Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 47


Körbevesz a sötétség

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bármitől is féltem, az mára már életre kelt.
Bármit is győztem le, mára az életem része lett.
Régen úgy tűnt, minden egyes nap egy mosollyal köszönt.
Mára a napsugarak elhalványultak
és most bűnhődök.
Én most bűnhődök.
Hiszen körbevesz a sötétség.
Minden sötét körülöttem.
Bárkit is gyógyítottam meg, ma már én vagyok a beteg.
És bárkit is segítettem fel, leraktalak téged.
Azt mondják, egy fény vagyok, ami keresi útját,
de elvesztem az éjszakában.
Csak akkor színlelek, mikor mindent megértek.
Mikor mindent megértek.
Hiszen körbevesz a sötétség.
Minden sötét körülöttem.
Honnan tudhatnám,
hogy valóban ez a végzetem?
Honnan tudhatnám,
hogy valóban ez a végzetem?
Amit annyira akartál látni,
az megvakított téged.
És amit annyira akartál magadnak,
az enyém lett.
Hát miért nem zársz el valamit,
amit annyira akarsz látni repülni?
Rázzunk kezet,
s oldozzuk el egymást!
Nem bánnám, ha valami megváltozna...
Nem bánnám, ha valami megváltozna...
Igen, nem bánnám, ha valami megváltozna...
Nem bánnám, ha valami megváltozna...
Hiszen körbevesz a sötétség.
Minden sötét körülöttem.
Honnan tudhatnám,
hogy valóban ez a végzetem?
Honnan tudhatnám,
hogy valóban ez a végzetem?
Honnan tudhatnám,
hogy valóban ez a végzetem?
Honnan tudhatnám,
hogy valóban ez a végzetem?
Nem bánnám, ha valami megváltozna...


Ha nincs erőm, ha testem, lelkem fáradt,
Gondok súlya ha szívem terheli,
Hozzád jövök, és várok Rád a csendben,
Hozzád jövök és Veled leszek itt.
Felemelsz, és hegyre hág a lábam,
Te felemelsz, és tenger csendesül.
Erőm lesz, ha megtart a Te vállad,
Erőm lesz, mi nem volt egyedül.
Felemelsz, és hegyre hág a lábam,
Te felemelsz, és tenger csendesül.
Erőm lesz, ha megtart a Te vállad,
Erőm lesz, mi nem volt egyedül.
Az élet már csak Veled lehet teljes,
A nyugtalan szív Hozzád menekül.
Ha Te eljössz, megtelik lelkem fénnyel,
Ha Te eljössz, a gond is elkerül.
Felemelsz, és hegyre hág a lábam,
Te felemelsz, és tenger csendesül.
Erőm lesz, ha megtart a Te vállad,
Erőm lesz, mi nem volt egyedül.
Erőm lesz, mi nem volt egyedül.


Itt ülök egy unalmas szobában
Ez is csak egy újabb esős vasárnap délután
Pazarlom az időm, nincsen semmi dolgom
Elvagyok, rád várok
De sosem történik semmi - és tűnődöm
Kocsikázgatok az autómban
Túl gyorsan hajtok, és túl messzire megyek
Szeretném megváltoztatni a látásmódom
Olyan egyedül vagyok, rád várok
De sosem történik semmi - és tűnődöm
Kiváncsi vagyok, hogyan, kiváncsi vagyok, miért
Tegnap a kék égről meséltél nekem
És én nem látok mást,
Mint egy sárga citromfát
Forgatom a fejem fel és le
Nézelődök körbe, körbe, körbe, körbe
És én nem látok mást,
Mint egy sárga citromfát
Énekeld: dah...
Üldögélek, hiányzik az erő
Szeretnék kimenni lezuhanyozni
De a fejemben egy nehéz felhő van
Olyan fáradt vagyok, lefekszem az ágyba
Ahol soha semmi nem történik - és tűnödöm
Izoláció - Nem tesz jót nekem
Izoláció - Nem akarok egy citromfán ülni
Az öröm sivatagában lépkedek
Babám akárhogy is, szerzek egy új játékot
És minden meg fog történni - és tűnődni fogsz
Kiváncsi vagyok, hogyan, kiváncsi vagyok, miért
Tegnap a kék égről meséltél nekem
És én nem látok mást,
Mint egy sárga citromfát
Forgatom a fejem fel és le
Nézelődök körbe, körbe, körbe, körbe
És én nem látok mást,
Mint egy sárga citromfát
És tűnődöm, tűnődöm
Kiváncsi vagyok, hogyan, kiváncsi vagyok, miért
Tegnap a kék égről meséltél nekem
És én nem látok mást,
És én nem látok mást,
És én nem látok mást, mint egy sárga citromfát

