Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 232


Talking, forgiving, kissing

It has to look like this
The feeling of those who, over time, have lost the taste
For their eternal conflict with themselves, and have repelled
That nostalgia for what they've lost
Do you perhaps think there's still space
Do you perhaps think there's still time
To look through your hands and choose
Whether all that resentement makes sense
Or whether a borderline exists
Between my conscience and your will
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy to show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Talking, forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
Forgiving, then kissing
The things I...
Though it didn't seem right
So I lost you for my obsession to apply a face to everything
Because you know a woman's a woman
Not necessarily from her make-up
But also from the scratches time drew on her
Do you perhaps think there's still space
Do you perhaps think there's still time
To look through your hands and choose
Whether all that resentement makes sense
Or whether a borderline exists
Between my conscience and your will
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy
To show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Talking, forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
Forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
The things I wish to do to you
And you'll understand that I'm
Made of the same substance you're made of
Open your arms, the world is advancing
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy
To show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
It’s like a dream, I can’t snap out of it
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl, what have you done to me?
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the top of the top
When you look at me, feels like there’s no gravity
Strength leaves my body
I can’t help it
I start to space out
Explain to me so I can understand
When I see you, I keep wishing
Until you fall for me
Because I’m ready to try 100 times
You seem colder than I thought
I can’t believe it, I’m dizzy again
I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
It’s like a dream, I can’t snap out of it
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl, what have you done to me?
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the best for me
What’s your personality like? Where are you from?
So many things I’m curious about
It’s hard to talk to you like picking stars from the sky
You’re the top of the top
When you come to me, my breath jumps
My breath grows quicker, it gets really bad
Like I’m under a spell
Every moment is overwhelming
with heart flutters
I can’t see anything but you
I can’t see anything but you
Don’t feel pressured,
this is just how I feel
The more I see you, the harder you seem
But I’ve prepared for this, hey
I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
It’s like a dream, I can’t snap out of it
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl, what have you done to me?
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the top of the top
It’s the middle of summer but it’s cold
When you look at me
It’s really serious
Now just open your heart for me
I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
You’re like oxygen to me
It’s not easy but I’ll reach you one by one
(Though it’s not easy)
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl,
always look at me
I’ll take care of you
(What did you do to me)
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the top of the top

Tiszta szerelem

Én tiszta szerelmemet
Ezer lavina temette be
Boldogságom veszett oda
Azt keresem rendületlenül.
E városból elfutok
Hogy ne bámulhasson
Hogy ne készíthessen képet
A szívem állapotáról.
Ami most lassan és biztosan táncol
Az emlékek homokja között
Most bár itt van megcsúfolva és fáradtan
Az emlékek és illúziók közt
Ami valaha tiszta szerelem volt
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal amit valaha kaptál
Ami elmeséli miért érdemes élni
Miért meghalni
Nem bírom a hazugokat és az árulókat
Ilyenkor odébb állok
És te, mi az amiért élsz? És miért halnál meg?
Még ha az lenne az utolsó szavad
Mondd ki, és talán egy nap visszatérek
Én tiszta szerelmem
Az álmaimban neveltelek fel
A szívemre tetováltalak
Bíztam benned még a hibáidban is
A szerelmemet csakis rád hagyom
Elveszett lovag
És útra kelek, elmegyek messze
Innen, még ha hatalmas is
A fájdalom ami eláraszt.
De nem félek a veszteségektől
A lelkemet átadtam neked, egyedül neked és maradjon a tied.
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért
élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal
Úgy mint én és te
Én tiszta szerelmem
Akiért majd meg is halok talán
De egy teljes élet nevében
Amit egy álom mentén éltem le
A zenéért, az emberekért akik begyógyították a sebeimet
Azokért az emberekért és azért a zenéért,
Akik megmutatták a jövőt, ez egyszerűen
tiszta szerelem


Észre sem veszed, hogy senkinek sem jó,
Eljátszod, hogy nem történt semmi
Még tíz percig velem vagy
Szorítasz és nem szólsz egy szót sem
Végül is lehet, hogy jobb ha nem beszélünk
Egy szép nap elfeledjük, nem beszélünk
erről az új és bonyolult szerelemről,
ami oly fontos bár épp hogy megszületett
Majd rámmosolyogsz,
Úgy tetszik ahogy görbül a szád
Majd összezavarsz
a nyers kedvességeddel.
A sorssal volt találkozóm,
Már majdnem ott voltam, szinte,
mikor a feje tetjére állt minden …
egy pillanat alatt minden világossá vált:
Ez már szerelem!
Szerelem, amitől nem kapsz levegőt
Szerelem, ami kicsúszik a kezedből
ami nem enged a sebességből
ami reménnyel tölt el, hogy ezen a vonaton leszel
De ha mégsem, hát megvárlak
Jó lenne, ha be tudnám zárni az ajtót ...
Újra rázárni az ajtót
erre a rideg szerelmünkre,
amely a mélybe húz, pedig csak most kelt életre
Majd eltűnsz
de csak azért, hogy megtaláljalak.
Akkor összezavarsz,
a te hülye keserűségeddel.
A sorssal volt találkozóm,
Már majdnem ott voltam, szinte,
mikor a feje tetjére állt minden …
egy pillanat alatt minden világossá vált:
Ez már szerelem!
Szerelem, amitől nem kapsz levegőt
Szerelem, ami kicsúszik a kezedből
ami nem enged a sebességből
ami reménnyel tölt el, hogy ezen a vonaton leszel
Ha nem vagy ott, megvárlak
Ha nem vagy ott, megvárlak
A sorssal volt találkozóm,
Már majdnem ott voltam, szinte,
mikor a feje tetjére állt minden …
egy pillanat alatt minden világossá vált:
Ez már szerelem!
Szerelem, amitől nem kapsz levegőt
Szerelem, ami kicsúszik a kezedből
ami nem enged a sebességből
ami reménnyel tölt el, hogy ezen a vonaton leszel
De ha mégsem, hát megvárlak

