Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 47

Találatok száma: 1938



You go away and I don't know
If I'll forget
But who has actually never dreamed
Of losing their memory
But it won't be easy
I already know that
I will suffer
La, la, la...
The world dances a waltz
It turns more and more around
It will end when mankind changes
Now I couldn't possibly
Think of anything but you
As prisoner I will go down
To the center of hell
I will never fall in love again
And inside my heart
It will be winter
La, la, la...
The world dances a waltz
It turns more and more around
It will end when mankind changes
The world dances a waltz
It turns more and more around
It will change only if it returns
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

I am losing the true faith

I am losing the true faith -
It hurts me over our USSR:
Examine Nasser's decoration -
The decoration doesn't suit Nasser!
One may even swear from the platform in bad language,
Distribute presents obliquely all over the place,
Call Nasser our brother. -
But give him the Medal Gold Star of the Hero* - that's to squander!
Why is no gold in the country?
Gave it away, the bastards, gave it away!
It would have been better to have given it during the war, -
And Nassers would later forgive us.

Hey, treacherous woman

When one loves the way I loved you
One tries to close the wound that you opened
I've come to love you again and remember you
But now I can't forget you
Hey, treacherous woman, even if I die
Wherever I'll be, I'll pray for your soul
I've come to love you again and to remember you
But now I can't forget you
You are the joy that my life once was
I walk through the night and I find nothing
Hey, treacherous woman, even if I die
Wherever I'll be, I'll pray for your soul
Hey, treacherous woman, even if I die
Wherever I'll be, I'll pray for your soul
When one loves the way I loved you
One tries to close the wound that you opened
I've come to love you again and remember you
But now I can't forget you
Hey, treacherous woman, even if I die
Wherever I'll be, I'll pray for your soul
Hey, treacherous woman, even if I die
Wherever I'll be, I'll pray for your soul

Wishing Stone

I picture the whole history
Where is my love, where am I
What was our sin, we are over like this
My ego got lost, what happened to me
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone
A dreaming storm in my head
Whichever side I turn, it is on my face
All hope is stranger to me now
What I became looking for her/him
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone


When I close my eyes
I can feel even the warm breeze on that day
Guess I was feeling your breath
Passing by my nose
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
I can't even call you out
In front of the beautiful sunset
With the thought of you laughing on that day
I paint you even thicker
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
Because for me each and every past day is precious
As the time passes
Everything will blur little by little
Even the moment I was loving
Even my colored heart - all of it will get erased in the end

As if Yesterday have not Existed

On the other side of Vardar* after May rains
one street smells like lime tea.
For my thoughts here is the terminal stop
and for me there is a sign 'Do not cross!'
Light behind a window, apparently plain,
but for my soul like a lighthouse.
New steps in your small room
and new face in your mirror.
Everything reminds me of you wherever I go,
I need you to be reborn again,
I still swear in us and still remember
and you Forget
as if yesterday have never existed.
If another hand different than yours touches me,
it will plant wormwood in my heart.
I am looking back, but I cannot understand
why my dreams were too narrow for you?
Light behind a window, apparently plain,
but for my soul like a lighthouse.
New steps in your small room
and new face in your mirror.
Everything reminds me of you wherever I go,
I need you to be reborn again,
I still swear in us and still remember
and you Forget
as if yesterday have never existed.

Funeral Song

We put ourselves
on the line
If there are no winners
when you lose [someone], you lose [the game]
Life surprises you
One leaves, another stays
I guess something's always wrong
because there are demons dancing in my head
Some die young, some pass away when they're old
Some never get to experience love
Because they're too scared of having to bury it
And when I do it, I'll wear a wreath on my head
I'll always miss you
When you're gone, there's nothing left here
After you've called someone 'dear' once, there's no going back
And when I get lost in the dark, you'll go even deeper
My wounds are yours, and your pain's mine
Which is why I don't understand why you want to jump away
Some die young, some pass away when they're old
Some never get to experience love
Because they're too scared of having to bury it
And when I do it, I'll wear a wreath on my head
Some die young, some pass away when they're old
Some never get to experience love
Because they're too scared of having to bury it
And when I do it, I'll wear a wreath on my head
I'll always miss you
When you're gone, there's nothing left here
I'll always miss you
When you're gone, there's nothing left here

