Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 44

Találatok száma: 1420


Goodbye to a Childhood Friend

I'm not a child
I'm not a child, but
I don't want to grow up
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid, but
I don't know what will happen in the future
Will things ever be the same again?
I don't want to be parted from you
I have to go on alone
And I have left you behind
Thank you
Those days will not return
But within my heart
I will keep your memory alive
I'm not lonely
I'm not lonely, but
I don't want to be alone
It doesn't hurt
It doesn't hurt, but
There's an empty feeling inside my chest
Even if you are gone, the world will not change
So, why won't these tears stop?
I have to go on alone
And I have left you behind
Thank you
Those days will not return
But within my heart
I will keep your memory alive
I have to go on alone
And I have left you behind
Thank you
Those days will not return
But within my heart
I will keep your memory alive
Translation by Albaniana. If you ever want to republish this translation, please ask for permission first and cite me as the author. Lyrics are protected by copyright./Përkthimi nga Albaniana. Në qoftse ndonjëherë doni të ripublikoni këtë përkthim, të lutem pytni për leje para dhe me citoni si autoria. Tekstet janë mbrojtur nga e drejta e autorit.

A szívem kérdezi

A szívem kérdezi, miért
nincs szerencsém a szerelemben?
És kérdezi tőlem amíg
itt fogok rád várni gondolatban.
Nem akarok másik férfit ismerni,
őt akarom, akit nekem határoztak,
a gondolatomból minden este.
Érezlek ott valahol a világon,
tudom, hogy én is ott vagyok az elmédben,
és szeretjük egymást a nyári estéken.
Szeretném, hogy találkozzunk véletlenül az utcán,
ismeretlenül, de mégis hiánnyal megtelve.
Te átölelsz, mint egy őrült,
én megcsókollak és elmondom egy hónapra...
A szívem kérdezi, miért
nincs szerencsém a szerelemben?
És kérdezi tőlem amíg
itt fogok rád várni gondolatban.
Én várlak téged, mintha te lennél
az egyetlen nap az éjszakámban.
A szívem kérdezi, miért
nincs szerencsém a szerelemben?
És mintha tudnám a neved,
az ajkamon van és a gondolatomban.
Hívlak az álmaimban minden este.
És arra gondolok, hogy talán akarod tudni,
Egy élet és egy nap óra várom, hogy gyere.
És a távolságok fájni kezdenek.
Szeretném, hogy találkozzunk véletlenül az utcán,
ismeretlenül, de mégis hiánnyal megtelve.
Te átölelsz, mint egy őrült,
én megcsókollak és elmondom egy hónapra...
A szívem kérdezi, miért
nincs szerencsém a szerelemben?
És kérdezi tőlem amíg
itt fogok rád várni gondolatban.
Én várlak téged, mintha te lennél
az egyetlen nap az éjszakámban.
A szívem kérdezi, miért
nincs szerencsém a szerelemben?
És talán csak egy gyermek vagyok,
lépkedve egy cérnaszálon.
És az őrült bátorságomban látom
a szerelmet előttem.
És le fogok esni a saját hibámból,
és megütöm magam.
De leesnék én több ezerszer,
csak hogy megtaláljalak.
A szívem kérdezi, miért
nincs szerencsém a szerelemben?
És kérdezi tőlem amíg
itt fogok rád várni gondolatban.
Én várlak téged, mintha te lennél
az egyetlen nap az éjszakámban.
A szívem kérdezi, miért
nincs szerencsém a szerelemben?

