Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 36

Találatok száma: 1420


Férfiak Hullanak Az Égből

Ecc-pecc kimehetsz
Holnap után bejöhetsz
Ha el akarod engedni őt
Hölgyeim ne aggódjatok rengeteg van még belőlük
Férfiak hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Oh férfiak hullanak, kislány
Miért aggódsz
Mit hiszel kit fogsz kapni
Ezzel a köszönéssel megijesztelek
Összetévesztesz valakivel ha azt gondolod
Könnyen megkaphatsz majd
Először is tudnod kell,
Hogy nem én vagyok az egyetlen
Azt hiszed kapni fogsz valamit
Kedvesem, nem kapsz semmit
Oh tudnod kell
Hogy kétszer több vagyok
Tölts be a fegyvert, célozz, add meg nekem, viszlát
Engedj el az elvárásaidból, haver
Túl magasra célzol
Ha már itt tartunk, a barátod jobban néz ki mint te, szóval
Ecc-pecc kimehetsz
Holnap után bejöhetsz
Ha el akarod engedni őt
Hölgyeim ne aggódjatok rengeteg van még belőlük
Férfiak hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Oh férfiak hullanak, kislány
Miért aggódsz
Elnézést, de te kinek képzeled magad
Hadd mondjam meg ennek a kibaszott palinak, hogy rengetek hal van a tengerben
És azért izzaszt engem, mert nekem van a legszűkebb lyukam
De az övét egy mikroszkóppal se találnám meg
Add nekem ezt a ...
Már nem nyűgözz le a pénzed régóta régóta régóta
A saját tv műsor gyártó vállalatomat akarom
Szóval megmondhatod, hogy hozzám vághatja, Celie
Amúgy Ri Ri mi rímmel a legjobban a neveddel
A pénzed elvitt vakációzni Chilébe
Akarsz hátul ülni, míg én kormányzom nagyon nagyon nagyon
Nem, de tényleg tényleg
Kifekszünk a parton, míg elém hozzák a trollokat
Mert férfiak hullanak az égből... kövér ribancok!!!
Férfiak hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Oh férfiak hullanak, kislány
Miért aggódsz
Azt mondom hé (hé)
El az utamból (hé)
Hol vannak a barátnőim (hé)
Nagy lábon élnek, és jól csinálják a dolgukat (hé)
Kikerülik a sort és nem fizetnek (hé)
Játékos tarts meg a pénzed, meg tudom venni az italom
Fent a klubban (hé)
Látod a férfiak tucatjával jönnek
Szóval nekem nem jelent semmit (hé)
Plusz én nem is miattad aggódom haver
Mert rengeteg hal van még a tengerben (oké)
Ecc-pecc kimehetsz
Holnap után bejöhetsz
Ha el akarod engedni őt
Hölgyeim ne aggódjatok rengeteg van még belőlük
Férfiak hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Hullanak az égből
Szóval nem fogunk ki fogyni belőlük
Oh férfiak hullanak, kislány
Miért aggódsz

Don't Cling To My Wings

I don't see any sense in this anymore
Just pretty sentences that go around
Yes, you speak but you're not saying anything to me
You are beautiful, 'You're ugly!' I say
I dig my grave and plea for your grudge
I speak about how I will yet rise today
This is the last time I'll get angry
Tomorrow, at long last I'll change
And I won't mention you anything
You can't reach me
Don't cling to my wings
You'll never reach me
Even if you cling to my wings
Every time you say what the heck
I'm wondering what I demanded this time
I believe I don't owe you anything
In my dreams I press your head against the pillow
Until I know the tracks can surely be found
In the mornings I cry my little visions
Today, finally, is my time to get angry
Tomorrow, you'll be missing my number
And I won't mention you anything
You can't reach me
Don't cling to my wings
You'll never reach me
(Catch me if you can, catch me if you can!)
Even if you cling to my wings
(Tar in feathers)
Don't even think that this is
You're not thinking this is
Don't even think that this is
Difficult, difficult
Difficult, not at all
Not at all

Open to me your door

Open to me your door, fresh rose, for I’m trembling like a reed leaf.
I won’t’ open the door, oh I won’t open it until the sun raises on the high seas.
Open to me your door, fresh rose, for I’m trembling like a reed leaf.
You're resting in your bed, and you leave me outside the door
like a pilgrim wandering in the countryside his painful life.
Open to me your door, fresh rose, for I’m trembling like a reed leaf.

