Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 12

Találatok száma: 692


As you can see

Versions: #1
Hi, how are you?
As you can see, I'm here
I went back to our place
Well, you're already up
You were worried
But I took the keys
I was not very far away
And I knew very well
That I would come back
There you go, it's done
Hi, how are you
As you can see, I'm here
I did laps around the house
I smoked a lot
I wet my cheeks
I touched the ground
I shot up every rock in the neighborhood
And I went back home
Hi, how are you
As you can see, I'm here
Well, don't be angry
I made coffee
I picked up croissants
Downstairs, while passing by
I did my little runabout
A stupid little thing
I did not do it
to make you sad
Hi, how are you
As you can see, I'm here
I did laps around the house
I smoked a lot
I wet my cheeks
I touched the ground
I shot up every rock in the neighborhood
And I went back home
I did laps around the house
I smoked a lot
I wet my cheeks
I touched the ground
I shot up every rock in the neighborhood
But I was warm in your jacket.
Hi, how are you
As you can see, I'm here
Yes my phone
Was here
I do not like when it rings
I did not answer
I was not angry
But I was all alone
I was all alone
Come on, it's okay
I'm here.
I did laps around the house
I smoked a lot
I wet my cheeks
I touched the ground
I shot up every rock in the neighborhood
And I went back home
I did laps around the house
I smoked a lot
I wet my cheeks
I touched the ground
I shot up every rock in the neighborhood
But I was warm in your jacket.
'Never again'
But what did you think?
That I was not going to return
That I was going to leave
That I was going to like it
A better one next door
Well no, don't you worry
There's nobody better than you
There's nobody better than you.
I did laps around the house
I smoked a lot
I wet my cheeks
I touched the ground
I shot up every rock in the neighborhood
And I went back home
I did laps around the house
I smoked a lot
I wet my cheeks
I touched the ground
I shot up every rock in the neighborhood
But I was warm in your jacket.

I Cannot Take Jokes Anymore

I sat at the table stubbornly
All eyes are on me
Years passed by at this house
Today we're living the end together
The walls are coming at me, to my messy order
I'm living in an inoffensive state
Years passed by in this city
My last night is about an alley
I woke up for you to not ask for me
I couldn't catch up but again she's always right
Oh, it's neither time nor a place for a complaint
Tomorrow couldn't get better, this is the cherry on top
I can't get used to the noise of crowd or something but
It's also hard for me to be seen alone
It's a drama for someone and a comedy to another
I grow at the slope of the cliff
I can't talk anymore, I took myself under protection
The time that flies without living it can't take jokes
Don't, run away and leave the memories at the door of a memory but
Your mistake would ruin you without you get caught in a trap
Its essence is mine, not yours
The lost effort is not pleasant
The reader of a subject as busy as your mind makes a comment,
diverges from there to there with a rush
I cannot take jokes anymore
I couldn't make ends meet
Is there any other, any other lie?
I can't stand anyone

Bimm, bamm, te

Nem tudom szavakba önteni
Mégis, sikítani szeretnék
Egy néma akrobata
Gombóccal a torkában
És csak nő, nő, nő
Amíg a kicsi szívem meg nem őrül
És így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Így szól: 'psss' és úgy, hogy 'vrumm'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Forog velem a világ
Így szól: 'pszt', aztán meg 'blabla'
Így szól: 'valami ilyesmi'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hahaha'
A szívem, és én nem értem
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm', odabent
'Bimm, bamm', odabent
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hogy mi?
Szeretlek, azt hiszem, erről van szó'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm', odabent
'Bimm, bamm', odabent
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hogy mi?
Szeretlek, azt hiszem, erről van szó'
És így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Akárhogy igyekszem, semmi sem csusszan
Ki a zárt ajkaimon
De beismerem, bevallom
Felrobbanok idebent!
És csak nő, nő, nő
Amíg a kicsi szívem meg nem őrül
És így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Így szól: 'psss' és úgy, hogy 'vrumm'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Forog velem a világ
Így szól: 'pszt', aztán meg 'blabla'
Így szól: 'valami ilyesmi'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hahaha'
A szívem, és én nem értem
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm', odabent
'Bimm, bamm', odabent
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hogy mi?
Szeretlek, azt hiszem, erről van szó'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm', odabent
'Bimm, bamm', odabent
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hogy mi?
Szeretlek, azt hiszem, erről van szó'
Bátorságra volna szükségem
Hogy a szemedbe tudjak nézni
De viselkedik bárki bölcsen,
Ha éppen szerelmes?
És így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Így szól: 'psss' és úgy, hogy 'vrumm'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, bumm'
Forog velem a világ
Így szól: 'pszt', aztán meg 'blabla'
Így szól: 'valami ilyesmi'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hahaha'
A szívem, és én nem értem
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm', odabent
'Bimm, bamm', odabent
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hogy mi?
Szeretlek, azt hiszem, erről van szó'
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm', odabent
'Bimm, bamm', odabent
Így szól: 'bimm, bamm, hogy mi?
Szeretlek, azt hiszem, erről van szó'

