A keresés eredménye oldal 4
Találatok száma: 232
Minden ostoba hazugság és ostoba játékÜrességet hagyott ebben a képkeretben
Egy rab vagyok saját kezeim által
Mert ha magamé nem lehetek, akkor senkié sem
Meg kell gyógyítanom, amit okozok
De fel fogom gyújtani azt a hidat, amint elérek oda
Ahogy rulettet játszom egy törött fegyverrel
Beismerem ezeket a bűnöket egy éles és rosszindulatú nyelvvel
Szóval hogy bocsátok meg és teszem vissza a könnyeket a szemeidbe
Amikor minden vászon, amit festek, egy mestermű a saját hibáimból?
Vétkekkel felvázolva, az arcképem bámul
Egy galériában, ahol a falak csupaszon állnak
Ahogy modernizálom az antik módszereim
Igazi színek nem szabadulhatnak a sors ecsetjétől
Szóval hogy bocsátok meg és teszem vissza a könnyeket a szemeidbe?
Minden vásznon, amit festek, egy mestermű látható a saját hibáimból
Szemléltetem minden fájdalmam
És az egészet lángba borítom
Szóval hogy bocsátok meg és teszem vissza a könnyeket a szemeidbe
Amikor minden vászon, amit festek, egy mestermű a saját hibáimból?
És a kimúlásom fényében a kudarcaimat látom szemeidben
Minden vászon, amit festek, egy mestermű a saját hibáimból
Tanácstalan és drámai
Ez a szocilás helyzet szorongáshoz vezetTablettákat szedsz, hogy megőrizd a józanságod
Az antiszociális telítettség teljesen kiürített belülről
Mintha egy 0,45-ös csövébe bámulnál
Lefogadom, hogy megtennéd
Egy újabb nap a tanácstalanok és a drámaiak világában
Ja, folyton átírják a szabályokat
Amikor a képernyő sosem áll le és a félelem magától jön
Mit teszel?
Mit teszel?
Mert te gondolsz magadra és nem szorulsz segítségre
És oly' sok a veszteni való barát
Csak egy újabb nap a tanácstalanok és a drámaiak világában
Azt akarják, hogy alkalmazkodj, de ez ellent mond a természetednek
Ők biztosítják a betegséget, ami megfertőzi a viselkedésedet
(És szeresd a szomszédodat)
Ahogy feldúlják az összes titkodat és behatolnak a gondolataidba
Szórakoznak az érzéseiddel, bármi áron
Kapcsold ki, kapcsold ki
Egy újabb nap a tanácstalanok és a drámaiak világában
Ja, folyton átírják a szabályokat
Amikor a képernyő sosem áll le és a félelem magától jön
Mit teszel?
Mit teszel?
Mert te gondolsz magadra és nem szorulsz segítségre
És oly' sok a veszteni való barát
Csak egy újabb nap a tanácstalanok és a drámaiak világában
Egy újabb nap a tanácstalanok és a drámaiak világában
Ja, folyton átírják a szabályokat
Amikor a képernyő sosem áll le és a félelem magától jön
Mit teszel?
Mit teszel?
