Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 25

Találatok száma: 1397


The Melody of the Condemned

O sins
Rip this body asunder
Offer up this blood
Incinerating madness
And dying it gray
O sins
They are everlasting
From the origin of miasma
I am weeping over tragedy
My youthful thoughts
Cerebrospinal resonance numbed with malice
To all four limbs, crucified and trembling
The prison in the memory you couldn’t escape
I merely grieve, watching it blossom
Or in this darkest dark before the dawn
Even if I should be here to die
I have to Wreck it all, wreck it all
Slipping on a cape of worshiping grief
I am screaming in anguish tonight
Sing along, sing along
To the melody of the condemned
Hold your hand In mine
Childhood memories
Indelible crime and punishment
Falling down
Even tears could make a flower bloom
O sins
You bore everything
You eradicated everything
You trampled everything
Crawling on the ground of the abyss
O sins
You deprived everything
You lost everything
You pointed to everything
Like a wedge
We gathered beneath our earnest wish
Awakening on our own will
If you call it fate, this body I am offering
Dyed in sorrow, let me scatter away
Cast aside all the resenting hesitations
Now is the time to shout
Wreck it all, wreck it all
Making my memento Uchikage flutter
I am insanely dancing tonight
Dance along, dance along
To the melody of the condemned
Hold your hand In mine
Childhood memories
Indelible crime and punishment
Falling down
Until tears dry
Like the longing flowers
Let my heart burn within
Echoing for eternity
A sparrow’s cry lingers on
I shall honor my oath
I shall carve to this body
This never-ceasing song
To the melody of the condemned

Limpid Streams

Why do we have to
Compete and even quarrel?
Men and women shouldn't be mutually hostile
Why will my addiction to you
Become a weakness of me?
I am not your enemy
Even if you make me obey, albeit I really yield
You won't have my heart in your palm
Don't you know? I'm on your side
Flowing, how limpid the streams are!
Though you forgot the original feelings of us
Flowing, no matter whence you come
Just merge and flow away

There are vyings
So countless in this world
Where there are competitions, there are wins and losses
Now that either you or I would pay for a fight
Thus why do you look so aggressive?
As if I would do something bad to you?
You think I'll run away
If you can't awe and frighten me
Don't you know? I'm on your side
Repeat x2


Julia don't laugh, please, let's not make a racket
Your happiness will wake up our roommates
Then they'll leave us notes on the bed
Because at night you're supposed to sleep and be respectful
Julia if some day we stop making love
I promise I'll go and get a degree and become a doctor
And we'll buy ourselves a house as big as your bed
Where there's only laughter, and you never have to be respectful
Julia don't let college get you down
That test was hard, I'll tell your dad about it
And you can tell, you can tell, that professor of yours
Has never laughed and doesn't know what love is
Julia, hold me tight like in a cliche
I'll be your plain, go ahead and cry your river
Wake up our roommates and tomorrow you'll see
They'll break my face while you sleep
Julia, yesterday I was at a bar drinking with my friends
And I saw you hidden behind a waiter
(Ha-ha-ha, you were with some guy, yeah, I swear to God)
You were with some guy, I swear to God
And just for a second it seemed like it wasn't me
Julia, please, don't yell, I'm not accusing you of anything
No dear, you're misinterpreting, I'm just an idiot
It was your professor, that one with the ugly face
Fine, I'll sleep on the couch, but I'll keep a picture of you
Julia, I've been sleeping on this couch for two months
I keep waiting for you, even if it's in vain
I left a letter for you and the professor
Could you make a bit less noise when you're making love?

Second Legend*

When the lantern lights
Turns off among plane trees,
Your past, my city,
Is depicted in front of my eyes.
Is it fairy tale or actuality,
Who knows who invented this story -
There is another legend,
...Why you were named Tbilisi. x2
Plains are full of green,
Mountains are covered with snow,
Warm people and the warm Sun -
This is our country.
Therefore they say that this is
Why you were named Tbilisi.**
Is it fairy tale or actuality,
...Who knows who invented this story x2


To day, I listen to the voice of the wind
it tells me that you're gonna leave
I won't cry on it's wing,
but I know that I will regret...
Goodbye, I'm telling you,
my love, have a good trip...
As long as I live,
only you are gonna be my hope
Goodbye, I'm telling you,
my love, now!
A star is gonna come with you
always on your way...
I want you to come again in my life
with the first ray of the sun
Only the wind will ease me
with it's melody...

