Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 48

Találatok száma: 2367


Let us grow old in peace

A pea and carrot sat in a refrigerator
and together with a sweat potato started to complain
'My legs are cold, turn on the light in the wall
because it is a total blackout*, so let's sing'
Let us grow old in peace in a village flowerbed
there the sun will shine again tomorrow
Let us grow old in peace without freezing from cold
just a little manure, water and some light
A pea and carrot sat in a frying pan
and together with a sweat potato wanted to be alone
But oh no woe is us, someone is lighting a match
and oil from every direction, it is not funny!
Let us grow old quietly in peace...


Don't look - everything is broken,
The door is closed again.
I have questions in my head,
Why keep the impossible?
It's all very tough.
Let everything burning,
We die at night.
Don't touch me,
Don't expect it anymore.

I don't believe that I ever loved you

It's too late to remember or too early
I'm happy that I'm living without your eyes
You'd take it all away if you could
but you can't take my hope
You can't see that I'm still living, I'm OK.
I'm leaving you in my mind for the thousand time
I'm out of your game and I don't regret
You'd take it all away if you could
you can't take my freedom
I'm doing what I want with my life!
I don't believe that I ever loved you
Maybe I've dreamed, but I woke up
Why would I tell you what I took with you
I'd love to believe that you never existed
Over the dying loves, time is lying
but mistakes are hurting us, oh, God, how they hurt!
Healing is coming slowly
but I don't repeat the mistake
So long, my love!
It's too late to remember or too early
I'm happy that I'm living without your eyes
You'd take it all away if you could
you can't take my freedom
I'm doing what I want with my life!
Chorus x2

Flower wedding

From gardens of perfume,
flowers are coming in a crowd
Come, darling, now
come with the first tram
Lilies, roses, violets
want to have us as wedding guests
and buy us again
the bittersweet soul.
On the streets of dew at dawn,
barefoot we run lightly,
may the fire carnations wish you good luck
darling at the flower wedding
The day is coming as well
in a flower chariot
let's open in the dawn
the big gate of the citadel.
And lightly, with a flower
as we dreamed once
let's knock in the windows
to the ones that still dream
Maybe these roses
they were once like us
lips lit by the bride and groom
and embrace of the rains.
Let's leave the flower wedding
to pour into the alleys
the whole city you want,
let's give it to the flowers...

(Never) tell love stay

What can I tell you so you won't go?
What word, of all that is?
It's no leaf in the wind...
What looks can make you?
Just a step
that's left of it...
What can I do so you won't wanna chose
when you let a tear under your steps
from the coward eyes?
It's late, but I want you to understand
that it's never a begining of a road
the moment of now...
Never tell love 'stay'
if it forgets the first truth easily.
Never tell love 'stay a little more'
if you don't have forgiveness in your soul to give
What can I tell you so you won't go?
What word, of all that is?
It's no leaf in the wind...
What looks can make you?
Just a step
that's left of it...
Loves are getting born and are dying
So hard or so easy
Only the ones that are caught in them
are remaining unreached by others
Chorus x3

Don't hide away

I smiled at dawn and looked for a way through the grass
to feel in your footsteps
I also sent the wind to listen to you, to see you
and then try to echo you
I thought about the endlessness of the moment
and I thought about one day.
In its light I will travel no matter how many roads
following you wherever you are
Don't hide away in your loneliness
You can't run away from love no matter how much you want
Tell me just one word
I will follow you for a lifetime
And I will be your shadow
Don't hide away in your loneliness
Without love, life is sad and hard
She reaches for her wing again
Hope will carry us again
The night that passed through my eyelashes has watered me with dew
and I looked for the new day.
I picked a flower and caressed the light
let me know if you come.
Don't hide away in your loneliness
You can't run away from love no matter how much you want
Tell me just one word
I will follow you for a lifetime
And I will be your shadow
She reaches for her wing again
Hope will carry us again
Don't hide away in your loneliness
You can't run away from love no matter how much you want
Tell me just one word
I will follow you for a lifetime
And I will be your shadow
Don't hide away in your loneliness
Without love, life is sad and hard
She reaches for her wing again
Hope will carry us again

So much longing

On the edge of another time
something that's not mine,
looked for a moment
and it's not me!
With all my being
I find you again
however I want to forget
to love more!...
So much longing
can't fit
in the light of the stars,
does not include it,
the whole water of the seas
never was
and will never be
so much longing,
my love!
So much longing
will b reak
the white neverending of moments
and the eternity
will sit
serenely on your forehead,
my love!...

