Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 692



Good vibe
And sensuality
Good vibe
And sensuality
Why look far
Why look far
What we have in vain
Tried to get back
Why look far
Why look far
What we have in vain
Tried to get back


The street is black
Milan is beautiful
You’re leaving
Ever more alone
You’ll see
This truth
The street is black
Milan is beautiful
You’re leaving
Ever more alone
You’ll see
This truth
Milan is beautiful
The street is black
The street is black
Milan is beautiful
You’re leaving
Ever more alone
You’ll see
This truth

Dear shadow, whom I love

Dear shadow, whom I love,
ah, why oh why
do you hasten to your rest
and leave me here behind?
You will enjoy the peace
in blissful places
there is neither wrath
nor sorrow

Quantum Leap

I don't have to fade away
I don't have to turn off the light
I don't wanna get up
I don't have to turn off the light
I won't make a mistake
I don't have to turn off the light
They can't make me fade
I don't have to turn off the light-i-it
Don't you see I'm here?
Glowing in the dark
Nothing will ever stop me
(Quantum leap)
Spiralling up
How far can I go?
Nothing will ever stop me
Will ever stop me
I don't have to forget about me
I don't have to turn off the light
I don't wanna get used to it
I don't have to turn off the light
I won't get obsessed
I don't have to turn off the light
They can't make me fade
I don't have to turn off the light
Don't you see I'm here?
Glowing in the dark
Nothing will ever stop me
(Quantum leap)
Spiralling up
How far can I go?
Nothing will ever stop me

Loving One Another Is Useless

For how long haven't you slept?
If ever resting were an option
For how long have you looked?
For how long haven't you been the prosecution?
Why do you resist and never speak
As if silence were a destination
It's not always Sunday evening
Not always there's, by necessity, a reason
Our place on the sea
Is still there
Where they never end
Where dreams never go sick
Maybe breathing is useful for us
And loving one another is useless
If the game is wanting each other well
I know our way of walking
If you slowed down, I'd make you fall
For how long haven't you moved
The center of convictions
Of decisions?
Your battle doesn't end tonight
And not tomorrow
Maybe you'll later call
Our embrace in our sleep
Is still there
Where they never end
Where dreams never go sick
Maybe breathing is useful for us
And loving one another is useless
If the game is wanting each other well
I know our way of walking
If you slowed down, I'd make you fall
For how long haven't you slept?
You really allowed yourself to make mistakes
Intelligence in the service of excuses
Now let's let it be

I'm going from the North Pole to the South Pole

What I do for love
Only you know
You write me letters, thousand lines in love
And I'm longing and I want to rush to you
No way is too far for me
No river is too wide for me
No mountain is too high, I come at any time
I'm going from the North Pole to the South Pole
For a kiss, for a kiss
I'm going from the North Pole to the South Pole
For a kiss from you!
Even if we often have who knows how many miles separates us
My longing will always burn like today
When no plane flies me
When no train stops driving me
Then I'll run, you're worth the walk
I'm going from the North Pole to the South Pole
For a kiss, for a kiss
I'm going from the North Pole to the South Pole
For a kiss from you!
I'm going from the North Pole to the South Pole
For a kiss, for a kiss
I'm going from the North Pole to the South Pole
For a kiss from you!

Pretty little bird, you that is singing

Pretty little bird, you that is singing
or rather weeping over your time foregone,
and seeing night and winter around you
and behind1 you the day and the merry months
if you, as you know your heavy sorrows,
also would know my similar state,
you would come into this insoluble bosom
to share with each other our painful grief.
I don't know if the shares would be equal,
for her, for whom you're weeping, maybe is alive

It Is Beautiful, It Is Good

It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a boy
It is red, it is blue
It's sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
You take clouds, small or large
You tear them into pieces
You put the thunderstorms deep into cages
And then you throw them into the water
You catch the trap
Of snowflakes
That made rainbows
You pass over the mist
Of moonbeams
Oranges and then honey
It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a boy
It is red, it is blue
It is sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
You play the cicadas
You speak to the stars
Right in the middle of winter
You take the head
Like a planet
And you walk on the sea
You go on a cruise
Around the Earth
Along the Milky Way
And you find yourself
Where we meet
When we don't know where we are anymore
It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a bou
It is red, it is blue
It is sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a boy
It is red, it is blue
It is sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
La la la...

