Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 50



Az én kis gettóm nem marad válasz nélkül.
Itt minden polémia nagyobb, mint a Szovjetek Háza
Kitépik a gyökereket, esélyünk sincs.
A mentalitás újoncokat toborzó oldala
Egyre nagyobb lendületet vesznek, a nézeteinket belekiáltják a világba
Nagyapáink tetteinek emlékművet állítottunk.
Elsüllyedtünk a szerelemért - úgyis mindenki elárulta
Mi vagyunk a megye romantikusai és a nemzedékek köteléke
Tűz ég a homlokunkon és fényben úszunk
Jókedvemben vagyok és senki sem fogja a dallamomat elbaszni
Nem vagyok elégedetlen a batmanemmel veszélyesen
Elfüstöltem a kínt és kiköptem az iránytűt is
Ki a faszom mondta, hogy felejtsem el a jó dolgokat.
Ordzsonikidze, a szülővárosom, a hősök kovácsa.
És hagyjuk, hogy minden rossz úgy égjen, mint Trója égett
Mert ez az én Detroitom, az én paranoiám.
Az én tiszta oldalam
Tisztességesen fogadta a vendégeket
Mosolygott azokra, akik lélekben közel álltak hozzánk
Elűzte a bűzt és az abszurditásokat
Ennek a városnak a szépsége tüzetesen égett,
A hírekkel eggyütt
Imádkozom Istenhez érted, Anyaföld, kedvesem.
Egyedül veled, a végsőkig, még akkor is, ha ez megöl.
Az én tiszta oldalam, az én mérhetetlenül tiszta oldalam...
Tisztességesen fogadta a vendégeket
Mosolygott azokra, akik lélekben közel álltak hozzánk
Elűzte a bűzt és az abszurditásokat
Ennek a városnak a szépsége tüzetesen égett.
A hírekkel eggyütt
Imádkozom Istenhez érted, Anyaföld, kedvesem.
Egyedül veled a végsőkig, még akkor is, ha ez megöl.
A szél elfújta az összes embert a könnyek terén.
Egy új nap reggelén elhozom ezeket a rózsákat.
Jó fényt árasztva az ember terheinek ösvényére.
Adj nekik erőt, és a szél fújja el a gondjaikat
És így, hát így, valami nem oké
Én csak jót akartam, ez tény
Szomorúság vagy szerencsétlenség
Vagy végül hát így, első pillantásra maga a menny és a pokol
Klik-klak, amíg ezek előbújnak, testvérem
Ebben a fegyverben a szókincs a töltény
És bárki jön ide, azonnal rászegezem
Ne dugd bele az orrod Pinokkió, mert fejszével találod magad szemben
Az ötemeletes raktárak emlékeznek Andyre
Öt történet nosztalgiázik, felszedi a hamvakat
Anyám és a jó szomszédok előttem
Emlékek, melyeket nagyra becsülök
Egy testvérekből álló várost képzelek el
Itt a ti Batmanetek, csak maszk nélkül.
Van mit szeretni rajta, van mit mondanom
Gyere és látogass el, ha szeretsz álmodni
Az én tiszta, hamisítatlan oldalam
Tisztességesen fogadta a vendégeket
Mosolygott azokra, akik lélekben közel álltak hozzánk
Elűzte a bűzt és az abszurditásokat
Ennek a városnak a szépsége tüzetesen égett,
A hírekkel eggyütt
Imádkozom Istenhez érted, Anyaföld, kedvesem.
Egyedül veled a végsőkig, még akkor is, ha ez megöl.