Waiting for airplanes

My eyes saw you sad
Looking to the infinite
Trying to hear the sound of your own scream
And the crazy one still in me
Just wanted to take you to the party
You loved me so in such an afflicted way
That I wish I could tell without words
I wish I could sing you without songs
Your blood running inside my vein
Your smell living inside my lungs
Each day I spend without your presence
I am prisioner serving sentence
I am an old diary lost in the sand
Waiting for you to read me
I am an empty runway waiting for airplanes
My eyes saw you sad
Looking to the infinite
Trying to hear the sound of your own scream
And the crazy one still in me
Just wanted to take you to the party
You loved me so in such an afflicted way
That I wish I could tell without words
I wish I could sing you without songs
Your blood running inside my vein
Your smell living inside my lungs
Each day I spend without your presence
I am prisioner serving sentence
I am an old diary lost in the sand
Waiting for you to read me
I am an empty runway waiting for airplanes
I am the lament in the the mermaid´s song
Waiting for the shipwreck from the boats


Versions: #2
We glow in the dark
But you have yet to recognise us
We were sent down from heaven
We might be your relatives
We've come from the stars
To be very close to you
We want to get to know you
You are not alone
We are everywhere
In the park and in boardrooms
We are everywhere
In tower blocks1 and in basement garages
We are everywhere
We're looking for your smile
Because it will tell us so much about you
It makes you look so pretty
Just as pretty as your planet
The space centre is sending us down here
To let you in on our plan:
The cosmos is sending signals
You are not alone
We are everywhere
In taxis and in banks
We are everywhere
In department stores and in productions halls
We are everywhere
The space centre is sending us down here
To let you in on our plan:
The cosmos is sending signals
You are not alone
We are everywhere
In the town hall and in kindergartens
We are everywhere
In the zoo and on business cards
We are everywhere
In cinemas and on school trips
We are everywhere
We are everywhere
On the radio and in your room
We are everywhere
Believe in us, for we are always
  • 1. I sometimes switch between singular and plural forms since in German, singular nouns are often used in a 'collective sense'. Overall, since I don't think it does any harm to the meaning, I always opted for the version that in my opinion sounds best in English.


Versions: #3
It's true
Believe me, it happened
One night, on a bridge
staring at the cloudy water
with a damned desire
to take a leap off
When suddenly
someone over my shoulders
maybe an angel
dressed as a passerby
told me down with this:
But how can you not realize
how much this world can be so
Even your pain
will soon abate
Look around you
the gifts you were given:
they created the sea for you!
You say you don't have anything
Does the sun seem nothing to you?
The affection of a woman
whose eyes are just for you
A morning's first light
A friend's embrace
A child's face
When the night was over
I was still feeling
The life's taste

Örök szerelem

Élmény figyelni járásod
Csodálni, mozgásod
Angyal szólal meg belöled
A szavak dallamként szállnak el tőled.
El nem tudtam soha képzelni
mit tesz a szerelem ott belül
Lelkem benned, megbújik, elmerül.
Istenien érzem magam veled
Élvezem, ahogyan bánsz velem,
A nap minden percét veled akarom tölteni,a jelent és a végtelenséget veled kitölteni.
Szerelmünk örök,
Oly tiszta,oly mennyei
Szerelmünk örök,
Szerelmünk örökké fog tartani.
Csukott szemmel meg tudnálak festeni
Orcád minden egyes rezdülését ismerem
De megtiltódtál, még a kezdetén
Mindent amit addig követtem. .
A nap minden percét csak veled
Akarom tölteni,
Most és örökkön-örökké.
Szerelmünk örök,
Oly tiszta,oly mennyei
Szerelmünk örök,
Szerelmünk örökké fog tartani.
Ha valaha, ha egyszer netán
Kétségeid lennének
Kérlek, soha, de soha,
Ne habozz megmondani
hogyan kellene feloldani!
Szerelmünk örök,
Oly tiszta,oly mennyei
Szerelmünk örök,
Szerelmünk örökké fog tartani.
Szerelmünk örök,
Oly tiszta,oly mennyei
Szerelmünk örök,
Szerelmünk örökké fog tartani.
Szerelmünk örök,
Szerelmünk örök,