Să fim copii

Time runs in flight
day after day
and almost yesterday
we were kids...
Today, as we look at them
bewitched by their game
Time stops
and we feel like missing...
Let's be kids
for one more day
let's do a spin on wooden horses
Let's be kids
for one more day
in their world
we'll be happy.
From time to time,
let's stop
and let's remember
the kids
For a laughing in the park on daytime
let's run again
and let's play again
the old hopscotch on the street...
Chorus x3

Stop me

Don't wanna go anywhere
I'm rushing, maybe for too much time
what I take and give in change
and any day was yesterday
A road even has an end
come and tell me that I found it today,
I'm sad and tired
and don't wanna go anywhere
Stop me, stop me from my way
that I've mistaken for so many times
the light in the morning is belated
raising the mountains, refluxing the seas
stop me
and tie me to your shadow
so the moment won't seem hard
so I won't ever go
put a wall in my way, my love!...
Don't wanna go anywhere
I'm afraid and I need you
to tell me what's bad and what's good
to heal me from so many silences...
Deep, seas of longing are touching me
Don't know what's happening with me
Don't know what's in the moment that's coming
and defeated of words, I'm calling you loudly...
Stop me, stop me from my way
that I've mistaken for so many times
the light in the morning is belated
raising the mountains, refluxing the seas
stop me
and tie me to your shadow
so the moment won't seem hard
so I won't ever go
put a wall in my way, my love!...

BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 6 Aria T: I will live only for Your honor.

I will live only for Your honor,
my Savior, give me strength and courage,
so that my heart can do it eagerly!
Strengthen me
to exalt Your mercy worthily
and with gratitude!


A hátamon, a krémed,
Hogy megvédjen a Naptól
Mennyire meleg a papaja,
amit a szívünkben érzünk?
Olyan leszek, mint egy mangó,
hogy megnyiss
Eszem és élvezem az avokádót
És a guacamolét magamon
Először elveszed, és aztán nekem adod
És folyik rajtunk a kakaós tej
Először elveszed, és aztán nekem adod
A partról egy pederasztikus1 ritmus tart felénk
Tropikanál, tropikanál
Elveszve a hullámok közt mélytorkozunk
Tropikanál, tropikanál
A Hold fény alatt megfürösztött minket a hab
A pálmák között tele vannak a szájak
Azzal a trópusi nedűvel
Az arcomra hirtelen
Ráfröcsköl a tenger
Átölelünk egy kormoránt
És éjjel-nappal táncolunk
A kedves kis delfinek között
Táncolok, táncolok, mint egy bolond
Először elveszed, és aztán nekem adod
És folyik rajtunk a kakaós tej
Először elveszed, és aztán nekem adod
A partról egy pederasztikus1 ritmus tart felénk
Tropikanál, tropikanál
Elveszve a hullámok közt mélytorkozunk
Tropikanál, tropikanál
A Hold fény alatt megfürösztött minket a hab
Üdvözöllek, üdvözöllek Emanuelito
Tropikanál, szenvedély az ánuszért
Kitágítjuk a szívünket, hogy befogadjuk a szerelmet
A szétzúzó hullámok közt táncolok
Táncolok, a lányos fiúcskák közt táncolok
Forró, duzzadt és kemény
A kezemben agy remeterák
Sirályok kavalkádjában
Nyissuk meg a segglyukainkat
A segglyukainkat
Tropikanál, tropikanál
Elveszve a hullámok közt mélytorkozunk
Tropikanál, tropikanál
A Hold fény alatt megfürösztött minket a hab
Először elveszed, és aztán nekem adod
Először elveszed, és aztán nekem adod
  • Egy felnőtt férfi és egy kamaszfiú szerelme