Running to love

I came running in pijamas
In the dark, following you
The lonely echo of your voice on the phone
Only in my imagination didn't end
I want to hear your true feelings
Don't go anywhere alone
I can't find wise words
I just cry
I'm scared of something
Because I can't grasp your love
Being barefoot, the pebbles hurt me
My cheeks turn pale in front of you
Even if you ask me what I'm doing
To the point of not understanding, my heart is in chaos
No thoughts come to my mind
Don't blame me for my sad behaviour
Clenching my fist with all my strength
I'm trembling
I'm scared of something
Because I can't grasp your love
I can't find wise words
I just cry
I'm scared of something
Because I can't grasp your love
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

On the hills of Cuscione

On the hills of Cuscione
A little girl was born
And her dear grandmother
Cradled her tenderly
These are the wishes
She made as she rocked her
Sleep a little
Grandmother's joy
For I must prepare the supper
And sew cloaks
For your poor little father
And for your big brothers
When you get married
You will carry the distaffs
You will ride in majesty
On horseback with the
Men of honour
To the sound of bagpipes playing


Ninna nanna
Sleep in my palm
Ninna ninna
Oh, so great to see you
Ninna nanna
Sleep in my palm
Oh, precious treasure
Sleeping on mother's heart
Ninna ninna
Oh, sleep is good
Ninna nanna
Precious treasure
Oh, the gold you cry for
That's why your mom sings
So this lullaby can come true
Oh, to keep you from evil
That's why your mom sings
So this lullaby come true
Oh, your mother's heart
So this lullaby can come true
Ninna nanna

Oh Wave

Oh wave, when it reaches thee
The wrath of sunken furies
Thou bearest all history
Oh wave, oh thy silence
Deeper than the grave
White like a knife stroke
Oh wave, when thou singest
It is a wail that flowers
Like the sound of a gun
So many boats lost
So many lands to be found
So many harbors buried
So many loves to find
Oh wave, smooth, smooth
Flowing, flowing

The lament of Jesus

Oh you sleeping
inside this stone grave
for having suffered
so many injuries and wounds
the atrocious torture
that finally made you die too
now you can rest, quiet, still
you do not suffer any more
But I am
in a burning fire
I’m burning and moaning
and everyone can hear me
I know my beloved one’s tears
and those of an afflicted mother
I shout to the Eternal
so He remembers the Innocent
And then after
all this rage
so many injuries and foul violence
nailed by your hands and feet
you were hung to a cross
oh God of so much pain
please, just let me hear Your voice
From now and forever
everything seems to have ended
you are dead
the drama is over
and yet in Jerusalem
everybody has already run away
miserable and ashamed
dead are faith and life