More Than This

You have always
stretched out your hands,
you give me an hour or days
to be together again.
Again you
yesterday and you tomorrow
who lie to me just
to make me stay here.
More than this, more than this—
what more than this can I ask of you?
You dream here, you together,
you read my face when I go away.
More than this, more than this—
I want more later, more than this.
You always mine, both here and there,
and in exchange I am this nostalgia.
Now, yes,
I feel your hands
when I am a bit alone.
I will wait for tomorrow.
I will escape
from your happy caress,
from your unfamiliar arms,
colder than the snow.
More than this, more than this—
I who want to give you more, more than this,
now I am here, my love.
Inside your tears, there is only me.
More than this, more than this—
hold me forever, I am not going away
and I will tell you more than this.
I already cried for you, for myself not like this.
More than this, more than this—
I want to give you more, more than this.
You always mine, both here and there,
and in exchange I am this nostalgia.
More than this, more than this—
hold me forever, I am not going away
and I will tell you more than this.
I already cried for you, for myself not like this.

The Town Where Sigh Disappear

You were looking for
the town where sigh disappear
yet, where did you go?
The answer is, you're gently
leaving a light
inside the night fog in a faraway town
For example, if you head to the town
with your shadow remains an illusion
It seems like the sunrise sky will always
reflect a never-changing morning
The time stopped
inside the room
reflected by a town where rain pours
Shall I write you a letter
while listening to
the whisper of the wind?
For example, if you head to the town
with your shadow remains an illusion
It seems like the town where the rain pours will always
reflect a never-changing form of yours
You were looking for
the town where sigh disappear
yet, where did you go?
The answer is, you're gently
leaving a light
inside the night fog in a faraway town

Tiny ode 22. The millipede

The millipede and the centipede,
in november, december,
like tiny pieces of tinsel,
roll themselves up in the soil,
As if Christmas time
had set itself into the ground
To warm up the hearts
of gardens in winter
to enable little insects
to take part to the party.

We Love Each Other Since Ever

I will no longer have dreams
You will then raise your hopes
The moments passed forever happy and sad to tell anyone
Unfortunately, life is always like that
Like a light cloud passed in the heart
I suddenly feel my heart is also flutter
If tomorrow, the overwhelming love won't return to the past
Maybe love don't see anymore
Looks like this heart wanna say, hình như tôi đã yêu rồi
Wonderful moment, who am I who are you who we are
Don't dissolve into smoke, don't far from the horizon
Wonderful moment, like a dream
Like a dream must be a dream, we love each other since ever


I'm going to kill my time and my dreams, so
I will patch up the mantle of my life in the dark.
To thank me, I'll know that the cold skies
Will sneak the light of a star through the holes.
Why can't I not know, why can't I not hear
What's the meaning of the day and the price of living it?
My soul, open yourself to me through seven eyes of flute,
And let the song to drown both life and death!
To let my day be filled by heaven with its vast treasure?
Wearing royal robes, to get inside with a broken shroud,
With morning stars on elbows, painted with gold on my chest
And, tattooed with lightning, not to win, not to fight?
But the day that passes and hurt me in passing,
It humiliates my crutch and it bends my lilies.
And my heart it's going to hang like a padlock
With lost keys, at the gates of light.

Wine Red Heart

A pair of eyes, the attractive of love.
Tasty wine, leaking charm.
The bright eyesight is a message
naturally kisses your cheek and forehead
Quietly waiting for the fire to relight.
Too beautiful, hugging in the dream,
This sense of love is surrounding us.
Red, red, red
A heart that is so clear just like wine colour.
Whoever is loved by you, means the start of happiness
So getting excited is normal.
Red wine, red wine, red wine
Such a fresh crystal.
Leaking true love for whom?
A bit embarrassed, the magic of love.
The wine rushed into the heart and become a motivation.
The love fire has been relit and so should be treasured.
How to describe your tenderness, like you have no strength
Creating a lot of attraction.
Inside is weak and soft, but the outside is tough
I know that the love sense is reigniting.
Red, red, red
A heart that is so clear just like wine colour.
Whoever is loved by you, means the start of happiness
So happy that they will forget pain.
Red wine, red wine, red wine
Cheer another glass will better engrave the memories.
Leaking true love for whom?
Inside is weak and soft, but the outside is tough
I know that the love sense is reigniting.
Red, red, red
A heart that is so clear just like wine colour.
Whoever is loved by you, means the start of happiness
So happy that they will forget pain.
Red wine, red wine, red wine
Cheer another glass will better engrave the memories.
Leaking true love for whom?

