Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 54

Találatok száma: 2367


Looking for a girlfriend

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Oh miraculous Saint Sabina,1
give me a fine, graceful girlfriend
give me a fine, graceful girlfriend.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Dilliriana, beautiful swallow, beautiful swallow…
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
From Bortigali2or from my village,
give me a graceful and fine girlfriend.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If she’s from Lei,2she’s charming,
from Bolotana2it's even better
If you pray to Saint Sabina
in Oliena,2you’ll surely find some.
Beautiful, perfect, just as you want,
a beloved daughter of Mount Corrasi.3

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Well-mannered, a fine beauty,
even better if she’s from Bolotana.2
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Also in Dualchi,2a neighbouring village
till nightfall I look for a girl.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Even going groping the walls,
even going groping the walls
I look for a girl till nightfall.
Saint Luxorius4is generous,
he gives enchantment, joyous days.
We girls from Oliena still pray to him,
so we’re beautiful, we don’t even grow old.

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If I go to Ottana2I fall in love,
anyone gives me her soul and heart.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Beautiful girls, all in a flow,
give me everything, soul and heart.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If by chance I pass through Illorai2
I never go back without a kiss.
Pearls of the Barbaricine land,
everywhere they are like queens.
If you don’t believe it’s so,
stop by at the foot of Mount Corrasi.3

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Whatever it is,
I never go back without a kiss.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If in Esporlatu2I sing a polyphonic song
they follow me lovingly.
  • 1. A country church near Silanus.
  • Small villages in central Sardinia.
  • A high mountain near Oliena.
  • 4. A country church near Oliena.

Won't tell you goodbye

Among the pages of a book, there was slipped,
from the past white nights, a sign that was forgotten
and I felt your hand in the temples, as in the past,
or just, it just seemed to me.
I do not know which one of us has been out
we have sipped from the same glass for a while
and together we have collected the fruit of the moments
and have cried in the nights of longing.
Won't tell you goodbye,
Time will slip to the springs, the mirror of days...
another world would reflect in it.
And we two,
would search for each-other in vain all the life
attracted by our first star
Won't tell you goodbye
it would be more than I can believe
Won't tell you goodbye
I'd make myself guilty in front of the world
if they'd forget
that love can't be over
putting a word on its way...
For all that we forgot to be
it's too late!
My steps are turning in vain
on a lost road
A twilight of shadows was left
on everything that had happened.
Won't tell you goodbye,
Time will slip to the springs, the mirror of days...
another world would reflect in it.
And we two,
would search for each-other in vain all the life
attracted by our first star
Won't tell you goodbye
it would be more than I can believe
Won't tell you goodbye
I'd make myself guilty in front of the world
if they'd forget
that love can't be over
putting a word on its way...

Wish I loved you only for this

birds are migrating together
wish I loved you only for this
I have nothing else than the street flowing by
wish I loved you only for this
when I had seen you that close
wish I loved you only for this
resembling each other after buzzing buses
wish I loved you only for this
we sit together with the screenwriter woman
wish I loved you only for this
your voice becomes deeper in your good moments
wish I loved you only for this
I looked at, the footsteps put the earth in order
wish I loved you only for this
a bunch of people sitting at doorways
wish I loved you only for this
fazıl hüsnü says, what does fazil hüsnü say?
wish I loved you only for this
the decor of our play is a paper tissue
wish I loved you only for this
and an incomplete silver box on the console
wish I loved you only for this
you were far away, there on the other continent
wish I loved you only for this
there is a secondary gleam in your eyes
wish I loved you only for this
I have found a short poem titled 'prophecy'
wish I loved you only for this
we walk in a failed exam-silence
wish I loved you only for this
we ordered two teas there, one of them light,
wish I loved you only for this
there was a faraway look of yours at the cafeteria
wish I loved you only for this
there is something, but I can say it only by the bushes
wish I loved you only for this
the moment, the fountain of the eternity
wish I loved you only for this

The Testament of Amelia

Amelia is sick
The daughter of the good king
Counts come to see her
Counts and noble people
Oh, my heart is knotted up!
Like a bunch of carnations...
Daughter, o my daughter
What is that you are suffering from?
You know very well, mother
What I'm suffering from.
Oh, my heart is knotted up!
Like a bunch of carnations...
Daughter, o my daughter
You should confess
After you've confessed
You'll make your will
Oh, my heart is knotted up!
Like a bunch of carnations...
I leave a castle to the poor
So they may pray to God (for me)
Four castle to my brother Carlos
Two to the Holy Mother
Oh, my heart is knotted up!
Like a bunch of carnations...
And to you, o mother
I leave my husband
You may take him in your bedroom
As you've been doing for a long time
Oh, my heart is knotted up!
Like a bunch of carnations...

