Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 35



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Egy, két
Eltelt néhány hónap
Ez nagyjából elég idő
Hogy abbahagyjam a sírást, ha megnézem az összes képet
Most kicsit mosolygok, egy ideje nem éreztem ilyet
Késő van, hallom az ajtót
Cseng és zuhog
Kinyitom az ajtót, és látom a barna szemedet a bejáratnál
Csak beszélni akarsz és
Nem tudok elfordulni, ó, nem
De kérlek, ne tedd tönkre ezt nekem
Kérlek, ne nehezítsd meg jobban, mint amennyire már most is nehéz
Próbálok túllépni ezen
Bárcsak az emlékeimben maradnál
De ma megjelensz, csak azért, hogy elrontsd a dolgokat
Azt akarom, hogy a múltam legyél, mert traumatizált vagyok
De nem engeded, hogy ezt tegyem, mert ma este
Itt vagy részegen a konyhámban, magzat pózba gömbölyödve
Túl elfoglalt vagy az áldozat szerepvállalásával ahhoz, hogy rám hallgass
Amikor azt mondom,
'bárcsak az emlékeimben maradnál'
Az emlékeimben, maradj az emlékeimben
Most így már nem mondhatom azt, hogy 'viszlát', ha egész éjjel itt maradsz
Látod, nehéz valaminek véget vetni, amit folyamatosan újrakezdesz
Újra és újra
Ígérem, hogy a vége mindig ugyanaz marad
Tehát nincs alapos okunk azt hinni, hogy valaha újra kezdhetjük
Nem lehetek a barátod, nem lehetek a szeretőd
Ez nem lehet az oka annak, hogy visszatartjuk egymást a szerelemtől
Valaki mással, mint én
Bárcsak az emlékeimben maradnál
De ma megjelensz, csak azért, hogy elrontsd a dolgokat
Azt akarom, hogy a múltam legyél, mert traumatizált vagyok
De nem engeded, hogy ezt tegyem, mert ma este
Itt vagy részegen a konyhámban, magzat pózba gömbölyödve
Túl elfoglalt vagy az áldozat szerepvállalásával ahhoz, hogy rám hallgass
Amikor azt mondom,
'bárcsak az emlékeimben maradnál'
Az emlékeimben, maradj az emlékeimben
Mióta idejöttél
Azt hiszem, hagylak maradni
Bármilyen sokáig is tart
Megragadom a könyveid és a kabátod
És azt a jó kölnivízt
Amit akkor vettél, amikor veszekedtünk
Mert még mindig rajta van a ruhámon, mindenen, ami a tulajdonomban van
És úgy érzem, hogy meghalok
Alig éltem túl
Bárcsak az emlékeimben maradnál
De ma megjelensz, csak azért, hogy elrontsd a dolgokat
Azt akarom, hogy a múltam legyél, mert traumatizált vagyok
De nem engeded, hogy ezt tegyem, mert ma este
Itt vagy részegen a konyhámban, magzat pózba gömbölyödve
Túl elfoglalt vagy az áldozat szerepvállalásával ahhoz, hogy rám hallgass
Amikor azt mondom,
'bárcsak az emlékeimben maradnál'
Az emlékeimben, maradj az emlékeimben

The Gypsy

Versions: #1
Like an artist in hell,
like a child who gets lost,
I was like this in front of her.
She was so beautiful.
She was so the one for me,
That I don't even know
if I saw my fingers shaking,
while she was there !
Ready to forget my pain,
ready to cut my veins,
ready to start over my life,
ready to start over my life.
Ready to kill the demons
who prevent me from seeing her again.
And ready to call out her name
all my life in the darkness.
My head turns, my head knocks
at the beating of the drums that are bursting.
A crazy who does anything
That she may be only for me.
So that she can love me,
I would do anything.
My head turns, my head knocks
at the beating of the drums that are bursting.
I would like her to become my law.
I would be the beggar, the king,
so that she can love me,
so that she can love me !
Ready to smash mountains,
to burn down the entire planet,
to do ten thousand years in prison,
to empty the water of the sea.
So as to hold her against me
and feel her shaking her fingers
at the end of her breath, of her voice
to hear that she will love me.
Like a piano that breaks
Its notes crushed on the floor.
Like the fire on the ice,
The airplane that blows up in the air.
I would sell my soul to the Devil,
I would empty the water from the rivers,
so as to be alone at the table,
for the love which she prefers.
My head turns, my head knocks
at the beating of the drums that are bursting.
A crazy who does anything
That she may be only for me.
So that she can love me,
I would do anything.
My head turns, my head knocks
at the beating of the drums that are ursting.
I would like her to become my law.
I would be the beggar, the king,
so that she can love me,
so that she can love me !

