Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 146


Let this night be mine

Don't want you to leave,
T'is such a very cold night
Protect me with the warmth of your arms,
Till the day comes back again.
Your pillow can't wait anymore
Let it caress your face
Maybe it'll persuade you 1,
Maybe it won't.
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
On leaving this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
To leave this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
  • 1. Lit. Maybe it gives you some advice
  • Lit. Postpone my death

It's gone

Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised if I go away
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Don't act surprised
If you're always suffering and crying
In the bathroom it's because you choose to
It's not my fault, I wasn't trying to harm you
You fell in love when I least expected love
Because I don't want to relive the past
I won't share my heart
It was crushed and hasn't recovered
I don't share it but when I do, it's without reserves
And I always end up giving too much
There wasn't a connection, so it's better to stay as we started
This situation, I'm truly sorry it got out of hand
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Now we're trending because of our breakup
People don't understand that this never worked
Accusing me through social media as if it was my mistake, mistake
I keep it together, it's better for me
Love leaves, leaves, it's gone
Forget about TBT's1
I already ditched you and I don't want to see you, don't want to see you
Don't be looking for me, looking for me
Don't say you love me, you love me
Our relationship can not be, can not be
Find yourself someone who makes you feel what I couldn't
Just don't be looking for me, looking for me
Don't say you love me, you love me
Forget that time I kissed you, I was confused2
And if I said 'I love you'
I promise it won't do it again
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised if I go away
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Oh oh, Ovy On The Drums, On The Drums, On The Drums
Adso Alejandro
Say it Mosty, Mosty.
  • 1. ThrowBack Thursdays
  • 2. enredo lit. entanglement

And I Already Loved You

God was overworking, he wouldn't rest
He was creating The First Day
The Nothingness was about to be born,
Neither dawn nor night existed.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.
The river was without water,
The sea, without the water and shores
The sun was barely warming
The birds didn't even know how to fly
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.
And I already loved you,
I dreamed of you,
I knew you,
I searched for you,
I adored you,
And for your love, I was dying already.
And I was already calling out for you
With words that didn't exist,
I searched for you, I adored you
And was feeling you in my soul.
And I already loved you,
I already loved you,
I loved you.
The rules of love weren't there,
No kiss in a mouth would burn,
Barely the song of the waters,
The music and the rhythm were sleeping.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
I dreamed of you,
I knew you,
I searched for you,
I adored you,
And for your love, I was dying already.
And I was already calling out for you
With words that didn't exist,
I searched for you, I adored you
And was feeling you in my soul.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.

Daughter of the wind

They have come.
They invade your blood.
They smell of feathers,
of absences,
of weeping.
But you feed fear
and solitude
like two small animals
lost in the desert.
They have come
to ignite the age of sleep.
A farewell is your life.
But you hug yourself
like a serpent maddened with movement
that only finds itself
because there is no one.
You weep beneath the weeping,
you open the coffer of your desires
and you are more rich than the night.
But it's so lonely
that the words commit suicide.

The night

I don't know much about the night
but the night seems to know about me
and still greater, attends to me as if she wanted me,
she covers my consciousness with her stars.
Maybe the night is life and the sun death.
Maybe the night is nothing
and the conjectures about her nothing
and the beings that live her nothing.
Maybe words are the only things that exist
in the enormous void of the centuries
that scratch our souls with their memories.
But the night must know the misery
that drinks our blood and our ideas.
She must cast hatred in our gazes
Knowing them to be full of interests, of disagreements.
But it so happens that I hear the night weep in my bones.
Her immense teardrop raves mad
and shouts that something has gone away forever.
Someday we will be again.

Buff stud

I'm yours if I get to touch you
Im yours I'll guarantee your pleasure
You're mine you can touch my ass
You're mine we'll flee together
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
Splish splash
Let's have a little fun
Lick lick
I'll put my tongue in you
Huff puff
I'll push in a centimeter deeper
Gulp gulp
Mine's bigger than Pentti's
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
a buff stud
(I am) a buff stud!
(I'll get to touch your body) a suff btud
(I am) a buff stud!


