A keresés eredménye oldal 10
Találatok száma: 343
Visszatörni A Szíved
Észre kellett volna vennem hogy ez lesz
Észre kellett volna vennem a jeleket
De hinni akartam neked, bízni benned
Azt mondtad sose hazudnál
De bébi olyan jó, olyan jó voltál
Hogy megvakítottál
Azt mondtad ő a legjobb barátod, de azt hiszem
Nem voltam az eseted
Azt kapod amit adsz
És ami felmegy, az egyszer majd le is jön
Tudom hogy ideges vagy, mert rájöttem
Akarom hogy érezz úgy ahogy most én
Most hogy vége van
Csak vissza akarom törni a szíved, vissza
Azt akarom hogy sírj nekem egy folyót
Csak vissza akarom törni a szíved, igen
Amíg vak voltam
Mindenkinek elmondtam
Hogy a babám szeret
A babám szeret
A babám, a babám, a babám szeret
Azt mondtad én vagyok a legjobb, én leszek az utolsó
Most hogy elment, egyedül vagy
Nem kellesz vissza
Azt mondod sajnálod
Nos, sajnálom, barátom
Mert én már átéltem, megtettem
Többet sose teszek ilyet, nem
Azt kapod amit adsz
És ha felmegy, egyszer majd le is jön
Tudom hogy ideges vagy, mert rájöttem
Akarom hogy érezz úgy ahogy most én
Most hogy vége van
Csak vissza akarom törni a szíved, vissza
Azt akarom hogy sírj nekem egy folyót
Csak vissza akarom törni a szíved, igen
Amíg vak voltam
Mindenkinek elmondtam
Hogy a babám szeret
A babám szeret
A babám, a babám, a babám szeret
A babám szeret
A babám szeret
A babám, a babám, a babám szeret
Figyelj, van egy pasid, de a pasid nem hűséges
Nem értem hogy betűzzem el neked
Igen, G vagyok A-tól, és megkérdik miért
Bocsi, el kell mondanom hogy kedves gyerek vagyok
Dehogyis, beteg srác vagyok, túl sok a pénz
Színpadra lépek és a csajok túlságosan nyomulnak
Az áradat olyan nagy, hogy a becenevem iskolai ebéd
És ő a többi fiúval, tudod hogy ez igaz mert
Oké, G-A-M-B-I-N-O, tudom hogy utálnak
De nem tudom miért
Tudom hogy amit tett veled az egy csapás volt
De tudom hogy tudod visszaszerezni a srácot
Most hogy vége van
Csak vissza akarom törni a szíved, vissza
Azt akarom hogy sírj nekem egy folyót
Csak vissza akarom törni a szíved, igen
Amíg vak voltam
Mindenkinek elmondtam
Hogy a babám szeret
A babám szeret
A babám, a babám, a babám szeret
A babám szeret
A babám szeret
A babám, a babám, a babám szeret
Ooh, igen, mindenkinek elmondtam a városban
Ooh, igen, mindenkinek elmondtam a városban
Ooh, igen, mindenkinek elmondtam a városban
Ooh, igen, mindenkinek elmondtam a városban
Kitálalok, ő jön
Versions: #2
Egy összezavarodott éjszaka,
egy éjszaka, amely kirobbantotta az igazságot.
Volt egy fogadalmunk,
négy kéz kulcsolódott össze és vált szét.
Míg tartott,
isteni illat lengett körül mindkettőnket.
Tudtuk, mit kell mondanunk,
éles az elme, mint a penge.
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé,
amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég,
nekem nem …
Egy varázslatos, felpörgött éjszaka,
egyszerű érintéssel kezdődött.
Sikolyok éjszakája –
és aztán az ellazulásé.
Tíznapnyi tökéletes dallam,
vörös és kék színekkel.
Volt egy fogadalmunk,
szerelmesek voltunk.
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé,
amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég,
nekem nem …
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé,
amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég …
És te, te ismerted az ördög szorítását.
És te, erőnek erejével őrizted az éberségünket.
Különböző szívverések egyesülése
az éjszakában.
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé,
amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég,
nekem nem …
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé,
amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég …
Egy összezavarodott éjszaka,
egy éjszaka, amely kirobbantotta az igazságot.