You know that people may do not come back

You know that people may do not come back?
summon up all theur courage and let you go?
and one day's morning wake up with thoughts not about you
and do not wait for you again and do not feel sad because of you
You know that people may do not come back?
unable to withstand, broking they own world, do not forgive you?
and crying, get a lock on you
and understanding that there is no strength to forget you forever
think about it, that people may do not come back
and may do not write, do not worry, do not call you...
and never...you'll be unable to touch them again...
think about it, who else will be able to love you as much?

Short but sweet

I saw you for the first time in Germany,
There I kissed you for the first time, my girl.
It was so nice, we laughed together, it went so beautifully,
When time came to go, it became so hard for me.
We hugged each other, in a huge weep...
The time was so short,
Short but sweet.
We got separated, my beautiful,
By this wretched abroad!
The time was so short,
Short but sweet.
I cannot love anyone else,
You are my golden one!
Chorus (2x):
You're in Germany,
And I'm in Kumanovo.
Will the God bring,
Us to be together?
I'm awaiting summer with my entire soul,
The month of July, when you said you'll come to see me.
I'll take you around, so that everyone sees us together,
My girlfriend came from Düsseldorf, I will miss us!
We hugged each other, in a huge weep...
The time was so short,
Short but sweet.
We got separated, my beautiful,
By this wretched abroad!
The time was so short,
Short but sweet.
I cannot love anyone else,
You are my golden one!
Chorus (2x).

Ha egymást elpusztítanánk

Ha egymást elpusztítanánk
Szemeinket övező
Pilláink töviskoronánk
Mely bármely pillantást
Véglegesen glorifikál,
Halált osztó szempillantás után
Határtalan szeretettel szemünkben,
Ismervén téged mondanám:
Halj meg,
Halj meg babám,
Pompás lesz ezután.
Te, az igéből született
Csak velem maradsz,
Megismered a föld izet
Gyökerek gyönyörét leled
Átszőve kezeid párjával
A nemlét örökkévalóságának
Felfoghatatlan mámorával…
És simogatva mondanád nekem
Halj meg, kedvesem
Ősz homlokú szerelmesem
Ikonokén beragyogva
Halálkör nimbuszokba
Halj meg,
Hagyd a virágokra színeid
Ösvényekre a fürtjeid
Tengereknek szemcsillogásaid
És ne felejtsd
Honnan vedd majd elő
Mikor tested és lelked vissza jő…
Ha egyszerre, együtt elmúlnánk
Gyilkosként és áldozatként hullnánk
Megmentő és feloldozott volnánk
Egymás szemébe nézve mindvégig
Vakon (is) bízva a végtelenségig…

There are no more words

1. There are no more words to praise
All your love and mercy
On the world’s altar you are crucified
And daily you are crucified for the people
The sky and the sea, everything in there
The mountain, the valley and my heart,
Everything bows before the Creator
And gives thanks to the Lord
2. You are my master, Lord, I love you
I want to accomplish your holy will
Show me the way you’ve prepared for me
To get to you, My beloved LORD
The sky and the sea, everything in there
The mountain, the valley and my heart,
Everything bows before the Creator
And gives thanks to the Lord
3. The silence is my prayer, I can not tell you, Lord, anything else
I don’t know how to pray
From the bottom of my soul I give you every good deed I make
And I will remain silent before you
The sky and the sea, everything in there
The mountain, the valley and my heart,
Everything bows before the Creator
And gives thanks to the Lord


