Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 24

Találatok száma: 1293


Your Little Fear

There are old secluded alleys of shadows
There are no empty and stale people in them
A wandering wind walks through the darkness in the attic
I brought you weird claims here
I like your little fear
It has special power over you
You can be beautifully afraid
I like your little fear
You can be beautifully afraid
You're hiding from me - that you have it
A strip of houses that go out narrows the space
The cross chalk is written on the walls
The dark scent of chrysanthemums has spread the wind
I led you to them with weird claims.
I like your little fear
He has special power over you
You can be beautifully afraid
I like your little fear
You can be beautifully afraid
Are you hiding from me...
I'm waiting, I'm waiting for it to come again
I'm waiting, I'm waiting for your gentle change
I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I know that fear will bring us closer
I like your little fear
It has special power over you
You can be beautifully afraid
I like your little fear
You can be beautifully afraid
You're hiding from me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting for it to come again
I'm waiting, I'm waiting for your gentle change
I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I know that fear will bring us closer
I like your little fear
It has special power over you
You can be beautifully afraid
I like your little fear
You can be beautifully afraid
You're hiding from me - that you have it

There's one more possibility

Versions: #1
There's one more possibility
Are you going to call it 'death'?
Tell me, dear, what do you say
While I long for you, time could hardly pass
You are as worthwhile as life
Don't keep your silence, my spoiled beloved
You drive me mad
While I long for you, time could hardly pass
You are as worthwhile as life

Stars of the long nights

My love,
the hand that is now writing to you may be slightly shaking
and maybe I'm shaking too but it's not fear, no,
the desire to see the sun on your face
and our children competing to see who'll grow up first.
How is the little one doing?
Tomorrow, yes, I'll be back.
With only a flower in my hands I'll leave
and these nights full of stars, down here, they never end,
they're so long.
I hope you'll wait for me.
My love,
the hand that is now writing to you hasn't changed, you know,
it's full of caresses and life, the one I'd want for us.
Gunpowder is like fog but not for me,
for me who's never known what to choose,
if not you.
Tomorrow, yes, I'll be back.
With only a flower in my hands I'll leave
and these nights full of stars, down here, they never end,
they're so long.
I hope you'll wait for me.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
Tomorrow, yes, I'll be back.
With the same flower in the hands I'll find you
and these nights full of stars, so long, I'll look at them with you
and I'll stop shaking.
With you I'll stop shaking.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
Stars of the long nights, tomorrow I'll be back.
If I'll look at you with my love I'll stop shaking.
I'll stop shaking.
If I'll die as a partesan,
oh farewell my beautiful, farewell my beautiful, farewell my beautiful, farewell, farewell
this is the flower of the partesan
who died for freedom.

This is ours

This is a devastating love,
It breaks down into the middle of the
The burden of passion
A divisive love,
The bread divides the water
Three meals a day
This is treacherous love
A thief enters your house
And the police enter his
Illegal love,
to get married
Does not he ever think?
This is a robber love,
Of the most ordinary tunes
The joys are demolished
The love's roots outside
Dante and Beatrice
It imitates fiercely
This love is an invading,
Says haystack is a place for those who make love
It doesn't say anything else


I wanna try talk to you about every- everything
I can't get used to the color of the sky
But I prefer it to the ground, sincere song
I didn't make the rules, but I know the game
And if you have to put it on, put it on fire
No, not one of us, no, we're all brave
If you're going to come with everything, bring it to me, head on
Where are my gypsies?
Only they know what's going on here
Another weekend
Tell me, who wants someone to treat them that way?
I sleep alone in my bed
Much to think, little to say
Again, again
Who protects me?
I do, head-on!
Who protects me? (8x)
Beautiful woman, without money she has nothing to do
You don't see the queen who takes care of you
It doesn't make sense that you stay that way
The shameful things, my child, are what feeds me
I plant the field to go for a run
We're just souls in a line
The truth is I was born nude
Where are my gypsies?
Only they know what's going on here
Another weekend
Tell me, who wants someone to treat them that way?
I sleep alone in my bed
Much to think, little to say
Again, again
Who protects me?
I do, head-on!
Who protects me? (8x)
Where are my gypsies?
Only they know what's going on here
Another weekend
Tell me, who wants someone to treat them that way?
I sleep alone in my bed
Much to think, little to say
Again, again
Who protects me?
I do, head-on!
Who protects me? (8x)

Memories Of You

In the alleyway where the seasons pass
I met someone like you
Times I want to share with you
Are standing there
When did it start?
I started to rely on you
In a corner of my heart
Memories build up one by one
I keep thinking of you
I keep missing you
Day by day, one by one
It grows in my heart
Your breathtaking scent
Your breath comes to me
I closed my eyes tight
Because I was afraid of my pounding heart
Goodbye goodbye, moments that won’t ever come
Times that became mixed up without knowing
I want to hold onto you
But I’m letting you go