Volt egy fogadalmunk,
négy kéz kulcsolódott össze és vált szét.
Míg tartott,
isteni illat lengett körül mindkettőnket.
Tudtuk, mit kell mondanunk,
éles az elme, mint a penge.
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé, amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég, nekem nem …
Egy varázslatos, felpörgött éjszaka,
egyszerű érintéssel kezdődött.
Sikolyok éjszakája –
és aztán az ellazulásé.
Tíznapnyi tökéletes dallam,
vörös és kék színekkel.
Volt egy fogadalmunk,
szerelmesek voltunk.
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé, amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég, nekem nem …
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé, amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég, nekem nem, ó …
És te, te ismerted az ördög szorítását.
És te, erőnek erejével őrizted az éberségünket.
Különböző szívverések egyesülése
az éjszakában.
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé, amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég, nekem nem …
Segítő kézért fohászkodni az ég felé, amibe kapaszkodhatunk –
nem elég, nekem nem, ó …
Inside my heart
For me, on you and
for you, on me
something exists
With a slight knowledge arising and
like roaming around like crazy
will you say okay to me?
Piercing a tatto in my heart
don't go my green parrot
You silently ignited me
a little breeze, green green
green vine
My green parrot
My green green green vine
In my first look itself, I died
I broke away from my best friend
I say okay to you because I feel pity on you
Or I will think and tell you
Wow Kannamma, my Ponnamma
You poured me like hot water
inside the heart
Come come Sellamma,
What are your feelings?
You are looking at logic
to say your love
For me, on you and
for you, on me
something exists
With a slight knowledge arising and
like roaming around like crazy
will you say okay to me?
Piercing a tatto in my heart
don't go my green parrot
Piercing a tatto in my heart
don't go my green parrot
You silently ignited me
a little breeze, green green
green vine
Piercing a tatto in my heart
don't go my green parrot
You silently ignited me
a little breeze, green green
green vine
My green parrot
My green green green vine
My green green green vine
Néhány szív gyémánt
Nyisd ki a szíved az idő számára,
baby keresztüllátsz a könnyek szivárványán.
Végignézted ahogyan az álmaid mind kifakulnak,
de ezalkalommal neked van igazad,
oh, szebbé teszed a napomat.
Az évek talán jönnek,
az évek talán mennek,
de még mindig szeretlek, és akarom, hogy tudd:
Néhány szív gyémánt,
néhány szív kőből van,
néha belefáradsz abba, hogy egyedül légy.
Néhány szív gyémánt,
néhány szív kőből van,
két szerelmes kell ahhoz, hogy eggyé válljanak.
A szerelem illúziói
csak jönnek és mennek majd.
Bízz a szívedben,
talán a te szerelmed fog növekedni.
A csendes könnyeid mind televannak büszkeséggel,
baby tudom, hogy nem szaladhatsz és rejtőzhetsz el.
Annyira van szükséged a szerelemre mint nekem.
Remélem annyira akarsz, mint amennyire én tudom, hogy akarlak.
Néhány szív gyémánt,
néhány szív kőből van,
néha belefáradsz abba, hogy egyedül légy.
Néhány szív gyémánt,
néhány szív kőből van,
két szerelmes kell ahhoz, hogy eggyé válljanak.
Néhány szív gyémánt,
néhány szív kőből van.
Néhány szív gyémánt,
néhány szív kőből van,
néha belefáradsz abba, hogy egyedül légy.
Néhány szív gyémánt.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Még mindig csodálkozom, miért
Tettünk minden rossz dolgot, még egy harc
Sír az ég
Elfordítod a fejed
Fivéreim és nővéreim, meg tudjuk változtatni ezt a helyet
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Emlékezz, érezni fogod ezt a mágikus fényt
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Minden angyalom azt kérdi, miért
Próbálja valaki ellopni a fényünket
Mi igaz?
Mi hamis?
Újra és újra ezt hallom
Néhány ember azt mondja, minden csak eladásra van
Mondd 'menjetek el', ne hagyd, hogy belépjenek a fejedbe
Mi igaz?
Mi hamis?