Egymás mellett

Sokat foglalkoztam ezzel a szerelemmel
Nem bánom, soha
Nehéz, így az én helyzetem is más
Nem vagyok rosszakaró
A legmélyére rejtett mindig
A kezeiddel eltemetted azt ami volt és ami nem volt
A szív a magam módján igazságos
Ami eltört megjavul-e vagy megjavítják?
Csinálhatok úgy mintha hiányozna amúgy
Szerintem a szív észre vette már
Elszúrtad már te az utolsó esélyedet is
Ne állj elém
Még ha nehéz is lesz, a szív hozzászokik
Egymás mellett
Van-e még egy lehetőséged nálam kérdéseidet ne nekem tedd fel
Találd meg azt.


Oooo, rough, slave
Enough of this! The way things are I'm your slave
I'll live to regret it! (No I won't!) Love, love, it's rough
Ohhh, Your slave, who wants you depend on her, instead
Work hard, (Do it right!)
Dear slave!
Love, love--It's not love! not love!
Open up your eyes!
Love, oooo, love
Enough of this! It's just as if I'm your slave!
A slave who just want to say bye!
Ahhh, a slave whose whole life is spent sighing.
Does a parasite like you even have self-awareness? No!
You...you're adorable (slave!) Love---oooo(Love!) It's rough (well then)
You...you're adorable (slave!) Love---oooo(Love!) It's rough
Free, free, free, free your slave
D O R E I1
Okay, okay, stop this boring talk, it's midnight
I wanna go to that club, there's a trendy band playing there I read about in a sports magazine
There are two men and two women on the stage, bass, drums, vocals, percussion
Maybe I'll be drunk or sober, dunno, the fasten seat belt sign is on but I'm not gonna wear it
Nighttime paradise, dancing like crazy under the mirrorball--it's just the booze
I can't live (die) like this anymore--it's crazy!
I'm in love...phew!
You...you're adorable (slave!) Love---oooo(Love!) It's love
You...you're adorable (slave!) Love---oooo(Love!) It's love
Star, free, free, free your slave!
  • 1. Salyu spells out in English letters the Japanese word for slave.

Oh heart! don't look to the world

Oh heart!don't look to the world the day comes the amusement ends
Cry my eyes don't stop!come soul leaves this body
Know your health is a blessing,give your heart to Allah for worship
You be called and go to grave then this universe ends
Be a servant to Allah with loyalty, the property of world is sedition
You be wrapped to a shroud worldly wealth ends
Don't be obey those who is the people of this time,don't have talk too much
Because they go different way to Allah's way in every way
All the world are passenger since the time of Adam
Everyday thousand caravan who caught to claw of death goes
Be preparedness to the death Kelâmi don't be unwary even if you will catch a breath
Friend dies,enemy dies,close friends dies


You used to open
While I was alone
Blue and green
You used to open
Red blood, hennaed, crystal-clear
I used to beat sorrows, recreancies
Leaving within your eyes to the exile
Sleeping within the dungeon in your eyes
Where are your eyes
It's not 'to be or not to be' thing
It's not 'Cogito ergo sum' at all
The matter is understanding the inevitable
Understanding the unstoppable avalanche
Understanding the infinite current
Drinking the moonshine in your eyes
Getting to the life talisman
Where are your eyes
You meant everything to me
Even without being blood, our love has used to flow
While the hangman bothers the
Hearing the three trees
Keeping quiet
Keeping quiet in your eyes
Like a razor
Where are your eyes

Soldiers of tin

Brilliance -
Just like gold scales of fish
Fame -
Just like stars falls and goes out!
Take your soldiers of tin,
Come to play on my stairs!
Where are your generals
Where are they?
If they're still alive
What paths are they going?
Take your soldiers of tin,
Come to play on my stairs!
I only know
That dead Napoleon
Is buried under ground
So that it wouldn't stink
But live kitten is fed with
Warm milk!
They'll bury you, they'll bury me
Just like human children
Will drink the milk.
Take your soldiers of tin,
Come to play on my stairs!
But you don't be sad - take soldiers!
Come to my stairs - to play!