Nézem, ahogyan szebbé és szebbé válsz
Minden áldott nappal,
De tegnap szebb voltál mindenkinél, babám
Felébred bennem az ifjú
Egy régi orosz regényből,
Aki megőrül érted,
Őrültebb mindenkinél
Minden lényegtelen volt
Előtted, most már tudom
Csókoltam és ittam,
De egyedül voltam
És az élet nem volt Isten tudja, mi,
Ha azt mondom, hogy szeretlek
Az égig és vissza,
Hunyd le a szemed, és add mézédes ajkad
Bármibe, amit kérsz,
Ma este beleegyezem,
Csak mondj nekem igent
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
És tudd, hogy mindig támaszod leszek,
Nézem, ahogyan szebbé és szebbé válsz
Minden áldott nappal,
Tudd, hogy szépséged elveszi a lélegzetem
Mikor sétálunk,
A boldogság mindig velünk tart
Te nem ismered a könnyeket,
Én nem ismerem a félelmet
Minden lényegtelen volt
Előtted, most már tudom
Csókoltam és ittam,
De egyedül voltam
És az élet nem volt Isten tudja, mi,
Ha azt mondom, hogy szeretlek
Az égig és vissza,
Hunyd le a szemed, és add mézédes ajkad
Bármibe, amit kérsz,
Ma este beleegyezem,
Csak mondj nekem igent
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
És tudd, hogy mindig támaszod leszek,
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
Hadd vezessen minket az ébredéstől az alvásig ez a melódia

Let it lie (Smallfoot)

There was a time when yetis lived below
We were safe, never scared until the day we happened to disturb the Smallfoot
That's right, we used to live there
But there were things that were scarily wrong there
They had something that separated them from the animals
We found out about human nature
Innocent questions disappeared from our lips
When they answered with lightning, and with spears, and with sticks of thunder
They called us monsters, as if we were the threat towards them
That we were to be huntet, that was clear as day, no doubs about it
To flee was the only way out
It was enough, we understood that we stood before our end
We crawled up the mountain in order not to die
Because we knew that smallfoot can't take the ice and snow
So it was here that the first law was written in stone
It was spread, undisputed, as a clear truth
Our world is an island that's floating on a sea
Of thick clouds, a small enclave
Then the laws became more, they led us on the right path
Yes, for all our sake there was no other way
To protect ourselves from the fighting of the human race
That they spread with endless foulness
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Watch and learn, watch and learn
A new law today
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Stop digging, just let it lie
Let it lie
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Watch and learn, watch and learn
We can have a good life
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Stop digging, just let it lie
Let it lie
Wait, we're under the clouds
Many say that, but look closer
It's not clouds, it's steam!
The stones are working
Ever duty, every job, for adults and for children
They fill their function so that this big machine
Can toss and turn and spin even more
So that no one looks up, and no one looks down
Because trust me, no matter what I say they'll start looking
Because the only thing that's bigger than fear is the will to know
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Let it lie
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
You feel the courage from your nobel pursuit of what is true
But you're young and naïve and something of a dork
So let me explain that what you know of life is a small amount
And what's true and not true is in the eye of the beholder
So do you want to save our world and steer fate?
Then the goal has to be only to control the flow of information
Can you stand quiet and let Smallfoot pillage and torment us?
Then protect the lie, so they all stop asking


