Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 13

Találatok száma: 431


Szeretlek az őrületig

Őszi esőben, a hidegtől reszketve
Egyedül vagyunk a nyüzsgő város közepén
Hallgatunk, de ebben a hallgatásban hallani
Az angyalaink kétségbeesett sírását.
Nem akarok rád gondolni
De nem tudom megtenni…
Minden alkalommal amikor örökre búcsúzom , magamnak hazudok
Nincs erőm kitörölni téged az oldalakról (életemből)
Ismét a tekinteted keresem
Az ismeretlen arcok közt.
Ismét feloldódom a saját
Ez nem szerelem, ez már
Néha úgy tűnik, hogy nélküled
Nem önmagam vagyok.
Egyszerűen szeretlek
Az őrületig !
Mindennek vége – most két magányos lélek vagyunk
Te is egyedül, én is egyedül – a történetnek vége.
Mint a tűz és víz, különbözünk egymástól
De egy fonállal mégis össze vagyunk kötve.

A saját emlékeim

Idővel kiderül, hogy a szavaink nem az igazat mondják
A szépséged több mint egy ok erre
Néhány bocsánatkérés, arra szolgál, hogy elejtsünk párat
Elmesélem, kik is voltunk igazából
Elrejtve egy sokkal távolibb helyen
Mintha egy fényképet néznénk
Talán mindenki hibás valamiben
Minden hibának van miértje
A csöndben megbocsát magának
És mindenki
A saját igazát ölti magára
A másik felük ruhátlan marad
Minden háznak elmondom
Minden zárt ablaknak
A kutyának, ha meg is harap
A férfinek és a rózsájának
A hirdetőtábláknak
A minket néző világnak
Hogy meggyőzem magam, bármi áron igazzá tegyem
Az én saját emlékeim
Mert igaznak kell lenniük, bármi áron
Az én saját emlékeim
Az én saját emlékeim
Utazás közben egy hosszú kanyar a napjaidban
Megérted majd, a te saját emlékeid
Por a szíveden, amit le kell törölnöd
Mindenki meghozza a saját döntéseit
Megkeresi mindnek az okát
Mivel mindenki saját magáért küzd
A tükörben mindenki
A saját igazát hallja
Feltéve, ha a másik felük néma marad
Minden háznak elmondom
Minden zárt ablaknak
A kutyának, ha meg is harap
A férfinek és a rózsájának
A hirdetőtábláknak
A minket néző világnak
Hogy meggyőzem magam, bármi áron igazzá tegyem
Az én saját emlékeim
Mert igaznak kell lenniük, bármi áron
Az én saját emlékeim
Az én saját emlékeim
Az én saját emlékeim
Minden háznak elmondom
Minden zárt ablaknak
A kutyának, ha meg is harap
A férfinek és a rózsájának
A hirdetőtábláknak
A minket néző világnak
Hogy meggyőzem magam, bármi áron igazzá tegyem
Az én saját emlékeim
Mert igaznak kell lenniük, bármi áron
Az én saját emlékeim
Az én saját emlékeim

A company

There is always a eeason why my heart is burning
Into a dizzy world i'm searching for something good
Love love is what i need.
I go up and down and i lose the road
Magnets around me that pull the offenders
They're burning, burning like cigarettes into the night.
I live in a lie
The cards of fate are fake
A strong love
Give me a getaway
I drink and you get drunk
A company together
I drink and you get drunk
A company together
I have made stubbornness of God
I live into a house
That is beaten by the wind
And i make dreams dreams and i'm insisting.
I live in a lie
The cards of fate are fake
A strong love
Give me a getaway
I drink and you get drunk
A company together
I drink and you get drunk
A company together.


