Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 49

Találatok száma: 3280


Oh, dare to attack us

Away from us America
And other enemy countries
Don't mess with the Serb brothers
Or they will screw your women! (x2)
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Away from us Arabs
Serbian lands aren't rotten
Don't mess with the Serb brothers
Or they will fuck you up! (x2)
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Away from us world horde
Serbs wage a honorable battle
We will die 'till the last man
All for Serbdom and Serbia! (x2)
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna

Draw You In My Heart

You are always there at the end of my wait
Like a shadow that protected me from behind
The memory of that moment stopped me in my tracks
And I couldn't take one more step
She probably doesn't know
That my heart remains in that day, at that place
The times we traveled together as I looked into your eyes
That they would all disappear in one moment
So I draw you in my heart
To me, the word 'love' means you
All my steps were always with you
But I let go of you hand and lost my way
I have nowhere to return to
She probably doesn't know
That my heart remains in that day, at that place
The times we traveled together as I looked into your eyes
That they would all disappear in one moment
So I draw you in my heart
Even if your heart grows distant and away from me
I will shine on you like now
Even if it rains in your heart
And darkness obscures your path
I will always protect you by your side
She probably doesn't know
That one minute, one second feels like one year in my heart
Every night, I send my heart to the sky
Hoping that it may somehow touch you
Every day I send you this message
That I am drawing you in my heart


[1. versszak]
Próbálok belehúzni a tempóba
Próbálom elérni hogy sose kelljen többet látnom az arcod
Itt az ideje eldobni ezt
Biztos akarok lenni benne, hogy soha többet nem vesztegeted az időmet
[Elő-kórus 1]
Milyen érzés?
Milyen érzés most a bőrödben lenni, drágám?
Ezt tönkretetted
Úgyhogy szedd a dolgod és menj el innen!
Kérlek, csak hagyj most elmenni!
Kérlek, csak hagyj elmenni!
Megtennéd, hogy csak hagyod, hogy elmenjek?
Kérlek, csak hagyj elmenni!
El, el kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak a fejemből, menj el!
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak a fejemből, menj el!
[2. versszak]
Sosem mondtam, hogy barátok leszünk
Próbálom magam távol tartani tőled
Mer' veled csak a baj van1
Életre kelek, mikor nem vagy itt
Olyan érzés, mintha boldogságpirulákat vettem volna be
És megáll az idő
[Elő-kórus 2]
Milyen érzés?
Ó, milyen érzés annak lenni, akit kizárnak?
Minden szabályt megszegtél
Nem leszek többé a bolondod, drágám
Kérlek, csak hagyj most elmenni!
Kérlek, csak hagyj elmenni!
Megtennéd, hogy csak hagyod, hogy elmenjek?
Kérlek, csak hagyj elmenni!
El, el kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak a fejemből, el!
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak a fejemből, el!
Kérlek, csak hagyj most elmenni!
Kérlek, csak hagyj elmenni!
Kérlek, csak hagyj most elmenni!
Kérlek, csak
Kérlek, csak hagyj most elmenni!
Kérlek, csak hagyj elmenni!
Kérlek, csak hagyj most elmenni!
Kérlek, csak
El, el kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak a fejemből, menj el!
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak
El kell, hogy távolítsalak a fejemből, menj el!

Most tanulom hogyan szeressem a háborút

Próbálj ne sokat gondolni
A megdöbbentő mennyiságű olajra, ami egy lemez elkészítéséhez kell
Az egész szállítás, a bakelit, a celofán bélés
A fényezés
A szalag és a felszerelés
Próbálj ne túlzottan belemerülni
Hogy milyen kriminális mennyiségű olaj kell egy arckép megfestéséhez
Az akril, a lakk
Latexel töltött alumínium csövek
Az oldószerek és a festék
Nevezzük mindezt annak, ami
Ez az emberiség halálvágyának gyengéd oldala
Mikor üt az utolsó órám
Hátrahagyok valamit, ami nem bomlik szét
Próbálj ne sokat rágódni rajta
Hogy a nem túl távoli jövőben nevetni fognak rajtunk, amiért eladtunk
Egy rakás dinoszaurusz csontból épített 15 évest, aki az éneklik, hogy 'Ó igen!'1
Újra és újra
Egészen a legvégéig
Nevezzük mindezt annak, ami
Ez az emberiség halálvágyának gyengéd oldala
Mikor üt az utolsó órám
Hátrahagyok valamit, ami nem bomlik szét
Én most annak fogom nevezni, ami
Az elszabadult hiúságomnak a krízisemmel együtt
Egy nap ez az egész meg fog ismétlődni
Nagyon remélem, hogy belőlem valami hasznosat gyártanak majd
  • 1. A forrás szerint az a sor olyan a zeneipar által létrehozott tini-együttesekről szól, akik tartalmatlan a zenéjük és mivel a kőolaj, amiből a lemezeik készülnek rég elhalt élőlények maradványaiból jött létre, ezért mondhatni dinoszaurusz csontból építették fel őket.

