Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 48


A hegyek hívása

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hullámok ellen, a kardunk a kezünkben,
A tenger ellen, háttal a vízfalaknak,
A kín ellen, az ellenségeink szeme előtt
Viharok ellen, ordító képpel.
Egy kiáltás harsant az egeken át,
A darvak reptének intése.
A hegyek hívása,
Az Alpok hívása,
És az otthoné,
Dallam szívünkben,
A hegyek éneke.
Mi ez a mozgás égbekiáltó kitörő szívünkben?
Mi a kényszer, mi felemeli sóvárgó szemünket?
Mi a hang, a visszhangzó ólomszürke égből?
Mi ez az augur, mi zeng a lant húrjaiból?
Kiáltás zeng a sziszegő szélben,
Darvak lármájának parancsa.
Hang a szélben,
Jelek az égben.
A hegyek hívása,
Az Alpok hívása,
És az otthoné,
Dallam szívünkben,
A hegyek éneke.
Jó, jó, jó otthon,
A szív jósága.

Szeretem a rondaságot

[Verse 1]
Azok a kicsi szőrös izék
Cuki kicsi farokkal
Amiket a kislányok szeretnek simogatni
Azok kaják az olyan dolgok számára
Amik pikkelyekkel vannak borítva
Mindet megszerzem, amennyit csak tudok
Most figyeljetek, kölykök
Tisztelgek a szörnyszülötteknek
Csak akkor szép
Ha undorító
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs olyan, hogy túl extrém
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs túlzás, éljenek a szörnyszülöttek
Szeretem a rondaságot!
[Post-Chorus 1]
Szeretem a rondaságot! Szeretem a rondaságot!
Szeretem a rondaságot! Szeretem a rondaságot!
[Verse 2]
Hell yeah, ismered ezt az arcot
Már láttál ezelőtt
De nem tudod, hogy ki vagyok
Sose hallottam rólad
De háborút akarsz
A tíz kilós csizmámat kapod a seggedbe
Most figyeljetek, kölykök
Tisztelgek a szörnyszülötteknek
Csak akkor szép
Ha undorító
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs olyan, hogy túl extrém
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs túlzás, éljenek a szörnyszülöttek
Szeretem a -
[Post-Chorus 2]
Szeretem a rondaságot
Éljenek a szörnyszülöttek!
Rondaság, szeretem a rondaságot
Szeretem a rondaságot, szeretem
Rondaság, szeretem a rondaságot
Szeretem a rondaságot, szeretem
Most figyeljetek, kölykök
Tisztelgek a szörnyszülötteknek
Csak akkor szép
Ha undorító, undorító!
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs olyan, hogy túl extrém
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs túlzás, éljenek a szörnyszülöttek
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs olyan, hogy túl extrém
Szeretem a rondaságot!
Nincs túlzás, éljenek a szörnyszülöttek
Szeretem a rondaságot!

Oh, Millie!

Oh, I cherish this ruby colored-rain
When my Millie starts her killing
She's my angel of death
My goddess of love for life
Oh Millie!
My queen of crime, my vintage
I shudder when she stabs her victims
Their cries, their agony is a sweet melody, so pretty
Oh Millie!
And when the blood splashes on the ground (drip, drip, drip!)
Followed by the lifeless bodies (bang!)
My heart is conquered
It sings with our shots in harmony (bang, bang, bang)
My seasoned killer, every murder she embellishes
Oh yes, la da di
Of all the beings here below (in Hell)
I only have eyes for you
Oh Millie