As long as the sunset comes
until the earth exists
You, my Lord, give to the people
what they ask.
To people who don't see, the eyes,
peace to those who have not
and the hope to the elders
who want to stay.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
To who ask for power
give him to satisfy
to whom ask for money
give him as much as he wants.
And then give the coward
legs to escape
and to all the vagabonds
a bed to sleep.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
As long as the sunset comes
You can do eveything
and to whom ask for violence
You give more
please give freedom to the oppressed
give humility to the righteous,
I ask only
please don't forget me!
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

A wish

A star is falling and a wish has been made
Tonight into the sky from my soul
Thw kids of war come to my mind
With a message of love for the people all around the world
Oh God give strength to the kids of war
To bare till the moment
When a wish always comes true
I wish that love in people's souls
Brings peace joy and happiness
Light them up my stars
And touch their hearts
In order to stay bright just as children's hearts
Oh God give strength to the kids of war
To bare till the moment
When a wish always comes true
Bring to their faces a bright smile
And their voices should be heard to all neighbourhood again
Oh God give strength to the kids of war
To bare till the moment
When a wish always comes true
Oh God give strength to the kids of war
To bare till the moment
When a wish always comes true
When a wish always comes true

A lady

I want you to hold me and to make me fly
I don't wanna be just a 'goodnight'
the ony thing you can do is to pester me
you keep me out of your truth
I don't think that something will change
So I'm getting into the car with anger
before i regret that I'm running so fast
I know I have no chance with you
Don't even think that I don't love you
It bothers me that I have to take another road
I'm taking things and my ego
and I'm leaving you without fighting
Just what a lady does
I want you to talk to me, to be your woman
and I don't wanna disappear with two hugs
I get into your dream for a moment
And in the silence I torture myself

Mummies don't have girlfriends

I have a long time
stuck here inside
And now I gotta get out
King Amenophis
Put me in the cofris
And now I gotta get out
And even thought in the river Nile
There's too many crocodile
Tell me why, oh oh
Tell me why
And even thought in the river Nile
There's too many crocodile
Tell me why, oh oh
Tell me why
Mummies don't have girlfriends
Mummies have nothing
Mummies don't have girlfriends
Mummies have nothing
They have nothing
King Tutankhamun
Was a big jerk
That's why he punished me
And putting me in the Mastabat
Wasn't enough
That's why he embalmed me
Is that Nefertiti
That beautiful monkey
Wasn't for me
No, no, she wasn't for me.
Is that Nefertiti
That beautiful monkey
Wasn't for me
No, no, she wasn't for me.
The punishment of the incest
Was written in a palimpsest
With the seal of Ramon
But here smells like papyrus
That's why I get out
And I'm going to Thebes
Two thousand years stuck here
But there's something not rotten yet
Not only the pyramids are stiff
If you have doubts come in and ask
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

No woman

Complaint looks like rain into your eyes tonight
In the morning, I look like a broken boat
I loved you and you broke me into pieces
You cut my life into two pieces
No woman deserves love, no woman
Betrayal, shame and isolation
I have felt deep into my heart
No woman deserves, I am telling you, no woman
And no one can save me
Pain and bitterness have become my friends tonight
I will get drunk due to you tonight
You are ungrateful, you left me dying
You didn't deserve my crazy love
No woman deserves love, no woman
Betrayal, shame and isolation
I have felt deep into my heart
No woman deserves, I am telling you, no woman
I am damaged
And no one can save me


