Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 243


My luggage

Tomorrow I'll be far away,
Over there, on new paths
Winter will sense sorrow
And the waves, in the morning, will sing this tune
Everything you left me will make me go forward
Everything you rhymed for me will make me sing
Everything you let me hear will make me listen
Everything you showed me will make me contemplate
Yeah, you'll come with me
Yeah, I'll take you under my sheets
And you'll be my lucky charm
And I'll carry this at any time
Yeah and you'll come with me
Yeah, I'll take you under my sheets
And you'll be my lucky charm
And I'll carry this at any time
In my eyes will shine yours
In my joy will laugh your voice
In my failures will shed your tears
In my foosteps you'll run
Yeah, you'll come with me
Yeah, I'll take you under my sheets
And you'll be my lucky charm
And I'll carry this at any time
Yeah and you'll come with me
Yeah, I'll take you under my sheets
And you'll be my lucky charm
And I'll carry this at any time
You'll be my luggage, I'm taking you with me, ah ah
You'll be my travel, I fly away between your arms
Yeah, you'll come with me
Yeah, I'll take you under my sheets
And you'll be my lucky charm
And I'll carry this at any time
Yeah and you'll come with me
Yeah, I'll take you under my sheets
And you'll be my lucky charm
And I'll carry this at any time
You'll come with me
You'll come with me
And you'll be my lucky charm
And I'll carry this at any time


Azzal töltöttem az időm
Hogy válaszokat kerestem
Amiket nem tudtam megtalálni
Nem néztem befelé
Elvakított a fény
És most már látom
Ott volt mindvégig
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Megtaláltam az utamat
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Nem tudják elvenni ezt
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Elvesztettem a félelmem
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Végre önmagam
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Megtaláltam az utamat
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Nem tudják elvenni ezt
Azzal töltöd az idődet
Hogy ezt keresed
Mikor magad alatt vagy
Nem láthatod
Nem vagy egyedül
Mindannyiunkban meg van az erő
Nem kell kapkodni
Meg fogod látni
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Megtaláltam az utamat
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Nem tudják elvenni ezt
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Elvesztettem a félelmem
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Végre önmagam
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Megtaláltam az utamat
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Nem tudják elvenni ezt
Nem tudod elvenni
Mert a boldogságom én vagyok
Nem tudod elvenni
Mert a boldogságom, boldogságom, boldogságom én vagyok
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Megtaláltam az utamat
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Nem tudják elvenni ezt
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Elvesztettem a félelmem
Mikor boldog vagyok, szabad vagyok
Végre önmagam


Én, én még mindig várok rád
Úgy hiszem, hogy nem fair
Hogy csak az emléked maradt meg, mikor itt voltál.
Úgy érzem,
hogy a közelben vagy.
A szándék és az érzés, amivel megvédesz engem.
Amivel ösztönzöl engem.
Azt hiszem hogy hallgatod a szavam
Azt hiszem hogy nem felejted el
Hogy adj jelet a mennyből.
Hogy azt mondd még itt maradsz kicsit.
Ha elérném
A világod
Hiszek magunkban.
Talán rossz vagyok
Nem tudok felnézni
A csillagokra.
És hogy ott találjam.
Te csak beléptél az álmomba
Mint ez, hisz megígérted nekem.
Hogy mi jó barátok maradunk.
Jó barátok.
Néha azt érzem
Mennyire őrzöl engem
Akarom hogy tudd
Hogy te csak nyugalmat sugárzol.

Drága idő tátongó mélysége

Oly sokan mondják
Hogy az élet csupa szenvedés
Szürke napok tátongó mélysége
És kenyérért kolduló gyermekek sora
Az élet talán gyászének
Az élet talán jó
És talán egy verőfényes napon is
Az éj sötétjét érzem
Ma éjjel oly tiszta és derült az ég
Mélykék és jéghideg
A föld fehér csendben pihen
És az északi fény sátrat ver
És a fejem gondolatokkal tele
Melyek céltalan, estéli vándorlásukon
Keresik ama bölcsességet
Mely vigaszt nyújt nekem
De nem lelek oly bölcsességet
Mely ezen igaz szavakat szólná
Mint vérző madarak, úgy hullanak
Vissza a fehér földre
Mégis tudom, hogy szürke hamvak közt
Rejtőznek kincsek is
Mikor leányok és fiúk, mint csikók
Járnak örvendve táncot
Mikor mellkasomat az ámulat
Öröm, s mélyről jövő vágyakozás
Kétség, s szomorú dallamok feszítik
Akkor is, akkor is
Tudom, hogy az élet ajándék
Drága idő tátongó mélysége
Melyen mindannyian átkelünk
S melyben sodródunk, s időnként elveszünk
Tudom, hogy az élet ajándék
Drága idő tátongó mélysége
Melyen mindannyian átkelünk
S melyben sodródunk, s időnként elveszünk