It will be tomorrow

I don't know why
But I feel like a day is coming
Bringing a love to my life, I know it well
And I will love
As I've dreamed many times
And that dream will come true, I know it well
It will be tomorrow,
And after tomorrow,
Monday, or Tuesday,
It will be any day
In any moment
They will come to touch me
The doors to my heart
And I'll forget
The pain with which I've suffered
And that I cried
And that I lived
And yesterday
In solitude
All my dreams will come true
And my wishful thoughts
And I'll forget
The pain with which I've suffered
And that I cried
And that I lived
And yesterday
In solitude
It will be tomorrow,
And after tomorrow,
Monday, or Tuesday,
It will be any day
In any moment
They will come to touch me
The doors to my heart
I don't know why
But I feel like a day is coming
Bringing a love to my life, I know it well
And I will love
As I've dreamed many times
And that dream will come true, I know it well
It will be tomorrow,
And after tomorrow,
Monday, or Tuesday,
It will be any day
In any moment
They will come to touch me
The doors to my heart
And I'll forget
The pain with which I've suffered
And that I cried
And that I lived
And yesterday
In solitude

This song (Wonderful)

This song is life that passes
In a day of magical essence
It is the outlet of a man who is trying to scream
A buzzing of sane incoherence
A photograph of me
That I want to look at now
An idea like any other fixed in time
A liar that cannot lie
This song is the road in [my etc.] feet
The search for a little bit of clarity
A living hand, an ajar door
A shoe that causes tenderness
It is a dog that barks
Out there
A bed unmade by too much talking
That bursts out like noises
Like life that passes
Like a memory of a few years ago
Like the story of the most beautiful love
I wrote it just for you
This song is a a broken toy
Left in the wrong place
It is a deep breath that comes consciously
Just because I walked
It is a stomachache
With which I live
My eyes are fixed on a present point
Losing sight of the finish line
Like life that passes
Like a memory of a few years ago
Like the story of the most beautiful love
I wrote it just for you
I wrote it just for you...
I wrote it just for you...
Like the story of the most beautiful love
I wrote it just for you
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


I hope I could erase you

Versions: #5
I hope I could erase you from my dreams
and I could undo you
I hope I could only drown you in a puddle
filled with roses and love
I hope I could only forget even your name
I would drown it in the sea
I also hope your summer smile,
I could erase
Come back, sweetheart
Come back to my side
Come back, sweetheart
But you won't come back, you won't come back, no.
I hope I could forever erase you from my life,
so that I wouldn't see you,
I hope I could erase you at night during the day,
so that I wouldn't see you,
I hope I could rid you from my dreams, my life
so that I wouldn't see you,
no, not even in dreams
How can I erase your kisses from my life,
They're tattooed on my skin,
I want to once and for all, rid myself of you
and erase you from my own being,
I hope the rain would drown me in its arms,
so that I wouldn't think of you,
or let a miracle or something happen,
that would lead me back to you.
Come back, sweetheart,
Come back to my side,
But no no no no you won't come back my heart
you won't come back, you won't come back no.
I hope I could forever erase you from my life,
so that I wouldn't see you,
I hope I could erase you at night during the day,
so that I wouldn't see you,
I hope I could rid you from my dreams, my life
and so that your rain won't fall on me anymore,
and If only the rain would drown me in its arms,
so that I wouldn't see you again, no
not even in dreams,
so that the rain won't fall on me.
Dreams, dreams oh oh dreams

Lil' Touch

Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala
Quickly Lalalalala
Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala Quickly
Give me a lil' touch
I just want to kiss you boy
I give you a warning
If you'll just continue to play games,
I will be 'it' for you right away
Now is the moment, my boy
Don't hesitate
Slowly follow me.
Now you can't escape from me
Won’t you give it up give it up
to me baby give it up
It's your last chance
Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala
Quickly Lalalalala
Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala Quickly
Give me a lil' touch
The heat evolves slowly, as if it'll explode
3 2 1 off, you can't catch me
I won't be caught so easily
L O V E, nah, show me what's real
This is the beginning, my boy
Don't rush
Starting now, it's real.
Won't you come closer to me?
Starting now, my boy
Don't let me off
Follow me closely.
You can't escape me now
Won’t you give it up give it up
to me baby give it up
It's your last chance
Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala
Quickly Lalalalala
Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala Quickly
Give me a lil' touch
Secretly burrowing in you like a deep darkness, like a deep darkness
Secretly burrowing in you like a deep darkness, like a deep darkness
Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala
Quickly Lalalalala
Didn't you know your heart wanted me?
Hurry up to me, quickly Lalalalala Quickly
Give me a lil' touch
Give me a lil' touch

