Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 130


The little alarm clock

Tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock
I have a
little alarm clock
when it rings at me it goes: drin, drin
drin, drin, drin, drin
drin, drin, drin, drin
I have a
little alarm clock that
when the clock hands go forward
they goes: tick, tock
tick, tick, tock
tick, tick, tick
tick, tick, tick, tick, tock
But if i leave
it alone, alone in the morning
when I back home it ruins me
it ruins me, it ruins me, it ruins me
I can't leave it alone
what should I do?
If it really
loves, loves, loves, loves me
if it holds me with the chains of love
what should I do?
Tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock
I've got 3 thousand lire
I earned them
with my work
from the morning to the afternoon
so I decided
I will buy
one thing that would keep me company
night and day
so I went
to a watchmaker
and I got
a little alarm clock
with the drin drin
with the drin drin
I can live!
Tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock
But if i leave
it alone, alone in the morning
when I back home it ruins me
it ruins me, it ruins me, it ruins me
I can't leave it alone
what should I do?
If it really
loves, loves, loves, loves me
if it holds me with the chains of love
what should I do?
Tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock


We, the youth,
seek peace and happiness.
Our vow is firm,
we will fight on.
Across the borders of the world (Across different mountains and rivers),
all the youth of the world!
Take each other's arms,
form ranks,
raise your voices!
Let’s sing this song together,
this is the vow of peace.
To those who dare, let us respond
with our sacred hymn!
O, youths'
flame of ardour is immortal!
The ardour for peace,
our vow is unbreakable!
In many cruel wars,
our allies have died.
With the blood of our allies
will bind us tightly together.
Those who love justice,
youths all over the world,
for our brighter tomorrow,
let us fight together, friends!
Our vow still shines today.
Our sacred banner
fluttering in the sky, and we’ll stand up with.
A force challenging peace,
let’s break down this evil…
In defence of justice,
march forward, friends!