If you want to dispel your boredom
If you want to dispel your boredom
Come to Oliena with fervor1
Come to Oliena with fervor
Dulluru dulluru
Come to Oliena with fervor
The village of peace and love
The village of peace and love
Of happiness, parties and joy
Dulluru dulluru
To enjoy better the ambiance
To enjoy better the ambiance
Come in January to this place
We’re celebrating St. Anthony of the Fire2
Songs and dances wet with good wine3
Songs and dances wet with good wine
Dulluru dulluru
I even remember my mother dancing
I even remember my mother dancing
It’s the last day of Carnival
Let’s greet the da-
Let’s greet the dances, laughing
We’ll wait for them until Easter
We’ll wait for them until Easter
Dulluru dulluru
Then, on St. John’s Day,4 the shepherds
Then, on St. John’s Day, the shepherds
Superb, bold, elegant
Superb, bo-
Superb, bold, elegant
They run on bare horses,5 valiantly
They run on ba-
They run on bare horses, valiantly
They show their ability and honour
They show their ability and honour
Dulluru dulluru
It’s Saint Luxorius Day, in August6
It’s Saint Luxorius Day, in August
The dear and worthy patronal feast
Dulluru dulluru
The dear and worthy patronal feast
The dear and worthy patronal feast
They come from all over Sardinia
To spend three pleasant days
To spend three pleasant days
Dulluru dulluru
They make a nine-days celebration7
For the greatest holyday you can find,
The feast of Our Lady of Montserrat
Located at the foot of
Located at the foot of the Supramonte8
They make a nine-days celebration
Located at the foot of the Supramonte
Dulluru dulluru
We had “Open Courtyards” for a few years now9
We had “Open Courtyards” for a few years now
And they’re coming from all over the world
And they’re coming from all over the world
Dulluru dulluru
And they’re coming from all over the world
To see colours, songs and the dance in circles
It has become a great event
It has become a great event
It has become a great event
Dulluru dulluru
The true comfort for the people from Oliena
The true comfort for the people from Oliena
The most sacred moment, the most divine
The most sacred mo-
The most sacred moment, the most divine
Is when fulling the barrels with wine
For a vow ma-
For a vow made to St. Wine-cask
The true comfort for the people from Oliena
The true comfort for the people from Oliena
Dulluru dulluru
  • 1. is a nice mountain village in central Sardinia, one of the most attached to old traditions.
  • 2. On the night between 16 and 17 January, St. Anthony’s Day, in many Sardinian villages there is the custom to light a big bonfire and to do a great party around it.
  • 3. The Nepente is an excellent red wine, tasty, strong and aromatic, which is produced in Oliena vineyards.
  • 4. In June another great celebration takes place, in honour of St. John the Baptist (also said St. John of the shepherds), marking the start of summer.
  • 5. They ride without saddle.
  • 6. 21 August.
  • 7. From 1 to 9 September.
  • 8. The is a mountain range whose highest peak is just a thousand meters above the village of Oliena.
  • 9. In many villages in Sardinia it’s taking off the custom to open the private yards once a year in autumn to host foreigners and give them a taste of local cuisine, wines, candy and handcraft. Oliena is one of the most hospitable Sardinian villages.

Everything you left unsaid

A glimpse to the future, you come talking to me
and tell that
you never were able to call me.
As you thought that it would anyways be too late to explain
and I am there
without telling that I were not able to forget you.
Aa aa
Im going trough all the sentences again
Aa aa
The ones you never said
My heart gets dizzy this high up
You let it drop down
Im still sure, I'm still sure
it was not only a dream.
A glimpse to the future, I never learnt to
be in a way, being able to close the feelings out
trusting for once ones reason(sense)
Further I cannot see, hoping that I cannot either
When you repeat it enough for yourself
you start believing it, i guess
Aa aa
Im going trough all the sentences again
Aa aa
The ones you never said
My heart always
gets dizzy this high up
You let it drop down
Im still sure, I'm still sure
it was not only a dream.
it was not only a dream
it was not only a dream
Can you remember when I told you that
all that secret
can you still remember it?
Can you remember when I told you that
all that secret
can you still remember it?
It was not only a dream
it was not only a dream
it was not only a dream
it was not only a dream

Press Your Number [Japanese version]