Mert te gondolsz magadra és nem szorulsz segítségre
És oly' sok a veszteni való barát
Kapcsold ki
Mentsd magad a tanácstalanoktól és a drámaiaktól
Kapcsold ki
Mentsd magad a tanácstalanoktól és a drámaiaktól
A tanácstalanoktól és a drámaiaktól
A tanácstalanoktól és a drámaiaktól
Where Happiness is Hidden
Hold your hands and take a deep breath, not shedding even a single tearBecause life is so lacking, anything can't be lost
Like a grass trying hard to penetrate through the cracks in a rock
Even though we're scarred, we still believe that the beautiful tomorrow will be my reward
We don't know where happiness is hidden
We only know that every step I take can make me closer to you
The road is so lonely and congested
But I can only rely on myself
Nobody in this world knows where happiness is hidden
They only know that the wind and sand cannot bury my smile and name
I don't care about the cost, for I'm very tough
Wanting to become the brightest star in your eyes
The grass has dreamed of the blue sky, just like I once dreamed of you
That's the strength that makes me keep continuing when I'm the most helpless
We don't know where happiness is hidden
We only know that every step I take can make me closer to you
The road is so lonely and congested
But I can only rely on myself
Nobody in this world knows where happiness is hidden
They only know that the wind and sand cannot bury my smile and name
I don't care about the cost, for I'm very tough
Wanting to become the brightest star in your eyes
I will never give up, until the future me embraces the future you
Even if I don't know where happiness is hidden
I still know that every step I take can make me closer to you
The road is so lonely and congested
But I can only rely on myself
Nobody in this world knows where happiness is hidden
They only know that the wind and sand cannot bury my smile and name
When all the darkness has finally passed
I will be the brightest star in your eyes
Missing You is the Farthest Trip
How many unbearable secrets can a heart hide?When someone asks inadvertently, I respond with a smile
Time will blur traces, some people can't be recognized
Who can prove that I have met you?
Practicing to breathe alone
Practicing to forget alone
Those unforgettable memories, I want to forget but I can't
Practicing to separate alone
Wandering in memories alone
Without the wind, what should I do to fly to the sky?
In fact I have really missed you
Using my tears to determine the distance towards heaven
This world is too vast, where can it accommodate my name?
I am still not ready to give up
But losing love never needs a cause
I will remember you and those that come too late
Practicing to breathe alone
Practicing to forget alone
Those unforgettable memories, I want to forget but I can't
Practicing to separate alone
Wandering in memories alone
Without the wind, what should I do to fly to the sky?
Loneliness is because I suspect you
Leaving you is because I want to escape pity
Missing you is the farthest trip
Without you, what should I do to return to your heart?
I have really missed you
Using my tears to determine the distance towards heaven
You not forgetting my name is worth exchanging with my sincerity
It's not just you that I have lost
There's also much effort and difficulty
I will be heartbroken missing you because I cherish too much
I will remember you and those that come too late
Amikor elmegyek
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazánAzt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
de ez sosem fog sokáig tartani, majd meglátod
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés
Azt gondoltad, hogy ez könnyű lesz
Könnyen elfelejtesz
Kitörölsz az emlékeidből (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
Most az ágyad üres
és izzadva ébredsz fel,
még mindig ott vagyok a vad álmaidban
Késő éjszaka felhívsz, felhívsz
Bármit megteszel, hogy közel tarts magadhoz
Hát, tudnod kell, hogy ez
túl nehéz lesz, hogy elengedj engem
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
de ez sosem fog sokáig tartani, majd meglátod
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés
Amikor feletted vagyok,
és megérintelek, ahogy szoktalak,
nem, Te sosem fogod elfelejteni
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés
Hajszolod a veszélyt,
ilyen a természeted
Engem keresel az idegenekben
Ezek a csinos arcok,
senki nem tud engem helyettesíteni
Mindig én leszek a kedvenced
Késő éjszaka felhívsz, felhívsz
Bármit megteszel, hogy közel tarts magadhoz
Hát, tudnod kell, hogy ez
túl nehéz lesz, hogy elengedj engem
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz, (azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz)
de ez sosem fog sokáig tartani, majd meglátod (amikor elmegyek)
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán (sosem megyek el igazán)
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés (senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés, mint én)
Amikor feletted vagyok,
és megérintelek, ahogy szoktalak,
nem, Te sosem fogod elfelejteni
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés (mint én)
Amikor elmegyek
Amikor elmegyek
If My Voice Could Remember
What if my voice could remember it allThe anxiety, joy, and bitterness when it recited your name
If you are a love song
Then I am a glimpse of the setting sun across the window
From dawn to dusk
You are a pigeon carrying a message, flying across the sky
