Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 605


WanteD! WanteD!

Versions: #1
Gradually and easily
My heart was broken
My eagerness was plucked away
And I got hurt
Say 'I can't do this anymore'
We're running away
Playing the part of a fool
And living on the edge
Nobody knows
Where we'll end up
Our destination is
I'm getting more and more comfortable
Adult adults
Just noble and conservative
But let's dance for the time being
Color with mess of paint
Tangled with a messy night
I don't wanna do The trap of love
Well I don't care
We're running away
From the heart of jealousy
He is fool
But can spend his life smoothly
I love you
Lay something worth
We can play just now
Needn't I be in a hurry?
Should I notice it little by little?
We've been alive
With misses
Getting used to run away
We can't notice Love
Can I become a clean person?

4 On The Floor

Játszatok four-on-the-floort1
Ma este
És a tánccal nem lesz gond egy szál se
Játszatok four-on-the-floort
Olyan király
És az unalomnak semmi jele
Játszatok four-on-the-floort!
1. versszak:
Olyan elhagyatottnak érzem magam minden nap
Nem tudok várni
Amíg eljön az este
Mikor magasan fent vannak a csillagok
Ránézek a holdra
Mert hiszek
Igen, hiszek abban, amit érzek
Mikor látom az embereket
Ahogy körbe-körbe táncolnak
Nem tudom, hogy lesz-e rá esélyem
Hogy kiderítsem, hogy miért muszáj táncolnom
És a zenétől olyan dolgokat csinálok
Amiket egyébként nem tennék
Azt jön egy
Igen, aztán jön egy szédítő érzés
Késztetést érzek rá, hogy felálljak
És a táncparkettre felhágjak
Kell nekem egy esély
Ahogy táncolunk
Mi ketten a táncparketten
Gyere közelebb, nekem több kell!
Ringasd a tested!
Hadd érzem a tested melegét!
A dallamra fogunk romantikázni
És az ütemre
Csak mi ketten, kinek kell több?
Egy, kettő, három, four-on-the-floor
Mélyen az éjszakában
Mikor a csillagok magasan fent járnak
Érzem az emberek érzelmeit
Ahogy a táncért élnek
Ezért muszáj, hogy a DJ-k
Four-on-the-floor-t játszanak!
  • 1. Szó szerint fordítva 'négy a padlón/táncparketten' de valójában ez
    '2. Egy zenei ritmus, amit stabil, hangsúlyos ütemek jellemeznek 4/4-es időzítésben, jellemzően elektromos zenére mondják.'
    '2. A musical rhythm characterized by steady and uniformly accented beats in 4/4 time, typically referring to electronic music.'

Why do I contradict myself

Why do I contradict myself?! I pretend I can forget
I can't forget, as well I can't pass over her
I can't forget those beautiful nights
Why do I contradict myself?! I pretend I can forget her
I can't forget, as well I can't pass over
I can't forget those beautiful nights
I say I will forget, but I actually... I remember and thinking about her
As well I can't live without her
I still remember her soul again!! I don't know what I can do!!
I have no one else, there is no one else in this world like her soul
I say I will forget and once again
I find my eyes remember those beautiful days
Why did those years pass so quickly!
Would you please

Ill-omened Journey

Listen to me, today,
sit and listen to my song.
My winged friend,
would you like to know what I sang?
My travels home,
veiled fears on strange beaches.
Go and take your flight
to my mountainous land.
Everything I gave,
to you from my heart
My love bleeds forever.
Your way is free
From sea to mountain peak
Don't allow them to cut
Your wings, as they did mine
I wanted to help you there,
my land was so far away
That shrouded foggy land,
by the sound in peaceful weather.
Everything I gave,
to you from my heart
My love bleeds forever.
I carry this message to the town,
my fire brightly burning
Tell the tale
of my brutal capture.
I see land
and the fate of my enemies
The ravens' croak can be heard
High upon Beinisvørð
Everything I gave,
to you from my heart
My love bleeds forever.

Ha nem jössz, akkor is várok

Dursun geceler, ah
Hagyjuk az éjszakákat, ah
Olmasın sabahlar
Ne legyenek reggelek
Gözlerim senle açılmıyorsa
Ha a szemeim nem veled nyílnak ki
Yansın yeryüzü
Égesd fel a földet
Ters dönsün gökyüzü
Állítsd fejtetőre az eget
Umrumda değil bu gece
Nem érdekel ez ma este
Belki az sevdik
Talán csak szerettünk
Belki yalandı
Talán csak egy hazugság volt
Belki de bu bitirdi bizi, ah
Talán ez végzett velünk, ah
Yalanmış, değilmiş
Hazugság volt vagy nem volt
Ne fark eder ki, senin beni sevmen
Mi a különbség, ha szeretsz engem
Onca düş, onca hayal
Annyi ábrándozás, annyi álom
Sebepsiz de severim
Ok nélkül szeretek
Göz görmeyince, gönül katlanmıyor artık
Amikor a szem nem lát, a szív nem bírja tovább
Ne kadar acı, bilemezsin ama
Mekkora fájdalom, te ezt nem tudod, de
Gelmesen de beklerim
Ha nem jössz, akkor is várok
Dursun geceler, ah
Hagyjuk az éjszakákat, ah
Olmasın sabahlar
Ne legyenek reggelek
Gözlerim senle açılmıyorsa
Ha a szemeim nem veled nyílnak ki
Yansın yeryüzü
Égesd fel a földet
Ters dönsün gökyüzü
Állítsd fejtetőre az eget
Umrumda değil bu gece
Nem érdekel ez ma este
Belki az sevdik
Talán csak szerettünk
Belki yalandı
Talán csak egy hazugság volt
Belki de bu bitirdi bizi, ah
Talán ez végzett velünk, ah
Yalanmış, değilmiş
Hazugság volt vagy nem volt
Ne fark eder ki, senin beni sevmen
Mi a különbség, ha szeretsz engem
Onca düş, onca hayal
Annyi ábrándozás, annyi álom
Sebepsiz de severim
Ok nélkül szeretek
Göz görmeyince, gönül katlanmıyor artık
Amikor a szem nem lát, a szív nem bírja tovább
Ne kadar acı bilemezsin ama
Mekkora fájdalom, ezt te nem tudod, de
Gelmesen de beklerim
Ha nem jössz, akkor is várok