Old friend

Yesterday I heard you got engaged
Have you finally finished to have fun
At the time I'd moved you more then when you went
When you were just at the neck to one of them
I can hardly believe it
Old friend, it happened
For a long time you have resisted
Old friend, take it easy
Because you had more than one string to one's bow
And the freedom became slowly expensive
But that's over, now there's nothing going on
There's sadness in the little bar
Where once none where safe before us
It catched me a bit earlier
And it's not that bad at the end
I still remember, how they said
Old friend, it happened
For a long time you have resisted
Old friend, take it easy
Because you had more than one string to one's bow
And the freedom became slowly expensive
But that's over, now there's nothing going on
Old friend, it happened
For a long time you have resisted
Old friend, take it easy
Because you had more than one string to one's bow
And the freedom became slowly expensive
But that's over, now there's nothing going on
Old friend, it happened
For a long time you have resisted
Old friend, take it easy
Because you had more than one string to one's bow
And the freedom became slowly expensive
But that's over, now there's nothing going on


Blond hair is the last to go
As you dive in,
To your thoughts
Blond hair you let go like water
Through your fingers
Like a fistful of pearls
Dreams made of feathers land down slowly,
So inconspicuously, gently
Oh, what do you care?
We are not of the Apache kind
This will be our year
There is something about us, that is our destiny
(Darkness is all around, but the song is within us)
Oh, how close we are to the sunset
We are in a row, marching
Towards the finding place
Side by side
You and me
There on the road
Somewhere deep in the neighborhood
We are set in the starting position
Together, all of us
Moody, without a pair
How dreamy these days are
Like a worn out heel
Just like you
Briefcases and a crazy poet
Deliberate like the twelve in fury
It is unrestlessness or it is hunger
We outnumber them over the top now
Oh, what do you care?
We are not of the Apache kind
This will be our year
There is something about us, that is our destiny
(Darkness is all around, but the song is within us)
Oh, how close we are to the sunset
We are in a row, marching
Towards the finding place
Dreams made of feathers land down slowly,
So inconspicuously, gently, ask - anyone will tell you
Oh, what do you care?
We are not of the Apache kind
This will be our year
There is something about us, that is our destiny
(Darkness is all around, but the song is within us)
Oh, how close we are to the sunset
We are in a row, marching
Towards the finding place
Side by side
You and me

I Tremble

You still have everything that I found that night
lost in your bed
and I still tremble.
You still have those wild eyes,
you’re the Valencia that bites.
I still tremble
I still tremble
I still tremble with the heat of feeling you close,
as strong as the first time.
I tremble
Like when we were dancing,
we were embracing change in the square
I tremble with the smell of coffee,
of your eyes, your lips of honey
Like a drop of ice that drips into my stomach
and slowly melts.
You still have everything that I found that night
lost in your bed
and I still tremble.
You still have those wild eyes,
you’re the Valencia that bites.
I still tremble
I still tremble
When I see you take on the Carrer dels Amants 1
filling ourselves with joy from Quart to Serrans.2
I tremble when I remember you on that bench
the two of us drinking, unraveled, shirtless
I tremble, rolling through your hair,
black curls, tanned skin


I have a joy without borders
A flat joy without rules
I have a joy of open roads
A green-colored joy
Of a hope that hasn't ended
Of a hope
There's still hope as I move forward
There's still hope and
There's no need to cry
They're roads of love and freedom
There's no need to cry
They're roads of fighting and freedom
A joy of roads to take
A wild and ardent joy
A joy that burns like fire
A yellow-colored joy
Of an energy that hasn't ended
Of a energy
There's still energy as I move forward
There's still energy and
There's no need to cry
They're roads of love and freedom
There's no need to cry
They're roads of fighting and freedom
There's no need to cry
They're roads of love and freedom
There's no need to cry
They're roads of fighting and freedom
There's no need to cry
They're roads of love and freedom
There's no need to cry
They're roads of fighting and freedom

