Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 156


With the same love

With the same love you had once for me,
A garden of splendor, whose moving thickets,
Give shade on a long lawn and gentle roses,
In these dark times you are my calmness and refuge.
Everything is concentrated here, your fervor and clarity,
And your gestures gathering the flowers of your goodness,
But everything here is tight in a deep peace,
Against the high winds, piercing the world's winter.
My happiness warms up here in your folded arms,
Your nice, naive and well-known words,
Always sing so charming in my ear,
Reminding the days of white lilacs and red currants.
Your mood, cheerful and clear, Oh! I feel it,
Every day overcoming the sorrow of years,
And you smile to yourself, seeing silver threads,
Their wavy net among your straight hair.
When your head tilts to my deep kiss
I don't care if wrinkles mark your forehead,
And may your hands be crossed by hard veins,
While I hold them in my two safe hands!
You never complain and you strongly believe
That nothing true dies when you love each other properly,
And may the living fire that feeds on our soul,
Consumes until mourning to grow its flame.


Teli torokból viszlátot és köszönömöt kiáltok
Ez valami, ami fontosabb a bánatnál
Remélve, hogy elérnek hozzád, miközben elválunk
Még időben a meleghez és a fájdalomhoz
Azt hittem mindig így lesz
Elképzeltem a az eljövendő napjainkat
A fény, amire vágytunk
A szívünk mélyén még mindig ég
Egy lángoló utazás során találkoztunk
Összejöttünk, aztán szétmentünk a jövőnk érdekében
Valahányszor egy álmom valóra válik, rád fogok emlékezni
Sírtam és azt kívántam, hogy erősebb legyek
Az elszántságom a búcsúajándékom
Kedves emlékek tartottak fogva
A világ kegyetlenségén zokogtam
Ahogy öregszem ezek az érzések csak erősebbek lesznek
Soha többé nem akarok semmit elveszíteni!
Ha engedek a bánatnak
Talán többé nem érzek fájdalmat
A szavaidtól (szavaidtól)
A vágyaidtól (vágyaidtól)
Esküszöm, hogy a végsőkig védem őket
Összeomlik nagy zajjal
A mi egyetlen és pótolhatatlan világunk
A fénynyaláb, amit magamhoz húztam és öleltem
Csillogott aztán eltűnt a jövő érdekében
Túllépek a rám hagyott boldogságon és reményen
Előre fogok haladni, nem nézek vissza
Csak előre nézek majd és felkiáltok
Meggyújtva a lángot a szívemben
Amíg a távoli jövőt el nem érem

My Mental Illness

I am at the hospital but I have no pain
but its worse because it is my head trying to escape my being
a sort of sorrow in my skull that has its ups and downs
my soul looks like the walls of my room
They could have at least tried on the decor
they probably thought that I was dead or
or maybe just blind enough to be content with this furniture
my nurse sheds light
when she comes to decrease my dosage, I no longer feel the psychosis
but when I get back on my feet, I don't remember much
because of the noise that my pink pill creates
my mental illness
fuck it's really not great
if I had pain in my foot, we could have cut it off
but it's the fact that the beast lives in my head, and that's why we can't amputate
and that's exactly why it pisses me off
I have memory loss, in the hallway in my underwear
I take the opportunity to say 'Hi' to people with my tincture
and my home nurse observes my circus
when I cry in front of my sister
because I am afraid of my doctor
now that my heart is no longer up to the task
my whole family has reunited today
and they are swarming around my bed
there are some people I no longer recognize
all the seconds fall back onto me
a good friend calls me to see how I am doing
I answer, and say 'pardon me, could you tell me what your name is?'
it's stupid and it's long in my dimension
my mental illness
fuck it's really not great
if i had pain in my foot, we could have cut it off
but it's the fact that the beast lives in my head, and that's why we can't amputate
and that's exactly why it pisses me off
I am at the hospital but I have no pain