Lépj egyet, majd mégegyet

Ez rendben van, csak légy az aki vagy
Csak nyugi, nem fogsz semmiről lemaradni
Amikor egy kicsit elveszettnek érzed magad
Miért nem állsz meg egy pillanatra? Nem kell kapkodnod, oh yeah
Oh, fordulj meg, majd nézz hátra
Látod a lábnyomaidat?
Én egyfolytában büszke vagyok rád
Oh, te már most különleges vagy
Büszkének kéne lenni magadra
Lépj egyet, majd mégegyet
Az én ütemembe
Lépj egyet, majd mégegyet
Egy nekem szóló ütemben
Nem kell sietned, pihenhetsz is
Folytasd úgy, ahogy vagy
Csak higyj magadban
Minden jó lesz (Jó lesz)
Minden rendben lesz (Rendben lesz)
Minden jó lesz (Jó lesz)
Minden rendben lesz (Rendben lesz)
Légy mindig mellettem
Mindig mosolyogj, barátom
Még akkor is, ha egyedül érzem magam
Ha kinyújtod a kezedet, én beléd fogok kapaszkodni, oh yeah
Oh, megbotlottam
Hiszen előre haladtam
Én mindig veled leszek
Oh, nézz a tükörbe
Az mindig úgy fog mutatni, amilyen te vagy
Lépj egyet, majd mégegyet
Az én ütemembe
Lépj egyet, majd mégegyet
Egy nekem szóló ütemben
Nem kell sietned, pihenhetsz is
Folytasd úgy, ahogy vagy
Csak higyj magadban
Érintsd meg az arcodat, majd érezd a szelet
Ha becsukod a szemed és kiélesíted az érzékeidet, látni fogod
Ne tévedj el
Gyerünk, ne aggódj, higyj abban, hogy meggyőzöd
Tudom, hogy rendben leszel
Attól még, hogy senki más nem tudja
Ez a te sajád jövőd, sosem lesz késő (Oké)
Haladj tovább lépésről lépésre, készen állsz?
Nem kell egy rövidebb utat választanod, csak mert az könnyebb
Tégy a holnapért a saját kezeiddel
És majd azon a napon tudsz mosolyogni
Lépj egyet, majd mégegyet
Az vagyok, aki vagyok
Lépj egyet, majd mégegyet
A magam módján
Ha letérsz az utadról, az is rendben van, én is a saját utamat járom
Mosolyogni fogok, és végre élvezni amit csinálok
Csak higyj magadban
Minden jó lesz (Jó lesz)
Minden rendben lesz (Rendben lesz)
Minden jó lesz (Jó lesz)
Minden rendben lesz (Rendben lesz)

For verdant fields my heart does long

For verdant fields my heart does long
in winter times so bleak

At the Shore of Love

Who knows how to anchor at the shore of love,
Drunk by the sun and guided by a star,
He always have, on an apricot branch,
The most white flower and the most nostalgic dream.
At the shore of love it's not quite easy to reach,
Only with a kiss and a longing word.
At the shore of love, though under the same sky,
Many arrive unharmed, others perish out of love.

Thanksgiving Prayer

The angel's songs vibrate in the strings of the violin,
And a tear descends trembling in the dusk,
So many questions are lost on the celestial paths,
But the thanksgiving prayer rises high, above all.
The trumpet of silver sounds,
When the prayer knocks to the Gate of Eternity,
Down on Earth, today, the world is better,
The Faith in hearts was rekindled.
The prayer gets before the Throne of Grace,
It worships overwhelmed with Love,
Lays down as a holy sacrifice on the altar,
and it burns incessantly in immortality.

