Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 236


I Needed a Home

I needed a home
Which was not necessarily a gorgeous place
When I am weary
I would thought of it
I needed a home
Which was not necessarily a large place
When I was agazed
I wouldn`t be scared
Who wouldn’t need a home
But there was someone who didn’t have it.
When Tears rolled down my cheeks
I could wipe them off stealthily
How I envied him
He could go home after he was hurt
However I could just look for my home lonely
Although I had never had a warm home
I still grew up gradually as same as others
As long as you were full of love in your mind
You would be cared for
Nothing could be complained about
I could only count on myself
Although you had a family and you didn’t lack for anything
Why wasn’t you seen smiling?
Someone always said he had no love
And didn’t go home all day long
At the same age
They had different souls
Wish I had a home

A beautiful and wonderful night

Versions: #2
Because it's night and you smile and ask:
'What's beautiful? '
And I say 'Look at the lights'
and in you, the same shiver of mine starts.
Every breath will have a breathing so close ...
A beautiful night in which people are shaking themselves,
Sweetly, sweetly between the leaves of the trees...
My hands, that now I imagine,
like travelling on your wonderful, beautiful, beautiful skin...In this wonderful night now...
It's night and how many people make that love that we are sliding, ...
A face of a woman, and my face...
Goodbye, tirednesses!
And the smile I send to you returns to me like kisses and feeds my kiss...
Beautiful nights that waste themselves.
Beautiful mouths but they don't know what they say.
but what to say if...the eyes express themselves?
Otherwise, what is to be said if the eyes are speaking...
They know everything about your beautiful, beautiful skin...in the night which is wonderful now...
They relax,
the beautiful hands that calm themselves,
they slid a moment ago on the beautiful, beautiful skin...in the wonderful night ...
It's night and you are pacific.
While you listen to them who are falling asleep
All the kisses on your beautiful, beautiful skin...in the wonderful night ...
... How wonderful it is !

The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Version)

Versions: #2
The most loved troll by all the people,
With bedside manners and a shining mushroom
It's Flemmingrad, the friend whom
You would have liked to have by your side
They used to give him the moss and the bluest berries,
That he used to devour throwing them down.
He used to force down stew
For all that food, he was more and more grateful
And then he used to love rolling,
He used to love so much rolling away
One day humans arrived there,
He wanted to run away or hide himself
But since he had put on weight
He got stuck in the middle of a rock
The rock was broken (by someone) and the little greedy
Ended up straight in a fjord
Unfortunately when he fell down
The tender troll never emerged again
Stuck, but not forgotten.
Since always he used to love rolling,
He used to love so much rolling away
And that's why we have this tradition.
It's in december that we gather
To pay homage to a troll we honor,
It was Flemmingrad, a being
Of joyful and unaffected heart.
We use to dig deep with all our friends,
Filling his nostrils with grass,
His beautiful statue will be useful not to forget Flemmingrad
We do a symbolic rite,
For Flemmy, the mushroom-troll!

Awakening, the boundary line of the fortifying soul and fate

The moment of death is deprived and accepts a new life to fuse
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
The world stops unexpectedly as the sound of wind ceases
In the moment, I realize I am alone
My words are as icy as a violent whirlwind of cold air
My soul begins to tremble
If I fight, I would sink as much as I proceed
I lost sight of my reason for living
When I will disappear, who will call my name?
People born in the darkness will soon walk in search of light
A fire lights at the border between life and death
Even if they are unwilling, even if they are absurd
All the figures that exist are beautiful
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
The waving feathers on the waves return low
I could glimpse a little freedom
If I turn around completely as if nothing had happened
My footprints are drawn
If I think, I'll get tangled up as much as I proceed
I am seeking my whereabouts
When I will disappear, who will call my name?
The moment of death is deprived and accepts a new life to fuse
A fire lights on the fuse line that invites life or death
Two needles overlapping
Palpitates like a heartbeat
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
A tragedy that has been colored black and white
A frozen heart, a gnawed wall
The world can be repeated many times
People born in the darkness will soon walk in search of light
A fire lights at the border between life and death
Even if they are unwilling, even if they are absurd
All the figures that exist are beautiful
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
The wind will flourish, fires will light up
Burn the heavens to become a star