What does your look say?
What strange thing do your eyes have?
When I look at your photos
A rare obsession stops me
My God, you who are the creator
Of all the most beautiful things
In the world
Why don't you listen to my requests?
You made doctors for all ills
But why didn't you create one
Who can heal a love sickness?
I would like the earth to spin backwards
To make me small and be born again
And not have to miss you again
Nor to look at you in your photographs
Nor to carry you melted in my chest
Like if you were part of me
Barranquilla, city of singers
Of vallenatos1and accordions
She adorns your streets, tell her
That I wish her to be happy
That it's the last song that I compose
That I don't think I'll fall in love again
But tell me, how did you manage, black one
To forget about me?
People criticize me
Because now I'm no longer a party animal
For your departure, black one
I feel colder, I die in silence
Take good care of my children
Because you know that I love them
Lord, give me strength
To continue with this song
I remember your birthday the October month
I swear that I try and I've been not able to
Look for the remedy to forget it
I would like the earth to spin backwards
To make me small and be born again
And not have to miss you again
Nor to look at you in your photographs
Nor to carry you melted in my chest
Like if you were part of me
Barranquilla, city of singers
Of vallenatos and accordions
She adorns your streets, tell her
That I wish her to be happy
That it's the last song that I compose
That I don't think I'll fall in love again
But tell me, how did you manage, black one
To forget about me?
  • 1. musical genre and dance

Heavenly Woman

I saw you, in front of me, with your
embroidered eyes and your green hair.
I gave you my heart when listening
to you singing your song to me that
gave me back the soul...
it's nice to feel love
again and for you heavenly woman...
What will become of me if you are not here?
What will become of me without your eyes looking at me?
I will love you with all your troubles1 and
with your phases of love that make me
go crazy, and I'll be the one to listen to you
and I sing to you of our love so
that you are always calm...
it is beautiful to have you here,
next to me, heavenly woman...
What will become of me if you let me go?
What will become of me without your lips kissing me?
it hurts to keep imagining you
without knowing about you, heavenly woman...
but I'll make you happy and if you look at me like that,
I will never give up, until you
love me...
  • 1. 'Trastornos' means 'troubles', 'turmoils' or 'disorders'.

At the pub from down the valley

Goes like grean leaf one 2 , 3 to 4, so it goes so it goes so it goes,
my my my and 3 migdals
At the pub from down the valley
a fountain 'tis found by 5 springs surrounded
'Ramdiri diri dida'
He who's to drink from them 'tis but to die
'Ramdiri diri dida'
'tis found a fountain with surrounded by 5 springs
'Ramdiri diri dida'
He who's to drink from them 'tis but to die
'Ramdiri diri dida'
I've kept sayin that i'd be gone , i'd be gone
And no one believed me so
But as of now they'd be but to believe so
Cause they're not to see me anymore
But as of now they'd be but to believe so
Cause they're not to see me anymore
grean leaf one 2 , 3 to 4, my my my and 3 migdals
Such bitterness's pushin the human soul
When he'd be but to lay down for sleep and he's but to not have any rest
'diri diri didiri di da '
He'd eat yet he'd have no food crave
When he'd be but to lay down for sleep and he's but to not find his sleep
He'd eat yet he'd have no food crave