Még sohasem jártam Málnafalván eddig a napig,
Vagy pontosabban ma estig.
De miután a srácok ma meghívtak ide -
Örökre itt maradnék!
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, micsoda bulik.
Zöld ösvények, ahol csend és frissesség van.
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, barnák és szőkék,
Fiúk és lányok.
Hé DJ, tedd fel a lemezt!
Málnafalván a nap a vége felé közeledik,
És mi még mindig a málna erdőben vagyunk
Málna dalokat éneklünk
A halványan pislogó málna csillagképek alatt.
A bátor nadrágom málna színe
Körbe mindent megvilágít, mint a Nap,
Belemerülök a tánc ritmusába
És nem kell rohanni, itt nincs hova menni.
Nézz oda, a naplemente olyan málna színű,
Otthon ennek csak a felét láttad.
Reggel ő fog emlékeztetni téged
Erre a málna estére, erre a málna paradicsomra,
Az ünnepségre, amit veled együtt itt ünnepeltünk,
És hogy az egész világon nincs annyi málna, mint itt.
Hé DJ, tedd fel a lemezt -
Az 'Avariya' Málnafalvára megy!
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, micsoda bulik.
Zöld ösvények, ahol csend és frissesség van.
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, barnák és szőkék,
Fiúk és lányok.
Az 'Avariya' Málnafalvára megy!
Málnafalván mindannyian összegyűlnek ünnepelni.
Mennyi ember: málnák és egyéb különfélék.
Még maga a málna főnök is eljött ide,
Aki megold akármilyen málna ügyet.
Örül, hogy találkozik a barátaival, mert nagyszerű,
Amikor mindenki itt van a kerítés ezen oldalán.
Ahogy sétál, a nyomában ezek a szavak követik:
'Íme a király-málna nyár!'
Ő olyan, mint mi - nem magas és nem is alacsony,
Reggel elmegy a málna pályákhoz,
Rátop a gázra, nem szereti a féket,
És egy mosoly ragyog a málna szemeiben,
Gitárt ragad - meghallgathatod.
Ma énekelni fog nekünk, ha szerencsénk van.
Ő jártas ebben - csak várj.
Adj mindenkinek málna életet!
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, micsoda bulik.
Zöld ösvények, ahol csend és frissesség van.
Jól van, jól van!
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, barnák és szőkék,
Fiúk és lányok.
Adj mindenkinek málna életet!
Amikor késő este kijössz az 'Avariya-ból',
Tégy mindent úgy, ahogy megegyeztünk.
Itt vagyunk mi, vagy ő, vagy én,
Itt vár rád Málnaország!
Az utazás ideje fel sem tűnik,
Csak 15 km ide gyalog,
De beülhetsz a kormány mögé is, megnyomod a pedált,
Mindkét szemeddel a málna végtelenbe tekintesz.
Vannak itt gyöngyvirágok, tulipánok, nefelejcsek,
Ide málna ajkú lányok járnak,
Itt van ilyen ózon, itt van ilyen dallam,
Itt vagy te, vagy ő, vagy én.
Köpj a tenyeredre és igazítsd meg a málna hajad,
Itt felejthetetlen ifjúság vár rád.
Itt vagyunk mi, vagy ő, vagy én,
Itt vár rád Málnaország!
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, micsoda bulik.
Zöld ösvények, ahol csend és frissesség van.
Málnafalva, Málnafalva, barnák és szőkék,
Fiúk és lányok.
Itt vár rád Málnaország!


Those who have seen the earth moaning
In the white teeth of the sea
And the cold slab of foam
Seven feet from one's eyes
Has stepped in the curves of the map
And on the rays of the rising sun
Has touched the strings of the harp
Of incandescent steel
I went through the whole dream
In the dead of the night
And I saw bullet plantations
Seeds from the shotgun
I kill, you kill and he kills
Those who boast won't really kill
Those who are silent acquiesce to the speaking
And the shouts of the boss
Those who saw the black dogs
Barking to the moonlight
And the vain flight of bats
Screaming quietly in the air
Know the strenght contained
In the spring of the storms
Casting a shadow over the stars
On the shoulders of the generals
The cruelest trap
Crossroads of the ends
And the foundations of the islands
Eaten by the termites
The delicate flower of the wound
Hurting even the machete
And the map of my life
In the palm of my hand
Those who have seen an arm of sadow
Cast by the leaves of a palm tree
Land in a long caress
In the shoulders of the whole earth
Have heard from the night's mouth
A fierce and deadly silence
And seen the jester
Dancing in a funeral
The cruelest trap
Crossroads of the ends
And the foundations of the islands
Eaten by the termites
The delicate flower of the wound
Hurting even the machete
And the map of my life
In the palm of my hand

Galloping Song

It was a time that time itself can't forget
When the hoarse roar of thunders could be heard
Heavens began to open
In an apparent blazing crack
The poet begins his prayer
Strumming guitar strings and laments
Writing his new commandments
In the border of an insane world
Riding in a galloping hammer1
And tripping in crazy thoughts
Riding in a galloping hammer
And tripping in crazy thoughts
Seven boots steped on the roof
Seven leagues were then fulfilled
Seven waterfalls of lava and ivory
Seven cups of spilled blood
Seven sharp knives
Seven watchful eyes I closed2
Seven times I kneeled
In the presence of an illuminated being
As a blind man, I was so obfuscated
By the shine of the eyes I looked into
It could be that no one will understand me
When I say I'm a visionary
It could be that the Bible is actually a dictionary
It all could be a refarm3
But my mind may disobey me
If I want to return again
For the world of laws to force me
To fight for the err of the mistake
I prefer a sovereign gallop
Than to surrender to the madness of the world
  • 1. It's a reference to a kind of poetry metrics called 'Martelo Agalopado', or 'Galloping Hammer', in which this song was written
  • 2. Meaning he killed
  • 3. Reference to the song Refazenda [Refarm] by Gilberto Gil