It's good to love

On one summer morning, it was early
And the sun had just come into view
I filled myself up with a cup of coffee,
and the dew ran down the windowpanes.
Sun rays climbed up, shining away the shadows
Crawling upon the floor
Came to you from heaven through the soft duvet
And carried you into the day.
It's good to love, it's good to love
It's good to love, a woman like you
You bid me gently a good morning
And drink your Chinese tea
Your beautiful blue eyes
Look at me heavy from sleep
I get chills hearing you gradually wake
And the peace I feel with you
You're the greatest thing in my life,
You're everything I wished for
It's good to love...
Not just a man, but also a father
The great happiness one gets
Knowing your soft, small hands,
in the morning, on my face
That I know I could get a woman like you
Is the only answer to love
And when we head into eternity,
I'll love you just as much there
It's good to love...

Ha belehalok

Helló! Mondd azt, hogy tudod!
Igen, hogy rájöttél
Valami elárulta
Olyan gyönyörű pillanat lenne
Látni akkor az arckifejezésed
Tudni, hogy most már tudom, hogy tudod
De bébi, itt csak a vágyálmaimról van szó
Semmiről sem tudsz
Nos te és én
Meglepő módon órákig képesek vagyunk beszélgetni
Sokkal jobban kijövünk
Mint te és a pasid
Hát én nem akarok mást, csak szeretni téged
Annál sokkal szorosabban mint egy barát
De még mindig nem mondhatom ki azok után sem, amin keresztül mentünk
És csak annyit akarok tőled igazán, hogy érezz engem
Ahogy az érzés felgyűlik bennem
És akkor is megtalálom az utat hozzád, ha belehalok
Ha belehalok
Meddig bírhatom ezt még
A csókodra vágyva
Mielőtt alapos okkal felrobbanok?
Nem egészséges számomra ez a kettős élet, amit élek
Ami az illeti, idegessé tesz
Ha rajtakapnak, akkor mindent kockáztatok
Mer' talán sok mindent veszítek
Ha tévedtem
Ha olyan merész lennék
Megkérnélek, hogy vedd a szívem a kezedbe
Elmondanám, hogy a kezdetektől vágyom rá, hogy az embered lehessek
De sosem mondtam, hogy ezt megteszem
Újra elszalasztom az esélyem, azt hiszem
Én nem akarok mást, csak szeretni téged
Annál sokkal szorosabban mint egy barát
De még mindig nem mondhatom ki azok után sem, amin keresztül mentünk
És csak annyit akarok tőled igazán, hogy érezz engem
Ahogy az érzés felgyűlik bennem
És akkor is megtalálom az utat hozzád, ha belehalok
Ha belehalok
Ha belehalok
Azt hiszem, lehet, hogy belehalok
És én csak annyit akarok tőled igazán, hogy érezz engem
Ahogy az érzés felgyűlik bennem
És akkor is megtalálom az utat hozzád, ha belehalok
Ha belehalok
Lehet, hogy belehalok

Sok jó

Mondd el mit akarsz tenni
Nem végeztél valami jól velem
Én már mindent odaadtam neked
És ez nem számít többé
Hatalmas hiba volt
megmutatni minden fájdalmat,
amit a szerelmed okoz
Elég volt!
Nem adok neked
még egy percet
El akarlak hagyni
Ezt a lapot húztuk ki, ami
arra a remény elveszítésére késztet,
Hogy újra szerelmes leszek
Mondd el mit akarsz tenni
Nem végeztél valami jól velem
Én már mindent odaadtam neked
És ez nem számít többé
Nincs több sírás
Nincs több bánat
Ma újraszületek
Ma megújulok
És ez nem fog többé számítani
Mondd el mit akarsz tenni
Nem végeztél valami jól velem
Én már mindent odaadtam neked
És ez nem számít többé
Hatalmas hiba volt
megmutatni minden fájdalmat,
amit a szerelmed okoz
Elég volt!
Nem adok neked
még egy percet
El akarlak hagyni
Ezt a lapot húztuk ki, ami
arra a remény elveszítésére késztet,
Hogy újra szerelmes leszek
Mondd el mit akarsz tenni
Nem végeztél valami jól velem
Én már mindent odaadtam neked
És ez nem számít többé
Mondd el mit akarsz tenni
Nem végeztél valami jól velem
Én már mindent odaadtam neked
És ez nem számít többé
Hatalmas hiba volt
megmutatni minden fájdalmat,
amit a szerelmed okoz
Elég volt!
Nem adok neked
még egy percet
El akarlak hagyni
Ezt a lapot húztuk ki, ami
arra a remény elveszítésére késztet,
Hogy újra szerelmes leszek
Nincs több sírás
Nincs több bánat
Ma újraszületek
Ma megújulok
És ez nem fog többé számítani

