Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 312


Bennem az ősz

Bármit kívánok
Minden olyan távoli
Most már sajnálom
Jó lenne újra kezdeni
A legszebb dalt énekelném neked
Hej,bárcsak akkor tettem volna meg
Madarak menekülnek
A csend építi a falakat
A búcsú kong
Isten verése minden szavad
Azok a bódító ajkak
Még álmodom ahogyan csókoltak
Az ősz bennem szomorog
Honnét az álmaimban ciprusok
Utaim nem vezetnek sehova
Bennem az ősz uralkodik
Benned meg a tavasz
A nap is képtelen
Képtelen áttörni a felhőkön
Én kedvesem, hej
A legszebb dalt énekelném neked
Hej,bárcsak akkor tettem volna meg
Az ősz bennem szomorog
Honnét az álmaimban ciprusok
Utaim nem vezetnek sehova
Bennem az ősz uralkodik
Benned meg a tavasz
A nap is képtelen
Képtelen áttörni a felhőkön
Én kedvesem, hej

Dreams, dreams, scatter and leave

O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Ask my eyelid a question
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
In this world, who is a relative to me, when
there is someone related split up and changes the way
In this world, who is a relative to me, when
there is someone related split up and changes the way
Due to love, I forgot my senses, I forgot myself
I suffer by losing my thinking and forgetting my way
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Even if life is gone, the love that does not leave
Even if the time separates us, the sadness which does not disappear
Even if life is gone, the love that does not leave
Even if the time separates us, the sadness which does not disappear
Is it a plan which is written by fate? who knows?
I don't have vision in spite of having eyes, where will I go?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Ask my eyelid a question
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?

I am, I was, I will be

[Stanza 1: Smolasty]
It wasn't supposed to be this way.
The city has an impact on me
and I'm getting lost every night just like you.
I'm not bad.
It's just one mistake
[Bridge: Smolasty](x2)
It's not the same.
It's not the same now.
I wake up every morning.
I'm my greatest enemy.
[Refren: Smolasty]
I am, I was, I'll always be.
Please just give me a chance.
Every day and every moment,
all this reminds me of you.
All this reminds me of you.
All this reminds me of you.
[Stanza 2: Smolasty]
It wasn't supposed to be this way.
Nothing has changed.
I'm still waiting for your move and I love like nobody else.
It's something more than your body.
It's something more than your style.
It was written in the stars for us, it was written in the stars for us and that's it.
I'll wake up in the morning and you'll be next to me gain.
It was written in the stars for us, it was written in the stars for us and that's it.
I'll wake up in the morning and you'll be next to me gain.
[Refren: Smolasty]
I am, I was, I'll always be.
Please just give me a chance.
Every day and every moment,
all this reminds me of you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, it wasn't supposed to be this way,
it wasn't supposed to be this way.
All this reminds me of you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, it wasn't supposed to be this way,
it wasn't supposed to be this way.
All this reminds me of you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way!

Too often

You never knew how to tell me
With a smile or with a word
That you love me
Like a child scared of the sea
You are just standing in shallow water, with wet legs
But still too often
You never knew how to tell me
Whether with a movement or with a word
That you love me
They say that the climate is too blame for everything
That the rain makes the tears grow, like rivers
But still too often
You never knew how to tell me
Whether with a smile or with a word
That you love me
Like a child scared of the sea
You are just standing in shallow water, with wet legs
But still too often
I think of us as a defeat in a war

The lament of Jesus

Oh you sleeping
inside this stone grave
for having suffered
so many injuries and wounds
the atrocious torture
that finally made you die too
now you can rest, quiet, still
you do not suffer any more
But I am
in a burning fire
I’m burning and moaning
and everyone can hear me
I know my beloved one’s tears
and those of an afflicted mother
I shout to the Eternal
so He remembers the Innocent
And then after
all this rage
so many injuries and foul violence
nailed by your hands and feet
you were hung to a cross
oh God of so much pain
please, just let me hear Your voice
From now and forever
everything seems to have ended
you are dead
the drama is over
and yet in Jerusalem
everybody has already run away
miserable and ashamed
dead are faith and life