An abyss of precious time

So many say
That life is endless misery
An abyss of bleak days
And children, who are begging for bread
Maybe life is a mournful song
Maybe life is good
And maybe on a bright day
I can feel the darkness of the night
Tonight the air is so pure and clear
Deep blue and icy cold
The earth rests in white silence
And the northern lights pitch their tent
And my head is full of thoughts
Roaming around aimlessly
In the night, to find that wisdom
Which comforts me
But I find no wisdom
Which would say those words of truth
Like bleeding birds they fall
To the white ground
Still, I know that gems can be found
Hidden among grey ashes
When little girls and boys
Dance around in joy like foals
When my breast is about to burst from wonder
From joy, from deep longing
From doubt and sorrowful tunes
Even then, even then
I know that life is a gift
An abyss of precious time
Where all shall wander through
And drift along and get lost in
I know that life is a gift
An abyss of precious time
Where all shall wander through
And drift along and get lost in

Roses Have Thorns

How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
I still see myself, giving her my hand in an alleyway of Paris
In your eyes: my destiny, the doubt, the boredom
If the time wasn't against us, it would save our faces
I give signs, but you don't see me, like a forest without trees
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
My love, look at me, I beg you, don't turn away
There is still some humanity left in me, in this dark world
Watch me beneath the streetlamps, I sail between the shadow and the light
And I notice that my life was nothing but a shard of glass
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns

My Kingdom of the Heart (Reprise)

What (used to) filled my heart
I've lost (now)
Also lost
There was no-one else like her
So kindhearted1 and warm
But he was my life2
She was all (of) my life
Where could he be?3
If only I could tell her
I am alone
And take her by the hand4
And hold her in (my) arms5
All my whole life
All my life
I'd give for6
One moment
(Of) just being with him7
To be by her
Now it lies shattered8
Lifeless, cold and pale
My kingdom of the heart
Meaning alludes me
I've lost all my courage9
As long as the memories hurt me so
Every shine now fades around me
Even music and dance don't excite me anymore
How can10 I live like this?
Every day's the same
It will never reign11 again
My kingdom of the heart
  • 1. literally 'good of heart'
  • 2. 'doch' adds emphasis, usually translating to 'just', 'only' or 'but'
  • 3. literally 'Where does he like to be?'
  • 4. literally 'and carry her in (my) hands'. 'Jemand auf Hände tragen' is also used as a phrase for 'wait(ing) on someone hand an foot'
  • 5. literally 'and take her in (my) arms'
  • 6. literally 'I'd trade (in) for'
  • 7. literally 'just to be by him'. The idea translates better when taking this line and the three before it as one, giving 'I'd trade my whole life just for one moment with him'. The same goes for Rollo's line.
  • 8. literally 'in shards'
  • 9. literally 'I lack every courage'
  • 10. literally 'should'
  • 11. literally 'exist'

If you figure...

If you figure,
if you figure,
little girl, little girl,
if you figure
that it will, it will
last forever,
the mating
the mating
the mating season,
you couldn't be
more wrong, girl.
Couldn't be more wrong.
If you think, kiddo,
if you think, ha ha
that your rosy complexion,
your slender waist,
your cute biceps,
your enamel nails,
your nymph's thigh
and your light foot,
if you think
that all this
will last forever,
you couldn't be
more wrong, girl.
Couldn't be more wrong.
They are soon gone,
the sunny party days.
Suns and planets
all go round in circles
as for you, lass,
you're walking straight
toward an unseen future:
they are already on the prowl,
the swift wrinkle,
the ponderous fat,
the tripled chin,
the flaccid muscle.
So come on, pick, pick
the roses, the roses,
the roses of life
the roses of life.
And may their petals
become the quiet sea
of all bliss
of all bliss
Come on, pick them all.
If you don't do it,
you couldn't be
more wrong, girl.
Couldn't be more wrong.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Three Chinese with a contrabass