The moonlight is seeing through my impatience in insomnia
I’m feeling freaky
Uh The way we can connect is Uh still cut off
My heart grows, I just miss you
When I close my eyes, then kiss your lips
To the everlasting ooh~ moment
Uh Like giving myself up to it Uh I fall into a doze
You fill my dream of déjà vu
Please don’t go away, don’t disappear from me
With the warmth of your hands keep making my fading memories warm forever, girl
Just press your number once again
It’s just for now that we are apart
Let me hear that in your voice, please just say so
(Press press press press)
My favorite place, coldly closed red lips
Ooh~ untouchable kiss, it’s frustrating
Even though I call your name repeatedly
The darkness gets deeper and resonates
You are not here, you won’t answer me
It’s sad and painful, your everything, even the breath
Just stay as my beautiful memories and don’t melt away for good, girl
Just press your number once again
It’s just for now that we are apart
Let me hear that in your voice, please just say so
Press your number once again
Do it fast, do it slow, you control the tempo
Let me hear your voice by your side
Each time I try to forget
My heart toward you grows deeper
The more I think of you
The further you get away
Baby baby baby, please just need me
Lady lady lady, be mine
Baby baby baby, oh girl
I’ll try making a wish, all I need is you
Just press your number once again
It’s just for now that we are apart
Let me hear that in your voice, please just say so
Press your number once again
Do it fast, do it slow, you control the tempo
Where are you? Girl there’s something about you
Baby baby baby, please just need me
Lady lady lady, be mine
Baby baby baby, oh girl
I’ll try making a wish, all I need is you
(Just press it)

Bright red girl

Sizzling and scorching
Fallin Love In Summertime
Sizzling and scorching
Fallin Love In Summertime
I get you shocked taking off
My wet t-shirt showing my red bikini yeah yeah
You on a chair
You saw me with half opened eyes
Unless you catch me firmly
The beach wind will bring me a fling yeah yeah
That man on the surfboard
I wonder if he'll go with me by winking at him
Sizzling and scorching
Fallin Love In Summertime
It's the summer, I'm a bright red girl
My heart in love goes towards the south (South side)
Outright bright red girl
Outright bright red girl
If you embrace me
In a happy moment there will be steam
It we're together it's wonderful
We have the hot sun all over our bodies, sun sun
You're like the direct sunlight
Straightly I like you
Sizzling and scorching
Fallin Love In Summertime
Even my bikini string burns
Notice that my lips are the tropic (Hot side)
Outright bright red girl
Outright bright red girl
If you embrace me
Among sigh bubles there will be steam
It's the summer, I'm a bright red girl
My cute hips go towards the east (East side)
Outright bright red girl
Outright bright red girl
If you embrace me
In the excited temptation there will be steam
Sizzling and scorching
Fallin Love In Summertime
Sizzling and scorching
Fallin Love In Summertime
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

What is Ours

I know it es easier to give up than to be brave
And that you were never one of those women who were led by the heart
and if the road grew long, stop, and I would drag you and we tripped
And so we continue this road, and I by your side
And what we said and not said and finally we forgot why
And you staring at emptiness, seeing how life goes by
but you dont do anything, you wait sitting down for your soul to be destroyed
And the years go by, the months,
the trains and you in the sidewalk but you always loose them
and when it is gone you scream at it but it does not stop
I can not give you more because I have nothing,
for you it was not enough giving you the sky,
you remained still seeing what is ours dying
and on the ground and on the ground
and you from afar, inert but with open eyes
seeing what is ours dying, what is ours
And you staring at emptiness, seeing how life goes by
But you dont do anything, you wait sitting down for your soul to be destroyed
And the years go by, the months,
the trains and you in the sidewalk but you always loose them
and when it is gone you scream at it but it does not stop
And tell me when it was
tell me where, where did the kisses end
tell me when we forgot that it was worthwhile
to keep fighting for our memories
the first dead anniversary
the first night not facing each other
in the same bed but so far away
And you staring at emptiness, seeing how life goes by
But you dont do anything, you wait sitting down for your soul to be destroyed
And the years go by, the months,
the trains and you in the sidewalk but you always loose them
and when it is gone you scream at it but it does not stop


Versions: #5
I am taken my heartbrokens,
I took off my armor and hanged it onto coatstand.
Nice bodies, empty faces...
And I have eaten nails and shaking hands.
'Yes' she said 'I cheated on you too,
Even more than once.
Because you hurted me too much.'
You were a lie which I loved very much.
Delilah, oh Delilah!
Shameless at the same time
Both breaker and fragile
You tired me, Delilah.
I am taken my heartbrokens,
I took off my armor and hanged it onto coatstand.
Nice bodies, empty faces...
And I have eaten nails and shaking hands.
'Yes' she said 'I cheated on you too,
Even more than once.
Because you hurted me too much.'
You were a lie which I loved very much.
Delilah, oh Delilah!
Shameless at the same time
Both breaker and fragile
You tired me, Delilah.
Delilah, oh Delilah.
A bit real, a bit lie.
Both my plaster and my scar,
May it end, Delilah...