Becsapódni és elégni

Mikor teljesen egyedül érzed magad
És a világ hátat fordított neked
Kérlek adj egy percet, hogy lecsillapítsam a vad, vad szíved!
Tudom, hogy úgy érzed, hogy rád szakadnak a falak
Megnyugvást találni nehéz és olyan ridegek tudnak lenni az emberek
Mikor a sötétség a küszöbödön áll és úgy érzed, hogy nem bírod tovább
Hadd legyek én az, akit hívsz!
Én tompítom az esésed ha ugrasz
Felemellek és elrepülök az éjszakába veled
Ha muszáj szétesned
Én meg tudok gyógyítani egy összetört szívet
Ha be kell csapódj, hogy aztán becsapódj és elégj
Nem vagy egyedül
Mikor egyedül érzed magad
És nehéz találni egy kitartó barátot
Magadat egyirányú utcában találod
Szörnyekkel a fejedben
Mikor távol van minden álom és remény
És úgy érzed, hogy nem tudsz a nappal szembenézni
Hadd legyek én az, akit hívsz!
Én tompítom az esésed ha ugrasz
Felemellek és elrepülök az éjszakába veled
Ha muszáj szétesned
Én meg tudok gyógyítani egy összetört szívet
Ha be kell csapódj, hogy aztán becsapódj és elégj
Nem vagy egyedül
Mert mindig is volt szívfájdalom és kín
És mikor vége, fellélegzel majd újra
Fellélegzel majd újra
Mikor teljesen egyedül érzed magad
És a világ hátat fordított neked
Kérlek adj egy percet
Hogy lecsillapítsam a vad, vad szíved!
Hadd legyek én az, akit hívsz!
Én tompítom az esésed ha ugrasz
Felemellek és elrepülök az éjszakába veled
Ha muszáj szétesned
Én meg tudok gyógyítani egy összetört szívet
Ha be kell csapodj, hogy aztán becsapódj és elégj
Nem vagy egyedül

Never free from the schoolyard

Back then, life could just run
But nowadays I carry the concern with me
By then it's far from relief
I would never have done it if you didn't see me
I wanted to show you so badly
Because then you maybe would have given me a chance
But dreams are still nothing for us scared
I didn't want to get up in the morning
I'm so afraid of promising things
When I'm sure of something, the chance has already passed
Equally as scared as losing things
But I just hold tight to the things that has already went
If doubt becomes my friend
I'll never be lonely again
There was no one I could talk to
So I sat quiet in the bus and just cried
If someone wondered I didn't answer
If someone asked I always answered with something good
I may seem like I can be trusted
But I probably let everyone I met then down
I wanted to feel freedom again
But I will never be free from the schoolyard
What I fled from then appears wherever I go
If I want to avoid all the requirements I have to escape everything I've got
I'm so afraid of promising things
When I'm sure of something, the chance has already passed
Equally as scared as losing things
But I just hold tight to the things that has already went
If doubt becomes my friend
I'll never be lonely again
You held my hand and said that everything is good
But you walked away from here because my doubts didn't give you a choice
I'm so afraid of promising things
When I'm sure of something, the chance has already passed
Equally as scared as losing things
But I just hold tight to the things that has already went
If doubt becomes my friend
I'll never be lonely again

A Letter

I have known for a very long time that I might not be able to see tomorrow.
You were always with me, ever since I was a small child.
You did not say anything to me even when I chose the long route.
There are a lot of things that I want to say but I don't have the courage and you won't notice that.
The faraway place that the present me cannot see is like that sky.
Even though there are a lot of things that I wanted to do, I just kept walking towards that place while being ignorant.
I did not even shed a single tear at that time but I cried while writing this letter.
The faraway place that the present me cannot see is like that sky.