The Instant

Where will the centuries be, where will the dream
of swords that the Tartars dreamed of,
where the strong walls they leveled,
where the Adam Tree and the other Log?
The present is alone. The memory
erects time. Succession and deception
it is the routine of the clock. Year
it is no less vain than vain history.
Between dawn and night there is an abyss
of agonies, of lights, of cares

First Tear Last Salute

With the sounding of the closing blues
One may consider this regretful ending to be finalized, with no room for change
Yet so extraordinary is this bitter love of ours
I might have let you go for the rest of my life
Yet I refuse not to love you, despite we being separated in time and space
These heroic times are the very definition of poignancy
If we’ve resolutely kissed in the past, it shall eternally brand our dreams in delicate markings
We’ve journeyed the pinnacles and banquets of life together, so fret not when it’s time to part ways
If we’ve shared heart-warming moments, then freeze-frame at our most content expressions
Who shall taint the finale with their sighs?
That almost blank life of mine is no more, thanks to your companionship that has let me live life to its fullest
So with my teary eyes, I salute the beautiful scene
I’ve built a paradise with you, within entrusting half of my life’s happiness
Even if it is being demolished and becoming difficult to retrieve
We can still lament it and be glad
That feeling when we viewed the night lights hand in hand, it cheers me up
Even in times when I feel forsaken
The brilliant past nourishes what’s been depleted
Bystanders find it difficult to comprehend how our love works


Welcome to the streets
Where they don't follow the law
Where the bulletproof vests
Don't protect you
Where the bill that flies
Women pick it up
And the vitamins you buy
To use them1a hold2
You always have to tuck a gun3
Like a bodyguard
Because even your own people
Can give you knife-wounds
Right away it shows
When they're looking for your back
With the right they greet
And the left shoots you
Never talk too much4
To people who is not in your better interest to talk to
If you carry any luxury
Make sure, you know how to lose5
There are a lot of ordinary people
That would like your level
In case you defend it
Even your life you can lose
You always have to tuck a gun
Like a bodyguard
Because even your own people
Can give you knife-wounds
Right away it shows
When they're looking for your back
With the right they greet
And the left shoots you
No matter how pretty the girl is
It's not to confident
While se caress you
Killers6are close to arrive
And the only option
That is left for you, getting out from the back7
If you have guts
You know with me they are going to run into
You always have to tuck a gun
Like a bodyguard
Because even your own people
Can give you knife-wounds
Right away it shows
When they're looking for your back
With the right they greet
And the left shoots you
  • 1. in
  • 2. like a chokehold
  • 3. in your waist
  • 4. risky topics
  • 5. how to accept your losing
  • 6. not sure, could be 'robbers' or something like that
  • 7. door/window

Krokodil Rock

Emlékszem, mikor a rock fiatal volt
Én és Suzie annyit szórakoztunk
Kézen fogva, kövekkel kacsázva
Volt egy régi arany Chevy-m és egy saját lakásom
De a legnagyobb pofon, amit valaha kaptam
Az az volt, amikor a Krokodil Rock nevű dolgot csináltam
Míg a többi gyerek a Rocking Round the Clock-ra táncolt
Mi ugra-bugraltunk a Krokodil Rockra
Hát, a Krokodil Rockozás sokkoló,
Amikor a lábat egyszerűen nem marad egy helyben
Sosem volt jobb időszakom és azt hiszem, sose lesz
Oh szűzanyám, azok a péntek esték amikor Suzie szoros ruhát hordott, és a Krokodil Rockozás láthatatlan volt
De múltak az évek és a rock meghalt
Suzie elment és elhagyott minket valami külföldi srácétt
Hosszú éjszakákon át való sírás a lemezlejátszó mellett
Álmodoztam Chevy-mról és a régi kék farmeremről
De sose ölik meg az izgalmat, fellángoltunk a Krokodil Rockra
Gyorsan tanultunky, ahogy múltak a hetek
Tényleg azt hittük, hogy a Krokodil Rock megmarad


For the very first time in my life, I feel free as a bird
I see it all clearly, everything has never been as focused as now
Yes you let go of me like a balloon
So I'm flown away
And no matter where I fly now
Nothing can shoot me down
I'm hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Where there is only myself
And I can do exactly what I want
I'm hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
And where the darkness was
Have I long since disappeared from
And while you're still watching, I'm on my way across the roofs of the houses
To where the sky is blue, the world is waiting for me to take it back
Because you let go of me like a balloon
Now you won't see me again
You were a cloud hanging over my head
Now I'm hanging over it
I'm hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Where there is only myself
And I can do exactly what I want
I'm hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
And where the darkness was
Have I long since disappeared from
And when you wake up one day
And want me back
I won't be there anymore
Yes when you wake up one day
And want me back
Then you know where I am
I'm hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Where there is only myself
And I can do exactly what I want
I'm hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
Hovering around
And where the darkness was
Have I long since disappeared from