The rat

A rat was caught within a house, a rat both big and grey.
They hung a small bell round her neck and set the ratton free.
And when the bell was ringing, all other rats ran away.
Take my advice: Earmark a runt - all other runts will flee!

Szüless meg bennem!

Az egész belsőm rendért kiált
Az egész belsőm elbújna
Ez egy angyal vagy egy harcos árnyéka?
Ha Isten elégedett velem akkor miért rettegek ennyire?
Valaki mondja azt, hogy csak álmodom!
Valahogy segítsetek nekem a Menny szemeivel látni!
És még mielőtt a fejem egyetért, a szívem már térden áll
Szent Ő és áldott vagyok én
Szüless meg bennem, szüless meg bennem!
Remegő szív, valahogy hiszek benne, hogy Te választottál engem
Az elején én tartalak majd karjaimban és a végén te tartasz majd a tiédben
A közbenső pillanatokban pedig tedd a szívem a Te Betlehemeddé!
Szüless meg bennem!
Egészen eddig az ígéretedre vártunk
Egészen eddig Te a karjaimra vártál
Elrejtetted magad a váratlanságba
Hogy megtudhassuk, hogy Szeretet mire képes?
Szüless meg bennem, szüless meg bennem!
Remegő szív, valahogy hiszek benne, hogy Te választottál engem
Az elején én tartalak majd karjaimban és a végén te tartasz majd a tiédben
A közbenső pillanatokban pedig tedd a szívem a Te Betlehemeddé!
Szüless meg bennem!
Nem vagyok bátor
Sosem leszek az
Az egyetlen, amit a szívem felkínálhat, az egy üresedés
Én csak egy lány vagyok
Semmi több
De bennem van a hajlandóság, a Tiéd vagyok
Szüless meg bennem, szüless meg bennem!
Az elején én tartalak majd karjaimban és a végén te tartasz majd a tiédben
A közbenső pillanatokban pedig tedd a szívem a Te Betlehemeddé!
Szüless meg bennem!

Since carnations and roses

Since carnations and roses
have lived in the same garden,
hatred, jealousy and spite
have never ended.
If you, rose, be a rose,
run away from the carnation, run away!
When I was a rose
I was lost to a carnation.

Die a brigand

We laid down our guitars and our drums
because this music has to change
We are bandits, we are scary
and we want to sing with our rifles
Now we sing this new song
everyone has to learn it
We don't give a damn about the king master
the land belongs to us, nobody shall touch it
Beautiful woman who gives her heart
if you want to keep the bandit safe
don't go looking for him, forget his name
those who wage war on us have no mercy
Born a man, die a brigand
but we have to fight until the very end
and if we die, bring us a flower
and a curse for this freedom

New Love

In my night
There is the hope of a lifetime
A star: you
With light, pain falls away
And I'm the king
Of this love that's looking for you
Where is God?
Since there's no sun in my heart
In your feelings
There is the door to a new world
In this day
I'm like a rose born in the snow
You are there
And now, from the bottom of the sea, I can see
A light that
I can follow to return to you
And this breath, in this sky
Brings love to me
The voice of people
Lost in the mind
Doesn't hurt so much
This is the time, new love
This is the time, new love
This is the time, new love
Eternity: we
And this breath, in this sky
Brings love to me
The voice of people
Lost in the mind
Doesn't hurt so much
This is the time, new love
This is the time, new love
This is the time, new love
Eternity: we


3 missed calls
Too lazy to wake up
My friends are waiting for me
I'm sure that I will regret again
1 P.M, I didn't take my shower
I didn't move anyway
If only time could just stop
How I'm bored
I'd like to stay here
Life is simpler on my bed
My phone's ringing
I answer to nobody
I swore that tomorrow will be the good one
Always the same problem
I don't have time, I'm too lazy
I'd like that everybody forget me just for one day
Too many things in my head that
Stop me to move, to move on
I'm too anxious
In my feed, it's the void
I have nausea
I have to decide
Even if it's not easy
I'm in another planet
I dream about somewhere else secretly
They want me to be the perfect girl
But I don't know what to do
It's never enough to please you
I'm tired, I'll get some air
How I'm bored
I'd like to stay here
Life is simpler on my bed
My phone's ringing
I answer to nobody
I swore that tomorrow will be the good one
Always the same problem
I don't have time, I'm too lazy
I'd like that everybody forget me just for one day
Too many things in my head that
Stop me to move, to move on
I'm too anxious
In my feed, it's the void
I have nausea
I have to decide
Even if it's not easy
Don't be offended if I don't listen to you
I don't want to be awaited
I need some time for me
Alone, to find myself
Always the same problem
I don't have time, I'm too lazy
I'd like that everybody forget me just for one day
Too many things in my head that
Stop me to move, to move on
I'm too anxious
In my feed, it's the void
I have nausea
Always the same problem
I don't have time, I'm too lazy
I'd like that everybody forget me just for one day
Too many things in my head that
Stop me to move, to move on
I'm too anxious
In my feed, it's the void
I have nausea
I have to decide
Even if it's not easy