Már nem fáj mivel végre már megtaláltalak
Ma nézlek és egyszerre ezer dolgot érzek
Nézd hátha keresett, nézd hátha keresett
Annyit kell még tanulni
Csak a megjelenésed van
Az emlékeim szellőként jönnek ki hímezni
Azok az őrült dolgok, amiket nekem akarsz adni
És nézd hátha keresett, nézd hátha keresett
Annyi mindent kell adnom
Tudom, hogy felismeri azt az ajtót
Csak egyszer nyílik ki
Ez így kevés
Mióta rád várok
Mióta kereslek
A pillantásod az égbolton megremeg
Téged kerestelek ezer pirkadat között
És senki sem szeret engem úgy, mint ahogy te tudsz
És most rájöttem
Vakmerőnek tűnhet
De ez tiszta érzés
Kérlek mond meg a neved
Végig viszlek az utcákon futni
Menjünk messzebbre, mint hiszed
És ha jól megkérdezem, ha rosszul kérdezem meg
Annyi mindent kell kínálnom
Kinyitom az ajtókat, amiket valaki bezárt
És nem keresek több értelmet a fájdalmamnak
Nézd ne őrjíts meg
Mióta rád várok
Mióta kereslek
A pillantásod az égbolton megremeg
Téged kerestelek ezer pirkadat között
És senki sem szeret engem úgy, mint ahogy te tudsz
És most rájöttem
Vakmerőnek tűnhet
De ez tiszta érzés
Kérlek mond meg a neved
Ne őrjíts meg
Mióta rád várok
Mióta kereslek
A pillantásod az égbolton megremeg
Téged kerestelek ezer pirkadat között
És senki sem szeret engem
És végül mikor megtaláltalak
Egyedül voltaál

The ideal unites us

Comrade, we’re by your side in revolution
This great time demands be at the front
Higher the banner raise, proletarian
As the great moment, comrade, for you has come.
Comrade, I today fight along with you
Together at the proletarian barricade
Because rays of a star
Unite us, comrade.
- Refrain
The fire-song will resound
Our path, the revolution
Light of Marxism Leninism
Terrifies the enemies.
Comrade, we’re by your side in revolution
This course, this ideal, unites us
Higher the banner raise, proletarian
As the great moment, comrade, for you has come.
Comrade, I today fight along with you
Together at the proletarian barricade
Because rays of a star
Unite us, comrade.
- Refrain

I was waiting for you

Versions: #1
I was waiting for you,
and I saw my body grow,
as I looked for
the name that I gave to you.
In the mirror
I was the full moon in profile.
With you inside,
I was never so happy.
I was dying to feel
your fragile little legs,
kicking the darkness
inside of my mature belly.
It costs nothing to dream, no,
and with my watery eyes,
I saw you so tall, even
at the top of the world.
I was waiting for you,
imagining blindly the color
of your gaze,
and the tone of your voice.
I was scared to death,
I begged Heavens to let you
go far,
further than I did.
I was waiting for you,
and I painted on the walls
of your room
stories in color.
I non-stop counted
each day in the calendar.
Only you could cure
how much I missed the stage.
The world is the way it is,
and I can't change it for you,
but I'll be always with you
to give you a hand.
I was waiting for you,
imagining blindly the color
of your gaze,
and the tone of your voice.
Now that I have you,
I beg Heavens to let me see you
go far,
further than I did.
I was waiting for you,
and the mirror looked at us, while
I already loved you.


Maybe there are other girls nice dressed
But not so well dressed like my girl!
Alas, she has longing in her eyes, slippers on her bare legs,
Girl, i'll pass out, you're killing me!
My girl has a little mole,
My girl has a little mole on her thigh!
Alas, she has ornaments on her lower half and small holes at the edge of her dress,
Girl, you've made me lose my mind!
My girl has a string of beads,
And her dress has laces!
Alas, the lace is tied into a knot
Lele, 3 times aroung her waist,
It's like she wants to kill her man!1
You so beautiful, i'll be damned,
I look at you fondly!
You've struck my heart!
Alas, you smell like mowed hay,
Look, you're just ready to be loved!
Lele, i wanna lose you under the bed sheets,
Alas, to pull your dress way below your waist
Lele, so i can see your bare waist,
Girl, you've drived me crazy!
  • 1. too much stimulation for him, lol