Az én sztorim veled

Nézz mélyen a szemembe
Oly régóta menekülsz előlem
Úgy tűnik fényévekre vannak
Azok a veled töltött pillanatok
Mikor azt mondtad “Gyönyörű vagy”
Egy tündérmesébe repítettél
Mikor nélkülözhetetlennek éreztem magam
A végtelen boldogságtól sírásban törtem ki
Miközben most minden oly távoli
És egy mély árok választ el minket
Újra, újra …
Szeretném szendvedéllyel átélni
Azt az álmot veled
Az én sztorimat veled
Talán nincs kiút
Mikor már nem magától jön
Tudod, néha egyedül érzem magam
Még veled is
Pedig azt mondtad ”Gyönyörű vagy”
Azt írtad minden lapra ”Szeretlek”
Folyton ismételted ”Fantasztikus vagy”
Ez megérintett és különlegesnek éreztem magam
Most mégis minden olyan távoli
És egy mély árok választ el minket
Újra, újra …
Szeretném szendvedéllyel átélni
Azt az álmot veled
A karjaidat fond körém
Az élet színeit akarom
Igérd meg, hogy ezek az érzések visszatérnek
Újra, újra …
Szeretném teljesen átélni
Újra, újra …
Szeretném vég nélkül élni
Azt az álmot veled
Az én sztorimat veled
Az én sztorimat veled


Versions: #2
Eltervezte előre, egy évre, azt mondta 'Játsszunk hallás után'
Ő nem akarta, hogy fusson, ő nem akarta, hogy féljen
Senki nem mondta, hogy könnyű lesz, tudták, hogy durva
De, kemény szerencse
Ma szerelembe estem
Nincsen olyan szó, amit mondhatnál
Hogy meggondoljam magam
Ő elég nekem, ő szerelmes belém
Egy baba vagy, hibátlan vagy
De én nem tudom kivárni, míg a szerelem tönkre tesz minket
Nem tudok várni a szerelemre
Az egyetlen hiba - hogy hibátlan vagy
De én nem tudom kivárni, míg a szerelem tönkre tesz minket
Nem tudok várni a szerelemre
Így a szívét egy táskába rakta,ő nem kérte vissza
Ő nem akarta, hogy sírjon, ő nem akart szomorú lenni
Azt mondta 'Jobb, ha nem hagysz el'
Ez a szar szétbasz napokig, hetekig, hónapokig, de...
Ma szerelembe estem
Nincsen olyan szó, amit mondhatnál
Hogy meggondoljam magam
Ő elég nekem, ő szerelmes belém
Egy baba vagy, hibátlan vagy
De én nem tudom kivárni, míg a szerelem tönkre tesz minket
Nem tudok várni a szerelemre
Az egyetlen hiba - hogy hibátlan vagy
De én nem tudom kivárni, míg a szerelem tönkre tesz minket
Nem tudok várni a szerelemre
Add hozzá az összeset, én megtalálom
Az a gond a szerelemmel, hogy elvakít
Csörgeti a tüdőmet, de az elmém
Összegubancolódott a kis hibáiddal
A hibáiddal, a hibáiddal, a hibáiddal
Egy baba vagy, hibátlan vagy
De én nem tudom kivárni, míg a szerelem tönkre tesz minket
Nem tudok várni a szerelemre
Az egyetlen hiba - hogy hibátlan vagy
De én nem tudom kivárni, míg a szerelem tönkre tesz minket
Nem tudok várni a szerelemre
A szerelemre várni, már nem fogok
A szerelemre várni, már nem fogok
A szerelemre várni