Elveszítette az irányítást

A zűrzavar a szemeiben azt súgja,
hogy elvesztette az irányítást.
És megkapaszkodik a legközelebbi járókelőben,
elvesztette az irányítást.
És feltárja múltjának titkait,
majd közli, újra elvesztettem az irányítást.
És a hangból, ami elmondta neki, mikor és hol játssza meg magát,
közli, hogy újra elvesztettem az irányítást.
Aztán megfordult, megfogta a kezemet,
és közölte, újra elvesztettem az irányítást,
s azt, hogy sosem fogom megtudni miért vagy egyáltalán megérteni.
Azt mondta, újra elvesztettem az irányítást.
Majd felsikoltott a rúgástól, ami az oldalát érte,
s közölte, újra elvesztettem az irányítást.
Aztán a földre roggyant, azt hittem, meghal.
S mondta, elvesztettem az irányítást.
Újra elvesztette az irányítást...
Elvesztette az irányítást...
Újra elvesztette az irányítást...
Elvesztette az irányítást...
Így fel kellett hívnom a barátját, hogy kifejtsem álláspontom,
majd mondta, újra elvesztette az irányítást.
És megmutatta az összes hibát és tévedést,
majd mondta, újra elvesztettem az irányítást.
De kifejezte magát rengeteg féle módon,
amíg újra el nem vesztette az irányítást.
És felsétált a szökhetetlenség peremére,
majd nevetett azon, hogy elvesztettem az irányítást.
Elvesztette az irányítást...
Újra elvesztette az irányítást...
Elvesztette az irányítást...
Újra elvesztette az irányítást...
Egy kicsit jobban élhettem volna a mítoszokkal és a hazugságokkal.
Amikor a sötétség eljött, csak összetörtem és sírtam.
Élhettem volna egy kicsit szélesebb vonalban.
Amikor a változás elmúlt, amikor a vágy elillant.
elveszítettük az irányítást... és itt kötöttünk ki...

Csak idők kérdése

Nézz a szemeimbe
Mondd, hogy nem hazudsz nekem
Átlátok az álcádon
Többet nem tudod előlem elrejteni
Ideje, hogy rendbe tedd
Szóval miért mondod még mindig, hogy nincs igazam?
Nos, csak idők kérdése, hogy helyrehozd
Ideje elmondani a világnak, hogy a nevemben hazudtál
Azt tetted, amit akartál és azt hitted, hogy megúszhatod
Nos, mostantól a sorsra bízom
De csak idők kérdése
Szemet szemért, te megvakulsz
És mikor lettél ilyen rosszindulatú?
Úgy csavartad a szavaid, mint egy kést
Nos, biztos vagyok benne, hogy szenvedsz belül
De miért tennéd a fájdalmadat az enyémmé?
Miattad én fizetek a bűneidért
Nos, kedvesem, megleszek
De már csak idők...
Még nincs vége
Nem bánthatsz így, majd tehetsz úgy, mintha megbocsátanék
Ha a karma meglátogat, majd fuldoklasz a megbánásban
De ez nem a bosszúról szól ma este
Nem, hiszen csak idők kérdése
Szemet szemért, te megvakulsz
És mikor lettél ilyen rosszindulatú?
Úgy csavartad a szavaid, mint egy kést
Összeszedtem magam a padlóról
Nem bánthatsz, elég ebből
a végtelen színjátékból
Nem játszom a játékodat
Azt mondasz, amit akarsz
Ez nem jelenti, hogy igazad van
Örülsz, hogy ezzel megúsztad?
Most már jobban érzed magad?
Most már jobban érzed magad?
Idő, szemet szemért, te megvakulsz
És mikor lettél ilyen rosszindulatú?
Úgy csavartad a szavaid, mint egy kést
Nos, biztos vagyok benne, hogy szenvedsz belül
De miért tennéd a fájdalmadat az enyémmé?
Miattad én fizetek a bűneidért
Nos, kedvesem, megleszek
De már csak idők kérdése...

The Girl of the Lantern Blue

In the nebulous passageway
as magical dream of Istanbul,
dazzling models her silhouette
the girl of the lantern blue.1
Agile and mirthful•she breezes,2
and her flame•sultry glows,
sizzles in her long hair the drizzle
from the coasts of the marvellous.
With melodious and infantile tune,
with fresh fragancy of betul,3
spells•about a miraculous Fortune
the girl of the lantern blue.
With caring eyes of bonhomie
and air-kisses of downing love,
the alluring child offers me
one magical and celestial road.
Of incantation•in one excess
waves airily, vapourous tulle,
and guide me•through the darkness
the girl of the lantern blue.
  • 1. Lantern blue = Light blue = Inspiración poética
  • 2. Breeze in = Ingreso de manera etérea e inesperada
  • 3. Betul = birch tree

