Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 18

Találatok száma: 605


Don't Tell (Me)

I never thought I'd fall
How we've passed through it all
The sun won't shine any longer
And the moon is hiding
If you'd just look back
You'll see that we can still return
It was hard, I won't lie
But you promised not to give up
So don't tell me 'Enough, don't love'
I've only got half a heart left and now
I don't know how to move on
I was used to you being next to me
And if one day you'll feel alone
Just know that I am always the one
Who would never give up, would never leave
Because I will never stop loving
The wind has been silent for long
The happiness is no longer here
The dreams never stop
And the nights never end
After such a long period of time
I understood the problem
It's not us, it's life
You've got to learn from your obstacles
So don't tell me 'Enough, don't love'
I've only got half a heart left and now
I don't know how to move on
I was used to you being next to me
Now the silence speaks
Only a recurring memory remains
I sit and wait
For the day where we'll finally live

Mr. Tökély

Mikor belépek a klubba mindenki örvendezni kezd
Mikor az utcán sétálok, felvonulást rendeznek nekem
És mikor becsukom a szemem, látom, hogy mindenki engem néz
Ne kérdezd miért, sosem kellett igazán próbálkoznom
Hadd mutassam be neked a legvagányabb srácot, akit ismerek
Azt mondod majd (szia szia)
Megállíthatatlan vagyok (szia szia)
Annyira nagyon imádni való
Még ha azt is hiszed, hogy találni fogsz valakit, ő akkor sem lesz pont ugyanolyan mint én
Szia, szia
Én vagyok Mr. Tökély
Azt gondolnák, hogy őrült vagy, ha nem akarod tudni a nevem
Miután belenéztél a szemembe, már sosem leszel ugyanaz, nem
Mégis mit gondolsz pontosan mit fogsz találni a másik oldalon
Szóval menj és próbálkozz, mert én vagyok az a srác úgyhogy
Hadd mutassam be neked a legvagányabb srácot, akit ismerek
Azt mondod majd (szia szia)
Megállíthatatlan vagyok (szia szia)
Annyira nagyon imádni való
Még ha azt is hiszed, hogy találni fogsz valakit, ő akkor sem lesz pont ugyanolyan mint én
Szia, szia
Én vagyok Mr. Tökély
Én vagyok minden, nem tudsz megállítani
Olyan jól nézek ki
Olyan jól nézek ki
Tudom, hogy te
Átlépnéd a határt
Én vagyok Mr. Tökély
Én vagyok Mr. Tökély
Hadd mutassam be neked a legvagányabb srácot, akit ismerek
Azt mondod majd (szia szia)
Megállíthatatlan vagyok (szia szia)
Annyira nagyon imádni való
Még ha azt is hiszed, hogy találni fogsz valakit, ő akkor sem lesz pont ugyanolyan mint én
Szia, szia
Én vagyok Mr. Tökély
Olyan jól nézek ki
Olyan jól nézek ki
Tudom, hogy te
Átlépnéd a határt

Gaze through the darknesss

That night we had too much drink,
that's when i met her.
Too much wine untied the tongue,
Glance to the past sinks.
Her gaze says a lot,
although everything is dreary.
Cigarette in a hand, glass on the table,
i find it all fascinating.
She looks at the watch, departs somewhere,
i'm left all alone.
My eyes look at the ground,
i didn't know that i'm so weak.
I'm returning home through the night,
alone, i hear the footsteps.
I turn around to take a look,
but she is not there.
That gaze through the darkness,
and sour smile consume me.
Negative emotions,
and i'm not aware of that.
Gaze through the darkness,
and sour smile consume me.
Negative emotions,
and i'm not aware of that.


Azt mondják, mindenkinek van néhány hasonmása
Világ körüli útra indultam, hogy megkeressem az összeset és azt a néhányat, de elvesztem
Az összes ember sokkal jobb volt nálad
De csak veled lehettem önmagam
Minden nap belehaltunk az újrakezdésbe
Játszottunk, hogy mennyire fáj..nem értetted,
Ha a szemedbe néztem, jobbnak láttam magam, mint amilyen vagyok, visszaverődött az íriszedben
Bárhogy is lesz, a saját utamat járom
Mindvégig te maradsz az életem filmzenéje
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki betölti a kezeim között lévő űrt
Emlékezz rám, akkor is ha nem lesz köztük már semmi
Az ég zokog, de senki nem érzi
Mintha mindig is számítottunk volna rá
Hány dal kell hozzá, hogy elfelejtselek
7 milliárdan vagyunk, de te engem választottál
Akárhogy is lesz, ha véget ér is,
Mindvégig te maradsz az életem filmzenéje
Együtt vesztünk el
Együtt vesztünk el
A szívedet egyszer veszíted el
Az utána következő időkben csak arra az egy emberre gondolsz
Ami elébe nézünk, az semmi más, mint egy történet másolatai, amit már fejből tudok
Te vagy életem legnagyobb hibája
Egy nyitott könyv, a borítójától az utolsó lapjáig elolvasva
Olyan gyönyörű hiba voltál, hogyha nem tettem volna meg
Az lett volna életem legnagyobb hibája
A bőrömbe véstem a neved
Az idő haladtával így együtt öregszünk majd meg
Együtt kell élnem a tudattal, hogy egy nap talán nem lehetsz az enyém
Nehéz elmennem
Elbújok mélyen az emlékeidben
Akkor is ha ez nem az, amit szeretnél
Soha nem fogják megérteni, mik voltunk egymásnak
Hány dal kell hozzá, hogy elfelejtselek
7 milliárdan vagyunk, de te engem választottál
Akárhogy is lesz, ha véget ér is,
Mindvégig te maradsz az életem filmzenéje
Együtt vesztünk el
Együtt vesztünk el


