Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 79


The Inter-Quarantine Summer

Ever since childhood, we've been dreaming
To live for one hundred thousand years, but the terrestrial world
Followed the old railway,
And only the twentieth year said, 'wait!'
Don't ever forget this summer
When we met sunrises
Along the sleeping highways and buildings,
Quiet grass and flowers
In the world that has just started living once again!
The inter-quarantine summer
When death hid from the light
Trying to forget about it,
We wanted to prolong
The fragile thread of reconciliation
* * *
The twentieth year made us
See our path the way it is
The workday, the classroom,
The trail of adversity from childhood to death
The twentieth year reminded us again
How fragile we are amongst the winds
Progress is ready to protect us,
The dream is close, just believe in it…
Science will give the means
For living for one hundred thousand, knowing no tears
We'll leave our trace
There, among the fires of distant stars
The inter-quarantine summer
In the rays of window light,
The sky and building shadows seem so close
Like pictures of the upcoming centuries
Don't ever forget this summer
How we searched for answers
Why we need each other,
And how valuable
Our lives are in the troubled days
The Earth progress accelerated its course,
Just like it was back in the forty-fifth year, amongst adversity,
Science is taking off again:
War always gives it a reason
We will live for a hundred thousand years,
Science will give an answer to everything
The road to the world where there's no death
Will be found by the stream of new discoveries!
* * *
Don't ever forget this summer
When we met sunrises
Along the sleeping highways and buildings,
Quiet grass and flowers
In the world that has just started living once again!
The inter-quarantine summer
Gave us the gift of answers
Why we need each other,
And how are should strive
Towards the dawn of the immortal spring!

Akik hátra maradtunk

[1. versszak]
Jól vagyok, jól vagyok
De szociálisan kissé esetlen vagyok
Az is tény, hogy a lányok
Nem vesztik el az eszüket mikor rám néznek
Az nem baj, az nem baj
Hogy nem vagyok jó semmiben
És nem találom el az összes hangot pontosan
Mikor énekelni próbálok
Óh-óh, tudom, hogy nem vagyok egyedül
Úgyhogy tekerd fel a hangerőt és engedj fel!
[Kórus 1]
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Mindenkiért, aki sosem érezte magát elég jónak
Hadd halljam az űzöttekért és a tanácstalanokért
A csodabogarakért és a vesztesekért
Tegyük fel őket
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Akik hátra maradtunk
[Verse 2]
Jól vagyok, jól vagyok
Nem kell, hogy milliárdos legyek
(Olyan rohadt gáz!)
És kevés az esélye, hogy az alapítványom kamataiból éljek
Bevallom, elfuserált vagyok
Tökéletesen működésképtelen
De ez cseppet sem érdekel
Ha te is így érzel, hadd halljam, hogy énekled!
Óh-óh, tudom, hogy nem vagyok egyedül
Úgyhogy tekerd fel a hangerőt és engedj fel
[Kórus 1]
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Mindenkiért, aki sosem érezte magát elég jónak
Hadd halljam az űzöttekért és a tanácstalanokért
A csodabogarakért és a vesztesekért
Tegyük fel őket
Tegyük fel őket
[Kórus 2]
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Jobban csináljuk mint a gazdagok és mesések
Hadd halljam azokért, akiknek nincs vesztenivalójuk
Akik bizonyítani akarnak
Tegyük fel őket
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Nem kell szabadkoznunk semmiért
Óh-óh, óh-óh
Vagyunk, akik vagyunk
Csak hallani akarlak titeket énekelni
Óh-óh, tudom miért nem vagyok egyedül
[Kórus 1]
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Mindenkiért, aki sosem érezte magát elég jónak
Hadd halljam az űzöttekért és a tanácstalanokért
A csodabogarakért és a vesztesekért
Tegyük fel őket
Tegyük fel őket
[Kórus 2]
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Jobban csináljuk mint a gazdagok és mesések
Hadd halljam azokért, akiknek nincs vesztenivalójuk
Akik bizonyítani akarnak
Tegyük fel őket
Szóljon ez azokért, akik hátra maradtunk
Az elveszettek, a kockák, a visszautasítottak, a vesztesek
A rosszak, a csodabogarak, a reménytelenek, a jövő
Az elveszettek, a kockák, a visszautasítottak, a vesztesek
A rosszak, a csodabogarak, a reménytelenek, a jövő
Akik hátra maradtunk

Ne mondj semmit!