Sergueï Essenine

Versions: #2
You are gone,
As they say,
To another world.
You are flying,
Among exploding stars.
No more deposit
Nor beer.
To be sober.
No, Essenine,
It’s not
In my throat
Is a bowl of sorrow-
Not a giggle.
I see-
Trailing with a slashed wrist,
Of your own
You are rocking the bag.
Stop it!
Have you lost your mind?
On your cheeks
Must be spilled
The mortal chalk?
At such things
They were skillful,
As to another one
No other one
It was impossible.
What for?
I am split by perplexity.
Critics mutter
-It comes from alcohol
And that…
But first,
Not enough ties,
And last
A lot of beer and wine-
To say,
You would have exchange
For the class,
Entangled by the class,
You would have stop fighting.
But, the class itself
When thirsty
Is it not drinking kvass?
So far-the class
To have drunk is not dumb.
To say,
To you had been added
Someone of “Na Pastou”-
Would have put
To the content
Far more value.
You would have
Per day
A hundred lines
And slowly,
Like Dorodine.
As to me,
If is realized
Such a frenzy,
You would have to yourself
Earlier slashed your wrist.
Far better
Of vodka dying,
Than of boredom.
Don’t explain
To ourselves
The source of losses
Neither the hanging loop,
Nor the little knife.
May be,
Would have been
Some ink at the “England”,
Your veins
To cut
Would have been no reason.
Imitators rejoiced
To himself
Not least a platoon
Has done justice.
So why
To increase
The number of suicides?
Pushing up
The production of ink!
For ever
From now on
The tongue
Is sticking to the teeth.
Is heavy
And inopportune
To cultivate mysteries.
Creator of language,
Has lost
A loud
Debauchee apprentice.
And are brought
Rudely tied up lines,
Out of previous
Nearly without change.
On a hill
Dumb rhymes
With a stick to plant-
Should we
A poet
Respect in such a way?
At you
Still no memorial,
Where are,
The sound of bronze,
Or the grain of granite?
Has been piled up
Of dedications
And souvenirs the trash.
Your first name
Blown up in handkerchiefs,
Your verb
Spluttered by Sobinov
Who expires
Under a puny birch-
“No more a word
O my fri- iend,
No more si-igh”.
Having spoken in another way
To this
Leonide Lohengrid-whatever!
We should here burst
Into a loud scandal:
-I don’t bear
To chew verses
Nor to offend them!-
Should be stunt
Those people
By blowing three fingers whistle
To grand-mother
And god spirit should go mother!
For destroying
Untalented dirtiness
With darkness
The sails of jackets,
In all directions
Exploded Kogan,
Those he meets
With moustaches’ spikes.
Right now
Has slowly faded.
Has done a lot
To only arrived at it.
We must
The life
First to rebuild,
In doing so-
We can celebrate.
That time-
Is uneasy to the pen,
But tell
Lame and cripple,
Who, to be great, chose
A lane,
That would be crowded
And minor?
Is marshal
To human forces.
That age be
From behind
With cannonballs spread out.
Of old days
By the wind
Be blown away
A sole
To be happy
Planet Earth
Is unfit.
We have to
Out of days to come.
In this life
To die
Is no difficulty.
Building future life
Far more difficult.
© Bénédicte Schribaux registered

raptor jesus

Raptor jesus
you lived to the cretaceous
damned by paying all our sins
your faith, a light in darkness
might for you, oh most sacred dinosaur
how not to love you?


It suits you not to tell me that you want me
I'd prefer you to distance yourself
I'd prefer you to leave me alone
It suits you not to go on signing papers
Nor to turn up the volume
When I'm around you
I'm not the type of woman
That your mom wants to see you with
I'm lacking in so many things
And so many others fail me
I could never please you
Those girls are loyal
Those girls are saints
They're good girls, they forgive quietly
They don't make scenes
They ask for nothing
I couldn't please you
I'm not that type of woman
It doesn't suit me to go on dreaming hopeful
I'm good for nothing when I'm tied down
I'm an eagle, flying alone
I need to undress myself of your scent
This aroma consumes me
I don't want to confuse you
I'm not the type of woman
That your mom wants to see you with
I'm lacking in so many things
And so many others fail me
I could never please you
Those girls are loyal
Those girls are saints
They're good girls, they forgive quietly
They don't make scenes
They ask for nothing
I couldn't please you
I'm not that type of woman
Those girls are loyal
Those girls are saints
They're good girls, they forgive quietly
They don't make scenes
They ask for nothing
I couldn't please you
I'm not that type of woman
I'm not that type of woman