[Verse 1]
They say everyone has four look-alikes
And to look for all of them I traveled around the world and I got lost
Each one of these people was better than you
But only with you I was able to be myself
We killed each other everyday to start again
We played hurting each other and you wouldn't understand that
If I looked in your eyes I'd have seen a better version of me, reflected in your iris
Either way I'll go straight on my way
You'll always be the soundtrack of my life
Among all the people you're the only one who perfectly fills the voids between my fingers
Remember me even if there'll be nothing left of me
The sky is crying but no one hears that
It's like if we were waiting on each other since forever
How many songs will I need to forget you
We're seven billion people but you chose me
Either way, even if it'll be over
You'll always be the soundtrack of my life
We got lost together
We got lost together
[Verse 2]
You only lose your heart once
We spend the rest of our time thinking to one person only
All those who will come will just be copies of a story I know by memory
You're the biggest mistake I've done
An open book read from the last page to the cover
You were such a beautiful mistake that not doing it
Was the greatest wrong of my life
I got your name written on my skin
So, as time goes by, we'll grow old together
I'll learn to live with the awareness that one day maybe I won't be able to have you
I'm sorry I have to go
I'll stay hidden inside your memories
Even if that's not what you want
No one will ever comprehend what we were
How many songs will I need to forget you
We're seven billion people but you chose me
Either way, even if it'll be over
You'll always be the soundtrack of my life
We got lost together
We got lost together


Versions: #2
You're still here where I don't want you to be
You're stil anxiety which i move everywhere
When soul gives to soul,either she's here forever either she didn't love
I know,you will dissapear with first rain,i will bloom on snowy road,you won't hear 'stay'.
Because you will die only once,you won't ever understand how immortals love.
You're still here where it hurts.Every flight is a fall when one loves.
Step by step to dream.
You fell asleep beside her,awareness killed me.
I know,you will dissapear with first rain,i will bloom on snowy road,you won't hear 'stay'.
Because you will die only once,you won't ever understand how immortals love.


Du kom ind i mit hoved, som en sang
Som jeg blev ved med at synge helt alene
Men som radioen hold op med at spille for lang tid siden
For lang tid siden
Jeg har vidst fået nok, jeg er vidst færdig
Som en fugl i brand, nu er den borte
Troede jeg så mig selv i dig, jeg tog fejl
Der er ingenting at sige, jeg går min vej
Det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at kurere denne kærlighed
Skat, jeg bliver ikke en eneste nat mere
Denne gang siger jeg farvel, jeg lader dig gå
Det vil kræve et mirakel, åh....
Det var en ensrettet vej væk fra dig og mig
Du genopbyggede dette slot baseret på løgne
Og nu er vi kommet til det punkt hvor der ingen vej tilbage er
Vi styrter i grus, du lærer så længe du lever
Det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at kurere denne kærlighed
Skat, jeg bliver ikke en eneste nat mere
Denne gang siger jeg farvel, jeg lader dig gå
Ja, det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at redde os nu
Og jeg gider ikke lade som om alt er okay
Mit hjerte er på spil, enden på os er min begyndelse, åh
Hey (Mira-mira-mirakel)
Det vil kræve et mirakel
Uhh... (Mira-mira-mirakel)
Åh det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at redde os nu
Det vil kræve et mira-mira-mirakel, mira-mira-mirakel
Mira-mira-mirakel at redde os nu