I'll Wait Even If You Are'nt Come

Stop the nights, oh
Dont bring the mornings
If my eyes dont opening with you...
Let the earth burn, turn the sky upside down
I dont care tonight
Maybe we just loves maybe it was a lie
Maybe this has finished us, oooh
Lie or not
What does it merter if you love me
So many dreams, so many fantasies
I love you for no reason
When the eyes cant see, heart cant stand anymore
How painful, you cant understand but
I will wait you even you dont come

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Theme Song (German)

Who gets along like cat and mouse?
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Who cooks the soup, who has to eat it up/face the consequences?
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
They are a lap dog and a rabbit
Tumbling out of the air somehow
Down into the jungle's biology
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Side by side, they live here together
And are always ready to fight
Friend and foe
United in joy and sorrow
See them throw words and other things
They get on each other's nerves
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Friendship thrives slowly mostly
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Be careful not to be eaten
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
You sweet fancy lady, arrogant and spoiled
Radio totally turned off but drowned out
A team that fights, insults and mocks itself
Harmony and consideration, what's that?
Ayayayay Brandy and Mr. Whiskers


avenues and flowers
flowers and women
avenues and women
avenues and flowers and women and
an admirer

If I knew

It's not a secret, you know who I am
Usually I'm a mirror of moments that a while ago,
Instead of emptiness, were giving chills
So I'm silent aloud, I scream whispering
When I already know that I'm standing at crossroads again
I don't know where to go
Under my feet ice
Instead of choosing a shortcut, I repay a debt
I'm standing at an unexplored crossroads
I did some damages
I was hoping for a miracle
It's already late
At the bend, I'm entering a loop
Again life gives me a lesson
Like a stone into water - happiness disappears
I'm writing a requiem for madness
When I already know that I'm standing at crossroads again
I don't know where to go
Under my feet ice
Instead of choosing a shortcut, I repay a debt
I'm standing at an unexplored crossroads
I did some damages
I was hoping for a miracle
It's already late
If I knew
That it's so late
And this is not what you want
I'd never let you say that it no longer makes sense
And the circle turns full circle
History comes back
If I knew that it's so late
When I already know that I'm standing at crossroads again
I don't know where to go
Under my feet ice
Instead of choosing a shortcut, I repay a debt
I'm standing at an unexplored crossroads
I did some damages
I was hoping for a miracle
It's already late

Aisyah, Rasulullah's wife

The splendour is beautifully radiant
Clean white skin on your red cheeks
She is Aisyah, Abubakar's daughter
Rasulullah's wife
It was really sweet that the prophet loved you
So, the prophet drank on your lip's mark
When she angry, the prophet would spoil her
By pinching her nose
How romantic your love with the prophet was
You used to run around with him
Always together until the end of life
You were beside the prophet
How sweet your beautiful love story was
Not exactly like the novel that turning hate into desire
You’re the beloved wife. Yes, Aisyah yahumairah
The Prophet loved you very much
The splendour is beautifully radiant
Clean white skin on your red cheeks
She is Aisyah, Abubakar's daughter
Rasulullah's wife
It was really sweet that the prophet loved you
When he was tired and lay on your lap
There were the times you were spoiled
When you brushed his hair
How romantic your love with the prophet was
You used to run around with him
Always together until the end of life
You were beside the prophet
How sweet your beautiful love story was
Not exactly like the novel that turning hate into desire
You’re the beloved wife. Yes, Aisyah yahumairah
The Prophet loved you very much


Versions: #1
To get the day off to a good start
And to wake myself up, I had a coffee:
A spicy, black Arabica.
Then, I put on my coat, and we're off! Let's hit the road.
'Where are you going?' my sweet wife asks,
'Let's grab a coffee, I've just woken up.'
I thought, I'm running a little early anyway,
So, I turn around, and have another coffee!
At quarter to eight, the office is still dead
It's a bit boring, to be honest.
But I keep calm