Endless Happy World

When you laugh, I become happy!
Oh yeah!
If this nonchalant day is really important to you,
You'll finally realize the things that lie beyond the sad.
I won't let you leave in the moment I can't oversee things,
all in order to tell you about my feelings for you.
I want you to call me at any time.
Morning, midday, evening? Even in my dreams it's okay!
Our hearts surely hold the power to connect to eachother.
I believe we can touch the gentleness of this world.
When you laugh, I'll be happy forever!
Suddenly you need to stop, as it is a busy time after all.
Let's reach out for the sky and take a new breath!
The me of tomorrow also wants to see you.I'll speak of a wish seeing that it will come true.
Let's smile more together, when we play with these lifes.
The past, now and future? I'll share everything.
From our hearts, great power overflows, known as feelings of love.
These embarrassing, warm feelings won't stop
within that world...
Seeing you laugh,
makes me feel happy.
It's okay to call for me, if you feel lonely.
Let's play more together with our smiles and our lives.
The past, now and future? I'll share everything.
From our hearts, great power overflows, known as feelings of love.
These embarrassing, warm feelings won't stop
I want to laugh together with you, in the Endless happy world!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

An Endless Tale

for you and for me
what can I do?
being led by something unseen
once again, we
were able to meet
passing over the promised time
my feeling is clear (yes)
at the unchanging smile now
the tale endlessly
chooses you as the protagonist
the many meetings and good byes
are our guideposts (guideposts)
wander into an unsolveable puzzle
even during dreams
because you were there, because you're here
I became stronger
even if we part some day (it's okay)
if our hearts call out to each other
I know because it cannot be seen
the miracle that connects us together
overcomes the rain and the hill of winds and
shines (shines)
the tale endlessly
chooses you as the protagonist
the many meetings and good byes
are our guideposts (guideposts)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Hol vagy?

úgy tűnik, hogy az idő lassabban halad
valaki mást szeretni valóban őrültségnek tűnik
Milyen haszontalan az élet
Iszom, dohányzom, aztán nyeldesem a könnyeimet
Milyen szegény ördög lettem, ahogy róla gondolkoztam
És ha tükörbe pillantok, öregebbnek látszom rögtön
Ki tudja, megbolondultam talán
Még az erkélyről is lelépnék
Aztán rugdoshatnád az ajtómat
De nem érzed ugyanazt a fájdalmat
A halált ízlelem a szívemben, ha nem vagy ott
Hol vagy?
Hullócsillag átkozott szilánkja esett a szívembe, tudod?
Hol vagy?
Ha te nem volnál, az életben talán mások elegendőek lennének
A túléléshez
Hol vagy?
Ha egy délibáb voltál, akkor a szerelem buboréka egy pillanat alatt felrobbant
Átadnám magamat az ágyban bármely pillanatban annak, aki rám vágyik
csak így tudnék élni
Kezdem a szerelmet cinikusan látni
Mint ahogy semmi közöm a ruhához, amit minden éjjel hordok
Közel vagyok ahhoz, hogy eloltsam a lélek utolsó lángját
De akkor Isten megharagszik
A lázam folyton felmegy
Milyen rossz érzés van a szívemben
Félek, nem akarok meghalni
Csak egy gyáva szerelmes vagyok, aki érted él
Hol vagy?
Hullócsillag átkozott szilánkja esett a szívembe, tudod?
Hol vagy?
Ha te nem volnál, az életben talán mások elegendőek lennének
A túléléshez
Hol vagy?
Ha egy délibáb voltál, akkor a szerelem buboréka egy pillanat alatt felrobbant
Átadnám magamat az ágyban bármely pillanatban annak, aki rám vágyik
csak így tudnék élni
Hol vagy

I would like to find peace

I would like to find peace
but a peace without death
(I wish) one in the midst of a lot of doors
it opened for a living!
It opened one morning
one spring morning
to get up at night
without saying, “Close the door!!”
Without listening to more ‘people
that says, “I do, I say,”
without listening to the friend
which purports to give advice
Without listening to the family
that says, “What have you done?”
without getting more ‘to terms
with conscience and dignity ‘
Without reading the newspaper
the awesome news
which is a problem for all
and do not know how to avoid it.
Without listening to the doctor
that tells you the disease
the prescription at the pharmacy
the fee to be paid.
Without listening to the heart
He speaks to you Concettina
Rita, Bridget, Nannina …
this is … that other not.
Why, in short, if you want peace
and not feel more ‘nothing
you can only hope
that is death for you?
I would like to find peace
but a peace without death
(I wish) one in the midst of a lot of doors
it opened for a living!
He opened one morning
one spring morning
to get up at night
without saying, “Close the. ‘”

My Love

Mon Amour (x8)
Look at the sunny day it is
here in this city, you suffer from the heat
in the traffic that there is
less sweaty I will come to you
then he prepares everything that goes to the sea
your tan will be done soon
a Cuban rhythm
the radio already plays
every program you like
When the sun sets tonight
my love my love
I love to give you my heart
my love love
barefoot near the sea
to dance to dance
all night long I'd like these
my love my love
if you love me I'll give my life
I'll gift you everything, my love
and I'll also gift you the moon
I'll get it for you
I look at you and laugh as I stir the coffee
you're a lemon dipped into tea
we watch towards the sky
soon it will come
the first star to guide us
when the sun sets tonight
my love my love
I want to give you my heart
my love my love
barefoot by the sea
to dance to dance
all night long I'd like these
my love my love
if you love me I'll give my life
I'll gift you everything, my love
and I'll also gift you the moon
I'll get it for you