One Minute

Versions: #1
The mind that calls me crazy
According to whom is it correct?
Who threw you here?
It was very nice
You burned baby, you burned
Look you got it
Too late enlightened,
Welcome, good morning to you too
You were captured in the war of love,
You were brought down by me
You wouldn't be defeated by anyone?
So you could finally hit the road
Wait a minute, I'll say something
I will love you, I have you
How long have you lost
I'll show you where your heart is
The mind that calls me crazy
According to whom is it correct?
Who threw you here?
It was very nice
You burned baby, you burned
Look you got it
Too late enlightened,
Welcome, good morning to you too
You were captured in the war of love,
You were brought down by me
You wouldn't be defeated by anyone?
So you could finally hit the road
You were captured in the war of love,
You were brought down by me
You wouldn't be defeated by anyone?
So you could finally hit the road
Wait a minute, I'll say something
I will love you, I have you
How long have you lost
I'll show you where your heart is
According to some, logic is one way
According to some, the heart path
Someone has defeated his arrogance
Bi ’another love end
Choose your side, come on
Multiply, subtract, collect, divide
Be mine, find happiness
Or go, stay alone
You were captured in the war of love,
You were brought down by me
You wouldn't be defeated by anyone?
So you could finally hit the road
You were captured in the war of love,
You were brought down by me
You wouldn't be defeated by anyone?
So you could finally hit the road
Wait a minute, I'll say something
I will love you, I have you
How long have you lost
I'll show you where your heart is
Wait a minute, I'll say something
I will love you, I have you
How long have you lost
I'll show you where your heart is

Season of separation

Versions: #1
Love is not enough, love is one day old
How many seasons we both laughed and cried with you
Look, the road is over and we've seen love is gone
We got wet in the rain then we were so in love
Season of separation
Hey my crazy heart, come on come on
It's time to go from here
Goodbye love
Stop kiss me for the last time come on
But please don't look like that or I'll cry
Don't look like this
Don't look, don't look like that, or I'll cry
Love is not enough, love is one day old
How many seasons we both laughed and cried with you
Look, the road is over now season is not love
We got wet in the rain then we were so in love
Season of separation
Hey my crazy heart, come on come on
It's time to go from here
Goodbye love
Stop kiss me for the last time come on
But please don't look like that or I'll cry
My heart is in trouble between going and staying
Love stays goodbye in your eyes
Hey my crazy heart, come on come on
It's time to go from here
Hey my crazy heart, come on come on
It's time to go from here
Goodbye love
Stop kiss me for the last time come on
But please don't look like that or I'll cry
Hey my crazy heart, come on come on
It's time to go from here
Goodbye love
Stop kiss me for the last time come on
But please don't look like that or I'll cry
Don't look, don't look
Don't look, don't look like that, or I'll cry

A szerelmet benned találtam meg

Te már nem vagy, a világom a sötétség
Te már nem vagy, szenvedsz az elválástól
Most már nehéz nélküled élni
Most nehéz vigaszt keresni
A szerelmet benned találtam meg
Szerettem, elfelejtettem
Nagyon aggódtam érted
A szerelmet benned találtam meg
Szerettem, elfelejtettem
Nagyon aggódtam érted
Az élet egy halál nélküled
Az élet egy halál, magányos vagyok
Téged hívlak ebben a dalban
A szerelem elolvad a könnyeimben
A szerelmet benned találtam meg
Szerettem, elfelejtettem
Nagyon aggódtam érted
A szerelmet benned találtam meg
Szerettem, elfelejtettem
Nagyon aggódtam érted
A szerelmet benned találtam meg
Szerettem, elfelejtettem
Nagyon aggódtam érted
A szerelmet benned találtam meg
Szerettem, elfelejtettem
Nagyon aggódtam érted

