéken át
A szerelem ezen átlát
És valahol a szívemben
Megvan a szándék, hogy szabadon eresszelek
Csak is igaznak kell lenned
De ki gyógyítja meg azt
Ami sose volt egy egész
És szívünk megszakadt
Mióta megszülettünk
Ahogy csak, bárki másnak
Westwoodtól Hollywoodig
Az egyetlen amit megértek,
Hogy nem vehetsz időt
De a lelked eladhatod
És a legközelebbi hely a mennyhez a rock and roll

One more teardrop

Alone in my room, sad as I can remember
Your love, your voice, your hand caressing me
And I couldn't hold it anymore and one more teardrop fell
And as I look back, one more teardrop fell
One more teardrop, one more teardrop
You are my greatest love, late I realize this
I saw him kissing your lips
And I couldn't hold it anymore and one more teardrop fell
And as I look back, one more teardrop fell
One more teardrop, one more teardrop
I remember the happy moments we lived together, and I cannot help it
And one more teardrop fell

Ding dong! A boszi halott

Egyszer volt egy boszorkány Oz mesés földjén
És ennél gonoszabb, gonoszabb, gonoszabb boszi még sosem volt
Megtöltötte a Munchkin földi embereket terrorral és félelemmel
Amíg egy csodás napon Kansasből a ciklon felkapott egy házat
Ami elhozta a gonosz, gonosz boszi végzetét
Épp a seprűjén repült, amikor
A ház a fejére esett és a halottkém kijelentette, hogy halott
A városon keresztül terjedt a vidám hír
Ding-dong, a boszi halott! Melyik öreg boszi? A gonosz boszi
Ding-dong, a gonosz boszi halott
Ébredj, álomszuszék, dörzsöld meg a szemed, ki az ágyból
Kelj fel, a gonosz boszi halott!
Elment ahová a koboldok, le, le, le, yo ho
Gyerünk és énekeljünk, és kongassuk a harangokat
Ding-dong! a vidám-oh, énekeld magasan, énekeld mélyen
Hadd tudják meg, a gonosz boszi halott!

És milyen ő?

A szemedbe nézve,
van valami új mondanivalód
Vágj bele nő, és ne félj,
Holnap talán késő lesz
Holnap talán késő lesz.
--- kórus ---
Ő milyen ?
Hol szeretett beléd?
Honnan jött?
Mivel tölti szabadidejét?
Kérdezd meg
mert ellopott egy darabot az életemből
Ő egy tolvaj
aki mindent elrabolt tőlem.
Igyekezz, késésben vagy
és vegyél esernyőt, ha esne az eső
Arra vár, hogy szeressen
és féltékeny leszek arra, hogy elveszítlek
És öltözz melegen
az a szürke ruha jól áll rajtad
Így nem fog gyanakodni, hogy könnyeztél
és hagyj el
így előkészíthetem a poggyászomat
ha felteszek még egy kérdést?
--- kórus ---
És milyen ő?
Hol szeretett beléd?
Honnan jött?
Mivel tölti szabadidejét?
Kérdezd meg
mert ellopott egy darabot az életemből
aki mindent elrabolt tőlem.


Yes, I already know that there is no love
without loneliness,
that, some times, words
come to an end,
that, some times, it's necessary
to say a lie,
that, some times, there is laziness
in our hands.
Yes, I already know that you are tired
of listening
to the wind that, as it passes
by your window
tells you that I will come,
perhaps tomorrow, and you
take an eye corner glance
towards the street.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
Yes, I already know that time
is something that passes by,
that can't be stopped
neither by crying nor laughter,
that it is worth more the light
of a caress
than the slow hope
of some kisses.
Yes, I already know that you are tired
of waiting,
I already know that your cheeks
have bloomed.
I already know that you are loving me
I already know, woman, that you
are in love.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
You will be for me
Me, your love
Yes, yes, yes