I remember

I remember very well
the murder of the African American
who was laying on the ground doing nothing
with a knee in the nape of his neck
for nearly 10 minutes
suffocated by a White
by a big whore cop
fuck, we know
that racism goes even further than that
have you ever asked yourself
what it was to be privileged
in our society?
in the small hours of the morning
I was walking down my street
I was not afraid that dogs
would come sniff my ass
fuck, we know
that racism goes even further than that
I remember very well
the religion that had 2 hands
in our society
so we tossed it aside and modernized
there are a lot of things that changed
but we never gave up
so why is it that in 2020
we are even more afraid of our neighbors?
the secularism of the state
we have to keep it in a good state
but not in spite of all our friends
who have been living here for decades
and who just want to go to work
with their identity
if one day my daughter
is taught
the quiet revolution
by a veiled woman
well, fuck, we will all know
racism has always been wrong
I remember very well
a woman who filmed the end
of her life
strapped to her hospital bed
treated like a fucking animal
the name of this woman
is Joyce Echaquan

The Bottle

This bottle is (smooch) the ideal girlfriend,
The ideal girlfriend who I don't want to see empty¹.(clink)
She doesn't scold me (smooch), she doesn't cheat on me.
She doesn't throw a fit (smooch), she has no disease.
This bottle is (smooch) my favourite girlfriend, (smooch)
My favourite girlfriend (smooch) who gets me high.
I can rip her to pieces, (smooch), she will not get offended,
This bottle is (smooch) my favourite girlfriend.
I could do anything to her, she will stay by my side,
When I'm feeling lonelier, she makes me feel better.
This bottle is (smooch) the main girlfriend, (smooch),
The main girlfriend who has no education.
She doesn't bother me, (clink), she doesn't nag me,
I am certain that this is the only girlfriend that loves me.
My beloved alcohol, I'm so glad you have found me!
The planet is huge... and yet we still have met.
This bottle is (smooch) the ideal girlfriend, (smooch)
The ideal girlfriend who I don't want to see empty. (clink)
(multiple times)

My Osijek

My Osijek is full if sunshine
Quiet and peaceful by the Drava
To me, it will always be
The most beautiful song and verse
My city lying on Drava,
Where my whole youth is,
Every stone of yours
Hides love without an end
When lights fade
And new moon appears
On the coast of Drava
The weary city unwinds
My Osijek is full if sunshine
Quiet and peaceful by the Drava
To all of us, it will always be
The most beautiful song and verse

Oy, Serbia, Mother

Oy, Serbia, Mother, don't be scared of war
You have two sisters if you don't have a brother
Oy, Serbia, Mother, don't be scared of war
You have two sisters if you don't have a brother
Sisters like those the world has never had
Republic of Serbia and Serbian Krajina
Sisters like those the world has never had
Republic of Serbia and Serbian Krajina
Those who threaten with force, let them
Serbs are not Turks, to beg
Those who threaten with force, let them
Serbs are not Turks, to beg
Sisters like those the world has never had
Republic of Serbia and Serbian Krajina
Sisters like those the world has never had
Republic of Serbia and Serbian Krajina
The time will come, Mother, for your sun to shine
Don't be scared from anyone from that shore of Drina
The time will come, Mother, for your sun to shine
Don't be scared from anyone from that shore of Drina
Sisters like those the world has never had
Republic of Serbia and Serbian Krajina
Sisters like those the world has never had
Republic of Serbia and Serbian Krajina
Republic of Serbia and Serbian Krajina


After I gave you my heart that couldn’t reach you
I just watched you getting farther away
Now I’m holding onto my feelings that I can’t let go
Closing my eyes again, waiting for tomorrow
I know you’ll be my home Someday
No matter what kind of day it is
I know you’ll be my home Someday
I’m waiting for you
After I gave you my heart that couldn’t reach you
I watched the day ending
Now I’m holding onto my feelings that I can’t put back
I know you’ll be my home Someday
No matter what kind of day it is
I know you’ll be my home Someday
I’m waiting for you
You belong to me You belong to me
You belong to me You belong to me
I tried to be in your embrace again
But it’s too far away
You know I want you so
Oh no I want you so You know
I know you’ll be my home Someday
No matter what kind of day it is
I know you’ll be my home Someday
I’m waiting for you
You belong to me You belong to me
You belong to me You belong to me


