Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 23

Találatok száma: 1420



mi a célod?
miért kell mindig szomorúvá tenned?
kérlek, ne tedd ezt


Túl késő már, hogy meggyűlöljelek
Úgy fúj a szél, kemény, hideg,
Méhek kergetnek, a nyomomban járnak,
S velük szállsz Te is, mert nincs Benned szeretet irántam.
A királynőt próbálom elkapni szűntelen,
hogy a többi is elhulljon, s ne repüljön velem,
Te is velük voltál, de azt mondtad, vége,
s mégis összetörtél mindezért cserébe.
Vár rám az éjszaka, jönnek az árnyak,
átadom magam a gyenge holdvilágnak
Minden ablak zárva, kiutat sehol sem lelek,
Oh, mennyire vágyom hogy szeress, hogy szerethesselek.
Tűzbe dobok minden együtt töltött percet,
Ami szép, csak kínoz, s a mélybe húz engemet,
Szép pillanatok, gyilkosok vagytok csupán, nem egyéb,
Hiányod kínoz legjobban, s a tudat, hogy már elfeledtél.
Ne félj, ha sírok, mindezt csak titokban teszem,
Felszárítok minden könnyet, s mielőtt elmész, mindet elteszem
a kéklő vízbe dobom majd e kesernyés ízű könnyeket,
mert megtagadtál minden álmot, mit egykor közösen álmodtam Veled.
Eldobom majd, rá az útra, ahol oly gyakran jársz, ennyit még ott hagyok,
minden közös eskünk nyomát, hát most összetaposhatod.
Még ha meg is csípnek a méhek, mit bánom én eztán,
S velük tartasz Te is, csupán mert nem szeretsz, tán soha sem akartál...

Serbian Guard

In the ranks of a Serbian guard
From tomorrow on I too shall stand.
I will take the oath
Swearing that for her I shall give my life.
Bid me farewell, mother,
And you, my old father.
Bid me farewell, sister,
Brothers and friends.
Dear Republic of mine,
We are faithful sons of yours,
All your valiant heroes
Will keep you and defend you.
Bid me farewell, mother,
And you, my old father.
Bid me farewell, sister,
Brothers and friends.
Don't cry for me tomorrow,
See me off as you do a soldier.
The guard is made up of the very best lads,
Let this make you proud.
Bid me farewell, mother,
And you, my old father.
Bid me farewell, sister,
Brothers and friends.


There must be something in this world
There must be some energy inside that
This world seems like having its mind
to inspire from one to one
to open their hearts
and binding everything in this world
To couples, imagine.
Or that's because this world’s gravity
So there must be some heart pulling forces
attracting, captivating
from one to one to meet each other,
and binding everything in this world
To couples, marvelous.
O water, why do you have to be enchanted by the handsome fish?
Sky, what did you promise to the good old bird?
Flowers, butterflies become friends for what reasons?
Ah yes, there must be something binding one’s heart
For us, become couples
O water, why do you have to be enchanted by the handsome fish?
Sky, what did you do to the good old bird?
Flowers, butterflies become friends for what reasons?
Ah yes, there must be something binding one’s heart
For us, become couples
Man and man also friends
Man and bull also friends
Wind and rain also pair up, water and sky are also buddies
Man and man also friends
Man and bull also friends
Wind and rain also pair up, water and sky are also buddies
That's because, in this world, there is “Gravity”
There must be something in this world
There must be some energy in this world

Bottomless Well

I jumped into such a well
The downfall does not end
I fell in such a love that
The love does not enough
I jumped into such a well
The downfall does not end
I fell in such a love that
The love does not enough
It does not end deep inside of me
Eventually I said
''Me, me, me, me, me''
and went mad
I got angry to events that are never happened
I conceived
This world is around me
I thought it was returning
I forgot myself