That dances
With a stamp on the skin
That shines
Has washed her hair
With that supermodel cut
In her eyes she catches me too
With rhythm dance
Put the feeling on him
Have a lot of movement
Move the head
And look what happens
Have the fire from my heart
I am here and I want to give you all
My life
I fall in love
While I look like the meringue
You can dance
Don't Stop Beautiful
You are my star
Of the summer you will be my love
That the shot goes down
I have a broken heart
The night is getting shorter
I feel your strength I want to kiss you

Végtelen Európa

Végtelen Európa
Időtlen élet
Határtalan Európa
Parkok, szállodák és paloták
Mérhetetlen Európa
Sétaterek és sugárutak
Végeláthatatlan Európa
Valós élet képeslapokon
Korlátlan Európa
Elegancia és dekadencia
Mértéktelen Európa

Just Tonight

Here we are
And I can't think from all the pills, hey
Start the car and take me home
Here we are
And your too drunk to hear a word I say
Start the car and take me home
Just tonight I will stay and well throw it all away
When the light hits your eyes
Its telling me I'm right
And if I, I am through
Then its all because of you
Just tonight
Here I am
And I can't seem to see straight
But I'm too numb to feel right now
And here I am
Watching the clock that's ticking away my time
I'm too numb to feel right now
Just tonight I will stay and well throw it all away
When the light hits your eyes
Its telling me I'm right
And if I, I am through
Then its all because of you
Just tonight
Do you understand who I am do you wanna know
Can you really see through me
Now I have got to go
Just tonight
I won't leave
And ill lie and you'll believe
Just tonight
I will see that its all because of me
Just tonight I will stay and well throw it all away
When the light hits your eyes
Its telling me I'm right
And if I, I am through
Then its all because of you
Just tonight
Its all because of you
Just tonight
Its all because of you
Just tonight
Its all because of you
Just tonight

Összetört szív

Gigi: Ha ez a kaland véget ér
Tudom, még nehezebb lesz
Ez a nagy szivárvány
Nem fogja feloldani a mérget
Amit velem kell meginnod
Lara: Hogy vagy?
Már beteg vagyok
És tudod, hogy ugyanolyan lesz
magányosan sétálni
Gigi: Az újrakezdés sem könnyű
Nem tagadhatjuk le...
Lara: ...a mi nagy szerelmünket
G. & L.: Az összetört szív fáj
Mert csak neked dobogott
És tudja, hogy nincs remény
Lara: Megszoktam már
Gigi: De ha sírsz, hogyan higgyem el
Lara: Tudod, hajlandó vagyok elveszíteni téged
Nem akarom, hogy szenvedj
G. & L.: Az összetört szív fáj
Mert csak neked dobogott
És tudja, hogy nincs remény
Lara: Megszoktam már
Gigi: Meg tudnék halni
Lara: Nem, nem kell ezt mondanod
Gigi: Hogy létezhetek nélküled?
Gigi: Nem normális dolog elhagyni téged
És érzem, hogy már fáj
Lara: Így nem lehet élni
Gigi: Nem veszíthetlek el végleg
Nem tagadhatjuk le...
Lara: ...a mi nagy szerelmünket
G. & L.: Az összetört szív fáj
Mert csak neked dobogott
És tudja, hogy nincs remény
Lara: Megszoktam már
Gigi: De ha sírsz, hogyan higgyem el
Lara: Tudod, hajlandó vagyok elveszíteni téged
Nem akarom, hogy szenvedj
Gigi: A láng a szívben
Eléget minden új szerelmet
Nincs igazán élet nélküled
Lara: Nincs igazán élet ...
G. & L.: Az összetört szív fáj
Mert csak neked dobogott
És tudja, hogy nincs remény
Lara: Megszoktam már
Gigi: Meg tudnék halni
Lara: Nem, nem kell ezt mondanod
Gigi: Hogy létezhetek nélküled?