My land, Veracruz

Versions: #2
In my land, Veracruz,
I just want to drink coffee,
a little of cane sugar
to start to move my feet.
With the banana tree
With its green-brown skin,
I'm very very in love.
I just want to see you again.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to love you.
In my land, Veracruz,
I just want to hug the sea,
I want to see the night from a hammock,
in the morning I just want to sing,
I want to bury my legs in the field,
I just to dance in the sand,
I want to deliver my dreams to a boat,
and I want to laze around in my house.
To see you again.
To see you again.
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again.
To see you again.
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to love you.
There's not a day that I don't think about you.
This distance makes me miss you.
There's not a day that I don't think about you.
I paint my melodies with your landscapes,
with your lemon-green landscapes,
and a guava-pink I use for love,
a dragon fruit flower-yellowish-red,
blue from your gulf and passion-red.
To see you again.
To see you again.
I want to love you.
To see you again.
To see you again.
Coffee and bread (x4)
In my land, Veracruz,
I just want to drink coffee,
a little of cane sugar
to start to move my feet.
With the banana tree
With its green-brown skin,
I'm very very in love.
I just want to see you again.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to love you.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz,
I want to love you.

I won't say I'm in love

After all I've been through
I'll tell you one thing
No man is worth it
I won't make the same mistake again
Whom will you trick?
You're in love now
Whom will you fool?
It's time for the truth
Even if you hide it
We'll still know what you're thinking
I won't say it, no I won't say it
You hurt and cry but hide it
I'll resist, I won't say I'm in love
My heart, you've gone mad
I know well what you're saying
Be yourself and don't scare me
unless you want to cry bitter tears
Your heart and mind want different things
Who shot these love arrows at you?
Show who you are
Tell the truth for once
I won't say it, no I won't say it
Love is a mad suffereing
I'll never say I love him
You've locked it away like an amulet
It's not him, it's a lie
It's not him, I don't want him
He's a secret, your heart's god
He's sweet, my heart's god


Grown up among those buildings right there
Now I'm downtown in a black car
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
[Verse 1]
I have fifteen thousand in my bag
Maybe I shouldn't say it in a song
I always have a friend who escorts me
And another one who is coming over
And the phone rings just one time
Yeah, we're already ready, bro time is money
My time is precious, I'm not giving it to you
Your girl's hot, yeah, because you're paying her
I look at your friends: suckers
I hear your songs: they suck
We come from packs to the park
Now I'm travelling around in a private taxi
Vroom Vroom
Uber, yeah, I go everywhere
This one talks, I ignore him
I'm the first one, no wonder
I'm the last in
But in a matte black vehicle
Uuh, when I was little and a BMW passed by
Uuh, I was thinking:'I want a black one and a blue one'
Uuh, I was thinking:' it sucks hanging around by bus'
Uuh, but now I call Uber, vroom
Grown up among those buildings right there, there
Now I'm downtown in a black car
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
Grown up among those buildings right there, there
Now I'm downtown in a black car
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
[Verse 2]
I weight 2 kilos in the kitchen, ehi
You know that it's not Barilla, ehi
You know that it's not gurney, ehi
You know I only smoke weed, ehi
You know I only drink Evian, ehi
It's four bucks per bottle, ehi
You're just a lil junkie, ehi
You drink from the water fountain, ehi
French brands, I look like a model
I spank her when she acts naughty
I end up on Novella
Seventh hotel floor
We're smoking inside the suite, ehi
We're smoking the entire Netherlands
We'e drinking the entire Swiss, ehi
Uuh, when I was little and a BMW passed by
Uuh, I was thinking:'I want a black one and a blue one'
Uuh, I was thinking:' it sucks hanging around by bus'
Uuh, but now I call Uber, vroom
Grown up among those buildings right there, there
Now I'm downtown in a black car
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
Grown up among those buildings right there, there
Now I'm downtown in a black car
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber
Uber, Uber, Uber, Uber