I ask your pardon

I ask you to be angry for mercy
I do not want you to be sad
You taught me how to be strong
Now try to forgive yourself
In everything with you I agree
I will not argue about anything
I'm grateful for everything
He is always with me in everything
I'm grateful for everything
He is always with me in everything
I treasure your care
And not looking for other way
Don't let the feud work
Doubt put the threshold
You know better than anyone
I admit my mistakes
Love believe not stop
I will decorate your date
Well, smile even for a second
Become the king in my eyes
I will not forget this century
Bring us back the past world
In everything with you I agree
I will not argue about anything
I'm grateful for everything
He is always with me in everything
I'm grateful for everything
He is always with me in everything
I treasure your care
And not looking for other way
Don't let the feud work
Doubt put the threshold
You know better than anyone
I admit my mistakes
Love believe not stop
I will decorate your date
I treasure your care
And not looking for other way
Don't let the feud work
Doubt put the threshold
You know better than anyone
I admit my mistakes
Love believe not stop
I will decorate your date

Tell me what you think

Take me, make me yours at once, take me
and you take me, make me yours at once.
You take me, with you it's easy to let myself go
what unites us no one can break it
this can't end.
Oh tell me what you think about when you feel lonely
I only think of you, I spend the hours dreaming.
I wouldn't change for anything, what I feel now
may be missing tomorrow and one values it.
Your world of colors, I love your flavors,
there is something in you that makes me want to love.
We're two hearts full of hope
and even though I burn I don't think to put it off.
Babe, you always leave me very high
and I touch the sky, I'm flying.
I feel good for what I have,
this love is so strong that I'm afraid
With you it's easy to let myself go
what unites us no one can break it
this can't end.
Oh tell me what you think about when you feel lonely
I only think of you, I spend the hours dreaming.
I wouldn't change for anything, what I feel now
may be missing tomorrow and one values it.
Bab, together in this trip, a sweet melody
evenings full of caresses and mischievousness.
As I know that I'm yours, I also know that you're mine
the best blessing that life could give me.
Everybody knows it, my mare1sees it from above
I'm happy for her, for her details of her.
I only ask that I for her to be with me2
and that like I do, she loves me.
Oh tell me what you think about when you feel lonely
I only think of you, I spend the hours dreaming.
I wouldn't change for anything, what I feel now
may be missing tomorrow and one values it.
  • 1. I think he means: 'my mom'
  • 2. to not be absent from me

The Water Wheel

Just standing there, The Water Wheel
I have no water to ask for
Just standing there, The Water Wheel
I have no water to ask for
A standing mirror, you always are
A consultant, with us
A standing mirror, you always are
A consultant, with us
Loved it, really flew
When to fly, to the ocean
Loved it, really flew
When to fly, to the ocean
Loved, Waiohinu
The water -falling cliff, and the koa'e
Loved, Waiohinu
The water -falling cliff, and the koa'e
Don't sit down and try to forget
In a peacock, grow clean
Don't sit down and try to forget
In a peacock, grow clean
Tell me, I'll shout
I have no water to ask for
Tell me, I'll shout
I have no water to ask for
To ask


I like Tōrea
It flew and jumped
On top of that
Land on the beach
To dig the storehouse
of Hinemoana
It's raining, it's raining
Time is short
The tide breaks
The Tōrea knocked
The tide breaks
The Tōrea knocked
One more.
Let's be ready
To the Torea
bird Don't delay
Fun, fun
The sun is shining
The tide breaks
The Tōrea knocked
The tide breaks
The Tōrea knocked
One more. Uhh
It's raining, it's raining
Time is short
It's only a matter of time
The tide breaks
The Tōrea knocked
The tide breaks
The Tōrea knocked
One more.
When the sun is shining (the sun)
When the sun is shining (dig, dig)
The sun is shining
The sun is shining
I like Tōrea
It flew and jumped

My Yerevan

Sadness of heart, sore of soul, my first love
My Yerevan, the cradle of my life, forever my love
I see you in dreams, I see your light
My unique, my Yerevan, the only hope of an Armenian
How much longing, how much memories
They torture me because of you
Stone city, kind city
I know that you are waiting for me
You are Tumanyan's fairy tale, the jewel of Armenian world
My Yerevan, my unique, you are the cord of my heart
The sunny light of your buildings, streets
I remember you every second and I don't lose my hope
The need always overwhelms me, the need always tortures me
My Yerevan, my mother city, I know that you are waiting for me
I miss your sun, I miss your cold water
And the cherry tree strokes my hair in the dreams
I miss your sun, I miss your cold water
Every second you are in my mind, my heart
My unique, my Yerevan