Versions: #1
Give me your money
Because I want to live
Give me your watch
Because I want to know
How long
Until I'm over you
How much a man is worth
So he can love you
My profession
Is dirty and vulgar
I want to be paid
To go to bed with women
And with you
Smother my laughter
Give me your love
Because I don't need it
Oh oh
Oh oh
Our relationship
Ends this way
Like a candy
That melts
In the red mouth
Of a crazy lady
Pay me
And put on your clothes
Leave the door open
As you walk away
You leave crying
And I stay smiling
Tell your girlfriends
All went wrong
All went wrong
I wouldn't worry about it
Coming from a thug

A Young, Beautiful and Affectionate Woman

In a struggle between Greeks and Trojans
For Helen, Menelaus' wife
History tells of a wooden horse
That put end to a ten-year-war
Menelaus, the greatest Spartan
Defeated Paris, the great seducer
Humiliating Hector's family
In defense of a wayward honor
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
Women have two diamonds in their face
Faithful leaders of her destiny
Those who don't love a female's smile
Ignore Cervante's poetry
The bravery of the great discoverers
Fighting the roaring seas and storms
If women weren't a sweet flower
History would be false
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
Virgulino Ferreira, Lampião1
Highwayman of the northeastern woods
Without fear of danger and ruin
Was the king of banditry in the backlands
But one day he felt in his heart
The attractive spell of love
That black girl from the condor's land
Tamed a dangerous beast
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
A young beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from
Moan but not from
Moan but not from
Moan but not from pain

How bad was it for you

Natti Nat, mmm
Rude gyal
The last time (the last time)
You told me that you hated me and that you would not come back (no, no)
Suddenly I received a call and it was you again (it was you again)
You who thought that my world was going to turn upside down because you are leaving
How bad was it for you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped (Rude gyal)
[Verse 1]
Now I'm the one around (wuh), your girl is on the loose (ah)
Over there revolt, single, but there is one of answer (ah)
They say to speak clearly costs nothing
But you spent everything from the bank and the rent
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I have to change you
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I'm going to change you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped (Natti Nat)
[Verse 2]
Change your user account (yah), it will be necessary
I will make fun of you in the comment section
So that you don't fuck with me
You are clear that we are already an enemies
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I have to change you
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I'm going to change you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
Rude gyal (Rude gyal)
The last time (the last time)
You told me that you hated me and that you would not come back (no, no)
Suddenly I received a call and it was you again (it was you again)
You who thought that my world was going to turn upside down because you are leaving
How bad was it for you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped (Rude gyal)
Now I'm the one with the—
Now I'm the one with the—
Now I'm the one with the—

Dear Me

Please let go of me
So I can breath
So I can be free
In this passing scene
There are things I wanna tell myself
As if I am singing
I love myself
I trust myself
Words that I didn't have before
Trap me
In this deep night
With only
Sleepless loneliness remaining
There are things I wanna tell myself
As if I am singing
I love myself
I trust myself
Words that I didn't have before
See how I've endured through the long darkness
Even if the nights comes again,I won't hide
I have myself by my side
To the sky that will start to brighten
I will become a spreading light and fly
If only I can tell myself
Some day
I love myself
I trust myself
Will you remember?
I trust myself
Please remember
I love myself
I trust myself
These are the words that will embrace me

My brothers across the ocean

My brothers across the ocean,
I too will come to you one day.
Oh, Stevan, Momčilo and Risto,
Why haven't you come home?
Where are you now, peregrine falcons,
That you may see how your brother is living?
A black sky... a storm is brewing,
In Krajina there is no longer peace.
Say hello to the whole beloved motherland
Of our old granddad, from over there in Chicago.
And God willing, on Holy Sunday
Momčilo will be taking a walk through Krajina.
If it comes to a bloody battle,
I shall give my life, oh Krajina of mine.
I shall give my life, and I shall not regret it,
I know for whom and why I am giving it.

Wow (Váó)