When you took a step towards me, I took two steps back
When I gave you three things, I expected four back
I might have been calculating our relationship
And waiting for you to leave
I resented you, I complained to you
I gave up with terrible reasons
I might have been counting with my fingers
All of our differences
Maybe I was dreaming a dream
That wasn’t you
But whenever I wake up
I always look for you
Then for me, there are always countless reasons
Of why I need you
You are my word, my sentence, my entire language
I may have other thoughts, I may dream other dreams
But in the end, I’m only speaking of you
Even if I endlessly count the stars and not try to dream
There remains countless reasons
Of why I think of you all night
When I tried to take my hand away, you held it with both hands
I tried to push you away but you stayed by my side
You held me without any calculation
And I might have been trying to forget you for a moment
You held my hand whenever my heart pounded
You turned on the radio whenever my legs trembled
And we danced without even counting the beats
Maybe I forgot about those things
Maybe I was dreaming a dream
That wasn’t you
But whenever I wake up
I always look for you
Then for me, there are always countless reasons
Of why I need you
You are my word, my sentence, my entire language
I may have other thoughts, I may dream other dreams
But in the end, I’m only speaking of you
Even if I endlessly count the stars and not try to dream
There remains countless reasons
Of why I think of you all night
I know, I can’t go on without you
I know, I can’t even dream without you
My dreams that are you that
I’ve always drew out, always hoped for
Already became reality for me
You are my word, my sentence, my entire language
I may have other thoughts, I may dream other dreams
But in the end, I’m only speaking of you
Even if I have to give up all the dreams that I don’t wanna wake up from
There remains countless reasons
Of why I think of you all night
There remains countless reasons
There remains countless reasons
пожалуйста любите моих детей - пак чимина из bts и ли дэхви из wanna one !!

Remember me

I still remember
When I kissed you with delirium
You were a dream that I had
since I was a child
I know you won’t forget
the moments we had together
You live in me
I die for you
Why, why lie
But I understand
that you are no longer here
I have nothing left
So I give you my love in this song
But I understand (but I understand)
That you are no longer here (that you are no longer here)
I have nothing left (no no no no...)
Let this song reach you wherever you are
And you will know that I still love you
despite everything that we have gone through
And you will know that I have not forgotten you
You will remember me even if you don’t see me anymore
Eh... Even if I do not see you again
Eh... Even if I do not see you and you don’t see me
Everything comes and goes, comes and goes
Baby, you stay
Everything changes, changes
But you live in me
As I live in you
What I make you feel
What you make me feel bebe
Everything comes and goes, comes and goes
But you stay
Everything changes, changes
I always miss you
My love surpasses everything
My love surpasses everything
But I understand (but I understand)
That you are no longer here (that you are no longer here)
I have nothing left (no no no no...)
Let this song reach you wherever you are
But I understand (but I understand)
That you are no longer here (that you are no longer here)
I have nothing left (no no no no...)
Let this song reach you wherever you are
And you will know that I still love you
despite everything that we have gone through
And you will know that I have not forgotten you
You will remember me even if you don’t see me anymore
(Breaking the rules of the house!)
Eh... Even if I do not see you again
Eh... Even if I do not see you and you don’t see me
And you will know that I still love you
despite everything that we have gone through
And you will know that I have not forgotten you
You will remember me even if you don’t see me anymore
Everything comes and goes, comes and goes
Baby, you stay
Everything changes, changes
But you live in me
As I live in you
Gustavo Elís
Less y Chris
Everything comes and goes, comes and goes
But you stay
Everything changes, changes
Breaking the rules of the house
Breaking the rules of the house

Bonds ~endless days~

(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)
If I were to listen carefully I would immediately hear the sound of a chair being pulled out in the next room
Being unable to measure the distance beyond the closed door, I wonder what are you thinking about?
We yearn a little to the happiness we obtained
The garden's branches just revealed our tears
We keep getting better in pretending not to notice it
and remain timid
The time that ticked away put our bonds together
Even if the autumn winds would grow cold they won't disappear
I embrace you as I look at the distant sky
and link together the little stars
I want to protect your wavering smile
(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)
Will the seed that I chose to grow that day yield a big flower?
The unspoken words and the regret of hurting one's feelings
The dream that was fulfilled only on paper
The 'lie' being a 'truth', saying 'I hate you' I actually meant to say 'I like you'
We are two of a kind
I closed my eyes and touched your cheek
I'm feeling so alive now
Even if it is just a tiny jewel
I would grasp it tightly​ and make it shine
Trivial quarrels
A laughter that rocks the windows
I want to believe it will keep on like this
Becoming an adult is dreadful​...
The time that ticked away put our bonds together
Even if the autumn winds would grow cold they won't disappear
I embrace you as I look at the distant sky
and link together the little stars
I closed my eyes and touched your cheek
I'm feeling so alive now
Even if it is just a tiny jewel
I would grasp it tightly​ and make it shine
Since I would be able to find the significance of the future
(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)

A Station in the Wind for the Abandoned

I can see the life withdrawing from your face
A station of a town drifting in the wind1
People shackled to net fences
Under the dust, important like the antiquity
You too are travelling near the ceiling
Where the dust can't reach2
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
I can't hear your words
Or see the form of your lost halo3
You have split your spirit into parts
Hidden them from yourself, to false images4
You too are travelling near the ceiling
Where the dust can't reach2
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
You are travelling near the ceiling
Where the dust can't reach2
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
Close your eyes
  • 1. This sentence is unclear and could also be translated in several other ways such as 'A station in the wind, a flooding town.' The word 'lainehtiva' can translate to either something travelling on the waves of something or something that is flooding.
  • Literally 'Away from the feet of the dust', implying that the dust can't 'stomp' you under its feet
  • 3. The Finnish lyrics might be wrong here as it's sounds like 'Näe muotoa' ([Or] see the form) rather than 'Näen muotoa' (I see the form)
  • 4. 'lumekuva' is hard to translate. 'lume' means something that tricks the eye or cheats you while 'kuva' is a generic word for a picture or an image.