Heath fragment

One day, the thread that I tied
will melt away
Even if I gather the pieces together,
the real world will still see it as a fake
Not yet,
Not yet
I can still breathe and laugh
Not yet
Not yet
This world has broken down and there is sound
Everything disappeared right before me once again,
erased by the sand storms
I am just staring into
fragments of memories
I swam into my eyes
Lying and hiding again
Even if I try and pretend to not see it,
the real world is genuine
Not yet,
Not yet
I am lying to my heart
Not yet
Not yet
This world has broken down and there is sound
Everything disappeared right before me once again
In a terribly withered world alone,
I merely stare at
fragments of memories
I love you.
You love me, too, right?
I do understand but
Not yet
Not yet
Not yet
I have realized that
as time moves on,
this scar inside my heart cannot be healed
As tomorrow comes,
it will repeat again and again
and I will never be able to go back
But, once again, the world has stopped
The two of us will create a world
that was once erased by sand storms
And in that world,
I will find myself


Money Gang
Money Gang, Gang
Money Gang, Gang
Money Gang, I have your girlfriend in my DM's (skrt, skrt, skrt)
I eat M&M's, my hair is dyed like Eminem's
Fendi Belt and a pile tall like a Big Mac (pam, pam, pam, brr)
Big Bang, I get into the club and I big flex (flex)
[Verse 1]
Cheese, flash, take a picture with this bad bitch (bad bitch)
Business, pay me then I'll head to the exit
X-Men, I have super powers, I have super fees
Lists, on which you show up but then you can't get it (nono, no)
Mister, I do one, it looks like they're four (ehi)
On a supercar sat on the side I'm distracted
I'm a superstar, you're a comet, nothing (poof)
Like a boomerang, you come back, I overtook you (ehi)
This model wants Xanax
Plus she sounds dumb by the way she talks (ehi)
Throat a bit dry, there ain't no water here, no (no, no, no)
She tells me:' I can't feel my face anymore'
Money Gang, I have your girlfriend in my DM's (skrt, skrt, skrt)
I eat M&M's, my hair is dyed like Eminem's
Fendi Belt and a pile tall like a Big Mac (pam, pam, pam, brr)
Big Bang, I get into the club and I big flex (flex)
[Verse 2]
Look at my life with a click
Ten thousand, ten jeans
We set off with the populars
But we're popular yeah like in the movies
She looks at me tells me 'Crazy'
I like spending the night with foreign girls
She gets me even if I don't speak English well
No, sorry, did you tell me you're the boss, bro, did I hear that right?
Mmh, it feels a little like we're all a bit the bosses of nothing
A bit like it comes out, yeah, a bit like it comes out
She tried everything, yeah, she tried one dick
Looking at you, you must've tried dick
After XDVR everyone kinda knows
Italy is in the world, I stay in the space (ehi)
They're looking at me like that pair of shoes
Inside that shop that they go crazy for (Nike)
That pair of shoes that they won't buy (ever)
Not even for Christmas or for their birthday
Money Gang, I have your girlfriend in my DM's (skrt, skrt, skrt)
I eat M&M's, my hair is dyed like Eminem's
Fendi Belt and a pile tall like a Big Mac (pam, pam, pam, brr)
Big Bang, I get into the club and I big flex (flex)

Peace & Love

[Verse 1:Sfera Ebbasta]
Mama, you need to stay calm
If I smoke a few joints
And if I'm sill awake when the others go to sleep
No, I don't like the white one
A black pussy and a yellow one
I leave home, I have a shoe different from the other one
I change my girl like how I change flow
She wants to enter in the back at the show
She wants all the squad in the back
Yeah she wants to dance, with the hula hoop
Weird tricks with the lollipop
Give me your number and baby I'll call you back
When I see the paparazzi I do a backflip
My naked girl watches Netflix
Inside Backwoods all the Sherwood
No sheriff, you won't catch me, nah
Everyone's mad at me
I love you anyway
You can even call her toilette
But you always hang out with a shitter
If I smoke I become Superman, Superman
I have a girl who rools it up for me, up for me
[Chorus: Ghali and Sfera Ebbasta]
I go home doing the moonwalk
Uh-ooh, uh-ooh
Everyone loves me, I could hitchhike
Uh-ooh, uh-ooh
I always have my eyes closed like in Tokyo
And I'm always on my phone like a robot
Your new record is an autogol
I'm hugging who hates me, peace and love
[Verse 2: Ghali]
How much do you want?
Five pairs
I'm a top boy
Always in the air
The flow trrr, strafes you
Just don't say ouch, then
On the rooftop of Himalaya
Dragon, I breathe fire
I have a million inside a dump
What a trip, bon vojage
She likes my dreadlocks
How many rappers in my Death Note
I should do some detox
But I take a hit and go to McDo'
How bad is it to have everything
In your eyes zero hunger
I extinguish rappers like the Ioan
I can tell a bro from a foul
Hey, don't be like that, I love you
Where I live the taxi doesn't arrive anymore
My house, baby, is a ghetto show room
I'll give you my heart with a Q
[Chorus: Sfera Ebbasta and Ghali]
I go home doing the moonwalk
Uh-ooh, uh-ooh
Everyone loves me, I could hitchhike
Uh-ooh, uh-ooh
I always have my eyes closed like in Tokyo
And I'm always on my phone like a robot
Your new record is an autogol
I'm hugging who hates me, peace and love