[Első szakasz]
Azt mondta, végzett a kis pénzzel, neki nagy fiú kell
Kihúzni 20 hüvelykes pengéket mintha Lil’ Troy lennék
Már mindenki a celebekkel spanol, kéne egy csali
A csinibaba keveri a Vodkát LaCorix-val, igen
G-Wagen, G-Wagen, G-Wagen, G-Wagen
Az összes háziasszony közeledik (fel, fel)
Rengeteg játékom van, a 720S-ből Fall Out Boy bömböl
Szarságokról beszéltél az elején (mm-mm)
Amikor még az elnézőbb hangulatomban voltam (elnézőbb)
Tudom, hogy kikészít, ha nyerni látsz (látsz)
Nézd az iglut a számban, amikor mosolygom (mosolygom), igen
Száz dollárosok a zsebemben, rajtam van
Száz testőr amikor úgy közlekedem, mint a hadsereg
Szerezz több üveget, ezek már elhagyatottak
Ez a pillanat, amikor feltűnök és azt mondom, “wow” (wow, wow)
Száz dollárosok a zsebemben, rajtam van (rajtam)
Igen, nagyanyád talán ismer (ismer)
Szerezz több üveget, ezek már elhagyatottak
Ez a pillanat, amikor feltűnök és azt mondom, “wow” (wow, wow)
[Második szakasz]
Akárhová megyek (hey)
Blockolj engem, mint Mutumbot (wow)
750 Kambo az utahi havon (skrrt)
A csomagtartója elől, mint az a szaros Dumbo, igen
Leszedem a tetejét, ez egy plasztikai műtét
Leállok a ház mellé néhány nagy fenekűvel
A konyhapultot egy sztriptízbárrá alakítom (igen, wow)
Én és Dre jöttünk a...
Amikor egy köteg pénzt szereztem, mind eltűntetek (wow)
Mielőtt kiadtam a Stoneyt, semmelyikőtöket nem érdekeltem (érdekeltem)
Most már mindig azt mondják a gyereknek, hogy “Gratulálunk” (gyereknek)
És ez nem 40, de én kiöntöm ezt a szar (igen)
Rengeteg volt nálam, de most több van (igen)
Újabb slágert csináltam, mert már unom magam (igen)
Mindig azért megyek, sosem szereztem negyedik downt
Utolsó hívás, Hail Mary, Prescott touchdown, ayy
Száz dollárosok a zsebemben, rajtam van (rajtam)
Száz testőr amikor úgy közlekedem, mint a hadsereg (hey)
Szerezz több üveget, ezek már elhagyatottak
Ez a pillanat, amikor feltűnök és azt mondom, “wow” (wow, wow)
Száz dollárosok a zsebemben, rajtam van (igen, igen)
Igen, nagyanyád talán ismer (igen, igen)
Szerezz több üveget, ezek már elhagyatottak
Ez a pillanat, amikor feltűnök és azt mondom, “wow”
Azt modom, “wow”
Ayy, ayy, wow
Mondom, “wow”


oh father it's strange, he knocked the door on me
he wanted to drink water and I gave him, poor one
he didn't have anyone, he was walking slowly
his heart was tired from travelling
he was thirsty and I watered him, he was cold and I made him warm
what happened is that I loved him, I hid him in my heart
this is a heart not a stone
the neighbors saw me hiding him in my eyes
they knew that I'm in love and called me crazy
oh father, I won't let him go, I swear I won't
and I will continue my life on his way
I hid him in my eyelashes, I gave him my life and soul
oh people, I loved him, his house became in my heart
enough with the harshness, we are humans
his heart is on mine, his way is on my way
what happened so we hide? it's neither his fault nor mine
two hearts that met and longed for each other
oh how much I'm afraid that fate will separate us
you became a part of me, your absence will make me crazy
don't ever go away from me, your nearness makes me assured
and oh, what will life worth without you?

I Wonder

You were him, forever absent
Absent from the life you promised me in the past
A sacred promise you made
that you had found the woman of your life
I spent my evenings searching for my caresses
that you had promised me, but in one night I had lost them
I spent my days and my good mornings
smothering them in bed, in the dark, in misery
I wonder, I continue to ask you
Will we find a solution together?
I wonder, to you who left, I'm speaking
Will you change the map for us?
You were he who was on the way,
on the road that brought us to this separation
Black was white if I said so
and my desire for you forbidden
I spent my evenings searching for my caresses
that you had promised me, but in one night I had lost them
I spent my days and my good mornings
smothering them in bed, in the dark, in misery
I wonder, I continue to ask you
Will we find a solution together?
I wonder, to you who left, I'm speaking
Will you change the map for us?

Embrionális Anomália

Magzat eltávolítva és legyilkolva, míg az anya alszik.
Lecserélve egy embrionális anomáliára,
amit arra tenyésztettek ki, hogy amikor eljön az idő, öljön.
Civilizációban álcázott élet, az elszigeteltség gyűlöletet szül.
Kifakad, terjeszteni kezdi a mészárlást, a beültetett idegen most végrehajt,
megállíthatatlan erő.
A tehetetlen emberek képtelenek legyőzni,
a domináns anti-empireumi faj vezetőjét.
Elsöprő energiával életeket követel,
halál orrfacsaró bűze emelkedik a levegőbe, pusztítás, egy mészárlás,
kiirtás a legtisztább formájában,
a föld rövidesen feledésbe merülő disznójának népirtása,
hulláikból lakmározunk, hogy gyilkos ámokfutásunkat tápláljuk.
Magzat eltávolítva és legyilkolva, míg az anya alszik.
Lecserélve egy embrionális anomáliára,
amit arra tenyésztettek ki, hogy amikor eljön az idő, öljön.