You can have me so easily

Versions: #1
They are up on the rooftops
everyone is high above the town
The summer spins quickly
when we're just snowing away
And I never dared to hold your hand
We are not those who has each other in the end..
..And everyone just talks
''is it true'' and ''I have heard about you''
I will never come back here again
The neon signs on the streets
send lights to me and the magpies
Everyone is dancing, and I'm thinking
are you alone too?
Where are you tonight..
Who kissed Elin
behind Maries back,
where is the big poet
she was in love with
Was there a place
in her world for two?
Please send me a postcard
because I wonder so..
..And I wonder what's happening
in our part of town
The wind makes a speech by a hamburger joint
It has blown itself tired
and all the girls has gone home
And you were prettier than them
but I threw it away once more
I threw away some kind of friend..
It was so dark
the night I walked home
i had hoped for something, HOPED FOR SOMETHIIING!
(hoped for something, A-ha)
And if you want me,
now you can have me so easily
And if you want me,
now you can have me so easily
And if you want me,
now you can have me so easily
And if you want me,
now you can HA-A-AVE ME
Fool me
no, no
what people may say..

Polikróm románc

Semmit sem kérek tőle…
Mégis, ha akarná-
O, ha nekem akarná adni mindazt amit még nem kérek -
A tavat sós tengerré változtatná,
És a csigát Szfinxként kőbe ásná.
Semmit sem kérek tőle…
De ha mégis úgy esne, hogy kérnék
Mit tudna adni és én mit szeretnék kapni
Egy éterrel teli kupába csepegtetném
És tőle utána ezeket kérném:
Adj, mindent miről gondolod, hogy nem lehet,
Add a fagyos nap szőke nyugodtságát,
Add az első naprendszer béli tűzszünetet.
És a Golgotának kezdő félhomályát.
Add nekem a szépséged önellentmondását,
Add az elcsépelt strófák reményvesztettségét,
Add a lázadó álmok próféciáját
És verseimnek örök perlekedését.
Add a földalatti élet A.B.C- jét
Add a néma fuvolák szimfóniáját
Add a profán ajkak értelmezését
És a szótlan szentképek örök talányát.
Add nekem a nő első áldozatának az árát
Add az opál és az achát jelképét
Add Szalóme megmételyezett ritmusát
És Traviatának f-mollos köhögését.
Add a vízen járók neuraszténiáját
Add a halál utáni létnek arzénzöld spektrumát
Add a sír felé tartó tetemek magasztosságát
És a halottas menet komikumát.
Add mindazt, amit eltékozolsz az első pillanatban
És mindent, ami az utolsó percig összeállt
Add a királyi sziluettek fényűzését
És add meg a tébolyda távlatát.
Semmit sem kérek tőle…
Mégis, ha akarná-
O, ha nekem akarná adni mindazt amit még nem kérek -
A tavat sós tengerré változtatná,
És a csigát Szfinxként kőbe ásná.

I come from afar

Everything started there, bro
That I had to vow
The fact, that I’m locked in
But I’ve just wished
To play with you outside in the garden
I’ve always played roles
Nothing was okay
That’s it, that’s it
I learned to lie
For you to see
I don’t differ
I’m not so different
But my soul is cold in the dark
I come from afar
The winter was long there
An old dream through the nights
Came came back
The night is dark, I’m waiting for the light
The wind is blowing towards, it’s my company
Wherever I just go
The sky is cloudy, colorful grizzle
But the goal is still far away
The dudes can’t understand
The girls can’t understand
My mom even can’t understand it, ‘cause
She’s hurt as well
Maybe the price is big
But I didn’t need
What this world gave me, no
Not for me, not forme
Nobody holds my hand
When the sky is darken
I’ve always been alone
Nobody stayed with me
Bro, I won’t die
If you step too
I don’t want lights
I don’t want to shine
A happy life would be enough
And I know that
Nothing will change
If I’ll have some money
The winter was long
An old dream through the nights
Came came back
The night is dark, I’m waiting for the light
The wind is blowing towards, it’s my company
Wherever I just go
The sky is cloudy
Colorful grizzle
You say you know what’s needed
But you don’t understand
How can you know it
If you weren’t down
You say you know what’s needed
But you don’t understand
Bro, that’s America
You know, it’s America
Even your favourite rapper
Can’t find where is the fault
‘Cause I come from afar
I come from afar