Minden estém ismeretlen....
Várakozás, ami egy agóniára hasonlít.
Sokszor szeretnék nemet mondani neked
És aztán meglátlak és elszáll az erőm!
A szívem érted lázad fel, de a testem, nem!
A kezeid, hangszerként simulnak hozzám
Amit úgy vezényelsz, mint ha egy tapasztalt karmester lennél...
És gyere a házamba, amikor akarsz, főképp éjszakánként
Aludj itt, menj el, mindig ahogy jónak látod.
Tudod hogy itt bármi rossz is adódhat,
Én teljesen magam adom, ha egy este elmész...
... És csak nő a magány
A nagy űrben amit te hagysz itt!
Letagadni nem tudok egy szenvedélyt,
De igent sem tudok neked mindig mondani
És kicsinek éreznem magam
Mindig ha szemben állsz velem.
Nagyon drága a boldogság a naivitásomnak
Még mindig csak várlak minden este
Hogy könyörögjek a szerelmedért...
Mindig a tiéd vagyok, amikor akarod, főképp az éjszakákon,
Aludj itt, menj el, mindig ahogy jónak látod.
Tudod hogy itt bármi rossz is adódhat,
Én teljesen magam adom, ha egy este elmész...
... Az éjjel a házamban, tiéd vagyok, ezerszer a tiéd vagyok...
És az élet zajlik köztünk, horizontot sosem látom!
Időt vesz ez igénybe és megfoszt, ahogy te tetted,
A fiatalság hátralevő részét, ami már nekem többé nem lesz...
És folytatom ugyanazt az életet, mindig megrészegülve a búskomorságban,
Most már elismerem a hiba talán bennem van,
El kellett volna vesztenem téged, ehelyett téged kerestelek.
Ez a menüett nekünk szól, elmém sosem pihen.
Nem tudom, hogy az igaz szerelem a mosolyban rejtőzik...
Gondolatok jönnek és mennek, ilyen az élet...


Ugorj hát velem
Be a tengerbe hogy megtaláljuk
Ami itt a felszínen nincs nekünk.
Jöjj hát velem
Hogy végre megértsd
Hogy mennyire felesleges tovább szenvedni.
Nézd azt a tengert
Amit betölt a félelem
Próbálja nekünk tanítani.
Hogy lehet
Kínozni a lelket, ami szárnyalni akar?
Ha nem merülsz a mélyére
Nem tudhatod meg.
Hogy lehet
Csak a rosszat látni abból,
Ami van,
S aztán otthagyni ezt a magányos szívet
Az út közepén?
Száll fel velem
És kezdjük énekelni
Együtt a dallamot amit a szél hoz.
Behunyt szemmel
Repülj tovább
Mialatt a szél
Odavisz minket.
Ahol a legszebb
Szavak vannak
Amiket megtanulhatsz.
Hogy lehet
Kínozni a lelket, ami szárnyalni akar?
Ha nem merülsz a mélyére
Nem tudhatod meg.
Hogy lehet
Csak a rosszat látni abból,
Ami van,
S aztán otthagyni ezt a magányos szívet
Az út közepén?
La la la la la la la la la
Hogy lehet
Kínozni a lelket, ami szárnyalni akar?
Ha nem merülsz a mélyére
Nem tudhatod meg.
Hogy lehet
Csak a rosszat látni abból,
Ami van
S aztán otthagyni ezt a magányos szívet
Az út közepén?

Why should you cry

In your eyes
I can see
The loneliness in you heart
You look like a fool
Running after him
When your heart knows he has someone else
Don't you know I'm still waiting for you
Still madly in love, looking for your love (your love)
Why, why should you cry?
And let your heart always be heavy
When I'm here, I'm just here
I will not change, until now still waiting for you
In your eyes
I can see
The loneliness in you heart
You look like a fool
Running after him
When your heart knows he has someone else
Don't you know I'm still waiting for you
Still madly in love, looking for your love (your love)
Why, why should you cry?
And let your heart always be heavy
When I'm here, I'm just here
I will not change, until now I'm still waiting for you
Why, why should you cry
And let your heart always be heavy
I'm here, I'm just here
I will not change, until now I'm still waiting for you
Why, why should you cry?
And let your heart always be heavy
When I'm here, I'm just here
I will not change, until now I'm still waiting for you
Why should you cry?

Let Me

What wouldn't I do for you?
I would do everything, and it still wouldn't be enough.
I would promise you in the silence,
Oh, my love!
An endless ritual...
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...
I wouldn't want to stop listening, even for a minute,
To the melody of your breathing.
You are more than a thousand reasons
That inspire me to express
Thoughts and hopes
That make me want to live even more.
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...
And if I ever go far away, no,
Oh, I would never get lost!
Right inside your heart
I would find my way home!
And if I ever go far away, no,
Oh, I would never get lost!
Right inside your heart
I would find my way home!
And if I ever go far away, no,
Oh, I would never get lost!
Right inside your heart...
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
(Oh, let me... Let me...)
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...
Oh, let me!
Let me!
Let me!
Right inside your heart!
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...