You promised me we'd travel around the world
But everything you promised ended up falling through
But your memories still warm my soul
And I always wanted to be like you
Are you my guardian angel now?
Then you could hear me sing
I'd make you proud, dad
If you could see and hear me now
I'd make you proud, dad
I miss you more than I can understand
When you disappeared I had to bust you out of the ground
I became a man and learned to be strong
But your memories still warm my soul
I always wanted to be like you
Are you my guardian angel now?
Then you could hear me sing
I'd make you proud, dad
If you could see and hear me now
I'd make you proud, dad
I miss you more than I can understand
You can understand, you can understand
I know that where you live, you're in good health, dad
Don't need any money to travel around the earth, dad
I travel with you in my dreams
You're living in dreams with me
And the life I have today I've built on my own
I'd make you proud, dad
If you could see and hear me now
I'd make you proud, dad
I miss you more than I can understand
I'd make you proud, dad
If you could see and hear me now
Make you proud, dad
I miss you more than I can understand
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar


The song I hate is playing
Without even noticing it
The song kills the words like a lie
Just then, I notice
My heart
Pretending not to notice from the start that
I lived a repressed life not so that
I could live well
Oh spring, like a dream
By the fear of losing people
Before I knew it, I was deceived
Like someone else
Just then, I notice
My heart
This alluring path
Pretending not to notice from the start that
I lived a repressed life not so that
I could live well
Oh spring, like a dream
Not so that I could hate, right? Will I laugh for someone today, too?
Scream and live, I am alive


The year is small and still lies in the cradle.
Santa Claus went home into his forest.
But it still smells like doughnuts on the staircase.
The year is small and still lies in the cradle.
One stands by the window and is getting slowly old.
The blackbirds are cold.
And the crows starve.
And also humans are having trouble.
The empty fields long for sheaves.
The world is black and white and without colors.
Und wishes so hart to be yellow and blue and red.
Surrounded by children like the pied piper
January is dancing proudly on the ice.
The buzzard flies its circles tight and tighter.
You hear the days were getting longer again.
you do not notice. But still it is true.
The clouds bring snow from faraway countries.
And noone stops them and asks for customs duties.
New Year's Eve you can hear in on all the radio stations,
That even below the skies many a thing would change
And, except us, much will get better.
The year is small and still lies in the cradle.
And yet it is one-hundert-thousand years old.
It dreams of peace. Or does it dream of war?
The year is small and still lies in the cradle.
And dies in one year. And that is soon.

Creator of the Universe

Creator of the Universe, Eternal King, have mercy, (Lord have mercy)
Lord...have mercy
The fountain of boundless compassion, have mercy, (Lord have mercy)
Lord have mercy
Expel all of our sins, eleison (Lord have mercy)
Lord...have mercy
Christ who is the light of the world and giver of life, have mercy, (Christ have mercy)
Christ...have mercy
Of the devil's betraying craft be watchful, have mercy, (Christ have mercy)
Christ...have mercy
Preserve your believers through confirmation, have mercy, (Christ have mercy)
Christ...have mercy
You, and Your Father both equally shining, have mercy, (Lord have mercy)
Lord...have mercy
We know that God is one and three, have mercy, (Lord have mercy)
Lord...have mercy
Compassionate to us, vigilant protector, we live in you, have mercy, (Lord have mercy)
Lord...have mercy

i see spring

In your eyes I see spring
In your eyes I drown
And I'd like to inhale deeper
Again and again, and again
My heart is beating really loudly
It echoes in my chest
It's afraid it will be overwhelmed
My little boy
Come to me
In your eyes I see spring
In your eyes I drown
And I'd like to inhale deeper
Again and again, and again
In your eyes I see spring
In your eyes I drown
And I'd like to inhale deeper
Again and again, and again