Me No Jay Park

Those who are struggling, leave them to struggle
I don’t know and I don’t care
Me No Jay Park, Me No Jay Park
If it’s not my business, I’m not interested
I might know about it but I don’t care
Me No Jay Park, Me No Jay Park
AOMG is all about Jay, then it’s Loco, then it’s Gray
Last year, their stack of papers were quite thicker than mine
There’s another duck other than Ugly Duck and that’s me, the lame duck
My name only had advantages when we all started way back
Two completely different styles
One has a clear plan
His studio album title was Worldwide, spends half the year in an airplane
The other only acts serious, he’s a lazy son
Like a jack stuck in the overlook, going into wreck-it mode
The weight of responsibility is tilting more and more
My stages have no conscience, just recycling a few old hits
Feeling thankful yet sorry to all the fans who come to watch
Only shit is multiplying, this big shit, pinch your noses first
Honestly, I went on SMTM to show my company something
That as a CEO, I can do something, do something
My words and actions didn’t match cuz I wanted to see results go up
So I just laid out excuses in the interviews
The biggest problem was the delay in my comeback
It’s cuz I could never get an OK from myself
i said again and again, I kept saying ‘take 1’
Only greed grew deeper, deeper than rap
This really fucks you up
If you cut out my leadership quality, I’m just a fake thug
My pathos has grown numb, even to the IK Crew
The only one who’s given me a shout out till the end is JTONG
They always say there was discord with anyone I was with
Is there someone next to me?
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
simon d this, simon d that
simon d this, simon d that
They all say
Do this, do that, bullshit
Do this, do that, bullshit
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
simon d this, simon d that
simon d this, simon d that
They all say
Do this, do that, bullshit
Do this, do that, bullshit
i can’t do Jay Park
After he raised the stocks of AOMG
He set up H1GHR Music
Going on international business trips all the time
Eventually signing with ROC
I saw his selfie with the HOVA
Jealous, I liked his picture like a thoughtless idiot
Get a new watch? Or save up to get a building?
It’s all meaningless, it’s really pathetic
This year, there’s only one goal
To recover my pride
i don’t do Jay Park
He’s a worker ant and has a lot of balls
But me, I’m just a fucking lazy grasshopper to the haters
Only stationed in my studio
It’s me vs myself, and it’s always ‘you lose’
I came back to that swag of losing everything
One guy starts as an idol and earns r-e-s-p-e-c-t
The other acts like an idiot when out drinking over one line of lyrics
Here, talent is about quantity over quality
I’ve been denying it so it brought me to an off-season
But as if he’s denying me, Park’s life tells me ‘this is it’
After being the prize motherfucker for two years in a row at the Korean Music Awards
I became fucked over the pressure that increased
Then I set my ambitions low, way lower than my skills
Making my work seem like it’s from a ’08 mixtape mixtape
Everyone, attention please
I’m about to make a big announcement
A gun to my head, lock & load, that’s what it feels like right now
It makes me cringe to hear ‘CEO’ now
It was just hard for me to keep up with Park’s speed
I’m writing my resignation right now, this song is it
me no down gradin’, to me, it’s all ‘up’ ***another word for ‘business’
i’ll be humble as a mumble in the jungle
You think I’m gonna end it like this? Like I’m just trying to act cool?
I’m the most like myself when I’m a rapper
That’s the only time I have faith
My name is all I have, nothing more, nothing less
My heart has already signed off, a resigned Simon Dominic?
It’s not a joke, the company’s concerns are growing larger
I’ll sell my stocks to AOMG first
Pumkin should hurry and meet with the lawyers and CJ so there’s no problems
You take the CEO badge and make me work under you
Hurry so I don’t change my mind, so the media play won’t start
My credit is still hitting the floor, I’m gonna say fuck it and go back
Looking back, I was living a life of a fake CEO
Not enough desperation, not enough desperation
But deficiency is my strength
i’m ma take it back again, in a matter of a few days

The solution

It was you
Among all those people
It was you
With that important attitude
It was you
Who melted my sky full of kites
And turned the city full of walls into poetry
It was you
That night when we got lost
In a thousand phases, setbacks and adversities
Would you ever recognize me
With the eyes you have now
And even today I'll postpone to tomorrow
In order not to think about you any longer
But don't believe those who say
This time made us end up losing
Don't believe them
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
And I'm searching for new horizons
In this summer night
Some cold is needed
I leave my fears to a gust of wind
To cover your shoulders just with my silence
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Destinations
But it's still you
The solution
It was you
That night when we wondered
Whether it had to end where all moments end
Anyway you already know
That you'll keep them
And even today I'll postpone to tomorrow
In order not to think about you any longer
But don't believe those who say
This fire will become ash
Just don't believe them
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
And I'm searching for new horizons
In this summer night
Some cold is needed
I leave my fears to a gust of wind
To cover your shoulders just with my silence
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Destinations
But it's still you
The solution
With the red eyes of one who's run too much
Or maybe cried too much, I can't remember
But your memory I'm holding tight
Is my tomorrow
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
With my future ahead
But in this summer night
Life's how it's supposed to be
I leave my fears
On the shoulders of time
And rewriting our sky in the dark in a different way
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Dimensions
But it's still you
The solution
The solution
The solution
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