Three Chinese with a contrabass
sat on the street and bandied about something.
There came the police asking: 'What's going on?'
Three Chinese with a contrabass.
Thra Chanasa wath a cantrabass
sat an tha strat and bandad abat samathang.
Thara cama tha palaca askang: 'What's gang an?'
Thra Chanasa wath a cantrabass.
Thre Chenese weth e centrebess
set en the stret end bended ebet semetheng.
There ceme the pelece eskeng: 'Whet's geng en?'
Thre Chenese weth e centrebess
Thri Chinisi with i cintribiss
sit in thi strit ind bindid ibit simithing.
Thiri cimi thi pilici isking: 'Whit's ging in?'
Thri Chinisi with i cintribiss
Thro Chonoso woth o controboss
sot on tho strot ond bondod obot somothong.
Thoro como tho poloco oskong: 'Whot's gong on?'
Thro Chonoso woth o controboss
Thru Chunusu wuth u cuntrubuss
sut un thu strut und bundud ubut sumuthung.
Thuru cumu thu pulucu uskung: 'Whut's gung un?'
Thru Chunusu wuth u cuntrubuss

The Music Of My Heart

The heartbeat of my life
Is like a melody
Your love has written
My life Symphony
I cannot keep from singing
This song you've put into my heart
You set the music ringing
And you're the sweetest part
Katherine & Semino:
You're the song I'll sing forever
You're the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
We were born to be together
You're my reason,
You're my rhyme
Katherine & Semino:
You're the words I build my life on
You're my eternal symphony
You're the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You are the music of my heart
From the depths of my soul
Sounds upwards my song to you
You're the writer of every word,
Of every note of my life's score
You are my life, you are my future
No matter what comes, no matter what was
You're the season never changing
You're the summer in my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You're the song I'll sing forever
You're the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
We were born to be together
You're my reason, you're my rhyme
Katherine & Semino:
You're the words I build my life on
You're my eternal symphony
You're the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You are the music of my heart
You are the words I build my life on
You're my eternal symphony
You're the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You are the music of my heart
Of my heart.

So be it

I want to be someone else,
I want to be someone else today
And to hide myself
I want to be vanished
I want to be vanished from the picture
And let everything go
So be it, that today they won't know us
So be it, that we escape together
So be it, that our feet won't touch the ground
I want to be a secret
I want to be our secret
So no-one would find out
That is our promise
That is the promise of the two of us
Which will never be found out
So be it, that today they won't know us
So be it, that we escape together
So be it, that our feet won't touch the ground
So be it, that today they won't know us
So be it, that we escape together
So be it, that our feet won't touch the ground
I pick seashell from the sea for you,
We count the stars and make a fire, 1
On a bark bench, within grass
So be it, that today they won't know us
So be it, that we escape together
So be it, that our feet won't touch the ground
So be it, that today they won't know us
So be it, that we escape together
So be it, that our feet won't touch the ground
So be it, that today they won't know us
So be it, that we escape together
So be it, that our feet won't touch the ground
  • 1. Teeme tuld = make a fire, but in the light of the next line it might possibly taken to mean as 'light a cigarette'?

Clouds' edge

A moon of gold
Shows us the way
And the wet month1
Is calling us outside at night
To run away - from here!
Grab that,
Which you need for happiness
And leave that,
Which kept us solemn,
To forget - everything!
The firmament
Is in our own moments
That which has passed
Is back in our embraces
Here, far and high
The stars are our ray of light
All starts there, where time
And the clouds edge ends...
The cosmos is large
It pulls us along
The Milky Way
Guides us floating in the sky,
Diminishing - everything!
Hesitation disappears
And all is clear
Ahead awaits us a bright,
Victory of dreams*
The firmament
Is in our own moments
That which has passed
Is back in our embraces
Here, far and high
The stars are our ray of light
All starts there, where time
And the clouds edge ends...**
...time ends...where the clouds' edge is...and we float here...
The firmament
Is in our own moments
That which has passed
Is back in our embraces
Here, far and high
The stars are our ray of light
All starts there, where ends time
And the clouds'...
The firmament
Is in our own moments
That which has passed
Is back in our embraces
Here, far and high
The stars are our ray of light
All starts there, where time
And the clouds edge ends...
  • 1. Kuu = Means simultaneously 'month' and 'moon', I'm going to go ahead and assume that the second one has the former meaning since 'moon' as the lunar celestial body is not particularily well-known for its moisture.
  • 2. 'Kõhnus kaob' means 'thinness disappears'. I'm quite certain that the original lyrics are miswritten here and it ought to be 'kõhklus kaob' ('hesitation disappears') instead.