Rue de Nantes

I was walking in the rue de Nantes
When I felt something fall on me
I put my finger on it, it was a dropping
Ah shit, pigeons disappointed me !
To clean it I made a wide gesture
To get rid of that unwanted dye
An old lady got my hand in the face
And fell down in the middle of the street
A pigeon dropped on me
There's an old lady in the street
It happened in the rue de Nantes
The old lady was lying on the ground
A young cyclist of twenty years old or thirty
Trying to avoid the grandma
Swayed in front of a 38-ton truck
Which crushed him without manners
Then skidded, running over three nuns
And crashed through a big stone wall
A pigeon dropped on me
There's an old lady in the street
A cyclist squashed
A truck crashed
There were some screams in the rue de Nantes
People were running towards the wild truck
Which had made a breach in the zoo
From where some kangaroos were escaping
The marsupials tried a ruse
Bouncing towards every direction
Chance led them to the floodgate
But as they jumped they blocked the clamp nuts
A pigeon dropped on me
There's an old lady in the street
A cyclist squashed
A truck crashed
Fleeing kangaroos
A floodgate all filled up
What a mess in the rue de Nantes
The water from the canal overflowed on the quays
It flooded the nearby factory
Which was manufacturing sponges
There, all soaked, they inflated
The walls around gave out
And, bad luck, just behind them was marching
All the Bagad of Lann Bihoué1
A pigeon dropped on me
There's an old lady in the street
A cyclist squashed
A truck crashed
Fleeing kangaroos
A floodgate all filled up
Sponges exploding
The Bagad is morose
Apocalypse in the rue de Nantes
A hundred and twenty bagpipes started to blow
The noise was close to complete terror
Up to space it was heard
Disoriented, the Ariane rocket
Came crashing down in front of a wood pigeon
Who took off, and God curse him
Chose me again to ease himself on
A pigeon dropped on me
There's an old lady in the street
A cyclist squashed
A truck crashed
Fleeing kangaroos
A floodgate all filled up
Sponges exploding
The Bagad is morose
A rocket falling down
Pigeons disgust me
A pigeon dropped on me
There's an old lady in the street
A cyclist squashed
A truck crashed
Fleeing kangaroos
A floodgate all filled up
Sponges exploding
The Bagad is morose
A rocket falling down
Pigeons disgust me
I am fed up with pigeons
I detest pigeons
Yes I hate pigeons
Yes I hate pigeons !
  • 1. a famous Breton band, mainly composed of bagpipes

Raoul my pitbull

But where could Grandma be ?
I've been looking for her all day
I left her on her rocking chair
There was Sevran1 on TV
But I'm worried, her seat is empty
Nobody has seen her in the house
Was she a bit shy
And hid some secret ambitions from us ?
Has she gone to other lands
To taste the delicacies of kings ?
To look for jades on a hot air balloon ?
My oldest son told me 'I don't think so...'
It's Raoul my pitbull
Who thought she was appetizing
It's Raoul my pitbull
He's nice but was a stomach !
He likes to play, he's cool
But if he gets a little peckish
He'll swallow you as you come in
It's Raoul my pitbull
Well, I must say, I felt weird
To imagine such a carnage
But it's not like we can put him in jail
We'll manage, thanks to the inheritance !
Anyway, she was old
And she won our Scrabble plays
She looked like a sharpei
And her gifts were lame
But I should go and tell Gisèle
She was her mother so...
I think she's wiping the dishes
'Wait Dad there's a problem...'
There's Raoul my pitbull
Who thought she was appetizing
There's Raoul my pitbull
He's nice but was a stomach !
He likes to play, he's cool
But if he gets a little peckish
He'll swallow you as you come in
It's Raoul my pitbull
Okay but now this is getting annoying
If we can't be relaxed at home
Let's take him to a kennel
And we'll buy a chihuahua
No, the worst thing about this matter
Is that it's dinner time soon
And I don't know what we'll do
Now that your mother got eaten
Go fetch your little sister Anne-Lise
We'll go to a drive-in
'Wait Dad I must tell you...
- Oh well, let me guess...'
It's Raoul your pitbull
Who thought she was appetizing
It's Raoul your pitbull
He's nice but was a stomach !
He likes to play, he's cool
But if he gets a little peckish
He'll swallow you as you come in
It's Raoul your pitbull
No !
It's Hubert your cocker
Who didn't want to be left out
It's Hubert your cocker
Raoul and him hate each other
He wanted to stay proud
And to have his share
It's normal, he's hot-blooded
It's Hubert your cocker
Oh, someone's at the door
Who could it be at this hour ?
- Maybe Mum ? - No, she's dead !
It's the neighbor Mrs Petit.
She said that for hours
She heard terrible screams
Which tore her heart apart
And that she would like to call the cops
- But come in, it's so cold outside
It's much better in the living room
And while we prepare you a cocktail
Raoul will be your companion...
It's Raoul our pitbull
Who thought she was appetizing
It's Raoul our pitbull
He's nice but was a stomach !
He likes to play, he's cool
But if he gets a little peckish
He'll swallow you as you come in
It's Raoul our pitbull
It's Raoul our pitbull
Who thought she was appetizing
It's Raoul our pitbull
He's nice but was a stomach !
He likes to play, he's cool
But if he gets a little peckish
He'll swallow you as you come in
It's Raoul our pitbull
It's Raoul our pitbull
It's Raoul our pitbull !
  • 1. French TV host