André's Lady

André does not know the lady
Whom he takes by the hand today.
Does she have a heart for the future,
And for the evening, does she have a soul?
Returning from a country ball
She was leaving in a white dress
Searching the ground for the ring
An engagement by chance?
Was she afraid, when night came,
Watched by the shadows of yesterday,
In her garden, while winter
Arrived by the main avenue?
He loved her for her spirit,
For her sunny disposition.
Will she fade into the blank pages
Of his album of happier times?

Nagyon jó év volt

Amikor tizenhét éves voltam
Nagyon jó évet toltam
Nagyon jó év volt a kisvárosi lányok számára
Az enyhe nyári éjszakák
Fényözöne elől elbújtunk
A zöld fűbe lapultunk
Tizenhét évesek voltunk
Huszonegy éves koromban
Nagyon jó év volt
Nagyon jó év volt a városi lányok számára
Akik az emeleten laktak
Illatos hajzuhataggal
Loboncukat kócoltam
Amikor huszonegy éves voltam
Harmincöt éves koromban
Nagyon jó év volt
Nagyon jó év volt a kékvérű lányok számára
Független pénzügyekkel
Limuzinnal, önérzettel
Saját sofőrjeik vezettek jobban
Mikor én harmincöt éves voltam
De most már rövidek a napok
Én is éveim őszében vagyok
Egy jó évjáratú bornak gondolom az életemet
Ódon dongák közé érdemeset
Első csepptől az utolsóig nemeset
Édesen és tisztán elfolyót
Nagyon jó évjárat volt...

The one that hurt me so bad

She's not a curvy girl
Like the ones you see on TV,
Like the ones you see in the photos,
On newsstands.
When she walks on the sidewalk,
Men don't stop to look at her,
The one who hurt me so bad, so bad,
So bad, so bad, so bad, so bad.
My friends ask me, every time,
'What do you think of that girl over there?'
They don't understand that I've been hurting,
Ever since she left me.
Sure, she's not the prettiest girl,
That I've had in my life,
The one who hurt me so bad, so bad,
So bad, so bad, so bad, so bad.
I gotta say, she gave me
Her belly for many years
Oh, how far away from her belly I am
How far away from my life.
I don't think she suspected, by leaving,
That she would take as much away from me as she did,
The one who hurt me so bad, so bad,
So bad, so bad, so bad, so bad.
We can forget everything,
But we can't forget the girls we loved.
However, I loved her.
She didn't want me all the time.
Our love story is over,
Just like so many other love stories,
The one who hurt me so bad, so bad,
So bad, so bad, so bad, so bad.

On the seat of the fearful one

Here where it's always dark
Here where the roads are always icy
It's easy to live a damn good life
But live it in only in one's own head
Here where they taught to a child that if you don't
You can't make a spectacle of yourself
On their own and the boys cannot
Wear a pink shirt
Here where it's always dark
Here where the roads are always icy
I know what it feels like when the heart is torn
Dreams stayed [as dreams] from the weight of the dreams
Watching how the scenery change but year after year
One sits on the on the seat of the fearful one
World's happiest country
And [brightly] lit highways
Only few learn to get lost
And dreams of angels
Here where a child was taught so that you can't
Make a scene
And big thoughts must be kept
Hidden in a closet
World's happiest country
And [brightly] lit highways
I know what it feels like when the heart is torn
Dreams stayed [as dreams] from the weight of the dreams
Watching how the scenery change but year after year
One sits on the on the seat of the fearful one
On the seat of the fearful one
He comes to the intersection
Steps outside to the [bitter] cold
Heart beats when he
Finally has the courage
To get the rays of the sun
To make his eyes shine
To leave smiling
From the seat of the fearful one
I know what it feels like when the heart is torn
Dreams stayed [as dreams] from the weight of the dreams
Watching how the scenery change but year after year
One sits on the on the seat of the fearful one
On the seat of the fearful one
On the seat of the fearful one

Hey, the Sich is marching on (pretty poppies are blooming)

Hey, the Sich is marching on,
Pretty poppies are blooming,
Some frown upon our cause –
But for us it's holy!
Hey, the Sich is marching on,
Our axes chime,
Some like to stay in the dark,
We prefer daylight!
Hey, the Sich is marching on
Buzzing like a bee,
Allied in arms, allied at heart –
So we'll be just fine!
Hey, the Sich is marching on
And the horseshoes clank,
Our home bends to our will,
And never – to intruders!