I am the ink, signed across the page
I have thousands upon thousands of words to say
Hidden between the trembling characters and lines
Day by day, year by year
Every time you turn around, it’s like our first meeting again
Pining is a spring silkworm
Bite by bite, eating away the time
Spring winds and autumn rains, my pen lowers into heartache
The heart is a flower, blossoming brilliantly in the wilderness
The lingering will of the falling leaves
The willingness of the wind
The heart’s garden is a barren land
The warmth is fading away
There are lights, urging us to part
There are fires in our hearts lighting up this heartbreak
I’ve left a window in my heart
The moonlight stretches out our shadows
Just let me surrender to love
Let my steps turn into frost
Stumbling through the evening on my path home
Day by day, year by year
There is a brilliant love in my heart, but my body is like an answer
The youth that has left
Is bedraggled, see my words
Your Shadow
Walk barefoot with me, in the rainOn the footprints of our dreams
Just you and me alone
And where the sun stops your outlines I'll start
What you give I will take, for you and I are one
Your shadow
With every heartbeat I follow everywhere on your paths, every step
Through dry deserts through the deepest, deepest waters
From the blue sea
And should the rays of the sun dull your footprints
Will I give coolness
My breath remains a part of you
I'll keep you upright
Your shadow
Come count the stars with me, every night
In the galaxy we lie dreams and wait
That we come to get it
But the darkness of the unknown nights scares me
May I borrow your shelter, because you and I are one
Your shadow
With every heartbeat I follow everywhere on your paths, every step
Through dry deserts through the deepest, deepest waters
From the blue sea
And should the rays of the sun dull your footprints
Will I give coolness
My breath remains a part of you
I'll keep you upright
Your shadow
With every heartbeat I follow everywhere on your paths, every step
Through dry deserts through the deepest, deepest waters
From the blue sea
And should the rays of the sun dull your footprints
Will I give coolness
My breath remains a part of you
I'll keep you upright
Your shadow
Too Much to Say
I can’t remember where it wasthat I first met your eyes
Perhaps it was when you held me close
during that spell of heavy rain in my dream
I can’t make sense of these memories
Would it be better for me to forget, or to remember?
I don’t want this to just be a game,
I can’t do as I please
There’s so much
that I’ve been wanting to tell you,
that I don’t want to hold back anymore
But maybe once that day arrives when you can say that you love me,
I won’t look back anymore
Every step I take after will be brave,
I won’t run away or hide from you again
I’ll only fall for you
I can’t remember where it was
that I first met your eyes
Perhaps it was when you held me close
during that spell of heavy rain in my dream
I can’t make sense of these memories
Would it be better for me to forget, or to remember?
I don’t want this to just be a game,
I can’t do as I please
There’s so much
that I’ve been wanting to tell you
that I don’t want to hold back anymore
But maybe once that day arrives when you can say that you love me,
You won’t have to be lonely anymore,
Because I’ll finally understand the gentleness
behind that cold face you wear
The two of us
will go down to where the wind blows,
and even when the sun finally sets,
we won’t leave each other, we won’t pull away
until you finally tell me that you love me today
Before the entire world goes silent
we will let our tears be carried away by the wind
and give shape to the promise we make
There’s so much
that I’ve been wanting to tell you
that I don’t want to hold back anymore
But maybe once that day arrives when you can say that you love me,
You won’t have to be lonely anymore,
Because I’ll finally understand the gentleness
behind that cold face you wear
The two of us
will go down to where the wind blows,
and even when the sun finally sets,
we won’t leave each other, we won’t pull away
until you finally tell me that you love me today
Before the entire world goes silent
we will let our tears be carried away by the wind
and give shape to the promise we make
Be Yours
These blue skies and soft windsare as gentle as you are
When you went away, you left behind the silhouette of our fate
I’ll wait until one day
after a heavy rain comes during a drought
to see if whether or not
you will remember what I once said to you
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako, hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako, hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)
Remember when you were young,
and your grandmother once said to you in a soft voice
that you must be brave,
and give everything you have for all that you love
There isn’t any time to wait for the warmth of spring
to come and heal your wounds
And as for me, I will wait
until the moment you come to me
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako
hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)
Haopen a miemin kona maemin ako
hay masadafong no miso kako
(Take away everything I have,
so that I can become all that you need)
Oh, stop wounding me
Versions: #1Oh, stop wounding me or let me die,
you ungrateful, pitiless eyes,
colder than ice, harder than marble,
cold and deaf to my pain.