Aklımdan geçenleri
Azok, amik eszembe jutottak
Fikrimde olup bitenleri
A fejemben kész helyzetek
Tahmin edemez ki zor diyorsan
Nem tudod kitalálni, ha azt mondod nehéz
Bende olanı hala aşk sanıyorsan
Még mindig azt hiszed, van szerelem?
Geçtim o yolları çoktan unuttum
Elmentem, régen elfelejtettem azokat az utakat
Ben de çok eskiden ayrı bir boyuttun
Régen én is külön dimenzió voltam
Hikayende yazacak kalmadı bir şey
A történetedbe nincs mit írni
Bitti esaret kurtuldum
Megszabadultam a rabságtól
İstediğin kadar es gürle seni tutmuyorum
Nem tartalak olyan bőségesen, mint szeretnéd
Söylediğim sözün arkasındayım korkmuyorum
A szó mögött állok, amit mondtam, nem félek
Şu andan itibaren arkama hiç bakmıyorum
Mostantól nem nézek vissza
Bittin, bittin oh
Vége, vége oh
İstediğin kadar es gürle seni tutmuyorum
Nem tartalak olyan bőségesen, mint szeretnéd
Söylediğim sözün arkasındayım korkmuyorum
A szó mögött állok, amit mondtam, nem félek
Şu andan itibaren arkama hiç bakmıyorum
Mostantól nem nézek vissza
Bittin, bittin oh
Vége, vége oh
Aklımdan geçenleri
Azok, amik eszembe jutottak
Fikrimde olup bitenleri
A fejemben kész helyzetek
Tahmin edemez ki zor diyorsan
Nem tudod kitalálni, ha azt mondod nehéz
Bende olanı hala aşk sanıyorsan
Még mindig azt hiszed, van szerelem?
Geçtim o yolları çoktan unuttum
Ben de çok eskiden ayrı bir boyuttun
Hikayende yazacak kalmadı bir şey
Bitti esaret kurtuldum
İstediğin kadar es gürle seni tutmuyorum
Nem tartalak olyan bőségesen, mint szeretnéd
Söylediğim sözün arkasındayım korkmuyorum
A szó mögött állok, amit mondtam, nem félek
Şu andan itibaren arkama hiç bakmıyorum
Mostantól nem nézek vissza
Bittin, bittin oh
Vége, vége oh
İstediğin kadar es gürle seni tutmuyorum
Nem tartalak olyan bőségesen, mint szeretnéd
Söylediğim sözün arkasındayım korkmuyorum
A szó mögött állok, amit mondtam, nem félek
Şu andan itibaren arkama hiç bakmıyorum
Mostantól nem nézek vissza
Bittin, bittin oh
Vége, vége oh
İstediğin kadar es gürle seni tutmuyorum
Nem tartalak olyan bőségesen, mint szeretnéd
Şu andan itibaren arkama hiç bakmıyorum
Mostantól nem nézek vissza
Bittin, bittin oh
Vége, vége oh
İstediğin kadar es gürle seni tutmuyorum
Nem tartalak olyan bőségesen, mint szeretnéd
Söylediğim sözün arkasındayım korkmuyorum
A szó mögött állok, amit mondtam, nem félek
Şu andan itibaren arkama hiç bakmıyorum
Mostantól nem nézek vissza
Bittin, bittin oh
Vége, vége oh


Çok mu zordu bi sözle gönül alması
Túl nehéz egy szóval összetörni a szívet
Gereği neyse yakışanı yapılması
Tegyél meg mindent, ami szükséges
Bende aşk ufak ufak veda ediyor
A szerelem apránként elbúcsúzik tőlem
veda ediyor
elbúcsúzik tőle
Kimler kimler sokulmadı
Kit, kit nem szúrtak meg
Kimler çok istedi olmadı
Aki nem sokat akart
Ben sensiz bi yolu seçmedim
Nélküled nem választottam egy utat
Kimler kimler konuşmadı
Ki, ki nem beszélt
Kimler beni nelere zorladı
Ki mire kényszerített
Ben senden bir yere gitmedim
Én tőled sehova nem mentem
bir yere gitmedim
nem mentem sehova
Ne sağın belli ne solun her şeyin apayrı
Sem a jobb, sem a bal oldal nem különbözik egymástól
İki lafından birisi hep olaylı
Két szava közül az egyik mindig eseménydús
Çekilecek gibi değilsin aşk bitiyor, bitiyor
Nem fogsz visszavonulni, a szerelemnek vége, vége
Sendeki öfke çoktan kararlı
A benned lévő harag már döntött
Bitmeyen o şişkin ego zararlı
Ez a végtelen felfújt ego káros
Bendeki saf temiz halimi mahvediyor
Tönkreteszi bennem a tiszta állapotomat
ezt teszi
Çok mu zordu bi sözle gönül alması
Túl nehéz egy szóval összetörni a szívet
Gereği neyse yakışanı yapılması
Tegyél meg mindent, ami szükséges
Bende aşk ufak ufak veda ediyor
A szerelem apránként elbúcsúzik tőlem
veda ediyor
elbúcsúzik tőle
Kimler kimler sokulmadı
Kit, kit nem szúrtak meg
Kimler çok istedi olmadı
Aki nem sokat akart
Ben sensiz bi yolu seçmedim
Nélküled nem választottam egy utat
Kimler kimler konuşmadı
Ki, ki nem beszélt
Kimler beni nelere zorladı
Ki mire kényszerített
Ben senden bir yere gitmedim
Én tőled sehova nem mentem
bir yere gitmedim
nem mentem sehova
Ne sağın belli ne solun her şeyin apayrı
Sem a jobb, sem a bal oldal nem különbözik egymástól
İki lafından birisi hep olaylı
Két szava közül az egyik mindig eseménydús
Çekilecek gibi değilsin aşk bitiyor, bitiyor
Nem fogsz visszavonulni, a szerelemnek vége, vége
Sendeki öfke çoktan kararlı
A benned lévő harag már döntött
Bitmeyen o şişkin ego zararlı
Ez a végtelen felfújt ego káros
Bendeki saf temiz halimi mahvediyor
Tönkreteszi bennem a tiszta állapotomat
ezt teszi
Ne sağın belli ne solun her şeyin apayrı
Sem a jobb, sem a bal oldal nem különbözik egymástól
İki lafından birisi hep olaylı
Két szava közül az egyik mindig eseménydús
Çekilecek gibi değilsin aşk bitiyor, bitiyor
Nem fogsz visszavonulni, a szerelemnek vége, vége
Sendeki öfke çoktan kararlı
A benned lévő harag már döntött
Bitmeyen o şişkin ego zararlı
Ez a végtelen felfújt ego káros
Bendeki saf temiz halimi mahvediyor
Tönkreteszi bennem a tiszta állapotomat
ezt teszi
Ne sağın belli ne solun her şeyin apayrı
Sem a jobb, sem a bal oldal nem különbözik egymástól
İki lafından birisi hep olaylı
Két szava közül az egyik mindig eseménydús
Çekilecek gibi değilsin aşk bitiyor, bitiyor
Nem fogsz visszavonulni, a szerelemnek vége, vége
Sendeki öfke çoktan kararlı
A benned lévő harag már döntött
Bitmeyen o şişkin ego zararlı
Ez a végtelen felfújt ego káros
Bendeki saf temiz halimi mahvediyor
Tönkreteszi bennem a tiszta állapotomat
ezt teszi