Blue (Ripe Fruit)

Your voice, it opens up my eyes
To a world filled with colour
In the days that blend together
I heard the murmurs of my heart
If I let this feeling
Ripen on its own
Will it, like a full-grown fruit
Fall sensibly off its branch
You don't know anything
Anything, you don’t
So, let me dream let me dream
Even though what we have now is all we have
Keep the warmth of your palm right where it is
Heart-throbbing imaginations are blooming all over
I want to soak in this feeling so
Stay right here

Just Like The Rain

It rained on that day too
I wished time would stop
Close your eyes
Think about that time
Baby, you so beautiful
Can’t take my eyes off you
You’re so fine
Can’t take my eyes off you
You’re so aromatic, you’re just like a rose
You always dazzle in my eyes, like the sun
Every day and night, I think of you
You’re like sweet rain in my heart, you make my heart beat, you
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
We’re sharing earphones
Listening to the music
Getting lost in memories, locked in our thoughts
Like the falling rain, yeah yeah
Even if we dont say it
We know each other’s hearts
Hold tight to my lost hands
And hold me in your arms
You’re so aromatic, you’re just like a rose
You always dazzle in my eyes, like the sun
Every day and night, I think of you
You’re like sweet rain in my heart, you make my heart beat, you
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain
Just like the rain


The scenery sways at 1/f frequency
Why do you have to suffer like this?
Relying on the temperature there is little I can do
The gates close
Export your heart.
For whom does this heart exist? Deceiving yourself skillfully
Saying that you're happy
'Throw away your dreams', there's no way I would say that
The gates open
The sun sinks below the horizon
Hey, because the ocean was so beautiful
We stood together without being able to say anything
And just gazed at it
'We have to return already'
Don't laugh about it with such a lonely face
No matter how many times the sun sinks, we'll go on living in dignity
Even if the world had ended, 'we' exist forevermore
Taking upon a form likened to a wish
The reason I hate looking over my shoulder
Is because the things I want are never there
You realize that too and your back trembles lightly
But we just have to persist
We don't even have to try to live on skillfully

Dappled sunlight plays on you

Versions: #1
Through the leaves dappled sunlight plays on you.
The rays of sun - fingers,
fingers that are strumming the strings
different sounds.
You’re set aquiver from this contact.
But this music is heard
Only by my own eyes.

Aqua Marina

Marina ...
Aqua Marina ...
You're (the) one
siren with the ...
... Spell of the Sea ...
Marina ...
Aqua Marina ...
Is thy beauty,
the fascination ...
... that made me to dream ...
There is in your eyes,
flashes of reverie ...
Don't make me suffer anymore,
I'm prey of your control ...
Marina ...
Aqua Marina ...
Whitout your love,
I don't have valour ...
... to•o•o live ...


I got something to talk about,
It’s hard to say but
The moon is pretty right?
You’re dazzling and I’m about to burst and wake up
Even though I thought it was a straight line
It was curved
Even though I only saw it from the side
The whole time I’ve had a secret
I haven’t been able to come out to you
I realised that I can’t leave it behind
That song just now
I tried to stop it sounding but it won’t
That is, I, you know...
More with you...
Harmonised, I want to be with you
Harmonised, in a back-to-back bullet rendezvous
I want to fall eternally in love for a lifetime
Since then, I can’t take my eyes off you
Take responsibility
How about one night that’s like magic?
I’ll go now
You loved me right?
Recently there’s a lot of things I’ve been told
The path I’m running on now is really
A one-way road, I didn’t know
I can’t go back later
But my heart is kinda throbbing
Darling, darling
I’ve fallen in love, can’t stop
This is your doing right?
This music won’t stop sounding
God, please listen just now
The sunset that’s cut up by a motorbike of wind
I want it to last just a bit more
I got something to talk about
It’s hard to say but
The moon is pretty right?
You’re dazzling and I’m about to burst and wake up
That song just now
I tried to stop it sounding but it won’t
That is, I, you know...
More with you...
Harmonised, in a back-to-back bullet rendezvous
I want to fall in love with you for a lifetime
I wasn’t able to tell you
The pop you were listening to that time
Actually makes you cry more
Darling, darling
I got something to talk about
It’s the moon I’m looking at with you
Even though the world doesn’t change at all
Since then, I’ve liked you, the whole time
Even though we were together until just now
I’ll turn my feet and go to meet you
I’ll go now