Hollywood Stars

Everyone has left the function
I stayed in the blue theater
For the love of a fictional light
Forever stargazing, Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
From so much seeing them in black and white
My skin begins to lose color
And I transform into an super hero
My shadow breathes on them
Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world

From The Heart

Latino Gang, Gang
Ra’ Rauw
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 1001
In Instagram you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart2hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth, yeah, yeah
I miss the taste of your mouth, eeeh
I miss the taste of your mouth...
Ra’ Rauw
I miss your smeel in the house, ye...
And your good coffee in my cup
I miss the breeze
When you would open the windows,
But now I don't have no one to open them
I don't have my sun anymore
Not even if I go to the beach
And even if it's at one hundred degrees,
It's always raining in the terrace
What I do is to look for you
Babe everywhere
Trying to fill what you took with you
And now, who saves me?
Tell me, who takes away from me the gray days?
Thereś not an angel landing from the sky
You wanted to fix it, but I never wanted, baby
J Balvin, man
Let go! Let go!
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 100
Over there you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth
I miss savoring you
I call your body Picasso,
'Cause you're art
I'm forced to think about you
When mom3feels like mentioning you
I live in a novel4
Titi and Catalina,
But I drown my sorrows,
Behind the curtain
Now in the mornings
I don't see you in the kitchen
And at coffee time I have
to call the neighbor
Babe you're not Juliana,
But you indeed were bad
You left me empty
And took away my wings
Now, what I do without you?
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
The same you do without me...
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
Let go!
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 100
In Instagram you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth, yeah, yeah
I miss the taste of your mouth, eeeh
I miss the taste of your mouth...
Ra’ Rauw
Rauw, hey
J Balvin, men
Rauw Alejandro
Latino Gang, Gang
J Balvin
We are the Familia
Mo’ Mo’ Mosty
Say it to me Colla
J Balvin, men
Rauw Alejandro
Latino Gang Gang
Duars Entertainment
With the Sensei5
Oh yeah…
  • 1. %
  • 2. 'cora' is the apocope of 'corazón'
  • 3. ?
  • 4. soap opera
  • 5. plural


Versions: #1
My place is on the left, and I have to sit,
I don't get why it's so cold here,
I don't know my neighbor, even though we've been together for a year.
And we're drowning, even though we know, the ford is right here.
And everyone looks with hope at the ceiling.
A trolley, that goes east,
A trolleybus that goes east,
A trolley...
We're all brothers, we're forty-second cousins,
And we're heading, I don't know where, and why.
My neighbor cant bear it, he wants to leave,
But he can't leave, he doesn't know the way.
And we're wondering, what's the use?
On the trolley, that goes east.
In the cabin there's no driver, but we keep going,
And the motors rusted, but we go forward.
We sit here quietly, looking at the spot,
Where for a moment a star appeared.
We keep silent, but we know, he helped us with this,
Trolleybus, that goes to the east...

Little water of balance

Ready for the adventure
With your velcro sneakers
You fall down, you clean yourself up and you get up
You get scared and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again.
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take care of her
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take her away
Daughter of the highway
Wearing 4-wheel skates
The blows hug you in their own way
You stumble and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Let go, let go, let go, let go.
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Until I'm worn out from walking
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
If I die it will be from a somersault