Kis férfi

Két hideg kezeimet fogod
A búcsú fehér galambjait
Mennyire szomorú napom van
Ha ma megszabadulsz tőlem
Tőlem ki annyira törékeny
És nélküled én elveszek
Kicsi férfi ne küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék
Ez az utolsó esély az életre
Meglátod hogy nem fogom elveszteni és nem!
Ez az utolsó esély az életre
Hibázom majd igen tudom
De együtt veled sikerülni fog és igen!
Emiatt mondom
Kicsi férfi ne küldj el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék.
Gyűlnek a felhők köztünk
És... Te már nem mondod mi van
Persze, ha a helyedben lennék
Tudnám már mit mondanék
Magamtól tennék egy szemrehányást
És aztán elvesznék.
Kicsi férfi ne küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék
Ez az utolsó esély az életre
Meglátod hogy nem fogom elveszteni!
( mert képes vagyok rá)
Nekem kell - én élni akarok
Együtt veled sikerülni fog
(és... Meg kell tennem)
Az utolsó esély az életre
Meglátod hogy nem fogom elveszteni
(mert képes vagyok rá)
Nekem kell - Élni akarok
Együtt nekünk sikerülni fog.
Kicsi férfi ne
Küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék
Kicsi férfi ne
Küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék.

Don't Tie Your Scarf From the Side

Don't Tie Your Scarf From the Side*
Don't Tie Your Scarf From the Side
I sing, you don't cry
Your cruel mother will not give you*
Your cruel mother will not give you
You don't cry when you sit down*
You don't cry when you sit down
Hele* what happens what happens what happens
Hele hele what happens what happens what happens
What happens girl if you're mine
What happens girl if you love me
Hele* what happens what happens what happens
Hele hele what happens what happens what happens
What happens girl if you're mine
What happens girl if you love me
The water is blurred, is not drinkable
The water is blurred, is not drinkable
Groove is thin, can not be passed
They say me 'forget your lover'
They say me 'forget your lover'
The lover is cute, can not be forgotten
The lover is cute, can not be forgotten
Hele* what happens what happens what happens
Hele hele what happens what happens what happens
What happens girl if you're mine
What happens girl if you love me


[1st Verse:]
There's something in you, something which attracts me.
When you're not near, I'm not myself.
I can taste you on my lips, I breathe you in.
I drown in you, in you, in you.
This night happiness envelopes us.
We're on the same wavelength.
It's as though you can undress me with one look.
It brings goosebumps to my skin.
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
[2nd Verse:]
There's something in you, something which won't let me go.
And my hand is in your hand.
I'm burning up, exposing my feelings.
I'm giving up myself to you, you, you!
This night happiness envelopes us.
We're on the same wavelength.
It's as though you can undress me with one look.
It brings goosebumps to my skin.
[Chorus: x2]
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

Clinic Lotus Flower Spa

Where am I?
I don't know
Hey man,
what's wrong with me?
Why am I tied up?
Please, just remove the needle!
Please, stay calm
What's wrong with me?
What happened?
I don't know.
I don't really remember,
Stay calm, now I'll give you something to make you sleep
Yeah, I believe I'm gonna sleep
even if I'm not really sleepy right now.
Everything starts becoming clear, I remember her,
how much hate I felt that moment, there was a man inside my house and then...
Did you take any drugs?
No, absolutely not
Did you drink?
Maybe, a little
It was late, already night, I'm the only one who's found out the truth,
I'm the only one who knows it.
(That night) I opened the door and they were right there,
enjoying their freedom
She burst out laughing, he laughed too
maybe I smiled as well, reaching in my pocket and then...
Here they are,
lying on the ground
Here I am,
tied up
What's gonna happen to me, now?
Don't think about that,
just take this (pill) and you'll sleep.

Something You Were Looking for Elsewhere

And then try to run away from the same mistakes
and from the good things, despite yourself
From the anxiety of feeling good that keeps us awake
From the insecurity you don't know why (you have it)
From the game of memories, the sharpest ones
that make you bleed, don't collect them
From all of those projects that are always more important
Not to know, not to have to, never to understand what you want
But if there was the sea behind that door
the transparent place where you could lose yourself
If the soul at the mirror was a discovery
far away from the need to run away
If inside the fear there was nothing
only the sound of the life that is moving
If all the riches were this moment
something you were looking for elsewhere
And then to try to forget those looks
of a father who was returning and was never speaking
the attractive hypothesis that it is too late
to start saying the word 'us'
That sterile security that doesn't last long
not to know, not to have to, never to understand what you want
But if there was the sea behind that door
the transparent place where you could lose yourself
If the soul at the mirror was a discovery
far away from the need to run away
if the center of the winter was only
the nostalgia for the sun while it's raining outside
If all the riches were this moment
something you were looking for elsewhere
And to take the baggage of memories and expectations
that clutter more and more all of those excuses
and the unconsciousness of living, fly at a high altitude
You don't risk anything, where have you left it?
Where have you left it?
Where have you left it?
Where have you left it?
But if there was the sea behind that door
the transparent place where you could lose yourself
If the soul at the mirror was a discovery
far away from the need to run away
If after your war the time
inevitably builds new wonders
If all the riches were this moment
something you were looking for elsewhere
And then the instinct to still follow the reason
something you were looking for elsewhere