Szinglinek Lenni Valentin Napon

Szeretem a rózsaszín dolgokat és a csokoládét
És ki az, aki nem szereti a piros és fehér virágokat?
Papírunk tök jó
A legromantikusabb dátum
Hacsak nincs barátod
Nem akarok vén szipirtyónak hangzani
De Valentin Nap egy akkora baromság
Csak egy emlékeztető, hogy soha életemben nem volt még barátom
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeahhh
[Dank, Lisa, Lauren, Katherine és Amy:]
Hey, annyira utálom ezt a napot
A szobámban fogok sírni,
Aztán meg megásom a síromat
Azt hittem jófej vagyok
Azt hittem megérek egy próbát
Azt hittem valakinek kellhetek
[Dani, Lisa, Lauren, Katherine, és Amy:]
De ezek szerint nem,
Hey, nincsenek valentinjaink,
Úgy tűnik egyikünk sem talál egy normális srácot
Igazából én...
Mert nem léteznek, nem érdekel mit mondtok
Semmi sem rosszabb annál, mint szinglinek lenni Valentin napon
Feleség akarok lenni, de ahhoz kéne egy vőlegény
Valószínűleg nem fogsz egyet a szobádban rejtőzve találni
Hey, hagyd őt békén
Igen, ez nehéz nekem srácok
Főleg hogyha tudod hogy a halálodat tervezik
Párokat látok az úton sétálni
És nem tehetek mást, csak arra gondolok hogy mi a baj velem
Miért kell nekünk egy hülye ünnep
Hogy a képembe dörgölje hogy mim nincsen
Csajok, sok mindent kell csinálnunk, jó energiák kellenek hogy rátok koncentrálhassak
Komolyan beszél?
Olyan időkben mint ez?
Biztos vagyok benne hogy elvakítja a szerencséje
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Hát ez egyszerűen nem fair,
Ne dolgoztass minket ma
48 óra kell hogy átvészeljük ezt a fájdalmat
Annyira drámaiak vagytok
Te nem tudod hogy milyen!
Egyedül leszek az életem hátralevő részében!
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Mostmár fel kéne adnunk,
Ha a dolgok meg akartak volna változni,
Már jobbak lennének mostanra
Alig próbálkoztatok
Te könnyen beszélsz!
Nem te vagy az, aki szingli Valentin napon
Oké, mindenki üljön le most rögtön
Ez már túl messzire ment
Nem lehettek komolyak, tényleg azt hiszitek hogy mindazt amit adhattok senki sem látja
Dani, nagylelkű vagy
Amy okos vagy
Lauren, annyira együttérző vagy
Lisa vicces vagy
Katherina kedves vagy
Szedjétek össze magatokat, kezditek elveszteni a fejeteket
Ez a hülye ünnep nem határozza meg az életeteket
És ezt nem csak azért mondom, mert nemsokára feleség leszek
Oooh, azért az vagány
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Hey, azt hiszem nem olyan rossz ez,
Mindannyiunknak lehetne barátka és úgy is szomorúak lehetnénk
Nincs kivel veszekedni
Senki sem panaszkodik
Ha a lefolyóban akarom hagyni a hajamat
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Hey Christina, köszi, hogy rámutattál arra, amink van
Szabadok vagyunk
Nem vagyunk betáblázva
Nincsen dráma
Hey srácok, már tényleg mondani akartam, de ummm... Igazából terveim vannak ma estére
Nem nagy dolog, de randira hívtak
Nem akartalak cserben hagyni titeket, de mostmár tényleg mennem kell
[D, Li, La & A:]

Írj néhány sort nekem

Istenem, amikor hazaérsz, kicsim,
kérlek, írj néhány sort nekem!
Istenem, amikor hazaérsz, kicsim,
ülj le és írj néhány sort nekem!
Istenem, igazán megvigasztalna,
ó, Istenem, mama, lecsillapítanád háborgó elmémet,
Istenem, elhagytam a kedvesemet,
állok az ajtaja előtt és sírok.
Istenem, elhagytam a kedvesemet,
állok, Istenem, az ajtaja előtt és sírok,
Istenem, sosem voltam ennyire szomorú, Uram,
amikor elbúcsúzott az én édesem.
Istenem, lemegyek a folyóhoz,
leülök a földre,
tudod, lemegyek a folyóhoz, kicsim,
leülök a földre,
és hagyom, hogy a hullámok,
Istenem, elmossák a bánatom.