Always You

Always you in my heart/Always you in my thoughts
Because you, only you are my love
You are the place to my 'where'
You are the date to my 'when
You are the count to my 'how many'
For every 'how', you are the way
For every 'why', you are the reason
Because you/ Only you/ Always you are my love
In my chills, you are the blanket
In my itches, you are the scratch
In my limp, you are the massage
For every wound, you are the cure
You are the nap in my sleepiness
In my snore, you are the up and down
You are the relief in my tiredness
The happiness in my sadness
Because you, only you, are my love
You are the sharpness in my dullness
You are the fluency in my stammering
You are the coconut in a rice cake
In kare-kare, you are the shrimp paste*
You are the answer to every riddle
Because you, only you, are my love
In my offered price, you are the discount
In my addition, you are the reduction
In my sickness, you are the alum**
In my weakness, you are the strength
You are the forward of my reverse
You are the brake in my burst of speed
You are the control in my recklessness
You are the the start and the end
Because you, only you, are my love
You are the image in my locket
You are the money in my wallet
You are the key to every room
Of love
In my mind, you are the SIM card
You are the charger when my heart is on low batt[ery]
You are the text, you are the call
Of deep love
Because you, only you, are my love


Even when I'm quiet, I speak to you
I know you can hear me, I can feel it
You left me behind, missing you
I say it'll be alright, but I know myself
I start to decay from the heart
Something won't let me forget
Now I'm like autumn in love with the spring
Like a bird taking off without wings
You're my love, and it will stay like that forever
If only there was luck, so it could last
When love starts hurting, it breaks it all
Let the mention of your name break me
You left me behind, missing you
I say it'll be alright, but I know myself
I start to decay from the heart
Something won't let me forget
Now I'm like autumn in love with the spring
Like a bird taking off without wings
You're my love, and it will stay like that forever
If only there was luck, so it could last
Now I'm like autumn in love with the spring
Like a bird taking off without wings
You're my love, and it will stay like that forever
If only there was luck, so it could last

When the leaves fall in Autumn

When the leaves fall in Autumn, and to me, Nature, you seem in weep,
I can't stay silent about you, in my face I become like a leave,
Yellowed, frozen, like greenery in September,
Such is my song coming out, complainant from the depths of the chest.
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.
Do you remember the springs, oh, the kisses with passion,
This heart will never forget your words,
Only if the leaves have fallen, withered, on the ground,
Then will I believe, how treacherous you are!
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.
To me, summer flowers no more have beauty,
Poor them, they are withered, in vases, at the edge of the window,
They don't even have tears to revive them, youth tears are exhausted now,
Only when I miss you, I sing to love:
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.


Part 1]
The moment you come into me
You’ll never leave
Not anyone can handle this
Can you handle this
The way that I move my body
Your heavy breath
Oh na oh na yeah
Oh na oh na yeah
Part 2]
Oh I’ll give you a special gift tonight
I’ll give it to you
Oh to the place you want
Baby I’ll take you there
Part 3]
No I won’t let you down
No I won’t let you
No I won’t let you down
No I won’t let you
No I won’t let you down
Part 4]
Even if I don’t do anything
You stand in front of me uh oh
Your eyes are wet oh yeah
I like the way you’re watching
Your eyes are touchin me
You got me like
Oh na oh na yeah
Oh na oh na yeah
Part 5]
Oh I’ll give you a special gift tonight
I’ll give it to you
Oh to the place you want
Baby I’ll take you there
Take you there, take you there.. You there
Part 6]
No I won’t let you down
No I won’t let you
No I won’t let you down
No I won’t let you
No I won’t let you down
Part 7]
What you willing to do
What you willing to do (Ima do it for ya)
What you willing to do
What you willing to do (Ima do it for ya)
I don’t have time
I’m waiting Come into me, Like a man
You got the key, I got it locked
Come quickly and take it
Part 8]
Boy I won’t let you down
No I won’t let you
No I won’t let you down
No I won’t let you
No I won’t you down

You Came Along

Versions: #2
I was downcast, drowning in loneliness
My heart was crying out from total emptiness
I tried everything
Looked for your everywhere
It was you that I needed
Sad and empty, I couldn’t go on
Increasingly desperate, it was impossible to go on
I tried everything, looked for you everywhere
It was you that I needed
I looked up and...
You came along and everything changed
You came along and hope triumphed
You came along and I came back to life
For so long I wanted
To find the answer
To this great emptiness that I carried within me
I tried everything, looked for you everywhere
It was you that I needed
I looked up and...
You came along and everything changed
You came along and hope triumphed
You came along and I came back to life
You came along... I came back to life