Hey Hey, Brazil

Hey, hey
Who is there?
It's from Brazil
Hey, hey
It's from the land of blue skies
Hey, hey
We'll present
The biggest magazine, insist on knowing
If our show is popular
Hey, hey
Who is there?
It's from Brazil
Hey, hey
It's from the land of blue skies
Plantain, avocado, sweet lemon, tangerine
Hey, hey
We'll present
The biggest magazine, insist on knowing
If our show is popular
I want to samba, darling
For I'm also a daughter of God
The tambourine is up to you
And let the ornaments for me
I'll float with the palms on the beaches
I'll roll in the bars with booze
I want to have a blast
In this Brazil of skies and sea
I want to have a blast
In this Brazil, in this Brazil of skies and sea


Mastering time is such a wise virtue,
loving on time and letting go on time,
as the saying goes, give time some time...
after all, time feeds on love and pain
What of that love I loved with delay,
making a martyr of myself and for so long
that I never felt time passing
so acutely as that time
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted.
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Mastering time is such a wise virtue...


You too are a flower (Say it)
Delicate, sometimes hiding
I carry you in my heart, inside
Whether or not it has your name
And sometimes it's the reason (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
That in any moment I get bigger
I dedicate this song that I wrote with emotion (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
Whether or not it carries your name (Uh-uh-uh

Az Elit Csapat

Fehér ajkak, sápadt arc
Hópelyheket lélegez be
Égő tüdő, keserű íz
A fény eltűnt, a napok véget érnek
Küzdenek, hogy kifizessék a lakbért
Hosszú éjszakák, furcsa férfiak
És ők azt mondják
A lány az Elit Csapatba tartozik
Bent ragadt az álmodozásában
Így maradt 18 éves kora óta
De mostanában az arca úgy tűnik
Lassan süllyed, elsorvad
Elmorzsolódik, mint a péksütemények
És ők azt kiabálják
A legrosszabb dolgok az életben ingyen érkeznek hozzánk
Mert mi nem tudunk fölé kerekedni
És megőrülünk néhány grammért
És ő nem akar kimozdulni ma este
És egy csőben elrepül az Anyaföldre
Vagy szerelmet árul egy másik férfinak
Túl hideg van kint
Hogy angyalok repüljenek
Angyalok repüljenek
Elszakadt kesztyűk, esőkabát
Próbál úszni és a felszínen maradni
Száraz ház, nedves ruhák
Laza aprópénz, bank jegyek
Fáradt szemű, száraz torok
Utcalány, telefon nélkül
És ők azt mondják
A lány az Elit Csapatba tartozik
Bent ragadt az álmodozásában
Így maradt 18 éves kora óta
De mostanában az arca úgy tűnik
Lassan süllyed, elsorvad
Elmorzsolódik, mint a péksütemények
És ők azt kiabálják
A legrosszabb dolgok az életben ingyen érkeznek hozzánk
Mert mi nem tudunk fölé kerekedni
És megőrülünk néhány grammért
És ő nem akar kimozdulni ma este
És egy csőben elrepül az Anyaföldre
Vagy szerelmet árul egy másik férfinak
Túl hideg van kint
Hogy angyalok repüljenek
Angyalok repüljenek
Egy angyal meg fog halni
Fehérbe burkolva
Csukott szemmel
És egy jobb életet remélve
Ez alkalommal, mi elhalványulunk ma este
Egyenesen a vonal mentén
És ők azt mondják
A lány az Elit Csapatba tartozik
Bent ragadt az álmodozásában
Így maradt 18 éves kora óta
De mostanában az arca úgy tűnik
Lassan süllyed, elsorvad
Elmorzsolódik, mint a péksütemények
És ők azt kiabálják
A legrosszabb dolgok az életben ingyen érkeznek hozzánk
És egyikünk sem tud fölé kerekedni
Megőrülünk néhány grammért
És mi nem akar kimozdulni ma este
És egy csőben elrepül az Anyaföldre
Vagy szerelmet árul egy másik férfinak
Túl hideg van kint
Hogy angyalok repüljenek
Angyalok repüljenek
Repüljenek, repüljenek
Vagy angyalok haljanak meg