Versions: #1
'Farewell. Thank you for everything', I tell you with the best of my voice.
You were something more precious to me than sadness.
With my back leaving yours, I wanted to convey this
so I could be in time for the warmth and agony.
I thought we'd continue on forever as we were.
I had drawn our tomorrow.
While the light was still intense deep inside our hearts,
we called out our names.
Both of us burn brightly. I met you in the middle of a journey,
took your hand, and then let it go for our future.
Every time a single dream of mine comes true, I seem to think of you.
Wishing for more strength, I cried and made this decision our farewell gift.
Trapped by nostalgic thoughts,
I cry and shout at this cruel world.
They're increasing the more I grow up.
I don't want to lose you even a single time anymore.
If I swallow and give in to my sadness,
I'll stop feeling agony, but
your words, your wishes,
I swore to protect them to the end.
Making noise, this one and only
irreplaceable world
crumbles down.
As I reached out my hand, bundles of fierce light held me back.
They shined on me, then vanished for our future.
I'm overcoming my promises with the happiness I was left with
because I'm going to move forward without turning back,
because I'm going to yell facing only forward.
Light up a flame inside your heart.
Until the distant future...

I Was Gay ~Confession~

I was gay
I was gay
I was gay
I was... Ga~! Huh-?
Gay!(Gay!)(I'm no~ttt)
Gay!(Gay!)(I'm nooo~ttt)
Gay!(Gay!)(I'm nooot.)
Why is the sky blue? You say
I can tell you that
It's because you're lying
To your own self
You let out a single 'huh?'
How are you lying to anyone~?
Here, I'll just listen to your own heart now
You can hear it, yeah?
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay~
Why are the clouds white? You say
I can tell you that
It's also because you're lying
To your own self
That time has finally come
My revolution is the real deal~
I can puff up my chest with pride now
And I can say them now, right? These words
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)
I was gay(I was gay)

Erotic dynamite

Neither is, just isn't
None of them are like her
Saturday packs the city to the brim
clubs are calling us right now
as a black ferrari tiptoes nearer
like a volcano coming
Wait till my brother sees her now
tsunami will cover the city
Like Cleopatra she is
I wonder from which planet did she descend
None of them are like her
take her brother's phone number
so let him phone us up night and day
whose the night will be I couldn't tell
She's yours, she's ours
because we are real brothers of the Balkans
she's a star, she's a hit
Oh brother, she's my erotic dynamite


Burned, a mountain burned,
In that mountain a band played,
That band played merrily,
Whilst the mountain burned.
It was a good band,
shame it burned up along with the mountain,
It had gone to the mountain to play,
Little did it know that it was going to burn out.
A lot of bands are going to burn this way,
bands that people in town didn't want.
They said that they have different opinions,
Let them go to the mountain to play.
Now the band's playing up there,
where it's impossible to burn out,
And the angels that are going bananas1,
Are enjoying a good band. (nah nah nah)
Burned, a mountain burned,
In that mountain a band played,
That band played merrily,
Whilst the mountain burned.
  • 1. this line is most likely a pun as the word for 'going bananas' used here uses the word for a devil/demon/imp as it's base, basically: 'devilled (up) angels'

We will not give Kosovo to you

Blackbird spreads its wings over Serbia
It wants the Serbs to conquer my dear mother
We will not cede Kosovo to you at any cost
We will guard Serbia and its borders
Serbia is my mother and they know it
They want to exterminate the Serbs and therefore come to attack us!
We will not give Kosovo to you, at any cost
We will guard Serbia and its borders
Kosovo is the history and pride of Serbia
Should someone else's flag be allowed to fly there instead of Serbia's?
We will not cede Kosovo to you, at any cost
We will guard Serbia and its borders!