House party

There was a breathtaking binge at my place last week
I've regretted it since, it's a miracle that I've survived it
There were many famous movie actors among the guests
But unfortunately none of them were particularly gentle
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
The one who's very strong and so brave was here too
He clanks like metal if you kick him, he's the Terminator1
He retired rather early, he left the crowd behind
And facefucked the dishwasher in a small room
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
Hooo, this house party wasn't a bright idea
None of these sick fucks will be allowed here anymore
Hooo, I admit to you, I feel very down
Now I can scrub body fluids for three weeks
The catwoman exclaimed: 'Oh, how splendid it would be
If someone would take me without a condom!'
The rubber man replied: 'I don't need rubber
My stick was made from caoutchouc to begin with.'
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
The doctors from ER2drank like fish too
Doctor Carter smeared his shit on the wall
Farther from the others Benton was up to no good
He was doing something too, but I don't know what
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
Hooo, this house party wasn't a bright idea
None of these sick fucks will be allowed here anymore
Hooo, I admit to you, I feel very down
Now I can scrub body fluids for three weeks
Then suddenly KITT and Michael3entered the house
They were barely able to stop, they were so wasted
Michael felt it inside him that this night is theirs
So he put KITT's exhaust pipe right up his ass
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
The Transformers4became horny as fuck too
RoboCop5was sitting just next to them on a bench
They've grabbed him and played catch with his body with dicks erect
They fucked him so much, the paint came off of the poor guy
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
Only after this came the biggest
I woke up and who snores in my bed?
The Girl with the Mousehead!6
Hooo, this house party wasn't a bright idea
None of these sick fucks will be allowed here anymore
Hooo, I admit to you, I feel very down
Now I can scrub body fluids for three weeks
  • 1. Reference to the 1984 science fiction film directed by James Cameron.
  • 2. An American medical drama television series created by novelist and physician Michael Crichton.
  • 3. Characters from the American action crime drama television series titled Knight Rider.
  • 4. A Japanese–American media franchise that deals with the battles of sentient, living autonomous robots.
  • 5. The titular character from the 1987 American science fiction action film.
  • 6. The Kovbojok have a song titled 'The Girl with the Mousehead'.

Balkalaki Homfó

The tales of Middle-earth1are not over yet
This is what the following hobbit story is about
The brother-in-law of Barka Pali is the protagonist now
But he prefers farting over boozing
Not many people like Balkalaki Homfó
Any who dares to come near him, runs away quick
Usually trouble comes after lunch
Because if he eats too much beans, his ass complains
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I'm very fond of the bean soup
If you don't believe it, my little pal, just take a whiff of my keister
Our halfling has been to Moria too
This little, fickle guy was furtively following Gollam
As soon as they've entered the mine of the dwarfs
He laid a rugged fart on Gollam's shoulder blade
One day he got to the Prancing Pony
Sadly the famous chronicle doesn't mention this
But all the good friends were running like headless chickens
When they've smelled the sigh of his ass
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I'm very fond of the bean soup
If you don't believe it, my little pal, just take a whiff of my keister
In front of the dark lord he had a bright idea
'Well, since I'm here, I'm going to fart on something that's his'
He looked up at Sauron and spoke thusly 'Look!'
And the nice steel helmet got filled with foul steam
There's no more darkness and stubborn tyranny
The whole country is covered with a stinking mist
A golden crown adorns the head of our little Homfó
And there's a fucking huge bean field where Mordor used to be
Yet the people of Middle-earth remain irritated
'Cause that ass went haywire and it farts everywhere
Poor Homfó gets banished to beyond the sea
So Sauron will again become the ruler of the world
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I'm very fond of the bean soup
If you don't believe it, my little pal, just take a whiff of my keister
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I live my life in exile
But I'm still happy like this, 'cause my farts are never ending
  • 1. The fictional setting of much of the English writer J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy.

Seven Commandments

Let's start off on the assumption that I'm God
If you refute this, you'll have trouble
With this you would break my first commandment
Let's check out what are the seven commandments!
According to the 2nd you should remove half of your brain
This will make sure that a lump won't grow there
But you could still easily get cancer of the liver for example
Have your dick cut off too, if you think that's a good idea
For the 3rd: you should seek out David Beckham1
You'll apply factor 25 sunscreen on his back
As for the 4th, get yourself a Slayer2drumstick
And molest him from behind with it
Seven Commandments
Eternal life awaits you beyond death
Seven Commandments
A bombastic citadel of fakery
Come here already!
The 5th is that you should discipline your little sister
For keep putting pieces of Legos3up her ass
If she makes me angry, she won't appreciate what she gets
She'll have to watch Sas-cabaret4until she falls over
The 6th is that you should get roaring drunk
The hard part is just about to come, it'll blow your mind
'Keep sober!' this would be the final commandment
Huh! I've made it a paradox, I've fucked you!
Seven Commandments
Eternal life awaits you beyond death
Seven Commandments
A bombastic citadel of fakery
Come here already!
Suddenly a subdued voice could be heard from the sky:
'There's a zeroth commandment besides the seven
You deserve a clout on the head if you believe all this
Don't be a dumbass, not even I believe in me!'
Seven Commandments
Eternal life awaits you beyond death
Seven Commandments
A bombastic citadel of fakery
Come here already!
  • 1. An English former professional footballer.
  • 2. Slayer was an American thrash metal band.
  • 3. A line of plastic construction toys.
  • 4. A cabaret produced by József Sas, a Hungarian actor and comedian. His show was known during the communist era but some would say that it was boring and repetitious. After the Soviet era what audience the show has retained almost exclusively consisted of old people.