The First Kiss and the Last

The first kiss is not left behind,
nor can the last ever be forgotten.
The first one means 'forever'
and the last one means 'never again'.
At the first kiss, hearts pound,
mouths vow 'my love, my love'.
But then there are no words
to say that love goes away.
Bur I don't feel I really loved you.
What do I care if you go away?
The memory of you, the first kiss,
forever will stay with me.
The first kiss is not left behind,
nor can the last ever be forgotten.
The first one means 'forever'
and the last one means 'never again'.
The first one means 'forever'
and the last one means 'never again'—
means 'never again'—
means 'never again'—
means 'never again'—


It's not like we were born yesterday, Capataz
it's not like we were born yesterday,
it's not like we are held captive
inside the star of this nice modernity.
It's not like we were born to die here.
If you try to open the window, Capataz,
and you look out with your eyes,
there are so lots of people who don't count
yet they do count and they are already counting themselves.
They are just waiting for a sign, Capataz.
When the weather changes, this old sign
when the weather changes, it will come.
When the wind rises, this old boat1,
when the wind rises, it will sail away.
It's not like we were born yesterday, Capataz.
If you try to get into my head, Capataz,
and you look out with my eyes,
there are lots of people, lots of hearts,
lots of colours instead of all that gray, a lot of news.
There's a different type of future, Capataz.
When the weather changes, this old sign
when the weather changes, it will come.
When the wind rises, this old boat,
when the wind rises, it will sail away.
There's a different type of future, Capataz.
  • 1. literally: 'this old wood'

The Borbóns Are Crooks

To rap is not a crime
The weak go to prison, the poorest ones, isn't that so?
Patriots hiding riches in Geneva1
Here go Sofía and Leonor2, commoners to the other side of the rope
I cannot imagine anything that would fit the monarchy better than a condom
To tell who they are and what they do is a crime
Look at the case of Valtònyc3, I'm just stating facts
The poor speak out and go to prison, the rich laugh
Freedom of expression, shout it loudly
The sudden slap of that one living in Torrejón
Has turned the facade and the Borbón4 crown red
Shame on you for allowing falsehood into the laws
And for striking down the truth with the punishment of confinement
It's simple: we disobey because we believe that change is possible
They would want us all in a line for a clear shot
To resist like a child on the streets of Syria would
Insomnia when the reality pinches you
We need scratches, we need graffiti
We need people who would never bend over
We need the will to jump over the potholes
I don't dream of Versace, but of roadblocks
The legitimate State to the heir of Franco5
On your terms and in your game, the bank is always the winner
Proletarian support for the neighbourhoods of Madrid
Granddaughters of guerrillas in the Civil War6
The poor go to prison, not princess Cristina7
But half of the country wants her on the guillotine
The King doesn't even speak properly 'Why don't you shut up?'8
But a scoundrel like that won't shut my mouth
For the lost war of our grandmothers
For the poetry that's still sleeping in the gutter
We'll take the streets Black Block style9
We'll occupy Marivent Palace 10 with a Kalashnikov. Fire!
They laugh at their impunity from a chalet in Switzerland
Imagine drunkenly saying 'The people chose me'
With his posh lover, he recalls hunting elephants
While hunger is rising and there's no justice hunting him
We need love for the oppressed
We need a lot of hate for those who committed genocide
We need action against harmful companies
And militant posters on avenues as well
This situation really worries me
Despised are those who always kept the Royal House going
Anti-establishmentarianism is a system which condemns a singer
And defends a killer of elephants
If rapping is a crime, boy, don't click on play
You're being blindfolded, even the King will rob you here
Very soon, and if the law continues like this,
There'll be more rappers in Spanish prisons than in the US
Because we live beat up
Because they barely let us complain
About the oppression because of frases with symbolic weapons
To end up behind bars is not symbolic
The blood that flows is red, royalty is a lie. Royalty is a lie!
This is for freedom of expression
For all those rappers
That are converting their anger into a song
We won't shut up, won't shut up, won't shut up, won't shut up, won't shut up
For La Insurgencia11, for Valtònyc, for Pablo Hasél12
  • 1. Referencing offshore funds in Swiss banks.
  • 2. Daughters of King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia.
  • 3. Spanish rapper, sentenced to three and a half years in jail after being convicted of slander, Lèse-majesté, and glorifying terrorism in his lyrics:
  • 4. The Spanish royal family.
  • 5. Spanish dictator who ruled over Spain from 1939 to 1975:
  • 6. The civil war in Spain fought from 1936 to 1939, the Nationalists defeated the Republicans and Spain becomes a dictatorship for 36 years:
  • 7. Daughter of the Spanish King Juan Carlos I (King Emeritus) and Queen Sofía.
  • 8. A phrase that was uttered by King Juan Carlos I of Spain to Venezuelan President Hugo, it gained quite the cult status: Chávez:
  • 9. A tactic used by protesters who wear black clothing and other protective or face-concealing items.
  • 10. A modern palace in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. It is als also the summer residence of the Spanish royal family.
  • 11. A group of Spanish rappers, twelve of them were prosecuted for incitement to terrorismy and convicted to two years of prison and a 4800 euro fine.
  • 12. Spanish rapper prosecuted and convicted for incitement to terrorism, death threats, slander against the Spanish monarchy and much more:


The wind whispered its story in my ear
It found me this morning when I awoke
And in the shadow I saw your face
But it was only a mirage
Hours waiting for you on the dock
A wave came to tell me about
Its sorrows, with a big sigh
How it has been tormented
Here like elsewhere
I still think about you
Here like elsewhere
Time can go right on by
Nothing will ever be able to replace you
The Earth came alive beneath our kisses
Its liberty was born from this hope
And in the shadow I saw your face
But it was only a mirage
Here like elsewhere
I still think about you
Here like elsewhere
We are so good together
Here like elsewhere
I still think about you
Here like elsewhere
Time can go right on by
Nothing will ever be able to replace you
Asleep, I saw everything without seeing you
Asleep, a hole in my memory
Asleep, asleep
But you still live
You still cry out
Here like elsewhere
I still think about you
Here like elsewhere
We are so good together
Here like elsewhere
I still think about you
Here like elsewhere
We are so good together
Here like elsewhere
I still think about you
Here like elsewhere
Time can go right on by
Nothing will ever be able to replace you

If I were

If I were fire, I'd burn
if I were soil, I'd cover,
If I were the sun, I'd heat up
If I were you, I'd look out
If I were a game, I'd lose,
If I were a place, I'd live in it
If I were air, I'd blow
If I were a mistake
(Francesca Michielin)
And if I were the moon, I'd shine
and if I were the road, I'd run
and if I were a sound
and if I were
If I were ink, I'd be the grey on your sketch
on that page that won't ever go away from the notebook
It would be cold if I were the winter sea
Eternally happy I would probably be
but if I were you, let me tell you,
I would't keep the secrets you keep with me
If I were a language, you'd speak it
maybe just by gestures, when you make jokes
If I were like those who don't need to look,
If I were a nightmare I'd wake you up,
but if I were different, would it be the same for you?
(Francesca Michielin & Mecna)
And if I were the moon, I'd shine
and if I were the road, I'd run
and if I were the sound (if I were the sound, if I were a way, if I were you)
And if I were (If I were the quiet, the quiet, if it were the dawn)
And if I were a feather (if I were a feather), I'd fly (I'd fly)
And if I were the dusk (if I were the dusk), I'd wake up (I'd wake up)
And if I were a sound (if I were a sound, if I were a way, if I were you)
And if I were (if I were the quiet, if I were the quiet, if it were the dawn, if I were me)
(Francesca Michielin)
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah

I think about you unintentionally

Versions: #1
Today I woke up and I already lost count.
Did you leave a moment ago or has it already been a thousand years
that you don't live here?
With cobwebs in each corner
of this lonely and sad room.
Is it possible that I have to clean
every memory I have of you?
Your fingerprints on my skin
can still be seen.
Your name, that I don't know how to erase.
Forgive me, understand me,
if I think about you again.
You weren't the one that left, of course not,
it was me, it was me who didn't know how to keep you.
It wasn't you who said 'no'.
And I think about you unintentionally.
Today I woke up and I already lost count
of how much I gave to you, or when did it happen
in our story,
that I lost you.
I still imagine, again,
that anytime soon you will come back.
Is it possible that I have to forget you?
Let's see what I can do,
if I can still see you,
if I can still smell you,
if I can still feel your beating in my head.
Forgive me, understand me
if I think about you again.
You weren't the one that left, of course not,
it was me, it was me who didn't know how to keep you.
Forgive me, understand me
I was wondering
who I was before you.
I don't know, I think I started to live only
after I met you.
Forgive me, understand me
if I think about you again.
You weren't the one that left, of course not,
it was me, it was me who didn't know how to keep you.
Forgive me, understand me.
I think about you unintentionally.