Veled az oldalamon
Úgy éreztem megérkeztem
Elvesztem és megtaláltak
Kissé önzőnek érzem magam
És az önzés magatehetetlen
Lehúztalak magammal
Valahogy késleltettük
Én olyan szimplán játszottam, hogy becsaptuk a közönségünket
A felszínen olyan szép volt
De valahogy odaégettük
És a szavaknak most már nincs jelentésük
Nem kell mondanod semmit
Ne mondj semmit!
Mert a szemeid beszélnek
Nem kell mondanod semmit
Ne mondj semmit!
Mer' a szemeid beszélnek
Hazaérek fél ötkor
Veszekszünk míg a nap felkel
Nem hátrálunk meg
A témákat bújtatni megéri
Magas tétekkel játszunk
Az egész elbukik
Kétszer sújt le a villám
Az éj sötét varázsa alatt voltam jócskán
Most visszavágok és te is visszavágsz
Nem lengeted a fehér zászlót
A szavaink nem jelentenek semmit
Ne beszélj
Ne beszélj többet
Mer' a szemeid beszélnek
Ne beszélj
Ne beszélj többet
Mer' a szemeid beszélnek
Nem kell mondanod semmit
Ne mondj semmit!
Mert a szemeid beszélnek
Nem kell mondanod semmit
Ne mondj semmit!
Mer' a szemeid beszélnek
Régen mosolygós tükörtojást1ettünk
De a móka kifáradt
És most úgy érzem, hogy lejárt az időnk
Látom, hogy beszélni akarsz de a nyelveden csomó van
Legyen már eszünk
Ezt el nem rejthetjük, folyton el nem kerülhetjük
Irány lefelé az egyirányú úton a feledésbe
Milliószor elmondtam neked, hogy gondolom
De csak viták születnek és hogy ki nyer
Néha a megfelelő szavak nem jönnek ki
Fogd be, csinálj úgy mintha minden tökéletes lenne!
Az agy rövidzárlatot kap
A szemedbe nézek és nem érzem magam értéktelennek
Amit mondtam, tudod, hogy sosem gondoltam komolyan
Olyan mintha valaki folyton befejezné a mondataimat
Nem lesz több könny, nem lesz több hazugság
Tudom mit akarsz, amikor a szemeid mondják
Ne beszélj
Ne beszélj többet
Mer' a szemeid beszélnek
Ne beszélj
Ne beszélj többet
Mer' a szemeid beszélnek
Nem kell mondanod semmit
Ne mondj semmit!
Mert a szemeid beszélnek
Nem kell mondanod semmit
Ne mondj semmit!
Mer' a szemeid beszélnek
  • 1. A tükörtojás angolul kb. 'fried eggs served the sunny side up' amiben benne van, hogy 'a napos oldalával felfelé' (ami az érintetlen tojássárgájára utal), ami itt összecseng azzal, hogy ez a pár régen az élet napos oldalán élt, ezért fordítottam ezt 'mosolygós tükörtojásnak'.

Heavenly Woman

I saw you, in front of me, with your
embroidered eyes and your green hair.
I gave you my heart when listening
to you singing your song to me that
gave me back the soul...
it's nice to feel love
again and for you heavenly woman...
What will become of me if you are not here?
What will become of me without your eyes looking at me?
I will love you with all your troubles1 and
with your phases of love that make me
go crazy, and I'll be the one to listen to you
and I sing to you of our love so
that you are always calm...
it is beautiful to have you here,
next to me, heavenly woman...
What will become of me if you let me go?
What will become of me without your lips kissing me?
it hurts to keep imagining you
without knowing about you, heavenly woman...
but I'll make you happy and if you look at me like that,
I will never give up, until you
love me...
  • 1. 'Trastornos' means 'troubles', 'turmoils' or 'disorders'.

Ne felejts el

[Hey, hey, hey, hey]
Nem nézel felém?
Egyedül táncolok, tudod, bébi
Mondd el a gondjaidat és kétségeidet
Adj nekem mindent belülről és kívülről
Különös a szerelem, szürreális a sötétben
Gyengéd dolgokra gondolva, amiken dolgozunk
Lassú változás, ami széthúz minket
Amikor felvillan a fény a szívedben, bébi
Ne felejts el engem
Ne, ne, ne, ne
Ne felejts el engem
Kiállsz mellettem?
Nézz rá, soha nem szerettél
Az eső meg csak esik
Az eső meg csak esik
Le, le, lefelé
Felismersz engem?
Szólíts a nevemen, vagy menj tovább
Az eső meg csak esik
Az eső meg csak esik
Le, le, lefelé
[Hey, hey, hey, hey]
Nem próbálod, vagy színleled?
Ez az érzésem, megnyerjük a végére
Nem sértelek meg, vagy érintem meg a védvonalaidat
Hiúság, bizonytalanság
Nem nézel felém?
Egyedül táncolok, tudod, bébi
Mondd el a gondjaidat és kétségeidet
Adj nekem mindent belülről és kívülről
Ne felejts el engem
Ne, ne, ne, ne
Ne felejts el engem
Ahogy továbbállsz
Szóíts a nevemen
Ahogy továbbállsz
Szólíts a nevemen
Amikor továbbállsz
Ne felejts el engem
Ne, ne, ne, ne
Ne felejts el engem
Ne felejts el engem
Ne, ne, ne, ne
Ne felejts el engem
Oh, továbbállsz
Tovább fogsz menni
Gyere, szólíts a nevemen
Szólítasz a nevemen?