I don't know why but today my eyes opened early
I'm starting to want to go on a walk
Should I just dress casually and try going outside
Nah the dust outside is the worst
The weather is awful
Once again, staying at home is the best
The morning menu of fried eggs and cereal is awesome
I'm again laying on the sofa
Watchin' Netflix
What should I watch
In the past, once it turned night we would all go out and party
But now I don't want to go outside at all
The outside is dangerous, outside the blanket is dangerous
There's too much temptation and the people are kind of tiring
It irritates my personality
Living like this is lonely
Even as I'm thinking this again
I body-dive into my chair
Anyway, thanks
Because you listened to my words
Ayy even if it's
My day and night that have changed (Time difference)
I need a blackout (Curtain)
But even if I just stick my back to the bed I sleep well
(sleep well)
If it's a day without a schedule
I sleep all day
To sleep a little more in the afternoon
Later in the night I call
Uncooled naengmyun is better than cold naengmyun but
I eat it without the cucumbers (I eat pickles though)
I like cats more than dogs because I have
Allergies (Even my eyes get red)
I'm thinking about getting LASIK surgery because my eyes are -7 (Physical exam's level 3)
My car is a white G-Wagon.
In the past, once it turned night we would all go out and party
But now I don't want to go outside at all
The outside is dangerous, outside the blanket is dangerous
There's too much temptation and the people are kind of tiring
It irritates my personality
Living like this is lonely
Even as I'm thinking this again
I body-dive into my chair
Anyway, thanks
Because you listened to my words
Ayy even if it's
To you it might be

A music sounds from the ship

Little town is woken by the sound of horn
And а crowd of people came to berth.
Everybody is worried, hurries up, time is short,
For the ship stands ten minutes, not more.
For the ship stands ten minutes, not more.
Chorus: (2x)
A music sounds from the ship that leaving
and I’m alone standing on the bank.
My hand is waving but my heart is lurching.
I try to soothe it but it can’t be helped
You came here last spring, and it seemed to me then,
That it was a design of the fate.
‘See you later’, you said, and a year along
I’ve been waiting the new happy date.
I’ve been waiting the new happy date.
Chorus: (2x)
A music sounds from the ship that leaving
and I’m alone standing on the bank.
My hand is waving but my heart is lurching.
I try to soothe it but it can’t be helped
Yet again beeps of horn, and a ship coming slow
And I wait things that never come true…
once again winter is with first ice and white snow,
But I can’t pave a road to you
But I can’t pave a road to you
Chorus: (2x)
A music sounds from the ship that leaving
and I’m alone standing on the bank.
My hand is waving but my heart is lurching.
I try to soothe it but it can’t be helped


Szúrd át a szívem és reménykedj, hogy meghalsz
Nincs szükségem egy újabb srácra
Hogy megvívja helyettem a csatáim, hogy beárnyékoljon
Nem tudod, hogy veszélyes vagyok?
Tűz ég a véremben
Kézben tartom ezt, nem kell felmentő sereg
Hívhatsz hercegnőnek amennyit csak akarsz
Mert szeretsz tehetetlenül magad mellett tartani
De én nem ezt akarom, meg fogom mutatni
Meg fogom mutatni
Hogy bánj velem úgy, mint egy királynővel (Igen, igen, igen, igen)
(Igen, igen, igen, igen, igen)
Fiú, jobb ha fejet hajtasz térden állva
Kaphatok egy 'Igen, felség'-et?
Szóval bánj velem úgy, mint egy királynővel (Igen, igen, igen, igen)
(Igen, igen, igen, igen, igen)
Fiú, jobb ha fejet hajtasz térden állva
Kaphatok egy 'Igen, felség'-et?
Szemek rajtam, mintha egy díj lennék
De jobb, ha felismered
Nem vagyok az angyalod, mert én a magam ura vagyok
Hívhatsz hercegnőnek amennyit csak akarsz
Mert szeretsz tehetetlenül magad mellett tartani
De én nem ezt akarom, meg fogom mutatni
Meg fogom mutatni
Hogy bánj velem úgy, mint egy királynővel (Igen, igen, igen, igen)
(Igen, igen, igen, igen, igen)
Fiú, jobb ha fejet hajtasz térden állva
Kaphatok egy 'Igen, felség'-et?
Szóval bánj velem úgy, mint egy királynővel (Igen, igen, igen, igen)
(Igen, igen, igen, igen, igen)
Fiú, jobb ha fejet hajtasz térden állva
Kaphatok egy 'Igen, felség'-et?
Hívhatsz hercegnőnek amennyit csak akarsz
Mert szeretsz tehetetlenül magad mellett tartani
De én nem ezt akarom, meg fogom mutatni
Hogy bánj velem úgy, mint egy királynővel (Igen, igen, igen, igen)
(Igen, igen, igen, igen, igen)
Fiú, jobb ha fejet hajtasz térden állva
Kaphatok egy 'Igen, felség'-et?
Szóval bánj velem úgy, mint egy királynővel (Igen, igen, igen, igen)
(Igen, igen, igen, igen, igen)
Fiú, jobb ha fejet hajtasz térden állva
Kaphatok egy 'Igen, felség'-et?