Oh, stop wounding me or let me die.
Mindent elpusztítok
Amikor a tükörbe nézek,Nem tudom kit látok
ez reménytelen, én Reménytelen vagyok,
de nem bánom, amit tettem,
megérdemelték, mi mindannyian meghalunk egy nap.
Azt teszem, amit a hangok mondanak.
Mindig könnyebb úgy ölni,
ha már legbelül halott vagy,
Zárj be,
mert rohadtul elvesztettem az eszem.
Ide-oda ringat, megöl, megborzongat.
Ide-oda ringat, hogy holtan lássalak.
Mindent elpusztítok
A véredben fürdök.
(Mindent elpusztítok, mindent elpusztítok)
És ha meg is próbálod
itt senki sem hallja, ha sikoltasz,
ide senki sem ér el.
Amikor mindet megöltem
az életért könyörögtek, de én elvettem azt.
Most itt vagyok
és ismét lekaparom az összes festéket a falról.
Az eső egy üdvözlő ígéret,
hogy a holnap még rosszabb lesz.
Mint a ma és a mindörökké,
örökké énekelni fogunk.
Kérlek, adj valamit, amiben hihetek,
Úgy érzem, mintha az elmém szétcsúszna,
Nem tudom elnyomni az érzést, hogy közeleg a vég.
Ó Istenem, Ó Istenem, Ó Istenem, mi a faszt tettem?
We're Already
I am really and truly in love this time, because of youYou're the one who is making memories in me
Even the floating moon is full of you
It's shining through our night.
There are lots of things that catch my eye
And I'm making a lot of mistakes.
You never know if we're not gonna make it out of
I hope feelings in my heart will grow bigger
If I dream of hugging you,
If I'm in your arms when the sun rises tomorrow
I will always love you
Actually, I know it already
The night is tight to the moon.
It's the midnight that won't leave
It's getting deeper
So I can't get out of it again
Every night I'm filled with you
The heart you've built up with it
Your gaze is getting deeper
It's getting deeper
I am really and truly in love this time, because of you
You're the one who is making memories in me
Even the floating moon is full of you
It's shining through our night.
I'm shining.
I cherish what is in your mind
If you love me too,
I'm gonna lean on you without saying a word
We already know that
We already know that feeling
We already know that feeling
Your scent that I cut down
In a room full of worries.
In an empty heart
Wrong categories are located
If I could fall in love with this feeling
If I could be colored,
I'd go anywhere
Riding our story
Every night I'm filled with you
The heart you've built up with it
Your gaze is getting deeper
It's getting deeper
I am really and truly in love this time, because of you
You're the one who is making memories in me
Even the floating moon is full of you
It's shining through our night.
I'm shining.