Heroines of the Dark Night

And we search and we don’t find any account
That explains to us what’s happened
We have to write a new horizon
Draw joy in every corner
We’re not the heirs of Neruda
We’re the daughters of Marçal
We want to be the strong ivy
That grows in boundless space
We’re the heroines of the dark night
We’re the women who fight for utopia
We’re the militants of the living word
We love each other, our mouth cries rebellion
We aren’t looking for twenty love poems
Nor the desperation of a song
We’re an anthem of liberation
The one that the witches sang in mourning
We redress old words
With the latest meanings
The strength of new sentences
Will erase previous times
We’re the heroines of the dark night
We’re the women who fight for utopia
We’re the militants of the living word
We love each other, our mouth cries rebellion
We’re a piece of a previous life
Bits of kisses, scraps of a hug
Fragments derived from a gaze
And a short little verse
A short verse to create a narrative
We don’t wait nor do we cry
We don’t want to be like Anna Karenina
We don’t wait nor do we cry
We don’t wait nor do we cry
We don’t wait nor do we cry
We don’t wait nor do we cry
We don’t wait nor do we cry

Rendben leszel

[Stolas, beszélve]:
Amikor félsz és nem tudod, hogy hol vagyok, emlékezz: akármi is történik velem, sose leszek távol az én különleges kis csillagtüzemtől
Mindig úgy tűnik, a sötétben csendesebb
Olyan határozottnak érződik
Ahogy a csend nő a Hold alatt
A csillagképek oly hamar kimúlnak
Régen azt hittem, bátor vagyok
Régen azt hittem, a szerelem szórakoztató lesz
Már minden történetem el lett mondva
Kivéve egy
Ahogy a csillagok sorba rendeződnek
Remélem jelnek veszed majd,
Hogy rendben leszel
Minden rendben lesz
És ha a hét gyűrű összeomlik
Bár az utolsó napom lehet
De rendben leszel
Minden leszel
És amikor a teremtmény meghal
Meglelsz az égen
Az utolsó napomon
És minden rendben lesz

Black Skies

Choose me among your kings
A vortex will take us
I'll take you, if you want me
We danced in two
She left me, and now I...
I have my memories locked in you
Sadness inside me
Between two hands, mine
Then, tears wet
The kingdom I asked you, and now...
I have my memories locked on you
Sadness inside me
Between two hands, mine
They're black skies and I know
They'll melt no more

Hívás a hegyekből

A hullámok ellen, kardjainkkal a kezeinkben
A tenger ellen, a hátunkat a falnak támasztva
A harag ellen, mely ellenségeink szemeiben lángol
A vihar ellen, mely erősen az arcunkba csap
A hívás az égbolton keresztül jön
Egy kiáltás, a darvaktól, miközben repülnek
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
Mi az a vihar, mely legbelül ösztönöz minket?
Mi ez a vágy, mely az arcunkat felemeli?
Mi ez a hang, mely e fekete felhőkön keresztül tör?
Mit ígér nekem ennek a hárfának a hangja?
Egy kiáltás hangzik a szélen keresztül messziről
Egy ígéret, a darvak kiáltása mellett
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
A hang, mely a szélen keresztül jön, egy jelet ad nekem
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
A dal a hegyekből

Rain On The Window

Me, resident of the living room
Banished from the bed
I search for something in the works
You threaten to fly
It fills you up to your mouth
You enjoy yourself in your moment of glory
This war has erased your memory
The day will wake up again
With you, without you
Sorry for laughing, but it´s the truth,
That's how the world turns
We are rain on the window
Well, I think the end has come
Of a tormented story
Of a wasted bullet
In the battle of this treacherous life
That imposes it's balance on you
Some win and others loose but whatever
It is so strong to take away my desire
To let go of love through the windows
The day will wake up again
With you, without you
Sorry for laughing, but it´s the truth,
That's how the world turns
We are rain on the window
Some win
Others loose
But nothing is that strong
That it can take away my desire
To let go of love through the windows
The day will wake up again
With you, without you
Sorry for laughing, but it´s the truth,
That's how the world turns
We are rain on the window
Kisses in the air
The day will wake up again
With you, without you
Sorry for laughing, but it´s the truth.
That's how the world turns
We are rain on the window
No no no no no no no...