Fivéreim és nővéreim, meg tudjuk változtatni ezt a helyet
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Emlékezz, te még csak egy gyerek vagy
Ne mérgezd a szívedet és érezd a szabadságot
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Ne mérgezd
Ne mérgezd
Ne mérgezd
Ne mérgezd
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Emlékezz, érezni fogod ezt a mágikus fényt
Ne mérgezd a szívedet
Ne mérgezd, ne mérgezd a szívedet
Colors of the Heart
On that day, my heart crumbled in silence
Even though I scream at being broken, inerasable memories and
Darkness flow into my eyes
And I sink into tomorrow whose colors can't even be seen anymore
I searched endlessly for the day of reconciliation
Only for the sake of losing it, I will live for the present
Even when it is useless and I embrace solitude alone
If you turn on the lights...
I will shine towards them
'Feelings continuously filled with wishes will someday change colors', that's what I've been taught
To be a person who continues to live with this in the heart
Because Colors are born within anything and everything inevitable
I will paint tomorrow once more with these hands
Before I knew it, I became used to the things I've lost
Even the things which were placed into my hands slipped through my fingers
Before my tears dry up, the words which I wanted to hear
Are now for the sake of saving someone
It's all your fate. You gonna do that.
'If light becomes stronger, darkness will also become deeper'
Even if I realized that, I have nothing to fear
Because Colors are born at the end of just about any kind of heart
My eyes are already open because we were gazing at each other
The Breath of sadness,
I was searching for that to stain it in colors
Without raising a sound
'Feelings continuously filled with wishes will someday change colors', that's what I've been taught
To be a person who continues to live by this in the heart
Because Colors are born within anything and everything inevitable
They will illuminate once more with the fingertips of light
Just do it... Colors in light and darkness
And take it... Colors in light and darkness
Now, the gentle colors which could not be reached
With these hands, I will use them to paint and fix everything again
The Words In My Heart
I've been sick for a few days now
It's hard to sleep,
It's hard to breathe,
Because my heart is overfilled with you
Even if I'm by your side,
My heart can't go to you
I'm just always longing for you
Today too
Longing became tears
I want to tell you
I want to call you
I swallow the words in my heart
But they always keep coming and coming
At the end of my lips
No matter how I shout
Guess you can't hear them
Those words of love to you
That I say
Everyday only by myself,
Only with my eyes
The time I'm waiting for you
Became one long day
Became as natural
As breathing
I want to tell you
I want to call you
I take the words in my heart out
To the very end of my lips
But hide and hide them again
No matter how I shout
Guess you can't see my feelings
You don't know
How many tears I had to erase and erase
Behind my bright face
It's the first time
I feel something like this
Even when you're by my side, I still miss you
At least once
I want to call your name and be in your arms
I want to tell you
I want to make you hear
I swallow the words in my heart
But they always keep coming and coming
At the end of my lips
No matter how I shout
Guess you can't hear them
Those words of love to you
That I say
Everyday only by myself,
Only with my eyes
Serce ze złota
Chcę żyć, i dzielić się.
Jestem górnikiem, co serca szuka ze złota.
To są emocje, jakich nie okazuję,
Ale sprawiają, że wciąż serca szukam ze złota,
Chociaż starzeję się.
Szukam serca ze złota,
Starzejąc się.
Bylem w Hollywood, byłem i w Redwood,
Przebyłem ocean za sercem ze złota.
Byłem też w sercu swoim, to taki wdzięczny wers,
Który sprawia, że wciąż gonię za sercem ze złota, chociaż starzeję się.
Każ mi nadal szukać serca ze złota.
Ty sprawiasz, że go szukam choć starzeję się.
Każ mi nadal szukać serca ze złota,
Jestem górnikiem, co serca szuka ze złota.
Copyright: Tomasz Piwowarek.