Gospodine momče

Nešto u tome što si se meni osmehnula je mene doveo ludila
Hteo bih da znam da li si sama, neću da ti smetam
Ali ne mogu da poreknem onaj osećaj kad ti gledam tačno u očima
Osetim moje srce, kako brzo kuca jer izazov možda će da se pojavi
Jimmy Cozier
Želim da znam da li se osećaš isto kao što i ja, i ja
Želim da znam da li postoji šans za mene i tebe, i tebe
Ako nema šanse, da se sretnemo u baru pa me reci da ne možeš, da ne možeš
Jer ne želim biti, ne želim biti, ne želim biti
Nepravedan prema tvojeg gospodine
Nepravedan prema tvojeg gospodine
Nepravedan prema tvojeg gospodine
Nepravedan prema tvojeg gospodine
Alicia Keys
Sviđa mi se kako si meni obraćao pažnju tokom noći
Možda sam previše Remy-ja (vino) popila, moj čovek je uz mene
Svaki put kad te uhvatim da me gledaš, osetim jeza uz leđa
Igraću ovu igru, samo za zabavu i samo ove noći
Celu noć
Alicia Keys
Želim da znam zbog čega osećaš se onako kako se osećaš, se osećaš
Mislim da se nadaš da postoji šans za mene i tebe, i tebe
Da li bih trebala da te sretnem u baru pa da ti kažem da ne možemo, ne možemo
Jer ne želim biti, ne želim biti, ne želim biti
Nepravedna prema svojeg gospodine
Nepravedna prema svojeg gospodine
Nepravedna prema svojeg gospodine
Nepravedna prema svojeg gospodine
Znam da sve što hoćeš da znaš su odgovore
Jer možeš da meni daš što meni treba
Oboje znamo da privlačimo jednog drugog
Da pustimo naše želje, da pustimo naše želje da nas vode?
Želim da znam da li se osećaš isto kao što i ja, i ja
Želim da znam da li postoji šans za mene i tebe, i tebe
Ako nema šanse, da se sretnemo u baru pa me reci da ne možeš, da ne možeš
Jer ne želim biti, ne želim biti, ne želim biti
Nepraveden/na prema tvojeg/svojeg gospodine

the happiness tonight

tonight tonight tonight tonight
the happiness tonight tonight
when our nation tonight is as big as the other nations of the world
it was a dream that lasted for years
which our eyes longed to see
the moment when our nation
sings before the whole world
here we stand before the world as one and we chant
oh our nation we are going to hold your name and image high up
and this chant is going to reach the whole world

The love will never die

Can't you see - it hurts!
Stop, enough!
I still remember.
You think, you are allowed to do so, if you are mine, oh my God?
And I love strongly (*)
You do not hear me screaming.
I am not asking, I am praying,
I am blindly believing and waiting.
I am not alive, I am just breathing.
I don't want (it) without you! Farewell! Goodbye!
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!
We had been destructing and building again and again
Millions of words, lie and pain
Where the days go through us?
Emptiness and loneliness - they are not love.
The scream, quarrels, the night, the city,
The memory shards remember your whisper.
Weird, there are only wounds inside the soul.
But one can't fix everything with the deception.
Who will replace your smile now?
Who would understand me like you?
We are just humans, we make mistakes.
If you've insulted once, forgive a hundred times.
The sun is not shining anymore for me (**).
There are only clouds and rains.
And I have lost the sense of live on the day when I let you go.
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!

No, No, Kindness Isn't Good

I am a glorious wizard and I've got power
All I ask is just a bit of respect
Soon it would grow and expand
I am willing to break two hearts
I've been nice up until today
And deep inside I wondered
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
If I ever spooked you
Just know that I haven't even started
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
Soon I'll be the king
Witchcraft is my way to go
You're in trouble, it's not so bad...
I'm a wizard, there's no other choice
I've already done all kinds of magic
Only a king in a palace I never was
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
I get mad quite fast
There's a chance to win here
Odette will never be a guest in the palace
Hag will take her place, and all would be happy.
All in all I am sympathetic
But you all think I went crazy
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
For me!
I am evil and I'm good this way
Believe me I'm good this way
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
(One more time!)
Being evil is a matter of character
Being evil is just so good
No, no, kindness isn't good for me

the key of (my) heart

and now I'm opening the page
the page of the new chapter
the one that I'm starting with you
I live for you
and our old memory,
our life's picture
the one that I have with you
I'll write it in there
'cause I'll be for you , I'll be there
'cause I'll be for you , I'll be there
I'm yours
'cause you have the key of my heart
you have the key of my heart
I'd miss you even if I would never
meet you
you have the key of my heart
you have the key of my heart
what do you want from me
you'll always have it
'cause you're my breath
your name talks through my veins
look me in my eyes
I'd give the world for you
'cause I'll be for you , I'll be there
'cause I'll be for you , I'll be there
I'm yours
'cause you have the key of my heart
you have the key of my heart
I'd miss you even if I would never
meet you
you have the key of my heart
you have the key of my heart
what do you want from me
you'll always have it
I'll shout with you
maybe I'll scream at you
we'll get very upset
I know there will be tears
I know they'll be worthless
I swear in front of you today
I won't talk to you
maybe a day or two
our feeling can overcome everything
I swear today
I'm yours
'cause you have the key of my heart
you have the key of my heart
no no no no no nooooo
'cause you have the key of my heart
you have the key of my heart
I'd miss you even if I would never
meet you
you have the key of my heart
you have the key of my heart
what do you want from me
you'll always have it
what do you want from me
you'll always have it