I know I'm a moody person
A flood one, a hard one
Push me
And I'm already on the edge
Don't come to me to say no
When I know the truth
And I don't want to be spending
Another second
The way I've been feeling
I get a lump in my throat
And I don't even know what to say
So, lie to me, maybe then
You will pretend to care
So, talk to me, maybe at the end
You won't turn your back
Fool me
Take me to your bed and tell me
We might love each other
You make me feel so strange, but I'm happy
To be here by your side
Could I spend the night with you?
It doesn't sound wrong to me
So, let me stay
Let me stay
So let me go if you want to
I know you do
Cause I'm gonna be fine
She loves me so, she loves me not
I'm with you all the way, whatever it takes
Now I just need you
So, lie to me, maybe then
You will pretend to care
So, talk to me, maybe at the end
You won't turn your back
Fool me
Take me to your bed and tell me
We might love each other
You make me feel so strange, but I'm happy
To be here by your side
Could I spend the night with you?
It doesn't sound wrong to me
So, let me stay
Let me stay
Fool me in bed
Love me, make me strange
Fool me
In bed, love me
Fool me
Take me to your bed and tell me
We might love each other
You make me feel so strange
To be here by your side
Could I spend the night with you?
It doesn't sound wrong to me
So, let me stay
Let me stay

Boy In Luv (Chinese Version)

I can't let it go, who is awkward now
And i practice to think to oneself and i think about us
I cant let it go, who is afraid now
I erase the words that i want to tell you
You go out with who you in a dubious relationship
You go out with who is refuse someone
You go out with who you feel right
You go out with him
You go out with him
Oppa, be strong and change
Change, and don’t be afraid about dangerous
Dangerous, but still be brave and give the love letter
Letter, like a men and hold you hand
Could we be happy flirting and laughing , yes
Dancers, are we skipping talking and heart beating, yes
No more wordy, give up everything and go with me
The person who love you most, is me, is me
J-HoSparks flying around, look, My face is cool than anyone
Oh Ba Pa Ma Fa Da Ta Na La Ha Ku Na Ma Ta Ta
Oh no nonsense no falsity continue challenge to all change
Oh come home with me look at me when talk to me, I hand you a flower
Right here right now I write a song for you
Wait for you after class wait for you saying love me
Want to share you happiness happiness
And you are my happiness happiness
I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Kiss your cheek only answer your phone
I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Proffer you roses my heart beat fast and nearly blow up
You go out with who you in a dubious relationship
You go out with who is refuse someone
You go out with who you feel right
You go out with him
You go out with him
Outside is a bad bad girl inside is a bad bad girl
Talk not much you appearance is cool bot you are the girl I love
If you like me say it loud please don't keep silent
You pretend don't know me, hide me and it makes me feel oh confuse
I want to hear your voice (hurry up hurry up hurry up)
I can't guess your expression (struggling struggling struggling)
True heart (I got 'em)
Patient (I got 'em)
You are the most most beautiful view next to me (most most beautiful view)
Ah~ love you I hear you heartbeat your voice (Hold up)
Transparent crystal jingle sounds nice (Hold up)
Telepathy 119 help me (Hold up)
I want to hold your hand
when we're watching tv I want to hold your hand when we're shopping
Right here right now I write a song for you
Wait for you after class wait for you saying love me
Want to share you happiness happiness
And you are my happiness happiness
I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Kiss your cheek only answer your phone
I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Proffer you roses my heart beat fast and nearly blow up
You talk and call me oppa
Kiss your cheek smooth your hair I'm oppa
You actually have tender side hold me
I will not make you down
You talking and call me oppa
Just like girlfriend, you make tea for me
In the future we walk together, it's dream let's go
Undoubted answer Yai~Yai~Ya~
I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Kiss your cheek only answer your phone
I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Proffer you roses my heart beat fast and nearly blow up

