Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 33


Karácsonyi Halleluja

Hallottam erről a kisfiúról,
Ki örömöt hozni jött nekünk a Földre,
S e dalt szeretném neked elénekelni.
S csak jött sorban az F s a G.
A Bánat moll, s a Derűs dúr,
Minden sóhajommal éneklem: Halleluja.
Halleluja, Halleluja,
Halleluja, Halleluja.
Betlehembe érkezett egy pár,
Gyermeket várva fogadót kerestek,
Egy helyet, mert hamarosan megszületsz.
Nem adtak helyt, hogy maradjanak,
Így szénával teli jászolban
Született meg Isten egyszülött Fia.
Halleluja, Halleluja
Halleluja, Halleluja
Pásztorok hátrahagyták nyájaikat,
Hogy lássák e fény övezte kisdedet,
Angyalok serege vezette őket hozzád.
Úgy volt, ahogy az angyalok megmondták:
'Te jászolban találod majd meg őt!'
Immánuel s Megváltó, Halleluja!
Halleluja, Halleluja
Halleluja, Halleluja
Fényes csillag ragyogott fent keleten,
A három Bölcs sok mérföldet megtéve,
S sokáig utazott érted Betlehembe,
Oda, ahol te születtél,
Tömjénjük, aranyuk és mirhájuk
Adták Neked, s kiáltották: Halleluja.
Halleluja, Halleluja
Halleluja, Halleluja
Tudom, hogy megmenteni jöttél,
E kisded férfivá fejlődve,
Egy nap meghal majd értem és érted.
Bűneim szögeket vertek beléd, hogy
Az érdes kereszt enyém is legyen.
Mégis minden lélegzeted maga a Halleluja.
Halleluja, Halleluja
Halleluja, Halleluja
Halleluja, Halleluja
Halleluja, Halleluja


Énekeld Halleluja

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Zengd Halleluja!
A, B, C olyan, mint 1 2 3,
Ütem, ritmus, basszus, jöjjön mind!
Boldog népek, gyerünk!
Zúzz velem, ó Uram, gyerünk, gyerünk!
Boldog népek, éneklő népek, parti arcok!
Boldog népek, zúznak a parton.
Ó, Uram!
Zengd Halleluja!
Zengd Halleluja!
Énekeld, igen!
Zengd Halleluja!
D, E, F olyan, mint 4 5 6,
Még egyszer mondom, gyerünk,
Parti arcok, rajta!
Zengd velem, ó Uram, gyerünk, gyerünk
A buzgó stílus romlott s vad,
Romlott s vad, ó Uram.
Zengd Halleluja!
Zengd Halleluja!
Énekeld, igen!
Zengd Halleluja!
Boldog népek, rajta!
Zúzz velem, ó Uram!
Zengd e dalt, gyerünk, gyerünk, gyerünk
Boldog népek, éneklő emberek, bulizni valók
Boldog népek, zúznak a parton.
Ó, Uram.
Zengd Halleluja!
Zengd Halleluja!
Boldog népek, gyerünk!
Boldog népek, gyerünk!
Parti arcok, gyerünk!
Zúzz velem! Ó, Uram!
Zengd Halleluja!
Zengd Halleluja!
Énekeld, igen!
Zengd Halleluja!

Big Little Love

You've got a new boyfriend now
I am happier than ever
But I'm still asking myself sometimes
How you're doing
Yes it didn't end well
And that's my fault
But I didn't cry because of you and I don't regret it
I don't want you back
And you don't want it too
I don't want you back
Because I've learned from us
You didn't understand it back then
But there was reason
I've grown
You've grown
But not with us
I don't want you back
And you don't want it too
I don't want you back
Because I've learned from us
I don't want you back
And you don't want it too
I don't want you back
Because I've learned from us
I don't want you back
And you don't want it too
I don't want you back
Because I've learned from us

Happy Someday

A thousand thoughts pounce on me
at every second
I'd like to know how to defend myself from it
And every time I could arrive
I rather go for another spin
In my vicious roundabout
Just one more hurdle
Then everything's fine
But after every goal
There's a new path
Well I guess I'm still not arriving then
I already told I will
Be happy someday
I will be happy someday
Just one more exam
(Then everything's alright)
Just getting a girlfriend now
(Then everything's alright
Just a little more money
(Then everything's alright)
A new pair of shoes
(Then everything's alright)
And a few more likes
A record deal
A new flat and
A nice casket
What am even I looking for
I don't know anymore
I zoom out because,
I already told I will
Be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I go outside
Take a walk around the block
It could be worse
The sun's shining on the back of my head
And I like this feeling
I already told I will
Be happy someday
(I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday
I will be happy someday