Trust us

Currently, boys
Have long hair
Girls wear blue
And trousers
Currently, training
Is from the world's end
We share songs
From Paris to Hong Kong
Now between our fingers
Dances a little screen
To capture happiness
To remember moments
Currently, we fight for equality
Now, we believe it
We can make it
Today, whatever we think
We, Earth's children
We know the importance
Of taking care of the mother
Trust us
Slowly but surely we move on
Trust us
Nobody knows better in evidence
Trust us
Every change has a reason
Trust us
I believe in my generation
Now, plastic
Is not the solution anymore
When we do picnic
We are careful
Now, whoever we are
We have the right to love
And make that our choices
Are always respected
Today, whatever we say
We, Earth's children
We fix mistakes
Without looking back
Trust us
Slowly but surely we move on
Trust us
Nobody knows better in evidence
Trust us
Every change has a reason
Trust us
I believe in my generation
It wasn't better in the past
It was just different
For the best
For you, for her, for them
For the best
For you, for her, for them
It wasn't better in the past
It was just different
For the best
For you, for her, for them
For the best
For you, for her, for them
Trust us
Slowly but surely we move on
Trust us
Nobody knows better in evidence
Trust us
Every change has a reason
Trust us
I believe in my generation


Egyedül ébredek, mint mindig
A vakáció első napja
Egy epervirág*
Mit csinált az éjszaka?
Az ajtón kívül vibrál a város
A homok a cipőben
Emlékeztet egy pillanatra
A csillagok illatára
Futok a tengerparton ott van egy trópusi fesztivál
Szeretnék beszélni veled, de nem tudom hol keresselek
És így nem tudok táncolni
Karneválnak tűnik
És én, egy konfetti a tengerben, tengerben
Nem tequila ha kihagyod a sót
És nem szerelem, ha két óráig tart
És ha nem akarsz hazamenni
És ha nem akarsz hazamenni
Az égen egy afrikai szél fúj
Szúnyogok hangja hallatszik
Emlékeztet egy pillanatra
Hogy nagyon akartál engem
Futok a tengerparton ott van egy trópusi fesztivál
Szeretnék beszélni veled, de nem tudom hol keresselek
És így nem tudok táncolni
Karneválnak tűnik
És én, egy konfetti a tengerben, tengerben
Nem tequila ha kihagyod a sót
És nem szerelem, ha két óráig tart
És ha nem akarsz hazamenni
Karneválnak tűnik
És én, egy konfetti a tengerben, tengerben
Az csak víz, ha kihagyod a sót
És nem szerelem, ha két óráig tart
És ha nem akarsz hazamenni, akkor hagyd csak
Egyedül ébredek, mint mindig
A vakáció utolsó napja
Miközben énekelnek a rádióban
Újra eszembe jutsz
Karneválnak tűnik
És én, egy konfetti a tengerben, tengerben
Nem tequila ha kihagyod a sót
És nem szerelem, ha két óráig tart
És ha nem akarsz hazamenni
Karneválnak tűnik
És én, egy konfetti a tengerben, tengerben
Az csak víz, ha kihagyod a sót
És nem szerelem, ha két óráig tart
És ha nem akarsz hazamenni, akkor hagyd csak