The same

Laugh, laugh the way you always do,
If you want, you can stay, but
If it rains, please take me to the beach,
Because it bothers me
When the sky's been grey for days
Remembering that across the globe
Someone's watching the Sun
We make love, we don't impose it,
But you can teach me how to do it, if you wish,
If I want to get out, let me do it,
Because taking a step
And remembering that across the globe
There's someone taking off their high heels to dance
Bothers me
Now the wind is ruffling our heart,
Tell me what else seems to be really important to you,
Now that I'm changing my jacket and my destination,
I'll never be the girl with the colour of autumn
The desire of running away
Will come back,
Dress up, so we can be
The protagonists of any film,
I will come back
And you will as well,
Trends will come back
And so will summer songs,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
Laugh, laugh the way you always do,
If you stay, it's fine, but
Let your habit out of here,
Because seeing nothing new
Bothers me,
We always talk about love,
Without really making it1
Now that the sea is fixing our heart,
Tell me what else seems to be really important to you,
Now that I'm changing my skin and my destination,
I'll never be the girl with the colour of autumn
The desire of running away
Will come back,
Dress up, so we can be
The protagonists of any film,
I will come back
And you will as well,
Trends will come back
And so will summer songs,
But I'll be the same
The desire of running away
Will come back,
If you look at me like that
We can be on the front row of the last film,
I will come back
And you will as well,
The beaches with no people
Will come back in September,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
I'll book your good mood
And a room with a view
I'll be the same,
I will come back
And you will as well,
Trends will come back
And so will summer songs,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
I will come back
And you will as well,
The beaches with no people
Will come back in September,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
  • 1. Might also be 'doing it' with reference to the talking. I think the ambiguity of the lyrics is deliberate.

Endless Moment

In this cold world
I lived without anything of special value
I couldn’t help but cry
When I walked the dark streets
I’ve been waiting for you
For a long time,
For someone
Who’s just like me
I want give my loneliness to you
My endless moment
Pray for you
I can’t imagine my life it
Whout you
I don’t want us to separate, ever
Even a little smile from you
Brings me happiness
I’ll make a promise to you
This isn’t a dream
Many days will pass
And I’ll still be yours
My shining moment, forever
There are times
When my hasty feelings cause trouble
So let’s remember the good memories
I’ve been waiting for you
For a long time,
For someone
Who’s just like me
I want give my loneliness to you
My endless moment
Pray for you
I’ll never desire anyone else but you
Many days will pass
And I’ll still be yours
My Shining Moment Forever
Girl My Heart is cold
Please come back to me
My Shining Moment Forever

There's talking in it yet

There's talking in it yet with you
To say for many years in front of his love
Not in a day, not in many days
And not in many years will be benefit
For talking about the meaning of it
There's appointments yet in it too
He'll find some new things in it because
There's a hand that will hold a hand
And a soul that will live for a soul
After the life for another life
There are times between us yet
Have a lot of stories for us,
Excitement, meetings
And missing at the same time and it's reducing the distances
There are days in front of us yet
And a promise with dreams that will take us
There's a thousand things in the mind
Even if this can be said, there's some things too
There's feeling too, certainly
And it will take us together from the people to a far place
And there's also a thousand place
That witnessing the love of the hearts and holding it
There's a great conversation between us yet
And there's talking a lot for the days and the night,
Laughing, staying awake, fun
And there's closeness, warmth, kindness between you and me
I hope you like and understand that, and if you find a problem, tell me....

When Our Eyes Met

When my slight fluttering
Became unstoppable trembling,
As I saw you I understood -
It was the beginning of love
When our eyes met, when our glances passed by,
I knew we would be meant to be
I'm sorry for loving you
Though I know it will make you hurt,
But I love you, don't let me go
In case if I can see you,
I am waiting for you all night long
Because it's strange even to me, I'm confused
Though I'm getting scared as it goes deeper
When our eyes met
When our hands passed by
I felt that we had the same feelings
Thank you for knowing it
Though I know it will make you hurt,
But I love you, don't let me go
I'm sorry for loving you
Though I know it will make you hurt,
But I love you, don't let me go