Áldott szenvedély

Ha csak a nosztalgia miatt lett volna
Ez az egész rosszkedv
Ami elfog
Minden este
Ha csak a féltékenység lett volna
Ami megmutatja hogy a dolgok
Csak az én elmémben
És ha az érzések a félelem és a harag miatti benyomás miatt lett volna
Amikor látom gondolataid
Megértem akkor hogy tegnap óta
Már elhagytál engem
És ha csak egy dal lett volna
Ami emlékül készült volna
Azokról a percekről amikor az enyém voltál..
És ha csak egy illúzió lett volna
Mindez az áldott szenvedély
Ami egy pillanatra elrepített engem.
Ami elrepített engem.
Ha csak a nosztalgia miatt lett volna
Ez az egész rosszkedv
Ami elfog
Minden este
Ha csak a féltékenység lett volna
Ami megmutatja hogy a dolgok
Csak az én elmémben
És ha az érzések a félelem és a harag miatti benyomás miatt lett volna
Amikor látom gondolataid
Megértem akkor hogy tegnap óta
Már elhagytál engem
És ha csak egy dal lett volna
Ami emlékül készült volna
Azokról a percekről amikor az enyém voltál..
És ha csak egy illúzió lett volna
Mindez az áldott szenvedély
Ami egy pillanatra elrepített engem.


Ha a szív felkell
Tele lesz vérrel és sóval.
Ezeregy éjszaka már
Nem változtatja többé meg
Ezt a pillanatot
Bárhol is vagy
Ezernyi fény az égen
Amit látok a félhomályban
Bárhol is vagy
Közel hozzánk, közel hozzánk
Ne menj el innen
Mielőtt fájdalmat okoznál
Ne menj el innen
Az életem nélkül.
Ezernyi fény és lámpaernyő
Nem látják meg sosem
Azt a pillanatot ahol vagy
Nem gondoltam abba bele
De az a pillanat
Sosem múlik el.
Ne menj el innen
Mielőtt fájdalmat okoznál
Ne menj el innen
Az életem nélkül.
Egy pillanatra, egy pillanatra
Magamhoz szorítalak
Egy pillanat múlva egy pillanat múlva
Elveszítelek majd.
Hideg ágyak, jól irányzott pofonok,
Feszületekkel teli falak.
Ne menj el innen
Mielőtt fájdalmat okoznál
Ne menj el innen
Az életem nélkül.
Ne menj el innen
Anélkül hogy nem élveznél engem megint
Ne menj el innen
Az életem nélkül.
Egy pillanatra, egy pillanatra
Halld a szívet
Amint vér keveredik a mézzel.

True Love

I'd like to be inside your mind
And make your two lips smile
When you wake up ,
I'd like to be your angel
Inside your soul's white color
But I don't know what I am
And I wonder about you
If I ever face those eyes
Who taught me how
to endure pain
To know who far I am
from a love so true
I'd want you to hug
me tightly
to tell me what
you've written
inside your heart
And when I find myself in your dream
In your beautiful morning
My two lips will be enchanted
But I don't know what I am
And I wonder about you
If I ever face those eyes
Who taught me how
to endure pain
To know who far I am
from a love so true
I'd like to live inside your mind
To see your shining smile
Inside your two eyes
That taught me how to endure pain
To know how far I am from a love
so true