Alleluja (Dícsérjük az Urat)

Mostanában hallottam, hogy volt egy titkos akkord
Amit Dávid játszott, és kedvére volt az Úrnak
De te nem igazán a zenével törődsz, ugye?
Valahogy így szólt*:
A negyedik az ötödik
a moll, a dúr
Az összezavarodott király Alleluját komponál.
Alleluja, Alleluja
Alleluja, Alleluja
Erős volt hited, de Neked bizonyíték kellett
Láttad őt a tetőn fürödni**
Szépsége és a holdfény letaglózott
Egy konyhaszékhez
Összetörte trónusod és levágta hajad
És ajkaidat allelujára bírta.
Alleluja, Alleluja
Alleluja, Alleluja
Kedves, én már jártam itt
Ismerős a szoba, jártam ezen a padlón
Egyedül éltem, mielőtt ismertelek
Láttam a zászlód
A márványboltíven***
A szerelem nem győzelmi menet
Ez egy hideg és megtört Alleluja.
Alleluja, Alleluja
Alleluja, Alleluja
Volt idő, mikor elmondtad
Mi zajlik benned *4
De már soha többé nem fogod megmutatni, igaz?
Emlékszem mikor
Benned mozdultam
A szent galamb is megmozdult*5
És minden lélegzetünk alleluja volt.
Alleluja, Alleluja
Alleluja, Alleluja
Talán van fent egy Isten
De minden, amit a szerelemről tanultam
Az az, hogyan lőj arra, aki rád lőtt*6
És ez nem
Egy éjszakai kiáltás*7
Ez nem olyasvalaki, aki látta a fényt
Ez egy hideg és megtört Alleluja.
Alleluja, Alleluja
Alleluja, Alleluja
Mondod, hiába vettem a nevet (a számra)*8
De én nem is tudom azt a nevet
De ha úgy is tettem, nos, mi az Neked?
Minden szóban
Ott a ragyogás
Nem számít, melyiket hallod
A szent vagy a megtört Allaluját...
Alleluja, Alleluja
Alleluja, Alleluja
Megtettem, ami tőlem telt, ha nem is volt sok
Nem éreztem, próbáltam hát megérinteni
Kimondtam az igazat, nem azért jöttem, hogy bolonddá tegyelek
És mégis
Mindent rosszul sült el
A Dal Ura előtt állván
Semmi más nem fog számra jönni, mint alleluja.

The Ballad of the River Akhtokhallen

A harsh land, a sea of ice,
there is a river there, it remembers everything.
Go to sleep now, my light,
and in that river you will find the answer.
Its water, just dive,
(and it) will tell everything and show the way.
So trust the depths
but one extra step and you''ll be at the bottom.
She sings for those who hear
and the magic of that song hides.
Only those, who are higher than their fears
may find out, what the river has in store.
A harsh land, a sea of ice,
mother is there, she remembers everything.
In that hour which you come home,
having lost everything, you will find everything.

Praise God

The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
Today I am happy
Happy partly
Because the heart sends
Thanks to God
For this good day
And also for yesterday
The soul in song
Thanks him for everything
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
Hit the cymbals
Play the flutes
Fill the heavens
With my joy
God made this day
Let us rejoice and be happy
Music arises, erupts
When the heart opens
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!
The entire soul will praise God
Praise God!


Hallelujah, a song sings
Hallelujah, we sing along
Sky, land and sea, night and wind
And every morning which starts anew
All voices together: Hallelujah
Hallelujah, song of the world
Which lights up your path in life
Hallelujah, it rings and sings
In our hearts, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, it echoes
Hallelujah wherever you look
Flowers, sunshine, forests and fields
And every bird in the sky
Everyone sings the song: Hallelujah
Hallelujah, song of the world
Which lights up your path in life
Hallelujah, it rings and sings
In our hearts, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, thank you
For the miracles that happen daily
Hallelujah, we want to be happy
And with us the whole world, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, song of the world
Which lights up your path in life
Hallelujah, it rings and sings
In our hearts, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, it rings and sings
In our hearts, Hallelujah


Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise...
Hallelujah to the world,
Hallelujah, everybody sing
In one single word
The heart is filled with thanks
And it also beats - oh what a wonderful world.
Hallelujah with the song,
Hallelujah for a shining day,
Hallelujah for what was before,
And what's yet to occur -
Hallelujah to the world
Hallelujah, everybody sing
And the great tongues of the bells
Shall echo with many sounds
And with us they shall say, Hallelujah.
Hallelujah with the song,
Hallelujah for a shining day,
Hallelujah for what was before,
And what's yet to occur -
Hallelujah Israel,
Hallelujah - the heart is astounded,
From a tiny lonely country
You turned into a legend overnight
And to you we've retuned from the edges of the world.
Hallelujah, carry a blessing,
A birthday is a day of assurance
Of a homeland and a nation and of hope
We shall sing to you with love
Hallelujah for everything
Praise for the tomorrow and yesterday
Hallelujah, and bring hand in hand
And sing together from a single heart -
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...