It's Zero

I could spend my life turning the pages
Searching who I am in other faces
I could spend my life changing skin
It's Zero
I could do like others and close the book
A story like ours, It could not survive
I could spend my life turning my back
It's Zero
Me, I ain't wuss out when I tell you I love you
Since afterwards you are gone, I feel cold in my veins
I always had fear of bitter morning
With no color
And even though I survive away from your sun
I detest my nights, I hate my awakenings
Your depart has made me bad as a stab in my skin
Me, I ain't wuss out , I tell you I love you
I tell you I love you
Me, I ain't wuss out , I tell you I love you
I tell you I love you
It's Zero
It's Zero
It's Zero
I could always lie to whom wants to know
Whom wanted to leave, whom lives in the dark
But in front of my mirror all the scenarios
are Zero
Me, I ain't wuss out , I tell you I love you
I don't want to spend my life hiding my grief
I always had few bitter mornings
With no color
And even though I survive away form your sun
I detest my nights, I hate my awakenings
Your depart has made me bad as a stab in my skin
Me, I ain't wuss out , I tell you I love you
I tell you I love you
Me, I don't displace myself, I tell you I love you
I tell you I love you
It's Zero
It's Zero
It's Zero
I could spend my life writing you on the walls
To die of boredom, to suffer the torture
But the screams of love makes you feel neither cold nor warmth
Waiting on your return
It's Zero
Me, I ain't wuss out I tell you I love you
I don't want to spend my life hiding my grief
I always had few bitter mornings
With no color
And even though I survive away form your sun
I detest my nights, I hate my awakenings
Your depart has made me bad as a stab in my skin

No longer a greek

Stories, troubles, where are you, guys?
What are they telling me, telling me, I'm no longer Greek?
Officers came and took my papers away
and they told me the news, that I'm no longer a Greek!
And they told me the news, that I'm no longer a Greek!
My mother, you had been prudent, I know that well,
And daddy used to tell me that you were Greek indeed!
If only I were at Tinos island to light a candle,
to speak, to cry, to ask 'why'
tell me, tell me, Holy Mother, what are these ghosts,
that put us in the plaster cast and took our papers away!
That put us in the plaster cast and took our papers away!
My mother, you had been prudent, I know that well,
And daddy used to tell me that you were Greek indeed!
Ah, enslaved ones, brass, American children,
how can you say, can you say, that I'm no longer a Greek?
They will have your heads, the boys will be back.
they will give me my papers back and I will live as a Greek!
They will give me my papers back and I will live as a Greek!
The tale is over, the animals are in the cages,
the sea is vast and I am a Greek!

This is not my home

Some months ago, I'd have never told
But the memories told me to go
I'm back here, out from the city
I didn't want to, but I'm here
This avenue, I already know it
That house, I already know it
It lived here the happyness
We lived here long time ago
But since you left
This is nomore my home
Since you weren't coming back
Me too, I left as you did
But if one day you'll think back
And your memories would tell you to go
Don't look here for your happyness.
It has gone away, long time ago
You won't find roses in the garden
You won't find fire in the fireplace
All has been closed here, for ages
And the dust will tell you
That since you left
This, no, is not my home
Since you didn't love me anymore
Me too, I left
as you did
That since you left
This, no, is not my home
Since you didn't love me anymore
Me too, I left as you did
And since you left
This no...