Annanan, Annananana
Oh Annalena
Annanan, Annananana
She is so high by nature
She doesn't need heels
She looks cool also in sneakers and jeans
She is a mix of glamour and street
She's bombshell, like nitroglycerin
Oh, she redefined the game
Because every party escalates with her
She is just so perfect without a show
Annalena already had me at hello
I like the way you dance, Annalena.
The way you move babe, I like to watch you
I like the way you laugh, Annalena
I'm coming over to you
Because I know it's gonna be good
You look at me with that look that kills me again
Just one look and I know what I want
Show me who you are, Annalena
Just you, just you, just you
Yeah yeah
Annalena, Annalena, Annalena
She doesn't want a fancy dinner at a gourmet restaurant
She prefers pizza to filet mignon
She doesn't need vintage rosé, Moët et Chandon
She prefers to say 'Sorry' instead of 'Pardon'.
Oh, Annalena is my partner in crime
She pockets it, complains and says 'Ride or die'
She is just so perfect without show
Annalena already had me at hello
I like the way you dance, Annalena.
The way you move babe, I like to watch you
I like the way you laugh, Annalena
I'm coming over to you
Because I know it's gonna be good
You look at me with that look that kills me again
Just one look and I know what I want
Show me who you are, Annalena
Just you, just you, just you
Yeah yeah
Annalena, Annalena, Annalena
Annanan, Annananana
Oh Annalena
Annanan, Annananana
You look at me with that look that kills me again
Just one look and I know what I want
Show me who you are, Annalena
Just you, just you, just you
Yeah yeah
Annanan, Annananana
Oh Annalena
Annanan, Annananana (Annalena)

It's alright

Versions: #1
Tell me you are there and its not just for my pretty eyes
Tell me apart from this there are other reasons why I make you happy
Tell me that you really like our lazy days and mornings in love
Tell me that from the beginning that you always see a suite for two
Tell me that I am the only one that you always want
I have no date, or anything I want to accept
With you it's obvious I am ready to forget the past
I always love to charm but it doesn't matter when I only want to please you
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I like that assured air that you borrow from more beautiful people
Your sweet look is like it's a secret that your caresses have an indefinite limit
You understand all my silences and all my small absent moments
If I go to heaven I won't be sure of the difference to now
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I say to myself let's take risks and it's too late anyway
Worst of all we will have memories and nice moments in our drawers
I am scared of your niceness and how it promises so much happiness Oh you know I'm scared
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I'm saying it's just you
It's alright
I know you believe it
Oh it's alright
You and me just like this
I'm saying it's you
I know you believe it
And you and me just like that

Back in the days

I saw you there in Amsterdam at Dam Square
You looked at me, but quickly
I know you from the poor quarter
Now you don't even greet me back
I know you from back in the days, back in the days (Oh no)
But now you don't wanna greet me anymore, greet (Oh no)
But I know you right? from back in the days, back in the days (Oh no)
Why don't you want to greet me anymore, greet? Oh girl
You can come with me,
but you don't want to come with me
You can come with me,
but you don't want to come with me
Baby, back then, back then on the sidewalks, sidewalks
I hear you calling, calling
You were really there
No Amiri pants, never new shoes
I was always looking for those extras
See you now walking past me like it's nothing
I know, you don't like this business at all
I'm telling you straight, you're still on my wish list
But you don't like all that shine and all that blits-blits baby
Look, the money isn't everything, really, I know
But with that money we can go overseas, yeah
I fought, baby, all my life
I will be able to give you anything
I saw you there in Amsterdam at Dam Square
You looked at me, but quickly
I know you from the poor quarter
Now you don't even greet me back
I know you from back in the days, back in the days (Oh no)
But now you don't wanna greet me anymore, greet (Oh no)
But I know you right? from back in the days, back in the days (Oh no)
Why don't you want to greet me anymore, greet? Oh girl
You can come with me,
but you don't want to come with me
You can come with me,
but you don't want to come with me
Baby, remember those days when I was driving on scooters?
I could barely refuel and I got sick of the fines
I was always outside, you were always in the books
I got my eyes on you,
while those girls are calling, girl
Just the two of us, undercover and you don't like those parties
Really, I already know, you are different from most other people
Really, I wanna chill with you my whole life, baby
We can roll around together if you want, girl
I can take you anywhere you want to go
Good vibes, only when I'm chilling with you
But you're afraid that I'm playing with you
I saw you there in Amsterdam at Dam Square
You looked at me, but quickly
I know you from the poor quarter
Now you don't even greet me back
I know you from back in the days, back in the days (Oh no)
But now you don't wanna greet me anymore, greet (Oh no)
But I know you right? from back in the days, back in the days (Oh no)
Why don't you want to greet me anymore, greet? Oh girl
You can come with me,
but you don't want to come with me
You can come with me,
but you don't want to come with me