Aaaa he he
We came with Yousri Nokta Naaaaabi
Until we go to Haji Sunnah
We are arrogant, you were a fool until now
Do whatever you have in your chat
Come and read about all the misery that has become a misfortune
Every single word of mine
Similar to the merciful
I sing for you
Lah lah
This is definitely a wound
Which gets worse little by little
Hard life
The past is passing
There are those who
Make a bet on your life
Every loss in this life
They are bad tired
Fatigue Yes, fatigue
Because they need a mercy
We still sell, so pain
My every word is the best
It has an arrangement that has not been seen anywhere
I sing for you
Let's go up
Until we reach God Himself
Flight Flights
Let's go forward one by one
We laugh at games
Because of the fear of judges' exams
Together further forward
We stay out of the poverty line
Until some idiots
With everything illegal
I know you know what I mean
There is no need to name a tax to become najis
Because life is hard and
It costs. Well, Haji
It does not look like a jar to be satisfied
There is a secret to every choice he has
Because there is no group leader
Plus no charge
And no official is idle for any time
Every official you see is either asleep in his chair or following a bad job!
We are better than someone who is your fan right now
We are going to be one of your top players
No need to push anyone, we go under siege
Needless to say, the hard way

I Found You

We were so free and fell in love
We got out and left all behind
I'm not afraid of losing anymore
This is it, let's dream
Loving you and not having you
Not chasing you and finding you
Losing myself in this dream, how do I start now
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
Let's join your life and mine
And present us with a brand new day
Let's join
Silence dissapeared, lighting up your laughter
It's like a light playing in the middle of us
You're close to me today, I feel your glance
This is it, together forever
Loving you and not having you
Not chasing you and finding you
Losing myself in this dream, how do I start now
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
Let's join your life and mine
And present us with a brand new day
I'm yours and you're not mine
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
Let's join your laughter and mine
And give the world this joy
(I'm yours and you're not mine)
Let's join your life and mine
And present us with a brand new day
(You're not mine)
Let's join
Uuuh uuuh

Üres szavak

A fekete kristály varázsa tört ki az üvegből,
a tükörben megolvadt gyertyák csillognak.
Üres szavak, a bele fáradtság lehelete,
nem gyújtotta fel újra az eloltott kandallót.
Elpazarolt szavak, a hazugság képe,
a könnyen kimondható hitevesztett szavak.
Üres szavak. Ne kérj bocsánatot!
Felesleges szavak, a lángom eloltja.
A küszöböd már nem hallja a csengőt,
nincs több nyom összekeveredve sietős lépésemmel.
Ha közeledik a vége, ne akard azt mondani, hogy
várhat ezeknek az üres szavaknak a sorsa.
Képzeld el, a nyári szellőt, a gyengéd ölelést,
tele gyűrött fűvel, a rét illatos virágával ...
Szétszórt drazsék, amelyek évszázadok óta gördülnek
Üres felesleges szavak, gúnyos hamis szeretet.
Elpazarolt szavak, a hazugság képe,
a könnyen kimondható hitevesztett szavak.
Üres szavak. Ne kérj bocsánatot!
Felesleges szavak, a lángom eloltja.
A küszöböd már nem hallja a csengőt,
nincs több nyom összekeveredve sietős lépésemmel.
Ha közeledik a vége, ne akard azt mondani, hogy
várhat ezeknek az üres szavaknak a sorsa.
Inkább ne mondd, mikor kezdődik a végünk,
sietni üres szavakkal sorsunk kimondására.

Sister Adele

A Spanish guitar
was born from love, faith and light.
It was made in Barcelona,
one sunny morning.
Its heart - a label
that denotes all that it is
and its sweet and gentle voice,
warm and beautiful - makes one cry.
In a shop in Brussels,
it was put up for sale one day
and for a few cents
a young woman bought her.
Goodbye flamenco, goodbye Spain,
Andalusia I will remember you,
a beautiful guitar accompanies me,
I shall call you Adele.
She answered to the divine voice
that invited her to her home,
what a fool I am (I am), I will go with you
to a convent to see the Lord.
Adele went amongst the trunks
and compensated by serving the Lord,
happy and full of enthusiasm
and sung to the Lord a loud.
Adele happily sang with all of her heart
to the Lord,
her sweet voice always saying:
'I am happy to serve the Lord'.
In the background of harps and lyres
played by a heavenly orchestra,
a very humble guitar
will one day be heard with the Lord.