I have been named you Deniz

Where are the impertinent children?
They have gone one morning
Applauses tingled in the dead-end streets
Who has the echo?
I have been named you Deniz
I have sorrow
I've been built the villages far from each other
I have mistaken your Sea
We have made a fire on the bulwarks of the suffering
They shooted us, We were out of breath
Time was stopped
Shadows kept their positions
I have been named you Deniz
I have sorrow
I've been built the villages far from each other
I have mistaken your Sea*
Sinful night becomes

The solution

It was you, among all those people
It was you, with your look of importance
It was you, who painted my darkest space
And you transformed my portion of heaven into poetry
It was you, that night we missed
Between words, setbacks and lack of time
Maybe you'll recognize me in how you'll look
And also today I promise that tomorrow i wont think about you anymore
But dont believe the one who says
That this time will not go to waste
You must not believe
I leave a the spooky past
I look for new limits
In the autumn leaves I will hide my fears
I leave all my fear in the wind
And I cover your shoulders with prudent silence
And I can not even distinguish horizon, universe or my address
You are the only solution
It was you, that night we asked ourselves
If we would end up where all the moments would end
But you already know, that you will keep them
And also today I will leave that tomorrow I wont think about you
But dont believe the one who says
That all the fire will scatter
The good will remain
I leave a the spooky past
I look for new limits
In the autumn leaves I will hide my fears
I leave all my fear in the wind
And I cover your shoulders with prudent silence
And I can not even distinguish horizon, universe or my address
You are the only solution
With fatigue and with no more encouragement
Of running without crying
It's your memory that I will never lose
Its my tomorrow
I leave a the spooky past
Without fearing the present
On this autumn night
Life belongs to those who want it
I leave my fear with a shout in the wind
To touch blindly, our sky again
And I can not even distinguish horizon, universe or my address
Well, you are the only solution
The solution (X2)

Nyilvánvaló tény

Felesleges most már
Ragaszkodni hogy nemet mondj
És letagadj egy nyilvánvaló tényt.
Szükséged volt rám
Ahogy nekem is rád
Hagyod hogy most már így legyen
Fogod az álmot ami már itt van
És kezdesz hinni bennünk
És nem mész el sosem mert
Ameddig itt maradsz
A rossz dolgaimból is a legjobbat hozod ki, te leszel
Ezeknek a gyér éveknek
Az aranya, kézen fogva leszek
Én is ugyanaz neked.
Elég lenne belátni
Hogy bármi is lesz
A legegyértelműbb próba.
Egy steril múlt
Ami nem engedi az ismétlést
Sem a jövőben sem a jelenben.
Így, már
Sosem fordulunk vissza
Nem áldozzuk fel magunkat
Ameddig itt maradsz
A rossz dolgaimból is a legjobbat hozod ki, te leszel
Ezeknek a gyér éveknek
Az aranya, kézen fogva leszek
Én is ugyanaz neked.
Az őrült napjaimon
A figyelmesség kéz a kézben
Te leszel
Ugyanez leszek neked.
Felesleges most már
Ragaszkodni hogy nemet mondj
És letagadj egy nyilvánvaló tényt.

Let Me Under Your Wing

Let me under your wing
And be my mother and sister
And your lap shall be the haven to my head
A nest for all my distant prayers.
And at times of mercy, between the suns
Bow down and I'll tell you the secret of my suffering
They say that there is youth in the world
Where is mine?
Let me under your wing...
And another secret I'll confess to you
My soul went up in flames
They say that there is love in the world
What is love...
Let me under your wing...
The stars deceived me
There was a dream but it also passed
Now I have nothing in the world
I have nothing.
Let me under your wing...