Yeah Infinite ah ha
Let’s go.
My lonely girl My lonely girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl.
I don’t mind a little something extra
(no no)
so, don’t hide so timidly
I don’t mind you being casual
(no yes)
I kept watching out for you
I don’t hide I do
I don’t hide it I do
Now I don’t avoid it
(wait) Now, I’ll go to you
(Look at me) Now, it’s my time
only if you’re okay with it
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet your heart
I’ll be the wind blowing by your side
Leave it to me, that way I’ll give it to you
Leave it to me, I’ll cherish you like a gem
Let’s walk together to enlighten this world
Sometimes I argue like a child
Light up your eyes and take a deep breath
Now I’m different, be trapped by my smile
Now, hold me in my arms so we won’t be separated
I don’t mind a little something extra
(no no)
I’m just plain and stupid
I don’t think I have you yet
(no yes)
I kept looking out for you
I don’t pretend I do
I won’t be beat I do
Now, I’m not scared
(wait) Now, I’ll go to you
(Look at me) Now, it’s my time
if only you’re okay with it
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet you in your arms
Beside you, I’ll be the evening sun
Leave it to me, Trust me
I love you my girl
I love you my girl yeah
Won’t you leave it to me?
I love you my girl
I love you my girl yeah
I’ll make sure to take care of your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet your heart
I’ll be the wind blowing by your side
Leave it to me, that way I’ll give it to you
My lonely girl My lonely girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl
My baby girl My baby girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl
Leave it to me

Close Your Eyes

You said we’d meet again some day
As you held my hand and whispered
But now I can’t do anything for you anymore
Do you know how I’m feeling?
Where are you and what are you doing?
You haven’t forgotten me, have you?
What if the smallest memories disappear from me?
Will this fearful heart reach you?
This street that I used to walk with you
Now I’ll get used to it
As if nothing happened to me
On the day we meet again
I won’t let go of your hands
so we won’t grow apart ever again
Stay by my side
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
I only have tears
I can’t turn back the times we spent together
Just like you and I when we first saw each other
If we meet again,
I won’t ever let go of your hands
Don’t go far away from me ever again
Because you’re my everything
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
Days I couldn’t stay by your side
Now I’ll give them all to you, until always
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
I close my eyes and see the days we’ll be together

I have loved and I will love

My dear (girl), and oh my!
And I said, green royal apple
I have loved and I will love
Neica, at least if I go in sane
And what I like , I keep on loving
Because in my life I have loved
Both gypsy girls, and armenian girls(also) -- (I dont know if it does't refer to aromanian and not armenian)
A beautiful girl from Ploiesti city
I love her because she is so darling to me
Come on, come on, three times
May your mouth smell like florwers
And your lips smell like like gilly flowers
And may Neica bite from them
My dear (girl), and oh my!
And what has my soul loved?
Even if I die I am not sorry
Neica, what my heart had loved
I won't forget even if I die
Oh my!, I pull and I break (or snap)
I'm not going to no ugly girl
You Neica, even if someone would hold me bound
I would still break free and escape
Come on, come on, three times
May your mouth smell like florwers
And your lips smell like like gilly flowers
And may Neica bite from them

My baby has went away from me

Green leaf, thorny plants
My, oh my
My baby girl (or woman) has went away from me
My dear (girl), ('ahaaa' as if he pretends he cries)
And everyone is happy about it
And everyone is happy about it
I have lost the opportunity (this is what the expression means in this context)
My, oh my
Just when everything was sweetest to me
My dear (girl), ahaaa
---'Mi-a zburat puiul cu teiul'---(see comments)
Just when I was doing what is most important

Oh, how much I miss you

Oh, how much I miss you
Your dear (girl)
Neica, my desired baby
That my heart inside me is crying
Ever since we broke up
Neica, who separated me from you?
Oh my!
Neica, may he do bad in his life
Who broke us up
May that beloved live the terror of death