Childhood streets

A little toddler with a backpack on
Ready for his first day of school
It's an eternity ago now
I think of everything I have achieved
So much more I'm going to carry
I hid it away so no one sees it
I stood alone in other countries
Took steps to become a man
Learned that life flows out into the sand
But no matter where I go
My home will always exist
This is the place where I come from
I longed for home wherever I went
In my childhood streets, I always find the answers as to
Who I am (x4)
So many memories here in my streets
I think that one day I will be
Everything I hoped to become
So many doubts I have sown in
I felt how it shook my soul to the core
I went with my heart outside of my clothes
I lived a life full of adventures
I saw my dreams fly
Without answers what everything means
But no matter where I go
My home will always exist
This is the place where I come from
I longed for home wherever I went
In my childhood streets, I always find the answers as to
Who I am (x4)
This is the place where I belong
Where my whole heart finds peace
In my childhood streets, it's easy to see
Who I am (x4)

When we enter your golden gates

1. When we enter your golden gates,
Jerusalem, beloved and holy place,
/: The whole sky will be full of osanale,
To the glory of always loved and holy One. : /
2. Astonished at so much holy majesty,
Got rid of the clay that has molded us,
/: Forever and ever, we will sing only to You
And the blood that redeemed us. : /
3. With eyes in tears of holy joy,
Bathed in the desired ray of the Sun,
/: And never tired of Your gentle face,
We will sing to You forever, because You loved us./
4. On golden streets like clear glass,
With all the dear ones You loved,
/: We will eternely sing glory, only to You,
For the love You loved us with. : /
5. Jerusalem, you will hear the song,
The one that angels don't know and didn't sing,
/: On the day when it will be the celebration
For the people forever redeemed. : /
6. When the heart's sorrow will be blotted out,
And eternal happiness will be,
/: Our desired, sweet home,
Jerusalem, when will we see you? : /

Sir Galileo

In the summer sky, four hundred years ago
The stars and planets, intrigued
Were certainly wondering, looking down-here
Who could that nose-up man possibly be
Sir , curious scientist
Looked restlessly into the sky
In the world, with time, something changed:
The whole universe started to sing
The Earth rotates, rotating around the Sun
Mars doesn't want to wage war anymore1
Jupiter waves, with a rascally glance2
Venus, Mercury, Neptune, with Pluto

Millions of stars, with the most beautiful names
Uranus, Saturnus with all its rings
If you lose your way and don't know where to go
Just search the sky, Sir Galileo
Brilliant scientist, he used to look up there
With his monocular,3at the moon in the blue
I wouldn't quite know if it happened during those nights
But he fell in love with its light4
The sun at twilight, setting on the sea
Started to play with the red clouds
That's when he discovered
And that's why today everybody sings like this:
The Earth rotates, rotating around the Sun
Mars doesn't want to wage war anymore
Jupiter waves, with a rascally glance
Venus, Mercury, Neptune, with Pluto

Millions of stars, with the most beautiful names
Uranus, Saturnus with all its rings
If you lose your way and don't know where to go
Just search the sky, Sir Galileo
In the summer sky, four hundred years ago
Looking at the stars, intrigued
Modern science was rehearsing
And that year was 16096
The Earth rotates, rotating around the Sun
Mars doesn't want to wage war anymore
Jupiter waves, with a rascally glance
Venus, Mercury, Neptune, with Pluto

Millions of stars, with the most beautiful names
Uranus, Saturnus with all its rings
If you lose your way and don't know where to go
Just search in the sky the pole star
  • 1. Planet Mars borrows his name from the homonym .
  • 2. Probably refers to the : a massive storm which has been raging on the planet at least for 360 years, based on attested observations.
  • 3. For a long time, Galileo was regarded as 'the inventor of monocular'. Although the monocular wasn't a new invention, Galileo was among the first to improve it for astronomical purposes.
  • 4. Galileo long observed the moon, and his detailed illustrations of its irregular surface were among the first to circulate in the academic world of the time, which believed the moon to have a perfectly flat surface, like all astronomical bodies.
  • 5. In the years, Galileo became progressively blind due to having long observed the sun through a monocular without proper protection.
  • 6. In this year, Galileo pointed a monocular to the sky for the first time.