Even if my life withers

Falling in love a woman's heart shook
Don't try to understand something
The weigh of loneliness is too much
It's more painful than death
But I don't want consolation
You taught me everything
Even the sake, tobacco and lies
I had the intention of not crying
But that back street guitars song
Makes me cry deeply tonight
'This time for sure' I spent my life thinking
Trying to fall in love but it was useless
'Give me back the youth and the lips of a woman'
I don't say it but
I wanted you to love me till death
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Globális Felmelegedés

Négyszázezer évvel ezelőtt
A világűrből jöttek
És itt adtak nekünk életet
Mindent elveszünk ami adatott
Nem hiszem, hogy ezt kellene tennünk most
És amikor látom a füstöt körülöttem
Úgy érzem, én nem
Tartozom az emberiséghez ott lenn
Úgy érzem, mintha a gleccserek lennék a szemeim
És a hegyek a fejem
A szívem az óceán
És egyedül érzem magam
Mert mindenki rossz
Érzem az életet
Mi ez a dolog, amit gyűlöletnek nevezünk
És ez bennem van
Menj ki innen!
A világ elpusztult
És senki sincs aki újjá építse
A tiltott területek fejlődnek
A szemem le van zárva, a látomás haldoklik
A fejem felrobban
És szégyenbe roskadok
Őrzöm a belső gyermeket
És mondom neki, hogy ne sírjon
'Ne félj élni'
Egy napon királyként állsz
És a mostani félelem eltörölheted
Ez a fény alattunk
Most mindannyiunkat összeköt
Ez a titok mindannyiunké
Ez az igazság növekszik
És harcosként harcolnom kell
Máris érezném
A szerelem, amit felfedezek
Volt ez az álmom, a bolygónk túlélte
A vezérlő csillagok mindig nőnek
És az összes világ
Minden ország sorsa
Mindent újjá építeni egyszerre
Soha nem buktam el és mindig hittem benne
Fejlődhetünk és öregedhetünk
Nyisd ki a szemed, és hagyd, hogy mindez folyjon
Most látszik egy új remény nő belül
Látni fogjuk a gyerekeinket felnőni

Stalemate situation

To want to break up with him
Is something I can't do
Loving him
Is something I do too
The evening falls at the café
She bites a white handkerchief
Shining in her ring finger
Her silver ring flips me out
There he is, he came late
He told us to calm down
Three people in a stalemate situation
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Make up your mind!
Make up your mind!
Make up your mind!
I can't go on like this
Between her and me, who you choose?
A rose in between the flowers
She moves hiding her tears
Her lips seen in a glimpse
Shiver together with the coffee cup
There he is, addressing us
He told us that he loves us both
We're in a stalemate situation
Come on, come on, come on, come on
You made up your mind!
You made up your mind!
You made up your mind!
I can't go on like this
I've been defeated by the depth of her tears
bye bye bye bye I can't go on like this
bye bye bye bye I can't go on like this
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Red destiny

Someone is calling me
Low, lonely and then nostalgically
Since I was born, somewhere in my chest
An unknown voice is heard
This wide sky, that fleeting star
As if I saw them sometime, I have a hunch
My other self is somewhere
Looking for your other self
Someone is looking at me
Big, sweet and then warmly
Even if I cry, the sadness
You can't make it vanish from within me
These sunrays, those long shadows
Like if they were by my side, I have a hunch
My other self is somewhere
Looking for your other self
My other self is somewhere
Looking for your other self
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Versions: #2
If the open sea knocks you down and the hatred blinds you
I'll be there with rafts and a million candles
Because you carry a backpack of fear and the mountain is relentless
And though I bother you sometimes I'll still make you dinner
If the wait buries you in a sentence
With shovels I'll build sandcastles
And the 'What's wrong?' bothers you, and pounds at your chest like an avalanche
And though I bother you sometimes I'll never abandon you
You're my calm
You're my calm
You're my calm
You're my calm