The net

Seeking fulfillment in a lifetime
find a meaning that justifies this tireness
on the verge of oblivion made of prejudices
kiss the vices in the mouth, falling into the abyss
the abyss of the mind are rivers of pure water
go with the flow, manage fear
fear of what you really don't know
we are not fish but we remain
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman
Spend time floating in a bubble
understand phrases that are victims of copy paste
let yourself go to virtual emotions
and be loyal with special graphics
become curious about each other's life
to increase your followers and make the leap
showing a face that you basically do not know
run away like fish and stay
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman
One Hare Krishna may be enough
with a podium
to connect with your slightly better side
to wake up suddenly in the shadow of the last sun
and understand that you are your fisherman (fisherman)
and don't run away like a fish
and don't run away like a fish
and stay, stay, stay, ay, ay
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman

Made in right now

We love each other, we give up
And we keep pretending it's nothing
For beautiful promises
Yeah, we'll see tomorrow
If we have stress
Yeah, I think we're in bad shape
We love each other, we give up
And we keep pretending it's nothing
I search in vain
I don't find your heart
I think that it's hidden
Behind your pain
There's nothing inside
Not even bad, no
Not even afraid
I search in vain
I don't find your heart
I think that it's hidden
Behind your pain
There's nothing inside
And if you tap on your chest
It sounds hollow inside
It means that love is running away
That you don't have time anymore
Tap on your chest
It sounds hollow inside
Because your love is made in right now
Because your love is made in right now
We love each other, we give up
Like it helped us to feel good
We don't give our addresses
What will come tomorrow ?
If sometimes we hurt each other
We fix it on morning
We love each other, we give up
And we keep pretending it's nothing
I search in vain
I don't find your heart
I think that it's hidden
Behind your pain
There's nothing inside
Not even bad, no
Not even afraid
I search in vain
I don't find your heart
I think that it's hidden
Behind your pain
There's nothing inside
And if you tap on your chest
It sounds hollow inside
It means that love is running away
That you don't have time anymore
Tap on your chest
It sounds hollow inside
Because your love is made in right now
Because your love is made in right now
And if you tap on your chest
It sounds hollow inside
It means that love is running away
That you don't have time anymore
Tap on your chest
It sounds hollow inside
Because your love is made in right now
Because your love is made in right now

Your Eyes

Of flame are your two eyes, a frozen light
That rains over me in sweet affliction
And drives me to mad lust

Out of me (I no longer want your love)

You come full of regret
You come asking for forgiveness
Saying you love me
I've been your first love
I don't want your lips anymore
Because others have kissed them
And the love that I had for you
Sadly I have forgotten about it
Out of me
I no longer want your love
I've erased you from my mind
I don't want to kiss your lips anymore
You were part of my life
I carried you in my heart
I gave you all my wealth
And you paid me with pain
No blood runs through your veins
Nor feeling through your heart
And now you live suffering
Like I've suffered
Out of me
I no longer want your love
I've erased you from my mind
I don't want to kiss your lips anymore
After a long time
He wants my caresses again
He lives in the past and he's out of my life
I no longer want your lips because others
have kissed them
And the love that I had for you
sadly I have forgotten about it
Out of me
I no longer want your love
I've erased you from my mind
I don't want to kiss your lips anymore
I've erased you from my mind
No blood runs through your veins
nor feeling through your heart
I don't want your lips anymore
because others have kissed them
And the love that I had for you sadly I have erased it
Out of me
I no longer want your love
I've erased you from my mind
I don't want to kiss your lips anymore
Ouh no ...

Auschwitz Song

Death camp Auschwitz shut its gate behind me.
The soil in here is saturated with sweat, tears, and Polish blood,
Because our beloved homeland is imprisoned by the black bird.
Over her wound, gushing with blood, it imposed its predatory sign.
Our family home, together with the cradle, it gave to others alien to us.
The fire of holy light has been extinguished, we have been shut behind the Lager’s gate.
My mother’s heart broke, her corpse fell at the feet of the executioner,
And the executioner—with face swollen with blood, kicked her into the grave by
the road.
My younger sister was forced to pull the plough of the foreign masters.
Maybe she will die one day at work, as one of the poor servants.
I, my father, and my brother were chased to Auschwitz by fate,
Under the whip of the executioner our hair became white.
My father fell hit by a bullet, my brother died in my arms.
In the new life they will hug each other, I am left with sorrow and tears.
If my heart won’t break, they won’t kill me at work,
Or I won’t die of longing, I will avenge my loss!
When fate wipes me too from this earth, I will float to the sky as smoke.
My ash will become an altar, from where I will give orders to my brothers:
Drop the hard chains! Crush the viper’s nest!
Let saint Poland be reborn, my Poland, live forever!