If the morning comes, will I
be able to see you again?
like the moment of the first meeting,
I will love you again
no matter how much time
we have passed together
people blessed us
somehow today
your empty seat feels bigger
all day long tears flowed
Sorry for making you hurt
sorry for not having a lot to give you
sorry for not being able to forget you
but today I want to see you at least once
Amidst many women you stood out in my eyes
like a protagonist in a movie
her beauty
can't never be shaken off
you were like this and yet I gave you scars
even though I regretted it like crazy it was late
I will harvest all your tears
I beg you to forgive me, falling on my knees
please give me a chance
I am so sorry , the letters you wrote
I ripped them all
I just have something to say
give me a bit of your time
If you still want
me in your heart
just like that day we were happy
I will hug you tightly
the many days that passed by
made you have a difficult time and be in pain
even if no one extends you his hand
I will always pray
so that it won't be hard for you anymore
Sorry for making you hurt
sorry for not having a lot to give you
sorry for not being able to forget you
but today I want to see you at least once
How much more pain
how much more suffering
how much more tears
will you endure?
How much more pain
how much more suffering
how much more hate
that made you hurt should I have listened to?
Sorry for making you hurt
sorry for not having a lot to give you
I am sorry for not being able to forget you
I am really sorry
I love you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

I loved a Shepard girl

I loved a Shepard girl
an envied daughter
and I loved her much
I was a bird without song
a 10 year old boy
One day as we sat
in the blooming grass
Maro, let me tell you something
Maro, I told her,
I love you
I'm crazy about you
She grabbed me by the waist
kissed me on the mouth
and said: you're still young for seighs,
for love's grief
I've grown up and long for her
her heart longs for another
she forgets me like an orphan
but I don't ever forget
her kiss

In one night

In one night you've made my hair go white,
my heart black
In one night you've turned
my poor body into a tree struck by a thousand bolts
Why did you betray me, why?
If the ocean was ink
and the sky, paper
it wouldn't be enough
to write what I went through this night
Why did you betray me, why?
I gave you my hurt soul
to heal
but instead you opened
my wound deeper
Why did you betray me, why?

My Life

Versions: #2
Life of mine,
we no longer know how to grasp, handle,
this love that vanishes and sheds away,
you became unhappy and then,
then you confused yourself,
you don't tell me anymore: what a good time you are.
In fact it rains,
you would like to get out, cool down with me.
I, dressed very lightly would die
and would abandon myself to see again
my life. A very rapid farewell.
And I look outside,
I see hearts and dream the trees that I too,
I also climbed
and nestled up there
I again see you that you are, who you are, my life.
This life, in the arms, in the hands,
has a beautiful face, your face, a very beautiful face,
It has the emptiness that you give, even your smile I have lived it
and confused it over mine.
If this is life, I have touched it,
I felt it on me, I embraced it in you,
I take a better look and there is no
more doubt that you are, you are, my life.
What beautiful eyes would I see with my eyes.
How much love captured with the hands,
that has wings and with wings it will vanish
and I fell in love,
I came to tell you, I confided to you
that it was you, by now.
There is a storm,
we can go outside and cool ourselves together now, to tremble,
because it makes tremble
the life that goes away, with you that you take away, with you,
my life.
Because it makes tremble
the life that goes away, with you that you take away with you,
my life.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Where... when... (Part 1)

Where are you? Where are you?
Just inside me.
What do you do? How are you?
Just like me.
Imagining you here and there,
old game by now.
The desire for you already knocks.
What will you do, my love?
What kind of smile will you have?
From your yeses, from your noes,
what will I learn?
Serene princess of the sky that I will possess.
The desire for you already knocks.

Men don't change

Versions: #3
Me too I've been a child
In love with my father.
For him I'm always wrong and I am his sloppy daughter.
I tried to conquer him
and I've never succeeded
and I've struggled to change him,
You'll need another life.
Womens' patience starts at that age
when rise in the family those fuzzy spites
And you lose yourself in an illusion
dreaming to go away
with the first that passes and lies to you.
Men don't change,
they talk about love
and then they leave you alone.
Men change you
and you cry for thousands night asking yourself why.
But, men kill you
and with their friends they laugh at you.
Me too I cried the first time
Forced in a corner and beated.
He was doing (sex) and couldn't understand why I stayed still and silent.
But I understood by time
and becoming a little harder
that if a man in a group is meaner
when he's alone he's more frightened.
Men don't change
they make money to buy you and then they sell you.
At night, men don't come back
and they give you what you don't want
Why men that are born
they are womens' sons,
but they aren't like us?
My love, men who change are almost an inexistent ideal.
They are those in love like you.