Versions: #1
Skifterja Zemrës
Ma vodhe zemrën, ti zemrën
Ti, ti skifterja ime
zemrën, ti zemrën
ti, ti skifterja ime
je, je dashnia ime je
Ti je, je, je dashnia ime je
Ma ke vjedh, ma ke vjedh
ma ke vjedh zemrën
ma ke vjedh zemrën
si me qen prej Laçi
Jam i smun, jam i smun
tash jam aq i smun
tash jam aq i smun
sa s'po dal mo...
Futesh e del m'rena prej menimeve t'mia
tamam si hajduti që hyn nëpër shpija
nuk e paskam ditë se dashnija, dashnija
t'zeka më shumë se rakia
Ma vodhe zemrën, ti zemrën
Ti, ti skifterja ime
zemrën, ti zemrën
ti, ti skifterja ime
je, je dashnia ime je
Ti je, je, je dashnia ime je
Zemrën ma ke marrë
Si rolex-i mban dorë
Si rolex-i mban dorë
Edhe ditën edhe natën
Edhe dillin edhe vapën
Edhe esell edhe tap
Edhe plaken edhe plakun
I lash gjitha unë mbas teje
I vura flaken
Qafsha plaken nuk e di se ça m'ka gjet
Vi mbas teje me t'kerku se m'kan ik mendt
T'du gjithë jetën edhe jo per nji moment
Ma vodhe zemrën, ti zemrën
Ti, ti skifterja ime
zemrën, ti zemrën
ti, ti skifterja ime
je, je dashnia ime je
Ti je, je, je dashnia ime je

When You Left

When you left, everything turned gray
May the morning come and pour some light
Over my city, me and my coat are freezing cold
And this routine is just so heavy
Who will hold me when I fall by myself
On my bed, me and my world are all yours
Come back, I'm so afraid
I love you and I hate you so
You always cause me pain
It's hard for me not to see you anymore
And honestly, I am not as strong
As I thought I would be when you
Come out from inside me, how it slowly burns me
It's so hard for me to have fun, you sully all my thoughts
In the middle of a lovely day, my heart is so thirsty for love
Everything is so simple and complex
I want to know what you do now
When you're no longer with me
Who took the place that has long not been mine

On My Door Stood Two Moons

Versions: #2
On my door
On my door stood two moons, one moon in the sky
And the second is more precious than the eye, and understand just by nod
O moon, by night, we are the lovers
Oh, ascendant in the heights, let us be stay awake all night
And there is no star between two moons, and no breeze between two crescents
And people have just one moon and I have two moons
On my door stood two moons, one moon in the sky
And the second is more precious than the eye, and understand just by nod
Oh healer of thirsty hearts, satisfy all these thirsty
Oh you with eyes full of love and nostalgia
You and I, O light of the eye, we are a single spirit living within two bodies
You and I, O light of the eye, we are a single spirit living within two bodies
On my door stood two moons, one moon in the sky
And the second is more precious than the eye, and understand just by nod

reference to Score 20 (/20) - Persian equivalent of 100 (/100)

Your score is 20 (out of 20), your score is 20 (OR you are the score 20/you are the score 100)
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
I haven't seen someone like you, haven't heard of even in stories
Not in the past and not now, no one is of that physique (height and shape)
No one knows like you, how to be both number 1 and 20 (100%)
You have broken records, you have settled in every heart
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
No, you're like nobody else
Nobody is a moon like you, is innocent like your eyes
Nobody is as beautiful as you, nowhere in the world
Wherever we bring color from, we won't have the color of your eyes
Our God has painted you, with the light and rain pencil
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
No, you're like nobody else
I haven't seen someone like you, haven't heard of even in stories
Not in the past and not now, no one is of that physique (height and shape)
You're the birth, you're the start, you're the color of the first (sun)rise
You're the honor of stories, you're good news, you're prayers
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else
Your score is 20, your score is 20
Your score is 20, you're like nobody else

Midnight Sharp

It's midnight sharp and I don't know
Where you can be
I caught myself thinking of us
A missing feeling breaks into the place and the heart of the ones who are crying
Let's set fire to it and seek our lost passions
There's a place in this town
Where the stars can look at me
From my window I'll see you walk by
Perhaps you can see me
Here on the other side of emotions
Just for one night
I'll feel you
By my side again
The moonlight shining the dark night
You and I, once again
Letting love happen
As we dance in the street, the dark midnight will light up
It's midnight sharp and I don't know
Where you can be
I caught myself thinking of us
A missing feeling breaks into the place and the heart of the ones who are crying
Let's set fire to it and seek our lost passions
There's a place in this town
Where the stars can look at me
From my window I'll see you walk by
Perhaps you can see me
Here on the other side of emotions
Just for one night
I'll feel you
By my side again
The moonlight shining the dark night
You and I, once again
Letting love happen
As we dance in the street, the dark midnight will light up
Just for one night
I'll feel you
By my side again
As we dance in the street, the dark midnight will light up