Year Nineteenth Jubilee

There was Nicolas II, the Autocrat of All-Russia,
Despite his mug was a little ugly,
In his epoch, Russia was populated by lots of crucian carps,
In his epoch, pigs intensively bred,
In general, we always had something to drink and eat.
But, in February, he got kicked off,1
Then we learned the whole truth about him:
That he let pogroms of Jews happen,2
That he starved the factory workers,3
That he couldn't see farther than the end of his nose.
There was comrade Stalin, our dear father,4
He built blast-furnaces, hydroelectric and thermal power plants,5
In his epoch, collective farms began to work fine,6
The lords were moved to tears,7
Capitalism got fucked up at that time!
But, suddenly, our nourisher kicked the bucket,8
Then we learned the truth about him:9
That he violated Marxism,
That he took the lives of many people,
That he sent every last one to the gulag!10
There was half-pint Nikita [Khruschev],
He made plenty of good things:
In his epoch, we ploughed virgin lands,11
In his epoch, we pushed something to the Moon,12
But, in October, he got kicked off,13
Then we learned the truth about him:
That he often bullshitted and screwed us over,
That he awarded Gamal Naser,14
And that he busted his ass for doing nonsense.
We keep moving forward as usual,
But, if someone unexpectedly dies...15
For that case we have historical science,
The science which
Never lies,
And will never lie
At all!
  • 1. On February 23, 1917 Old style, (March 8, 1917 New style), Nicholas II, the last Russian tsar, was overthrown as a result of the February Revolution. Provisional Government headed by Alexander Kerensky came to power. On October 25, 1917 Old style, (November 7, 1917 New style), the Bolshevicks made the October Revolution and established their power. On the night of July 16 to 17, 1918, they executed Nicolas II, his wife, four daughters, son, and servants in Ekaterinburg in the Ipatiev mansion. Soviet propaganda always criticized him and his epoch for censorship, suppression of dissent, exploitation of labor-power by capital, defeats in the Russo-Japanese War and World War I, economic obsolescence of Russia, etc almost until the collapse of the USSR.
  • 2. In Russian Empire, the Jews were opressed, mass pogroms of the Jews took place in the 19th - early 20th century. Nicolas II is accused of not doing anything to prevent them to happen. Discrimination of the Jews in pre-revolutionary Russia is the real reason why many revolutionists from the Bolshevik party had Jewish names: they wanted to stop that.
  • 3. In Russian Empire, there was a famine in 1891-1892 because of crop failure, 27 million people starved. After that, new famines happened until 1911.
  • 4. When Joseph Stalin was the leader of the USSR, there was a cult of his personality, Soviet propaganda of that time idealized him. 'Father of Nations' was one of Stalin's titles.
  • 5. Joseph Stalin industrialized the USSR widely using labor of the prisoners of the gulag. Working conditions of the prisoners were extremely hard. Today certain people justify Stalin's repressions by the fact that the Soviet Union eventually did become an industrialised country, got a strong army and an atomic bomb, they think it was impossible to avoid large human casualties during the industrialization.
  • 6. In 1921, the Bolsheviks temporarily allowed private business in order to rebuild Soviet Russia after the devastating Russian Civil War, it was called 'new economic policy'. It gave good results, Soviet Russia had economic growth. But, in 1928-1929, the new economic policy was stopped, Stalin started collectivization and accelerated industrialization. People who had their own business were repressed as 'kulaks', their property was expropriated. The villagers were forced to work in collective farms. Collectivization led to famine in the Russian, Ukranian, Belarussian, and Kazakh Socialist Republics in 1932-1933, the USSR had to import crops from the USA.
  • 7. lords (here): the so-called 'kulaks' who had their business during the new economic policy and were repressed for that.
  • 8. Stalin died on March 5, 1953. His body was interred in Lenin's Mausoleum in Moscow.
  • 9. In 1956, on the XX Congress of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Nikita Khruschev, the next leader of the Soviet Union, delivered a speech with the title of 'About cult of personality and its consequences' in which he debunked Joseph Stalin's cult of personality and codemned him for repressions, defeats of the Red Army at the beginning of WWII, perversion of communism, conflicts with another socialist countries. Many political prisoners were released from prisons, many Bolsheviks punished by death during the Stalin era were posthumously rehabilitated, Alexander Solzhenitsyn's works about the gulag were published. Statues of Stalin in Soviet cities were demolished, all cities named after Stalin were renamed. In 1961, after the XXII Congress of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Stalin's body was carried out of Lenin's Mausoleum and buried in a grave near Kremlin wall.