Stone Cold Shepherd

'- You, stone cold shepherd,
my God strike you down!
Come and kiss me,
my God strike you down!
You've left your sheep
in the deep forest.
In the deep forest,
the wolfs will eat them.
You've been staying with me
the last couple of days.
Come and kiss me once
on my lower chin,
like you like,
like i enjoy.
You've left your sheep in the deep forest,
the wolfs will eat them.
In the large forest,
the wolfs will tear them apart.
Your father will beat you for it,
your mother will scold you,
you're spending all your time around a woman,
and you've left your sheep all alone.'
'- I would come, girl,
but i do not dare.
You have three beligerant brothers,
with their hands on the rifle.
With rifles and axes in their hands,
they want to kill me.'
'- Come into my arms,
dont you worry,
i'll take care of them
and we'll be together.'
The girl cooked some food for them,
called them to dine
and poisoned them,
they all went six feet into the ground.
Un on the hill near the village,
at the ripe pear tree,
a snake was hanged,
pears were falling out of its mouth
and venom out of its tail,
she poisoned her brothers.
Thinking about God,
the boy spoke:
'- Dont you poison your brothers,
your little brothers, my brothers-in-law.
Some day when you'll get mad
you'll poison me too.
Dont bother,
let's be together forever,
we'll love eachother.'
She gave them food,
she poisoned them,
those that ate never woke up again,
they were burried six feet under.
While she was taking care of her brothers,
the shepherd run away.
When he heard what she said,
he prayed to God,
he feared he'll be killed too one day.
She lamented
that she was left all alone.
She poisoned her brothers,
she had no children,
such a mortal sin.
The shepherd run away,
he told nothing to no one,
he lost his sheep,
his father gave him a beating.
He could not find the sheep,
his mother scolded him.


nem kell prófétának lennem,
hogy tudjam, hogy az övé vagy
elhagysz, de nem érted,
hogy te vagy az, akit elhagytak
nem kell neki a szerelmed,
nem kellesz neki
nem igazi szerelmet ad,
csak velem dacol
menj, csak, menj
nem érsz nekem semmit
az exeim listáján
te vagy a legrosszabb
menj, hadd legyen ő
és csókolj egy hazug szentet
jobbat nem érdemelsz
menj, hadd legyen ő
és csókolj egy hazug szentet
jobbat nem érdemelsz
nem kell prófétának lennem,
hogy tudjam, hogy az övé vagy
megcsalsz, de nem érted,
hogy te vagy az, akit megcsalnak
azt, hogy mással osztja meg az ágyát
beszéli az egész város
kerestél, találtál
ez van most neked**
refrén 2x
menj, csak, menj
nem érsz nekem semmit
az exeim listáján
te vagy a legrosszabb
menj, hadd legyen ő
és csókolj egy hazug szentet
jobbat nem érdemelsz
menj, hadd legyen ő
és csókolj egy hazug szentet
jobbat nem érdemelsz

Let's patch up the sky

Poisoned people, poisoned streets,
crying birds are flying…
Crazy seasons are changing in our lives
and everyone is going to chaos…
Hey, what's up with us,
do we not confuse heaven with a lie?
No, no, we're not made of glass,
everyone carries their fragile soul…
Killed nature, withered roots
and everything is around us…
With cold eyes we drink it in every way,
with hope and pain and anger…
Hey, let's save the world, let's patch up the sky with love!
Hey, in order for the day to rise, and to carry in itself some kindness...
Hey, let's patch up the sky above us…
Hey, let's change things together…
Hey, let's save the world, let's patch up the sky above us...
Hey, in order for the day to rise, let's change things together…
Hey, let's save the world, let's patch up the sky above us...
Hey, in order for the day to rise, let's change things together…