Azt hiszed, férfi vagy

Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, de csak egy kisfiú
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, de csak egy játékszer
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, de csak egy kisfiú
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, de csak egy játékszer
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Férfi, fiú
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi (férfi), fiú (fiú)
Férfi, fiú, férfi, fiú, férfi
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy kisfiú vagy
Azt hiszed, férfi vagy, csak egy játékszer vagy
Azt hiszed férfi vagy, de nem láttad,
Nem voltál elég férfi, hogy kielégíts

A business is needed

I had some good prospects
I held back the words
and the most spontaneous impressions
(Like a guru, like Gandhi)
the village sage
who gives good advice with honour and courage
(For the village companies).
We should have more hospitals and less churches
So many saints, so many
But we need doctors
And the ones who get paid more are dancers on TV and football players.
There are people who do not eat
And for a piece of bread
risk even the slightest bit
And on the island of the famous
they don't eat for a game
If you are not as pretty as Constantino on TV
The good prospects
(There are no more).
And the obsessions I will have
if I go in the wrong direction to the desires I have
A business is needed
A business is needed
They tell me 'where are you going?'
They tell me to abandon all the dreams I have
A business is needed
A business is needed.
I had some good prospects
My father told me: 'You either study or work.
Look at the construction workers, look at the engineers,
look at those red ones, look at those black ones.'
'But then you decide, personality is needed,
will you be the garbageman or go to university.'
In the beginning I believed and then I wondered
Why did I listen to him and now I am a loser?
And the obsessions I will have
if I go in the wrong direction to the desires I have
A business is needed
A business is needed
They tell me 'where are you going?'
They tell me to abandon all the dreams I have
A business is needed
A business is needed.
I had some good prospects
And I do not flush them down the drain if I will not gain success
the success is personal
sometimes you don't have it, sometimes it will come to you
Depends on the love of who loves you.
And this is the morale you have
If you want you can listen to what I say
I am not Mr. Hyde
Against the bad manners
But I am Dr. Jekyll
Who goes to meet the retirement.
And the obsessions I will have
if I go in the wrong direction to the desires I have
A business is needed
A business is needed
They tell me 'where are you going?'
They tell me to abandon all the dreams I have
A business is needed
A business is needed...

Footprints〜a Happiness Marker〜

「What kind of shape does happiness have?」I asked
as we had such a talk on the way back from school
「It is surely like what we have now」
you confidently said with a smile
There is no need for anything special ​
The two of us can just keep walking side by side
The first time we linked our hands was in our third meeting
The first time we kissed was in front of my house
My seemingly shy face was dyed red in the setting sun
I will not forget the words you told me
「What awaits us in our future?」
you asked as you spread out both your arms
It's okay if nothing will change and just stay as it is
Keep spreading out your arms and Let us our「love」grow deeper
The second time we kissed was after everyone returned from their club activities
You saw me well up with tears and became flustered
I didn't dislike it and I just only realized it
that I fell in love with you from way back then
「From now on we will always be together」putting it into words makes me embarssed
I will match my paces and steps with you
After the countless kisses we had I realized
the shape of our hapiness
Those cherry blossoms flutter in the spring on the trail
We basked in the sunlight and heard the summer's chorus of cicadas
We will watch the fallen leaves in the autumn and we will tread on the snowy path in the winter
Even now with you the two of us are walking
Ah this year as well
Two footprints

You're Pretending

Now time passes where I don't make conversation
My life is a cliff, I'm falling on the inside
I do things without seeing and I don't want to endure
I now no longer have any doubts
You're pretending,
in the kisses you give me
now you don't leave it alone anymore
You're pretending,
and for all and more
I wish you would become a stranger.
Behind liquid eyes
I search to find the secrets
And the truths you hide from me
You're passing my limits
When you tell me how you love me
You really mean you want to leave
Now time passes where I close my eyes
I give truth time to step into the light
I do things without seeing and I don't want to endure
I now no longer have any doubts
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