I don’t know who hurt you
It wasn’t me, it was someone else
Look at me, everything is great now
I don’t need this game
I would wait for you everytime
I would you, you, you...
I would just touch you
Something bothers you
Let’s talk it out
Let’s talk it out
Nobody sees
You’re the flame, everything melts around you
I really can’t understand sometimes what’re you waiting for
But I’ll stay with you
‘Cause that’s what we’re searching
But you’re running away
But we’re together now
We could do anything
Trust in me a little
I would just touch you
I don’t know who hurt you
It wasn’t me, it was someone else
Look at me, everything is great now
I don’t need this game
I would wait for you everytime
I would you, you, you...
I would just touch you
Only you’re the most beautiful
Even in the morning, without a make up
I’m not lying
Don’t be someone else’s
Just mine, ohh baby
I take you on a holiday
Mark the target
We’re not blocked, my heart is yours
Who hurt you
I’m not sure that it wasn’t me
I don’t know who hurt you
It wasn’t me, it was someone else
Look at me, everything is great now
I don’t need this game
I would wait for you everytime
I would you, you, you...
I would just touch you


Together we could rewrite everything
You’re the light
Stay here to see
With you in the dark
I’ll be by your side
Wherever you step
‘Cause ‘till I wait for you
A day is a thousand year
Past doesn’t matter now
And distance doesn’t matter
‘Cause I see you in my yesterday
In my forgotten old dream
What we can only understand together
And we can experience together
Again and again in the past
We can go through this just together
Tomorrow, we’ll see differently through this together
But I don’t care, if we fail this day
Today, nothing matters
I’ll see you again tomorrow
What we failed today
We’ll fix it the next day
Together we could rewrite everything
You’re the light
Stay here to see
With you in the dark
I’ll be by your side
Wherever you step
‘Cause ‘till I wait for you
A day is a thousand year
Baby, take the money
I’ll pay for it this time
You know, it’s all real
But during like a movie
A day with you is like
Thousand years alone
All of this kill me
I don’t know, where are you going
I don’t care about the place
I don’t care about the money
I’ll take you home the night
If you’re scared
Together we could rewrite everything
You’re the light
Stay here to see
With you in the dark
I’ll be by your side
Wherever you step
‘Cause ‘till I wait for you
A day is a thousand year

Scarlet Witch of Envy

The world that is thrown into disarray
Shakes the pulsating, heated vortex of desire
The red nectar lurks in the dark
It's dispersed by the moon that toys with us
For instance, if you wished it so
I could even turn into your sword with that wish
The melody of the crimes we plotted is sweet
It gives us beautiful wounds, but it's only an unfulfillable delusion
Stir it up and break it
So that the flowers of death in our intertwined fingers
May one day be dedicated to you
Wearing red shoes, the illusion dances and resonates with an alluring voice
I'm merely following a single trail of footprints
The dim light scatters as far as it can reach
I long for you
I'm being guided by the fate in which we'll take each other's hands
In this beautiful song, if we melt together fleetingly and are distorted
Soon thereafter, we'll meet our demise
On the night of the waxing moon, the kiss of death
Does not get through to your heart
We would have reached for the dreams we longed for
If we could have seen the future that laughed at us
Just the two of us, we were counting despair
From within the cocoon, we awakened
Promises that fell apart turn into the ashes of hollow, broken trees
Within this heart of mine lie sins that waver beautifully
I'm being guided by the fate in which we'll take each other's hands
In this beautiful song, if we melt together fleetingly and are distorted
Soon thereafter, we'll meet our demise
The suffering we shared is held in my eyes
As a flickering blade cuts my heart open
The sky is dyed red with your atonement
The scarlet flowers in my fingers
I reach for those dreams in which I longed for them
Even if I understood the future that laughed at me
Because you're the only one that isn't there