20 necklaces

These ones say:'Go strong' (ehi)
Ehi, so buckle up (ehi)
Ehi, I'm scared of death (ehi)
Ehi, yeah, but of life too
Ehi, yah (yah)
My Nikes are always new
Ehi, (skrt) even when it's raining outside
Ehi, (skrt) I put on twenty necklaces, huh
Ehi, (yah) just to get everyone to hate me, huh
Ehi, ya (yah)
Everyone listens to me like the weath-er
In every block, in every stere-o
You ask me how I'm doing, I answer 'Good bro' (ehi)
This month two hundred on my account bro (ehi)
Huh, they talk about me on the news (uh-ah)
Look at how I shine, I look like a spaceship (uh-ah)
I open the doors to everyone because I own the key (uh, cash)
Bring your slut like a keychain (hahahaha)
You take her home but you don't bang her
You feel like you're the best, but you don't get by
My bros with money hidden in paintings
They bring home money for their mothers (ya yah)
Yeah all these haters (huh, ehi, uh)
They spy on my Instagram story (huh, ehi, uh)
I buy some new clothes (huh, ehi, uh)
With your recording money (huh, ehi, uh)
Everyone likes Sfera ebbasta (ehi)
Like McDonalds (yah)
Like money, models (ehi) and good weed (yah)
Like Cristiano Ronaldo (ehi) or Maradona (yah)
Like saying that in Italy nothing works (huh), (yah) nothing works (uh!)

In Secrecy

Versions: #2
(You know, excuse the audacity but
its that I've liked you for a long time,
yes, I know you're not free, but we could
be discrete, see each other from time to time
in secrecy)
I promise you discretion in the presence of others
I'm capable of acting indifferent
if they mention you to me, Ohhh yes...
I promise not to stain your shirt
Not to ask you for more love if you're in a hurry
I'd understand you... But love me
Even if it's from time to time
Even if it's in secrecy
But love me
Even if it's in secrecy
Even if it's from time to time
But love me
(I promise to not leave any trace,
any evidence that I was there,
I promise not to be demanding, I promise to be
patient and wait until you return to me)
With patience I'd wait until your return
Just tell me I'd have of prize a kiss,
and you'll love me
if you'll love me
Even if it's from time to time
Even if it's in secrecy
But love me
Even if it's in secrecy
Even if it's from time to time but love me
But love me
(I know I'm daring by offering you a relationship
in secrecy, but I like you so much that I'll settle
for seeing you from time to time)
Even if it's in secrecy
Even if it's from time to time but love me
But love me
Even if it's from time to time
Even if it's in secrecy
But love me

New Chapter

Sunny day missing you so badly
One desire, the image awakens
One look, one smile, gone with the wind
I keep dreaming with a new chapter
Trying to see you in the stars
Looking for the time, the moment to have
I walk up and down and turn the TV on
Where are you?
I need to tell you
I love you
All this passion of ours is hard to forget
Where are you?
I need to tell you
That everything is different
in our case, in our case...