Kırılan kalp olunca kolay mı onarılmıyor
Könnyű megjavítani, ha összetört a szíve
Hiçe saydığın aşksa zaten su götürmüyor
Soha nem számítottál a szerelemre, amit a víz nem sodor el
Yapboza benzedi halim olmuyo böyle
Olyan volt, mit egy kirakós játék, nem vagyok ilyen
En başa dön deseler tekrar yanılır mıyım
Megint tévednék, ha azt mondanák, menjünk vissza az elejére
Yan yana gelmek mi
Egymás mellet jön
Sana asla bulaşır mıyım
Én is szórakozhatok veled
Yak yık, özür dile, çık gel
Leégetni, bocsánatot kérni, kijönni
O olmuyor öyle
Ez nem történik meg
Yaşadım en güzeli en dibe de vurdum
A legszebbet éltem, eltaláltam az alját
Bozmadım hiç kendimi
Soha nem törtem össze magam
Yüreğim tozlu olan o yolları geçti
A szívem áthaladt azokon az utakon, melyek porosak voltak
Baştan dibe vurmuşsan eğer
Ha kezdettől az aljára ütsz
Bi de kırılmışsan eğer
Ha te is összetörtél
Hatalı kim diye sorma o sensen eğer
Ne kérdezd ki téved, ha te vagy az
Baştan dibe vurmuşsan eğer
Ha kezdettől az aljára ütsz
Bi de kırılmışsan eğer
Ha te is összetörtél
Hatalı kim diye sorma o sensen eğer
Ne kérdezd ki téved, ha te vagy az
Baştan dibe vurmuşsan eğer
Ha kezdettől az aljára ütsz
Bi de kırılmışsan eğer
Ha te is összetörtél
Hatalı kim diye sorma o sensen eğer
Ne kérdezd ki téved, ha te vagy az
Baştan dibe vurmuşsan eğer
Ha kezdettől az aljára ütsz
Bi de kırılmışsan eğer
Ha te is összetörtél
Hatalı kim diye sorma o sensen eğer
Ne kérdezd ki téved, ha te vagy az

The headhunter of Sleepy Hollow

Come on closer!
I'll tell you now
What the monsters do
On dark nights

After midnight all the restless spirits
Fueled by evil anger, turn on the living
Some of them have enormous horns
Others make you bleed with terrible claws
Shaggy horrors
Their fur is sagging
Some monsters' skin is even lacking
The time to show bravery, my friend
Is when you see a Halloween night event
Today, down in the valley pal, they're having a ball
Creatures of the night party, songs fly afar
It's freezing cold and horses neigh
The headhunter of Sleepy Hollow is on his way
It's him
How grim
Your head is in for a trim
In his armpit, his ugly head
He carries nothing on his neck
A meek vampire, a thin Moon
Oh, my lamp runs away so soon
Scared are the living
Scared are the dead
Now come and bow
That's all he wants
The edge of his drawn sword
Is covered in blood
His will is resolute
He's hellbent
He'll give anything
To get your head
In his belt, there's a sharp sword
In the dark, he rides his horse
Darkness... and darkness...
Tonight they both wait in the heart of the valley
Oh, the one who talks to it's head is reckless
Tonight you could become headless
Galloping through a dark forest
It's the headless headhunter
Run if you can! Your life is at stake
He knows by heart what role to take
Today earth and sky fears his name
He's the monster king of Halloween
If you wouldn't believe my horrible tale
I saw this monster myself a year ago
I didn't dally long but got on my horse quick
And galloped toward the bridge on the creek
Because once you're over the wooden arch
The ghost will stop it's march
So, any who still sets out at night
The bridge is where you should ride
The headhunter roams again down there
The monster king, take care, take care!
Run if you can! Your life is at stake
He knows by heart what role to take
Today earth and sky fears his name
He's the monster king of Halloween