Woman's portrait

A woman's portrait can't be done with two colours
It's an idea that we have to discuss
You're surprise, but I've got a soul, and I can want or not, but I see and I hear, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
I sing and love with freedom
And I look for a world, a continent, to meet each other, but truly.
(Na, na, na ....)
Again you pretend me lover, woman and child
(Na na na...)
I have got few or I haven't got joys or thoughts of mine
I sing and love with freedom
And I look for a world, a continent, to meet each other, but truly.
I see and I think, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
And I look for a world, a continent to meet each other but truly
I see and I think, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
And I look for a world, a continent to meet each other but truly

Little man

Two cold hands into yours
White doves of the farewell
What a sad day is my day
If now you get rid of me
Of me, that I'm so weak
And i'll get lost without you.
Little man, don't send me away
Me, little woman would die
It's the last chance to live
You'll see I won't miss it - oh no!
It's the last chance to live
I might be wrong, yes I know
But with you I'll get it, oh yes!
For that I tell you:
Little man, don't send me away
Me, little woman would die
Rain air onto us
And... you don't talk to me anymore, what's up with you?
For sure, if I was in your shoes
I already know what I'd tell myself
I'd blame myself
And then I'd forgive myself
Little man, don't send me away
Me, little woman would die
It's the last chance to live
You'll see I won't miss it ('cause I can)
I must - I want to live
With you i'll get it
(And... and I must do it)
It's the last chance to live
You'll see I won't miss it
('cause I can)
I must - I want to live
We'll get it together
Little man don't send me away
Me a little woman I would die
Little man don't send me away
Me a little woman I would die

My earth

I thank the nature that does its due
It has put together your molecules
I thank the luck that has seen us well
You look like nothing and complete me
I thank sunday, the timid joy of your shoulders which I cover
In my mess you are the only one who I look for If I don't find me...
'Cos you are
The bank, the sand, the home over the fog
You are my earth
The north star which burns
A light that dances
You are my earth
I saw fire and flames,
only fire and flames
Up to you, I up to you
Covered by fire and flames
Up to you, to you who are my earth
I thank that summer which has made its sign,
You that have chosen june to be born
I also thank the night coming home
And the bride's eyes who had chosen me
The peace after the ecstasy, falling asleep
As two ship in the harbour
I learn from swallows, I fly through lightnings
But I always come back to you...
'Cos you are
The bank, the sand, the home over the fog
You are my earth
The north star which burns
A light that dances
You are my earth
I saw fire and flames,
only fire and flames
Up to you, I up to you
Covered by fire and flames
Up to you, to you who are my earth
You are my earth
You are my earth
My earth
I thank the world
The dead calm sea
Your patience
Of seeds which rest in winter
I thank the time
And the certainty
That I'll arrive
The bank, the sand, the home over the fog
You are my earth
The north star which burns
A light that dances
You are my earth
I saw fire and flames,
only fire and flames
Up to you, I up to you
Covered by fire and flames
Up to you, to you who are my earth
You are my earth