The Scenery of Tomorrow

Why do sorrowful sceneries always
remain the most beautiful deep in our hearts?
The moonlight in hesitation hasn't fully set
Imprisoning us inside the night
I cannot bring myself to say it to you until now
Even though I have hurt you so many times
From now on is a path to home I can walk through by myself
So, I'm separating my fingers in the light house of the moon
Dawn frightens us, yet let's welcome
the future we can't rely upon with radiance and tears
Why are both of us bewildered, why do we cry over
the fact that we cannot live alone despite of being born all alone?
Whether it's the feeling of wanting to console, or to embrace someoneー
We cannot live only with a beautiful heart
How many times I look back
It's always an open gate with no way to go back
The last guidepost leading to tomorrow
The wind blows from winter to spring
Just like a flower, becoming fragrant at last
In these repetitive days,
Oh my heart, shall you always be in full bloom
The dawn comes closer
and the moon is nowhere to be seen anymore
And starting from here,
Shall our today and tomorrow begin...
The shadow seeing us off is now hued in white at last
Until it fades away inside a gentle time...


The world is a lonely castle, I’m searching for another
When angels sound love’s trumpets, I saw your smile
I’m here, you’re searching on the other side
The days and nights pass by between us
In a sea of people, I extend my hand to you
I want to grab hold of fate’s courage
The path to love was winding, but I finally embraced you
The string of destiny let me meet you the moment I touched true love
Two people’s string of destiny our two paths have the same ending
I won’t notice any other beautiful scenery you are my prettiest spring day
Every piece of memory becomes love’s bookmark
The string of destiny let me meet you, heaven is by your side
Two people’s string of destiny, happiness is in between our interlaced fingers
There’s no need for words between us, just a look and I understand
A harmony without sound, playing till the end of time
Every day that I love you
Carousel horses singing songs, how beautiful fairy tales are
We don’t need blue birds of happiness, we just need each other
I’m here, you’re searching on the other side
The days and nights pass by between us
In a sea of people, I extend my hand to you
I want to grab hold of fate’s courage
The path to love was winding, but I finally embraced you
The string of destiny let me meet you the moment I touched true love
Two people’s string of destiny our two paths have the same ending
I won’t notice any other beautiful scenery you are my prettiest spring day
Every piece of memory becomes love’s bookmarks
The string of destiny let me meet you, heaven is by your side
Two people’s string of destiny, happiness is in between our interlaced fingers
There’s no need for words between us, just a look and I understand
A harmony without sound, playing till the end of time
Every day that I love you
Every page, love’s bookmark (On every page a love’s bookmark)
Every sentence, never changing (Oh~ Never changing)
The string of destiny let me meet you the moment I touched true love (Ah~ Wu~)
Two people’s string of destiny our two paths have the same ending (Our paths have the same ending~)
There’s no need for words between us, just a look and I understand
A harmony without sound, playing till the end of time
Every day that I love you

Tomorrow will probably be fine

Saiki Kenzou / Kubota Haruo
Tomorrow will probably be fine
Life cannot start but from a laughter
Yesterday too is probably fine
As nobody cares about what already passed by
Things that differ from expectations occur everyday
So even with you I'm always full of insecurities
Relying on fortune-telling alone, what would we do next?
The reality in front of our eyes becomes more and more alien to us
Lessons are no use, as now we have manuals
My feelings towards you refuse to take shape
Why can't I tell you just by typing on a keyboard?
The wallpaper whirls and becomes a mandala
Buddha will probably be fine
Good luck cannot start but from a prayer
Our hopes too will probably be fine
As nobody remembers what was decided
Tomorrow will probably be fine
Life cannot start but from a laughter
Yesterday too is probably fine
As nobody cares about what already passed by
Buddha will probably be fine
Good luck cannot start but from a prayer
Our hopes too will probably be fine
As nobody remembers what was decided

who will understand me?

昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上
前行步步懷自信 風吹雨打不退讓
無論我去到那方 心裡夢想不變樣
是新生 是醒覺 夢想永遠在世上
前路那怕只要自強 我繼續獨自尋路向
常為夢想發狂 耐心摸索路途上
懷自信我永不怕夜航 到困倦我自彈自唱
掌聲我向夢想裡尋 盡管一切是狂想
途人路上回望我 只因我的怪模樣
途人誰能明白我 今天眼睛多雪亮
人是各有各理想 奔向目標不退讓
用歌聲 用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞
懷自信我永不怕夜航 到困倦我自彈自唱
掌聲我向夢想裡尋 盡管一切是狂想
昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上
前行步步懷自信 依照心中那正確方向
懷著愛與恕的心 充滿夢想的笑匠
用歌聲 用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞
用歌聲 用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞

If tomorrow

If tomorrow is a fine day
My lover will be in that place
If tomorrow is rainy
My lover will be by my side
Today's event is a goodbye
Let's meet in our dreams
And then, by the window of our hearts
Let's turn on the lights
If tomorrow is windy
My lover will call me
If the season changes
My lover will sing that song
If I write a letter
My lover will come to meet me
Let's leave today's event
Quietly in our memories
And then, by the fence of our hearts
Let's make the flowers bloom
If I shed tears
My lover will comfort me
If tomorrow is a fine day
My lover will be in that place
If tomorrow is rainy
My lover will be by my side
My lover will be by my side
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Name of Life

The whiteness of the clouds left behind 
by a plane 
Draw a line across the blue sky 
Always, no matter to where, always continuing 
As if it knew tomorrow
In my chest I breathed in a shallow breath 
I remember the breeze that blew 
on my hot cheek
The hands and feet which are bound before
the future 
Are freed by a quiet voice 
So nostalgic that I want to scream out, is 
One life, the midsummer light 
At your shoulder, swaying, the sunbeams 
streaming through the leaves
The white ball at rest 
The petals which have been scattered 
by the wind 
The invisible river which carries both 
Singing while flowing on
Secrets and lies and joy 
Are the children of the gods who created 
this universe
The heart which is bound before the future 
Someday, will remember its name 
So loved that I want to scream out, is 
One life, the place to return to 
At my fingertips, the summer day which 
doesn't disappear

Coming Home

I came back from being so far
Past the times I thought would last forever
How have you been? I missed you
Sadness falls from your eyes
I can see you when tomorrow comes
That hope locked up my throat
Just when I’m about to lose strength, I fall asleep
I wish you would appear in my dreams
When emptiness passes over
A cold wind blows over, baby
When longing passes over
Spring rain falls and drenches me
I said I’m coming home, coming home
I’m coming home, coming home
Even if the night air is too cold
I thought of you who would wait outside
That’s how I endured and came this far
Now let’s never let go
The promise of seeing you when tomorrow comes
Becomes a lie
Just when I’m about to lose strength, I wake up
I wish I can escape from my dreams now
When emptiness passes over
A cold wind blows over, baby
When longing passes over
Spring rain falls and drenches me
I said I’m coming home, coming home
I’m coming home, coming home
Through this long tunnel, I see the end – Just when I’m
about to see the light – I will be able to see your smile
Please stay right there I’ll go over right now
I see the house over there, when the door opens
When that door opens
You’ll open your arms and hug me
It won’t be a dream
I said I’m coming home
I’m coming home, baby
I’m coming home
I said I’m coming home
I’m coming home for you
I’m coming home, coming home
Спасибо, что уделили время моему переводу!고맙다