Kalp Şeklinde Yara
Işıkta bir değişim görüyorum
Gecede bir ateş
Bensiz daha iyisin
Renklerin geri geldiğini görüyorum
Karanlıkta bir açıklık
Bensiz daha iyisin
Ben asla değişmeyeceğim
Asla istemedim
Duyduklarımıza sağır kaldık
Doğruyu görmeliyiz
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara
Biliyorum defalarca kez hata yaptım
Ama bebeğim, kör değilim
Bensiz daha iyisin
Bulacağın şey söylenmiyor
Böyle şeyler her zaman olur
Bensiz daha iyisin
Tüm bu yanlışlarla uzun zamandır kör bir şekilde koşuyorduk
Ama çığlıklar çok yüksekti
Onları durduramadık
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara
Tüm Kalbinle
Kalbinin atan her damlası ile
Vücudunun sahip olduğu tüm kan
miktarı ile
Tüm o kesik nefesler
Zayıf ciğerlerindeki
Sırada olanı aldığınla
Bir sonraki gelecek
Bir parçası ile aşk değil
Bir kısımı ile aşk değil
Bir yarım ile aşk değil
Sevdiğin zaman
Tüm kalbinle aşık ol
O küçük çerçevendeki
Tüm gücün ile aşk
Hafif bir kıvılcımı
Büyük bir aleve dönüştür
Tüm o kesik nefesler
Zayıf ciğerlerindeki
Sırada olanı aldığınla
Bir sonraki gelecek
Bir parçası ile aşk değil
Bir kısımı ile aşk değil
Bir yarım ile aşk değil
Sevdiğin zaman
Tüm kalbinle aşık ol
Chipul inimii mele
Versions: #2
El împarte cărţile ca pe o meditație,
Iar cei cu care joacă nu bănuiesc niciodată
Că el nu joacă pentru banii pe care îi câștigă,
Nu joacă pentru respect.
El împarte cărţile pentru a afla răspunsul,
Geometria sacra a șansei,
Legea ascunsă într-un posibil rezultat,
Numerele ce conduc un dans.
Știu că picile sunt săbiile unui soldat,
Ştiu că treflele sunt arme de război,
Ştiu că pentru arta aceasta caro-urile înseamnă bani,
Dar acesta nu-i chipul inimii mele.
El poate să joace cu valetul de caro,
Poate să pună jos dama de pică,
Poate să ascundă în mâneca sa un rege,
În timp ce amintirea acestuia dispare.
Știu că picile sunt săbiile unui soldat,
Ştiu că treflele sunt arme de război,
Ştiu că pentru arta aceasta caro-urile înseamnă bani,
Dar acesta nu-i chipul inimii mele,
Acesta nu-i chipul inimii mele.
Și dacă ţi-aş spune că te iubesc,
Poate ai crede că ceva este în neregulă.
Nu sunt un om cu multe feţe,
Masca pe care o port este unica.
Ei bine, cei ce vorbesc nu ştiu nimic
Şi, din nefericire pentru ei, descoperă -
Asemenea celor care-şi blestemă zilele de prea multe ori
Și celor care se tem - că sunt pierduţi.
Știu că picile sunt săbiile unui soldat,
Ştiu că treflele sunt arme de război,
Ştiu că pentru arta aceasta caro-urile înseamnă bani,
Dar acesta nu-i chipul inimii mele.
Acesta nu-i chipul, chipul inimii mele,
Acesta nu-i chipul, chipul inimii mele.
Heartland (terra del cuore)
quando senti 'Twin Fiddles' ed una chitarra americana
stai ascoltando il suono del cuore americano
e un opera di musica un sabato sera
porta un sorriso sul tuo viso ed una lascrima nei toui occhi
canta una canzone sualla 'Heartland'
l'unico poste dove mi sento a casa
canta di un brav'uomo
che lavora finchè c'è luce
canta la pioggia sul tetto in una notte d'estate
quando distinguevano il giusto dallo sbagliato
canta una canzone sulla Heartland
canta una canzone sulla mia vita
Ritmul inimii
De-a lungul străzii, râul aleargă
jos în jgheaburi, viața alunecă
Lasă-mă să mai exist încă într-un alt loc
fugind sub adăpostul
unei elice de elicopter.
Flăcările sunt tot mai mari
În efigie
Arzând podurile memoriei mele
Dragostea poate să fie în viață
Undeva într-o zi
Unde coboară doar căprioare
O sută de orașe din oțel
O, ritmul inimii
bate ca o tobă
cu cuvintele 'Te iubesc'
stându-mi pe limbă.
Nu voi mai face niciodata o plimbare
Știu că locul meu e acasă
Unde oceanul întâlnește cerul
Voi naviga
Fotografii şi kerosen
îmi luminează bezna
Încă mai simt atingerea
blugilor tăi subţiri
fugind pe alee
Am ochii pe tine, iubito
O, ritmul inimii
bate ca o tobă
cu cuvintele 'Te iubesc'
stându-mi pe limbă.