I'd Like To Be

I'd like to be like the wind and sing everywhere,
I'd like to be like the wind and dance everywhere,
like the wind I adore you, Lord, like the wind.
I'd like to be a white cloud, travel through the sky,
I'd like to be a white cloud, travel through the sun,
like the cloud that searches, Lord, for your visage.
I'd like to be a flame that ignites the forest,
I'd like to be a flame that gives warmth,
like the flame that grows, Lord, when it finds you.
I'd like to be like a guitar singing to you,
I'd like to be like a guitar vibrating in you,
like the guitar that you can fill with a song.

The fire was flickering in her sights

The fire was flickering in her sights.
She stretched me a palm of hands.
She presented to me
    the breath of the day,
She ruined over me
    behind a long of away,
Just a year, sweetheart,
    you will know
And realize a flight
    of my reverie.
At all my sight
    you’ll see a light,
a “yes” will see,
    a “no” will see.
My love for you
    is so secret.
Not flinch a brow
    years so hundred.

Years will over,
     loves will over
But no, never
    Not flinch the brow.

Cognized of you's,
     forgot I all,
Among pastimes
    I started dull.

Has grown alien to me all white light.
To every dame, I speak only, 'not!'

Morning in Dandelion Fluff

A young dawn raises its head from the fog
It hopes for good in both of us
I cannot break away from the night
It is still hiding in us
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
It is full of buzzing, blooming meadow
The field in front of you sways like silk
But still you stay into the night
And so I can't remember the night
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
The night hides you, hides you still...
The night hides you, hides you still...
The night hides you, hides you still...
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
And I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps

The old man and the child

Versions: #1
An old man and a child, in each other hands,
set off together towards the dawn.
Red dust was rising further away
and the sun was shining with an outlandish light.
The immense expanse seemed to stretch
as far as the looking eye can fetch
and there was to be found nobody around
only the bleak outline of towers of smoke.
The two were walking, the day was waning,
the old man was talking and crying but softly,
with absent soul, with eyes full of tears
was following memories of bygone careers.
Old people endure the ravages of time,
unable to separate real and dreams
Old people don’t separate into their minds lies and truth in their own dreams.
And the old man stared, off into the distance,
and said: 'Imagine this covered in wheat,
imagine the fruits, imagine the flowers
and picture in your mind the voices and the colours.
And in this prairie till its very end
trees were growing and everything was green,
rain fell down, and suns marked out
the rhythm of men and of the seasons.'
The child stood silent, a sad look in his eyes
stupefied at things by nobody seen
and then he said, with a dreamy voice:
'I like fairy tales … tell me some more!'

The dance of my heart

Come here, stop thinking about it now, don't say no
This night is like a party
In my mind, only you and the stars that fall like rain
I'm the sea and you're the shore
Drinks, music, and this tipsiness
that reminds me of your kisses
I want you here with me, to live this moment
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart
Don't speak, don't ask, I want you to love me
Summer is two people together
Forget that life goes on
Time has just stopped here
Drinks, music, and this tipsiness
that reminds me of your kisses
I want you here with me, to live this moment
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart


When you have no way out
and the emptiness comes upon you.
For a moment in the loneliness
you feel your hands shaking.
In the silence only mud around
remain with your face on the ground.
You take your time but you don't know what to do.
press the accelerator hard.
Boredom boredom boredom boredom ....
take my mind, tire me out.
let me out again, let me out.
thoughtless grasslands.
Now win your escape,
come down where the moon goes.
You play everything without alibis
you have nothing to lose anyway. (nothing)
But Don't stop if dogs are acting
borrow another face.
follow the air of the fans.
While you fall asleep
slap your dreams.
Boredom boredom boredom boredom ...
take my mind, tire me out.
let me out again, let me out.
thoughtless grasslands.


ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
When I look into my heart
That I silently kept
Precious days are endlessly spread out
I was quietly looking over
As I gathered my scattered breaths
Then I blew in warmth into the cold air
I miss so many things
So I’m closing my eyes just a little longer
As if I’m still traveling
Between the memories
Between the seasons
All the moments that were forgotten
I’m bringing them back again one by one
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
The crinkling leaves under my toes
Suddenly become white snow
As it slightly wets my feet
Along with my built up hopes and dreams
I’m placing you in this white scene
I’m thankful for so much
So I’m standing here for a little longer
I miss so many things
So I’m closing my eyes just a little longer
As if I’m still traveling
Between the memories
Between the seasons
All the moments that were forgotten
I’m bringing them back again one by one
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
As if to get my breath back
I’m leaning on a corner of a memory
And when I exhale all the tired emotions
It gets so clear
Between the memories
Between the seasons
So all the moments that remain
Won’t fade
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah

The southern star

They were tough times and we like young birds on their first journey
were placing stones on a sweet dream,
you were afraid of the southern star and you were coming by my side
I was laughing at your childish fear.
They set to depart on ships the travelers
and the moon has a thousand fragrances,
the world has beauty and beauty has sorrow
even if she [beauty] has hidden it in poor hearts.
Now that the skies have opened you became a swallow
and my heart melts at the final look
In deceitful embraces at nights where you sleep
you are not afraid anymore of the southern star.

arranged last

We went out to Beyoglu again allah
We have drawn civilians again allah
We looked a little flirtatious, burned the mirrors
Allah, we fell into the waves again
We went out to Beyoglu again allah
Allah, we have flowed from the bottles again
We looked into the eyes, we dived into the breasts
Allah, we fell into the waves again
Enlisted Road appeared
The schools we applied to
Rounds on every wall
Allah, we fell into the waves again
Lamp lights lamp goes out
Tobacco paper attracts elephants
Cat Fiddle wine Fishbone
Days as soon as love ends
Lamp lights lamp goes out
Cherry nail polish heels marble
Moon Star lipstick perfume
The last soldier remains organized
'Cinema in the middle of Beyoğlu
I'm in love, don't announce my mother”
Oh, longing for my share in this world
Oh, loneliness in this world has fallen on my share
Allah, we have plunged into the waves again
Allah, we fell into the waves again

Easter is red

Easter is red, Easter, the Lord's Easter!
Easter is an honorable shine for us!
Easter! Let's hug each other!


I don't know yet: Who are you?
Tell me, who were you created by?
Into my atmosphere, breathing life,
You entered as an unidentified object.
And I can't be saved, I guess,
This virus has entered my pulse.
And the world familiar to me, as if
Became some other.
I see the sun of your universe
And as soon as I touch it,
I will burn, but I will stay with you.
Run away, get away from the plot
With you for one thing, to the bottom, with a thin glare of love.
Light smell, amaretto,
Words have proved everything, your theorems.
I don't know the answer yet,
For a thousand different 'buts' between you and me.
But in coffee-colored eyes
I see fire and it looks so much like love.
You, my delirium, object,
Conscious by us.
And when, even for a moment, you are not there.
It's just a loss of consciousness.
Even if it doesn't get better, I'm not looking for salvation.
I myself voluntarily surrendered to this ghostly captivity.
Losing my soul with every step,
I also know what I want
And what I leave in return.
Run away, get away from the plot
With you for one thing, to the bottom, with a thin glare of love.
Light smell, amaretto,
Words have proved everything, your theorems.
I don't know the answer yet,
For a thousand different 'buts' between you and me.
But in coffee-colored eyes
I see fire and it looks so much like love.
Like two drops like love ...
Looks like love ...
For love ...
Run away, get away from the plot
With you for one thing, to the bottom, with a thin glare of love.
Light smell, amaretto,
Words have proved everything, your theorems.
I don't know the answer yet,
For a thousand different 'buts' between you and me.
But in coffee-colored eyes
I see fire and it looks so much like love.