I cherish what is in your mind
If you love me too,
I'm gonna lean on you without saying a word
We already know it
Loving you for me is
a dying ending in your arms
To greet again soon
That's how we live every day
dreaming of what was
From a state of ethereal bliss, I suddenly became aware of the sorrows of life, trivial matters and the swiftness of changeI now prepare in detail to stay here, and recreate the past so that I can recall it all
I gather my most important memories of you, and everything that your beauty touched
I let myself recreate all the things of then, because is was there that i met you
The perfect past, on that flawless, beautiful backdrop
Life is lived in leisure and humility, with no parting,
Devoid of quarrel, existing in harmony
With no painful work, only humble pleasures, the years are free of worries
When you rode away, your figure looked as though i were seeing it from the images on a scroll, so distant
It's as if fate wants to keep us apart, it's hard to keep hope
I can but wait for a chance of your return without letting myself be dependant on it
I let all my past with you in
My frail, once glorious self vigorously recreating it all
Slight recollection of you quickly overpowers me
Like the ripples of sound from the strings of the harp, crying out in beautiful sorrow at the touch of remembrance
As I finish reflecting, a strong and strange relief fills my body
Though as it is, there is little remains of the love once held by us, I still remember it
And i realise that my existence, though miles away from you, is still not free
The lifespans of the sun and moon are impossible to measure
Love completely occupies people’s lives, in exchange for all its associated emotions
But the wise know that the uncertainties of life cannot be helped
And that everyone will eventually be separated and loveless after this life, so one should make the most of it
Poetry says the red beans all over the southern land are people who have been tragically separated, and I'm not skeptical of this
When we first met we were young, now we are so old
I don’t want to forget you, I will constantly search for you
Outside my weak recollection of ideals, people are even weaker
counterintuitive, like the fact that lightness and darkness are both made of the same fabric
Before the cruelty of the world ails me I must distance myself from all of it
If I commit myself to here and not you, I can succeed in this world
The laws of fate say that it will inevitably return vitality into desolation, gradually weaken the strong and alleviate pain
but with the slightest exertion the ancients suddenly break this cycle of succession
While just my body returns to normal life, my soul keeps up at this useless game
What I cannot tell myself, is that that while I am physically free, my heart is forever attached to you
Love is sudden and unstable
Love is something by nature absurd and irrational
Love is a person who is profound but not benevolent, well seen but not old
Love is a thought, that though does not stop existing as we stop writing, that will continue to exist through time though its documentation may deteriorate, which will forever imprison us
However beautiful, love will be imperfect if not practised
And only practise which entails always the core essence of love can make a relationship truly beautiful
While practise can ultimately cause sorrow to love that is only superficially true, it strengthens true love
As I struggle to stay alive, i know that you cannot keep pursuing me
As I indulge in comfort pleasures , i realise that you can’t keep waiting for me
But if it be though for a fleeting moment, I wish destiny would allow our souls, destined to be apart, to meet in harmony
All other thoughts depart from my mind
As I sit, chin on hand, thinking about how little I know and how short life is
If in this cut off state of ignorance, isolation and short life, there is no way of sensing the future...
Then why should I believe this painful lovesickness will never be fulfilled by you again?
I wish I could shed these years spent without you, go back to the suddenness and excitement of our perfect love
I look back on what was
A tangled destiny connects us in all corners of the world
and no matter how far I distance myself my heart, I will never be truly free from you
At once, at an instance she comes out of that streets cornerShe's always in her own head like nobody's there
The other day I called out to her but
She doesn't hear anyone that calls to her
I wanted to say 'Let's sit here together'
The other day I called out to her
Even if she hears she acts like she doesn't
I wanted to say 'Let's talk for a bit'
The lady must've been a psychopath
But if she had the chance she would tell about everything
What she have done from yesterday 'till now
The lady must've been a psychopath
The lady must've been a psychopath
The other day we sat on the same bench
We sat but we didn't say anything
It's like we understood each other
I held her hand, she pulled her hand away
She said 'go away'
Like she wanted to hurt my feelings
The other day she yelled after me
When she yelled I turned and looked
She came like she wanted something
'Look' She said 'I don't know you
But you need to stop following me'
Like I was some kind of crazy person
The lady must've been a psychopath
But if she had the chance she would tell about everything
What she have done from yesterday 'till now
The lady must've been a psychopath
The lady must've been a psychopath
Going Dumb
Versions: #1Yeah
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you feeling deep inside you
I wanna know, know, know, know
I keep wondering what's right
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you do it, I'm in ruins
I don't know, know, know, know
But my head's in overload
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb
És így ment ez
És így ment ezA gyerekek megőrültek
Megbocsátásért esedezni
Micsoda időpocsékolás volt
És a golyók repkedni kezdtek
Az ág pedig hamarosan eltörik
Amikor hallod a sírásuk
Ez már túl sok nekem
Azt mondták, a világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem te vagy a király, én meg nem vagyok a bolond
Azt mondták, a világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem tartozik hozzád
Hozzám tartozik
És így ment ez
A gyerekek megőrültek
Átmásznak azok testén, kik életet adtak nekik
És az öklök megindultak
A tűz pedig lángra kap
Nem gondolod, hogy tudják
Ők a kibaszott emberi faj?