Wrap My Wounds 2020

Don't cry,
Please don't cry anymore,
Who went, will never come back.
Soul fractures cuts in my heart,
No ointment to my wound.
Wrap my wounds, don't go far aways
The tears are in my eyes, stay a little more
I extended my hands, come on hold it tightly
Please don't leave me in the blind wells.
Come and stay this night, for me
Look inside me is burning, it is not extinguish.
Without you my enthusiasms breaks
Your breaths are not going out of my mind.
Wrap my wounds, don't go far aways
The tears are in my eyes, stay a little more
I extended my hands, come on hold it tightly
Please don't leave me in the blind wells.


Don’t ask me if you are guilty or me
Dont be ignorant
Who would forgive such a betrayel
It's not the years that past I've been sorry for
With whom I spend it that is
Dont drag, enough no one must hear
About this disgrace
Dont talk to me
Wicked wicked
Leave me alone
Get out get out
The taste of what pain you gave me
Will slowly come back to you as poison wicked one...


They say men are all the same
But, sis, this statement will change now
They say men are such a pain
But, sis, you'll see I'll make the difference in your life
They say you can't trust a woman
But, sis, this statement will change now
They say it's hard to deal with a woman
But what will I do if my heart only desires you?
Oh, woman
I'll give you much money
Tell you all the secrets
Take you to the altar
My love over there

Bombay Dreams

Ever since I started to love you, darling
Ever since I started to love you, darling
I've been awake all night, since I can't go to sleep
Oh-oh, oh, oh
Ever since I started to love you, darling
Ever since I started to love you, darling
I've been awake all night, since I can't go to sleep
Oh-oh, oh, oh
(I'm dreaming on, I swear)
(My wings are clipped, I don't care)
(I'll carry on with your pictures on my mind)
(I'll find a way to make you stay)
Ever since I started to love you, darling
Ever since I started to love you, darling
I've been awake all night, since I can't go to sleep
Oh-oh, oh, oh
(I'm dreaming on, I swear)
(My wings are clipped, I don't care)
(I'll carry on with your pictures on my mind)
(I'll find a way to make you stay)
Oh-oh, oh, oh


Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da
[Part 1: Samra]
December again
Greyest days of the calendar
I’m sure that you know that
Standing by the window all night
[Pre-Hook: Samra]
Demons are whispering in my ears again
Give you roses, but I’m back on drugs
It would be better if we don’t repeat that, don’t repeat that
(Da-da-da, da-da-da)
Baby, it’s you who’s fucking with my head again
Because of you, I’m lost again, I’ll bring your heart to me, whatever it costs me
Because I know that old love doesn’t rust
Yeah I’ll look for you in thousands of places
Even if I’m already lost again
And you say I died for you
But I know that old love doesn’t rust
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da
[Part 2]
The alcohol on the glass table
Heart as cold as Antarctica
I know that you like me
But where is your message? (Yeah, yeah)
Rrah, a thousand stars shining in the sky,
Broken pieces everywhere
It’s snowing, everything is white in the wintertime
You are silent, but I know that it will last forever
[Pre-Hook: Samra]
Demons are whispering in my ears again
Give you roses, but I’m back on drugs
It would be better if we don’t repeat that, don’t repeat that
(Da-da-da, da-da-da)
Baby, it’s you who’s fucking with my head again
Because of you, I’m lost again, I’ll bring your heart to me, whatever it costs me
Because I know that old love doesn’t rust
Yeah I’ll look for you in thousands of places
Even if I’m already lost again
And you say I died for you
But I know that old love doesn’t rust
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da (Rrah!)
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da, da-da-da-da

Trying to forget me

I miss your words
Sit in front of you
Your love tormented me
Tell me
Why you forget me?!
Or you are trying to forget me
Why you didn't call me? Why you didn't ask?!
I am looking for you
I’m tired
I waited too long
Waiting for a message from you to reassure me
Please, answer me
Why you forget me?!
Or you are trying to forget me
Why you didn't call me? Why you didn't ask?!
I am looking for you
I'm lost and strange without you
I'm thinking of you
My life I give it to you as a gift
Why you forget me?!
Or you are trying to forget me
Why you didn't call me? Why you didn't ask?!
I am looking for you