3 AM

Versions: #4
What’s happening here?
(Gente de Zona)
(Jesse & Joy)
Ever since I was a little girl, my mother taught me
There are some who will pull the wool over your eyes
Daughter, don’t let yourself be fooled, Guard your heart
I told you when I met you
It’s an eye for an eye, for a man who lies to me
You told me “I’m not like that”, I believed you, my love
And for a while I’ve felt that something strange is happening here
And this thought just won’t let me sleep in peace
It’s three in the morning and you haven’t come home
I know you’re with someone and you are denying it
Oh, tell me what they told you to make you feel so paranoid
I was only with my friends drinking until dawn
Having a good time (Having a good time)
Like I always do (Like I always do)
And I looked at my watch
But it’s stopped (working)
I promise you that this crazy guy
He loves you like no one before has loved you
I swear to you that’s the truth
Believe me, I beg you
Change your mind
There’s no reason to worry
Live life
Because I only want to be with you
And for a while I’ve felt that something strange is happening here
And this thought just won’t let me sleep in peace
It’s three in the morning and you haven’t come home
I know you’re with someone and you are denying it
Oh, tell me what they told you to make you feel so paranoid
I was only with my friends drinking until dawn
Having a good time (Having a good time)
Like I always do (Like I always do)
And I looked at my watch
But it’s stopped (working)
Ahh, ohh, ahh, ohh
And for a while I’ve felt that something strange is happening here
And this thought just won’t let me sleep in peace
It’s three in the morning and you haven’t come home
I know you’re with someone and you are denying it
Oh, tell me what they told you to make you feel so paranoid
I was only with my friends drinking until dawn
Having a good time (Having a good time)
Like I always do (Like I always do)
And I looked at my watch (And what?)
But it’s stopped (one, two, three)
Having a good time (Ah, ah)
Like I always do (Oh, oh)
And I looked at my watch (Gente de Zona)
But it’s stopped (Ah, ah)

Because They Are Oh So Holy

I now see everything clearly: the path that we're taking
And the nothingness before which we'll stand tomorrow.
Remove the myth, you'll see the path
And the nothingness before which we'll stand tomorrow.
Jesus! Now you, too, believe in what people say about you.
You believe the nonsense about God is true and in great demand!
The good that has happened will soon be forgotten
Because you are suddenly more than your word alone.
Listen, Jesus, I don't like this here.
It would be better if you'd listen to me
Because you know I was always your right hand.
You have encouraged everyone, renewed the image of the Messiah for them.
When you disappoint them, they will hurt you.
Yes, I know how everything began.
No word of God, no, you were just a man.
But believe me, oh, I admired you as ever.
But every word that emerges here
Will be turned around in your mouth.
If they think you're lying, they'll hurt you.
Nazareth, your great son, if only he were still unknown
He'd have done the same as his father.
Planing tables, chairs and benches, Jesus would be better at that
And wouldn't be to blame for this madness today.
Listen, Jesus, don't leave your people alone.
We are Jews, and we want to be.
We are subjugated. Have you forgotten they are at the top?
Does the mob still trust us?
I'm afraid we're too loud.
If we go too far, we'll fall apart.
Jesus, my warning is no game.
To want to keep living--is that too much?
Powerlessly, we watch our chances sink with every hour.
Those who follow you, they are blind, because they are oh so holy.
A beautiful time went to the dogs, became foul, yes, so foul.

Do not let yourself to be defeated

You go out there
At amusement
With your friends
Try to avoid
Of those people
Who annoys you
But, friend
Now you see
That its not so simple
To live in peace
They usually tells
Nothing is evil
What lasts always
They ask you:
What do you do?
What is your life?
In what you work?
How do you live?
And where do you go?
They are like a rapacious dogs
They will play it!
Do not let them to scare you
They are might
And you have got a street
Do not let yourself to be defeated
Your respect
Is filling
An authority
You have to know
Who is it
Who sends
In the city
If you scream too much
They will take care of your suppressing
They will not let you
Out of the line
I warned you
They are a dogs of might
If you are careless you've got it clear
Where you come from?
And where do you go?