Fájdalmas Pia

Fájdalmas Pia, fájdalmas Pia
Fájdalmas Pia ártatlanul bűnhődik,
Bekötött fejjel, a fejével lefele néz
A múlt virágzó emlékeire
Térj vissza, hallom már a lelked fényét,
Itt vagy velem, fogom a kezeidet
Mennyi hónap, éjszaka és nappal óta
Nem tudnám megmondani, nem tudom de az biztos
Hogy eltelt a tél, aztán a tavasz
Az élet visszatért a kastélyba, de hozzám nem.
Nézd hát, ez a rólad szóló álom szertefoszlott
Amik felkavarták a hullámot és egy ló vágtatott el
De a szerelem, szerelmünk
A kapuk mögött megrohad.
Annál a falnál mindig fázom
Az ég világos, de a föld mindig sötét marad
Aztán előbb a zöld, a hosszú fény
A múlt virágzó emlékeire
Fájdalmas Pia, fájdalmas Pia
Fájdalmas Pia ártatlanul bűnhődik,
Bekötött fejjel, a fejével lefele néz
A múlt virágzó emlékeire

You wench, you flower

Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
You wench , you have turned hefty men out of the way (in this context for 'voinic' instead of 'heafty', 'brave' is better )
You have turned brave men out of the way
You wench , If you would have turned me also
There would be no more brave men in the world
There would be no more.... brave men in the world
Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
You wench, before I got to know you
Whereever I would lay, I would sleep
You wench, but now that I got to know you
I can no longer take a rest
I can no longer.... take a rest
Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
You wench, I swear I don't know what you did to me
That you have been so dear to me
Wench, I did nothing to you
But I have a saying that is charming
Wench, I have a saying that is charming ('mângâioasă'and 'cu lipici' both mean the same thing in this context)
I will make you go home no more
I will make you.... go home no more
Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
Wench , you have turned brave men out of the way
You have turned brave men out of the way
You wench , If you would have turned me also
There would be no more brave men in the world
There would be no more.... brave men in the world

We're all with Everfree - Serbian Minimax dub

I've been waiting the entire day,
To chase away the hungry wolf,
Know that my magic is salvation,
Come closer I'm your protection!
We're all with Everfree!
Look at nature's beauty,
In all it's glory!
Without the fear of vultures on the door,
I'll protect you now,
From the thorns with a fence!
For Everfree always together!
They're coming to our field,
They wanna conquer our camp,
But it's been ours for generations,
Where the end of complications,
We're all with Everfree!
Believe it's for your own good,
Don't be afraid,
Nature's with us,
And each beauty,
Every bud,
Will defend you!
Let them come let them try,
They won't chase me away,
That camp will stay here for a long time,
It'll go down in history!
We're all with Everfree!

The raindance

Black clouds above the earth and the stars gone.
The sky's utterly depressed and the moon mourns.
The moon doesn't wish to see that depression
and the stars look gone far away. A deserted land.
But you are above the rooftops -there- dancing
with the nomads of the desert the raindance.
My dream has been long gone and the stars are there,
the moon dances wildly above the earth.
At the crack of dawn, the sun seems to invade earth.
The sky blue is there, the nightmare is yet to come.
But you are above the rooftops -there- dancing
with the nomads of the desert the raindance.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

At that black shawl

At that black shawl (or scarf) (see my comments)
I was loving with sweetness
A young girl
With dense hair
With big black eyes
And red cheeked face
And red cheeked face....
And an elegant body
One day
I invited to eat
Some good friends
Which I was talking to
I was feeling to good
I was feeling happy
About unhappiness
I wasn't even thinking
I was feeling too good
When I was sitting near her
Without realising
That she was loving someone else
And right then with ease
She was beliving in love
And unhappiness
She wasn't even knowing about

Who has a grown up girl

Who has a grown up girl
Well Sir, is enduring great sadness
Well Sir, he/she works very hard to raise her
Your dear (girl), oh my!
Well Sir, and someone at random will take her (marry her)
Well, but who has a boy
Well Neica (Neica is a name)
Is very pleased
Well that's why it's good for you to have a boy
Because you are very pleased
Well Sir, because the boy will always be a boy
Aaa, oh my!
Well Neica, he goes on his way, he goes in that (certain) village
Ooohhhh, when the human grows old
Well Sir, will still have to deal with the boy
But it's good for you to have a girl also
Well Sir, because she gives you a cup of water
But it's good for you to have a girl also
Because she gives you a cup of water
Well Sir, she will weep for you until you die
Your dear (girl),
Well Neica, and cries from the bottom of her heart 'father'