Nu voi mai face niciodata o plimbare
Știu că locul meu e acasă
Unde oceanul întâlnește cerul
Voi naviga
O, da...
O, am fulgere în vene
schimbându-se ca maneta
unui slot de cazino.
Dragostea poate să mai existe
În alt loc
Îmi scot mâna
Nici o expresie pe față
O, ritmul inimii
bate ca o tobă
cu cuvintele 'Te iubesc'
stându-mi pe limbă.
Nu voi mai face niciodata o plimbare
Știu că locul meu e acasă
Unde oceanul întâlnește cerul
Voi naviga
O, ritmul inimii
bate ca o tobă
cu cuvintele 'Te iubesc'
stându-mi pe limbă.
Nu voi mai face niciodata o plimbare
Știu că locul meu e acasă
Unde oceanul întâlnește cerul
Voi naviga
O, ritmul inimii
bate ca o tobă
cu cuvintele 'Te iubesc'
stându-mi pe limbă.
Nu voi mai face niciodata o plimbare
Știu că locul meu e acasă
Unde oceanul întâlnește cerul
Voi naviga
Două inimi
Ei bine, nu era niciun motiv să cred că ea va fi acolo
Dar dacă tu nu crezi în ce crezi
N-ai ajuns nicăieri.
Fiindcă doare, nu o lăsa
Nu privi în jos, fruntea sus
că ea oricând e-n spatele tău să-ţi amintească
Două inimi crezând într-o singură minte
Ştii că suntem două inimi crezând într-o singură minte.
Pentru că nu există nici o cale ușoară de a o înțelege
E atât de mult din viața mea și e ca și cum aș fi orbit
Și te învață să nu renunți niciodată
Există atât de multă dragoste pe care nu o vei cunoaște niciodată
Ea poate ajunge la tine indiferent cât de departe
Oriunde ai fi
Două inimi crezând într-o singură minte
ce bat împreună până la final.
Ştii că suntem două inimi crezând într-o singură minte.
ce bat împreună până la final.
Ea ştie (ea ştie)
Va fi mereu un loc special în inima mea pentru ea.
Ea ştie, ea ştie, ea ştie
Da, ea ştie (ea ştie)
Nu contează cât de departe suntem
Ea ştie, sunt mereu de partea ei.
Suntem două inimi crezând într-o singură minte
ce bat împreună până la final.
Ştii, suntem două inimi crezând într-o singură minte
ce bat împreună până la final.
Ştii, suntem două inimi crezând într-o singură minte
ce bat împreună până la final.
Două inimi, două inimi crezând într-o singură minte
ce bat împreună până la final.
Wilde Herzen
Die ganze Welt versucht, den Funken zu zähmen
Aber wir haben das helle brennende Feuer versteckt
Fange den Schimmer der strahlenden Sterne
Der Himmel wird dunkler und deine Lichtshows
Du bist die Vision nach der ich suche (nach der ich suche)
Erinner mich alles zu vergessen
Schaue mir zu wie ich zum Tier werde
Nackt zum nichts mehr als wir sind
Wilde Herzen in der Nacht
Liebend wie wir gefangen gehalten wurden
Frei im Licht
Wilde Herzen, werden lebendig
Liebend wie wir gefangen gehalten wurden
Frei zum...
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Die ganze Welt versucht den Weg nach Hause verblassen zu lassen. Aber wir bekamen Schutz, tief im Inneren, ein Geheimnis. Zähme das Flüstern der Winde, während sie wehen Fühle mein Zittern in deinen Armen stoppen
Du bist die Vision nach der ich suche (nach der ich suche)
Erinner mich alles zu vergessen
Schaue mir zu wie ich zum Tier werde
Nackt zum nichts mehr als wir sind
Wilde Herzen in der Nacht
Liebend wie wir gefangen gehalten wurden
Frei im Licht
Wilde Herzen, werden lebendig
Liebend wie wir gefangen gehalten wurden
Frei zum...
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Wilde, wilde, wilde Herzen
Fa szív
Nem látod?
Kérlek ne törd ketté szívemet.