Life Line

I'm sitting lonely on a train station's platform
stil waiting for someone
waiting every night
and I'll always wait
and I'll always wait
When the train's gonna come
from faraway, from the light
surely one day
you'll come back,
because once, you swore,
on a tearful hankerchief
When I'm gonna shout for you
you'll hear me
you'll hear me
In my moonless night
I'm living in my dream too
in which you're the Good Fairy
and I'm Prince Charming
and I'm Prince Charming
When the train's gonna come
from faraway, from the light
surely one day
you'll come back,
because once, you swore,
on a tearful hankerchief
When I'm gonna shout for you
you'll hear me
you'll hear me
And for today, and for tomorrow
I gathered blues and joys
all that I kept is for you
You have to come!
You have to come!

Evening song

Behold, the moon has risen
the golden stars that glisten
adorn the heavens bright.
The woods stand still in shadows,
and from the meads and meadows
the white mists rise into the night.
The world in stillness clouded
and soft in twilight shrouded,
so peaceful and so fair.
Just like a chamber waiting,
where you can rest abating
the daytime's mis'ry and despair.
Behold the moon - and wonder
why half of her stands yonder,
yet she is round and fair.
We follow empty visions
and artisans' ambitions
because our minds are unaware.
We vain and wretched sinners
presume to be the winners,
but we know nothing yet.
So many neat solutions
are nought but great delusions
that farther off the path us get.
God, grant us Thy salvation!
No worldly aspiration,
no vanity allow!
Like children simple-hearted,
and joyful, like we started,
let us become and teach us how!
And lastly, grant us leaving
the world without much grieving,
let peaceful be our death.
When from the earth You take us,
let heaven's joy await us:
stand by us, Lord, at our last breath.
So, brothers, in His keeping
prepare yourself for sleeping

Tell me who you are

Sometimes, we're searching
for the road in the clouds that wasn't stepped,
rushing through the gardens
and we're not stopping anymore...
Searching through the gardens
for flowers of dream and light
and we don't know that next to us
flowers are dying without rain
Tell me who you are
and where do you come from
from the flowers, from the twillight
or from the sunrise?
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
Tell me who you are,
bird of dream
with snowy wings
and deep-sea eyes
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
There are loves on Earth
that become memories
but there are for a lifetime
neverending dream
Searching through the gardens
for flowers of dream and light
and we don't know that next to us
flowers are dying without rain
Tell me who you are
and where do you come from
from the flowers, from the twillight
or from the sunrise?
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
Tell me who you are,
bird of dream
with snowy wings
and deep-sea eyes
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
(Tell me who you are, tell me...
Tell me who you are, tell me...)
Tell me who you are
and where do you come from
from the flowers, from the twillight
or from the sunrise?
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
Tell me who you are,
bird of dream
with snowy wings
and deep-sea eyes
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day


He was a little bohemian, poet and magician
and I know that he didn't accept to have a boss
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.
My mother didn't ressemble him
wanted a house, no matter how small...
Your road is quite long, usually said
and however you run, poverty will follow you
For us, wherever would be the same as hard
I want to have my corner some day...
The waggon would take us wandering from a village to another
and I remember how much I needed a little rest
I see my dad in my thought how he was applauded
looked so young and smiled trurly.
I grew walking the string as elegant as I could
and usually I was a juggler and acrobat
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.

Bring Peace, Tranquility, and Healing Once Again

If we could feel beyond the pain,
If we respond with love to hate,
If we could see the rainbow in the rain,
Our world will have a new great fate.
If we could see where we were wrong,
And in a whisper ask forgiveness,
Our world would be amazingly strong,
Full of compassion, loving-kindness.
If we could appreciate the Truth again,
Wipe away the tears of the sad ones
If we wouldn’t compromise, wouldn’t pretend,
If we wouldn’t be throwing the first stones,
If we only knew how not to kill a dream,
And to smile at the stars night after night,
Peaches and apricots would bloom by the stream,
The larks would sing again in the light.
If we could, if we knew, but we are weak,
Because we can't, or we don't know-how,
Or we don’t want to turn the other cheek,
We live only today, here and now.
Please God, break down the ugly walls,
And let the colorful butterflies fly,
Please listen to our desperate calls,
Don’t let us too much longer in this lie.
Please wipe away our tears and stop our suffering,
Bring peace, tranquility, and healing once again,
Help us to bloom together in the new spring,
And in Your garden brothers to remain.