But there is only one of you for me

Versions: #2
There are millions of stars
Our city, it has a thousand lanterns
There is a lot of good and money in the world
But there is only one of you for me
There are more than a thousand kisses left to give us
And relationships that can be broken
I know there is happiness and pain
For me, there is only you
Just the thought,
That I could lose you again,
That another man,
you his calls!
It makes me sad,
Because you are the complement for me
How would be the world for me without you?
Many flowers glow in the garden
There are many ladies, that wait
Joy and pain exist always,
But there is only one of you for me
Just the thought,
That I could lose you again,
That another man,
you his calls!
It makes me sad,
Because you are the complement for me
How would be the world for me without you?
There are seven Earth's wonders
A thousand boats sail over the seas
There is a lot of good and money in the world
But there is only one of you for me
Just the thought,
That I could lose you again,
That another man,
you his calls!
It makes me sad,
Because you are the complement for me
How would be the world for me without you?
But you, there is only one of you for me

Gentle Night, Holy Night

Gentle night, Holy night !
In the skies ! The star shines.
The mystery announced comes to pass
This child on the straw asleep,
It's the infinite love !
It's the infinite love.
Holy child, gentle lamb !
How tall he is ! How beautiful he is !
Hear resonate the pipes
The sheperds leading their herds
Towards his humble crib !
Towards his humble crid.
It's towards us he's running,
As a gift with no return !
In this world ignorant of love,
Where starts today his journey,
May he be King forever !
May he be King forever.
What a welcome for a King !
No shelter, no roof !
In his crèche he shivers with the cold
O sinner, without waiting for the cross,
Jesus suffers for you !
Jesus suffers for you !

I Won't Forget Till You Feel Ashamed.

Versions: #2
Ask it to a lie or to whom lives a lie,
What goes through his mind when he lays his head on the pillow.
The more you’re humane, the more meaningful your existence.
Otherwise, who would remember the ones who already passed away.
Possessions are mundane,
Otherwise, would the departed wear the pocketless shrouds?
The things leaking through your filth turned into an ocean
Your ship doesn’t survive under this wind
Drop your anchor deep
Let your crew go
Hold your head in your hands
And think…
Shame on you
Shame on you
How can a man not feel ashamed, man?
You should carry your conscience like a gold medal.
All it takes one spark to start a forest fire.
They won’t forget, we won’t forget, I won’t forget.
Watch the ones who jump after a fool
who throws a stone into a well.
Watch the ones who build their wealth
With lies and scams.
The ones who blasted the best years of our lives
Have neither a mirror
Nor a heart
As the tired and lonely generation
Whose youth wasted in vain
Hold on to each other,
They didn’t and won’t take a fall
The things leaking through your filth turned into an ocean
Your ship doesn’t survive under this wind
Drop your anchor deep
Let your crew go
Hold your head in your hands
And think…
Shame on you
Shame on you
How can a man not feel ashamed, man?
You should carry your conscience like a gold medal.
All it takes one spark to start a forest fire.
They won’t forget, we won’t forget, I won’t forget.

Only one more time

Memories carry me away
And again, they bring me to you
Do you remember those colorful colors everywhere in the streets?
The world looked like painted
The world looked like painted
And every color was for you
But since you are not by side
One last time I want to be the reason
Why you are writing your songs
One last time I want
That it seems like your laughter towards me
Is being genuine
Memories carry me away
And again, they bring me to you
Do you remember how we did not say anything?
When we thought that every day would be the last one
But every second was for you
But since you are away
One last time I want to be the reason
Why you are writing your songs
One last time I want
That it seems like your laughter towards me
Is being genuine
Why are you not able to look me in the eyes anymore?
Why can I no longer see on your face how you feel?
What happened?
Why have we
Drifted apart?
One last time I want to be the reason
Why you are writing your songs
One last time I want
That it seems like your laughter towards me
Is being genuine
One last time let me be the reason
Why you are writing your songs
One last time I want
That it seems like your laughter towards me
Is being genuine