Nem nehéz ezt megtenni,
Mert nincs fa szívem
És ha azt mondod viszlát,
Akkor tudom, hogy sírnék
Talán meghalnék,
Mert nincs fa szívem
Nincsenek húrok szerelmemre (esetleg, így értsd: nincs elvárásom feléd szerelmem)
Te voltál az mindig a kezdetektől fogva
Légy kedves hozzám!
Légy jó hozzám!
Bánj velem úgy, ahogy igazán kellene,
Mert nem fából vagyok
És a szívem sem az
Be kell mennem, be kell mennem
A városba,
A városba
És te, kedvesem, maradj itt!
Nincsenek húrok szerelmemre (esetleg, így értsd: nincs elvárásom feléd szerelmem.)
Te voltál az mindig a kezdetektől fogva
Légy jó hozzám,
Légy jó hozzám
Légy az enyém, úgy ahogy vagy
Úgy ahogy vagy
Mert nincs fa szívem
Heart Of Winter
The high hill, the sacred high land
Has the clouds and the winter wind blows through
Let's hold each others' hands and sing
To make the cold winter wind mixed in here
Into the frozen heart
Through the cold winter and through the ice
The cold from the ice
Together cut the crystallization
Breaking the cold ice drift
Be strong! Pull out fast! Let it go!
Be strong! Pull out fast!
Durable! Extraordinary!
On the left... cold...
The icy place will make us wiser
More venturous than anyone else
More venturous than anyone else
Just told and everything will be done
The high hill, the sacred high land
Has the clouds and the winter wind blows through
Let's hold each others' hands and sing
To make the cold winter wind mixed in here
Into the frozen heart
Through the cold winter and through the ice
The cold from the ice
Together cut the crystallization
Breaking the cold ice drift
Heart frost
Created by winter, coldness and weather
and rain from the wild mountain
The power of nature gives the heart frost
From the ice which we can sell
Part the heart lengthwise, cold and clean
Saw away fear and love
Cut in blocks, straight and nicely
Defy all ice-cold wind
We break the heart frost
Come on. Do your best
Hey, ho
Come on. Do your best
Beautiful, majestic, dangerous, barren
Ice has magic that can't be controlled
Thinner than that one, thicker than that one
Stronger than a hundred men, yes!
Created by winter, coldness and weather
and rain from the wild mountain
The power of nature gives the heart frost
From the ice which we can sell
Part it lengthwise, cold and clean
Saw away fear and love
Cut in blocks, straight and nicely
Defy all ice-cold wind
We break the heart frost
Frozen Heart
The winter's wind is as cold as ice, and so it's mountains and it's rivers
It has a heart sleazy and grifter, let's dig into it
Just one stroke, right in the middle
With the lust for it and with the fear from it
Was the lake shiny and beautiful before?
Split it into two
Break this frozen heart
A heart (with feelings), just let it go
Watch out, just let it go
Beautiful, really strong, dangerous, cold
The ice is magical and peculiar
Stronger than me, than all of us, than everyone else
The winter's wind is as cold as ice, and so it's mountains and it's rivers
It has a heart sleazy and grifter, let's dig into it
Just one stroke, right in the middle
With the lust for it and with the fear from it
Were you also shiny and beautiful before?
Split it into two
Turned into a bunch of frozen hearts
Frozen Heart
Born with the power of snowstorm
The beauty and coldness of the priceless soul
It stabs the heart
And freezes
Because of fear
Because of love
But her sould is pure/sacred
That breaks the hard and frozen rock
Beware of it
Set it free
Beware of it
Set it free
Ice and power cannot be controlled
And greater
Than one hundred people
Born with the power of snowstorm
The beauty and coldness of the priceless soul
It stabs the heart
And freezes
Because of fear
Because of love
But her sould is pure/sacred
That breaks the hard and frozen rock
Faster Sven!
Heart Of Ice
When the wind wraps around the mountains
with its cold embrace
the union forms a cold heart from which comes the ice...
Split in two [it] will show
what man doesn't know yet!
Breaks the heart in half
and everyone will know
what is the truth!
Hey! You! Come here! Pull up!
Hey! You! Come here! Pull up!
Glossy, splendid, solid, hard!
Pay attention to its dark side!
[it] Wins with you,
[it] wins with us,
[it] wins with two thousand heroes!
When the wind wraps around the mountains
with its cold embrace
the union forms a cold heart from which comes the ice...