I want weapons and ammunition

I need weapons and ammunition because I’m going
I too hate the fascism and will fight it.
I’m an Albanian girl, a mountain girl
My strength and heart are same as a man’s.
I’m tough like a man, in combating
I fire the rifle and bombs same as him.
The uniform same as a man-combatant I'll put on
I’ll grab the rifle and ammo bandoleer.
Will have bandoleer bag full of bullets and bombs with me
I'll ambush enemy in every path of its way.

The rosebush has thorns

Versions: #1
With your love I was looking
for a love like I never had before,
like a toy that I wished for
since I was a little kid.
But it turns out that you're like everyone else,
to love you was a mistake.
Running away from my hands is
your rose, which is my delusion.
I was so far away from thinking
that you could be my punishment.
How much more will I weep?
Experience costs dearly.
I was so far away from thinking
that a love could hurt this much.
The rosebush has thorns,
and now my soul is crying.


I didn't let you know that sometimes I couldn't take it no more
I didn't fall before you
you didn't lose, I didn't win
I crossed my wishes off, I said I didn't have any wish
I put my everything not to go down next to you
I can't handle you, I am silent every night
you go higher and higher and I fall down
thought of you made me old, no youth left in me
keep living, I am the one who dies while standing
you were my mistake, you never saw my love
go, I can see the end of it where you reach without me
your ego will catch you some day, be careful you'll lose
I wish you wouldn't build your love house on water like me
where are you my dear?
I can't handle you, I am silent every night
you go higher and higher and I fall down
thought of you made me old, no youth left in me
keep living, I am the one who dies while standing


Versions: #2
E’en the crow is stilled
and listens to the loudness dance
of snow white stars.

90's Summer

We were at the slope in less than two,
We pretended we didn't know
We avoided the ambiguous looks,
We acted like we couldn't,
We drew around the area, avoided the roses,
Repelled the fauna, complicated things.
But, damn, my friend, I want more:
To dance this slow with you.
Remember the 90s
When we were in the yard every day, I was your king.
You've grown up and you're roughing me up
And sometimes you even curl up in my arms
But never never never again
Because I know, I'm the man you can't see.
And if the sun shines on the others,
I'll know I was the one who chased the roses.
Ah my love, you know it is my fault
I'm way too scared to break things off
We will just stick to our roles ...
(Just our roles, just our roles)
I know it's sad but I'm hypnotised
(hypnotised, hypnotised)
You decided the rules at the end of the game,
I was a teenager, in love.
Then the time passed in less than two:
Gone are the delicious years
But, damn, my friend, I want more:
To dance this slow with you.
Remember the 90s
When we were in the yard every day, you were my king
And if the sun shines on the others,
I'll know I was the one who chased the roses.
Ah my love, you know it is my fault
I'm way too scared to break things off
We'll just stick to our roles
(Just our roles, just our roles)
I know it's sad but I'm hypnotised
(When you come over, then I press)
Pause (pause)
And I'm alone every night (And I'm alone every night)
And I'm alone every night (And I'm alone every night)
And I'm alone every night, I stay in the dark
And I'm alone every night, I stay in the dark
And I'm alone every night, I stay in the dark
And I'm alone every night, I stay in the dark
(If the sun shines on the others)
(I'll know I was the one who chased the roses)
(Ah my love, you know it's my fault)
(I'm way too scared to break things off)
And if the sun shines on the others
I'll know I was the one who chased the roses
Ah my love, you know it is my fault
I'm way too scared to break things off
We'll just stick to our roles
(I'll be there forever, your shoulder)
I know it's sad but I'm hypnotised
When you come over, then I press pause.