The essence

The tended strings break up
The relations if you didn't get them
Your fear you have when you are a child
The emotions on the first step
An idea that you have always defend
The gaze of a misunderstood man
Long friendship bonded by the years
The senses break up and so do the eagerness
The friction with the world breaks up
The air who gravitate breaks up
Your anxious hands
A memory from your childhood
A thought with no way out
The legs are too hard
The breath breaks up and then come back
My heart breaks up, and it pumps shame
A man's essence stays the same even when the life breaks it
A man's essence lives up and then breaks down
Breaks the voice who lose bravery
And this fear who find an hug
The road taken with indecision
The story described in a song
The steps absorbed by the tiredness
The conflict breaks up with a caress
The chains break up
The flow flowing in the veins breaks up
A dream who stay blurry trough the years
A flower who get rarely watered
The strength you had breaks
All the rage you've been raised with
Your race who swear the goal
A soul who stay restless breaks up
Breaks up the destiny who goals if meet the human that never give up
Your limits had killed all your organs
The rhythm you feel breaks
The frustration dig among your teeths
The blinding void breaks up
The ispiration who find an artist
A man's essence stays the same even when the life breaks it
A man's essence lives up and then breaks down
Breaks the voice who lose bravery
And this fear who find an hug
The road taken with indecision
The story described in a song
The steps absorbed by the tiredness
The conflict breaks up with a caress
The bruises made by fall down everytime
The union you search with who doesn't listen to you
Your late decisions
Your belief that cross the gazes
A neutral man's honor breaks
Your will to hurt yourself


In a dream that has blurred so fast
My heart aches
I'm spending a lot of time like this
A quiet sigh is slowly filling the room
I was talking to myself
Hoping at the same time somewhere you were smiling
One more season is passing by
This night without even moonlight makes me lonelier
The voice that was calling only me I'm missing,
Even insignificant gestures - I'm reminiscing it all
Have a Beautiful Night
My Love
Am I forgetting you?
Where is the end?
Will it become a wind that can't stay?
Even if sunlight dazzlingly fills the room,
It's dark by my side
Hope at the same time somewhere you are happy
One more season is passing by
This night without even moonlight makes me lonelier
The voice that was calling only me I'm missing,
Even insignificant gestures - I'm reminiscing it all
Have a Beautiful Night
My Love
You who filled my heart
You who were everything in my life
How is your night?

The Basics

Versions: #5
Heroes state
«When the going gets tough, it's time to get going!»
besides, lucky them
if they confuse offense with good.
It happens to us as well
to fight and then desire peace
and in my silence
I cancel each of your pains
to value what I couldn't choose.
As the world falls to pieces
I compose new spaces and desires, which
also belong to you
since, for me, you've been since forever
the basics.
I won't accept
another evaluation error
love is able to
hide behind lovable words
I pronounced before they
became empty and stupid.
As the world falls to pieces
I compose new spaces and desires, which
also belong to you
since, for me, you've been since forever
As the world falls to pieces
I move away from excess
and bad habits,
I will come back to the origin,
will come back to you, you are for me
the basics.
Love doesn't follow logic
it takes breath away from you, not thirst.
As the world falls to pieces
I compose new spaces and desires, which
also belong to you
As the world falls to pieces
I move away from excess
and bad habits,
I will come back to the origin,
will come back to you, you are for me
the basics.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Eyes Of A Homeless Dog

Today I saw the emptiness in his eyes,
Aimlessness of his eyes, a detachment,
This indifferent, not even expressed fear.
Now I know exactly how I am weak:
After all, I could never see In the eyes of a Homeless dog.
All of these roadways, all these streets,
Drenched streets, the eternally gray city,
They sucked all the juice out of your life emaciated body.
It's your last day, I know for sure!
Oh, if I don't drink away My last money, I'd buy you at least A piece of sausage.
But you seem to fuck everything.
You did not even notice that I sat next to you.
For you I'm another drunk who remembered?
That He, you see, He loves animals, When he is drunk.
Yes, you're right, my God, you're right.
I have another drunken scum, crouched beside you.
But how can I forget your eyes, how? How can I forget?
Someone might say that like you, are millions. You are like them, just hit the wrong time at the wrong place.
And where is the right place??? Where is the right time? Where? Where?
You shiver beats.
Yes, the municipality will take care of you:
You will burn in a landfill, after you go astray Some drunk driver.
The Earth absorbs what is left you.
If I could turn back time, I would like to never look into the eyes of this Homeless dog.

You are my life

You are so different,
come to my side,
cause your love is what i expected,
I wanna be by your side.
Only if u stay for a minute,
I'll be crazy,
cause your love got me now,
you look so amazing.
I'm happy, i don't wanna see u changing.
Chorus 2x
You are my life, you are my life,
I wanna thank you for coming.
With you I have found the grand love.
Don't let, don't let me go,
boy let the things go slow,
do it, do it like a pro
Chorus 2x
Don't let me go again,
don't let me go again,
don't let me, let me go and go and go again.