Give It To Me Good

Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nobody-nobody's gonna die
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode (ah, come on, uh, ah)
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode (prr, prr, prr, prr)
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode (prr, ah, come on, uh)
Nobody's gonna die, nobody-nobody (ah, oh, let's go!)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-1)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-, swa!)
I've got no trouble adopting another position
I've got a degree in it
The exact temperature
Don't give me abbreviation
My favorite poem is connected to you
Exact mathematics
What are you braggin' about? What the fuck for? (What the fuck for?)
Nobody called, the party's started
Though nobody cares, that's important to me
Look at me like that, from top to bottom, I like it
There's nobody else, today I'm your accessory
The best part of the story
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nobody-nobody
The champ is here, sweet like syrup
You want me to give it to you, but give it good (ey)
Solid like the punch that knocked out Manny Pacquiao2
Just like you give to a borrowed car
You've got the minutes and seconds counted well
So you can give them the best quicky they've ever had
Come closer, cuz I'm all sweaty
Let me suck on your neck, come on, baby, yummy, tastes salty
Let's go to Seville,3my baby girl, take that hangman thong
Dock the ferry on the port of Bilbao4
Dirty, but never foulmouthed
You're bad, Mala5, but I'm badly behaved
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nothing's gonna explode
Nobody's gonna die, nobody-nobody (Freedia! Let's go!)
Gimme some of that, gimme-gimme-gimme-gimme
Gimme some of that, gimme-gimme-gimme-gimme
Gimme some of that, gimme-gimme-gimme-gimme
Gimme some of that, gimme-gimme-gimme
Now, now, now, don't wait
Now, now, now, you late
I order, I order, I order the cake
Icing so thick that you don't see the plate
Never back it down, never hesitate
I make thickies bounce, you could say I'm moving weight
Ass so loud, got a lot to say
Got a lot to say, got a-got a lot to say
I'm sorry, I don't speak, I speak with my ass
I'm sorry, I don't speak, I speak with my ass
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-, ah, come on, ah)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-, now give it to me, now give it to me)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-, uh)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, now give it to me prr)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-, eh, ah)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-, now give it to me, now give it to me)
Now give it to me good (ah-, ah-, ah-, ah-ah-ah-, eh ah, let's go!)
The Guaynaabichy6 (now give it to me good)
My pussy (now give it to me good)
El Guaynaabichy (now give it to me good)
With Mala Rodríguez (now give it to me good)
(Freedia) Ladies and gentlemen
(Let's go!) (now give it to me good)
For the old folks, for the grown-ups and the kids (now give it to me good)
Ah-ah-ah-now give it to me (now give it to me good)
Now give it to me (now give it to me good)
I've got no trouble adopting another position (now give it to me)
Ey, ey, ey (now give it to me good)
Don't give me abbreviation
Now give it to me
Now give it to me (now give it to me good)
What the fuck for? Nobody called (ey, ey, ey) (now give it to me good)
Now give it to me good
The party has started (now give it to me good)
  • 1. I decided not to translate all the 'ah's even though they're supposed to sound like the first syllable of 'ahora'. It seemed silly to translate it as 'Nuh-nuh-nuh now give it to me'.
  • 2. A Filipino boxer, considered one of the best
  • 3. A city of about 600,000 in southwest Spain.
  • 4. A city of about 350,000 in northern Spain near the sea
  • 5. A pun on her name
  • 6. Guaynaabichy is one of Guaynaa's nicknames, coming from the Guaynabo region in Puerto Rico.

Where have you been?

I'll sing, you'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
Sing lyrics for us by heart
I'll sing, you'll cry
You'll cry
You'll sing along and cry
You'll cry
I withdrawn into myself, texts, notes
You told me, the songs're the worst idea
I'm a poet and not always hear the right note
But I hear your hearts, that's more important
I composed all the songs about you
I invented this love to you myself
So sing along, look at
Who I have become
Just a question
Where have you been?? With who?
I, I sang in stairwells
I sang these songs, sang to different stupid birches
Where have you been?? With who?
I, I sang in stairwells
I sang these songs, sang to different stupid birches
I'll sing, you'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
Sing lyrics for us by heart
I'll sing, you'll cry
You'll cry
You'll sing along and cry
You'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
Sing lyrics for us by heart
I'll sing, you'll cry
You'll cry
You'll sing along and cry
You'll cry
No matter where I am
The avenue leads to you
Let's put aside doubts
I'm with you, without you I'm lost, yes
Here's my shoulder, hold it
Give me your hand, we'll run away
From this dirty lie
But you've foiled it
There are floors between us
I have a good life
Though you threw me on knives
I learned how to live without you
There are floors between us
I have a good life,
Though you threw me on knives
I learned how to live without you
To live without you
To live without you
To live without you
Just a question
Where have you been?? With who?
I, I sang in stairwells
I sang these songs, sang to different stupid birches