  • 10. During the Stalin epoch, no one could feel safe regardless of his or her political belief. Charged often were absurd, sentences were passed without proper investigation. During interrogations, people were tortured, pleaded guilty to crimes they did not commit. The victims of repression were not only ordinary people, but also the Bolsheviks who organized the October revolution, officers of the Red Army, NKVD officers, European communists who came to the USSR, scientists, engineers, aircraft designers, actors, poets, writers, medics, clergymen etc. For example, the members of the Bolshevik party Alexander Zinoviev and Lyev Kamenev helped Stalin expel Lyev Trotsky from the Soviet union as 'a traitor'. After some time, both of them were accused of plotting a coup against Stalin and executed as 'traitors'. Nikolay Bukharin supported Stalin in his fight 'against traitors Zinoviev and Kamenev', was glad when they were shot, but later he himself was called 'a traitor' and got a death sentence. Genrikh Yagoda, the first NKVD head, who carried out Stalin's repressions, was arrested in 1937 and executed in 1938. Nikilay Yezhov headed NKVD after Yagoda and continued repressive policy, but he also was arrested in 1939 and executed in 1940, one of his counts was 'homosexualism for anti-Soviet purposes and personal gain.' Georgy Langermak, chief designer of rockets for MLRS BM-13 Katyusha, was arrested in 1937 and shot in 1938. Andrey Tupolev, chief designer of Tu aircrafts was arrested in 1937 and worked at closed prison-like engineering bureau. Sergey Korolyov, chief designer of the Vostok launch vehicle and Vostok-1 spacecraft on which Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space, was arrested in 1938, avoided a death sentence, was forced to work in the same conditions as Tupolev. Konstantin Rokossovsky, famous Soviet marshal of WWII, was arrested in 1937, in 1940 he was released. Stalin's propaganda did not hide the fact of repression, lists of executed 'enemies of the people' were printed in newspapers.
  • 11. In 1954-1965, in order to increase crop production, by decision of Khruschev, the USSR ploughed and planted virgin lands in Kazakhstan, Volga region, Urals region, Syberia, Russian Far East, and Crimea. Ploughing of virgin lands was being done in a hurry, environmental conditions were not taken into consideration, infrastructure was bad. In general, Khruschev's idea of ploughing of virgin lands was a failure. At beginning, crop production in the Soviet Union did increase, but later it led to soil erosion and massive destruction of local flora and fauna. In parallel, sown areas in Russian fertile lands such as Non-Black Earth Region, the Central Black Earth Region of the RSFSR and the Middle Volga Region were decreased by 1959. The Soviet Union had to keep importing crop from the United States of America and Canada. Of course, Soviet propaganda presented that Khrushchev initiative as a great achievement of socialism. Good workers were awarded the medal 'For the development of virgin lands', the most outstanding workers got title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • 12. On January 2, 1959, the USSR launched the spacecraft Luna-1 to reach the Moon and land there, but did not succeed because of system failure. On September 12, 1959, after three unsuccessful attempts to launch, the Soviet spacecraft Luna-2 landed on the Moon. On October, 4, 1959, the Soviet spacecraft Luna-3 flew around the Moon and photographed its dark side. Since 1960, Sergey Korolyov was developing the N-1 launch vehicle for Soviet Moon Program. When he learned about success of American Apollon Program, he asked Khruschev, 'Are we flying to the Moon, or not?', Khruschev answered, 'Don't give the Moon to Americans! We will find as much money as necessary'. Since 1963, the Soviet Union sent E-6 series spacecrafts to the Moon to accomplish soft landing, but succeeded only on February 3, 1966.
  • 13. In 1964, the group headed by Leonid Brezhnev, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, prepared a plot against Nikita Khruschev. On October 13, 1964, on the meeting of Politburo, Brezhnev blamed Khruschev for creating his own cult of personality, insulting the members of the CPSU, combining positions, dividing the Communist Party into industrial and agricultural parts, and mistakes in governing the country. Khruschev asked why nobody of that group ever objected when he was wrong when they worked with him, told that they themselves always supported all his initiatives and also were responsible for his failures, apologised for rudeness. On October, 14, Khruschev declared that he was not going to struggle for power and he was ready to voluntarily leave his post. After that, he signed the resignation letter 'due to old age and health' and was retired, Leonid Brezhnev was 'unanimously elected' tne new General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR on October 15, 1964. After his resignation, Khruschev lived under house arrest at dacha in Usov, later he agreed to move to State-owned dacha near Petrovo-Dalnee village. He was not allowed to go outside his dacha unless he needed to visit hospitals. KGB security officers always followed him. In the last years of his life, Khruschev could visit different events, but only under escort by security and his relatives. Soviet literature and media of the Brezhnev era did not mention Kruschev's name. When he died in 1971, Soviet newspapers reported it in small articles printed in small font. His funeral was not as beautiful as Stalin's or Brezhnev's ones, mourning over his death was not declared. Khruschev's campaign against the cult of personality of Stalin was stopped and forgotten until Perestroika.
  • 14. Gamal Naser was the President of Egypt from 1956 to 1970. He always maintained good relations with the USSR, Soviet goverment considered him one of the most important allies and supplied him military equipment for free(!). Khruschev awarded him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Golden Star and the Order of Lenin on May 13, 1964.
  • 15. The funny thing is that after Leonid Brezhnev died in 1982, he also was accused for doing bad things. His faults were: creating of his own cult of personality, rising corruption, stagnation of Soviet economy, rewarding himself a large number of medals and titles he did not really deserve, intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968, start the Soviet-Afghan War in 1979.