Maybe I want 'a little more' too much
A little more love and something more
I'm not the kind of guy who provokes and then it's like: whatever
What I have is love and some many tears left behind
And what can I do if I even considered
Thinking that one day
I would dress in white
So I waited for you
Thinking the right person was at the altar
And what can I do if I can have you
Just when you want
On a hotel bed
On any old road
I see your name written in neon everywhere
If when the night ends
You leave me
I want you to know that I'll keep that old song
That makes me remember you, and it'll live
Inside my heart
With your name written in neon
And if you ever come back
When the moon shines
I want you to know that I'll keep that old song
And to restart, I'll follow a directionless sign
With our name written in neon
Maybe I want 'a little more' too much
A little more love and something more
And what can I do if I can have you
Just when you want, on a hotel bed
On any old road
I see your name written in neon everywhere
I ask for a star to follow you down to your house
And when it shines I know everything is fine
Maybe you'll never realize I love you
Maybe I'll never realize you love me too
If when the night ends
You leave me
I want you to know that I'll keep that old song
That makes me remember you, and it'll live
Inside my heart
With your name written in neon
And if you ever come back
When the moon shines
I want you to know that I'll keep that old song
And to restart, I'll follow a directionless sign
With our name written in neon

Gloom of night

[Vampire 1:]
Make a step towards me into gloom,
Giving yourself up to uninhibited passion.
The light of day is your worst enemy,
It has no power over you anymore.
Feel the night with all your soul,
Share in its dark mystery,
Drive the doubts away
And believe that dreams are real.
[Vampire 2:]
Toll will be heard,
And, having their shelter abandoned,
All the devils will break free,
Angels will fall.
[Vampires 1 & 2:]
And the craving for fresh blood
Gets keener from day to day,
As this hunger can’t be stilled
And killing is our fate.
[All vampires:]
Curse the day! It reaves us of peace.
Feel the infinity and the greatness of the darkness!
We are given the feeling of all-embracing emptiness by
Gloom of night
[Vampire group 1:]
Gloom of night.
[Vampire group 2:]
Dies irae, Kyrie! Libera me, Domine!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Requiem da, Domine!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Libera me, Domine!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Requiem da, Domine!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Libera me, Domine!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Requiem da, Domine!
Exultate, Kyrie! Pie agne, Domine!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Sanctus, sanctus, exultate!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Libera me, Domine!
Dies irae, Kyrie! Requiem da, Domine!
[Vampire group 1:]
Gloom of night! — feel it with all your soul.
Gloom of night! — close your eyes to start seeing clearly.
Gloom of night! — gives you freedom and peace.
Gloom of night! — may it always be with you.
Gloom of night!
Gloom of night!
Gloom of night is with you!
The dead will rise from their coffins,
Inspiring fear in all the living.
[Magda & Herbert:]
Hopes will return to dust,
And the eternal gloom will set in.
Our order is chaos.
We are predators in darkness,
And our lair is at the bottom.
We have no other choise.
[All vampires:]
Curse the day! It reaves us of peace.
Feel the infinity and the greatness of the darkness!
We are given the feeling of all-embracing emptiness by
Gloom of night
[Vampire group 1:]
Gloom of night.
[Vampire group 2:]
Carpe noctem, lamia! Decet diem exsecrari!
Sanguim suga, belua! Debet pravum exsequari!
Inquiem perpetuum dona nobis, Satanas!
Bestia diaboli, dona nobis damnationem!
Carpe noctem, lamia! Decet diem exsecrari!
Sanguim suga, belua! Debet pravum exsequari!
Inquiem perpetuum dona nobis, Satanas!
Bestia diaboli, dona nobis damnationem!
Sanguim suga, belua! Debet pravum exsequari!
Carpe noctem, lamia! Decet diem exsecrari!
[Vampire group 1:]
Gloom of night! — feel it with all your soul.
Gloom of night! — close your eyes to start seeing clearly.
Gloom of night! — gives you freedom and peace.
Gloom of night! — may it always be with you.
[Vampire group 3:]
Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!
Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!
Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!
Carpe noctem! Carpe noctem!
[Vampire group 1:]
Gloom of night! — feel it with all your soul.
Gloom of night! — close your eyes to start seeing clearly.
Gloom of night! — gives you freedom and peace.
Gloom of night! — may it always be with you.
[All vampires:]
Make a step towards me into gloom,
Giving yourself up to uninhibited passion.
The light of day is your worst enemy,
It has no power over you anymore.
Feel the night with all your soul,
Share in its dark mystery,
Drive the doubts away
And believe that dreams are real.