Night's Escape

Don't ask me
It will just be a lie
Tonight is for you
The moment I felt that your eyes had changed,
And you don't care
Lean more towards me
The night is not long
Dim the light
You know I'll prove it
Tonight it don't matter what?
Just as your heart leads you
So tell me now
Let's hurry up and leave, Do it
We on a mission
We on a mission
And you know I always see it through
Let me be your Night's Escape
You know I’ll be all right
Just for tonight
I’ll love you long time
We don't have much time
I'll be with you in the deep night yeah
A vibe is what I want
You be doing it right
Don't hide it from me
You can make me feel better now yeah
You the only one to make it right yeah
Take me with you
I'll go as you lead
Don't worry now
Go to wherever you want to
I’d do anything for ya
For love like ya
Yeah you bring me right back
Back back back back
You turn me right back
(Let me take you on a ride)
Let's hurry up and leave, Do it
(You can tell me it’s all right)
We on a mission
We on a mission
(Just you and me)
And you know I always see you through it
(Oh my ya ya)
Let me be your Night's Escape
Let me be your Night's Escape
Let me be your Night's Escape

Thigtly close

Elettra Lamborghini
I know we haven't seen each other (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Since the night we met (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
It was clear, we had a great time
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Let's order another mojito
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Night is just starting
I know there will be no control
I already have an account open
Today you'll drink a lot of alcohol
I don't want this rhythm to stop
May it keep going till sunrise
And keep dancing with me
Like we did last time
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me (Tempt me)
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
I know we haven't seen each other (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Since the night we met (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
It was clear, we had a great time
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Let's order another mojito
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
I can se in your eyes that you want me
You want to taste me
Let's go to a place where no one sees us
So I'm able to feel you
Today I want to misbehave
I like the forbbiden
No matter what happens
We are going to repeat
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me (Tempt me)
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me (Tempt me)
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
I know we haven't seen each other (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Since the night we met (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
It was clear, we had a great time
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Let's order another mojito
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close

Ring -a -Ling

O on Christmas day
From house to house
The children with a creche
Go out caroling.
Ring– a- ling, |
Ding– a- ling, - I
Jouyfully let's sing out! |
Ring – a - ling, |
Ding– a- ling- |
Let us glorify God! | (2)
Before us is a star
Lighting up our path,
Shepards in the field
Playing on their pipes.
The wisemen bowing
Low their heads,
The angels in heaven
Singing joyfully.
Let us carol loudly,
That the world rejoices ,
Rejoice O you Ukraine -
Christ has been born!

I Flew About The Field

I'm a small bird - not too big, I flew about the field, (2x)
(I flew) about the field. (3x)
I flew about the field, I had flown through out the grass, (2X)
(I had flown) through out the grass. (3x)
I had flown through out the grass, looking there for a falcon,
(Looking there for) a falcon (3x)
Oh, my falcon, my bright one, like my beloved so lovely (2x)
My beloved (so lovely.) (3x)
So proud are you of me, as the moon is of a star, (2x)
As the moon (is of the mountain.) (3x)
As the moon is of a star, and the fog is of the valley, (2x)
The fog (is of the valley.) (3x)
And the fog is of the valley, and the Kozak of a maiden, (2x)
The Kozak (of a maiden) (3x)