Boomerang Blues

Everything you do
One day will come back to you
Everything you do
One day will come back to you
And if you do evil
With evil you’ll have to live later on
Don't give me your hatred
Your existential crisis
Preliminaries won't hit me
What matters is the end
And don't bother me with problems
Feel alone your own evil
Because trying I tried too much
And you only used me
I was tried help
And you just burned me
But is by making mistakes that we learn
My goodwill ran out
The aborigines from Australia
Go hunting with a boomerang
The boomerang goes and comes back
And it only stops when it hits
And I'm like a boomerang
When I hit it’s to kill
Like a boomerang everything will come back
And the wound you caused on me will bleed on you instead
I have the scars
But I don't mind them
Better than your open wound
And the bad blood from your heart
I just don't understand how could I fall
In your web and not try to escape
I feel bad remembering what happened
You tried to steal
But the boomerang now is mine

The Hunger of Their World

The irony of life means that at this very moment
Where my ink forms the first words of this poem
I really would have liked for her to be able to listen to it
An hour ago, little mama, the sky just reminded me of you
Several tears materialize on my t-shirt
I saw the bee, the dove, God, I saw the signs
My mother dedicated her life to others and others dedicated their life to themselves
Leaving her with her wagon of sorrows
Her bosses, civil servants
Asking themselves how they could stop the actions of this little activist
For a year and a half they sat her under an open hatch
Where a rain of asbestos constantly fell
They knew to gild their umbrellas
At fifty years old, mama fell sick
She left me these few words as a legacy
So I march on the field of honor for a true battle
It's the economy that we praise and canonize
The forests sleep and the animals are dying
On TV everyone wants to save the Earth
And they weep when we take ten euros from their salary
And so the poison is in the air, it kills fifty thousand
But it's easier to focus the fear on Covid
What's happening to us isn't surprising, it's logical
It's the chase where the economy kills ecology
I still believe in God if you're wondering but like
These verses express, I'm done having faith in man
We have to believe it's so, have to believe we deserve it
Tundra will escape the eighth plague of Egypt
When I was born, I didn't laugh, I cried
Deep down, I had to know where I was setting foot
A sacrifice, altar of humanity's foolishness
The insects that we squash do more for man than man himself
The capital system will hold
If the plates set on the table have an unfair portion
Capitalism 2020
Judas is the one who drinks all the wine, eats all the bread and Jesus who forgives him
Nowadays, we criticize the supermarkets
Fifty years ago, the people succeeded
And to draw the prizes1 they made 'chio' food2
How can we believe them and their false Bio labels
We are responsible for this situation
We vote, we protest, we hate what happens
We hate what happens, we paddle adrift
But revolution comes from consumption
In France, health, prevention, it's inconsistent
Speaking of, patient, client, it's the same thing
Nutrition isn't this expensive medicine
Social Security will be the consolation for your cancer
How many times have I talked to the conceited doctor
How many times have I roamed the miserable hospital
How many times did my people suffer the calamity
Of fighting for their lives in these places deprived of humanity
Our medicine is at a fragmented corner
The loyal doctors with their oath on one side
On the other what the labs have transformed
Into members of the biggest cartel of organized crime
Our arrogance, a man on steroids
Who doesn't want to die or suffer shoots himself up with opioids
The dealer has a white blouse, a researcher
Who finds nothing in a land of suffering
When everything is said and done, only intentions count
We can fool ourselves for so long without moving our position
It's because the plan is different from the remedy
I'm thinking about our fucking children! We're in deep shit
A consensual carnival spread out over the long term
A masked ball where children are dressed up the same
A shipwreck where those who can survive
The success of the failed repetition of 2009
Sets where doctors become journalists
And journalists become doctors in fearmonger's clothing
You get crucified, you get judged, it depends on who
We would love all this enthusiasm for Mediator and Depakine3
There will never be harmony
If certain people look to go viral4 and others do science
I would have never thought I'd witness it
To see authorities belittled by amateur mattress-stuffers5
The dunce of the class proclaims himself a genius
A bit of DNA in common with the nasty terrorists
Where the best of television6 play the fool
Shitty song, the Star Academy7 of medicine
If we don't know, we don't take action
Where the consequences can be the worst of things
Bad things are coming, it won't be the virus
The parrots8 won't know how to link the damage to the cause
I laugh in full view of these angry atheists
Unaware that the fear of death has become their church
The race for a vaccine brings the world together?
No, this world is hungry and feeding a tapeworm
They want everything to go well for the old people
And spend billions for the atom in the arsenal
Math replaces words, and wants to explain the bad things