Those who don’t have anyone

They give you a smile
And sit down for a while.
In their paradise
Someone is missing.
They invent a love
And evenings without supper.
A teardrop slips down,
They can barely sleep.
They take your hand
And feel they have
A fragment of spring,
A beam of future.
Their good luck
Is worn in their memory
And only the moonlight
Appeases their story.
They tell you the secrets
That they bear in their hearts,
But they become discreet
When are going to die.
One day they leave,
Nobody accompanies them,
Up there they will tell
Their good luck.
And we don’t see them
And we don’t hear them
And what do we say about
Those who
Those who don’t have anyone
Those who don’t have anyone
Those who don’t have anyone…

On my way to the motel

On my way to the motel
I've been greeted by three chavs that were coming back from a party
They were taking a tea
And were arguing about life while they were going to the neighbourhood's Mass, at Colón*
On my way to the motel
While Pucho promised me he would give me a little bit from everything
I told him that rum
it wouldn't be a lack of it in the swamps of my farewell, and it's c'mon
And I'm already in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Because I'm in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Give me anything to drink
On my way to the motel
I've been greeted by three poofters that were coming back from cruising
They were taking a coffee
And were arguing about the Euribor while they were going to the neighbourhood's Mass, at Colón
On my way to the motel
While the naked muses were dancing to the sound of my song
It's my solution
To come to Marvel and tell you my experience, fasting, high as a kite
And I'm already in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Because I'm in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Give me anything to drink
And this is coming to the end, and this is going to be closed,
People are already going, close the fucking door
This is coming to the end, and this is going to be closed,
Turcana is coming to the bar, it's starting
The party is starting
And I'm already in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Because I'm in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Give me anything to drink

Son of man

You have the power to be strong
and the wisdom to be wise
Knowing that your time is here
Wandering in that way of yours
you'll find answers
You'll stand on the mountain
and you'll reach the peak
Son of the father
Freely you'll leap above
Then when you're a father
You'll see a father in your son
Even if you're alone
You'll conquer doubts
The journey will go very well
From a boy you'll be a man
Son of the father
Freely you'll leap above
Then when you're a father
You'll see a father in your son
In teaching you'll always learn
and in learning you will teach
until one day you'll have love
And all the dreams you dreamed
and the images of magic
All will be true
Your days always fly
Son of the father
Freely you'll leap above
Then when you're a father
You'll see a father in your son
Your son
your son is already something of a father

I Sit Beside The Window

I sit beside the window's edge
I sit beside the window's edge
I sit beside the window's edge,
Looking upon the stars,
I sit beside the window's edge,
And I think to myself thus.
Will you come on by my dear, or not,
I dream of you so often?...
I come nearer to the window's edge,
And you stand there smiling.
Love - loving, is like the flower,
Which blooms there in the morning,
Like that butterfly in the spring
Flying up there oh so high.
So do you guard your dear hearts,
That you don't love too early,
For the gardens will bloom in the spring,-
Your love will not return.

Don't Drink The Horses Water

Don't drink the horse's water
For the water is not clean,
There have fallen in her, )
There have fallen in her )
Leaves from the arbor. ) 2x
Leaves from the arbor,
And from the duck pepper,
It hurt and hurts me so, )
It hurt and hurts me so)
For my beloved's heart.)2x
My heart, my dear heart,
Of a heard stone
Why don't you break apart,)
Why don't you break apart,)
From the great grief. )2x
My grief my dear grief,
Do change into small ones,
Go vanish from me, )
Go vanish from me )
Like the dew on the grass. )2x
Like the dew on the grass
That we cannot count
That in our village, )
That in our village )
There's no one to love. )3x

This is Not Your War

The battle's at dawn - the sun and smoke...
Few do know, what will happen to him?...
Or what will be tomorrow? - In youthful thoughts -
Who has hope, or who has fear...
The branches of all the Kalyn' bend down low...
O mother, to whom you have prayed?
How many more will she take
Of your children this is not your war?...
Your sons and daughters became parents,
They saw all their dreams in color
And had kissed the hands of lies,
For quiet nights they gave up their days...
It was once good there and at one time,
There, was no sweat and where, tears were not,
Only in that there was no goal -
I can't be that way, and how can you?...
The branches of all the Kalyn' bend down low...
O mother, not to them have we prayed!...
How many more will she take
Of your children this is not your war?...
How many more will she take
Of your children this is not your war?...