Break in two [it] will show
what man doesn't know yet!
Divide the heart in half
and everyone will know
what huge strength it has!
Melt My Heart (녹여줘)
On cold days like today, memories suddenly come to me
Times when we made a snowman together, put a hat on it and laughed
I’ll hold you in my arms
When I look into your eyes
My heart flutters like seeing the first snow
Will you come into my arms?
Baby Say that you’ll be mine oh oh
Now when snow falls, I think of your face
Your shy laugh rings in my ear
Your sweet scent, your soft touch
Tell me baby that I’m not dreamin
Just like when I put on red gloves on your small hands last winter
I’ll hug you even more warmly, hold my hand and melt my heart
Melt my heart girl
Even when the strong wind blows, my heart won’t be shaken
Even when hard days come, I’ll protect you by your side
I’ll hold you in my arms
When I look into your eyes
My heart flutters like seeing the first snow
Will you come into my arms?
Baby Say that you’ll be mine oh oh
Now when snow falls, I think of your face
Your shy laugh rings in my ear
Your sweet scent, your soft touch
Tell me baby that I’m not dreamin
Even after a hundred years, I won’t change
Oh no, if you feel the same, baby will you say I do?
If you love me, if you feel the same
Now when snow falls, I think of your face
Your shy laugh rings in my ear
Your sweet scent, your soft touch
Tell me baby that I’m not dreamin
Just like when I put on red gloves on your small hands last winter
I’ll hug you even more warmly, hold my hand and melt my heart
Frozen Heart
Ice that in the cold of winter is born from water
Hides a very pure and raw power
And a heart that is frozen
Now slice through the ice, cold and clear
Cleave the heart, chilled and heavy
See the beauty and the danger
Avoid at any cost a human heart made of ice
Chop, hew
Do your job
Avoid the cold
Chop, hew
Do your job
Avoid the cold
Mighty and magical and powerful and cold
For us ice is like white gold
Oh, it's strong, it's a tyrant
Stronger than a hundred men
Ice that in the cold of winter is born from water
Hides a very pure and raw power
And a heart that is frozen
Now slice through the ice, cold and clear
Now cleave the heart, be fearless
See the beauty and the danger
Avoid at any cost a human heart made of ice
Come on, Sven!
Ice Heart
It's the son of frosty air and mountainous stream
Its power is cold and bright
It's the treasure under the cover
Even still, we get it like this
By splitting and chopping
Its beauty is simple
So we split the ice
We break its heart
Watch out
Of missing
Raise it up
Carry it
Wonderful, powerful, deceptive ice
You can't control the powers of ice
It is strong, unyielding
It could beat a legion
It's the son of frosty air and mountainous stream
Its power is cold and bright
It's the treasure under the cover
Even still, we take it like this
By splitting and chopping
Its beauty is simple
So we split the ice
We break its heart
Hurry up Sven!
Cold Heart
Served in the winter's wind and the cold mountain's snow
Power gets frozen in anger and rage with the heart which is worth cutting
So cut the heart cold and clean
Cut of love and cut straight
See the beauty doesn't decrease late
Cut the ice cleverly
And break the cold heart
Watch your leg, more snow
Watch your leg, more snow
Wonderful, devastating, dangerous, cold!
Ice has a magic which can't be controlled
Stronger than one, stronger than five, stronger than a hundred men
Served in the winter's wind and the cold mountain's snow
Power gets frozen in anger and rage with the heart which is worth cutting
Cut the heart cold and clean
Cut of love and cut straight
See beauty and, wow, it doesn't decrease late
Cut the ice cleverly
And beware the cold heart
Go, Sveinn!
Frozen Heart
The rain of the mountain and the intense cold combined
They bring this icy force a heart to be mined
Strikes at the heart for love
Frozen for fear
Beautiful and threatening
So break the ice's frozen heart
Attention! Without stopping!
Attention! Without stopping!
Beautiful. Dangerous. Powerful. Polar.
Magic difficult to control
Stronger than one, stronger than ten
Stronger than a hundred military headquarters
The rain of the mountain and the intense cold combined
Make this cold strength of a heart to be mined
Strikes at the heart for love
Frozen for fear
It's beautiful and threatening
Be careful then with the frozen heart
You've been frozen already
It's beyond endurance that in snow and ice your ice-hook is still working,
but you have to see that you're not else than a soaked, frostbitten shadow.