In the Ward

You have been through a lot since your mother and father broke up, since that you have been living in fear in a way
You started to cut yourself, you said it makes you feel better, you say that you're anxious but you just can't tell why
Father home alone wondering what went wrong, a suicidal daughter in a ward in Pitkäniemi1
Treatment periods one after another, all these different pills you should take
You started to escape, started to drink too, started to give sex for alcohol
You looked at others being happy while at the same time you tried to kill yourself harder
When you thought of life, you always started to cry, you cut your arms and were given stitches in the hospital
'What is wrong with the world' you pondered in a psychiatric hospital
You felt like no one needed you, rather anxiety, depression and insomnia started to bother you again
So young yet so much problems
You wondered if it was just easier to stop living
It feels so bad to be in the ward
It feels so bad to be in the ward
You're locked in your room, security guards behind your door
Bloody scars in your arms and legs
Yesterday you tried to kill yourself once again, nurses come and as how you feel
Well what do you think, no one helps me
Let me out of here already, for fuck's sake
The last bit of joy dies in the closed ward, you hit your head on the wall and try to bite through your skin
None of these nurses know how you feel, they have been giving you pills for a long time without anything changing
The girl escaped and flipped off at the nurses, boozed and was raped at night
Little girl, I don't want the pain to win, and when you messaged me saying that you get empowered from me
I took up a pen, wrote your life down here
I and your family care about you, you're safe here
I want to see you smile today, and I know you smile when you listen to this
I want to see you smile today, and I know you smile when you listen to this
It feels so bad to be in the ward
It feels so bad to be in the ward
  • 1. Alongside with Niuvanniemi in Kuopio, Pitkäniemi in Tampere is one of the two psychiatric hospitals in Finland which offers treatment for especially difficult-to-treat adolescents. Both Pitkäniemi and Niuvanniemi are infamous for being the 'last place' a young person should be taken to

Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T-English Translation

President howls!
At the tomb of Elektrolahundes
And the newscaster
Wears a honest face -
His skin shreds behind him.
I am waiting for the new sun on the edge of the world
The more burns than that it shines
The more burns than that it shines
And the way of your flames through our adem On the edge of the world and all the heavens are never shared anymore and hell belongs to us anyway and why should we share heaven?
The new sun
The new sun
The more burns, than that it shines.
The president howls
At the tomb of Elektrolahundes
And the newscaster
Wears his honest bone face
The send sign from bone beating.

We warned you

We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
Never never never again
I'll never play tricks on boys again
Never never never again
I learned from this one time
Because he doesn't want to see me again
Our pretty story ends
Because i wanted to have fun
I deserve it so much
Never never never again
I'll never play tricks on boys again
Never never never again
I learned from this one time
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
Never never never again
I'll never play tricks on boys again
I loved him, loved him, loved him
All day long, it was so great
To see if he loved me as much as I do
Better hear it
I danced tenderly
With his best friend
Never never never again
I'll never do this again
I'll always remember
How sad love is
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you

One Minute

Tell me now
Was it me who did this?
Do I have
Any chances left?
Do you have the courage
To forget all we have?
Give me a minute
I can take
Take it back
Take it all back
Take it all back
Everything that's going on
Everything that's going on
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Take it all back
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Take it all back
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Nem elég

Meglett minden, oly sok minden fel lett áldozva
Minden meg lett próbálva
Szerettelek téged, istenítettelek téged
Végül már átkozlak
A Mennyben voltunk, átléptük a poklot
Mámorosam éltünk
De mi egyhelyben maradtunk
Oly magasan repültünk és lezuhantunk
A szerencse minden esélye elveszett
De a föld alatt ez
Nem elég
A repüléshez
Nem elég
Együtt felemelkedni
Nem elég
A megmaradáshoz
Tegnap oly közel voltunk egymáshoz
De ma már világos számomra
Ez nem volt elég
Nem, nem volt elég
Szerelemőrült, vágytól ittas
Vak, s siket
Teljesen naiv, semmi kétség
Hittél benne
Megtaláltuk egymást, hogy aztán elhagyjuk egymást
Inkább égtünk volna
Ahelyett, hogy megfagyunk
Határtalan, bármi szemérem nélkül
Gátlástalanul cirkuszoltunk
De légy becsületes, ez
Nem elég
A repüléshez
Nem elég
Együtt felemelkedni
Nem elég
A megmaradáshoz
Tegnap oly közel voltunk egymáshoz
De ma már világos számomra
Ez nem volt elég
Nem elég
De megvolt az esélyünk
Vakító fénnyel égtünk
Szupernóva, szupergyors
Oly forró s intenzív
Csupán egy hangos durranás
De ez nem volt elég
Nem, ez nem volt elég
Légy becsületes, ez
Nem elég
A repüléshez
Nem elég
Együtt felemelkedni
Nem elég
A megmaradáshoz
És igazán bízni magunkban
És többé nem félni
Ez nem volt elég