I Found You

We were so free and fell in love
We got out and left all behind
I'm not afraid of losing anymore
This is it, let's dream
Loving you and not having you
Not chasing you and finding you
Losing myself in this dream, how do I start now
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
Let's join your life and mine
And present us with a brand new day
Let's join
Silence dissapeared, lighting up your laughter
It's like a light playing in the middle of us
You're close to me today, I feel your glance
This is it, together forever
Loving you and not having you
Not chasing you and finding you
Losing myself in this dream, how do I start now
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
Let's join your life and mine
And present us with a brand new day
I'm yours and you're not mine
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
(I'm yours and you're not mine)
Let's join your life and mine
And present us with a brand new day
(You're not mine)
Let's join
Uuuh uuuh

To be sung on the water

Amid the shimmer of the mirroring waves
the rocking boat glides, swan-like,
on gently shimmering waves of joy.
The soul, too, glides like a boat.
For from the sky the setting sun
dances upon the waves around the boat.
Above the tree-tops of the western grove
the red glow beckons kindly to us

I was listening to Sweet Baby James

It was long ago in December, I still can remember
The carefully arranged mess in the back of your room
The snow outside that we watched as it fell
And especially our hearts swirling round madly
Of the two of us, it was you who felt it most
You turned up the radio one or two times
It suited me fine, I admit, I didn't like silence
All at once the song came on really strong
You said something softly but I wasn't listening any more
I was lost in a faraway place
I was listening to 'Sweet Baby James'
After a long kiss, you said: 'Do you love me'
I lied, I wasn't about to say
That I was listening to 'Sweet Baby James'
I remember my fingers drumming out the tempo
After a bunch of chords that gave me fever
I should have only been thinking about your lips
Or about your burning gaze or the sweetness of your skin
I never said those words that you dreamed of hearing
I'll always remember your long dark hair
How long that hallway was when I left your room
That snowy looking glass in the December cold
That strange voice that changed history
I was lost in a faraway place
I was listening to 'Sweet Baby James'
I should have come back, at least made it clear
That I never wanted to hurt you...
Instead I listened to 'Sweet Baby James'

The old man and the child

Versions: #1
An old man and a child, in each other hands,
set off together towards the dawn.
Red dust was rising further away
and the sun was shining with an outlandish light.
The immense expanse seemed to stretch
as far as the looking eye can fetch
and there was to be found nobody around
only the bleak outline of towers of smoke.
The two were walking, the day was waning,
the old man was talking and crying but softly,
with absent soul, with eyes full of tears
was following memories of bygone careers.
Old people endure the ravages of time,
unable to separate real and dreams
Old people don’t separate into their minds lies and truth in their own dreams.
And the old man stared, off into the distance,
and said: 'Imagine this covered in wheat,
imagine the fruits, imagine the flowers
and picture in your mind the voices and the colours.
And in this prairie till its very end
trees were growing and everything was green,
rain fell down, and suns marked out
the rhythm of men and of the seasons.'
The child stood silent, a sad look in his eyes
stupefied at things by nobody seen
and then he said, with a dreamy voice:
'I like fairy tales … tell me some more!'

Computer Music

In the past, life is hard
Playing music ain't so easy
Nowadays it's getting luxurious
Instruments has been changed
Press this button
Computer music
Listen to this sound
Computer music
I want to get a guitar in the past
But I'm laboriously poor
Now that I'm rich
Get a computer, throw the guitar away
I'm pressing this button
Computer music
Listen to this sound
Computer music
The music of computers has taken over the world
From New York to the 3rd Junction
I used to play a violin
They hear and made fun of me
When I try the computer
They couldn't believe their ears
Press this button
Computer music
Listen to this sound
Computer music
The music of computers has taken over the world
From New York to Petaling Jaya
The music of computers has taken over the world
From New York to the 3rd Junction
This is the era of convinience
There's lots of changes around
We're experiencing the change
Don't you miss it
Press this button
Computer music
Listen to this sound
Computer music
I'm pressing this button