Yet another lonely day
where everything comes undone.
See, I never knew
how to talk to people.
I feel ill-at-ease,
somewhat frightened.
Slowly, gently
I sink like a boat.
I'm a poor captain,
just a laggard
people turn their back on.
But if you had time
to listen to me more
and I had the proper words
to catch the images
I'd say to you
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.
But I just stand there
not daring to say much.
A first glass too many
in a last smile
and that's more than enough
to love you to death.
I'd like to fall asleep
slowly, gently
under the Bridge of Sighs
or in the first subway train
like a last delirium.
But if you had time
to listen to me more
and I had the proper words
to catch the images
I'd say to you
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.

Simply friends

Versions: #1
Always, as usual, each day is the same.
There's nothing to say: in front of people, it's like this.
We're simply friends, and nothing else.
But who really knows what happens between us two,
if we fake a goodbye when night arrives?
I would give everything to shout about our love,
to tell them that when the door closes, we can't hold back,
that we wake up holding each other, with the desire to keep loving each other.
But they really don't accept our love.
Always, with gazes we always give all of our love,
we talk without talking, everything is silence when we walk by.
We're simply friends, and nothing else.
But who really knows what happens between us two,
if we fake a goodbye when night arrives?
I would give everything to shout about our love,
to tell them that when the door closes, we can't hold back,
that we wake up holding each other, with the desire to keep loving each other.
But they really don't accept our love.
I would give everything to shout about our love,
to tell them that when the door closes, we can't hold back,
that we wake up holding each other, with the desire to keep loving each other.
But they really don't accept our love.
No, no, they don't accept our love.
No, no, they don't accept our love.

The Line Has Been Drawn (Between Now and Then)

Versions: #1
We have been born between now and then
We are the ones still seeking for the truth
The old bygone age gave us a hundred ways
But the new age has erased them too soon
That age of machines, new technical means
Led us from atoms to stars
This age of the nets brightens our routines
But the starry path is gone
The line has been drawn
It seems to be that near
The same concrete walls and the noise
But our way of thoughts
Has become completely different
The link between the times
Has died…
We were brainwashed back in those times
That progress implies the constant fight:
The risks, the strives to the goals sublime
To the Milky Way spaceships’ flights
The might, force and power had much more weight
Than simple humans’ daily needs
What really mattered was the rockets’ range
Everything was determined by it
The line has been drawn
It seems to be that near
That naïve age of machines, leaders
And wars
But, within the nets,
The endless truths appeared
The power that exists
* * *
For hundreds of millennia, all the human kind
Honored the tools of fear and death
But the new goal has been defined
To teach everyone to be friends…
The line has been drawn
We're altered by the net
Our Earth is sick and tired of all the leaders
And wars
But some people don’t see
This age as the great one yet
When rockets matter less
Than iPhones…


A photo of a mountain, we don't know more about it
On a bottle of grapefruit juice
He sees details he had never seen
This morning, it's not like usual
Your dress has the color of breakfast
It is the one you wore to the karaoke
When you asked yourself what became of me
I didn't know we would shock each other
I only sang onomatopoeia
To act American, but you mocked me
I remember, I remember
Between the clouds, a square in the sky
Eyes of giants that watch them all
From the valley, they take each other's hand
Things will never be like before
Your dress has the color of breakfast
It is the one you wore to the karaoke
When you asked yourself what became of me
I didn't know we would shock each other
I only sang onomatopoeia
To act American, but you mocked me
I remember, I remember