Song of Daybreak

As we part, it's time for the stars to greet us
While I look at the sky I let out a light breath
As a dim light still shines in the darkness
I don't feel like I'm the only one left
Now, everybody, raise your right pinky
As we sing this song together like we want to shout
You haven't lost, you're just tired
Until the daybreak comes again...
(Until now, I've only gotten up on my own)
(I don't even know if I've lost my way)
(I take hold of my weaknesses)
(and hold on to my dreams)
Until now, the pieces of the dreams I've collected
Have just been following me in my hand
I don't want to forget it all again
and instead want to remember it, stuck to my heart
Now, everybody, raise your right pinky
As we walk together toward our future
Again, raise your right pinky
As we sing this song of promise...


Tomorrow there will be no typhoon
Tomorrow we will go to watch the sea
Tomorrow I will be sitting on your motorcycle
Tomorrow, I don't know
The tomorrow with you is what I'm looking forward to
In life there are ups and downs, you may feel alone and abandonded
I still hold onto that hope to keep on going without fear
Tomorrow there will be no pain
Tomorrow we will go sightseeing
Tomorrow I will be sitting on your motorcycle

Bright Moon Shines On Clean Heart

Looking up at the bright moon
I have melancholy in the light of my heart
But my heart is as bright as snow,brighter than the moon
I get used to be carried away by cool breeze
I never cry or laugh inside
It`s because I`m really tried
But you keep dead heart still beating
It made me cry
Others envy me to live it up
But God always makes fun of me.
When our love is strong, the fate has come to an end
I cried crazily in pain.
Looking up at the half moon
Like a knife, it cuts out the heart
Now I'm as quiet as a blade.
Never remember to cry and laugh again
Others envy me to live it up
But God always makes fun of me.
When our love is strong, the fate has come to an end
I cried crazily in pain.
Looking up at the half moon
Like a knife, it cuts out the heart
Now I'm as quiet as a blade.
Never remember to cry and laugh again

Tökéletes időzítés

Holtan és eltemetve egy tömegsírban
Egy mellékutca bárjában a Szajna partján
Egy arc egy törött keretben
Visszanéz rám
És én nem tudom, hová is tartozom
De úgy érzem, továbblépek
És láttam az arcod az éj leplén át
Rossz helyen voltunk
De az időzítés tökéletes volt
Ebben a sötét szobában, elvezettél a fény felé
Rossz helyen voltunk
De az időzítés tökéletes volt
Két tűz közé kerültem, de te ott termettél
Saját hibáim börtönébe zárva
Porba sújtott a talány, de jöttél, hogy megold
Stílussal és eleganciával
És nem tudom, hol rontottam el
De úgy érzem, továbblépek
Tökéletes időzítés
Rossz helyen a megfelelő időben
Rossz helyen a megfelelő időben
Rossz helyen voltunk
De az időzítés tökéletes volt

Blooming Days

Hey there, don’t move
I’m in the middle of placing you in my eyes
I can tell you don’t hate it, that’s the key
Because at the end of a long day, I only wanna see you
Every day, I sprout up at the thought of you
Small emotions start to bud
Suddenly, deep inside of me, you started to grow
Just looking at you is not enough
The moment my hands touch you
You bloom inside my heart
So baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?
I want to show you a world you’ve never seen
So baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?
If you want, I want to give you everything
Oh baby oh baby
So your scent can wash all over me
Oh baby oh baby
Answer me now
Today, I feel blue
Feeling like I’m trapped, that kind of mood
But you’re the master key who’ll unlock me
Your joyful colors change my days, yeah
Every day, I sprout up at the thought of you
Small emotions start to bud
Suddenly, deep inside of me, you started to grow
Just looking at you is not enough
The moment my hands touch you
You bloom inside my heart
So baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?
I want to show you a world you’ve never seen
So baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?
(All I need is love babe)
If you want, I want to give you everything
Oh baby oh baby
So your scent can wash all over me
Oh baby oh baby
Answer me now
Ey oh your playful response
Say oh makes me feel so dizzy
K.O., girl you knock me out, you knock me out, me, oh baby
Your black eyes that reflect me
Your red lips that whisper to me, yeah alright
Your hands that are about to touch (all of you)
So beautiful, so breathtaking (Can I)
Can I be your boyfriend, can I?
I’ll be the start and end to your day
So baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?
So you can bloom most beautifully
Oh baby oh baby
So your scent can wash all over me
Oh baby oh baby
Answer me now oh hey!