I want to tell you

You left without saying a word
You left thinking that I don't love you
Let you tear and suffering in the wind
Now I want to talk to you from my soul.
I want to tell you in every moment 'I love you'
How much I want to tell you and I don't dare...
I want to tell you how much I want to kiss you
and how happy I am because you came my way
I want to tell you in every moment 'I love you'
How much I want to tell you and I don't dare...
I want to tell you that love ain't no simple game
it finds inside the soul the happiest and the most mysterious place
You left without waiting me to answer you
You left and said no 'goodbye'
You thought that maybe I'm hiding you a secret
but I can't let love leave!...
Chorus (x2)

We met on the sea shore

It's winter and cold
memories are dying
chased by the lonely thought
and the moon in the sky
is hiding in mystery
all was just an ephemeral dream
We're sad, we don't talk
the time is passing and we don't know
what to do to stop from our flight
The warn longing whisper,
found trinket
let's say it again, let's love each-other...
We met one day at the sea shore
you were beautiful and I loved you...
Your smile has faded
but I didn't forget
the moment of dream that took us
towards infinity
I stop you sometimes,
I look at you and feel like longing
for a word in a mysterious scenery
to tell me 'I love you',
to read in your eyes
the wish with fiery thrill
A year has gone,
unseen, it has died,
strangers we are as in the begining
How much I want
to find you again
to give me all that I lost with a kiss
We met one day at the sea shore
you were beautiful and I loved you...
Your smile has faded
but I didn't forget
the moment of dream that carried us
towards infinity
It's winter and cold
memories are dying
chased by the lonely thought
You went by, you left me,
and still I didn't find
where you are, why did you leave
But I know you'll come
you will light thousands of stars
in the sight that didn't forget you
The warn longing whisper,
found trinket
let's say it again, let's love each-other...
We met one day at the sea shore
you were beautiful and I loved you...
we were young and feel like
lonely in the world
in the moment of dream that carried us
towards infinity
We met one day at the sea shore
you were beautiful and I loved you...
Your smile has faded
but I didn't forget
the moment of dream that took us
towards infinity

Red River Valley

You told me that you leave behind the valley
and that perhaps you will never return.
With your eyes and your sweet smile,
you will take my sunshine away with you.
Come and sit close if you love me.
I will not try to stop you
but remember that on the Red River
remains a cowboy who sings 'I love you.'
So many sober words of love
that I hoped to hear from you
but it is true that she always leaves.
No, there is not a shot for me.
Think of me in the valley that you leave behind.
How sad it will be without you!
Do not think about the pain that feels
the cowboy who loves you alone—
the cowboy who loves you alone—
the cowboy who loves you alone—
the cowboy who loves you alone.

Kerti bölcsesség

Bármely fénytől, mely derít
gyümölcsözőbb a rejtély.
Pőre testre fátylat borít
a vágyálom kedély.
Hétpecsétes lakat alá rejtsd a múltad.
Óvakodj, hogy feltárd
ha jó mélyre dugtad
talán terem nektárt.
Természetesen ez nem más
mint békés kerti okoskodás.
Mire tanít szent családfánk?
Megboldogult őseinket
hős vagy gyökér eleinket
mélyen földbe temesük
és ne nagyon feszegessük.

I am a troubadour

I'm a romantic and I'm gonna be
on the shadow of the late time
and, as a forever traveller,
I'm gonna knock at the gate of dreams
And it'll be great if I will have
the smile of the starry eyes
and the kiss of snow
with no end and no begining...
I am, I am a troubadour
and I'm coming with dream flowers in your way
Only my guitar is accompanying me
in a dialogue with the heart
I am, I am a troubadour
no matter if the world was modernized
Love is the same as it was,
born of laughter and tears
It's true that you're not any more
the cold princess that you were
you're towering castle is now
the blue C4B block.
And as I'm singing at your window
I'm still thinking and struggling
what should I use
so I'll win your heart