I Adore you

If someone dear is alone
Who will they call?
If not Pepe (Peter)
who is my beloved
Who is far from my arms
No matter how far, it is near
I will reach no matter
So you can't say
that I don't you adore you
I love you!
You don't seem to care
You probably think
I'm joking
Heaven is my witness
even ten birds
If I don't love you
My heart would explode
I love you! You don't seem to care
I love you! You don't seem to care
I love you!

My three neighbours

I have three neighbours, three sisters, three sisters
and for them my heart goes out of its way
Chita, the prettiest, what a doll
Chona so charming, she's an angel
Chuda the brawniest, she's so cool
with Chita, with Chona, with Chuda, 1
with one of them I'll get married.
when I date with Chita I say a thousand words of love
and if I date with Chona my heart makes believe
but if I'm with Chona, she shelters in my passion
with Chita, with Chona, with Chuda,
with one of them I'll get married.
with Chita, with Chona, with Chuda,
and my decision delays.
  • 1. sound the same as 'conchita, conchona, conchuda' (little cunt, big cunt, huge cunt)
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Broken Lines

Broken lines, sharp corner turns everywhere loom.
Yes, we're here - we hide in dark kingdom of the doom.
Yet one day we shall come out from the sullen dens,
We shall dress in festive clothes, shall join our friends.
We shall glance and capture you, shall cast in our dreams.
We shall show you novelty: fresh hell to extremes.
Wait a bit, the elderly, who have always known
Only two gigantic swings, only yes and no.
Revelation will befall, realm of doom will flash.
Morning breathes in purple haze... Eagles scream and lash!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The courage of the birds

Oh, my. How come this story ends bad !
We never make swell imaginations
so that a story has a terrible ending
when it started so well.
However, we have great imagination,
we see sometimes the reasons to love.
Lost at times throughout time,
a thousand sorrows peel out at an instant.
So, who knows what's up in our head ?
Do we somehow burn ourselves out for salvation ?
If only we had the courage of the birds
that sing on the icy wind !
Turn your back against mine.
What do you see ? I don't see you anymore.
If this is how we move one,
I don't sell our joint bodies too much.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

I look into the blue lake

I look into the blue lake, I pick up camomiles in the field
I call you Russia, I call you my only one
Ask me, ask me again
There is no other land more beautiful to me
Here I was given a Russian name once
I look into the blue lake, I pick up camomiles in the field
I call you Russia, I call you my only one
I can't think of a greater happiness
Than to share the path of life with you
To be sad with you, my land and to celebrate with you
The years and troubles couldn't change your beauty
You were always proud of your Ivans and Marias
Not every hero came back home
Someone is alive, someone is killed
But their fame belongs to you
The years and troubles couldn't change your beauty
You were always proud of your Ivans and Marias
I can't think of a greater happiness
Than to share the path of life with you
To be sad with you, my land and to celebrate with you

It'll be Emanuela

It'll be Emanuela to keep you in her arms
to protect you from the shadows, cover you with dew
And with Emanuela you'll understand that your life
forgets the anguish, smells of mimosa.
Keeps your love,
She sings to you when she fears the your voice was sad
She sings to you that happiness you would always have
And with Emanuela you'll live always in spring
You'll find out that the infinity kissed you on your forehead,
It'll be Emanuela to keep you in her arms
to protect you from the shadows, cover you with dew.
Keeps your love,
She sings to you when she fears the your voice was sad
She sings to you that happiness you would always have.
She sings to you when she fears the your voice was sad
She sings to you that happiness you would always have...