Farewell, pretty Candy

Versions: #1
Farewell, pretty Candy, it's in Orly
that finish your Paris holidays.
Farewell, pretty Candy, a voice 's calling,
it's time for you to go , already.
In this airplane
that is taking you to England.
Farewell, pretty Candy, you'll write to me,
as you say, but it's what people say.
Farewell, pretty Candy, I'll miss so much
all your smiles and your mistakes in French.
But this airplane
is taking you back to England.
Farewell, pretty Candy, Farewell, pretty Candy,
I will become a memory, a holiday picture,
Farewell, pretty Candy, and your lover,
over there, is extremely lucky.
Farewell, pretty Candy,

My desire for you

[Karl Oskar:]
Three years I’ve come here to you, Kristina
Never with such a rush as today
Tell me what you mean!
[Karl Oskar:]
I get to take over the farm, we have a home
We can get clothes and food
Now we can get married, if you want me?
That I want you, you know
I barely think of something else
Hurry up, you have to ask my mother and my father
If they give us permission
My husband
You finally become my husband
As I’ve so long whispered to my inner self
We’re gonna be together when day becomes day
Because where you go, I also go
My soul, my body has a desire for you
Your breath hot in my ear
Fits the same longing that aches in me
My body, my soul has a desire for you
[The wedding guests:]
The year was 1844
And Oscar the first is king
The suitor is proud
And he is strong and diligent
And the bride is healthy and young
He has his own farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
There is no one he can stand as well as her
So it’s probably gonna go well for them
But still she wants to play, still she wants to swing
Still the child is close in her mind
Yes, still she wants to dance, still she wants to sing
Still the child from before is there
Since you learned that the fly should be open when you pee
You’ve never asked for advice
And now you’ve set up a wedding
Without even asking us!
It never goes well in the long run with such a self-will!
[The wedding guests:]
He has his own farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
There is no one he can stand as well as her
So it’s probably gonna go well for them
But still she wants to play, still she wants to swing
Still the child is close in her mind
Yes, still she wants to dance, still she wants to sing
Still the child from before is there
The suitor has a farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
Although the land they inherited is heavy and rocky
And the lot is small
With seven acre fields
Then they’ll probably succeed
It’s probably gonna go well
Do you remember how I asked you?
Don’t go, stay for a while!
[Karl Oskar:]
But I had to go when it dawned
Too many times
[Karl Oskar:]
Right when we laid in your room and we kissed us tiredly
Kisses and caresses
[Karl Oskar:]
Only kisses and caresses
But now I’m your wife and I stay
My soul, my body has a desire for you
Your breath hot in my ear
Fits the same longing that aches in me
My body, my soul has a desire for you
[Karl Oskar:]
Since two years now, king Oscar sat on his throne
He has assumed Sweden’s and Norway’s land
I rule over Korpamoen
I’m also crowned, I’m king in Stone Kingdom
Here are my subjects, my loyal:
Stone in shards, stone in cairns, stone in walls
Give us fair weather
And preserve the earth's crops from destruction
God, bless us, give us grain and kernel
Save us from starvation, through Jesus Christ, amen
Wait a little, listen to me
[Karl Oskar:]
Is something wrong?
I’ve laid here and thought of us and food for the children
[Karl Oskar:]
Now I don’t understand anything
Well, I just mean if we didn’t do it, we would not be more
[Karl Oskar:]
You want us to say no
To the joy of love all our days
If I let you go now then I deny myself
My body, my soul, my desire for you
I hear your hearts even beats
Your head against my chest in the nights hours
We’re gonna be together when day becomes day
Because where you go, I also go

Ballad of a Poor Mexican

A poor Mexican who humbly wrote,
in the name of heroes of whom I am about to speak,
their names are sacred — Francisco and Mendoza,
here is your General Emiliano Zapata.
Mendoza is the inspiration for the generals that operate
throughout southern and central Mexico,
that's why in the states of Morelos and Puebla
there's order and respect for all good men.
Generals Marcelino Rodríguez and Galindos,
Espinoza and Caamaño1, Baranda2 and Primosón,
Ignacio Maya and others — Francisco and José Mozo,
Eduardo and Cleofas Torres fought with valor.
Long live the Mexican people! long live Zapata!
long live Mendoza too and all of the rest!
death to the wicked government of Victoriano Huerta!
may he die or may he resign! we want peace now!
For all of the traitors who have been willing,
who accompany Huerta and all of his squadron
we will conquer them even if they are our brothers,
may they know that here Zapata condemns the invader.
Justice denounces them, it detests the idiocy
of their tyrannist government because it no longer rules