Makarov Komplex II

Give it to 'em, yes, yes, bro, hahaha
What's up, bro?
Berlin is alive, mothafuckas
Hahahaha, you know
Give it to them dirty, Bra, yes
Ey, ey
The main thing is that I got guys in my back pocket
Cops on the main street, I just laugh at
Because I'm careful, I'm always on the nose
Get out of my way, before I freak out
Yallah, begone, begone, as Capital is back
Who wants me as an enemy? Gets shots from a rental car
I'm doing coke with hookers in the hotel and gettin' blow jobs
While you fall asleep whores on the job
The Bratan is here
Gucci hat on, and my hair fade is sick
And I fuck these fucking Nazis
The only thing Capi can fuck is two Capis
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
Yes, brother, you got a murder weapon in your shirt
I come to the savings bank with a gas mask
But this is is not a pepper spray gun
I'm not kidding, run away in the A-Class
Bra music, fucks everything on principle
Bro, I make a profit, and roll in a Lambo Anthracite
Yes, the bra has an appetite, for haze, women, money, heroin
Bitch Raffaello, Gucci Caballero
I'm Ukrainian, I don't wear grillz, you dick
Your crips and bloods make a seat and space
Capi is the king, fuck the rest, Akhi
Because I dissolve them like Nescafé
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
My GT S shines
Ca-Ca-Capital is back
This is Makarov complex
Yeah, yeah
Did you hear, brotha, what I did, yes?
Old Capi was the best, old Capi here, old Capi there, brotha
And when I want, it's old Capi now
Tomorrow is the new Capi
The new Capi is at noon, heh, you know

Complex of epic

Every Brazilian composer
is psychologically traumatised.
Why then this damn habit,
this worry
to speak so seriously,
to sound so serious
to be so serious
to smile so seriously
to cry so seriously
to have fun so seriously
to love so seriously?
Good heavens
to hell with being so serious!

It´s not my birthday

It´s a very special birthday
and we´re going to celebrate
playing with my friends
But as soon as the cake arrives
I want to eat it
blow all the candles
And I wish I dont have to wait
one year to pass
I would like to celebrate every day
a birthday, my birthday
It´s a very special birthday
and we´re going to celebrate
playing with my friends
But as soon as the cake arrives
I want to eat it
blow all the candles
And I wish I don´t have to wait
one year to pass
I would like to celebrate every day
a birthday, my birthday
But as soon as the cake arrives
I want to eat it
blow all the candles
And I wish I don´t have to wait
one year to pass
I would like to celebrate every day
a birthday, my birthday
I´ll try not to bite the cake
neither break the piñata
it´s not my birthday, I know

Old Temple Street

You're moving and you change color
I marked your name on the outside of my being
Fighting with demons again
They always attack me when I'm most tired
And it's when you look at me from there
And smiling at me, you bring me back to you
You know well my ability to fly
To digress, between worlds
You fade into the crowd
I can see the dots against the sky
And when I squeeze my eyes shut I see your voice
Fantastic, geometric, multicolored
And it's when you look at me from there
And smiling at me, you bring me back to you
You know well my ability to fly
To digress
You make me fly
You make me dream
You make me feel calm in the dark
You make me feel
You make me cry
You make me feel like there's no gravity
You make me laugh
You make me sing
You make me feel grounded in reality
Sitting face to face
And finding ourselves
You make me fly
You make me dream
You make me feel there's hope once more
And when I'm feeling bad
Or when I lose my way
You make me feel grounded in reality
Sitting face to face
And finding ourselves once again

Egyszerű ember

Mama azt mondta nekem amikor fiatal voltam
'Gyere, ülj le mellém egyetlen fiam
és figyelj jól arra amit mondok.
Ha megteszed,
az segíteni fog neked egy szép napon
Ne siess... ne élj túl gyorsan.
A gondok jönni fognak, de el is fognak múlni.
Találsz majd egy nőt, és megtalálod a szerelmet,
és ne feledd fiam,
ott fent van valaki.
És légy egyszerű ember.
Legyél valami amit szeretsz, és amihez értesz.
Legyél egyszerű ember.
Ugye megteszed értem fiam,
ha meg tudod?
Felejtsd el a vágyad a gazdagság iránt
Minden, amire szükséged van, a lelkedben van,
És meg tudod csinálni, ha megpróbálod.
Minden amit szeretnék neked fiam,
hogy elégedett legyél.
Ne aggódj fiú.
Meg fogod találni önmagad.
Kövesd a szíved,
és semmi mást.
Meg tudod csinálni,
ha megpróbálod.
Minden amit szeretnék neked fiam,
hogy elégedett legyél.'