Love (Chula alternative

(Not that, not that, not that)
(Not that, not that, not that)
Don't leave me alone
Stay with me
I turn around
It's like I'm at the comma*
Bring me back to earth
Find me some air
So that I can finally breathe your scent
So that I can finally desire with all my heart
So that I can finally breathe your scent
So that I can finally desire with all my heart
Repeat the same mistakes, that I can do
Behave like a vulgar guy, that I can do
But all of a sudden between us, I would like
For everything to be sweet
That the magic of love is real and that
You are the most beautiful on earth
To laugh like we're in a B list show
To dance to slow songs with you all summer
That the magic of love operates and that
You are the most beautiful on earth
(Not that, not that, not that)
(Not that, not that, not that)
Don't leave me alone
Dance with me
I will have your soul, for sure, I will have your voice
You hold my sheets
You hold my mouth
And if my heart is warm
You can touch me
We're gonna have to start all over again
Hurt you a little more so you can heal yourself
We're gonna have to start all over again
Hurt you a little more so you can heal yourself
Repeat the same mistakes, that I can do
Behave like a vulgar guy, that I can do
But all of a sudden between us, I would like
For everything to be sweet
That the magic of love is real and that
You are the most beautiful on earth
To laugh like we're in a B list show
To dance to slow songs with you all summer
That the magic of love is real and that
You are the most beautiful on earth
(Not that, not that, not that)
Don't leave me alone
Come home with me
I'm so sad tonight
And I'm so cold
Don't leave me alone
Come home with me
I'm so sad tonight
And i'm so cold
And I'm so cold
(And I'm so cold)
(And I'm so cold)
And I'm so cold
And I'm so cold
(And I'm so cold)
(That the magic of love is real and that)
(You are the most beautiful on earth)
(To laugh like we're in a B list show)
(To dance to slow songs with you all summer)
(That the magic of love is real and that)
(You are the most beautiful on earth)

Love Means (It Means)

What better than this, that I become a butterfly and fly around you
What better than this, that I made this heart crazy for you
If you're here, what pain do I have? (none)
What better than this, that my hands become the shawl around your neck
What better than this, that your love becomes the healer of your pain and sorrow
Becomes the healer of your pain and sorrow
Love means 'may your pain come to me and not you'
Love means your heart has become my home
Love means that however you are
I will still love you
Love means us together by the sea
Love means I only want you
Love means that with you, there is no sorrow
With you, all my pains end
I've become attached to your eyes
May you never be sad so long as I am here
My love, see that for you,
I've broken an entire world's heart (broke any other girl's heart that came to him)
Seeing you made me understand that love still exists
Cause I saw love in your eyes
You know that besides you,
I don't promise love/attachment
Love means 'may your pain come to me and not you'
Love means your heart has become my home
Love means that however you are
I will still love you
Love means us together by the sea
Love means I only want you
Love means that with you, there is no sorrow
With you, all my pains end


Know you that ballad of antique romance,
Daphne, the song that never dies away,
Beneath the sycamore or pallid bay,
Olive or myrtle, or the willows’ dance?
That temple of great columns do you heed,
The lemons that were bitter to your teeth,
The cave that greets the passer-by with death,
Where sleeps the conquered dragon’s ancient seed?
In time they shall return, the gods you mourn


Number Thirteen returns…and is yet number One,
And if not the one moment, the One all alone.
Are you Queen, you the first or the last of the line?
Are you King, you the lone or the last lover gone?
Love the one who has loved you from cradle to grave


At times he seemed a skylark, gaily singing,
A lover, now insouciant, now tender,
At times a dreamer like a sad Clitander,
Until one day he heard his doorbell ringing.
The visitor was Death He bade him wait
For one last sonnet, yet to be delivered.
And then he went and lay, dispassionate,
In the cold coffin, where his body shivered.
An idler – such was history’s reckoning –
He let his ink run dry, his pen fall dumb,
Wished for all knowledge, didn’t know one thing.
One winter night, tired of life’s tedium,
His time was up, his soul was on the wing.
He went, and said: ‘Why ever did I come?’