Kis férfi

Két hideg kezeimet fogod
A búcsú fehér galambjait
Mennyire szomorú napom van
Ha ma megszabadulsz tőlem
Tőlem ki annyira törékeny
És nélküled én elveszek
Kicsi férfi ne küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék
Ez az utolsó esély az életre
Meglátod hogy nem fogom elveszteni és nem!
Ez az utolsó esély az életre
Hibázom majd igen tudom
De együtt veled sikerülni fog és igen!
Emiatt mondom
Kicsi férfi ne küldj el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék.
Gyűlnek a felhők köztünk
És... Te már nem mondod mi van
Persze, ha a helyedben lennék
Tudnám már mit mondanék
Magamtól tennék egy szemrehányást
És aztán elvesznék.
Kicsi férfi ne küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék
Ez az utolsó esély az életre
Meglátod hogy nem fogom elveszteni!
( mert képes vagyok rá)
Nekem kell - én élni akarok
Együtt veled sikerülni fog
(és... Meg kell tennem)
Az utolsó esély az életre
Meglátod hogy nem fogom elveszteni
(mert képes vagyok rá)
Nekem kell - Élni akarok
Együtt nekünk sikerülni fog.
Kicsi férfi ne
Küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék
Kicsi férfi ne
Küldj hát el engem
Én kicsi nő belehalnék.

További dalszöveg fordítások

Nek - Mia dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Remember your smile when you go out
and you won't have a dress more beautiful
Remember to cover up your neck
because that's the place where I would die
And remember to leave me
kisses and make up when you go
But when you bring your legs elsewhere
Remember first of all that...
You are mine, mine
and ahead of every doubt you are anyway
mine, mine
For love's right I say it now
you remain the important
so naturally
mine, mine
for love's right anyway
Remember that I fill up my eyes with you
and that your beauty is cruelty
you move like an angel on your heels
because you know how to make love
and grant a dance to the world
he won't never get you anyway
the lights of every stage turn off
and in that moment I rememeber you that...
You are mine, mine
and ahead of every doubt you are anyway
mine mine
for love's right I say it now
you remain the important
or more simply
mine, mine
for love's right or whatever it is
Remember that you're mine
When you walk and when you tremble
or when you bite an apple and you come near
when you get dressed, when you would like
when you find yourself among the most hidden thoughts
when you mirror in front of the showcases
and when you sing a song distractly
To love you is maybe a beautiful cage
Long before love knew you were already mine
Mine, mine
and ahead of every doubt you are anyway
Mine, mine
for love's right I say it anyway
you remain the important
or more simply
mine, mine
for love's right or whatever it is...
Herrat - Kumiankka dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Rubber Duck

I like it when girls command
I said and you gave me XD
You asked me to come over
and I knew it was something important
I wanted to find out
and even though I said I'm never afraid
I was secretly hoping that at most it will be
just little scratches on my back
And now I can't even breath
when I'm tied up in your little tub
in chains and shackles
I just like the way you look at me
you say 'obey, boy'
others say I'm just a toy
but toys r us so why couldn't I
doesn't fucking matter if my alarm won't ring
I can be your toy if you want me to be
I can be the toy you want so much
You can tickle me, you can squeeze me
I want you to have fun with me
I want to be the rubber duck
You can tickle me, you can squeeze me
Like I were a rubber duck
I ask if you are playing games with me
but you don't like to talk
I quess I'm getting beaten here
but I just dig it when cats dominate
it turns me on, a little devil with a good reputation
I didn't find an angel
but I never wanted a nun anyway
I have no reason
to leave, so ask
whatever you want to do with me
it's hot, come here
tell me what to do
well played, you did it
you messed my head like Vegas
but this is one of those phases with a heavy role
but I still want to float on your waves as a rubber duck
I can be your toy if you want me to be
I can be the toy you want so much
You can tickle me, you can squeeze me
I want you to have fun with me
I want to be the rubber duck
You can tickle me, you can squeeze me
Like I were a rubber duck
Mamma Mia! (Musical) - Durch die Finger rinnt die Zeit (Slipping Through My Fingers) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Slipping Through My Fingers