We ough to learn how to share (comrade)
No other choice to live as a society (comrade)
We ough to learn how to tolerate each other (comrade)
So that we get a bit of our humanity back (comrade)
Whatever your country, your skin colour (comrade)
Anyone on Earth has a right to happiness (comrade)
Oh oh oh comrade! (comrade)
Loving our human brethrens doesn't earn money (comrade)
That's mankind's whole tragedy (comrade)
And if the world looks like a mess now (comrade)
it's because we ignore our neighbours too often (comrade)
Whatever your country, your skin colour (comrade)
Anyone on Earth has a right to happiness (comrade)
Oh oh oh comrade! (comrade)
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Be poor and shut your gob!

Be poor and shut your gob,
you measly checkout girl.
Only your wages are
on a discount at 's.
Be poor and shut your gob,
you measly civil servant.
You should be ashamed
to cost us so much money!
And if you're not happy,
as our president says,
if you're not happy, just get
the hell out of the country1...
Every day we struggle
in the commuter train.
Stuffed like cattle,
off to work we go.
jogs in the woods,
we freeze our asses off
waiting for the tram.
Be poor and shut your gob,
you the fireman.
You know, saving lives
doesn't save money.
Be poor and shut your gob,
you measly railway worker
You know, privileges2
are not for the Prole!
We struggle every day
We struggle every day
Be poor and shut your gob,
you measly little nurse.
You will never get paid
for all your overtime.
Be poor and shut your gob,
you little riffraff.
Just smoke your pot
and ...
We struggle every day...
Be poor and shut your gob...
Be poor!
  • 1. Allsusion to the far-right motto 'France: love it or leave it' which was one of the recurrent pitches of Sarkozy's
  • 2. Rail worker unions are one of the last strong opposition force in France. Each time they go on strike, they get lambasted by right wing politicians for enjoying a 'privileged' social status
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Jobb Veled

[1. versszak]
Tudom, hogy csúnya bekapcsolni a híreket
Emberek vannak ott, ahogy a saját álláspontjukról vitatkoznak
Néha olyan, mintha nem maradt volna veszteni valónk
És nem tudom, mit tegyek
De tudom, hogy jobb veled
Egy roncs voltam, mikor jöttél
Mikor nem maradt semmi
Megmutattad a legjobbat
Még mindig egy zűrzavar vagyok
Nem tudom, hogy miért csinálod
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
[2. versszak]
Minden életért van egy néma kiáltás
Minden napért van egy sötétebb éjszaka
Néha ez az élet nem bánik velünk jól
És nem tudom, mit tegyek
De tudom, hogy jobb veled
Egy roncs voltam, mikor jöttél
Mikor nem maradt semmi
Megmutattad a legjobbat
Még mindig egy zűrzavar vagyok
Nem tudom, hogy miért csinálod
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
Bárhol vagy, sosincs olyan sötét
Bármikor, elkezdtek csúszni, te változtatsz meg mindent
Ott voltál a kezdettől, nem számít, milyen nehéz
Akármilyen darab hiányzik is, te tudod, hogyan javítsd meg
Egy roncs voltam, mikor jöttél
Mikor nem maradt semmi
Megmutattad a legjobbat
Még mindig egy zűrzavar vagyok
Nem tudom, hogy miért csinálod
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled
De tudom, hogy jobb vagyok veled

The washing machine and the TV

Sometimes I turn off the TV and I start watching the washing machine.
Instead of automatic programs I prefer those of the washing machine.
In the washing machine the dirt is taken away, on the TV it arises. The washing machine goes round and round always dealing with the same subject and it leaves us with dirty conscience.
Dear insane people, dear friends, if you want cleanliness, turn off the TV and turn on the washing machine.
TV, TV, what could you do with the TV?
Is it fulfilling the role of growing up people, giving them information, making them more educated, teaching them how to understand the world better?
- 'I think it fulfills the basic functions, but with some exceptions. Don’t you think? It’s all about contributing to society with amusement, so, somehow, you think less. I will say it it automatically: well, because the more obedient you are the less you think that you can change the way things happen.'
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