(Intro: Anuel AA)
Real till death, ¿you heard, baby?
We transform the hotel in a cathouse
24 hours are not enough for what I want
Baby, if you were Death I would die
The night screams sex
Inside those lips, baby, make me prisoner
I open those two legs and I pass through you
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
It´s not fighting but resisting when I put it inside you
Fixed boobs, fear we leave it in the drawer
The abdomen is like an athlete's
I swear that ass is from another planet
Has the mahon tighter than a coso*
Vin diesel, I stick it fast and furious
They say bad things about me, they say I´m a mob
It´s cause I got combo, you know, they´re jealous
You´re a drug when you move that booty
It has me amazed like a junkie in the shootins
She twerks by herself all the Luny´s classics
I bought her an Uru so she can go to the uni
She has a boyfriend, ¿what happened?
She left him, but something happened
You go with the fruit, change the route
When he call you, tell him 'fuck you, motherfucker'
Real till death, brr
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
She did nothing wrong but wants me to punish her
Moans like an anime doll
Like a serie pegas, looking she follows me
And me, crazy watching her bite cushions
Baby, you kill me, you go too far
With that foto, maid, you´re on point
I wait for you at home, I´ll give you what you like
When I see you again, I´ll tie you to the bed
Mi tongue to your skin, I like having you face down
You cannot lie to me, I know you love me
You owe me something and you know it
Let´s don´t let this night to end
No one knows
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time

So far, so close

He came to flourish
In my crystal eyes
The wind carried everything away
And once more he returns here at sunrise
So far, so close
To everything as it was
Deserted cities
Nature has covered up
Budding flowers
Your eyes so dark
I've come back here to wake up
So close and so far from
What once was
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from running so much behind the horses
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from running so much behind your brothers
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from loving you so very much
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting so much
A tear of deceit falls from my pupil and runs down slowly
One day it will arrive where it must arrive
Or it will remain lost between my lips
It was true
That I wanted to see you
It was true
That I wanted to love you
It was true
That I wanted very much to see you
It was true
That I wanted so much to love you, just you
That day I ate until I burst
And I couldn't stop talking
I tried to get over it but nothing worked
You carried me in your arms, I couldn't walk
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day I only wanted to dance with you
But I couldn't do it
I kept trying
I draped myself in your arms
I invented another story for myself
Then, the dance ended
And you carried me to a lover's couch
I made myself into a little ball of wool against you and fell asleep shattered
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day happiness was overflowing
I let myself be swept away
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day happiness was overflowing
From each and every one of the corners
That day

Stars' Avenue

Versions: #2
Apple & sin – that’s the way it has to be
War & laughter – right afterwards
Greenness & brownness [of withering], flame & smoke
Beggar and king in his crown
Sun & hail, day after night
Light and darkness – hand in hand
Champagne & hangover, [eternal] sleep after life
And nothing will be [able to be] undone anymore
Give me your hand, the haven is so far away
Where’s home today? Where’s the Suns’ Street?
Stars’ Avenue, we run along the Stars’ Avenue
God knows the way
Beneath the starlit sky, we live beneath the starlit sky
And yet, everyone’s on his own
Tick followed by tock, relaxation followed by blues
Ping followed by pong – always together
The West & the East, grandpa & frost
Angel & guardian – they go together
Apple & sin – that’s the way it has to be
War & laughter – right afterwards
Greenness & brownness [of withering], flame & smoke
Give me your hand, the haven is so far away
Where’s home today? Where’s the Suns’ Street?
Stars’ Avenue, we run along the Stars’ Avenue
God knows the way
Beneath the starlit sky, we live beneath the starlit sky
And yet, everyone’s on his own

Tattoo (Remix)