She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you
She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you
I go out late
Nothing is clear
She says love take me with you
She says she loves me and that she wants to
spend the years with me
Every night other women
They are around me
I get drunk at night
And she is waiting for me, watching from afar
With those beautiful eyes
She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you
She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you
Ah that face, her hair, her eyes
i would like to watch her every night
love you should know that i want a lot with you
I'm not a drug addict - love is a drug for me
It burned me, so I cheated and stole
Everything I had I gave people
I know this with me will never pass
She is persistent, calm down, she tells me she will come ...
She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you
She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you
I go out late
Nothing is clear
She says love take me with you
She says she loves me and that she wants to
spend the years with me
Every night other women
They are around me
I get drunk at night
And she is waiting for me, watching from afar
With those beautiful eyes
She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you
She is as beautiful as an angel - she is very beautiful
But she loves me - that's impossible
Luckily, the devil seduced you - How did i dare do that
I can love you - but I'm not for you

begs to love

She wanted him to defend her from everyone and to have blue eyes. And now she's crying because of one of them because he killed her. She just wanted a little attention so she didn't have to wait. She thought it was a trifle. The pharmacy has no cure.
And I wanted to be the one to love you the most. Give me a chance, a shine in my eyes, hello hello answer. She says you did'nt have to baby, there is a break in my heart. You are still my heaven, where am I in your heart? She says you did'nt have to baby, there is a break in that heart.
You are still my heaven, where am I in your heart? She wanted him to defend her from everyone and to have blue eyes. And now she's crying because of one of them because he killed her. She just wanted a little attention so she didn't have to wait. She thought it was a trifle.
The pharmacy has no cure. And I wanted to be the one to love you the most. Give me a chance, a shine in my eyes, hello hello answer. She begs, begs, begs him to love her. It's as if she's never seen better. She begs, begs, begs him to love her. She turned and started drinking. begs him to love.
It's as if she's never seen better. begs him to love. She turned and started drinking. She wanted him to defend her from everyone and to have blue eyes. And now she's crying because of one of them because he killed her.
She just wanted a little attention so she didn't have to wait. She thought it was a trifle. The pharmacy has no cure.She wanted him to defend her from everyone and to have blue eyes. And now she's crying because of one of them because he killed her. begs him to love. It's as if she's never seen better. begs him to love. She turned and started drinking.

How Can I Hide You?

Are you a drop of rain for me?
but you haven't rained, my heart have burned
Are you a song that breaks silence?
but you haven't played, my soul have faded
A summer day that have breezed a little
are you an exiled from spring?
Would you send yourself to me?
be mine and stay that way
how can I hide you?
The flower whose face have faded
let it see you and blossom
How can I hide you?
I connect my heart to yours
If it doesn't want let it not stay
Are you a news that I have awaited?
but you didn't arrive, my mind is preoccupied
Are you the first cinder (spark) to fall on my life?
but you haven't fallen, birds have migrated
A memory that have remained from the past
are you my days which I said would never come?
Would you send yourself to me?
be mine and stay that way
how can I hide you?
The flower whose face have faded
let it see you and blossom
How can I hide you?
I connect my heart to yours
If it doesn't want let it not stay

Soacha vich tu

Padan ja baitha main kitaaban vich tu

for the last time

how are you, how is it going?
are you used to too?
are you okay in İstanbul now?
i heard you married, how did it happen?
have you finally found
the peace that you used to talk about?
i'm fine
everything is same
sleeping pills,
fake smiles
i'm fine
also you know me
whatever i do or say
the feeling of being late
i wish i see you for the last time
lose in your face
lost to you for the last time
even if you don't understand
i wish you to be mine for the last time
wake up with you
believe me, there's nothing new at all
i got older, sure
my hair has become a little spared
you left an endless night
and you fell a triple dot
i didn't show, i got lonely

There's no more music

[Verse 1: Mr. Rain]
There's a part of me that nobody wants
That sadder side that you liked
And that other people hated
I have two clouds inside my eyes
And a silence full of words
And even if it's sunny outside
Inside it ends up raining
[Verse 2: Mr. Rain]
You only know what you want when you really lose something
We are voices that go around the world and never change like an echo
Only yoi could see me better than I was
[Pre-Chorus: Mr. Rain & Birdy]
Now that there's no more music
What's left of me?
[Chorus: Birdy]
I'm still counting the days
Since you've gone everything's black and white
And I keep hearing your name
I see you in my dreams almost every night
I'm looking up at the sky that used to be full of stars
There's no more music if I'm not where you are
In silence, we pray
That you wait somewhere out there in the dark
[Verse 3: Mr. Rain]
And we never remember every day
But who made them better
We don't remember the music
But the moments that bind us to the songs
The words are all the same
But they change their appearance depending on who's telling them to you
A painting that has no colour
Is just a sheet of paper with a frame
[Verse 4: Mr. Rain]
We are stars silently falling from the same sky
Two tracks with different roads leading to one train
But I gave you the worst part of what I had
[Pre-Chorus: Mr. Rain & Birdy]
Now that there's no more music
What's left of me?
[Chorus: Birdy]
I'm still counting the days
Since you've gone everything's black and white
And I keep hearing your name
I see you in my dreams almost every night
I'm looking up at the sky that used to be full of stars
There's no more music if I'm not where you are
In silence, we pray
That you wait somewhere out there in the dark
[Post-Chorus: Birdy]
Oh, are you out there in the dark?
Mm-mm, mmm
Somewhere out there in the dark?
[Chorus: Birdy]
I'm still counting the days
Since you've gone everything's black and white
And I keep hearing your name
I see you in my dreams almost every night
I'm looking up at the sky that used to be full of stars
There's no more music if I'm not where you are
In silence, we pray
That you wait somewhere out there in the dark