A belt

Save me from the spring,
From the melting snow and ice, from the cold water.
I am seeing someone’s else dreams, where birds sing all morning long.
I want to be there again.
Please help me get rid of my sadness - I will owe you forever for that.
I will be forever in your debt.
Earth will don its sunset belt.
In the end, the arrows will fly by missing me.
Earth will don its sunset belt.
In the end, the arrows will miss me.
I am grabbing the tail of the dawn.
I know of one pier,
Big ships set on their voyage from there.
Don’t expect them to come back.
Under the whispering of the alien stars,
It’s a steady waymark,
our ethereal delicate world.
And a grass spike will flutter its wing, the olives will fall on my palm.
Somewhere far away a light was lit up for us.
Earth will don its sunset belt.
In the end, the arrows will fly by missing me.
Earth will don its sunset belt.
In the end, the arrows will miss me.
I am grabbing the tail of the dawn.
I am grabbing the tail of the dawn.

The Call of the Mountains (multilingual track)

Against the waves with our swords in our hands
Against the sea with our backs to the walls
Against distress in the presence of our enemies
Against the storms roaring at our faces
A cry rang out throughout the skies
A beckon, the flight of the cranes
The call of the mountains
The call of the Alps, the call home
The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains
What is that jostling storm in our innermost?
What is that longing which drew up our gaze?
What is that sound which breaks through the black clouds?
What is the sound from those harps saying to me?
A call echoes through the wind from far away
A promise, at the cry of the crane
The call from the mountains
The voice from the Alps, the call from home
The song from the mountains, the tune in my heart
The voice in the wind
The signs in the sky
The call of the mountains, the call of the Alps
The call of our homeland
The song in our heart, the call of the mountains
Of our Alps, this is where we're home
This is where our heart is, the chant of the mountains

A Tale Of Voyage

I hear a voice
Somewhere in the distance.
It's echoing in my heart
with marvellous words.
I hear a call
in three languages.
Full of enchantments of oblivion,
it whispers my name,
fettering me like in shackles.
And I spread my arms
to fall into unknown depths
A tale of voyage
My voyage will continue
(Hide me in your black den)
to Malgos Medias
I've set out towards Tiros Iovincon!
I've lost control,
rushing into darkness,
going into a mysterious distance.
All that I knew
seems hidden from me now,
covered with a snow-white veil.
And I spread my arms
to fall into unknown depths
A tale of voyage
My voyage will continue
(Hide me in your black den)
to Malgos Medias
I've set out towards Tiros Iovincon!
And into unknown depths
A tale of voyage
My voyage will continue
(Hide me in your black den)
to Malgos Medias
I've set out towards Tiros Iovincon!
A tale of voyage
My voyage will continue
(Hide me in your black den)
to Malgos Medias
I've set out towards Tiros Iovincon!

The Cat in the Rain

My love, don't worry, I'm not going to bother you
My fate has been decided, you see
And I know there's a torrent spinning in your mind
My love, ours was simply a coincidence.
The same hour, the same boulevard.
Don't worry, it's not a problem
I don't blame you for the past.
You see, that's life.
You'll leave and I'll stay here.
It'll rain and I won't be yours anymore,
I'll be the cat in the rain.
You see, that's life.
You'll leave and I'll stay here.
It'll rain and I won't be yours anymore,
I'll be the cat in the rain.
And I'll meow for you.
My love, I know, don't say anything, really.
If you see a tear, forgive me.
You make a wounded cat cry.
My love, if sometime we see each other around
Invite me to a coffee and make love to me.
And if I never see you again
I wish you good luck.
You see, that's life.
You'll leave and I'll stay here.
It'll rain and I won't be yours anymore,
I'll be the cat in the rain.
You see, that's life.
You'll leave and I'll stay here.
It'll rain and I won't be yours anymore,
I'll be the cat in the rain.
And I'll meow for you.