There was a secret tune
Thad David played for God.
But for you it would never be such salvation.
One sings it like so: a fa, a sol
A misheberach1 raises a voice
The confused king weaves a hallelujah...
Your faith has grown weak,
Bathsheba bathes herself on the roof,
Her charm and the moon are your remedy.
She takes your body, takes your head,
She cuts a braid from your hair,
And pulls down from your mouth a hallelujah...
Oh dear, I know your style
I've slept on your floor,
I'd never lived with such a treasure of a woman.
I see your castle,
I see your flag,
A heart is no king's throne,
It's a cold and ruined hallelujah...
Oh, tell me again, like before
What's happening down there in your lap?
Why must you be ashamed, like a virgin?
Just remember how I dwelled in you,
How the holy feminine spirit glows in our blood,
And every breath utters a hallelujah...
Could be my God isn't there at all,
And live could be a moral monstrosity,
An empty dream, broken and bankrupt,
It's not a cry in the middle of the night,
It's not a reborn zealot awakened,
But a sad, lonesome-voiced hallelujah...
You call me an apostate,
I blaspheme withe the Holy Name
No matter, I'm not expecting the messanic age.
But it burns hot in every letter,
From alef-bet2 all the way to the end,
The holy and ruined Hallelujah
And that's all, it's not a lot,
In the meantime, I'll do what I do,
I come here as a mensch3,
not a scoundrel4.
Though all is lost anyway,
I will praise Adonai5
And cry like 'L'chaim'6 Hallelujah...
  • 1. prayer or scale
  • 2. The first two letters of the Hebrew and Yiddish alphabet. Also the name of the alphabet itself
  • 3. An ordinary person
  • 4. A rogue
  • 5. One of the Hebrew names for God
  • 6. A toast to life in Hebrew


There was a secret tune
That David played for God
But for you it would never be such salvation
One sings it like this: a Fa, a Sol
A misheberach* raises a voice
The confused king weaves a hallelujah
Your faith has grown weak
Bathsheba bathes herself on the roof
Her charm and the moon are your remedy
She takes your body, takes your head,
She cuts a braid from your hair
And pulls down from your mouth a hallelujah
Oh, dear, I know your style
I've slept on your floor,
I'd never lived with such a treasure of a woman.
I see your castle, see your flag,
A heart is no king's throne,
It's a cold and a ruined hallelujah.
Oh, tell me again, like before,
What's happening down there in your lap
Why must you be ashamed, like a virgin?
Just remember how I dwelled in you,
How the holy feminine spirit glows in our blood,
And every breath utters a hallelujah
Could be my God isn't there at all,
And love could be a moral monstrosity
An empty dream, broken and bankrupt.
It's not a cry in the middle of the night,
It's not a reborn zealot awakened,
But a sad, lonesome-voiced hallelujah
You call me an apostate
I blaspheme with the Holy Name.
No matter, I'm not expecting the messianic age.
But it burns hot in every letter,
From alef-beys* all the way to the end
The holy and ruined hallelujah
And that's all, it's not a lot.
In the meantime, I'll do what I do.
I come here like a mensch*, not a scoundrel.
Though all is lost anyway,
I will praise Adonai*,
And cry like 'L'chaim': Hallelujah.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


Hallelujah for it is good to sing praises unto our God, for it is pleasant and praise is comely
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Praise, praise, hallelujah
Hallelujah, great is our Lord and mighty in power, His understanding is infinite
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah for it is good to sing praises unto our God, for it is pleasant and praise is comely
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Praise, praise, hallelujah