Sweat on cold nights
Dripping from the warmth of the bodies,
It feels as if it was just a dream,
Not an instance (I) experienced
How many words were said sweetly
And how much lips were trembling
Could we have seen paradise maybe?
Our successors wouldn't believe us
Many poetry lines were said
That many poets searched for
It wasn't our fault, neither you nor me
From the depth of our hearts (they) flew
(I) search for words to tell you how much I am feeling
Like poets, I too am wrong
There are very few magical words in life
I love you,
I adore you
It's me
The one who feels you the most, who feels you the most
With the blankness that surrounds me
You are my lights, that blinds me
You are, you are, you are, it's only you
I want your beauty
When you wake up in the morning
Your kisses give life to me
My body longs for your scent
I love you, I love you but it is not enough
It is not enough to me.
I love you,
I love you,
I love you but it is not enough
It is not enough...
Could we have seen paradise?
Our successors would not believe us
Translated by dudiloni

You are still not around

You're not around, you were never around
I don't know how to berate you today
For us to pan out beautifully
as beautiful are the words that mean love
You're not around, not around for me
I don't know how to convince you today
That you'd become the sky and earth
air, water, star, space
You'll be everything I want
You're not around, I miss you
There's empty space in my heart, just a thought
will start, I'll be again
I won't write letters to the gods
What I want you'll give me
I won't write letters to the gods
You'll be everything I want
I won't write letters to the gods
What I want you'll give me
I won't write letters to the gods
You'll be everything I want
You're not around, you were never around...

A királynő

John Lennon – Paul McCartney
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj
(Her Majesty’s a Pretty Nice Girl)
The Beatles – 1969
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj,
eddig sose dumált túl sokat.
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj,
tovább szépül minden nap.
Szerelmet vallanék neki vadul,
csak még megiszom a boromat előbb.
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj,
hogy feleségül veszem őt!
Feleségül veszem őt!

Since you went away

Since you went away wine doesn’t taste like wine, roses don’t smell like roses, and even the sun doesn’t shine with the same joy over the rooftops.
The birds sing, sing sad songs on the other side of my windowpane and in the sky of my life I can see dark clouds which smell of rain.
Since you went away the city seems different. Like a shadow of myself I wander, wander alone through the crowded streets, I sit on a bench in some square, I stop in front of some shop window, I enter some bar and it’s there, this ghost of yours, which is a remembrance of you.
Remembrance, that is filling my whole being, that stands in the way between my eyes and everything else.
Without you the city is not empty, but full, full of something of yours, nevertheless it’s not you.
Something you cannot kiss, you cannot embrace, you cannot touch, something that accompanies you, but it doesn’t give you the heat.
I come home and I find the memory of you everywhere.
A view of a towel brings me back the picture of you only just coming out of the bathroom with wet hair.
A cup reminds me of your gentle loving hands.
My bed reminds me of your tanned naked body, as hot as a fulfilled promise of love.
I smell my shirts to see if any of them still preserves your smell, and I listen to the echo of your laughter, which haunts me in the corridors.
Without you nothing is the same, the hours pass slowly, as if time also had nowhere to go, as if anyone wouldn't wait for it either.
The smoke from my cigarette tries to draw the picture of your face and my hands fall asleep bored in my pockets, because there’s no one they could caress.
Without you I live inside of myself surrounded by your absence and solitude, because that’s all your absence could give me when you were not here.
Without you the only consolation that remains is to climb every night this hill trying to find you, to ask you…
to come back to me.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Jesus Can

There is a big, big hole in heaven
A place with views everywhere
Where Jesus brings us to play
And God said 'Have a good day!'
In heaven, there is room for everyone
Big and small, aunt or servant
But small is so small
and big so powerful and big
Everything seems more than it is
Think about what Jesus can!
Jesus can
I mess around in silly clothes
I keep my breath mostly for fun
But Jesus takes everything to the limit
He has it best in his own circles
In heaven, there is room for everyone
Big and small, aunt or servant
But small is so small
and big so powerful and big
Everything seems more than it is
Think about what Jesus can!
Jesus can
In heaven, there is room for everyone
Big and small, aunt or servant
But small is so small
and big so powerful and big
Everything seems more than it is
Think about what Jesus can!
Jesus can