You! There is a period of time recently,
Oh no, actually it's more longer.
When I'm not beside you,
I'm curious how's going your life?
I don't understand you at that time,
why are you so painful? You gotta know.
Until now I just know, baby.
I don't do something enough for you
Hey, if I still have time.
Hey, tell me what I gotta do.
Your shadow beside me couldn't be removed.
I’m missing your face.
Missing your face, missing you.
Your affectionate eyes and
your tenderness when you kiss me.
I’m missing your face.
I want to put all of our memories back together.
Come back and remember
like those first conventions last forever.
I also want to hand in hand and return back that moment.
We can last forever.
Ain’t nobody gonna stop us.
because I love you,
We can last forever.
I don’t want to bear these alone.
I only need you in my life.
Please come back to me.
Occasionally I ask your close friend.
Obviously you're with me but I can't see you. Why?
Till forever, nobody believe what I said.
Don't care about those things.
Our memories is no filter.
Never stop
to find our spotlight that is good enough.
Hey, if I still have time.
Hey, tell me what I gotta do.
Your shadow beside me couldn't be removed.
I’m missing your face
Missing your face, missing you.
Your affectionate eyes and
your tenderness when you kiss me.
I’m missing your face.
I want to put all of our memories back together.
Come back and remember
like those first conventions last forever.
If you still want to believe me,
we can last forever.
If we still have chance to be restarted again,
we can last forever.
All right,
I know that
I'm selfish to make you sad.
But if it's possible,
really possible,
you also have the same feeling.
Tell me so I can hear it
I’m missing your face.
Missing your face, missing you.
Your affectionate eyes and
your tenderness when you kiss me.
I’m missing your face.
I want to put all of our memories back together.
Come back and remember
like those first conventions last forever.
I also want to hand in hand and return back that moment.
We can last forever.
Ain’t nobody gonna stop us.
because I love you,
We can last forever.
If you still want to believe me,
we can last forever.
If we still have chance to be restarted again,
we can last forever.


Crazy! I'm alone in a sleepless night.
I'm crazy , crazy, because I'm sigh for love.
Loving you, it's gonna extend until the next century.
Maybe I have to learn how to let go one day.
Loving you, you make me learn how to be in sorrow.
And my thoughts are how to get the blessing.
* Crazy, I just wanna hold you tightly.
I'm crazy, I love you.
I'm crazy, I'm crying.
And I'm crazy that everything is all for you.
* Crazy, I just wanna hold you tightly.
I'm crazy, I love you.
I'm crazy, I'm crying.
And I'm crazy that everything is all for you.

The Best Idea of My Life

The best idea of my life
Was the idea of being faithful to you
Everything else was in vain
I really like you
And that's why I need nobody but you
For you have invented love
You're a perfect, perfect match for me
The best idea of my life
Was my love for you
The best idea of my life
Is my love for you
My heart used to beat here and there
And it also beat somewhere else
Fidelity didn't mean anything to me
And that was silly
When I met you once
I told you: 'I'll stay with you'
The best idea of my life
Was the idea of being faithful to you
Everything else was in vain
I really like you
And that's why I need nobody but you
For you have invented love
You're a perfect, perfect match for me
The best idea of my life
Is my love for you
The best idea of my life
Is my love for you

One Day

One day you pack up your things
You're scared and yet you go away
One fine day you feel doors, kick them in and don't believe a word
One day you pack up your things
You're scared and yet you go away
One fine day you feel doors, kick them in and don't believe a word
One day you pack up your things
You're scared and yet you go away
One fine day you feel doors, kick them in and don't believe a word
One day you draw a line beneath everything that has been so far and you live for yourself
One day you don't have a home anymore und now you believe that overnight you are a whole person
One morning you know, to stand on your own feet, there's nothing as hard as that
And you see the country with different eyes, for you nothing is more valuable
One morning you know, to stand on your own feet, there's nothing as hard as that
And you see the country with different eyes, for you nothing is more valuable
One morning you want to see your work acknowledged, you want to be counted on
And you have fun calculating with your own money and with your own head

Circle of Life

Nants'ingonyama bakithi baba
Sithi hu ngonyama
ngonyama nengw'e bo
Mayibaboh ngonyama baba
Nants'ingonyama bakithi baba
Sithi hu ngonyama
ngonyama nengw'e bo
Haa khuzani bo bhek'iyagalela
Nants'ingonyama bakithi baba
Sithi hu ngonyama
Ngonyama ngonyama (x2)
Siyo Nqoba
Igonyama nengw'enamabala (x3)
One day we came to this world
And opened our eyes to the sunlight
So many images
Enter our vision
So many uncertain tomorrows
To many new things to see
To many dreams to achieve
But the fleeting days
Hastens all things
Together with the ceaseless rotation of the earth
It's the circle of life
Pushing the world
Through love and pain
Through joy and despair
To look for a home
Through the numerous ages
The circle of life
Let the cycle continue.