Let the heart scream

[Verse 1: Smiley]
Hard words
Which can't ever be taken back
Provoking pain
Weapons which strike us both
And leave us with deep wounds
I leave home, you cry again
There's too big a ruckus in my soul, but I still can't relent
I return, even if you cast me away
[Pre-chorus: Smiley]
Jealo- jealo- jealousy dressed in irony
You serve it to me on a platter
With a side of commotion
Jealo- jealo- jealousy dressed in irony
You serve it to me on a platter
With a side of commotion
[Chorus: Smiley]
Be quiet (be quiet)
Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
(Be quiet) Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
Let the heart scream, let the heart scream
Let the heart scram, let the heart--
[Verse 2: Killa Fonic]
Yeah, let my heart scream
I let it not hope anymore
Sick feeling, not one pleasure
I throw it far and it doesn't perish
Ladi-dadi-da, I'm not living 'la vida loca'
I have a feeling on my tastebuds, it's a sweet enchantment
And it's as if I'm totally losing my head over you, yeah
You're losing your head, baby, like Marie Antoinette
[Pre-chorus: Killa Fonic]
Jealo- jealo- jealousy (jealousy)
You cursed thing, you took my days (cursed, you took my days)
Abracadabra and I disappear suddenly (abracadabra)
I don't give away my heart for nothing, ever (no!)
Jealo- jealo- jealousy (jealo- jealousy)
I pretend like it's good with me
At night, I cry out for you
Get out of me right now!
[Chorus: Smiley]
Be quiet (be quiet)
Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
(Be quiet) Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
Be quiet (be quiet)
Give me a moment of peace!
Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
(Be quiet) Give me a moment of peace!
(Be quiet) Say it to me with a caress
(Be quiet) Words cannot say
(Be quiet) What the heart can scream
Let the heart scream, let the heart scream
Let the heart scram, let the heart--

Angyalok mint te

Mmm, mmm, mmm
Virágok a kézben, rám vár
Minden szó versbe foglalva
Nem a nevemen szólít csak babynek
Minél többet adsz, annál kevesebb kell
Mindenki azt mondja boldognak nézek ki
Amikor csak jól esik
Tudom hogy rossz vagy nekem
Azt fogom kívánni hogy soha nem találkoztunk volna majd, a nap amikor elhagylak
Lehoztalak a térdeidre
Mert azt mondják a nyomor szereti a társaságot
Nem a te hibád, mindent tönkre teszek
És nem a te hibád, hogy nem lehetek az ami neked kell
Baby, az angyalok mint te nem szállhatnak le velem a pokolba
Minden vagyok amit mondtak rólam
La, la, la
Minden vagyok amit mondtak rólam
Lassan elengedlek, szeretlek viszlát
Mielőtt elengedsz, csak még egyszer
Vedd le a ruháid, tégy úgy mintha rendben lenne
Egy kicsivel több fájdalom már nem fog megölni ma este
Az anyukám azt mondja nem nézek ki boldogan
Csukd be a szemed
Tudom hogy rossz vagy nekem
Azt fogom kívánni hogy soha ne találkoztunk volna majd, a nap amikor elhagylak
Lehoztalak a térdeidre
Mert azt mondják a nyomor szereti a társaságot
Nem a te hibád, mindent tönkre teszek
És nem a te hibád, hogy nem lehetek az ami neked kell
Baby, az angyalok mint te nem szállhatnak le velem a pokolba
Minden vagyok amit mondtak rólam
La, la, la, la
La, la, la
Oh, ah , ah
Ah, oh
Ah, oh
Tudom hogy rossz vagy nekem
Azt fogom kívánni hogy soha ne találkoztunk volna majd, a nap amikor elhagylak
Lehoztalak a térdeidre
Mert azt mondják a nyomor szereti a társaságot
Nem a te hibád, mindent tönkre teszek
És nem a te hibád, hogy nem lehetek az ami neked kell
Baby, az angyalok mint te nem szállhatnak le velem a pokolba
Az angyalok mint te nem szállhatnak le velem a pokolba