Real Love*

Versions: #3
Maybe this is what you call love
It always hurts, beats you from your back
Maybe this is the last time
My heart stops and [all the] pains end
Don't think my feelings are for three days
I wait for you here everyday
Please don't deprive me of yourself
This life becomes a poison without you
Hear me, hear, please
Come back to me, come back, please
Real love finds a way for sure
Real love ends like this
My heart stops, the person I love becomes a stranger
Maybe tomorrow will be forgotten
What you call love becomes a story
If my heart beats when you're absent
Then I want it to stop and not to beat

Don't Leave Me Alone

You, who know me well,
So much that you could even describe who I am.
I, I think I know you too,
But I recognise that I need more time.
I close the mouth when you speak to me
Because your words tend to break me down.
You have that perfect gift
And only with your kiss, you can calm me down.
You, who gave me everything
And I gave you so little when I could give you more.
You never expect anything in return,
By your side I understood what it is to love.
So, don't leave me alone,
I need your love
Because I'm still a child
When I'm in your arms.
You don't know how much I would like
Turn the clock back now
To relive those moments
That will never come back again.
But I'm lucky that I still have you
And I really want to love you.

I have an album with memories,
So many memories that make me live.
There were so many stumbles
For being so stubborn that I even lost myself.
Forgive me, I know that sometimes
I thought that a passing love was real.
When it was you who loved me
That no one else has ever been able to love me.
You, who gave me everything
And I gave you so little when I could give you more.
You never expect anything in return,
By your side I understood what it is to love.
So, don't leave me alone,
I need your love
Because I'm still a child
When I'm in your arms.
You don't know how much I would like
Turn the clock back now
To relive those moments
That will never come back again.
But I'm lucky that I still have you
And I really want to love you.

Today nostalgia invades me,
And I really want to cry.
Hug me, cuddle me
With your womb again...
So, don't leave me alone,
I need your love
Because I'm still a child
When I'm in your arms.
You don't know how much I would like
Turn the clock back now
To relive those moments
That will never come back again.
But I'm lucky that I still have you
And you really are my... Mom

  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


It is never like that

Before you try, you already know
You have no luck
A hope, who is she?
You lose not watching at cards
There is no after what,
because does something make sense today?
And for who from a new to burn out
and later you ask, what you are worth?
It is never like that, that nothing can be done
It is never like that, that you will not find your way
Because from today you have faith in yourself
It is never like that, that nothing can be done
It is never like that, that you will not find your way
Because you know yourself better today
Does not matter
It will be as it will be and already
You are waving your hand
After all, a miracle will not happen
And then you regret that nothing
It is never like that, that nothing can be done
It is never like that, that you will not find your way
Because from today you have faith in yourself
It is never like that, that nothing can be done
It is never like that, that you will not find your way
Because you know yourself better today

When you hear my name

When you hear my name
do not swear me
you were my first love
you have broken my heart
I have always been those
who loved you madly
I did not care for a life
I presented you my youth.
Your conscience is not clear
for you do not want to look at me
you always fake something
it wants to rip my heart.

Everyone knows who Juanita is

Everyone knows who Juanita is
She seems to be cross- eyed
And her teeth are crooked, the nose is hooked
And her...ribs are kinda saggy
And her hair is like weeds
And she slouches day and night
And if I wasn't so ugly
She would take me as a husband

When I was young (Understandable song)

When I was young, sustipletican
when I was young, krifetonican
when I was young
everyone was zimzali, sustiplirali
when I was young
When I was young
I loved grehte
when I was young
I salted klajle
And when I was young
I picked floge
I stole zbozle
when I was young
And when I was young
I planted zimze
I worked frazne
when I was young

Maradj velem

Kergetem az Arnyakat
futok ki az idobol ez alkalommal
Azt mondjak mindez ugyis Remenytelen.
Lelegzel es kuzdesz
Es en latom ezt a szemeidben.
Feltorlom a konnyeket amiket takarsz elolem.
Szoval maradj velem
Felajanlanam a Lelkem
Barmit megtennek
Csak hogy tudd
Hogyan erzek
Konyorgom hozzad
Maradj velem
Fordult a Sors
Nyughatatlan vagyok
Ebbe a torekeny szalba kapaszkodom
A gyertya mindket oldalrol eg ezen az ejszakan
Ez a rozsaagy
A tovisek vagjak fel az ereimet
S en nem tudok meg egy nappal szembe nezni.
Szoval maradj velem
Felajanlanam a Lelkem
Barmit megtennek
Csak hogy tudd
Hogyan erzek
Konyorgom hozzad
Maradj velem