The land of the Latvians stands open

The land of the Latvians stands open
Like a blood vessel, severed
Blood flows out, power flows out
The land of the Latvians stands open
The land of the Latvians stands open
Winds wander in, out
They tear out seeds, they tear out roots
The land of the Latvians stands open
Nailed to the crossroads
Draughted by the crosswinds
Nailed to the crossroads
Draughted by the crosswinds
A small child at the crossroads
Sand fliws like time through his fingers
It is our freedom
It is our freedom
It is our life
It is our life
In the crossroads a small child plays
The land of the Latvians stands open
In the crossroads a small child plays
The land of the Latvians stands open

Az lesz, hogy nem szeretsz engem

Nem tudom, hogy mi történik
Hogy minden fejre állt
Hogy te már nem csókolsz
Úgy mint tegnap
Ahogy tegnap este a parton
Nem hagytad nekem hogy szeresselek
Valami köztünk nincs jól
Ne hibáztasd az éjszakát
Ne hibáztasd a partot
Ne hibáztasd az esőt
Az lesz, hogy nem szeretsz engem
Ne hibáztasd az éjszakát
Ne hibáztasd a partot
Ne hibáztasd az esőt
Az lesz, hogy nem szeretsz engem
Ne keress több indokot
Nem érzem a simogatasod
Már nem vagy ugyanaz
Akit én szeretek
Látlak téged de olyan távol
Érzem hogy olyan más vagyok
Szóval benned van
Egy másik nő
Ne hibáztasd az éjszakát
Ne hibáztasd a partot
Ne hibáztasd az esőt
Az lesz, hogy nem szeretsz engem
Ne ne ne ne
Ne hibáztasd a partot
Ne hibáztasd az esőt
Az lesz, hogy nem szeretsz engem
Már nem tudom, Már nem tudom,
Már nem tudom, hogy mi történik
Már nem tudom, Már nem tudom,
Már nem tudom, hogy mit csinálok
Már nem tudom, Már nem tudom,
Már nem tudom, hogy mi történik
Már nem tudom, Már nem tudom,
Már nem tudom, hogy mit csinálok
Ne hibáztasd a partot
Ne hibáztasd az esőt
Az lesz, hogy nem szeretsz engem
Ne ne ne ne
Ne hibáztasd a partot
Ne hibáztasd az esőt
Az lesz, hogy nem szeretsz engem


Hey Rvssian
trapping like Pablo, huh (skrrt skrrt)
bring your boo to the table, huh (skrrt skrrt)
you know me I'm the devil, huh (skrrt skrrt)
no, I won't speak with you, no (skrrt skrrt)
[Verse 1]
money comes out, Houdini, uh (yah)
they think we're stupid, uh (yah yah)
no, of course I'm not on Instagram, uh (ehi)
yes, I'm adding some numbers, uh (ehi ehi), huh
multiplications, bros lift like elevators
forty kilograms on the sling, sorry outrigger
ten reps, noise in the repeaters
ma-ra-dona, yah, Rolex day-tona, yah
Rolex two tones, yah, relax on the zone, yah
one, two, three, four
call the contact (brr)
five, six, seven, eight
he's already down here (plug)
one, two, three, four
call the contact (brr)
five, six, seven, eight (plug)
trapping like Pablo, Pablo (brr)
bring your boo to the table (huh), table (huh)
you know me I'm the devil (uh), the devil (uh)
no, I won't speak with you (yah yah), won't speak (yah x4)
and she wants a real Gringo*,a drug dealer (pam pam)
this joint is too fat, looks like a taco (brr)
but I'm smoking it
on my comfy sofa
[Verse 2]
and no, no, no
you know, that I won't talk with them no, no
don't be a fake friend
you're jealous about my things (hey hey)
yes, a lot of people want me dead
who knows how long will I live (yah), I don't know (yah)
maybe one hundred more years (yah), maybe not (yah yah yah)
all the money of the world, the Jackpot (bling)
in flight above a jetpack, James Bond
I feel like Pablo Escobar*
I saw your boo, escort (uh)
trapping like Pablo, Pablo (brr)
bring your boo to the table (huh), table (huh)
you know me I'm the devil (uh), the devil (uh)
no, I won't speak with you (yah yah), won't speak (yah x4)
and she wants a real Gringo*,a drug dealer (pam pam)
this joint is too fat, looks like a taco (brr)
but I'm smoking it
on my comfy sofa