In the morning she takes her bag and goes to school,
waves again upstairs
In thoughts already very far away.
then when i don't see her anymore,
i fight back my tears.
Then there is so much sadness in me.
Then i think:
somewday she will go forever,
already now she lives in her own world.
When we laugh togehter,
i sometimes think:
How much i like her!
Time slips through the fingers
If i could only hold the days and moments.
but through my finger slips the time.
tomorrow is today already past.
I know, soon she will be a woman
and i will be grey,
becasuse through my fingers slips the time.
In the morning i sit next to her
and she eats her breakfast
not really awakend
we exchange often nearly no words
barely that she is gone,
I feel sorry
i feel guilty
again a moment lost and gone
i wanted to do so much with you
travel to the sea,
hiking in the mountains,
(through my finger slips the time.)
but somehow something mostly comes up in the interim
today i can't understand.
Time slips through the fingers
If i could only hold the days and moments.
but through my finger slips the time.
tomorrow is today already past.
I know, soon she will be a woman
and i will be grey,
becasuse through my fingers slips the time.
I wished the movie of life would stop
the hope is vain
because the time slips through my fingers
Mom, would you lead me to the altar?
I'm very proud of you!
In the morning she takes her bag
and goes to school,
waves again upstairs
In thoughts already very far away.
Giwta Negka - Να΄ρθει μια θάλασσα dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

A sea to come

It's a shame you left before the night fell,
you would be in time for the permanent.
The nature strikes, whoever betrays,
carbon the human, naturally.
A sea to come to cover us
wet, warm embrace of mine
only she our love can silence,
only she and the kisses.
It's a shame you left before the dawn,
I would engrave kisses forever.
The love remained in the same class
and everything was judged to zero.
A sea to come to cover us
wet, warm embrace of mine
only she our love can silence,
only she and the kisses.
Alina Eremia - Ţurai dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Mother said, when I asked her
That I was the prettiest in my village
And as busy as a bee
She wouldn’t give me away for the world
Two blackberries are my tiny eyes
And my cheeks are like two peonies
My hair is braided in long tresses
And my mouth is like a blooming field poppy
This is me, there’s nothing to be done
Let’s tzurai and tzurai and tzurai
Everybody in my village cares for me
Let’s tzurai and tzurai and tzurai
I want to sing at the top of my voice
Until the sun sets
And I want to join the round dance
And dance until my heels catch fire
Come on, boy, cheer up
It’s high time for dancing
Hold out your hand to me
That’s the way we’re dancing over here
This is me, there’s nothing to be done
Let’s tzurai and tzurai and tzurai
Everybody in my village cares for me
Let’s tzurai and tzurai and tzurai
I want to sing at the top of my voice
Until the sun sets
And I want to join the round dance
And dance until my heels catch fire
When the feast is in full swing, I can dance
I can be with girls and lads of my age
Two blackberries are my tiny eyes
And my cheeks are like two peonies
My hair is braided in long tresses
And my mouth is like a blooming field poppy
And I want to join the round dance
And dance until my heels catch fire
I want to sing at the top of my voice
Until the sun sets
Marigona Veseli - Vetmia dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


You never mention my name,
Sometimes you have it in your mind,
Do you remember are you embarrassed
'Cause you've lied to me and you've tricked me
Do you regret hurting me
Do you remember are you embarrassed
How you've lied to me and how you've tricked me
Do you regret hurting me…
- Forgive me no it can't be said how it hurts
I'm living in loliness with my tears.
Forgive me no it can't be said how it hurts
A betrayal how much I've loved you
God knows…
- Don't forget what I've done for you
You've left me with tears in my eyes,
I've given up I've been mistaken that I believed you word for word
I swear that I'll never forgive you) 2x
- Forgive me now it can't be said how it hurts
I'm living in loneliness with my tears.
Forgive me no it can't be said how it hurts
A betrayal how much I've loved you
God knows…x2
Translation by Albaniana. If you ever want to republish this translation, please ask for permission first and cite me as the author. Lyrics are protected by copyright./Përkthimi nga Albaniana. Në qoftse ndonjëherë doni të ripublikoni këtë përkthim, të lutem pytni për leje para dhe me citoni si autoria. Tekstet janë mbrojtur nga e drejta e autorit.