I Ride into The Village on a Grey Horse

I rIde into the village on a grey horse,
On a grey horse,
The people do tell me, the people do tell me
A fiancée I do have.
I don't have, don't have, a Lem(ko) I want to have,
a Lem(ko) I want to have,
On a grey horse, a grey horse,
I ride to see her.
My grey horse knows where to drink,
Knows where to drink,
There by my girl, there by my girl,
Will carry me there.
I rIde into the village on a grey horse,
On a grey horse,
The people do tell me, the people do tell me
A fiancée I do have.

Hutsuko Beloved

Oh, on the mountain there is a house
By it there sits my brother's girl
Sits there looking oh so sadly- 2x
Waiting for her Hutsul boy -2x
And that Hutsul has gone away
To another he was looking
Somewhere he was looking at another- 2x
And has forgotten his true love -2x
His beloved wipping away her tears
and in the autumn does ask
Do tell me,dear autumn - 2x
Where and in what I have done wrong - 2x.
Mod + 1
Somewhere in the field, the wind blows
About a girl, a Hutsul dreams
But the girl is already beloved - 2r.x
Surely with another now is paired 2x
Mod + 1
Let him now know, let him learn
Hr threw away a girl friend and is now angry
For he is left alone completely -2x
And now he is paired with no one - 2x
You need to know what to do
Of all, to only love but one
And the girl is worth all that - 2x
So to have a beloved -2x

Take it all

Until the moon i have
What the desire ends in my front
The world is little, life is nice to me
Tomorrows are full, today pass
But a part of me stays half-way
If i don't tell you, i'll die
I'll disappear without you
Take it all, give me you
Give me you, take it all
Take it all, take it all
Give me you, take it all
Take it all, take it all
I can't stop my feet
The world revolves, my head is wasted
Everything is nice, everything is okey
I don't think tomorrow, time pass
But a part of me stays half-way
If i don't tell you, i'll die
I'll disappear without you
Take it all, give me you
Give me you, take it all
Take it all, take it all
Give me you, take it all
Take it all, take it all(X2)


When you find a clover by yourself
with the enticing four leaves,
the happiest year for you will be ahead
and all you have desired most
Such a clover if you pick
is a sign of fortunate prediction
but happiness must be seeked out -
it never comes alone / by itself.
Chorus: (x2)
Clovers, clovers, clovers,
I've been looking for you across the endless land
Clovers, clover, clovers,
you are countless, only with three leaves instead.
I want of the tiny magical leaves
one to be for me in the world -
they bring only four hopes,
but one (of them) is always love.
Chorus: (x2)
Clovers, clovers, clovers,
I've been looking for you across the endless land
Clovers, clover, clovers,
you are countless, only with three leaves instead.

O ruby blood

O ruby blood
which flowed from on high
where divinity touched.
You are a flower
that the winter
of the serpent's breath
can never injure.

Wake me up

I have a ticket to the fairytale depths of Wonderland
That are hidden behind the eyelids and behind the dilated pupils
Wake me up, the show has already started
I close my eyes and I'm home
I don't have anywhere to drive or to go on foot
And there are rivers, and there are mountains
The skies are blue and pools are black
I have a ticket to the fairytale depths of Wonderland
That are hidden behind the eyelids and behind the dilated pupils
Wake me up, the show has already started
We keep our treasures locked and glued up
But true jewels lie in thick strands of hair
Wake me up, the show has already started
There are so many deserts and steppes,
So many places where to go and where to always seek
When courage is gone and doubts appear
I close my eyes and I'm home

The Virginia Company

In 1607 we're sailing on the sea, and how!
For glory, God and gold and the Virginia Company
Because we love the new world, we'll become rich and free as never before
It promised this to us, the Virginia Company
It promised this to us, the Virginia Company
For glory, God and gold and the Virginia Company
On the beaches of Virginny there are treasures full of magic
The rivers are made of silver and the gold goes up to the knees
A golden nugget for Winnie, I love her as the gold
And everything that will remain to us, the Virginia Company will take
For glory, God and gold and the Virginia Company
We'll kill ourselves a red-skin, we want to drive them away
We swear our fidelity to the Virginia Company
For glory, God and gold and the Virginia Company
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