The Simple Things

You could, you could take me far, far away
A wave, a cloud, while holding my hand
You could, you could tell me that you've got it all
All that I've been waiting for, while breathing on our necks
Take me for a walk
Along the docks or in the forest
You could drive me crazy
In one word you could
Heaven would approve
He loves the simple things
My heart against your body
If you love the simple things
No, let's not do like the others
Like the others
No, let's not do like the others do
Like the others
La, lalala, lalala
If you love the simple things
La, lalala, lalala,lalala la la la
You could, you could invite me to dinner
At all the most beautiful tables, I couldn't care less
You could, you could play on your charms
Come before me, make me lay down my arms
Take me for a walk
Along the docks or in the forest
You could drive me crazy
In a word, you could
Heaven would approve
He loves the simple things
My heart against your body
If you love the simple things
No, let's not do like the others do
Like the others
No, let's not do like the others do
Like the others
Take me sweetheart, make me bite the apple
Behind an emotion the great men hide
Make me fly sweetheart, tell me where we stand
Behind an emotion the great men hide
Take me for a walk
Along the docks or in the forest
You could drive me crazy
In a word, you could
Heaven would approve
He loves the simple things
My heart against your body
If you love the simple things
La, lalala, lalala
If you love the simple things
La, lalala, lalala,
La la la la la la la

Words From The Temple Of Shadows

A rite from the depths of antiquity
Opens the eye of a god
Your name called in the temple of shadows
A sacrifice - you shall respond!
Over and over you reach for their secret to find
But now you know that the daemon has spoken the truth
In corridors of whispers, entranced, you have uttered their names
And cursed the moments when dreams fade away
For they where here before you
Remember the eye of the throne is watching
The chains will break in the deep seas
The gates will open
Over and over you reach for their secret to find
But now you know that the daemon has spoken the truth
In corridors of whispers, entranced, you have uttered their names
And cursed the moments when dreams fade away
'Oh wings of deep darkness,
Bring forth the gods that ride the ancient starlight and
Dream amongst the heavens'
The serpent, shall scream again
The nights shall have no end
Another, sign to remember,
The walls that hold Absu out... will break
'The echo of a summoning in the temple of shadows. The time is near, for the gate to be opened and the dreamers to arrive. Carry us to morning and evening twilight and to the darkness of the western sky.'

A Little Girl Like You

The time of love has passed
like a dream that will not come back.
You were too beautiful, too young for me
What remains for me now without you?
I will never forget again
that evening when I met you
You were so small—so unusual for me—
a little girl like you.
With your hair a little unkempt—
with your black eyes a little downcast—
I never thought of falling in love this way—
nor could you actually tell me 'yes.'
You said yes, I love you.
I want you to stay close to me.
But you want love and love is not there—
I did not give my heart to you..
I spend my hours now remembering—
I spend time now wondering why
you came and then you left like that—
you left me waiting for you here.
I spend my hours now remembering—
I spend my time now wondering why
you wanted to hurt me so much when
I gave you only good things.
My baby won't come back tome.
I will no longer hold her next to me.
Now her path heads far away and she
will walk down it without me.
The time of love has passed
like a dream that will not come back.
You were too beautiful, too young for me
What remains for me now without you?
You were too beautiful, too young for me
What remains for me now without you?


Régen a kezemben volt a Mennyek kapujának kulcsa,
de most ha kopogok, akkor az ajtó csak halványodik.
Nem tehetek mást a zuhanáson kívül,
rendbe tudom ezt hozni valaha is?
Veled elvesztettem egy részem, amit sosem fogok megtalálni.
Nincs szó arra amit velem tettél.
Azt mondtad, sosem hagysz el,
de most itt a probléma.
Itthagytál, oly befejezetlenül
mint egy hiányzó puzzlet.
De most itt a probléma,
a szerelemem oly tökéletlen....oly tökéletlen.
Azt mondtad, sosem hagysz el,
de most itt a probléma.
A szerelemem oly tökéletlen.
És ahogyan az érzések és az ígéretek
elszürkülnek, úgy hasad meg a szívem is.
Most újra élek, lebegek egymagam,
megvolt az erőm, hogy megmentsem a haldokló, tompa fényem.
Veled elvesztettem egy részem, amit sosem fogok megtalálni.
Nincs szó arra amit velem tettél.
Azt mondtad, sosem hagysz el,
de most itt a probléma.
Itthagytál, oly befejezetlenül
mint egy hiányzó puzzlet.
De most itt a probléma,
a szerelemem oly tökéletlen....oly tökéletlen.
Azt mondtad, sosem hagysz el,
de most itt a probléma.
A szerelemem oly tökéletlen.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.