Can’t Bring Me Down

Corrupted heart, frame torn apart
The door to heaven is still so far
Want to overthrow the world where only the weak cry
Youth don’t cry
Haughtiness is a type of blizzard
Drenched wings will fall down, fall
Oh yeah yeah
No matter who, don’t help anyone
Imprisoned in the sea of hopelessness
Reflecting the red moonlight
Light of hope flashes heart starts to bear again
Standing on the high point seeing a different world now
Oh the new cocoon will soon transform
Yeah, right or wrong, black white gray
Look at the scale in your heart (Yeah)
Evil thoughts hide behind kind masks
Fossilize into piles become a honorable ritual
Destroy them all today
You will never ever bring me down
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down
Fake moves, such good acting
Your tricks are so heartless
Try so hard but no one wins
Game is over now
So crazy, forgot who you truly are
Welcome the new unkown world
Still guard your heart that original innocence
Yo the brainwashed thoughts memories
Completely faded (Yeah)
Different looks, similiar hearts created
Abandoning humanity’s unique value is a sin
I will not compromise easily
You will never ever bring me down
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down
Gamble on this rare chance
Hold onto the best
Time to fly
Don’t fear any obstacles
We are standing
Only people who persist to the end
Can become the champion
The sly tricks will be decoded
Even the sweetest temptations will be ended
There’s a type of unchanging belief
Lick on my own wounds someday it’ll recover
Standing on the high point seeing a different world now
A light flashing in my eyes, dawn
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down

Boxer Song (The Heart of a Boxer)

[Kurt Gerron]:
What does the boxer have from the life of the world?
He has to avoid just what he likes.
When he sometimes finds a love1 for his heart,
he has no place in the ring.
[Hugo Fischer-Köppe]:
What has a boxer to do with love?
He is never allowed to do what he wants.
As soon as he gives someone his heart, everything is over,
then suddenly everything gets quiet around him.
[Max Schmeling]:
The heart of a boxer knows only one love:
The fight for victory alone.
The heart of a boxer knows only one concern:
To be the first in the ring.
And when his heart beats for a woman
stormy and loudly:
The heart of a boxer must forget everything,
or the next one knocks him out.
[Kurt Gerron]:
A boxer is often famous and popular,
because he only gives his best in the fight,
quickly the sworn loyalty is broken to him,
quickly everything is over for him.
[Hugo Fischer-Köppe]:
If he only fails one single time to win a fight,
who will take sides for him?
Nothing but derision he gets when he leaves,
then it's the next one's turn.
[Max Schmeling]:
The heart of a boxer knows only one love:
The fight for victory alone.
The heart of a boxer knows only one concern:
To be the first in the ring.
And when his heart beats for a woman
stormy and loudly:
The heart of a boxer must forget everything,
or the next one knocks him out.
And when his heart beats for a woman
stormy and loudly:
The heart of a boxer must forget everything,
or the next one knocks him out.
  • 1. lit. 'treasure'

Little Song (Nursery Rhyme)

Fear does not know friends
Yet we all know her well
She's rather making fiends
Loves courage most to quell
No one likes to meet her
Yet she likes every one
And knows every man's metre
Be it hither, be it yon
I'll be your little song
I'll strengthen you in need
No matter what's to come
I'll be at your heed
Once I am in your meatus
I'll never ever leave
I made a vow to shield us
You and your family
Your fear is likely mine
She lives off you and me
In dark and lonely times
She nibs at you and me
We could form a bond though
Together, me and you
To fathom our sorrow
I won't leave you in the blue
Now you shall be my home space
For you make me feel safe
Your heart shall be my gateways
Your listening make me brave
The two of us together
Will chase out every fear
For in the darkest nethers
I know we will draw near


I searched already, I waited already
I walked uphill
I get tired of suffering
I keep the faith in a drawer
and I put my heart on pause
I get tired of feeling
I let myself go and without warning
the ice become a fire
unexpectedly you came
like a miracle, like a light
you´re with me
the sky is mine
Unexpected, it´s dawn
and from nothing your love shone
I discovered that on a some natural way in the end
everything finds its place
I let myself go and without warning
the ice become a fire
unexpectedly you came
like a miracle, like a light
you´re with me
the sky is mine
Unexpected, it´s dawn
and from nothing your love shone
I learned thah everything´s posible
unexpectedly you came
like a miracle, like a light
you´re with me
the sky is mine
Unexpectedly you came
like a miracle, like a light
you´re with me
the sky is mine
Unexpected, it´s dawn
and from nothing your love shone
Unsuspected, unexpected
Unexpected, unexpected