Post Mortem

Eben Post war bleich wie ein Geist
Aber seine Augen war'n schwarz und kalt
Ohne Mitleid und Liebe ganz eiskalt
Denn Eben Post war alt
Zweihundert Jahre er schon Schrecken einjagte
Und beim Todesstoß stets sagte
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Auf dem Berg riefen drei Männer aus
Wir machen dir den Garaus
Als Eben Post einfach lachte
Böse kicherte und dachte
Zweihundert Männer haben's schon versucht
Und hier stehe ich immer noch!
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Aus dem Himmel kam ein tödlicher Schrei
Und ein Schatten flog herbei
Und Zerschmetterte sie
Und hob Eben auf und trug ihn immer höher
Und er jubelte ob der sterbenden Drei
Und lachte über jeden Schrei
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Der alte Eben lachte über die Sterbenden am Boden
Lachte immer wieder
Bis er merkte
Dass der Vogel in die Tiefe stieß
Und schrie laut als er ihn fallen ließ
Auf den steinernen Grund
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Der Tod ist finster
Die Hölle ist tief
Und Satan sorgt für die Seinen
Und Satan holt sich die Seinen


I've devoted a lot of time, energy and love
In that thing, in that thing...
That doesn't have enough value,
I hope you choke with your crystal necklace,
I hope that she trips with her heels while walking.
If there are so many fish in the sea
Why do I always catch
The one who won't let me swim
Or one that many others hang on to.
Maybe she's pretty.
If you like fake smiles
Flirtatious impressions,
Perfect legs while walking
It's obvious that I feel a warm affection towards you
Even though you steal my heart
And you split it into two and eat and devour it
And you literally said that
I don't care if you don't feel the same way I do,
No longer, I no longer like you if you avoid me or don't invite me
If you don't yell my name when thinking about love
If there are so many fish in the sea
Why do I always catch
The one who won't let me swim
Or one that many others hang on to.
Maybe she's pretty.
If you like fake smiles
Flirtatious impressions,
Perfect legs while walking
Remember me as the one with a bad temper, remember me,
Remember me as the bitter witch
That was screeching and not flirting when there was a need and
If there are so many fish in the sea
Why do I always catch
The one who won't let me swim
Or one that many others hang on to.
Maybe she's pretty.
If you like fake smiles
Flirtatious impressions,
Perfect legs while walking

The wolves

I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I won't go to the shore of the river
I won't go if my lover isn't there
I won't go to the shore of the river
I won't go if my lover isn't there
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
The white ones are leaving, along the river
The white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay
The white ones are leaving, along the river
The white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (I won't go to the shore of the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (I won't go if my lover isn't there)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (I won't go to the shore of the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (I won't go if my lover isn't there)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (the white ones are leaving, along the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (the white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (the white ones are leaving, along the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (the white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay)


Joy, it's an autumn morning,
Joy, and the leaves are already falling.
Joy, you've amazed me already:
Joy, you already take your bottle by yourself
Like one holds a saxophone.
Vanilla scent,
Sparkling love,
She's undressing me
With her shining eyes.
Vanilla scent,
In my family
No one's more sweet
Than this little girl.
Joy, you're already singing,
Joy, your voice captivates me,
Joy, when you're whirling around,
Joy, my heart shivers,
(But) with a kiss, you're forgiven.
Oh, Joy…!
Joy, I love (you) like a grown up person already,
Joy, like a stork
Which gives you the gift of life.