The Ballad of Flemmingrad

In the snowdrift of December I invite you
To where I pay my respects to my troll neighbour.
He was everyone's friend, and someone I loved
This gift to us all was called Flemmingrad.
We 'll forget all the years he's been gone
And we'll stuff grass up his nose just for fun!
Up his nose?
This is his face, it shows laughter and grief
He's disgusting!
Flemmy the fungus troll.


Néha úgy érzem, nem megyek semerre
Lépek, de nem találom az utat
Körülöttem millió arccal
Mind azt mondják, ők a legjobb barátaim
Inni egy újabb italt, hogy elrejtsem a bánatot
De jön a reggel és nem változik semmi
A valós ég elfut felettem
És ez az út egyre öregszik
Nem akarok addig várni, míg vége lesz
Nem akarok addig várni, míg eltűnik
Nem tudok holnapig várni
Mert már olyan régóta várok
Hát bébi, hazamegyek, oh oh
Bébi, hazamegyek
Hallom, ahogy a rádió a kedvenc számomat játssza
Hogy úgy érezzem, mint régen
Olyan sokat beszélgettünk erről
És most nem lehet, még mondom hiányzol, nem
Nem akarok addig várni, míg vége lesz
Nem akarok addig várni, míg eltűnik
Nem tudok holnapig várni
Mert már olyan régóta várok
Hát bébi, hazamegyek, oh oh
Bébi, hazamegyek
Hát fordulj vissza, csak fordulj vissza
Nem akarok addig várni, míg vége lesz
Nem akarok addig várni, míg eltűnik
Nem tudok holnapig várni
Mert már olyan régóta várok
Hát bébi, hazamegyek, oh oh
Bébi, hazamegyek
Hát bébi, hazamegyek, oh oh
Bébi, hazamegyek

More Than Friends

I look at you, you look at me
We play we are more than friends
He who bets is risking
Who risks is dreaming
He who dreams is feeling
Who feels is living
So long ago I found
What I've dreamed
The game that one day
came true
I've played being happy
In this world of two
Till come the time
To advance in love
I look at you, you look at me
We play we are more than friends
Sometimes I hate you
He that hates is always who loves you more
You smile, I smile
I feel thousands of ticklings
whisper in your ear
I love you and I feel
That we are more than friends
That is the most written story
Feel my heartbeats that beats more for you
The heavens and the stars drive you to me
I want you, I love you, you're already part of me
Always feel the heart
Now it beats more for you
Come on, give of yourself to me
And I'll hold you
Cupid smiled at seeing our illusion
What was just a game
Had changed into love
I look at you, you look at me
We play we are more than friends
Sometimes I hate you
He that hates is always who loves you more
You smile, I smile
I feel thousands of ticklings
whisper in your ear
I love you and I feel
That we are more than friends
Never be afraid
I'll always be there
I'll be your protector, your faithful caretaker
Your great love
We play getting lost
Meeting the world
We'll be two in one
Our game, Our world
Give me your caresses, feel me into your soul
Cry out of joy, I want be with you
Will is power and love is dream
It'll be a feeling for eternity
I look at you, you look at me
We play we are more than friends
Sometimes I hate you
He that hates is always who loves you more
You smile, I smile
I feel thousands of ticklings
whisper in your ear
I love you and I feel
That we are more than friends
I look at you, you look at me
We play we are more than friends
Sometimes I hate you
He that hates is always who loves you more
You smile, I smile
I feel thousands of ticklings
whisper in your ear
I love you and I feel
That we are more than friends

Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök

Mi van, ha azt mondom, hogy összetörném a szíved?
Mi van, ha azt mondom, hogy vannak problémáim, amik megkeményítettek?
Mi van, ha tudom, hogy csak darabokra törném a szíved
Talán abbahagyhatnád mielőtt elkezded
Talán láthatnád, hogy talán túl őrült vagyok ahhoz, hogy szeressek
Ha azt mondom, hogy a magány úgy passzol rám, mint egy kesztyű
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök
Hogy mennyire egyedül voltam, amikor felégettem az otthonomat
És minden darabka elszakadt és elszállt
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök
Mi van, ha azt mondom, hogy csak túl fiatal voltam
Mi van, ha azt mondom, hogy a gondatlanság és a bizonytalanság talaján nőttem fel
Mi van, ha azt mondom, hogy elmennék, mielőtt megjönnék
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök
Hogy mennyire egyedül voltam, amikor felégettem az otthonomat
És minden darabka elszakadt és elszállt
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök
A lelked elnyomja az enyémet, az enyémet
De te kivéded az övön aluli ütéseimet
Fiú, tudnod kellett volna
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök
Hogy mennyire egyedül voltam, amikor felégettem az otthonomat
És minden darabka elszakadt és elszállt
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök
Hogy mennyire egyedül voltam, amikor felégettem az otthonomat
És minden darabka elszakadt és elszállt
Tudnod kellene, hogy honnan jövök

The legendary troll Flemmingrad

Everyone gathers in December
and we extol our cheerful friend
The soul of trolls
His name is well-known: Flemmingrad
After reminiscing the distant past,
we stuff grass in the nostrils
May he be blessed
Oh, the legendary troll

Drink, mornings, afternoons, evenings

'Yo, people! Didn't your mothers used to tell you when you were little that you should drink plenty?I have really taken those words to heart and now I drink all the time. Follow my example, refill the glasses and then, I want you to sing with me'
I go to a bar, and ay, what do I see there?
A freshly drafted Pils and two wheat beers there.
The waiter spoke to me and I made an order,
it comes from the tap and it's called liquid bread.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I want to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I want to drink.
Then, I can walk again.
I can walk again,
Drink, drink.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I drink,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I want to drink.
Then, I can walk again.
I can walk again,
Drink, until the sun shines again.
I go to a bar, and ay, what do I see there?
The counter full of women on their bras
Petra looks at me, and puts me under her spell
and makes an offer I can't refuse
She wants to drink,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, she wants to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, she wants to drink.
Then she can walk again,
she can walk again
drink, drink.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
Then we can walk again,
we can walk again
drink, drink.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
Then we can walk again,
we can walk again
drink, drink.

I wonder if tomorrow will be sunny

As I look at the sky I wonder if tomorrow will be sunny
The stars all over the sky are glittering
If I were to extend my hand it seems as if it will reach them
so it's okay to smile together
The two of us will start walking again
To tell you the truth I sent you a mail
when I felt anxious about being alone in the night
I seem to be buried under the many ideals and dreams
Sooner or later I will leave this town
If I try imagining what growing up is like
I become discouraged
and then your face came to mind
Both of us could always casually share our feelings
From now I will be heading towards your voice
As I look at the sky I wonder if tomorrow will be sunny
The stars all over the sky are glittering
If I were to extend my hand it seems as if it will reach them
so it's okay to smile together
The two of us will start walking again
At this point I feel a bit awkward
about saying thank you
It would be good if could convey it
Just being together with you somehow puts a smile on my face
The sky will become clear forever
and the stars will continue twinkling
With a momentary flash of light
a shooting star glittered over our shoulders...
As I look at the sky I wonder if tomorrow will be sunny
The stars all over the sky are glittering
If you were to strongly wish for it it will surely be granted
Believe in yourself
As I look at the sky I wonder if tomorrow will be sunny
The stars all over the sky are glittering
If I were to extend my hand it seems as if it will reach them
so it's okay to smile together
The two of us will start walking again
Towards the future...