Bad saint

They say there is danger when I go out
That I'm not afraid of the bad (Sometimes I'm a fire)
Don't get confused, I'm not good at all
In my eyes you see evil
I am neither bad nor saint
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
[?] the boom-boom as an earthquake
Couple of drinks and I go into eroticism
I don't say anything, but I want the same
And when I dance like this
You grab me at the waist
My fever goes up
I see his body how he sweats
And that still
He hasn't seen me naked in his bed
I am for lose your mind
Don't talk to me about love
That doesn't interest me
You like the game, I'm the one who starts
But remember that
I am neither bad nor saint
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
A shot of tequila
Rumba until the next day
Single, that's how he loved me
They said that I gave fire
And this doesn't stop
That barely begins
Turn off cell phones
We are for evils
And this doesn't stop
That barely begins
Turn off cell phones
We are for evils
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Too bad

She is alone
And I walk alone
She says she knows who I am
But i don't know her
Today she got pretty
So that I saw her
And he tells me that if I remember her
We do what you want
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Yeah yeah
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
Sorry I don't remember you
But your friend already told me everything and I have the green
I don't fall in love, because he who falls in love loses
Then you came here just to see me
I feel like it and it looks far away
Get on the bass to get him
With a blah blah blah for me to remember me
Pa’m every day is Friday
I feel like it and it looks far away
Get on the bass to get him
With a blah blah blah for me to remember me
Pa’m every day is Friday
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Something I took that night that damaged my mind
I went crazy, unconscious
It doesn't mean that because I don't remember you
I'm not happy to see you again
I'm curious and you know that
Today I am set to do evil
Your name today I do not remember
But tonight I learn
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Yeah yeah
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best

It doesn't go away

Versions: #2
Here again
I'm thinking about you
I do not know why I miss you
If we are two strangers (yeah)
It started with a borrowed kiss
And it ended a little more cheeky
Oh my God, what did we do (yeah)
It's that the night was timely
For what I feel there is no vaccine
And I can not forget you
And your beauty that does not help me
You abuse, you use me, you know it, I like it
And as much as I try
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
I saw you and I liked you so much
You passed by and I stared
We felt connection immediately
You took me to heaven and I stayed there for a while baby
Your waist is candle
You hit like this
And I feel that your skin burns me
Uncontrolled my system
You have something that not everyone has, my girl
It's that the night was timely
For what I feel there is no vaccine
And I can not forget you
And your beauty that does not help me
You abuse, you use me, you know it, I like it
And as much as I try
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
Here again
I'm thinking about you
I do not know why I miss you
If we are two strangers (yeah)
It started with a borrowed kiss
And it ended a little more cheeky
Oh my God, what did we do (yeah)
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
(It doesn't go away)
Ricky Ricky Ricky Martin
(This doesn't go away
The taste of your mouth)
Maluma baby
(It's still in my mouth)
(There is no one who can break it
It went without warning)
Once again
(And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor)

Basic Instinct

Sounds so good
Yeh-yeh, yeh-yeh, ah-ah-ah
it says, uh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
Maybe, one day I will do you wrong
And it's not because I stopped loving you (stopped loving you)
It's my basic instinct
Once and for all, today I want to confess to you
But don't take it personally
It's my basic instinct
I am not the one to break a heart (heart)
Of course you are right
I swear to you it's not my intention
And I warning you ahead
That if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
And if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
It's better to hurt now, that I am warning you
That you get a message by surprise
that says 'John is messin' around'
And is looking for what he already has on his table
It's a Sech!
I wake up like to 2 to 0
Like a flight, when the plane is already going up in the sky
Like losing the sun in a rain shower
Better to not even wait, I have to be honest
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I am not the one to break a heart (heart)
Of course you are right
I swear to you it's not my intention
And I warning you ahead
That if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
And if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
This is a Sech, yeh,
Maluma baby
baby, baby, baby, baby,
Hottie, listen