Chicago, Chicago, Chicago
When I see again
My old grandfather in Chicago
He takes out his stories, his gun, his borsalino
And two glasses on a table
and half-true, half-fable
He tells me about prohibition
So I see myself near him in Chicago
Playing all night at the casino
So I see myself near him in Chicago
Everyone calls me Francky Borsalino
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago
In an old basement near the palace
Where he was hiding
He made the liquor he resold
To the magistrate
A little outlaw
A little mafia
That's why he's still there
So I see myself near him in Chicago
Playing all night at the casino
So I see myself near him in Chicago
Everyone calls me Francky Borsalino
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago
In 1920, when he left the country
He was cheated like the wine he made
Just landed, without knowing how to speak
He took care of whiskey instead
So I see myself near him in Chicago
Playing all night at the casino
So I see myself near him in Chicago
Everyone calls me Francky Borsalino
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago

Far from your life

Have you lost your memory?
Or is it that you lost your conscience?
Don't try to confuse me, I am not going to let you play with my mind
It's no secret that I loved you
It's true, I won't deny that
I was always at your feet, doing even the impossible to see you pleased
But I grew tired of giving and giving without receiving
What we had is over, I didn't want it that way
It was you who put out the fire of love and passion, I no longer feel the same for you
I want to be far from your life
It's too late to talk about love
I forgive you but what you did to me, I'm not going to forget, I am not going to forget
I want to be far from your life
I regret the time I lost
Don't you ask me to start over
I don't want any more hurt, the kind you caused me
It's no secret that I loved you
It's true, I won't deny that
I was always at your feet, doing even the impossible to see you pleased
But I grew tired of giving and giving without receiving
What we had is over, I didn't want it that way
It was you who put out the fire of love and passion, I no longer feel the same for you
But I grew tired of giving and giving without receiving
What we had is over, I didn't want it that way
It was you who put out the fire of love and passion, I no longer feel the same for you
I want to be far from your life
It's too late to talk about love
I forgive you but what you did to me, I'm not going to forget, I am not going to forget
I want to be far from your life
I regret the time I lost
Don't you ask me to start over
I don't want any more hurt, the kind you caused me
I want to be far from your life
I regret the time I lost
Don't you ask me to start over
I don't want any more hurt, the kind you caused me


When you feel out of sorts
on some evenings,
You get in disco lasers to get a warming,
You try to turn yourself dizzy in the din,
You ease your way among beautiful ladies.
Sitting before my whisky,
I saw..guess who, tell me..
Emmanuelle, like a big sun,
Emmanuelle, more beautiful,
Emmanuelle, before my eyes , a true marvel,
Emmanuelle, out of nowhere,
Emmanuelle, sensual, fair-haired,
Emmanuelle, her big green eyes and her long legs.
And so, I got dazzled utterly
She was playing cat and mouse with me,
And as she danced, waving her body,
She was having fun staring at me,
I could no longer bear it,
For me, that was crazy.
Emmanuelle, like a big sun,
Emmanuelle, more beautiful,
Emmanuelle, before my eyes , a true marvel,
Emmanuelle, out of nowhere,
Emmanuelle, sensual, fair-haired,
Emmanuelle, her big green eyes and her long legs.
Around her, room had been made,
Emmanuelle danced wildly, splendid,
I could see love go by, at last,
I started to dance myself
With Emmanuelle,
Emmanuelle, like a big sun,
Emmanuelle, more beautiful,
Emmanuelle, before my eyes , a true marvel,
Emmanuelle, out of nowhere,
Emmanuelle, sensual, fair-haired,
Emmanuelle, her big green eyes and her long legs

The Spaniards came

The Spaniards came, cannonaded, and left.
The English came, cannonaded heavily, and left.
The French came, blew their bugles, and captured it.