The Era of Jahiliyyah

life of darkness obscures tyranny
We seek iniquity, sanctify disobedience
glorify injustice and worship idols
To evil, let's march forward
The era of Quraysh gives peace
Generosities crushed
Good neighborliness
Abu Jahl and the sons of quinqaae
In the custody
guilt remains the woken evil
Thwart the shame in the day of frown
like Abu Layla al-Muhalhel in the war of bassous
burying baby girls alive in smacking cups
degradation of captives and the destruction of souls
We pour liquor to lose our minds
To the masters of Quraish they knock drums
mutilate the female and kill children
we become titans till the mountains feel fear
Thwart the shame in the day of frown
like Abu Layla al-Muhalhel in the war of bassous
burying baby girls alive in smacking cups
degradation of captives and the destruction of souls
We pour liquor to lose our minds
To the masters of Quraish they knock drums

Agyhalott tánc

Agyhalott tánc
Botladozik és zúz, forog és beszél,
Feledkezzünk meg a szaros kis életünkről,
Szóval nézz be és mozgasd a segged,
Igyál valamit vagy szívj egy kis füvet,
Fizetendő számláink vannak, dolgozzuk el az életünket,
Egy drog okozta károsodás majd elfeledteti azt,
Az élet egy játék, olyan mint egy kabaré,
Ennyit tudok csak, és ez olyan világos mint a nap,
Ez egy játék,
Hölgyeim és uraim, fiúk és lányok,
Gyertek be és nézzétek a műsort,
Tudni akarod azt, amit nem tudsz,
Mutatunk egy tükröt, aztán elmehetsz,
Mindenem megvan amit akarsz,
Mindenem megvan amit szeretnél,
Nézz nagyon mélyre,
Megdöbbensz majd mit fogsz találni,
Nincs több hazugság, már kurvára nem lehet több,
Túl sok vagy nekem, szétrobbantasz engem,
Agyhalott tánc
Körbe-körbe mész,
Az élet egy Körhinta, nem tudtad?
Válaszok mindenhol és mindegyik eladó,
Érezd a hülyeséget és lélegezd is be,
Mindenki azt akarja, ami a másé,
Csak kár, hogy az nem valami sok,
Vajon miért érzed mindennap ugyanazt?
Ne csodálkozz, mikor senki se tudja a neved,
Az élet egy játék,
Hölgyeim és uraim, fiúk és lányok,
Gyertek be és nézzétek meg a műsort,
Tudni akarjátok azt, amit nem tudtok,
Mutatunk majd egy tükröt, és elmehettek,
Megvan mindenem, amit akarsz,
Megvan mindenem, amit csak szeretnél,
Nézz nagyon mélyre,
Megdöbbensz majd mit találsz,
Nincs több hazugság, már kurvára nincs,
Túl sok vagy nekem, szétrobbantasz engem,
Nem furcsa a játék, amit játszunk,
Miközben a saját pusztulásunkat figyelmen kívül hagyjuk?
Elsőnek kell lenni,
De ez egy harc, amit nem lehet megnyerni,
Agyhalott tánc!
Az élet egy játék,
Hölgyeim és uraim, fiúk és lányok,
Gyertek be és nézzétek meg a műsort,
Tudni akarjátok azt, amit nem tudtok,
Mutatunk majd egy tükröt, és elmehettek,
Megvan mindenem, amit akarsz,
Megvan mindenem, amit csak szeretnél,
Nézz nagyon mélyre,
Megdöbbensz majd mit találsz,
Nincs több hazugság, már kurvára nincs,
Túl sok vagy nekem, szétrobbantasz engem,
Agyhalott tánc
(Ez egy koszos és mocskos világ)


Ne szólj egy szót se,
Még valaki meghallaná,
És minden álmodon
Csak a félelem csendje van,
Zárd le a dobozt,
Tartsd a szavaidat benne,
Edd meg a kulcsot,
Nyeld le a büszkeséged,
Nyugtalanság, nem tudunk úgy beszélni, ahogy akarunk,
Megfagyás, csak ne felejts el lélegezni,
Megakadva, a szív szorosan összeszorult,
A kifogás figyelmen kívül hagyva, ahogy a tüdő zihál,
'Csendet. Ne szólj egy szót se. Ha mégis beszélnél, beszélj halkan. Hallgass'
Mindig a magányos gyerek,
Aki nem mond sokat,
Olyan egy gyengéd lélek,
Egy félénk érintéssel,
A néma nem süket,
A világ túl hangos,
Told el magadtól,
Ne adj hozzá hangot,
Kényelmetlenség, nem tudunk úgy beszélni, ahogy akarunk,
Fagyás, ne felejts el lélegezni,
Beszorult, a szív szorosan összenyomva,
Az ellenvetés figyelmen kívül hagyva, ahogy a tüdő zihál..
'Csend. Ne szólj egy szót se. Ha mégis beszélnél, beszélj halkan. Hallgass'
'Csönd. Ne szólj egy szót se. Ha mégis beszélnél, beszélj halkan. Hallgass'