Je T'aime

The clear sound of rain knocking on the window
Before I meet you, the excitement increases
Should I go to a movie or go anywhere?
Shall we walk through the clear streets together?
A little closer in a small umbrella
Even if the end of my shoulder is wet, I'm good
I guess I love you, I'm in love
I hope this pleasant feeling will not change
I guess I love you, I keep wanting to see you
I want to have Morning coffee with you every day
A person who always come to me whеn I'm struggling
Someone you know evеn if you don't try to talk
Sometimes I get angry and sometimes I get upset
Softly hug me like an old friend
I'll come to you little by little and show me
Stay by my side like a soft scent
I guess I love you, I'm in love
I hope this pleasant feeling will not change
I guess I love you, I keep wanting to see you
I want to have Morning coffee with you every day
I guess I love you, it wouldn't be a dream
My shy love came in the rain
I guess I love you, I'm so happy
Always be clear and only love me
Toi et moi eternellement

Beats Beats

Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
It doesn't help running
The more you run
The more the heart falters
Beats, beats, beats, gets tired
Could even stop beating
Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
Let the waters flow
Hold the rudder
Row with conviction
Beware of the current
So that the canoe won't tip over (3x)
Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
It doesn't help running
The more you run
The more the heart falters
Beats, beats, beats, gets tired
Could even stop beating
Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
Stop acumulating
Life is good
For the one who knows how to enjoy
And from here, my companion,
You can not take things with you

Késő a szerelemhez

Héj, hogy érzed magad?
Azon gondolkozom, hogy valaha eszedbe jutottam-e?
Mondd, rosszul teszem
Ha arra gondolok, hogy te és én együtt lehetnénk?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Tudni akarom
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Nem bírom tovább
Az van
Lehetnék a nap, amely megvilágítja a sötétséged
És talán csak egy szikrányival világítanám meg a világod
Felgyújthatnám érted és magamért
Ha ott lehetnék
Ott lennék
Lehetnék a nap, amely megvilágítja a sötétséged
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Felgyújthatnám érted és magamért
A napok jöttek és mentek
De semmi sem érződött igazán ugyanolyannak
Mert hagytál egy űrt
Ahol minden az arcodra emlékeztet
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Tudni akarom
Lehetnék a nap, amely megvilágítja a sötétséged
És talán csak egy szikrányival világítanám meg a világod
Felgyújthatnám érted és magamért
Ha ott lehetnék
Ott lennék
Lehetnék a nap, amely megvilágítja a sötétséged
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Felgyújthatnám érted és magamért
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Lehetnénk egy vihar amely tombol
És talán miénk lehetne az óceán hogy folytassuk
Lehetnék a nap, amely megvilágítja a sötétséged
És talán csak egy szikrányival világítanám meg a világod
Felgyújthatnám érted és magamért
Ha ott lehetnék
Ott lennék
Lehetnék a nap, amely megvilágítja a sötétséged
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Késő van a szerelemhez?
Az van

The summer will come

Watch it as the wind descends into the valley
It talks about old dreams
But we forgot them and the light
In our hearts went out
Wait! Because it's not a shame if it hurts
I'm bemused by this landscape too
And the summer will come to the Upland1too!
Greetings, my old friend, I hope you're doing well
And that you've found your desires, far away, where your fate took you
A couple of years have passed and many things have changed here
But unfortunately there's no change regarding the most important thing
Sometimes it's worse, imagine the most recent thing:
They wanted to forbid us to sing our anthem
I know it pisses you off, it angers me too
That politics take a dump on our heads to this extent
And our political parties prefer to swim with the current
Because why should we stick together when we could have dissension?
Though what matters is so simple
Since we are of the same blood, no matter what they write on Index2
By the way, come to a DAC3match once
It patches up wounds like a medic on the field
We sing 'Without you'4and proud flags are flying
The fine voices of ten thousand unbreakable throats
It's the last bastion of the Upland
Colors, under which we would bravely board the same barge
It's enlightening that sport and music brings us together
And politics tear us apart to a thousand factions...
Watch it as the wind descends into the valley
It talks about old dreams
But we forgot them and the light
In our hearts went out
Wait! Because it's not a shame if it hurts
I'm bemused by this landscape too
And the summer will come to the Upland too!
My dear friend, I hope my letter will find you
Now I'm going to write what I've wanted to since a long time
It's one thing that you've named your daughter Helena
But a Hungarian child should attend a Hungarian kindergarten
You've made the same choice regarding her school, this is who you are
Let's go my daughter, time to not learn about what Endre Ady5wrote!
I know of course that your intentions were good
But what you've achieved, is that she sweats to form Hungarian sentences
Because a Hungarian is not someone whose grandfather was Hungarian
But someone who has a grandchild who wants to remain Hungarian
I'm an Uplandian my friend, not a foreigner
I believe people shouldn't hate my guts
But that's what they do, on both banks of the Danube6
But if I have to suffer for who I am, I will take it in stride
In Komárom7they play the Klapka March8at noon
In the light breeze the proud trumpet solo is still soaring
My motherland, my life, my desires and my grave
Are all tied to this land and I'll have this written on my tombstone:
'I was born Hungarian, I lived among Hungarians
I will die as a Hungarian and my blood will be Hungarian!'
Watch it as the wind descends into the valley
It talks about old dreams
But we forgot them and the light
In our hearts went out
Wait! Because it's not a shame if it hurts
I'm bemused by this landscape too
And the summer will come to the Upland too!
  • 1.
  • 2. Index.hu is one of Hungary's most read news portals.
  • 3. DAC is a Slovakian football club that is popular among the Hungarian minority in Slovakia.
  • 4. A song by the Hungarian band, Ismerős Arcok (Familiar Faces).
  • 5. A great Hungarian poet (1877-1919).
  • 6. The second-longest river in Europe.
  • 7. A city in Hungary on the south bank of the Danube.
  • 8.