A forgotten letter

My love, my beloved,
Here I am too far from you,
How can I survive far away
From your heart and from your arms ?
From my heart and from my arms
Oh, I had forgotten
This letter and who, my word
Could have sent it to me ?
If you knew what boredom
Far from our love plays
Is it Andre or is it Henri ?
Is it Paul with his beautiful eyes ?
Nothing distracts the madness
That surrounds me, but nothing can
Turn away my adoring heart
Oh no, that couldn't be him!
My love, my fire, my joy,
I will come back, be certain of it
Truthfully, it's the first time
I see this handwriting.
Your portrait laying on me
Protects me and reassures me
This letter between my fingers
Could it be a deception ?
Yes, hell is on Earth
But the worst is to count
These hours, these days, these seconds
Keeping us apart
No matter how I search the circle
Of my past lovers
In which deep amnesia
Did this lover drown ?
My love, my all beautiful,
I love you and I love you so much
There is nothing eternal,
Nothing that can resist time
A kiss on your eye,
On your mouth just as much
Nothing that can resist time
And memory is cruel
But farewell, my life, my heart
I have no choice but to go
I'm being called, it is six o'clock
See you tomorrow, I hope !
Unless your artilleryman
Gets as his sole funeral
The trenches and the fear
The racket and the bullets
On these worn-out pages
The ultimate mark is missing
The steady certainty
Of a simple signature
My love, if ever
On the battlefront I should fall
I would like you to promise
You will never forget me
[Her and Him]
I would like you to promise
You will never forget me

Spin Spin Heart

I want to escape with you
To live my dream far from here
Give me your hand, come, come with me
You are my whole life
Cinnamon flower, rose and jasmine
Everything that I dreamed for myself
I want your love
I want to always live close
Very close to you and be happy
I want your love
I want to live
I, without your kisses, my darling, am going to die
Spin, spin, heart
Follow the rhythm like this
Spin, spin, heart
that I love you
I hand over my life to you
I would give everything to be happy
Give me your hand, come, come together with me
Being with you is the only way I want to live until the end
You are my adrenaline, my ecstasy
I want your love
I want to always live close
Very close to you and be happy
I want your love
I want to live
I, without your kisses, my darling, am going to die
Spin, spin, heart
Follow the rhythm like this
Spin, spin, heart
that I love you
Spin, spin, heart
Follow the rhythm like this
Spin, spin, heart
that I love you
Spin, spin, heart
Follow the rhythm like this
Spin, spin, heart
that I love you
Spin, spin, heart
Follow the rhythm like this
Spin, spin, heart
that I love you

To a Man of Big Nose

Versions: #1
Once upon a man to a nose plastered,
once upon a nose superlative,
once upon a nose long-cloak and screever,
once upon a sword-fish very bearded.
It was a gnomon of sun ill-faced,
once upon an alquitar ruminant,
once upon a topsy-turvy elephant,
it was Ovidius Naso big-nosed.
Once upon a fender-beam of a galley,
once upon an Egypt's pyramid,
the twelve tribes of noses was it.
Once upon a very-nosy infinite,
excessively nose, nose so fiery,
that in the face of Anas would be sin.

Out of love

Don't blame me
I prefer to be away from you
If I stay there
I'm going to end up by (bang bang)
I'm a bit too perfect
To follow you into your defeat
Don't come here and ruin the party
Na, na, na, na
But it's all in your head
This world is too beautiful
Let me fly all the way up there
Let me leave the darkness
I'm sick of crying every night
I would like to put you to sleep,
spread your smile
But what do you expect me to tell you
Everything is black, everything exhausts me
(Out of breath)
Tired (exhausted)
Tired (depressed)
My heart wanted to leave (Out of breath)
To leave (exhausted)
To leave (depressed)
Everywhere, everywhere
In my thoughts
Your reflection plays tricks on me
I feel like in a rigged labyrinth
I need light to erase you
I would like to put you to sleep,
spread your smile
But what do you expect me to tell you
Everything is black, everything exhausts me
(Out of breath)
Tired (exhausted)
Tired (depressed)
My heart wanted to leave (Out of breath)
To leave (exhausted)
To leave (depressed)
I blew all the candles
Everything is black, everything darkens
If I stay, I will lose my life
I blew all the candles
Everything is black, everything darkens
If I stay, I will lose my life
Everything is black, everything exhausts me
(Out of breath)
Tired (exhausted)
Tired (depressed)
My heart wanted to leave (Out of breath)
To leave (exhausted)
To leave (depressed)
That's been enough, no?