Versions: #1#2#3
Should not be revealed to anyone what's between you and me
As long as our glances are our way of communication
Listen carefully! I communicate with my lips closed
Reply me with a glance which is the way of communication between you and me
It's been a while and none has witnessed a man in love
Now the world is looking closely at you and me
Although none could unveil our secret love
Still the song of our love has reached everywhere

White rose

I looked in your eyes said the truth
But I know that deeply in reality
Is so hard without you
So much to say but I have no courage
Whatever know it's not new
That I'm crazy for you
Every minute of peace, is your kiss that brings
The best that lives in me , like always had been
Light on paradise white rose to give you
I know is worth to wait you
Shadow from divine a force guiding me
It's me who's going to take care of you
I looked in your eyes said the truth
But I know deeply in reality
I'm nothing without you.

My apple and the mandarin

In your sweet eyes
In your pleasant temper
I forgot one by one
All other loves (I had)
My apple and the mandarin
Whatever you say will happen.
Now that i have fallen in love with you
I am going crazy
I lose and I find
My love in the foreign (land)
Come on, come to me I tell you
Do not torture me and make me cry.
How I remember telling you
When I do not see you I lose it
From so much love I have
I am getting closer to death
My apple and the mandarin
Whatever you say will happen.

Minimum wage

The people of this country
live on the money,
on one side the Salinas1
and on the other the money-lending bank.
The people of this country
always lose and never gain,
they believe themselves to be happy
because they grow marijuana.
Give the governor the minimum wage
so he can suffer our same pain,
give those politicians the minimum wage
so they can die high as kites2.
The people of this country
are consumed with irritation,
corn3 doesn't circulate
but cocaine does.
The people of this country
is only filled with children
so they can clean windshields
for a bunch of miscreants.4
Give the deputies the minimum wage
so they can die doped up,
give Mr. González5 the minimum wage
so he can understand what it is to be poor.
The people of this country
don't need students,
if there's bankers and politicians
and a peddling government.
The people of this country
don't need any advice,
it prefers to be govern
by a string of fools.6
Give the senators the minimum wage
so they can rot with Herod's Law7
give all of the PRI the minimum wage,
they only know what to do is say 'yes'.
The people of this country
is tired of thieves
stealing their jobs
and millions of millions.
The people of this country
doesn't need culture
everything is worth shit
or worth a lot.
Don't stop handing out minimum wage
for the good of our families,
give the President the minimum wage
so he'll understand how horrible it feels.
  • 1. refers the Salinas family, mainly Carlos Salinas de Gortari (with the PRI party and president of Mexico between 1988-1994).
  • 2. -icos diminuative of 'little', lit. 'little weed smokers'.
  • 3. food
  • 4. this refers to the poor children on the streets that wash people's windshields for money when the street lights turn red (and sometimes people tell them to beat it or they don't pay them). The numbers have grown over the years even though there's laws that keep minors from doing this (they do it anyway to feed themselves and their families), their ages range anywhere from 6~17+. Here is an image of such an example.
  • 5. lit. Mr. Regent, refers to Carlos Hank González, a politician and businessman who sought to run for president but didn't meet the requirement (he was German-Mexican, his father was German and the law requires both parents must be Mexican), he died in 2001.
  • 6. lit. 'string of rabbits'.
  • 7. based on 'Herod the Great', the quote is 'o te chingas o te jodes' = 'either you're fucked or you're screwed'. The line would therefore be translated as 'so they can rot, they're fucked and screwed'. There's a 1999 satire film based on this called 'La ley de Herodes'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


The Hidden Ones

We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are more than a thousand
We are the uncivilized city
For ten, ten thousand
For a hundred, a hundred thousand
We are your millions
And we get closer
To you
To you
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are that nothing
That doesn't count for anything
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the swarm
That is under the city
You, man, where are you?
The world is not here
But it is here that it will change
And it will get mixed up
And it will restart
From here
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
We are the defeated ones
Beaten and won
And if we lose,
We lose nothing
And nothing is nothing
It doesn't count for anything
We are those that don't have
In the world we are
We are children and mothers
And fathers and children
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are the excluded ones
And the illegal ones
We are the strangers
Of the entire world
Wherever we are
We are outside
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
Asylum, asylum