As soon as I saw you, I stopped in place
Then I was out of it (oh my god)
I can try to turn my head but I’ll look at you again
What exactly are you, babe?
What did you do to me Babe?
Without knowing, I’m going to you
Step by step
Your looks are so against the rules
You landed in my heart and you’re stirring things up
I’m trying to act chic
Trying to act like I’m not interested in dating
I’m always busy, acting like I’m tough
But the moment I saw you, I said “oh my, who is that?”
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Is this real life?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
What exactly are you, Babe Hallelujah!
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Look at me now
It’s not a game
So don’t play with me boy (Hey)
It’s gone away
If I hesitate like that (hey)
I might lose you
Maybe that’s why I feel anxious
What if I never see you after tonight?
so I can’t take my eyes off of you
You’re so fatal
You bewitch me
Your eyes tell me to stay right where I am
I wanna listen to you
I wanna say hey
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Is this real life?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
What exactly are you, Babe Hallelujah!
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
I act like I’m fine
As I linger near you
You act like you don’t know
Even though you know everything
Acting like I haven’t seen you, like I’m not interested
Dating? Whatever, acting like I’m tired of it
When I’m really calming down my heart and turning my head
But oh my, you’re looking at me and smiling
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Is this real life?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
What exactly are you, Babe Hallelujah!
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Head shoulders knees and toes
I Luv it I Luv it I Luv it I Luv it
All of you
I Luv it
Hey Hallelujah!
Head shoulders knees and toes
I Luv it I Luv it I Luv it I Luv it
All of you
I Luv it
Hey Hallelujah!

Saturday Evening

Saturday evening it was that time again -
I wasn't missing anything
But some caresses.
Saturday evening it was really hurting again
And the old friends,
No, I didn't want to see them.
Saturday evening I cuddled up at home
To hug you tight in my thoughts
And my desire carried me outside to you.
No, I can't besuch a long time without caresses
And I'm going crazy alone in this room.
Please believe me.
Yes, I know I am strong
But I would like to be weak
And I need your hand on the way through thwe night -
I love you so much.
Saturday evening the silence was terribly loud -
I wasn't missing anything
But the warmth of your skin.
Saturday evening I was missing you so much
And without the caresses from your hands
I cannot sleep.
Oh, believe me,
I need you so much.
Saturday evening it was that time again.

Found a man writing

I found a man writing in his bones,
and me, who never saw a god before,
I know this man looks like one.
There was in his gesture something
equivalent to the norm, or a suicidal's scent,
an abyss, or a silence,
which divides the whole universe in two exact nocturnal parts.
He wrote in his bones,
like the sand from a perforated beach, from the top,
with the integrity of an eye,
that locks in himself the thought as well.
But I couldn't look over his shoulder,
to see what was he writing,
because he was writing on his soulder as well.
Just learning.

Halley's Comet

Versions: #2
You want to live like this
By inactivity and by convenience
For something that I can no longer understand
And then you love with tranquility
Like a far-off god
That has neither problems
Nor miracles to make
You don't understand that it'll kill us
This half-existence of ours
That the house has faucets that need changing
Still, one time you laughed
and showing me the sky
You drew illusions and possibilities for me
And Halley's comet wounded the black veil
That we imagine hides happiness
You want to live like this
With the advantages of civilization
And you pontificate about what hurts us
You don't see the stupidity
Of a relationship that doesn't have
Frankly, not even an ace to play
Still, one time you laughed
and showing me the sky
You drew illusions and possibilities for me
And Halley's comet wounded the black veil
That we imagine hides happiness
Leave me alone, just do it for a little bit
Let it be, don't think about it any more
Leave the radio on for me, let me sing
And something to eat would be good
And one night you cried looking at the sky
You drew illusions and possibilities for me
And Halley's comet wounded the black veil
That we imagine hides happiness
That we imagine hides happiness
I say goodbye
you say hello
I say goodbye
you say hello


Hallottam egy titkos dallamot,
Az Úr örömére Dávid játszott
de téged nem igazán érdekel a zene, igaz?
Csak megyünk fel, negyedik, majd ötödik
Lezuhanunk majd felemelkedünk
Az elveszett király Halleluját énekel
Erős volt a hited, de bizonyíték kellett
A tetőn láttad őt fürdés közben
Gyönyörű volt a holdfényben
És ott ragadtál a konyhaszéken
Ledöntötte a trónodat, levágta a hajad
De az ajkaidból zengnie kellett: Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! ...
Baby, voltam már itt ezelőtt
Jártam ebben a szobában, jártam a padlón
Egyedül éltem mielőtt megismertelek volna
Láttam a zászlód a diadalíven
de a szerelem nem egy győztes hadszíntér
Hallelujah zeng megtörve, ridegen
Hallelujah! ...
Volt idő mikor megmutattad,
hogy mi történik bennünk legbelül
De ma már nem mutatsz semmit,
De emlékezz mikor megjöttem hozzád
A szent gerle is fenn repült
és Hallaluját zengett minden lélegzetünk
Talán van egy Isten felettünk
de a szerelemtől csak azt tanultam,
hogyan bántsam meg, ki többet ad nálam
ez nem sírás amit hallasz ma éjjel
ez valaki, aki játszik a fénnyel
Hallelujah zeng megtörve, ridegen
Hallelujah! ...
Dana Kósa