When that happens, our lives are sorted into tables
When it bothers them, oop, a quick wipe erases it
The numbers of the truths so that their letters see the masks
Where are the lawsuits?
If there are none, enough, c'mon we get it
We live with hard legal drugs in the cabinet
We can insult, threaten, but not talk about Mugwort9
Our cities follow the law of a dozen bastards
I turned on the TV, I see a bunch of assholes shouting
Emotions taken hostage live
Doubt comes when we hunt for the reason for primal fear
Doors open to fascists, sluice gates wide open
Absolute weapon in the world of Xanax
Mr. Minister, our hands won't stop sand
How many people are sleeping outside in this cold? You're all irresponsible
An amazing feat of conspirators
Denouncing their critics like conspiracy theory villains
All throughout history, it's nothing but war, tears, Arabs10
Sorry, the conspiracy does exist
Its feet trample our bodies, its fate is gruesome
Dressed nicely, it's called business
Lie, weapon of mass distraction11
Two million dead, the conspiracy does exist
We sell clean, dirty, surgical war
Gas surgery during violent operations
It cries 'down with drugs!' and then 'down with communism!'
Drugs will wait, we kill the commies in exchange for cocaine
Crack reaches beyond the ghettos, nothing controls it
I was there in the 80s, the conspiracy does exist
The tests started in the month of March
They announced the apocalypse on Prime Time
Like 'we might be expecting a million deaths'
So tell me, are they not charlatans then?
Red alert for Mercury, snow, rain and wind
They make people tremble with a breath of African wind12
A bit of ramadan, hand on the electric shock machine
These false philosophers are leading a large-scale Milgram13
So many lies that everyone no longer believes in anything
Everyone has their own truth that satisfies them
And yeah, fear, paranoia are addictive
At every failure they look around and find a motive
Division is such that hope is unlikely to be put back together
Our society of broken glass
Honestly if you have the time to post a thousand disparaging opinions
You really don't give a shit about migrants in your life
You say 'why here when the world is so big?'
You thought about it wasted going 20014 on the highway with your mask
You'll wear the jacket with the mask
To turn it around easier when the wind blows from the East
And Veust15, I still have my hand on the button
The pigs, the sheep, don't worry, I have their cooking time
If it's death they want to spare us from
One percent of the world military budget is enough each year to save
Eight or nine million lives
By giving access to drinkable and uncontaminated water
Go make the hicks with rifles accept that
Fighter jet sales are seeing good days in Arabia
We make a firework on deadly holiday
BST16 isn't Blake and Mortimer17
Life isn't black or white, it's a joyful mess
Long live life, love, joy, because life is wicked18
On the seat that we straddle fate
How many died from death while waiting for the vaccine against death?
Hypocrisy on the face
We go to the funerals of people we hated to make ourselves look good19
It seems to me like a lot of us have forgotten we're not computers
We can't repair ourselves as we wish
In our countries, the sequence of beautiful years
To anchor in hearts the feeling of being immortal
And when everything takes a turn we say 'are artists useful?'
And when it comes to living through challenges music is too useless
It wants names to collect the funds
When it goes badly, they wipe their feet on us like we were a doormat
It's not new, no, not even that tests me
In this country, a real occupation is a job where you suffer
It doesn't matter if we fail, if we film
Everyone's distress is the illusion of their crown of thorns
Twenty years ago the children of the business desecrated music
The outline is repeated for the public hospital
Before our eyes, unity a false eyelash
Say thank you to the philanthropists from Sarkozy's20 gang
Our daughters don't breathe anymore and our sons don't breathe anymore either
Walk on the thread, a future of tightrope walking
I see the world with hands on their faces
We classify them, we hit them, and I feel like I'm becoming savage
Confined between clichés, terror, and allegiance
Sooner or later a destructive tsunami will come crashing through
Because on paper France is a bunch of nice sentences
Our real France, we wearily endure it
Ok, let's not slip into communitarianism
The INSEE21 figures are there, is the State made of walouism22
In the image of a petty little minister
Who gives us our future well after his destiny
Caught in a childish iron arm
We don't have to hurt others to show that we're free
Like all the people who think they're left-wing because
They'll go have a drink in a bar surrounded by black people
And they pass these people every day, ignore all of them
Only, here the rent is split in two
Until the night it gets a smack
A big slap and it goes from left directly to extreme right
Don't judge, everyone can change after all
I'm a child of violence and therefore an adult of peace
My taxes aren't evaded, they stay
Yeah, I feel more French than all those Marseillaise23 singers
Make your little book about the king of Morocco
And a few things about your friends, who have laws and fuck them
These lessons about Africa are unbearable
Clientelism.fr24, the Republic becomes a banana25
'We are equal': bullshit