My Woman

She is doing poetry with her way of walking
she loves me, she calms me down, she chooses me in her world
she makes me walk in profound dream
She is with me in good and bad times
there is nothing more pure and immense in the world
i can see that i live in her eyes
She spread her wings and invites me in her life
and what seems impossible
she exalt it and put it on my feet
My woman raise me in the fields and clouds of faith
with just a single kiss she disarms my fears
she resolves my life just with saying i love you
She is with me in good and bad times
there is nothing more pure and immense in the world
i can see that i live in her eyes
She spread her wings and invites me in her life
and what seems impossible
she exalt it and put it on my feet
My woman raise me in the fields and clouds of faith
with just a single kiss she disarms my fears
she resolves my life just with saying i love you
My woman shows me that everything can be overcome
she takes me to the moon and with so much tenderness
i can see that God live in her eyes
My woman is my woman
My woman raise me in the fields and clouds of faith
with just a single kiss she disarms my fears
she resolves my life just with saying i love you
My woman shows me that everything can be overcome
she takes me to the moon and with so much tenderness
i can see that God live in her eyes
My woman

Tell me, Maria

Tell me, Maria, what are you looking for in me?
What did you want? Words are like snow.
Tell me, Maria, what are you thinking? What are you hiding?
Whatever it is, why are you crying
And don’t you listen to me?
Now, Maria, this sky is consoling,
This sun is warming everything is in you.
Don’t be afraid to wait for the dawn
With an anxious heart
Because the world is right there.
Just tell me, Maria,
Why do you cry and don’t you hope?
Tell me, Maria, who will help you, if you wait for me?
Tell me, Maria, what are you dreaming about, today?
What were you asking for? I’m here by your side.
Tell me, Maria, who hears you, who can save you?
What could I do? Don’t you remember? But are you listening to me?
Now, Maria, this sky is consoling,
This sun is warming everything is in you.
Don’t be afraid to wait for the dawn
With an anxious heart
Because the world is right there.
Just tell me, Maria,
Why do you cry and don’t you hope?
Tell me, Maria, who will help you, if you wait for me?

Mindenre lesz gondom

Túl sokakat ragad magával a forgatag
Túl sokan járnak kézenfogva, túl sok a hiábavaló szerelem
Túl sok csalódásból lett számodra kivétel
Túl sok a vesztes, túl sok a karrierista
Túl sok az idegroncs ki a nyugalmat keres
Túl sok a szarvashiba
Túl sok a “megváltoznál valaha miattam?'
Azoknak, akik soha nem néznek a dolgok mögé
Azoknak, akik mindenhol katasztrófát látnak
Mert az élet sok apró győzelem
és gondoskodj rólam.
Mindig emlékezz, hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Semmit sem tanultam, ha
Te vagy a lényeg mindenben
És szárítsd fel azokat a könnyeket
Mindenre lesz gondom
Szegény lelkiismeret
Szegény türelem
Komolyan próbára tesz az arroganciád
Ami közömbössé tett minket
Gyakran túl bizonytalan és gyakran szomorú.
Kezeli a keserűséget, kedveli a szépségét
Egy nagy kapu ami nyitva maradt
Kizár másokat
Kizár mindent ami szembenáll
Azoknak, akik soha nem néznek a dolgok mögé
Azoknak, akik mindenhol katasztrófát látnak
Mert az élet sok apró győzelem,
óvj meg!
Mindig emlékezz, hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Semmit sem tanultam, ha
Te vagy a lényeg mindenben
És szárítsd fel azokat a könnyeket
Mindenre lesz gondom
Emlékezz, emlékezz, csak azért vannak a szokások
Hogy meglepődjünk és a félelem meg hogy szabadabbá váljunk
A seb azért fáj, igen, csak azért, hogy megvédjük magunkat
Mindig emlékezz
Emlékezz, emlékezz ...
Hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Semmit sem tanultam, ha
Te vagy a lényeg mindenben
És szárítsd fel azokat a könnyeket
Nekem mindenre lesz gondom
Mindenre lesz gondom
Mindenre lesz gondom.

Mäntsälä on my mind

If I go to Rome, I have to fly
If I go to Sweden, I have to sail
Railroads take me again, if I want to go to Moscow
But if I go to Lahti, I end up in Mäntsälä
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä on my mind
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä is on my mind
Well what do you do with Mäntsälä? Who would tell me
Who benefits from Mäntsälä? I don't understand
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä on my mind
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä is on my mind
If I go to China, I end up in Beijing
If I give in to booze there and end up in a scuffle
Militia takes me away and I end up in jail
But if I go to Lahti, I end up in Mäntsälä
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä on my mind
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä is on my mind
Well is it boring in Mäntsälä? I bet it is
Who likes Mäntsälä? I don't understand
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä on my mind
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä is on my mind
If I want to have fun, I go party
If I want women, I go to a pub
I go out into nature, if I want a change
If I want to go to Lahti, I end up in Mäntsälä
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä on my mind
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä is on my mind
Well how do you get out of Mäntsälä? Who would tell me
Who would miss Mäntsälä? I don't miss it
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä on my mind
Mäntsälä on my mind, Mäntsälä is on my mind