I have a white rose to tend

Versions: #1
I have a white rose to tend
In July as in January

Seamarks. Stanza IX

- I
...Narrow are the vessels, narrow is our love-bed..
..Boundless the size of waters, vaster our empire
...Within the closed bedrooms of desire.
...Enters Summer, that comes from the Sea. To the sea only we shall say
..how foreign we were
to the city's festivities
and which star, rising from submarine feasts
..came up, one night, on to our bed, to sniff the thin layer of the divine.
...In vain, the nearby earth
draws its frontier for us.
One same wave through the world, one same wave since Troy's time
..rolls out its hip to us. In the open sea, far from us this blast of air had been printed in days of yore..
..and rumor had it, one night, in the bedrooms:
death itself, with its conch-sound, could not be heard any more !
...Love, you, couples, the vessels and the high tide in the bedrooms !
...The earth, one evening, sobs after its gods and man hunts down red-haired beasts :
cities decay, women's minds stray...Let there be always at our door
...this boundless dawn called sea - nobility of wings and coat-of-arms raising , love and sea of the same bed, love and sea in the same bed -
...and this dialogue , again, in the bedrooms. :

Dreams turn to pale moons

Composed of the traces you left behind, that scene...
Your final moments were seared into my memory
In eternal slumber
You will not awaken
My body starts to wander, yearning for the light once more
Though I failed many times
The dream deteriorating each time
None of them were in vain
The whispers of the pale moon
Are keeping this dream alive
I'll face the darkness once more
The light loitering in the night has yet to vanish
Within the locked-up box
Lie unspoken truths
The ceaseless rain soaks me
Its drops treading along my cheeks
Clad in sorrow and anger
The whispers of the pale moon
Are keeping this dream alive
Once more, within the light that lies in your heart
You harbor this tale's conclusion
I'll keep on walking
Until the time comes for me to lay down my life
The dazzling, sinking sky above
This white dream has been corrupted
Even so, I've continued to believe
That I do have a future ahead of me
Even if my body decays
The whispers of the pale moon are keeping this dream alive
I'll face the darkness once more
Looking up at the sky from the depths of Hades
Although my missing heart has been dyed red
Taken away by the scene I dreamed of
I'll face the dark flames that stand in my way
Before long, my wishes will clear away the flames
The brightness held within your body
Has yet to fade

The Source

In a desert every man can roam till he knows not
Without water a man astray
In a desert one's soul calls for tranquility amidst the waters
to shed one's weariness
In a desert sometimes you fathom to glance at an oasis
A miraclous land of peace
There a weary traveller can finally rest his head
A spring flows
through the hot hot desert
Where the source flows
There you can find the valley of tranquility
Without ceasing a pure ford bubbles forth
Till it brings forth an oasis
sprouting the desert anew
The clean godly water
Off the cliffs of Golgata
Full of strenght
Full of new life
A spring flows
The source touches everyone
In the desert under the scorching sun
Many a man sighs, takes refuge in the highest of powers
In the desert many a man longs for the shadow of the wines, of the wines
Like a deer
My heart longs for that valley
that exudes honey
for that land that cries for water
To the promised land, promised
A spring flows
through the hot hot desert
Where the source flows
There you can find the valley of tranquility
Without ceasing a pure ford bubbles forth
Till it brings forth an oasis
sprouting the desert anew
The clean godly water
Off the cliffs of Golgata
Full of strenght
Full of life
Through all obstacles
A spring flows
The source touches everyone

Just The Two of Us

Take the train to Neuchâtel
I'll be waiting there for you
There's a place we can go in the mountains
Far away where we can't be found
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
I got a friend who offered me his house
It's located in a beautiful forest
The two of us alone, in the depths of the mountains
We’ll have our perfect dream
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
I'll be there