If You Love Me

Versions: #1
Today I understand the value of having you here with me, isn't it1?
When I've lost everything, and she's won in advance, yeah
I can't blame you, yes I screwed around, yeah
When you've given me all you had, and I was giving it to someone else, hey
Now she's taken my place
I watch you move on with your life, I'll have to live with it
I looked right through you, I even forgot all about you
The wheel has turned, turned, wham in my face
Yes with you I was cruel
I find myself with my regrets all alone face to face with myself
In all this the evil is me, it's myself
If you love me, 'ouh-ouh'
I'd like you to come back to me, ouh-ouh
I didn't want us to lose each other, ouh-ouh
It's you and me without her and that's all, yeah
If you love me, ouh-ouh
I'd like you to come back to me, ouh-ouh
I didn't want us to lose each other, ouh-ouh
Don't tell me that it's too late and forget everything, forget everything, yeah
Karma played its role
We know what we lose, but never what we find
Since then I spend my days on IG
The two of you it looks stable I could even give you a 'like'
And when I imagine the two of you, I feel hatred
Look me in the eye and tell me to my face that you love her
I'm sure that it's just a band-aid
That deep down you don't think so
You've done all this out of pride
But I'm lying to myself
I can clearly see that you're happy, and that you've found everything in her
Love, passion
All that I wasn't giving you
Gentleness, attention
We reap what we sow
She's made you forget me, it wasn't complicated for her
Today I find it hard to admit that I'm losing you
If you love me, ouh-ouh
I'd like you to come back to me, ouh-ouh
I didn't want us to lose each other, ouh-ouh
It's you and me without her and that's all, yeah
If you love me, ouh-ouh
I'd like you to come back to me, ouh-ouh
I didn't want us to lose each other, ouh-ouh
Don't tell me that it's too late and forget everything, forget everything, yeah
Follow me I run away from you, run away from me I follow you, oh
Follow me I run away from you, run away from me I follow you, oh
Follow me I run away from you, run away from me I follow you, oh
Follow me I run away from you, run away from me I follow you, I follow you, oh
If you love me, ouh-ouh
I'd like you to come back to me, ouh-ouh
I didn't want us to lose each other, ouh-ouh
It's you and me without her and that's all, yeah
If you love me, ouh-ouh
I'd like you to come back to me, ouh-ouh
I didn't want us to lose each other, ouh-ouh
Don't tell me that it's too late and forget everything, forget everything, yeah
Forget everything, forget everything, eh
Forget everything, forget everything, baby
Forget everything, forget everything, eh
Hey, yeah.
Hey, hey
He-he-hey, hey
Hey, yeah
Hey, yeah
  • 1. French lyrics sound to me like 'eh' (which could be translated as 'isn't it?'), not 'yeah.'

Throw Me to the Bottom of the Sea

I let you stay for the last time, friend
I can sleep with you again tonight
Very close to your movements, heartbeats and breaths
I would like to be able to tell you so much of the truth, no
Take me far from here
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
To come to an end
Since I met you
I can't forget you
Nor forgive
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
When I pretend to stop thinking about you for a moment
They come back, your eyes reach me, shy and black
I feel you, wound that hurts, since so long ago
I would like to be able to tell you so much of the truth, no
Take me far from here
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
To come to an end
Since I met you
I can't forget you
Nor forgive
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
Take me far from here (far, far)
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
To come to an end (come to an end)
Since I met you
I can't forget you (I can't forget you)
Nor forgive
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
(Throw me to the bottom of the sea)

Spread the Word

I was told, little one, the world is black or white
There are those who are and those who pretend
You won't always get what you expect
This is life, this is how it is
I was told, little one, 'snap out of it' 1
All these illusions are just passing through
You will remember it when you are our age
But I..
I know our dreams are
Solid as concrete
Right or wrong
Spread the word
I know there are many
To know what we want
We won't look down
Spread the word
I was told, you know the world is not waiting for you
You don't have the weapons to fight your fight
Join the ranks of those who walk straight
That's life, that's how it is
I was told, you know, you won't change things
Don't waste your time defending your cause
You think you know it all when you guess
But I..
I know our dreams are
Solid as concrete
Right or wrong
Spread the word
I know there are many
To know what we want
We won't look down
Spread the word
Why fade away
And let (go of) our voices
Our dreams are
All we have
You tell them our dreams are
Solid as concrete
Right or wrong
Spread the word
Tell them that there are many
To know what we want
We won't look down
Spread the word
Tell them our dreams are
Solid as concrete
Right or wrong
Spread the word
I know there are many
To know what we want
We won't look down
Spread the word
Spread the word
  • 1. lit: get off your cloud

Mondd azt, hogy ez nem igy van

Mondd azt, hogy ez nem így van,
Mondd azt, hogy ez nem így van,
Mondd azt, hogy ez nem igaz. (2x)
Eljössz-e velem ma este a kedvenc éttermünkbe,
Asztal két főre,
Megrendeltem, már tudnak róla,
És majd iszunk, amíg a nap felkel,
És elfeledjük
Milyen igazságtalan a sors.
Mondd azt, hogy ez nem így van,
Mondd azt, hogy ez nem így van,
Mondd azt, hogy ez nem igaz. (2x)
Menjünk hát, itt a kabát,
Most már későre jár,
Gyere csak,
Átölellek, már nem engedlek el,
És majd mondok egy viccet, s nevetve kicsordul a könnyed,
És elfeledjük,
Hogyan néznek az utcán minket.
És megjátsszuk, hogy ez nem így van,
Hogy ez nem így van,
Hogy ez nem igaz.
És úgy teszünk, mintha csak tovább élne ő,
Mintha csak tovább élne ő,
Akkor is, ha nem így van.