She hides her heart

I think that she has it in her purse
Or in her pant pocket
Maybe it remained, forgotten, in the drawer
In the closet or the bedroom
In general, she doesn't wear it
So she carries her chest empty
I think that she doesn't find it good anymore
Because someone else broke it easily before
And I still try to make her feel something
I don't understand
I'd like someone to tell me
Where she hides her heart
But I've gotten lost
For how much I've tried
To find it
But she, she hides her heart
She told me, my dear, I don't want you always
But seriously, it's really hard for me
I've forgotten how to love, I've forgotten how to be
I wonder what I feel, believe me, I don't know
I don't let it leave--it can't
She looks under her eyelashes in the night
Her body burns cold, the smile roasts me
My soul freezes
And I still try to make her feel something
I don't understand
I'd like someone to tell me
Where she hides her heart
But I've gotten lost
For how much I've tried
To find it
But she, she hides her heart
Where she hides
Where she hides her heart
Where she hides
Where she hides her heart
Where she hides
Where she hides her heart
I think that she has it in her purse
Or in her pant pocket
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


Once a woman, all gray and old, read
my life from my hand,
the whole path that destined me,
my goal and my status.
I should've embedded myself soft and good,
should've quietly complied,
and should've smothered any embers
that burned hotly within myself.
I ran far,
was not destined for fate,
my lifelines
belong to me alone.
So far,
where the wind blows me,
still have time for life,
find my own way,
my lifelines just along.
My father said, 'Be modest and quiet,
never dream of fleeting happiness,
do not go too far out into the world,
or you'll never find your way back.
Do not dare too much, whoever lives unstably
loses his head and more',
he spoke to me, and as I left,
he watched me leave.
I ran far,
was not destined for fate,
my lifelines
belong to me alone.
So far,
where the wind blows me,
still have time for life,
find my own way,
my lifelines just along.

Me Alone vs. All Of You

She enrolled to the plates course but she didnt started at all
May the world see her doing sports
Nobody's unhappy on instagram
All lies, you know
Fried potatoes arent on the list
May people see her on diet
Nobody's fat on instagram
You see everybody slim
-fake, small, perfect-
In her -...- world of her everyone is
future marriage candidate
everyone is their own princess
Me alone vs all of you
Has any of you looked at the mirror
I dont care, I will not
I wont leave it unpunished

The Enchanted Violin

Versions: #3
On a poplar, sat white winged charming crane
Set the sun, for the night beyond the fields.
I have loved, I have loved onto the pain
A young man, a nice-playing violinist.
I have loved, being enchanted by the string,
I was losing, that sweet melody in grove
To the green grove, in the evening of crane spring
To young man that, loving heart mine I have brought
I was walking, like a princess of the evening,
I was walking, getting to that sounding pearl,
Then not knowing, that the music I was seeking
Not for me was, that it was for other girl.
On a poplar, sat white winged charming crane
Set the sun, for the night beyond the fields.
I have loved, I have loved onto the pain
That young man, that nice-playing violinist.

Out of Thin Air

-Aladdin, are you ok? What happened?
-I always wanted to know at least something about my father, but now I'm not sure. What kind of a person leaves his son? Aaah... Maybe it's not even worth knowing him.
-No, it's worth it.
-Why are you so sure?
-I always knew him. For I know you. Before you, I spent my days alone, but you showed me how wonderful life can be. Just smile, and I'll remember again our first flight. You weren't born to be sad.
-Oh, Jasmine... You can't know everything about me. Just think, how hard it is for children to grow up without parents. Your father made sure that you were able to find your own path. I, on the other hand, from childhood couldn't understand myself and where my world was. Maybe the time has come to find out.
-Be brave and find out!
-We'll have to say goodbye again.
-I'm always waiting for you, know that. And I will be yours...
-My beloved...
-Don't discard your dreams.
-That's the most important thing.
-Maybe, your father will come to our wedding day.
-That's my hope...
-Then it's time...
-To find him.
-He'll be happy to see a joyful young couple. Your father is also asking...
-My son, where are you, where are you?
-He who was once alone, will find a kindred spirit.
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!