Tell me it ain’t so

Versions: #1
You and I, it may sound a little stupid
I’m raving mad, you’re kind of a jerk
Tell me it ain't so
Time after time, naivety won over
Don’t know if it was almost love or something much worse
that sentenced us to fall
Tell me it ain't so, oh no
That my memory haunts you every night
that a shower doesn’t completely cool your skin
That as much as you try to deny it, I’ve been your best mistake
Tell me it ain't so
Every time that I hear the phone ring
I can't help but to think that maybe
I’ll get to hear your voice
I already know, it’s kind of pathetic
That being happy,
so loved and happy
You still make me feel like this.
Tell me it ain't so, oh no
Because your memory haunts me every night
A shower doesn’t completely cool my skin
And as much as I try to deny it, you’ve been my best mistake
That even though it makes no sense
We can feel the warmth
Tell me it ain't so
Tell me it ain't so
You and me
It’s maybe not illogical
Tell me it ain't so
That my memory haunts you every night
that a shower doesn’t completely cool your skin
that as much as you try to deny it
I’ve been your best mistake
And even though it makes no sense
You tell me I’m right
That even though it makes no sense
We can still feel the warmth
Tell me it ain't so
Tell me it ain't so.

Te vagy a hang

Esélyünk van rá, hogy új lapot kezdjünk
Megírhatjuk, amit akarunk
Össze kell, hogy illesszük a végeket, mielött az idö eljár felettünk
Mindannyian valaki lánya
Mindannyian valaki fia vagyunk
Egymással farkasszemet meddig nézhetünk
a fegyvercsövön keresztül
Te vagy a hang, próbáld és értsd meg
Csapj zajt és tedd nyilvánvalóvá
Ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó
Nem fogunk csendben üldögélni
Nem fogunk félelemben élni
Ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó
Most mindannyian tudjuk, hogy egymás mellett állhatunk
Az erövel még erösebbé válhatunk
Hisszük, hogy jobbá alakithatjuk
Mindannyian valaki lánya
Mindannyian valaki fia vagyunk
Egymással farkasszemet meddig nézhetünk
a fegyvercsövön keresztül
Te vagy a hang, próbáld és értsd meg
Csapj zajt és tedd nyilvánvalóvá
Ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó
Nem fogunk csendben üldögélni
Nem fogunk félelemben élni
Ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó
Ó-ó-ó, Mindannyian valaki lánya
Mindannyian valaki fia vagyunk
Egymással farkasszemet meddig nézhetünk
a fegyvercsövön keresztül
Te vagy a hang, próbáld és értsd meg
Csapj zajt és tedd nyilvánvalóvá
Ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó
Nem fogunk csendben üldögélni
Nem fogunk félelemben élni
Ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó
Nem fogunk csendben üldögélni
Nem fogunk félelemben élni


Miért esik az eső
És miért vannak felhők?
És miért vannak felhők?
Éjszaka miért
Az én ágyamban alszol el?
Az én ágyamban alszol el?
Miért alszunk
Olyan messze a családunktól
Egy másik országban?
A halál miért
Az élet után következik?
Hagyjuk a mellébeszélést
Miért rohanunk
Megállás nélkül?
Megállás nélkül?
Miért imádkozunk
A magunk módja szerint?
A magunk módja szerint?
Miért vagyok én
Idegen itt?
Idegen amott?
A fiam miért
Nő fel nyár nélkül?
Nő fel nyár nélkül?
Hagyjuk a mellébeszélést
Hagyjuk a mellébeszélést


Dawn, drops of sleep are trembling in the fog
The mark of a bare light foot on the moss
Chilliness is already drawing a net on the glass
The dusk is sewing a coat of clouds for pines here
This is my place on earth
Here is my time, let it last eternally
The dawn is collecting frost from the willow ways
The mark of all past springs here
Chilliness is already reddening the faces of the suns
The dawn on the hairs of dogs is hurtling to the heathers
This is my place on earth
Here is my time, let it last eternally
The dawn is burning from above...

Blue plastic tears

Down the early morning's sidewalks
the sun's dancing its milonga with the janitors,
with the eye bags you got too many of, my love,
a day after what's gone with the wind.
The secretaries in the offices
are having a snack for breakfast in the street corner
and when they come down the moon to the tough disc to crack,
with their sleep upside down and a future with no tomorrow, they cry
Blue plastic tears rolling down the stairs,
southern seas' tribes at the border's west side,
rolling paper lips, wise men who don't know anything,
castaways at the cathedral, cobwebs who are used
to passing the night at the glass.
The surgeons of disappointments
cut healthy joy,
the dawning's veins stock up on cold blood
and every monday a new day is born dead.
The lipstick, corner of your mouth,
touches up the carmine's insults,
pimps neatly put on their toupees
and Romeos run late and Juliets fall out of love.
Blue plastic tears rolling down the stairs,
southern seas' tribes at the border's west side,
rolling paper lips, wise men who don't know anything,
castaways at the cathedral, rebellious cobwebs...
Goodbye-flavored blue plastic tears
When will the bus cross this dead end?
rolling paper lips, wise men who don't know anything,
hospital flower's petals, rebellious cobwebs...
Blue plastic tears
When will the bus cross?
(Southern seas' tribes...)