In the Luxembourg Gardens

She passed by, she was young,
Lithe as bird on the wing,
In her hand a bright flower,
On her lips a new song.
Could her heart, of all hearts,
Give my heart a response?
Could she lighten my dark
With the fire of her glance?
But no, my youth is finished...
Farewell, sweet ray that shone,
Girl, music, perfume, vanished:
Happiness, passing, gone!

Notre-Dame of Paris

Notre-Dame’s old. Who knows if, by and by,
She, who saw Paris born, shall see her die?
Ages shall pass. Time, as the wolf subdues
The ox, shall bring her heavy carcass down
With his dull tooth, shall twist her iron thews,
And gnaw her skeleton of ancient stone.
From every land on earth a throng shall stream
To view the dismal ruin, and shall dream,
Reading the fable that great Victor made:
They’ll see a vision of the hallowed pile,
Mighty and splendid in its antique style,
Rise up before them like a spectral shade!

They call me the panther

They call me, they call me, they call me
They call me the panther
They call me, they call me, they call me
Cause I'm fierce
Cause I always attack in love
They call me the panther, they call me the panther
And with a swat I pull hearts out
And with a jump I escape, there's no one like me
They call me, they call me, they call me
They call me the panther
They call me, they call me, they call me
Cause I'm fierce
I'm the best in this jungle
They call me the panther, they call me the panther
Nobody dares to argue
Cause I show my claws and they tremble of fright

She put a spell on me

To a woman, to a woman
They told me to see a woman
That woman, that woman
Told me everything I wanted to know
That your mom, that your mom
Put me something in the mate that she gives me
She wants me, she wants me
To decide when will I get married
She put a spell on me, she put a spell on me
With the mates, your mom put a spell on me
By steeping it, by steeping it
The spell ended in my belly
She put a spell on me, she put a spell on me
With the mates, your mom put a spell on me
And though your mom is a witch
Without broom nor owl... she put a spell on me
To a woman, to a woman
Finally I had to see a woman
If else, if else
She could defeat me with that spell
To that woman, to that woman
I owe her that I'm happy and single
She set me free, she set me free
Of the herbs that your mom put

Buy her a choripan

Buy her a choripan, buy her a choripan
the girl is hungry, buy her a choripan
Buy her a choripan, buy her a choripan
the girl is hungry, buy her a choripan
The girl is fainting of dancing cuarteto so much
Buy her a choripan, buy her a choripan
The girl is making eyes to the stand boy
Buy her a choripan, buy her a choripan
If you don't give her some vitamins
The girl can't walk, the girl can't walk
If you don't give her some vitamins
The girl can't walk and won't dance anymore

Dancing with the chubby

In the middle of the floor something weird was going on
Many people staring and clapping
I went closer slowly to see what was going on
To see what they were cheering
I noticed something big moving, moving
That she was making the dust fly
She looked like a storm, without stop turning
The people she pushed were falling
Chubby, chubby, chubby
What a lovely way of dancing
Chubby, chubby, chubby
The cuarteto wants to hire you
Chubby, chubby, chubby
Never stop, never stop dancing
Because you're now of the gang
Keep partying, everybody dance
Because you're now of the gang
Keep partying, you're sensational

Heal me

I'm sick, heal me please, my friend...
Give me a drink of baptismal water of life.
Warm up my soul in the palm of your hand,
The titmouse that got lost in the sky.
On the wings that were cut by the stars
The scarlet threads are tangled.
If it's not too late, heal my scars!
Or leave me alone on cold granite.
Calm waters will foam, when the day ends,
I will step right into the icy abyss.
I'm in pain! Heal me, my friend!
My back is scarred from my sins!
An invisible stork will fly above the land
Over wounded titmouse, fallen to the grave.
I did not know, my friend, that I would repent.
You forgive me, I don't know how to pray…