The Tune of Deprivation

you keep singing the tune of deprivation1
And you keep complaining and exaggerating
What you've been through in the earlier days didn't matter to you
Nor the sweet times we had back then
I hurt you? You are capable of hurting an entire town
What's this, did you think that you bought me?
I'll leave you and lose you forever
The only thing remaining was for you to kill me
We are done, goodbye, our separation will last
Words about love and loyalty
I've heard them a lot, I'm used to them
They no longer have meaning, it's done
They won't hurt nor help
I hurt you? You are capable of hurting an entire town
What's this, did you think that you bought me?
I'll leave you and lose you forever
The only thing remaining was for you to kill me
We are done, goodbye, our separation will last
  • 1. As in, you keep playing the victim.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

What a Beauty!

Your greeting is full of tenderness
It's as if you're a rose in my hands
Your words are sweet
Even your laughter is full of feelings
Your innocence is still natural
What a beauty
beyond what I could imagine
My heart has searched for you for so long
Your eyes are like the sun
When you close them, my world becomes night
When you open them, my world lights up
You are a gift coming from the heavens
to sweeten my world
I must attest to the fact that:
the more I know you
the more beautiful you become in my eyes
What a beauty
beyond what I could imagine
My heart has searched for you for so long
Your eyes are like the sun
When you close them, my world becomes night
When you open them, my world lights up
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Beyond All People

You're beyond all people with your feelings
And with the tenderness in your eyes
And my eyes are upon you, oh my heart's darling
I don't close them
Finally you were able to change me
And the best of me was brought out in your love
I must live the rest of my life in your love
And when you speak, your voice is full of tenderness
You take my soul away to a far away world
I feel comfort and feel assured
And with my eyes I see things
far more beautiful when I'm by your side
You're beyond all people with your feelings
And with the tenderness in your eyes
And my eyes are upon you, oh my heart's darling
I don't close them
Finally you were able to change me
And the best of me was brought out in your love
I must live the rest of my life in your love
Darling, you are worth the whole world
And you're perfect for me wherever you are
There is nothing more that my heart could wish for
You came into my life and sweetened it
Painted it in the most beautiful color
All my days before meeting you don't count
And when you speak, your voice is full of tenderness
You take my soul away to a far away world
I feel comfort and feel assured
And with my eyes I see things
far more beautiful when I'm by your side
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

What Lovers?

We find our comfort with strangers
And not with our lovers
Being near each other didn't set us at ease, oh my heart
We find comfort in our separation
What lovers? How could we be called so?
In order to keep our image intact, we're forced
to carry on and life goes on
but we don't matter to each other
We walk with our hands embracing each other
And smile in front of people
So that we don't distort the image
So that they would believe our feelings
Oh my heart, they gave us a million solutions
But still we remain in the same situation
And our love fades away day after day
While our excuses don't
And what in the world forces us
to do something we do not love?
If the mistake was that we made a choice,
Surely this is a mistake that we don't mean
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Tuna (Israel) - מרפקים dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Verse 1
He was born in Petah Tikva, during a thunder storm
The doctor said: 'Cute, except he doesn't have elbows.'
'Can you live like that?' His father asked, panting
The doctor replied: 'You can, but it's hard in this country.'
In the line for the Ice Cream Van, in a small valley in the city
Kids pushed him aside, he did not pushed them back
At night he pictured himself as a hero
Platinum elbows, first in every line
No more Porcelain Man, not being pushed through the canteen
Not bent, not weeping, not staying behind
One day they'll see, I'll find the way somehow
I'll survive, they'll respect me, I'll prove them wrong
God, if you'll have some spare time, please put an end to this
Just like anyone else, I want to push and pass, and attack too…
Chorus *2
One elbow to the right
One elbow to the left
For you to move forward
You always leave a blue mark
Verse 2
He graduated from the army as an exemplary soldier, it was already in his nature
They told him: 'From one to seven you were a ten, how about staying for regular army?'
'No thanks, a real NCO must have elbows, that's for sure…'
'Don't worry, ya Sergeant, they're gonna pay you for a surgery.'
Wow, if this was just the introduction
Here's a new pair of elbows from the factory, America is here
He feels like a million bucks, he then tries jabbing
An elbow there, and elbow here, it's working, it starts to hit
They all move backwards, he flies to the top
One shekel after another, one rank after another
The kids don't laugh anymore, new paths have opened up to him
They say: 'Listen, he's gonna make it, he has elbows.'
(They're right)
Chorus *2
One elbow to the right
One elbow to the left
For you to move forward
You always leave a blue mark
Verse 3
Today he's in the big boys yard, where no kids push
On the 50th floor you can't hear the basement
Business, real estate, politics, buffet
He gladly inhales anything that swells the chest
Whisky and cigar, 'cause a boss is a boss
He's got the power to influence, but he won't move a glass
He doesn't think about society, not bothered by the environment
Look at you, a bully with a tie
You left blue marks on all of the citizens
Just like you had on harder days
They've sharpened their elbows, waiting for the signal. Waiting for the signal.
Dying to hit you on the ribs…
Chorus *2
One elbow to the right
One elbow to the left
For you to move forward
You always leave a blue mark
One elbow, one elbow, more -
One elbow, one elbow, more...
To move, to move…
One elbow, one elbow, more -
One elbow, one elbow, more…
To move, to move…
You always leave a blue mark!
Emre Aydın - Afili Yalnızlık dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Showy loneliness