Ez egy kisváros, itt ébredtem fel
Egy azon helyek közül, ahonnan egész életemben menekültem volna
Ne ítélj el
Ha a szörnyekkel küzdesz,
Vigyázz, nehogy eggyé válj közülük,
Vigyázz, nehogy eggyé válj közülük
Megfontolt vagyok
Világos, hogy már túl késő
Eleget éltem már ahhoz, hogy csapdába eshessem
Ez nem jó így
Ha a szörnyekkel küzdesz
Vigyázz, nehogy eggyé válj közülük
Vigyázz, nehogy eggyé válj közülük
Egy jobb jövőt kívánok magunknak együtt
Egy országbanm, ahol nem szennyezi vér a földet
Kevesebb bűnözést és gyűlöletet kívánok
Nem tudom, kik az én népem
Nem tudom, kik az én népem
Most itt vagyok
Ugyanabban a csónakban
Már kijutottam,
De visszahúznak
Képtelen vagyok oldalt választani
Ha a rossz emberekkel keveredsz,
Felfalnak a disznók,
Felfalnak a disznók
Egy jobb jövőt kívánok magunknak együtt
Egy országbanm, ahol nem szennyezi vér a földet
Kevesebb bűnözést és gyűlöletet kívánok
Nem tudom, kik az én népem
Nem tudom, kik az én népem
Nem tudom, kik az én népem
Nem tudom, kik az én népem

I Wish

It's a small town where I wake up
One from wich I always wanted to escape
Don't judge me
If you fight against the monsters
Beware not to become one of them
Beware not to become one of them
I'm conscious
It's clearly too late
I've lived enough to step in a trap
It's no advantage
If you belive that the monsters are real
Beware not to become one of them
Beware not to become one of them
I wish for a better future for us toghether
In a country without blood on the ground
I wish for less crime and less hate
I don't know who my people are
I don't know who my people are
Here I am now
In the same boat
I'm out
But they pull me in again
I can't choose side
If you mix with the bad crowd
Then the pigs will swallow you
Then the pigs will swallow you
I wish for a better future for us toghether
In a country without blood on the ground
I wish for less crime and less hate
I don't know who my people are
I don't know who my people are
I don't know who my people are
I don't know who my people are


Versions: #1
Let's leave in this unusual world
The noise of mechanical excavators
Which build what?
Let's silence the melancholics
With our own rhythmic and our joy
And which everyone starts to sing
And let everyone get carried away
Close to each other, tight
Close to each other, entwined
{Close to each other}
Let the orchestras begin to play
That our memory starts to dream
And let our thoughts travel
Let go of our bodies and float
{Close to each other}
We're too weak to kill each other
We're too alone to hate each other
We're not so well to add more
We're too nothing to tear each other apart
{Each other}
Lay our guns at our feet
Let us send our armies home
Let's throw down our shields
Let's snap our fingers, beat time with foot
{One two three four}
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet music
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet music
Hmmm ...


[Verse 1].
With our nose glued to the screen, we can no longer see the big picture.
It is in people's eyes that we become giants.
We let time flow in quicksand
Without seeing, of course, the most important
But nothing is lost for all that
All together we are better when the sun rises
All together we are better to dream
All together we are to embrace the truth
All together we are better to walk
La la la...
[Verse 2]
You can freeze time and shorten the distance.
Doing it while singing, it takes all its meaning
The one that brings to life, the smile of a child
Which reminds us so much of the most important
And this is where it all starts
All together we are better when the sun rises
All together we are better to dream
All together we are to embrace the truth
All together we are better to walk
La la la...
All together we are better when the sun rises
All together we are better to dream
All together we are better the truth rises up
All together we're better to move forward
All together we are better when the sun rises
All together we are better to dream
All together we are to embrace the truth
All together we are better to walk
La la la...

Yet you love me.

It's true that me, I am a girl
and you are a boy
and that is why we don't see anything
the same way.
Yes, I know that it's true.
Me, I always dream of finding myself
alone with you,
and you, you want to co conquer,
to be acquainted with everybody at once.
Yet you love me,
and I can't live without you.
It's true that me, I am a girl
and you are a boy
and you and I have never
the same reactions.
Yes, I know that it's true.
You look at a girl
and you find her very pretty
so that I, already, I tremble,
I have the impression that you forget me.
Yet you love me,
and I can't live without you
It's true that me, I am a girl
and you are a boy
and quite often
I find it hard to see why
but I know that it's true.
I spend all my time
waiting and thinking of you
while you work
or go out with others than me,
yet you love me
and I can't live without you.
Yet you love me
and I can't live without you.
Oh yes, you love me
and I can't live without you.
Yet you love me
and I can't live without you.