Azt mondták, a világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem te vagy a király, én meg nem vagyok a bolond
Azt mondták, a világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem tartozik hozzád
Mindenki kiáltozik, hallom őket sikítani
Azokkal a ránk szegezett szemekkel, mégse tűnik úgy, hogy bárki is látná
Hogy te meg én, pont egyformák vagyunk, ahogyan Isten is akarta
De te túlságosan is közel állsz hozzám
Túlságosan is közel állsz hozzám
És így ment ez
A gyerekek megőrültek
Nincs hová futni, nincs hová bújni
És a szél feltámadt
A farkas pedig az ajtódban áll
Mindenből annyi mindened van
És te mégis többet akartál
Azt mondták, a világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem te vagy a király, én meg nem vagyok a bolond
Azt mondták, a világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem tartozik hozzád
Hozzám tartozik
A világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem te vagy a király, én meg nem vagyok a bolond
Azt mondták, a világ nem hozzád tartozik
Nem tartozik hozzád
Hozzám tartozik
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday
Tell me a story that makes me fall in loveIn an instant, since it's a while this doesn't happen to me
Tell me a secret so I can poke around
In the locked cupboards and it's hailing outside
Tell me who are you now because I can't recognize anymore
If you are the same, If I know you
Life passes like a blow, like a blow each day
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday
Tell me the anecdote you were always repeating to me late In the night to make me fall asleep
Tell me the silences, dense like red wool in a winter
That made us to fight
Tell me who you are now because I no more love you
But I think about you and get confused
Life changes in a blow, in a blow, each day...
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday.
Queen of the night
[Chorus: Aless]Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 1: Aless]
Was before the show
Excited, drank themselves to some mood as they were walking through the city (as they were walking through the city)
Will be a good party, boys picking them up in cars, 200 quick they leave, yeah
But there's no time, the show starts, so move and no talking back (show starts)
and we pour and pour and pour so we pass tests
School's calling us, but we switch our phones off (switch phones off)
Cause today we go out together
Bring who you want and we take them cause we don't want to be alone
Was so much effort to get here (we're here)
So don't search for a moral where is none, cause today those ideas about this evening will pass away, gone
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 2: Sharlota]
I'm fuckin' queen of the night, eyy, eyy
I have power over you still
do not avoid, i know you're not the same, like the other boys
they howl, dude, like wolfs at the moon
when they find out they'll see me in a month
action in the club, i beg they shut up
this is no fun, yeah
I've long hair like Locika
in the club plays good music
dont matter who is dressed how
good energy emits from the crowd
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
and still I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Bridge: Aless]
we shit on everything that spoils our night, yes (yes)
we want nothing and no-one, don't want sleep (sleep)
you keep the bottle, I take the tab, I go through without arguments (arguments)
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
I have the right, to be cool
I have the right, to be happy
I have the right, for what i want only
I have the right, we're still children
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
[Chorus: Aless]
(Everyone knows her and everyone judges, well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling)
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
Lelkem áldd az Urat!
Versions: #1[Kórus]
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld
Egy új nap kél és már ébred minden
Itt az idő, hogy áldjalak
És bármi ér ma, bármit rejt az út előttem
Hadd zengjek este is majd hálával
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld
Kegyelmed nagy és türelmed hosszú
Szerelmed mély és az égig ér
Nem szűnök énekelni a Te jóságodról
Tízezer okom van, hogy zengjek még
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld
És egy nap majd ez a test elgyengül
Erőm elhagy, s utam véget ér
A lelkem mégis Téged áldd vég nélkül
Tízezer évig és mind örökké
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld
I did whatever you wanted and if you hated something I hated doing that tooI was thankful for being born as your girl
(no point in trying, no point in loving)
Even thought you pretend you aren't the one that changed at some point I can feel it
A scent of a girl emits from your body
(no point in trying, no point in telling)
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Love opened my eyes and breaking up made me change
A heartless you ruined my life
(no point in trying, no use in loving)
I am a little bit responsible for the girl's love that fell apart
I'll remember you for the rest of my life
(no point in trying, no point in telling)
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
I waited every day for you hoping you'd please come back
I can't forget the love you taught me because it is so deep
Afterschool Lesson
It's an unbelievable thing. This is just strange.Getting confessed at suddenly, 'Ah, what should I do?'