Black Feather

You know, mother, I have a black feather under my skirt
You know, mother, I spilled a black feather
When the soul is white, when the wall is white
Where the harp is white, that's where the seafoam is
Where your words don't exist, that's where I'll find myself
Far away from me the water buries you
I broke a black heart
I left it in front of the door in pieces
When I ran naked with the wolves
Did you hear the scream when the walls fell down?
Now the night is black and with it your fears
When I ran naked with the wolves
Did you hear the scream when the walls fell down?
When I ran naked with the wolves
Did you hear the scream when the walls fell down?
Now the night is black and with it your fears
I got to know my own bones
Dancing until morning by the drums with La Loba*
Now the night is black and with it your fears
  • *. a wolf woman from Mexican myths

Eyes for Me

The seasons keep changing and the two of us want to forget the dream that we had that day.
Even though I cannot see my life in this world, the fact that you still came for me will help me overcome all of this.
I'm sorry,
I must disappear already.
I saw you,
If only I could love you today the same way I did that day.
The seasons keep changing and the two of us want to forget the dream that we had that day.
Even though I cannot see my life in this world, the fact that you still came for me will help me overcome all of this.
Even though I cannot see my life in this world, the fact that you still came for me will help me overcome all of this.
I'm sorry,
I must disappear already.
I saw you,
If only I could love you today the same way I did that day.
I'm sorry,
I must disappear already.
I saw you,
If only I could love you today the same way I did that day.
I'm sorry
I saw you
I'm sorry
If only I could love you today the same way I did that day.

Énekelj nekem

Itt hétmilliárd ember, megpróbálja találni a helyét
Az egyenlőség egy mítosz
Flörtölhetünk szerencsével
De mi nem nyerünk
Szóval énekelj nekem, feküdj a zöldre és ne legyél törékeny
A hangod szabad, AS3D (-ben)
Csak olyan, mint a szélfújások
Szóval énekelj nekem, feküdj a zöldre és ne legyél törékeny
A hangod szabad, AS3D (-ben)
Csak olyan, mint a szélfújások
Beszélgessünk az érzelmekről
Mikor a mozdulatot magas
Ez minden lélegzettel szánt meg engem
Csak kiszárad a szád
Tehát csak minden alkalommal megcsókoltál
Csak búcsúul adtál csókot nekem
Csak a szemem vadul égető fájdalmának elkerülése miatt kérdezem: miért?
És mindent, amit a nehéz csend, kételkedés révén kitaláltam
Töredékek, amelyekről még soha nem beszéltem, ahogyan azt nem engedtek meg
Fejezd ki, legyél depressziós, lásd az életed rendetlenségnek
Vagy próbált megégetni azt, amit épp' kerestél, tudatosan eltitkolni (az igazat)
Szóval énekelj nekem, feküdj a zöldre és ne legyél törékeny
A hangod szabad, AS3D (-ben)
Csak olyan, mint a szélfújások
Szóval énekelj nekem, feküdj a zöldre és ne legyél törékeny
A hangod szabad, AS3D (-ben)
Csak olyan, mint a szélfújások
Szóval énekelj nekem, feküdj a zöldre és ne legyél törékeny
A hangod szabad, AS3D (-ben)
Csak olyan, mint a szélfújások

Meteor Shower

The loving starry sky should make you feel touched. I'm here by your side, decorating a piece of heaven for you.
I wouldn't allow you to feel sad, I'll chase away your loneliness. The weight of your unfufilled dreams, let me bear them all.
Leading you by the hand. Doesn't matter how strong the wind becomes. For you have me now, you'll never lose your way again.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you. Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you. And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
If you have too much sadness, leave your heart for me to protect. The tired fireworks, I'll chase them away for you.
Flowery words is only decorative. If I am silent, that's because I love you too much.
Leading you by the hand. Doesn't matter how strong the wind becomes. For you have me now, you'll never lose your way again.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you. Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you. And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
The rain has stopped, the clouds have parted. Leaving behind a lovely warmth. I want to share the tears in your eyes.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you, Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you, And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you. Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you. And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
And I'll show you where Happiness lies.