Vas Ég

Versions: #1
A városért élő büszke egyéniségek vagyunk,
De a ragyogás nem nagyon tudott magasabbra törni
Isteneket és vallásokat keresünk ahhoz,
Hogy befessenek üdvösséggel
De senki
Senki sem
adhatja meg neked az erőt
Hogy gyarapodjon a szereteted
és felül emelkedj az utálaton
Ezen a vas égbolton keresztül
Ez hamar eszünkbe jut
A félelemből a szabadság felé
Oh, ez az élet
Ez csepeg elhagyott falakon
Egy nem lélegző álomból
Ebben a kemény valóságban
Megvezető kanál eteti a vakokat
Segít a rideg társadalmunk definiálásában
Onnan ahonnan a szeretet felé emelkedünk
Az utálaton túl
Ezen a vas égen keresztül
Hamar eszünkbe jut
A félelemből a szabadság felé
Csak tarts ki
Csak tarts ki
Ohhh ohhhh oh oh
(Charlie Chaplinbeszéde a The Great Dictator c. filmből)
Ha meghallják a hangomat, ezt kiáltom nekik: Ne veszítsétek el a reményt! A ránk szakadt szenvedés a kapzsiság múló uralma, azoknak a kapálózása, akik félnek az emberi haladás útjától. A gyűlölség elmúlik, a diktátorok meghalnak, a néptől bitorolt hatalmuk visszaszáll a népre. Amíg az ember halandó, a szabadság nem pusztulhat el. ....Ne szolgáljatok embertelen embert, gépagyú, gépszívű gépembert! Nem vagytok gépek! Nem vagytok birkák! ... Emberek vagytok! Tibennetek! Nektek, a népnek megvan a hatalma, hogy boldogságot teremtsen! Hogy az életet széppé és szabaddá tegyétek, csodálatos kalanddá varázsoljátok. Használjátok hát ezt a hatalmat: Egyesüljünk valamennyien!'
És felül emelkedünk a szereteten, a gyűlöleten a vas égen keresztül,
hamar eszünkbe jut
A félelemből a szabadság felé
Onnan ahonnan a szeretet felé emelkedünk
Az utálaton túl
Ezen a vas égen keresztül hamar eszünkbe jut a félelemből a szabadság felé
Oh! Essen rám az eső
Oh! Essen rám az eső

Let it be

Let it be
Let speak those who want to speak, my love
Let it be
Let the heart speak too
Because it has every reason to, when it complains
People then let it be, let it be, let it be
Let it be
No one lives more than just once
Let it be
Say yes so that you don't have to say maybe
Let it be
Passion also exists
Let it be
Don't let me remain sad
Because the heart has every reason to, when it complains
People then let it be, let it be, let it be
Let it be
No one lives more than just once
Let it be
Say yes so that you don't have to say maybe
Let it be
Passion also exists
Let it be
Don't let me remain sad
Let it be
Passion also exists
Let it be
Don't let me remain sad


I have told you,
That here we did not move forward.
I have told you
and now it's pointless to think about.
I have told you,
yes, so why didn't you listen to me?
When I told you, where were you?
And anyway if I told you it was already too late.
Now I don't remember
what you replied to me
I am almost certain, that for you I
am like a dead man.
So therefore do me a favor now.
Go back to my past,
and if you can bring me a nice/pretty flower
Because my funeral has already happened.
I have told you.
Don't look at the lives of others.
I have told you and now look
You live with regrets.
I have told you many times, more than a thousand,
but now what can I do?
If you want, I will repeat it another time,
If you want to listen to me.
'Hello'... it's a word that is too nice, 'Hello'
although in these cases I prefer 'Goodbye/Farewell'.
Hello, I am happy if you tell me 'Hello'.
You cannot respond to me with 'I love you'... to tell me 'Hello',
but it is a word like any other now... hello!
'Hello'... it's a word that is too nice, 'Hello'
You cannot respond to me with 'I love you'
'Hello'... it is a word like any other now... hello!