Puff, a paper kite

Once upon a time there was a paper kite named Puff
Who was lying by the beach
He dreamt about flying to a faraway fairytale land
And then came a boy named Peter
And Puff got so happy
'Come! Play with me, and help me fly'
Puff asked him nicely
Yes, of course you may fly
High into the sky (Blue)
I'll give you speed and soon you will
Reach over the treetops
Puff, the happy kite
Is floating happily
And dances with a summer wind
Which takes a grip of his wings
'Come on, let's go
On big adventures'
Puff's yelling at Peter
As he goes up to the sky
Princes and princesses
Shall bow for us two
And the king's guard who spot us
Shall stand at attention
Yes Puff, the happy kite
Flew over the beach
He floated in the sky
To a faraway fairytale country
Puff and Peter are playing
With each other all the time
And many big adventures
They found in their fairytale country
But kites just want to fly
And boys grow up
And one day the passing of time
Put a stop to their playing
Perhaps Peter forgot about his old friend
For Puff never saw his playmate again
And Puff misses Peter
He mourns every day
The winds can't take a grip of his wings anymore
For one can't fly alone, Puff knows
And now gone is Peter
Who helped him with that
Puff, a paper kite
Is flying on the beach
He may now never fly again
In a sunny summerland
Puff, the poor kite
Is being hidden in sand
And he may never fly again
For it's autumn in the country of the fairytales

11 PM

11 in the night, still doesn’t answer
1 in the morning, still no answer
2 in the morning, tells me that she is willing
3 in the morning, I have a proposal
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
He isn't going to miss you
Either think of you
He says he's busy with more important things
The cloud that does not let see the bright sun
Do not let him turn it off
Do not let him turn it off
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
11 in the night, still doesn’t answer
1 in the morning, still no answer
2 in the morning, tells me that she is willing
3 in the morning, I have a proposal
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
Maluma baby


The promise stays in promise
Let us fulfill even without promising
Words are forgotten
And I live in the same silence as yesterday.
You do not find yourself, you shut up and you give
You can not find shapes, Life is short
Thinking about what you want and do not have you hurt yourself
And you go through your life year after year, like a fly in the swamp.
You never notice your bad intentions
He premedits his actions
Ghosts burn but leave footprints
The past is a ghost, fear is a ghost
Damn ghosts.
The certainty is losing strength
Even if you do not want to see it
A crossroads on the road, takes you very soon to the losing route.
You do not find yourself, you shut up and you give
You can not find forms, life is short
Thinking about what you want and do not have you hurt yourself
And you travel your life year after year
Like a fly in the swamp.

Wonderful Life

Look around, see, this is the
big wide world,
that's known to us.
But life is much more diverse,
there is much beauty in it.
All this is bigger,
bigger yet,
it'll soon unfold
before us and everything is yet to come.
You don't know where you'll end up,
the world is before you, a land of magic,
it's waiting just for you.
All that is yet incomprehensive to us,
you want to know it all, it will soon be clear.
Everywhere where you go,
the sky and the earth ?,
because a life where there's magic
is a beautiful life.
Look further, explore
what's under the surface and don't stop.
Go closer, everything isn't
Wait, it's sleeping deep (inside).
Listen how all of this is
calling to you.
You know, it's calling to you.
You don't know where you'll end up,
the world is before you, a land of magic,
it's waiting just for you.
All that is yet incomprehensive to us,
you want to know it all, it will soon be clear.
Everywhere where you go,
the sky and the earth ?,
because a life where there's magic
is a beautiful life.

It's Not Normal

It's not normal to love someone like this—
a someone who is with you just because
you're a one-night stand and nothing more—
and now I who love you no longer can live without you.
It's not normal that you never want to
reveal the truth of just who you are and are not—
that every day you do what you want and with whomever you want.
And I love you
when I think of you (when I think of you)—
that everything is for me (everything is for me).
I would cry out in anger
but if you will understand (but if you will understand)
and one day you change (day you change),
I still and always will love you.
It's not normal but you do this every day
and do not understand that sooner or later you will regret it.
True love is not what you are living
and I, who love you only, will wait for you.
Whoa yea.

Dear Mommy Dear Papa

Romanians Tunisians
Yemenites and Moroccans
It does not matter what the ethnic group is
Those who come say thank you
From Poland and from Caucasia
Tonight no one moves
Age doesn't matter at all
The main thing is exercise
The place rattles and we brought an innovative beat
A sea of ​​people jumping on each other
Kik and Bass of EDM in oriental style
And if you thought of sitting for a second you would flip over ...
No cash is needed here
Everyone will move the pelvis
Millionaire and pauper
What a great night
No cash is needed here
Everyone will move the pelvis
Dear Mommy Dear papa
How the place is filling up
Hungarians Tripolithians
Sabras are saying cheers
We will unite the generations
It's a group of exiles
From Algeria and from Iraq
Now everyone shouts hard
Bride and groom
The place rattles and we brought an innovative beat
A sea of ​​people jumping on each other
Kik and Bass of EDM in oriental style
And if you thought of sitting for a second you would flip over ...
No cash is needed here
Everyone will move the pelvis
Millionaire and pauper
What a great night
No cash is needed here
Everyone will move the pelvis
Dear Mommy Dear papa
How the place is filling up