They say you have a new guy

Good, you get it, good
no worries, I thought
we would watch that American film
but you already made plans
aha, good, good, that's cool
They say you have a new guy
I haven't seen him
but I know he's not bad
you always knew how to pick them
you always searched for an upgrade
They say you have a new guy
who after school picks you up in his car
and who looks down on us other guys
who also love you
they say, they say
You'll go with him to Jahorina
there it's happy and healthy, what could be better?
but I'll stay here in this dirty city
catching drops of rain in my mouth
They say you have a new guy
who perfectly fits
with your new bag
but when the bag goes out of style
will the same thing happen to him
that happened to me?
They say you have a new guy
who speaks articulately and smells fine
but what he doesn't know is that in your life
he's just a ladder, just another step you'll walk over
they say, they say

Beauty and the Beast

Look, there is a beast who will soon fall asleep
Every time that you, beautiful as you are, smile at it
A small change, one would say little
Fear and friendship, the beast with the beauty
This is life
It's always the same
Always strange and new
Always as before
Always more certain than the sunrise
That melody, another harmony
True magic will totally change all that you know
Like the sun that rises above
It will take you away with song
Beyond lifetimes

Light of July

When winter ends, even the tired shadows return home to rest
Take off my thirst, cheer up my heart, for summer won’t be long in passing
Light of July, you’re a woman, fires and flames to be extinguished
Light of July, the sun behind us, it isn’t time to harvest now
From the glacier, drops of fresh water are falling, and the earth delays to drink them
My lips are dry, be gentle, baby, I don’t want to wake up anymore
Light of July, you’re a woman, fires and flames to be extinguished
Light of July, the sun behind us, it isn’t time to harvest now
Light of July, light of a summer, hands sliding, as fresh as a river
You’ll be beautiful, baby, on this day
Light of July, you’re a woman, fires and flames to be extinguished
Light of July, not many words, it isn’t time to speak now
Light of July, you’re a woman, fires and flames to be extinguished
Light of July, the sun behind us, it isn’t time to harvest now [x2]


When I see you, I feel a sense of familiarity
After a moment of thinking, I approached you
Besides us, everything else has vanished
Please trust this moment to me
Match my tempo babe
We need to decide
Can I call U baby or not
Actually, the question is
Can I stay with U even 1’o clock
There’s a lot I can say to ask you to go outside
But I just wanna go home and watch a movie with you
I could love U Babe how about U Babe
Let’s do something, it’s a bit awkward
If you think I’m too fast, then hold me back
I’m using the time between the wipers on this rainy day
Our hearts are settling wetly into each other
Your eyes, my eyes, when our eyes meet
It’s like we’re dreaming
We don’t need to rush
I won’t secretly run far away
The night is only getting deeper
We can’ stop
We don’t need to be close
Tell me from there, tell me something
(The night is only getting deeper)
You can just feel me like this
Like soap bubbles melting away
The inside of my head is scattering
With the distance between us
I’m just daydreaming
Say something
So I can feel it right now babe
I’m where you are
Please be ma cheerleader
when you come home tomorrow
I’m gonna be watching Cooking King Biryong
When you erase your makeup, it’s dark
I’ll pretend not to see
But actually, you know you’re pretty without it too
I could love U Babe how about U Babe
Let’s do something, it’s a bit awkward
I wanna stay for a while
When we drink coffee, let’s grind the beans
When we meet, I feel it, you’re the best
Our hearts are settling wetly into each other
Your eyes, my eyes, when our eyes meet
It’s like we’re dreaming
We don’t need to rush
I won’t secretly run far away
The night is only getting deeper
We can’ stop
We don’t need to be close
Tell me from there, tell me something
(The night is only getting deeper)
You can just feel me like this
Lady (Love me)
Lovely (Kiss me)
Bring me (Hug me)
Feel me (Hold me)
Call me (ah)
Build me (ah)
Build me up Baby
Lady (Love me)
Lovely (Kiss me)
Bring me (Hug me)
Feel me (Hold me)
Call me
Build me
Build me up baby

Wings of the Heart

I let you go, I left, and erased
everything so I wouldn't remember.
I hurt, broke down, and cried
but only now I am not afraid.
I've given my heart wings
I lose myself in the air
and I go only where I like
I'm not turning back a second time
now in my travels
you don't have a seat anymore.
I collected my things and put
my dreams in my car.
I looked back and weeped
but now I know I'll be fine.
I've given my heart wings
I lose myself in the air
and I go only where I like
I'm not turning back a second time
now in my travels
you don't have a seat anymore.