Create Memories

Holding your hand against the wind, Who dares to touch you without my permission
(From) That breath that is curled up in that coat, The affirmative sentence of a promise can be heard
On the night which I can't observe you, A message came from the universe
Receiving the love from each trajectory, There is no noise between us
The meteor shower creates memories once again
With you in the world, I can't be rebellious
The weak melancholy has deeply affected me once again
Courage is centered around you
The meteor shower creates memories once again
Loving someone needs not be backed up by complex reasoning
As long as I am with you, I dare boldly define
What does it mean (to be) blessed and what is happiness
The answer is here
(If there is) no past, there will be no future, Presently, my hand clenches only yours tightly
Looking at the group of stars currently flying past the sky, There is a sense of inexplicable calmness in my heart
The meteor shower creates memories once again
With you in the world, I can't be rebellious
The weak melancholy has deeply affected me once again
Courage is centered around you
The meteor shower creates memories once again
Loving someone needs not be backed up by complex reasoning
As long as I am with you, I dare boldly define
What does it mean (to be) blessed and what is happiness
Use all the lights in the world
To trade for a Sunset with you
I used to intentionally seek loneliness till I met you
I then learned how to not see myself as an enemy
The meteor shower creates memories once again
With you in the world, I can't be rebellious
The weak melancholy has deeply affected me once again
Courage is centered around you
The meteor shower creates memories once again
Loving someone needs not be backed up by complex reasoning
As long as I am with you, I dare boldly define
What does it mean (to be) blessed and what is happiness
The answer is here

Gentle Behind The Flower

Those who forgive are always the taciturn individuals
A distance too long will result in silence
Some feelings are not suitable to be admitted
Rather than avoiding your eye contact
It has stirred a sense of possibility in me
Taking the opportunity before you see through me, I turn around
(You) thought that I was mysterious
Rather, it's just that you aren't smart enough
So near yet maintaining a distance from you
Then there will not be a need to worry about losing you
Protecting you from you back is gentler than holding your hand
Only allowing your shadows to lie in my chest
Hiding my love behind my back accompanies my invisible gentleness
Like how a bosom friend does not bother your heart
Sorrow also seems painless, Tears are also accompanied with a smile
An impulse without a beginning also doesn't have an ending
Rather than avoiding your eye contact
It has stirred a sense of possibility in me
Taking the opportunity before you see through me, I turn around
(You) thought that I was mysterious
Rather, it's just that you aren't smart enough
So near yet maintaining a distance from you
Then there will not be a need to worry about losing you
Protecting you from you back is gentler than holding your hand
Only allowing your shadows to lie in my chest
Hiding my love behind my back accompanies my invisible gentleness
Like how a bosom friend does not bother your heart
Like a lasting leave, Luckily you are stupid
After having dreams of him, Don't look back

Don't Even Have To Think About It

Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, dare to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go again
Without you, irregardless of how splendid the fireworks are, They are nothing more than just dust in the sky
Rather than abiding by the arrangement of fate, Why not do the reverse and return you the entire blue sky
Remove my crown of pride, I'm not afraid of obstacles and can move mountains and drain seas
Two hearts have always been together, and long to fight (together)
There isn't a need to think, What I love is love
(I will) not allow anyone to destroy it
True love can be testimony that it is you who bolstered my bravery
Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, dare to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go
Replacing ambiguity with honesty, You will see me coming to you
If it is not for the fact that life is unforeseen, (We) won't understand how much our souls rely (on each other)
Failure is used to help us understand, (To) turn regret into new beginnings
Two hearts are always together and inseparable
There isn't a need to think, What I love is love
(I will) not allow anyone to destroy it
True love can be testimony that it is you who bolstered my bravery
Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, date to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go
I hope to always have the impulse to embrace you
Love needs no reason
Openly screaming at the sky for you
It turns out that the tears of true love are shocking
It turns out that your love resolves regret
There isn't a need to think, What I love is love
(I will) not allow you to experience hurt
I will love you till doomsday arrives, I will love you till doomsday arrives
Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, dare to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go
I will not give up our future again