[Intro: Rauw Alejandro]
This is the remix
And I brought Camilo
[Chorus: Camilo & Rauw Alejandro]
You are to eat you whole, whole, that's how you are
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there (Ra-Rauw), yeih
[Verse 1: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo, Both]
I don't even know what to do
(I don't know) when I'm close to you (wuh)
Your brown eyes took over me (yih-ih)
I'm dying for one of those kisses that aren't from friends, hey
(Of those that aren't from friends)
I realized that I live for that smile
[Verse 2: Camilo]
I want to know you like nobody knows you
Tell me you want me to put it on speakers
To show you that I am yours
I tattoo your name on my ribs, yeah-eh-eh
What do you have? I don't know
That kills me and I don't know why
Show me that secret little tattoo that is invisible
Because you, you, with that tattoo
You are to eat you whole, whole, baby, aha (whole)
[Chorus: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo]
You are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (that's how you are)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there, woh-oh-oh (yeah-eh)
You (you, you, you, you) are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (that's how you are, baby)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo (that tattoo)
Oh, you make the note never go down (no, no)
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, baby)
[Verse 3: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo, Both]
It says, hey (na-na-na-na)
It's that I don't want anyone else (uh-uh)
That it's not you in my bed (ah!)
Baby, when you wake up
Pick me up before you go (hey)
Your mouth is only what I eat for breakfast (muac)
I always take advantage of the opportune moment (yoh)
There is none like me
Let me be your number one (yah!)
[Chorus: Camilo & Rauw Alejandro]
You are to eat you whole, whole, that's how you are (uh-uh)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, nothing if you are there, baby), yeh
You are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (oh, yeah)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, baby)
[Outro: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo]
Ra-Rauw Alejandro
This is the remix
For the bad and good girls, hehe
Hey, nothing is needed
Nothing, if you are there, baby

Came to Bethlehem

Shepherds came to Bethlehem,
had playing on the lyre for baby.
Glory in the highest, glory in the highest,
and peace on the Earth.
They bowed humbly.
For you with a willing heart, O God!
Glory in the highest.
The angel of the Lord himself proclaimed these wonders,
which they didn't heard like alive men.
Glory in the highest.
The were amazed at the overhead music
and they thought: What will this child be?
Glory in the highest.
Behold, the ox and the donkey bow down to him,
the three kings give their gifts to him.
Glory in the highest.
And angels in groups guard
The chaste virgin with Joseph nursed him.
Glory in the highest.
they knew him to be righteous Messiah,
the gracious Lord, who was born today.
Glory in the highest.
We also know him as God, the Savior
and we all love him with all our hearts.
Glory in the highest.

Don't be sad

Versions: #1
[intro] It pours from the sky, it pours from the sky, it pours from the sky
It pours from the sky-sky-sky
It pours from the sky, it pours from the sky,
It rains while you wait for me.
[chorus] It pours from the sky
Rain pours from the sky - the sky - the sky - the sky
while you wait for me - do not cry
Heaven - heaven - heaven does not cry.
It pours from the sky
Rain pours from the sky - the sky - the sky - the sky
while you wait for me - do not cry
Heaven - heaven - heaven does not cry.
[Him:] I could make the sun brighter
so that the ice melts
[Her:] You could, but between us
it is neither cold nor warm.
[Him:] I could smile
but in this song there are only sad tones
[Her:] You could, but in this story
there are too many 'buts'
(too many 'But')
It pours from the sky
Rain pours from the sky - the sky - the sky - the sky
while you wait for me - do not cry
Heaven - heaven - heaven does not cry
It pours from the sky
Rain pours from the sky - the sky - the sky - the sky
while you wait for me - do not cry
Heaven - heaven - heaven does not cry
[Him:] I could explain everything
but that means challenging fate
[Her:] If you could, everything would end badly


The most beautiful, those eyes and their lips
you look in the mirror, full of complexes
and he wonders if he's going to like someone today
the small face is painted the smile
And it was then that he drowned in his mouth
had a good time with pure problems
Oh, I couldn't say what happened there
and it was so that the heart was lost ..
Miss, madam,
To what extent this should affect
No no
Miss, miss
With love, fire and alcohol you don't have to play
My beautiful girl, I'm here thinking of you,
madam, little lady ...
Between laughter and laughter the make-up was run
The moon is running all night today
She couldn't say how or where or what happened
the night is young she screamed at the top of her lungs
And it was then that he drowned in his mouth
had a good time with pure problems
Oh I couldn't say what happened there
and it was so that the heart was lost ..
- CH -
I didn't know the heart could be so weak, for you or for me, my beautiful girl, I think of you, and today I am here so, so, so!