Versions: #4
I want to die ,die ,die
Right now !
I want to go ,run away
At the very now.
This time is very showy loneliness.
As enemy as a woman who is deceiving.
It's abusive moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
This time is very showy loneliness.
As enemy as a woman who is crying.
It has set a trap moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
I'm dying in my all breathe.
I do what the hell I want.
I ran and tired so.
And now, I fall too.
I swore, swore ,swore
To the world ,
To the sorrows,
To the streets,
To belong to humans,
This time is very showy loneliness.
As enemy as a woman who is deceiving.
It's abusive moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
This time is very showy loneliness .
As enemy as a woman who is crying
It has set a trap moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
It hasn't worth the effort
and This time I have no strength
To endure , to endure..
I'm dying in my all breathe.
I do what the hell I want.
I ran and tired so.
And now, I fall too.
Samra - Tərs gedir dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Goes Wrong

The curtains are dancing in my room
The wind is talking about something
Your absence shows up
The night arrests me to the darkness
I need to forget you
But everything goes wrong
Everything goes wrong
But everything goes wrong
Everything goes wrong
A messed-up bed
Your dreams are pink
I celebrate your a month's absence today
I was wrong
I understood it very late
I trusted you
I don't know who's to blame in this separation
My pride won't tell me 'go back'
The curtains are dancing in my room
The wind is talking about something
Your absence shows up
The night arrests me to the darkness
I need to forget you
But everything goes wrong
Everything goes wrong
But everything goes wrong
Everything goes wrong
The lines reflect you
They talk about you
Your eyes are the reflection of your heart
They have arrested me
Coming between us is the aim of others
But I can't critise
They do it (separate us)
Don't think that this love is enough for me
It goes bad
Because everything goes wrong when it comes to us
Everything goes wrong
But everything..
But everything..
But everything..
But everything goes wrong..
Amr Diab - جنب حبيبي (Ganb Habiby) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Close to my beloved

As long as you're with me and in my life, my beloved,
I forget my soul, I feel like I'm owning this world,
I'm living in a fairy tale that begins with the word 'my love', oh my beloved,
And life seems to run from me for its beauty.
When I'm close to my beloved, my beloved, my beloved
I find everything I'm wishing for in my life
When I'm close to my beloved, my beloved, my beloved
I'm on cloud nine and my words become a song
I'm narrating my happiness, my eyes are telling you about it, my beloved,
You know how much you're worth to me,
Love summoned me, and happiness is in my imagination, my beloved, the day I saw her calling me
Winter is coming
Saif Nabel - Ma Mrta7 (ما مرتاح) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I don't feel comfortable

I cried as much as I love you
I miss you so much
My soul suffers
I live with my sorrow -
and my wounds
Without you i don't feel comfortable
My soul is distressed
And my wounds has grown
My enemies feel glad at the misfortune of me
My heart will not love anymore
I quit َ!
I cry and ask myself
I feel sorry for my crying
My beloved, My tears are on my eyes
I cry every moment in your absence
If you have been bored of my love
I wish to die
My beloved, My tears are on my eyes
I cry every moment in your absence
If you have been bored of my love
I wish to die
How painful when you are far away
I do nothing in your absence but cry and stay awake at nights
When you are gone, joy has gone from me as well
I feel a lot of pain
My beloved, My tears are on my eyes
I cry every moment in your absence
If you have been bored of my love
I wish to die
I have nothing but sorrow
I cry, my darling, cry
I have said before that I will not love you again
But i can't , i can't
My eyes on the door, waiting you back to me
My heart has suffered for your absence
Do you not feel nostalgic for me ?
I do not feel that I live in your absence
My beloved, My tears are on my eyes
I cry every moment in your absence
If you have been bored of my love
I wish to die
My beloved, My tears are on my eyes
I cry every moment in your absence
If you have been bored of my love
I wish to die
Prolog Lover