Seeing you taking his hand and leaving,
My heart is in great pain.
Perhaps I should have admitted earlier
That since a long time ago,
I've already been in love with your sweet dimples.
You are life's beautiful miracle,
Standing in front of me.
You are a beautiful miracle,
A perfect miracle,
Forever and ever without change.
My heart has completely stopped.
[I] recall your sweet dimples.
Actually, he is nothing special.
My heart is not reconciled with [this outcome], oh~
Looking at the rear view of you and him
Strolling through the park hand in hand,
How can I stand the fact that the 'him' beside you isn't me, isn't me?
Sitting on a chair at home,
Thinking of the beautiful you with longing,
I'll gather up my courage tomorrow
And confess everything to you.
I will never forget
Your sweet dimples.
Give me the chance to love you.
You won't regret it.
This is my promise to you.
My heart has completely stopped.
[I] recall your sweet dimples.
Actually, he is nothing special.
My heart is not reconciled with [this outcome], oh~
Looking at the rear view of you and him
Strolling through the park hand in hand,
How can I stand the fact that the 'him' beside you isn't me, isn't me?

Song of the simple things

One says goodbye, imperceptibly, to small things
The same way as a tree
In autumn, runs out of leaves
In the end, the sadness it's the slow death of the simple things
Those simple things that stay hurting your heart
One always comes back
To the old places where one loved the life
And then one understands
How absent the beloved things are
For that, boy, don't leave now, dreaming with the return
For love is simple
And the simple things get devoured by the time
Delay yourself here, in the big light of this midday
Where you will find, with the bread, the table set in the sun
For that, boy, don't go leave now
Dreaming with the return
For love is simple
And the simple things get devoured by the time
One always comes back
To the old places where one loved the life
Delay yourself here, in the big light of this midday
Where you will find, with the bread, the table set in the sun
For that, boy, don't go leave now
Dreaming with the return
For love is simple
And the simple things get devoured by the time
One always comes back
To the old places where one loved the life

Give Him the Full Story

Gente de Zona
The best thing playing now
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story (Micha)
And tell him
That it's the same at two and at three
You get nervous whenever about telling him I'm there
That you're only aroused by the kisses I give you
That not even four hours can pass by without you missing me
Tell him that you like being in the company of your famous friend
You love it when I give it to you, dress you, and bathe you
Ring, so that I can blow your mind
Tell him, mami, that I'm a gentleman
Tell him that you live me, with or without money
That with me, you don't go to bed, but to slaughter
No buts about it, and what your boyfriend is is jealous
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
But tell him that I'm the own who kills you
Give him the full story
That I'm the one who lights you up like a bonfire
Give him the full story
Tell him that I went far with you
Give him the full story
When I touched you, when I kissed you
Give him the full story
Tell him
About how you hop into my bed and watch
Show him the full movie
And tell him not to take it personally
That men like me
Know they're respected
With me you come, even by bike
You don't need no Porsche or jet
You enjoy herself however you like, but when
I don't call, you let me have it
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
But tell him that I'm the own who kills you
Give him the full story
That I'm the one who lights you up like a bonfire
Give him the full story
Tell him that I went far with you
Give him the full story
When I touched you, when I kissed you
Give him the full story
Gente de Zona
From Miami to Havana
I've eaten all my grapes
Now I'm biting into the apple
The Latinos are here
Adding in some flavor


Imádom a járásod
Imádom a járásod
Megbolondít csípőd lengése
Imádom a járásod
Oh, drágám, rajtad tartom a szemem
Tetszik ahogyan váltasz
Tetszik ahogyan kapcsolsz
Tetszik ahogyan változol
Tetszik a mozgásod
Oh, drágám, csak bámullak
Mosolygödrök vannak az arcodon
Gödröcskék vannak az orcádon
Bájgödröcskék vannak az pofidon
Neked is van gribedlid
Oh, drágám, fürkészlek
Jó hogy mindennap látlak
De jó, mindennap látlak
A környéken
Jó hogy mindennap látlak
De jó, mindennap látlak
Oh, drágám, figyellek ám

Completely nuts

Peace and love, what are they waiting for?
I think they want to reach me
Creeping like a snake
Leech, a bit like Satan
Completely nuts
She wanted that we do it, but I'm nuts
Ah, completely nuts
She told me 'I love you', but I'm nuts
Completely nuts
She wanted that we do it, but I'm nuts
Ah, completely nuts
She thought about marriage, but I'm nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
She wanted to emprison me
Or maybe poison me
Ah, surrounded by traitors at the nose
Need to know on whom you point your gun
Caught up between gears
Everything happened too fast for me
Mm-hmm Angela
eace and love, what are they waiting for?
I think they want to reach me
Creeping like a snake
Leech, a bit like Satan
Completely nuts
She wanted that we do it, but I'm nuts
Ah, completely nuts
She told me 'I love you', but I'm nuts
Completely nuts
She wanted that we do it, but I'm nuts
Ah, completely nuts
She thought about marriage, but I'm nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
My heart is sealed
So my relationship is in the hot seat
Isn't it, they are watching us
Why do your girlfriends want to get tangled?
I don't want you to think all that about me
Do you love me or not? Yes, but sometimes I don't trust you
Peace and love, what are they waiting for?
I think they want to reach me
Creeping like a snake
Leech, a bit like Satan
Completely nuts
She wanted that we do it, but I'm nuts
Ah, completely nuts
She told me 'I love you', but I'm nuts
Completely nuts
She wanted that we do it, but I'm nuts
Ah, completely nuts
She thought about marriage, but I'm nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
Mamamamamama nuts
Nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts

Audrey Hepburn Complex

A cracked head is a phase
Of a cruel hangover on a day like this
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
Things like being with you
Things like falling in love with the attention
Are the kind of things I can't tell anybody
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
The fold of my heels
Look like high heels
My goodness! How could I?
Like the weather report
Nobody believe this kind of things
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
Things like being with you
Surely everyone will laugh
Saying that it's something similar to measles
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
Somehow it looks like
A monday of downpour
My goodness! How could I?
I'll marry tomorrow
On a busy day like this
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
After all I'll end burning
Like a souffle
Because these things always happen to me
My goodness! How could I?
Honestly I'm unlucky
I beg your pardon!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The simple things

One says goodbye
unmoved by the simple things.
The same as a tree
that in autumn stays without leaves.
In the end the sadness means the slow death of the simple things,
those simple things that remain painful in one’s heart.
One always returns to those old places where he enjoyed life,
and then one understands how absent are the beloved things.
That’s why, girl, don’t leave dreaming of the return,
because love is simple and simple things are devoured by time.
Spend some time hear, in the sunlight of this half day,
where with a loaf in the sunlight you’ll find the table full of food.
That’s why, girl, don’t leave dreaming of the return,
because love is simple and simple things are devoured by time.
One always returns to those old places where he enjoyed life...
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Your Eyes, complete version

Your eyes
A clearing in the woods
Like troubadour guitars of San Juan
Your eyes are my torment
They are my forgiveness, my redemption, my awakening
Your eyes
That drive me crazy
They are my madness. With one look i’m lost.
Your eyes have everything.
I need nothing because they are my blessing
Your eyes, though they’re turned away, are like sweet, fresh ocean mist
Your eyes are my equilibrium
They are my freedom
(Look at me) Give me strength and relief
(Look at me) It’s what I need
(Look at me) To have everything,
All I need to do
Is melt in your eyes
(Look at me) You give me peace
(Look at me) My fortune couldn’t be greater
(Look at me) That the light and tranquility
Of your eyes
Calms my soul
Your eyes,
Sweet hope
Challis from which I sip the cure
Your eyes
Are the way
Where my overflowing passion clears the way
Your eyes fill my soul, there are no other riches, I have no fears
Your eyes,
Sweet, blessed
They are my devotion
(Look at me) Give me strength and relieve me
(Look at me) It’s what I need
(Look at me) To have everything,
All I need to do
Is melt in your eyes
(Look at me) You give me peace
(Look at me) My fortune couldn’t be greater
(Look at me) That the light and tranquility
Of your eyes
Calms my soul
(Look at me)
(Look at me)
That the light and tranquility
Of your eyes
Calms my soul
(Look at me) Give me strength and relief
(Look at me) It’s what I need
(Look at me) To have everything,
All I need to do
Is melt in your eyes
(Look at me) You give me peace
(Look at me) My fortune couldn’t be greater
(Look at me) That the light and tranquility
Of your eyes
Calms my soul

Mr.Simple (Japanese Ver.)