I believed that it would last forever
Dirtying your hands with the green dew of the past
There is no choice but to wait again so it can be played once again
This land, I will turn it into an abandoned garden
To live and change my life
The will of the spirits of earth
Shall pray to the Jade Stone and the spirit world deep in the abyss
I'll talk and sing
Do you hear my song?
Do you hear my voice?
Do you
Do you believe in the existence of a fairy?
The millions of colors that live on earth
And the feelings of our past lives were linked to our afterlife
Hidden underground ephemeral seeds
Are they going to be reborn again to tell us?
Are we getting our hands dirty for what we live in this life?
All of the flowers that bloom with colors are the memories of paradise
They compensate for their fragility by trampling our melancholy
The chaos that occur affects the slightest
Electrons are the files of this worldwide air
The hypocritical angels are hidden behind purification
Buildings collapsing under their weight
The black snow is the sovereign of this endless dark sky
Give me a paradise or death and reincarnation will disappear through
The stone of Jade in the silent heart transforms the soul of my words
If an abandoned garden the successor, the end begins
All of the flowers that bloom with colors are the memories of paradise
They compensate for their fragility by trampling our melancholy
Give me a paradise or death and reincarnation will disappear through
The stone of Jade in the silent heart transforms the soul of my words
A paradise without light
Silence and chaos
When an abandoned garden turns to paradise
The earth is reborn again
Waking up a new life
Ruin and creation
Destruction and construction
The end of the world is
The beginning of the world

The Garden on a Friday

Versions: #1
Does it have to be that hard?
Where do I have to stand to skip the line
to the garden on a Friday?
''Are they even from this town?''
I hear someone say and I hope they will leave
The light colors everything pink
I lie too badly
Can't look tough
Have my hand in my hair
The night turns to day but everyone remains
They have their ID in their hand, looking down, no one gets picked
We should leave but everyone remains
They have glitter on their cheek, looking down, all in a line
Till the night turns to day
Underneath the bridge there's hope
Meet whoever you want except me
and then you laid your hand on my shoulder
''You look pretty in neon lights'', you said and I think I smiled
and answered quickly
Please bring me far from all the guards
I started to get foggy
To crash is cheap but a bit too indie
The night turns to day but everyone remains
They have their ID in their hand, looking down, no one gets picked
We should leave but everyone remains
They have glitter on their cheek, looking down, all in a line
Till the night turns to day
The clock is eleven
Do you think they heard?
Ashamed but I ask
''Please let me go ahead, before the night is over''
but I don't think they heard
The night turns to day but everyone remains
They have their ID in their hand, looking down, no one gets picked
We should leave but everyone remains
They have glitter on their cheek, looking down, all in a line
Till the night turns to day

Erase my memory

I'll leave you a little paper in the hand
With this goodbye that I never wanted to see,
If our lover had been in vain,
I wouldn't have worned myself
To make you understand,
I hope that the certainty stays within you
That your footprints will stay in my skin
And even though you won't get out of my head
And sadness costs me
Today I have to lose you, I have to lose you
I have to lose
Because I don't know the rules of the game
You have to understand
It wasn't my intention to say goodbye.
Erase my memory
Erase me from this story
Forget me if you can
Heal your wounds, of my life
Take the moments that were taking our breath away with you
And take your ashes with you
Because the wind always returns
And erase me from this story
I'll have to learn
To not wait for you
To not say 'I miss you'
To not call you
Don't think that is because I'm a coward
If Sundays' afternoons
I'm not answering you
I have to lose
Because I don't know the rules of the game
You have to understand
It wasn't my intention to say goodbye.
Erase my memory
Erase me from this story
Forget me if you can
Heal your wounds of my life
Take the moments that were taking our breath away with you
And take your ashes with you
Because the wind always returns
And erase me from this story

A Kert Regéje

Az idő folyamat fest kedvesem
Letéptem minden virágot a kertben
Oh bébi gyere haza, angyalok hozzátok haza
Miközben a nap a hegy csúcsán áll
Emlékezett a nyárra, mikor ragyogott
Eltűnt a kert zöldjében
És ő megtalálta a fák dalát
Az idő folyamat fest kedvesem
És a kert még mindig a régi számot dalolja
Oh bébi, még mindig várok a fényben
Remélvén az angyalok haza hoznak
Ez a dal adta sötétséget mancsába
Elvitte asszonyát hideg ölelésébe
És ajtaja elé tette selyem ruhában
Remélem az angyalok haza hozzák
Magamra hagyva egyetlen barátommal
Szépsége élettelen a lépcsőn
Oh bébi, elviszlek innen a kert regéjébe
De minden(nek) halnia kell, és kővé dermednie
Lefektetem őt az öreg tölgy alá
Látván virágzását örökkön-örökké
Az idő folyamat fest kedvesem
És a kert még mindig a régi számot dalolja
Oh bébi, már tudom a fényben vagy
Festvén az egészet, színes dalaiddal
Miközben a nap a hegy csúcsán állt
Árnyéka ledobván kert zöldjébe
Eltűnt mindörökké levél nélkül
Az idő folyamat fest kedvesem
Letéptem minden virágot a kertben
Oh bébi gyere haza, angyalok hozzátok haza