The path of grace

You are my God, guiding me on the righteous path of life
Through the hills and valleys
You're always by my side
In millions of people, You love me and know me
Your promise will never change
My whole life is a blessing
Step by step, this is the road of grace
Your love, Your hand
Will hold me close to You
Step by step, this is the road of hope
Your love, Your hand
Will guide me through my life's journey
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

You are my all in all

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising up again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

Good Little Rabbit

Oh, good little rabbit
Open up the door
Open it quickly
I want to come in
No, no, I will not open it
My mama has not returned
No matter who it is, I will not open the door
Oh, good little rabbit
Open up the door
Open it quickly
I want to come in
Okay, okay, I will open it right away
Mama has returned
I will quickly open the door
Oh, good little rabbit
Open up the door
Open it quickly
I want to come in
No, no, I will not open it
My mama has not returned
No matter who it is, I will not open the door
Oh, good little rabbit
Open up the door
Open it quickly
I want to come in
Okay, okay, I will open it right away
Mama has returned
I will quickly open the door

Egy őr dala (Lili Marleen)

1. A kaszárnya előtt,
a nagy kapu előtt
állt egy lámpa
és ha még mindig ott áll
így hát ott akarunk megint találkozni, mint egykor, Lili Marleen.
2. A két arnyékunk
úgy nézett ki, mint egy,
hogy ennyire szerettünk egymást, ezt mindjárt ebből következett,
és az se baj, Lili Marleen, ha mindenki azt látja,
amikor ott állunk a lámpa melett, mint egykor.
3. Már hívott az őr,
fújják a takarodót,
ez három napba kerülhet (büntetést jelenthet)
bajtárs, mindjárt jövök
akkor viszontlátásra mondtunk egymásnak.
Annyira akartam elmenni veled,
Lili Marleen, veled.
4. A a te lépéseid ismeri,
az elegans járásod,
minden este ég,
de engem sokáig elfelejtett
És hátha valami rossz történjék velem
ki fog állni a lámpa mellett,
Lili Marleen, veled?
5. A csendes teremből
a föld talajából
engem úgy emel fel, mint az álomban, a te szerelmes szád,
amikor a kései ködök forognak
ott fogok állni, a lámpa mellett,
Lili Marleen, mint egykor.

The Eve

I open my eyes wide to look, what’s the situation
I see the last way in the midst of confusion
The walls are collapsing and disintegrating
They’re slowly turning into clear, bright dawn, Yeah uh
A repeating endless blackhole
Risking my life, but I’ll still grab onto the lethal roots
Causing the epidemic to spread on and on, yeah
It still can’t be solved up to now
Listening to the wind over the towering walls
A fragile mat in front of me rolled into a vortex
An enormous storm hit in front of me and resounded
Through the silent night
Piercing through the lightning in the storm, wiping away the ash that drowns me
Shouting out as heaven destroys, it runs through the border of a thousands of miles
Until ten million stars
Bring brightness to light up the endless abyss
I will reawaken again, meeting the glory of the dawn
Hold back the ridicule of your arrogant vision
When you go back to God, I’ve long been in the revival
The wilderness is opened up by me, yeah
You can’t touch the dreams in my heart
A few thousand dreams follow the banner of the battle
That were washed away after the destruction
Up to now, I raised my head
Looking over hundreds of flowers blooming again
Piercing through the lightning of the storm
Wiping away the ash that drowns me
Shouting out as heaven destroys
It runs through the border of a thousands of miles
Until ten million stars
Bring brightness to light up the endless abyss
I will reawaken again
Meeting the glory of the dawn
Distorted facts, fabricated stories
I heard the horns sound, waves surge
And swallow up layer after layer to create a prosperous world
It’s you
Piercing through the sky crumbles and earth breaks apart
Billions of years of unchanging faith
Roar out until your voice is exhausted
Open your eyes widely and fearlessly
Call together ten millions stars
Bringing their brightness to drive out the dark chains
I want to wake up now
Creating a world with endless beauty