My heart turned 'kyun' (kyun kyun) This is a bit unfair (!!)
I suddenly got kissed. What's going on....
I circled my calendar. Sorry Mom for hiding it.
We drank tea at a nearby mall. Shopping.
We walked home holding hands (doki doki) We chatted along the way (kyaa)
Having fun talking about club activities We laughed a lot.
I don't know much about 'doing it'. I'm always always studying.
But I'm a bit interested. I cannot possibly look it up on the internet!!
Even though I love you so much This kind of stuff is impossible
An exciting love class. We can't do with a failing mark right?
I really want to be with you, but feelings are also expressed in the kitchen
It's true, it's not a lie!! My friends are expecting from you
That girl is more slim. I realized and gasped.
Don't we make a good match for each other? I cried.
I hugged my cat tightly (nyan nyan) She groomed herself then slept (nyao)
I watered my pillow with great tears, I really did it didn't I...
No more falling in love! It doesn't matter? Oh well...
The truth is I'm really into you Every night it keeps me up I can't sleep!!!
All he keeps talking about is that girl. I'm not happy about this at all
Just be mine. Though we are so close I feel you so faraway
Quit acting innocent. You're not being honest so we're having this falling out.
Understand my feelings, under the sunset sky, we walked along the road without saying anything
I wanted to say 'sorry,' and hug you lovingly and tightly
I'm so into you, please be with me always in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
My tears are overflowing and won't stop that I can't even see your face
My tears are gone, I'm finally okay now! From your back, I grab and pull tightly on your knitted shirt.
You’re always here, balked herein the middle of this street.
You don’t eat anymore, you don’t sleep anymore,
what an hypochondriac!
Ehi, kid, what’s the meaning of
this jealousy?
You want to suffer,
you want to die,
who’s driving you to do it?
You don’t know what love at 20 years old is anymore,
to be in the clothes of a street boy
who still believes in his mistakes
and whose tough guy skin nobody takes it away from him.
He hides a purer heart
placed in a safe place from deceptions.
And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
Tell her the whole truth
because momma can understand you!
And those who have a mother don’t cry, it’s never true
but, if one doesn’t blow, the veil will never fall,
the one that makes you live in black and white.
A free man follows his own road,
even if it’s the wrong one.
I’ll see you at the next bullshit.
Don’t think of her, go and have fun
with the little kids.
Don’t demean yourself,
kid, there is (still) time
to get yourself into a fix!
The one that you want to kiss,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize.
forget her, kid,
because if someone tells dad,
I’m not the fool from before.
who knows how it’ll end up.
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
I’m only 20 years old.
Tell her the whole truth
Love at 20 years old.
because momma can understand you.
I’m only 20 years old.
I bless you
I'm wondering tonight, if I forget youMy eyes would have no meaning
That's why stay by my side
I don't forget that you cried on a night when you stumbled
Don't stain yourself in the battlefield of days
I always think of you, I bless you
The powdered snow is piling up in my eyelashes
You light melts it
It's dazzling
A thought about you born in a wink
I send it to your window riding on the moon
Tonight I think of you, I bless you
I'll be missing you tonight
Soon a new season will come wrapping the city
Even if time passes and I die
I'll keep thinking of you, I bless you
Hopeless Romantic
The first time I ever saw youI can't forget how sweet your smile was
The smile that woke my asleep feelings
They were waiting for someone like you
Like a joke, now willing to put my heart on the line
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
Even if I know your type, I still hope
The day you will see my true goal
Give true love
My feelings have waited too long
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
I know it's one in a million, this dream
But won't surrender till you'll notice and hear
You're the one I love
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
You will notice me