The Sunday when I woke up

The Monday was a sad day
my man left me
The Tuesday I didn't know
with who to make love
The Wednesday at night
I slept crying
And then in the morning
alone in bed I thought I'd die.
The Thursday I drank some shots
to forget my pain
The Friday I went crazy
I missed his warmth
The Sautrday I was sick
burning of passion
I had forty degrees
and I suffered love fever
The Sunday when I woke up
I found in my bed
my man Sebastian
and I loved him again
The Sunday when I woke up
he was with me
my man is a volcano
that makes me happy.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Orange of Dawn

If I were to become a religious leader
Starting today, you'd be blind
Open your mouth and wait please
You just have to trust me
Everything seems to be lacking
What we need is piety
See through all of it, with the eyes of a kitten
Just like this painted sky
Wait till I'm inside of you
Like you're being consumed by the waves
You won't believe it, darling
If I could see the “sunlight” in front of me
If I could, I'd quit thinking of falling gallantly to my knees
I'd show my weakness and dance
If I were to become a religious leader
Starting today, you'd be blind
Open your mouth and wait please
You just have to trust me
Invisible things are watching you
And what you need is terror
Admire me, with eyes of a kitten
And I'll say
Wait till I'm inside of you
I'll sing of love and truth
Then you try to hide me
When you wake I show you the dawn
But when you're desperate you don't get it at all
And there's no point trying to bottle it in
Clinging to what you can't see
And dreaming up invisible enemies, well everyone does that
Like everyone needs the sun, but how do they show it
Maybe it doesn't even matter
If I were to become a religious leader
Starting today, you'd be blind
Open your mouth and wait please
You just have to trust me
TL Note: I hope this translation was helpful for you! If anyone ever sees any errors or has any suggestions about my translations, please let me know. -nmuth

The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Ver.)

There was a loyal a dearest troll,
who was loved by his great goodness.
This is Flemmingrad's song,
here he was greatly loved by all 'Slashtrois'.
They would give him foiegras, mold stew
and so he gobbled them down passionately.
How big was Flemmingrad!
He replenished his tummy in happiness.
And all of them saw him rolling down!
Laughing, he rolled down non-stop!
In a Winter's day, he saw human coming
and them trolls quickly rolled away.
However, giant Flemmingrad,
among the mountains he went to pasture.
People frightened, they wielded a sword
and Flemmy from the fjord, he never got out.
This is Flemmingrad's song!
There, he got trapped in for eternity.
Voice: In the shadows, but unforgotten.
Flemmy was never to roll down ever again!
Oh! Flemmy never rolled down again!
Voice: So, we celebrate this tradition.
In every December, everyone's assembled
to offer their respects to a troll.
Remembering for a friendship
as we all call as Flemmingrad.
His ancestors we were to find,
his nostrils we were to shave off.
In memorian we always build
the Big Flemmingrad's statue.
God bless his soul up in the sky!
Oh, Flemmy! The fungus-troll.


A revolution is started, everyone is praying to dream tonight, and the reason
A revolution is started, everyone's heart is fluttering waiting for the wind, and the reason
Ring ring ring goes the phone, shouting out, the heat is flickering
Shouting out a hundred times, thousand times, ten thousand times
It doesn't follow through, this unreachable desire
After a hundred days, a thousand days, ten thousand days
There must be someone who lets their heart be blown by the wind
A resolution is started, everyone is praying for there to be a tomorrow, and the reason
Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa goes the fanfare, shouting out, the heat is flickering
Repeating now and again a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times
It doesn't go through, this unreachable desire
After a hundred days, a thousand days, ten thousand days
Waiting for dawn to break, letting the wind blow on your heart