Yes, I'm that one, no longer beautiful

Yes, I am she!
No longer lovely
or dear In your eyes

The Tales of Mickey Elf

Talesberg is the capital of Dreamland
In Talesberg, Mickey elf is the king
His crown is fit for an elf
He's the great king of tales
The kids ask him everynight
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
His palace is full of talesbooks
That's where he always hides in the daytime
They can't ever accuse him
That he wasn't prepared for the night
He knows that the children will ask him
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf only tells tales, through winter and summer
No need to worry that one day it'll end
As long as there are children on the earth
He'll stay here to write tales
The children can ask him everynight
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale


You standing in light but fully covered with shadow
As if thousands of worms squirming out of your interior
She hides in the air and gets drawn out alive
Like a dying fish dehydrated
I'm indifferent, evading so much as I can
Filled with cowardice as if facing an enemy
So please set the skin off
And pull out the putrid flesh
A rotted heart and a distorted soul
Empty body is just a deception
You standing in light but fully covered with shadow
As if thousands of worms squirming out of your interior
She hides in the air and gets drawn out alive
Like a dying fish dehydrated
I'm indifferent, evading so much as I can
Filled with cowardice as if facing an enemy
She's pushed into the world
Which has ever warmly wished
Tenderness ruined, happiness broken
So she's been getting more careful before brightness
Cruelly smiling, uttering filthy words
They beat her, they kick her and corner her
In the alley near the school and full of crowds
Who's raggedly kneeling? Who's just watching and laughing?
She -
A meteor abandoned by universe, beautiful only after fallen


On daytime, I am thinking about you
In the nighttime, sleep doesn't come
I guess that I love you!
You be understanding!
If you know how it hurts me
Please, come back!
If you're thinking,
maybe you love me
and I'm gonna be happy!
The guitar sounds, sounds, sounds
I'd sing all night long
I'm gonna sing for you!
On daytime, I am thinking about you
In the nighttime, sleep doesn't come
I guess that I love you!
I guess that I love you!
I guess that I love you!

One Is Like Summer, One Is Like Autumn

The first time I met you I didn’t like you so much
Who knew that we became so close later?
We are just like summer and autumn respectively,
But there is always a way for us to turn winter into spring
You dragged me away from a snowstorm of love
I carried you out of the crack of dream
Encounter a person and the whole life changes
It turns out that is not just a plot of lovers
If it were not for you, I would not believe that
Friends are more loyal than lovers
Even if I am too busy in love and get you lonely as frozen in ice,
You will never hate me, just scold me a bit
If it were not for you, I wouldn’t be sure that
Friends are better listeners than lovers
The subtext of my words
My harsh words but without any bad intent
I cannot leave my darling, let alone you
You know everything that I’m proud of
And you usually dampen and make fun on this to keep me modest
You know everything that’s embarrassing to me
But you keep those secret to safeguard my good name

It's Autumn Again

I hold you to my chest, it is so good,
And I kiss your eyes a thousand times.
Sunny mornings caress our cheeks,
A wind wafts over us and flowers.
My darling, give me your hand and stay with me!
It's not coincidence that we are together.
Let it be the fall our engagement ring
And let it be love our holy spring.
Flocks of cranes
Fly among the clouds
And they let us know it's autumn again.
My steps are crushing
Leaves on the sidewalk,
I rip rusty days from the calendar.
It's autumn again,
It's autumn again...
You'll be a sunny day in my life,
Nothing and nobody will ever change you.
I'm dreaming of the days to come,
I'm dreaming of all that could be better in my life.
My darling, give me your hand and stay with me!
It's not coincidence that we are together.
Let it be the fall our engagement ring
And let it be love our holy spring.

Allow Me to Still Love You

I still want to hope you won't leave.
I'm still waiting for you on cold days.
Tell me that you don't understand either
What happened to us.
I'm always thinking about your caress,
I want your kiss from dawn
To feel it again, come to me!
I want your kiss from dawn
And to feel thrills again,
As if nothing had happened.
Chorus (x2):
Allow me to still love you,
Only you are all I want:
A clear sky like your eyes
And a warm sun for both of us.
The wind blows over me late at night,
When I'd like you to be in my mind.
Let's always keep love alive
And let's love each other as before.
I'm always thinking about your caress,
I want your kiss from dawn
To feel it again, come to me!
I want your kiss from dawn
And to feel thrills again,
As if nothing had happened.
Chorus (x4)