Hail, Queen of Heaven

Hail, hail, Queen of Heaven,
Mother of the oppressed,
Star of God's Sea,
Guiding star of everlasting splendour.
You take care of all misfortune,
bless the weeping
with one look.
You sanctify
all earthly love,

I will forget you

I know that for a while I will navigate aimlessly
And even if the sea is deep, I'll let you go Loneliness may not really stop hurting But my feet hurt more to run to you
And I got tired of waiting for you so much
I will dream of you, I will miss you
And although I can no longer see you, I will invent you
You will call me, I will answer
And with my voice that I'm fine I'll lie to us
And when I stop counting every second When your places stop hurting me
And when at last you are not the only one in my world
I will forget you (Mmm)
I will forget you
How much the little things in life hurt Every kiss of yours I remember like yesterday
I sleep with the lights on in case you're coming back
How it hurts to turn them off at dawn How it hurts not to see you again
I will dream of you, I will miss you (Oh-oh)
And although I can no longer see you, I will invent you (Eh)
You will call me, I will answer (No, no) And with my voice that I'm fine I will lie to us (Eh)
And when I stop counting every second (Ah-ah)
When your places stop hurting me (Ah-ah)
And when you are finally not the only one in my world (Ah-ah)
I'll forget you, woh
Eh-eh-eh, yeah I forget I'll forget you, eh-eh Nerd
And when I stop counting every second When your places stop hurting me
And when at last you are not the only one in my world
I will forget you

Vitamin Ğ

Thanks to our men and women of letters
They found a vitamin
When you work a little bit


Yesterday I thought
I'd like to go up to the mountains
To forget you
A bit of cold wouldn't hurt me
I thought about
That song they teach you at school
To remember the names of the Alps
Ma con gran pena, then I forget the rest1
If you knew the thoughts I've lost
That I've chased out of my head
So that you could sleep comfortably in there
And feel special like on the holidays
I still know you like McFlurrys
But only at three in the morning
And I know about your first kiss at bumper cars
With that idiot
Some troublemaker from your town
Your aunts' names
Sail around on my seas
Drowning all the poems
That I've known since elementary school
Maybe you'll feel bad
For this poor head of mine
That still knows everything about you
Because as much as I try
You're all I have left
The scars on your legs
Are wise men that tell a story
About a little girl that kept falling down
During gym class, and I know it by memory
Now you know how to walk straight
And maybe you don't end up on your butt
Please remind yourself, my dear
That you were truly beautiful
When you used to fall and say 'Ouch!'
When you used to fall and say 'Ouch!'
When you used to fall and say 'Ouch!'
  • 1. 'Ma con gran pena le reca giù' is an Italian mnemonic to remember the different mountain ranges in the alps.


Julia don't laugh, please, let's not make a racket
Your happiness will wake up our roommates
Then they'll leave us notes on the bed
Because at night you're supposed to sleep and be respectful
Julia if some day we stop making love
I promise I'll go and get a degree and become a doctor
And we'll buy ourselves a house as big as your bed
Where there's only laughter, and you never have to be respectful
Julia don't let college get you down
That test was hard, I'll tell your dad about it
And you can tell, you can tell, that professor of yours
Has never laughed and doesn't know what love is
Julia, hold me tight like in a cliche
I'll be your plain, go ahead and cry your river
Wake up our roommates and tomorrow you'll see
They'll break my face while you sleep
Julia, yesterday I was at a bar drinking with my friends
And I saw you hidden behind a waiter
(Ha-ha-ha, you were with some guy, yeah, I swear to God)
You were with some guy, I swear to God
And just for a second it seemed like it wasn't me
Julia, please, don't yell, I'm not accusing you of anything
No dear, you're misinterpreting, I'm just an idiot
It was your professor, that one with the ugly face
Fine, I'll sleep on the couch, but I'll keep a picture of you
Julia, I've been sleeping on this couch for two months
I keep waiting for you, even if it's in vain
I left a letter for you and the professor
Could you make a bit less noise when you're making love?