The end of the cross-road

Hold your vision high, the cross-road has ended,
There is a new world before you, an endless distance,
The sky has opened above your head, you have to go on.
There is no time for hesitation, the new world is waiting for you.
The fire is lighting up, the road is full of light.
Who is waiting for solace and release, wakes up to new tunes.
The sky is shining, the night disappears.
The love is flowing and the light hugs and nurses you - don't be afraid.
The fire is waking,
The peace is waking!
Look up to the sky,
Enter the light!

I can't wait for you to get ugly

In one way I hope everything turns out well
For you and for your career
Cause if I hear you on the radio someday
When you're more famous than you are
People will get impressed
When I say 'I've slept with her'
But It'll probably become frustrating
Yeah it'll probably get a bit annoying
To see you on all of the posters
And seeing you with other artists
And seeing you trending on Twitter
So I think it's best if I don't
Might just have to get used to it
And swallow it
Like LSD
Not proud that I feel it
But I hope everything goes to shit
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I could block you on Facebook
But still keep you as a friend
I stopped following you on Instagram
I don't want to see what's happened
But I got Tinder and I saw you there
And it hurt but I figured
That this probably means
That you haven't found anyone new cause
Sometimes I get these thoughts
That you left me for someone else
I see you being tagged
In someone else's feed
We sat in that parked and laughed
With our legs like tangled
But that stuff won't matter
Sometime when you're old
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
A few months had probably passed
Without us seeing each other
And when I bumped into you
I wasn't prepared
Anton and Albin saw me as I cried
But it never got that uncomfortable
It was cool with you
But it was hard for me
But soon it's me who's too young for you
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner


Look, the darkness of the night is devouring the morning.
On the muddy path,
and the full moon whispers,
'Do you remember?'
Like a scar cut into the palm of the hand
Influenced by the red crescent moon
Strength will endure the deception of the pain
My spirit will become stronger
White horizon that burns your back
The strong sun of tomorrow
High in the sky ...
The moon is watching, this is my Late show
The anticipating stillness, await for the morning, Late show
Endless rain, aimless travel
In order to approach the final day
Scarred on two feet, can’t stop running
Laugh at your own foolishness
Can’t shake off the darkness that spies in the shadows.
Even if we follow the light of the cigarette
Tranquil sounds that echoes at night, Late-show
Give me your hand, hurry, Late-show
The moon is watching, this is my Late-show
Give me your hand, hurry Late-show
Tranquil sounds that echoes at night, Late-show
Waiting for morning... anticipating the Late-show

White flower ~White garden~

The falling white flowers flutter and dance
My tears and scars turn into strength, like a wake up
Over my shoulder, someday I was looking at that scenery
I was hearing about that small period like a fairy tale
I wandered into the deep forest of my memories
Trying with no result to find the signposts towards you
The falling white flowers flutter and overlap
My feelings stood still and dyed white
I sent back towards this sky the words I couldn't say
My pain and scars turn into strength, like a wake up
Had I not been touched by those hands, I wouldn’t have met warmth and loneliness
I’d probably continue sleeping
I've kept on waiting for the light
I've spent a long time frozen, carrying my weakness
The falling white flowers flutter and overlap
It's like filling the time's blank space alone
Eternity doesn't return to this sky
My tears and scars turn into strength, like a wake up
While drinking the red lie that you left
I went back to that place
The falling white flowers flutter and overlap
My feelings stood still and dyed white
I sent back towards this sky the words I couldn't say
My pain and scars turn into strength, like a wake up


Nap mint nap magasztallak Égi Atyám, Megváltóm
Az aranykor távozóban úgy látom.
Szívemben szomorúság és elhagyatottság,
Gondolataimban elragadtatás és boldogság
Új éra a láthatáron – hosszú a nap hosszú az éj
Éltesd az ifjúságot és akkor ő mindig ott lesz.


Elment a nappal megpihenni
Most sötét éj
Mély álmát őrzi,
Nézd, az éjsötétje
Szertefoszlott, itt hagyott
Mikor megszülte ránk az új napot.