The Moon

The moon was once a trendy subject,
We dreamt of it and we sang of it all the time,
Sadness and longing were often blamed on it.
But one day, when they found out its secret,
The muse and the poet left it.
And if it is no longer a mystery, what's its fault?
It's not several moons,
And we love it, for being one.
The moon (the moon)
It won't change,
The moon (the moon),
As love,
The moon (the moon)
It will always charm us.
The moon (the moon)
Knows something,
The moon (the moon),
My confidante,
The moon (the moon)
Please, don't forget about it.
(The text is repeated entirely)

Who Dis?

Who dis
Hello? Hello? Who dis
Who dis
Everybody's curious about me wherever I go
(Who is this? Who is this?)
Even if you look around, It's the most dazzling thing you've ever seen
(Who is this? Who is this? Yeah)
You can't take your eyes off it (who)
Oh, bling bling, it's shining (who)
It's like a leap of faith
I feel like I'm possessed by the tension
Sometimes I feel like that
I feel like my heart is burning
I feel like I'm flying, ooh-ah-ah-I
I'm gonna be a star
The intense energy hidden behind the smile
It's deeper, don't be surprised
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis
I'm happy with it, don't try to change it
I live my way (who dis)
You've already fallen for my imposing charm, baby
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis?
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy (who dis)
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy (who dis)
Do you know me? you can't help but fall for me
(Who is this? Who is this?)
There is something different about scent of shampoo than perfume
(Who is this? Who is this? Yeah)
The line of sight pouring out of the moment
I don't care what people see
Oh my, why am I so pretty
It's a given since birth, I'm so tired
Sometimes I feel like that
I feel like my heart is burning
I feel like I'm flying, ooh-ah-ah-I
I'm gonna be a star
The intense energy hidden behind the smile
It's deeper, don't be surprised
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis
I'm happy with it, don't try to change it
I live my way (who dis)
You've already fallen for my imposing charm, baby
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis?
Who dis, who dis
Who dis dis dis dis, who dis
Yeah it's that easy boy
You'll be attracted to me anyway
Even though I'm chic
You're falling for me
Who, who dis
(Who) according to my heart, according to my feelings
I don't care what anyone says (who dis)
You've already fallen for my imposing charm, baby
Oh, show it to me
Who dis
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy (who dis)
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy
Who dis

I'll never know

On the television
of a known face, strolls the ass
that desperately, from channel to channel
looks for a secure job.
There are radio rumors
that, in a sensuous voice bet on war,
Improbable or distant, possibly global.
Better to be alert.
The newspapers headline
with concerted euphoria, that life is expensive
and it's not christian to celebrate.
And yet, we must celebrate.
I'll never know if it's better to die in battle
or to get the medal for 'I'll never fight'.
I'll never know, if it's wiser to be hook's bait
or a hard-hair shark to be feared.
I'll never know why I have to be a gentleman
if they take my horse and I have to go on foot.
I'll never know if it's compensatory to sell so much my soul
and then reclaim it with shoots like this: Boom! Boom! Boom! Hey!
I'll never know.
On television
hearts dance to the rhythm of tragedies.
When we are wounded, I don't know why,
we are all at our best.
And in the absolute chaos, the body demands that the party starts already.
Hard blows to be celebrated.
Worse times to celebrate.
I'll never know if it's better to die in battle
or to get the medal for 'I'll never fight'.
I'll never know, if it's wiser to be hook's bait
or a hard-hair shark to be feared.
I'll never know why I have to be a gentleman
if they take my horse and I have to go on foot.
I'll never know if it's compensatory to sell so much my soul
and then reclaim it with shoots like this: Boom! Boom! Boom! Hey!
I'll never know.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Hey!
I'll never know.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Hey!
Boom! Boom! Boom! Hey!