So cut there now, it's good like that!
Our hearts beat together,
because of that is our work intensive,
perhaps you don't even see that you have been frozen into ice!
Ice! Snow!
The ice and the snow are coming!
Ice! Snow!
The ice and the snow are coming!
It raises you! It brings you down!
It helps you! It harms you!
Everyone who had a dash at it, came off badly...
Wonderful ice! Horrible ice!
You have been dominating our souls for a long while!
It's beyond endurance that in snow and ice your ice-hook is still working,
but you have to see that you're not else than a soaked, frostbitten shadow.
Cut there now, it's good like that!
Our hearts beat together,
and they're waging a losing battle,
perhaps you don't even see that you have been frozen into ice!
Come on, Sven!
Icy Heart
The winter freezes the air and there's rain on the mountain
A powerful force that penetrates the heart was born
And the hearts will cut
We work without stopping
The beauty will show
Ice split
And break the heart
Be careful. Let it go
Be careful. Let it go
Fabulous, powerful, dangerous, chilly
And the magic that ice contains
Defeat a man and also ten
Is stronger than one hundred men
The winter freezes the air and there's rain on the mountain
A powerful force that penetrates the heart was born
And the hearts will cut
We work without stopping
Danger and beauty together
Ice split
And break the heart
Heart Of Ice
Birth of cold rain, snow, grey winter sky
That hard, shiny, scary plate needs to be broken with force
So, crush through the core, don't save the breath
Strike for the power and for the fear
Let the iceberg crash be heard
Firmly hold the row
Break the ice in heart
Watch out, put it down!
Watch out, put it down!
He's shiny, miraculous, dangerous, strong!
Not anyone can handle him
It's a mysterious solid steel stronger than a hundred men, ha!
Birth of cold rain, snow, grey winter sky
That hard, shiny, scary plate needs to be broken with force
Crush through the core, don't save the breath
Strike for the power and for the fear
Now crush the iceberg into the dust
There comes misfortune
When heart gets frozen by the ice
It's like a song, that no one hears
The more loudly [it's sung], the less it can be heard
All I wanna do, All I wanna do, Is say I love you
Time will remember, time will remember, those times of longing
Words don't work, Feeling like they have no worth
Then I'm sorry, but I'm certain it's done forever
Let go of love, rewind the wounds, revert the memories
Why should I even try when obviously
I understand, sometimes love is like dust, is like parting
But becomes more difficult to part from
Say it with a heartbeat, say it with a
(say it with a, say it with a)
It's like a stage without a crowd
That loneliness, silent hustle and bustle
Time will remember, time will remember, in the heart
All I wanna do, All I wanna do, Is say I care
After you left, every day heartache remains the only image
Here and now there's nothing in between
How could I
Ever describe the way I feel?
Why should I
Even try when obviously all the words that I say
Seem to get in the way
Only wish I could
Say it with a heartbeat
(Say it with a, say it with a)
Say it with a heartbeat
Say it with a heartbeat
Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek
Az éjfél eltávolodik, hol vagy?
Azt mondtad, találkoznál velem, most már negyed-kettő
Tudom, hogy hangos vagyok, de még mindig akarlak
Hé Jack tény, hogy a városban beszélnek
Megfordítom a hátamat, és te gátlástalan vagy
Nem vagyok nagyon féltékeny, nem szeretek úgy nézni, mint egy bohóc.
Éjjel-nappal rad gondolok
Elraboltad a szívemet, akkor vetted el a büszkeségemet
Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek!
Nem tudok megszabadulni attól, amit csinálsz
El akarok menni, de visszafordulok hozzád, ezért ...
Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek!
A napfény elöltötte az éjszakát nélküled
De álmodom a szerelmedről ...
Nem leszek olyan dühös, mint a pokol, amint átmentem
Hé, ember, fogadom, hogy jól tudsz bánni velem
Nem tudod mit veszitettel tegnap este
Szeretném látni az arcodat és elmondani ' felejtsd el ' csak gyötrőddel.
kórus.- 3x
Utálom magam,
amiért szeretlek! - 3x.
Utálom magam,
Utálom magam, amiért szeretlek!
Dana Kósa