Néha kissé túlságosan is fáj
Az gondolataim olyan helyekre mennek ahova nem is akarnak
Néha túlságosan lent vagyok
És nem látom magam a tűzön és füstön keresztül
És te mint egy neon világítás
Ragyogsz egy ajtón keresztül amit nem bírok csukva tartani
És te, mint egy guruló kő
Mindig városokat építesz a szíveken amelyeket össze törsz
És a fejemben elmondtam a lehető legszebb búcsúmat, búcsúmat
És nem hiányzol de rád gondolok és nem tudom miért
Még mindig kábultnak érzem magam
Még mindig kábultnak érzem magam
Néha fent maradok egész éjjel
Mert már az álmaimban sem beszélsz hozzám
És arra gondolok esetleg te ölelsz engem
És táncolunk a felvételen mint egy mozi jelenetben
És a fejemben elmondtam a lehető legszebb búcsúmat, búcsúmat
És nem hiányzol de rád gondolok és nem tudom miért
Még mindig kábultnak érzem magam
Még mindig kábultnak érzem magam
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Néha kissé túlságosan fáj minden
És a gondolataim olyan helyekre mennek ahova nem is akarnak
És a fejemben elmondtam a lehető legszebb búcsúmat, búcsúmat
És nem hiányzol de rád gondolok és nem tudom miért
Még mindig kábultnak érzem magam
Még mindig kábultnak érzem magam
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Még mindig kábultnak érzem magam

To Die Hurt by Love

Versions: #1
A holy tear is what life is sometimes,
Wondering on your cheek towards your heart
A shadow of a memory is telling you: 'Forgive, it's a shame...
To die hurt by love
In this passing world
Where only love doesn't die.
To die hurt by love,
Measure the eternity of a moment.'
Because of loving you the thought seems to be crying,
Because of loving you the sky is smothering me.
Maybe love doesn't have a name,
But what could he more sad in this world
Than dying hurt by love?
It looks like nothing the thought that hurt us
When we forgot everything for a night,
But there are life-long sorrows,
They teach you that it's a shame...
To die hurt by love,
Measure the eternity of a moment.
Because of loving you, the thought seems to be crying,
Because of loving you the sky is smothering me.
Maybe love doesn't have a name,
But what could be more sad in this world
Than dying hurt by love?


Fogoly, fogoly, rabul ejtve
Nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből, a fejemből
Isten tudja, milliószor próbálkoztam, próbálkoztam
Miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz csak elengedni?
Bekattantam, a kezem bekötözve
Az arcod a plafonon, álmodozom
Ó, nem tudom irányítani, nem tudom irányítani (nem tudom irányítani)
Próbálom városi fényekkel helyettesíteni
Soha nem szabadulok ki, szükségem van az izgalomra
Ó, nem tudom irányítani, nem tudom irányítani (irányítani, ó)
Csak tovább nehezíted a tartózkodásomat
De még nem menekülhetek el
Tudnom kell, miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz elengedni?
Fogoly, fogoly, rabul ejtve
Nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből, a fejemből
Isten tudja, milliószor próbálkoztam, próbálkoztam,
Miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz csak elengedni?
Fogoly, fogoly, rabul ejtve
Nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből, a fejemből
Isten tudja, milliószor próbálkoztam, próbálkoztam
Miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz csak elengedni?
Megízleltem a Mennyországot, most már nem tudok nélküle élni
Nem tudlak elfelejteni, amikor a szerelmed a leghangosabb
Ó, nem tudom irányítani, nem tudom irányítani (irányítani, ó)
Csak tovább nehezíted a tartózkodásomat (Ó, én)
De még nem menekülhetek el
Tudnom kell, miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz elengedni?
Fogoly, fogoly, rabul ejtve
Nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből, a fejemből
Isten tudja, milliószor próbálkoztam, próbálkoztam,
Miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz csak elengedni?
Fogoly, fogoly, rabul ejtve
Nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből, a fejemből
Isten tudja, milliószor próbálkoztam, próbálkoztam
Miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz csak elengedni?
Nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből
Miért nem tudsz csak elengedni? Milliószor
Tudni akarom miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz-
Tudni akarom miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz-
Tudni akarom miért nem tudsz, miért nem tudsz csak elengedni?