Because You naughty, naughty
Hey! I’m Mr. Simple
Because You naughty, naughty
Here comes SuJu
The world doesn't always work as you want it to
Isn't that right? Oh Oh Oh
The future isn't decided simply by fortune telling
That's just how it goes
It's not all bad, wouldn't you say?
Because some things end up good, don't you see?
If you're at a loss for what to do, it's okay to take it easy
Yeah, everything will have it's time
If there's something you want to do
Just don't hold back (Alright!) Alright
If you just sit and think about it
Nothing will happen (Alright!) Alright, Alright
Look here Mr Simple
Simple go ahead and do it!
That's right Miss Simple
Simple anything and everything you want!
Look here Mr Simple
Simple go ahead and do it!
That's right Miss Simple
Simple anything and everything you want!
Let's try and make some noise till the morning
It's okay to act crazy if you want to have fun
No point in waiting, it's okay to lose all sense
If you do things your way you can do what you want
Blow your mind! Look Mr Simple
Blow your mind! I want to collide and explode
Blow your mind! Look Mr Simple
Blow your mind! I want to stand out whenever and wherever
You live your life bound by foolish rules
Isn't that right? Oh Oh Oh
If you feel like it's all been pointless, that's no-one else's fault but yours
No running from it
If there's something you want to do
Push your limits (Alright!) Alright
If you haven't even tried yet
Work out where you want to be (Alright!) Alright, Alright!
Look here Mr Simple
Simple go ahead and do it!
That's right Miss Simple
Simple anything and everything you want! (S J Call!)
Look here Mr Simple
Simple go ahead and do it!
That's right Miss Simple
Simple anything and everything you want! (S J Call!)
So you feel the heat to your heart Just Get It Get It
Quickly starting to feel good
Doong Doong Doong Koong Koong Koong
No-one can stop it Just Grab It Grab It
Get with the endless rhythm
Doong Doong Doong Koong Koong Koong
(Because You Naughty, Naughty)
Don't let it bother you anymore
You'll be fine from now on
There's nothing to get you down, right?
If you just have a smile
You can surely change everything
Look here Mr Simple
Simple go ahead and do it!
That's right Miss Simple
Simple anything and everything you want!
Look here Mr Simple
Simple go ahead and do it!
That's right Miss Simple
Simple anything and everything you want!
Let's try and make some noise till the morning
It's okay to act crazy if you want to have fun
No point in waiting, it's okay to lose all sense
If you do things your way you can do what you want
Blow your mind! Look Mr Simple
Blow your mind! I want to collide and explode
Blow your mind! Look Mr Simple
Blow your mind! Look Mr Simple

Simple past

It was midday.
The passengers got on the bus.
It was crowded.
A young man wore a hat on his head which had a braid around it
and not a ribbon.
He had a long neck.
He complained about his neighbour
bumping into him.
As soon as he saw a vacant seat,
he rushed over to it and sat down.
I saw him later, in front of the Saint-Lazare station.
He was wearing a coat and a friend, who was there, told him this:
another button should be added.

Completely Yours

When I touch your skin
My feelings respond
And something inside of me
Repeats your name to me
When I touch your skin
I feel that I desire you
And you know very well that it's with you
That I want
I want to be that star that lights up your life
I want to enter your soul and melt you into mine
I want to be completely yours
I want to get out of myself
I want to drink from your lips until I'm intoxicated from you
I want to be yours tonight
So you can teach me to feel
And fade in your hands to feel touched by you
Touched by you
I feel the desire to be
In the bed that you sleep in
To learn how to fly
From the hand of a fairy
I feel the desire for you and my desire doesn't lie
More, than passion much more
This love is forever
I want to be that star that lights up your life
I want to enter your soul and melt you into mine
I want to be completely yours
I want to get out of myself
I want to drink from your lips until I'm intoxicated from you
I want to be yours tonight
So you can teach me to feel
And fade in your hands to feel touched by you
One night, you and I
Only with the stars
Escaped from the world
Discovering love
I want to be completely yours
I want to get out of myself
I want to drink from your lips until I'm intoxicated from you
I want to be yours tonight
So you can teach me to feel
And fade in your hands to feel touched by you

Illegal / Dimple (보조개)

Versions: #3
They’re well-hidden away, but if (you) smile they appear
Where do they come from
Don’t lie, you are indeed an angel
What is your true identity
But you
That smile is more than cruel
I shouldn’t have seen that cheek
Actually, what’s really dangerous
Is something only you have
Those dimples are illegal
No way, dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Were you a mistake that an angel left behind
Or was it a deep kiss
Those dimples are illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
As I don’t have it, as only you have it
Is it supposed to be this difficult
I want to fall into them and die, I want to drown in them and die
To me you are (like a) lake
Cause you
When you smile, I feel woozy
Please, can you be careful
Actually what’s really dangerous
Is something only you have
Those dimples are illegal
No way, dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Were you a mistake that an angel left behind
Or a deep kiss
Those dimples are illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
Every time I see you my heart gets more dangerous
Every time I see you it slowly gets more dangerous
Oh baby no hey
Oh baby no hey
You’re too dangerous to exist in this world
Those dimples are illegal
No way, dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Were you a mistake that an angel left behind
Or a deep kiss
Those dimples are illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
But I want it anyway anyway anyway

Very simple

All very simple
All natural
A sun tanned love
Tropical fruit
All the colours
That I could give you
All the fantasy
That I could dream about
I thought of telling you
Those things
But what for
If I have the music (music)
Good is very simple
Without turning it complicated
And a lot of time
For loving you...
I thought of telling you
So many things
But what for
If I have the music (music)
Good is very simple
Without turning it complicated
And a lot of time
For loving you...