Ameddig nem szerettelek

Ameddig nem szerettelek...
Életem, egyetlenem
Ahová lefeküdtem ott aludtam...
Életem, egyetlenem
De mostantól, hogy szeretlek...
Életem, egyetlenem
Nem tudok én pihenni...
Életem, egyetlenem
A házból kilépek, hogy távozzak...
Életem, egyetlenem
Azt sem tudom, merre induljak...
Életem, egyetlenem
Szegény szívem...
Életem, egyetlenem
Tőled már nem szabadul...
Életem, egyetlenem

Just in the first evening of your absence

While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absense
While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absense
I turned back with my each step
Believe me I become insane because of my sorrow
I saw your shadow on every street corner
Just in the first evening of your absense
Just in the first evening of your absence
I was a reed played by you
Believe me you were a song in my lips
I wrote your name on the the smokey glasses of window
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absence...


Maybe I'm a little lazy
maybe I'm scattered,
but I have no bad intentions ...
I'm the nicest boy!
Verse 1:
I don't think i got a hero skin
and no office shirt
ask me what I'd like that to be
music and poetry...
Verse 2:
Everyday I say 'Hey, loser,
try to be better today'
It's happening again, oh, yeah,
to let it all go out...
Verse 3:
I'd love to be nice again
to not appear on the newspaper
to be a star collector
in full day, as they're sleeping...


She doesn't think about him anymore
He turned her into someone she no longer is
It was not enough to give love and be faithful
Today she goes the Romeo way, she wants to drink
And no, she doesn't trust anyone
And no, today she drinks and goes out in the streets and woo
The DJ plays the dembow*, uah-uah
'Con Calma' she wants to twerk
'Callaita' by Bad Bunny and 'Hasta Abajo' by Don Omar
'Taki Taki' she wants to party
Listening to 'Te Boté' for him who treated her badly
And what happened?
Today she is going to dance to 'X' by J Balvin and Nicky Jam
And what happened?
Today she is single listening to the remix by Daddy Yankee and Lunay
It was revealed
Exchanged love for sex, woo
The decision was already made
She's not for stories or anything like that
And it was revealed
Changed love for sex, woo
She already made the decision
She's not for stories or anything like that
Today is a night of sex and she changed, woo
And she is feeling te heat of my jeans against her jeans
Dancing to 'Mayor Que Yo'
Cellphone in airplane mode
The DJ that doesn't scratch, doesn't repeat a song
She wants me to rub it
Like Tego, 'Pa' Que Te Lo Goce'
Baby, you already turned the page
And if I make you horny you follow me the machine, ah
'Con Calma' she wants to twerk
'Callaita' by Bad Bunny and 'Hasta Abajo' by Don Omar
'Taki Taki' she wants to party
Listening to 'Te Boté' for him who treated her badly
And what happened?
Today she is going to dance to 'X' by J Balvin and Nicky Jam
And what happened?
Today she is single listening to the remix by Daddy Yankee and Lunay
It was revealed
Exchanged love for sex, woo
The decision was already made
She's not for stories or anything like that
And it was revealed
Changed love for sex, woo
She already made the decision
She's not for stories or anything like that
She doesn't think about him anymore
He turned her into someone she no longer is
It was not enough to give love and be faithful
Today she goes the Romeo way, she wants to drink
And no, she doesn't trust anyone
And no, today she drinks and goes out in the streets and woo
The DJ plays the dembow*, uah-uah
'Con Calma' she wants to twerk
'Callaita' by Bad Bunny and 'Hasta Abajo' by Don Omar
'Taki Taki' she wants to party
Listening to 'Te Boté' for him who treated her badly
And what happened?
Today she is going to dance to 'X' by J Balvin and Nicky Jam
And what happened?
Today she is single listening to the remix by Daddy Yankee and Lunay
Uah, uah
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
Sweet like Candy
Tell me, Nino
Real until death, did you hear, baby?