Diphylleia Grayi

You're a flower that becomes transparent as you get wet
Our relationships, the white petal becomes damp because of remorse
Although you're transparent, but you don't disappear
When I can't see you, I thought you aren't even hurting
So what you couldn't hold on to even though you knew
Actually hurts like being ripped apart, like dying
Because I'm drenched in tears
That blatant fault of mine can't be seen now
Ah, so you're blown of by wind
Ah, so you're getting wet from dew
The petals right in front of me
You bear the strong scent that deceived me
You confine me in the room of eternity such that I can't find you
So you're laughing craftily and purely
Ah, so you're blown of by wind
Ah, so you're getting wet from dew
As time passes even the white petals will wither away
Without the memories that has become transparent
Ah, so you're blown off by sadness
Ah, so you're getting wet from tears
As time passes...
As time passes...
As time passes...
As time passes...
As time passes...
As time passes...
As time passes...

Serious affair

Don't go easy on me too much
I also have hard times
I don't need such formalities
I want your favourite answer
You seem uncomfortable with this insecurity over you every day, don't you?
Don't care about these looks
This is looking like a happy ending novel and it's not cool
I want your favourite answer
You seem uncomfortable with this insecurity over you every day, don't you?
If you have a favourite song, I would like to sing it
Even if I had everything I wanted, it still wouldn't be enough
This is going beyond my imagination
Ah I shout that I need you
An imminent freedom
Doesn't suit me
I seem to be burning up
When you come and talk to me
It's freezing
Whatever you say it's freaking awesome
I guess you're darling
I can't understand what's happening
Don't come and go away
It's so simple!
Let's forget where you belong
I still would like to be a girl tomorrow
On the other hand, I can't stop worrying
I can't stay in the halfway
Because I know it'll always hurt if I wait, I won't do it
Come with me baby
Ah come! on fire
This is my first and probably my last move
Don't give me excuses
Look at me, I'm on fire
Completely naked
I think you're just hero
You're being annoying
Ah I shout that I need you
An imminent freedom
Doesn't suit me
I seem to be burning up
When you come and talk to me
It's freezing
Whatever you say it's freaking awesome
I guess you're darling
Stay here forever
I shout that I miss you
Surely you call me
I'm not used to it
My eyes seem to be burning in a dead line
With a zero degree fever
This is a serious affair, discard your usual manners and come pick me up
Want you darling baby
Stay there darling baby
Tata-ra tata-ra tata
I'm telling you the truth darling
♫Reprint it, spread it to the world!
If this was useful to you, please consider supporting me!♫

The Water Fountain

Versions: #2
Flows the water, it flows quickly,
But where - it knows not,
Between the mountains, into the wide world
It flows, not returning.
We shall meet here with you
(We shall find here pure waters)
By the water fountain
And we'll ask him oh sincerely -
Let him play for us there.
Oh water - water fountain, play for us, play...
Your lively dance don't stop - do so continue.
For a lovely song there in all voices,
What ever you want, water fountain, you just ask.
Your strings the spring does give to you
The bright autumn gifts the sound of bells.
And we will play upon there your strings -
Let them resound forth a joyous smile.
Oh do look, how the grey cliffs are
Struck by the water sparkling out,
Make for me from these here droplets
A star bright necklace.
Better yet I'll gather the springs
And from them make cymbals,
That for you, my maiden beloved,
They be beautifully played.

The Gray

The early morning dream I don't want to wake from is you
That tender sweet cotton candy is you
The gardenias of well wishes are you
That lazy drifting cloud is you
If life can be compared to colours
Only your existence can melt into one with me
Baby I have loved you from the start
Present, past, and future all the same
For you I feel nothing but love
All the same, I wish it will always stay the same
The white (of you)[*]
The white (of you)
The white of you, ah
The white (of you)
The white (of you)
Where is the white of us?
The silently dispersing dust of every day is me
That mysteriously sealed black box is me
The Katla triggered at the drop of a hat is me
The one who sheds tears for no reason, why is it me?
If we can be compared to colours
I can only turn grey after I have loved you
Baby I have loved you from the start
Present, past, and future all the same
For you I feel nothing but love
All the same, past and future all the same
You slowly come near, all is self-evident
Let reality
Play games in the depths of our wounded hearts
Even the traces of time on my forehead
Are all light, oh, illuminating us
Dire straits that hand in hand we still want to overcome
Present, past, and future all the same
For you I have nothing but love
All the same, past and future all the same
The white
The white
The white of you, ah
The white
The white
The white of us
The white
The white
The white of you, ah
The white
The white
The white
Right next to the dark.