The Taxi

Hey baby, Here is Makassy but
The car is for my job
I met her in taxi on my way to the club
I met her in taxi on my way to the club
I stop
The taxi
I stop
The taxi
I stop
The taxi
I stop
Fancy a night of madness,
jump into my taxi my princess
I stop the taxi
I stop the taxi
I don't care she being married
I not search a lasting relationship
I don't want her to be my property
I stop the taxi
I stop the taxi
when she jump in the taxi
I snap of the fingers, Let's go to the club
Glass of champagne, baby relaxes you
Tonight you'll not back home
No no no you'll not come back
No, no, no
She smiles, sticks to me
Her buttocks beat on me bam-bam
She beat the sound bam-bam, bam-bam
has sound in the blood bam-bam, bam-bam
A sweet sucker bam-bam, bam-bam
She sighs and shudders bam-bam, bam-bam
I met her in the taxi on the basil way
She was sexy, so sexy
That we ejected a guy to take his place in the taxi
It's the driver who cried 'hey, look at this beauty! '
It was hard, so hard to not play
Yet you know she chasing money
to squeeze gently, a mare ass but octopussy
I met her in taxi on my way to the club
I met her in taxi on my way to the club
I stop
The taxi
I stop
The taxi
I stop
The taxi
I stop
Fancy a night of madness,
jump into my taxi my princess
I stop the taxi
I stop the taxi
Want a sexy driver
Who will guide your eyes on the road of desire
I stop the taxi
I stop the taxi
Behind the car everything ignites, oh this heat
She removes all her clothes, oh my God, it becomes serious ... Everything!
I cry like Homer Simpson. And shocked
Her balloon making me lose the ball
I forget my taxi calls
And the phone rings, Girls are waiting
They will hang me ...Ho yay! Getting up me ... Hop!
Fancy a night of madness,
jump into my taxi my princess
I stop the taxi
I stop the taxi
With you I'll not go soft, not take gloves
50 taxi shades, darling relishes
She beat the sound bam-bam, bam-bam
has sound in the blood bam-bam, bam-bam
A sweet sucker bam-bam, bam-bam
She sighs and shudders bam-bam, bam-bam
She beat the sound bam-bam, bam-bam
has sound in the blood bam-bam, bam-bam
A sweet sucker bam-bam, bam-bam
She sighs and shudders bam-bam, bam-bam
Lélélé lélé Honey, come into my taxi
Darling come...
Lélélé lélé Honey, come into my taxi
Darling come...

O, Aunt

The handsome is killing me, O, Aunt!
Oh, how much I love him and how I want to talk to him.
Why did you do this, my Aunt?!
How did you not understand that yet?!
And all my soul resides near him,
O, Aunt, ... O, Aunt,
This handsome is killing me

Cream Cake

Paradise pears - Whipped cream
The cake plate carries a sugary treat
Decorated in chocolate letters
Moomintroll's cream cake is the best
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Even though the whole valley
Moominmamma still awaits her troll
Soon we'll carry the bath - Cream cake
To the cave safely the treat is carried with difficulty
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Let the comet come
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Let the comet come
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar
The people of the valley now run away
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar

Authority of Agah

There is no nightingale and the rose is a lie
Agony is my addiction
I have no breath left
Please kill me darling
I have no strength left
Please kill me darling
With Ah with Woe With Agah
Die, enjoy
This life has passes
come and enjoy
Come to Beyoğlu
There is a massacre in Beyoğlu
We died for we love
Oh bad
Get drunk on him
We died for we love
Oh bad
We died for we love
Oh bad
Get drunk on him
We died for we love
Oh bad