To Belgium

Alas, since the days when supreme battles took place,
Your comrades have only been fright and misfortune

Good bye, love

In vain was all my hopes
Another woman became your dear
I don't know if you wanted this or it's a wicked destiny
Your wonderful eyes carry someone else.
Bitterly I'm crying, bitterly you're crying
But all is in vain, my love
Bitterly I'm crying, bitterly you're crying
Good bye, good bye forever
My love
Years will pass by, all will be empty,
We'll be dear sad shadows of one another
In my eyes will always be tears
I won't regret that other took you.
Bitterly I'm crying, bitterly you're crying
But all is in vain, my love
Bitterly I'm crying, bitterly you're crying
Good bye, good bye forever
My love

I need you

And now I find myself calling you at night
And looking for you with my hand by my side
And my hand always return to me frightened
Because the spot beside me is empty, you're not here
I need you just like before
I can't, I can't with you
I need you, I need you so much
I can't, I can't fight against myself
Out of nowhere, the restlessness appears
For a moment you're far away, for an hour you're closer again
My hand is looking for you again tirelessly
But it never, it never reaches you
I need you just like before
I can't, I can't with you
I need you, I need you so much
I can't, I can't fight against myself

Hány mérföld még Babilon?

Ebben a pusztában nincs árnyék
Nincs víz ami lemossa az út porát torkomról
Nincs szivárvány, a napok néma bánattal telnek
És nincs ellenszere bűneinknek
Homok ameddig a szem ellát
Sehol nincs vége ennek a senki földjének
Mindannyian megfizetünk
A dudásnak, és úgy táncolunk, ahogy ő játszik
Hány mérföld még Babilon?
Hány évig kell még ezt kibírnom...
A Szent Grál végtelen keresésében
Nem pihenhetnek meg a nyughatatlan lelkek
A sivatag hajói, árbóc és vitorla nélkül,
Veszteség és nyereség jön nyugatról
Homok ameddig a szem ellát
Sehol nincs vége ennek a senki földjének
Mindannyian megfizetünk
A dudásnak, és úgy táncolunk, ahogy ő játszik
Hány mérföld még Babilon?
Hány évig kell még ezt kibírnom...

Tinkling Smile

Versions: #1
Tinkling Smile, I wonder why it's so mysterious?
Whenever you laugh, there's a flickering deep in my heart!
Let's take little steps! One at a time
Let's feel our skips! You and me!
Before I knew it, I became completely absorbed
You told me this kind of thing would happen
When holding your hand in mine, the warmth passes through me
It feel like this can take me anywhere
Tin-ton-tan, in that moment when I stepped forward,
just like a panorama, the world began to unfold
Tinkling Smile, the size of the sky!
I can't notice it if I'm all alone
Our Tinkling Smiles are echoing
They spread through my chest, our kind, happy, and brand new premonitions!
With my heart beating with excitement, I was put through the test,
working through all the sadness and effort
It's just not enough to stay up chatting all night!
I can't stop showing my true colors
Tip-top-tap, I want to know more about you,
and to not be afraid to make lots more memories
Tinkling Smile, the occasional detour is fine
Because it's important to take the occasional short break
Tinkling Smile, we're together once again
Let's keep walking, while looking up to the peak of tomorrow
Even if you can't see what's precious to you,
it will always remain here, within your heart
Tinkling Smile, I can't say it well, but
When you're with me I'm always having so much fun!
Tinkling Smile, the size of the sky!
I can't notice it if I'm all alone
Tinkling Smile, I wonder why it's so mysterious?
Whenever you laugh there's always a flickering deep in my heart
Step by step, let's continue forward!

We see each other

The walls of the house suffocate me
Longing for you, longing for you
I feel how the silence weighs on me
Longing for you, longing for you
My bedroom is a storm
It's too cold, it's raining constantly
It's as if the mirror is crazy
It makes a face at me when it doesn't see us together
The wind is calling out to you
Come home
Me with my mind on
How beautiful you are
The wind is calling out to me
Come home
You with my mind on
How beautiful I am
We see each other
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other
Only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
The doors slam in my face
Longing for you, longing for you
Whether it's night or morning
I miss you, I miss you
The photos come to life,
They play tricks
They just make movies
My house is foreign to me
And it keeps me outside because it misses you
The wind is calling out to you
Come home
Me with my mind on
How beautiful you are
The wind is calling out to me
Come home
You with my mind on
How beautiful I am
We see each other
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
We see each other only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other...