Now sleep idiot

Now sleep idiot, have a beautiful dream
Now sleep idiot, it's snowing red snow
Now sleep idiot, now sleep idiot
Kingdom in your dreams
Now sleep idiot, do not worry about us
Now sleep idiot, come out from hell
Now sleep idiot, now sleep idiot
You wasn't able to even stand
Your days have been just popping shit
You have given up and got drunk of city culture
Wherever you've gone to, it has been coming
You are lost and sick before TV-supper
Now sleep idiot, have a beautiful dream
Now sleep idiot, it's snowing red snow
Now sleep idiot, now sleep idiot
Orchestra of a night playing it wrong
You've gone round already that board of Monopoly of relationship
You are ready to anything, you have selected your grave
Now you are sitting fingers crossed, spitting to your cross
As you cannot live you flay yourself to death
Now sleep idiot, now sleep idiot
Now sleep idiot, have a beautiful dream
Now sleep idiot, it's snowing red snow
Now sleep idiot, now sleep idiot
Kingdom in your dreams
Now sleep idiot, now sleep idiot...
Now sleep idiot (sleep, sleep), now sleep idiot (idiot, idiot)...

Really, my God, will I Remain

Really, my God, will I remain
When you will come for your own?
Really, really when will that day happen,
And you will not take me with you?
Really in the moment of ascension
Will you not lift me up into heaven?
Will I not hear, will I not hear the heavenly singing,
Will l not see your wonders?
Really in the moment of ascension
Will I see, how in your glory,
Your people, your people receive salvation,
And I shall stand outside the door?
Really, my God, shall l I remain?
I will not enter into Your glory,
When that day, when that desired day comes,
Really shall I receive judgement?
Really will my friends and girlfriends
In the clouds sing a new hymn ,
Shall I remain, shall I remain for grief and torment
Without hope, without purpose, alone here.
Yes, I sang and prayed with my friends,
Together I went with them to the meetings,
Only a little, only a little did I seek good ,
Only my neighbor, I did not love.
But not only with the friends, That I know
Will I have to break then up with them.
With all the more, then all the more will I lose
I will lose Christ forever.
Oh my God, this is why you today
Are distressing my heart again,
So that on that day, that on that great Lord’s day
You would take me as well into Your Kingdom.
There will be a day, maybe even today,
On earth, when life will not end.
Only the Church, only the Church freely and easily.
Will ascend up from this earth.
Inconsolable will there be sobbing,
In terrible pain, the soul will remain,
And only one, and one only knocks on our conscience: -
I've remained, a friend, forever.
Heaven is full of wonderful singing,
There rejoices the Bride of Christ.
Only it'll be to late, will be too late to weep,
Only it will be late to knock then.

My love you didn't deserve

Last night I called you,
Because I couldn't sleep,
And you were crying at the phone,
Crying along with my heart,
But for someone else...
(chorus x2)
My love you didn't deserve,
You deserve only tears and you got them!
But maybe that's how love is,
To love only what you can't have...
(chorus x2)
So fast you answered,
In your voice I sensed you've cried,
When you realised it's me, then
You started to cry again.
(chorus x2)


Once upon a time there was a girl
Moonbeam in the look
Oh my love, oh my love
Oh my love, oh my love, I love you
She's like a fairy tale
Moonbeam in love
Oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
Every morning my girl
Keeps my kisses under the pillow
Oh, oh, oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
I want to touch you in the morning
Oh, oh, oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
You melt the ice with your eyes
Oh, oh, oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
When she kisses she says first
-I kiss your lips because I love you
Oh my love
Oh, oh, oh my love
She's my moonbeam
And I won't trade her for anyone
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.