Versions: #1
A slender flame burns at the edge of my heart
Without warning, it spreads into a burning passion
My butterfly, flitting around it chaotically
Scales dropping into your hand
I am wrapped around your finger from the lips to the tongue
Even if this is something that cannot be allowed the flames jump higher still
I want to embrace you, I want you to tell me
That you don’t think this is a mistake
I want you to kiss me, I want you to remake me
I want to drown in this moment of captivation
Every moment, it’s harder to restrain myself
If this is love, I want to wear it on my sleeve
The “strange feeling” turns into an unbearable longing
I would follow you to the end of forever
If my heart goes astray I will be easily relieved
As if we had no time to feel tender each other
That dream has never come again
There is no chance in our reality
If we touch, I know we can never go back and that’s just fine…
You are everything in the world to me
Anxiety arrives with the dawn to find me still crying
When you whispered “it’s all right” did I hear tears in your voice, too?
I want to embrace you, I want you to tell me
That you don’t think this is a mistake
I want you to kiss me, I want you to remake me
I want to drown in this moment of captivation
I am drawn to you like a magnet
Even if I left, we would find each other again
I’ve touched you, I can never go back and that’s just fine. You are everything in the world to me


ha egyszer gázt adok, nem váltok rükvercbe
a visszapillantó elrejt minket, de nem nézek bele
küldj át egy boldog útra,üdvözöld őt a nevemben
késő új kört kezdeni, mit akarsz itt mellettem?
ismerjük egymást, vagy csak nekem tűnik úgy?
azt mondod, hosszan vagy a közelemben
nem leszel többé, ne aggódj
az vagy, aki elárulnak a rúzsok,
amiket gyorsan felteszel estére
egyre közelebb kerülünk az igazsághoz
többé nincs 'mi', könnyebben lélegzem, rossz idők jönnek számodra
elrejtem a nyomokat, egyre inkább el tudlak felejteni
jól vagyok, de csak egy bizonyos határig,
azon túl csak szikrák szállnak
ismerjük egymást, vagy csak nekem tűnik úgy?
azt mondod, hosszan vagy a közelemben
nem leszel többé, ne aggódj
az vagy, aki elárulnak a rúzsok,
amiket gyorsan felteszel estére
egyre közelebb kerülünk az igazsághoz
ismerjük egymást, vagy csak nekem tűnik úgy?
azt mondod, hosszan vagy a közelemben
nem leszel többé, ne aggódj
az vagy, aki elárulnak a rúzsok,
amiket gyorsan felteszel estére
egyre közelebb kerülünk az igazsághoz


egyre rosszabbak a hazugságaim
rémálmok üldöznek téged
miattam hervad a fiatalságod
fiatal az éj, vár az ördög
megérintesz, érzed, hogy összetörsz,
és én ezt elfogadom
az ellenkezés örök szövetségesed
térden járva kell visszatérned hozzám
ki lesz ma este szolgálatban órabéren?
próbálkozz, szívem, majd szólj nekem
vége van, hazudod magadnak, azt mondod, vége
tudod, hogy nem bírod nélkülem, újra hívsz majd
unalmas, unalmas lenne neked vele próbálkozni, értsd meg
mérgező, csak vaddá, hajthatatlanná tenne
még csak nem is nézhet rám más férfi
nem vagyunk őrültek, ez csak a mi pato-patológiánk
patológia, a-a-a
ha egyedül maradunk, az egóm megetet
ki az a nő, hova ment?
tudja az a kurva, hogy itt nem látják szívesen?
sokba fog neki kerülni, aha
tök édes, rövid szoknya
figyel téged, érzi, hogy megadod magad nekem,
de tudja, hogy nem engedlek el?
az ellenkezés örök szövetségesed
térden járva kell visszatérned hozzám
ki lesz ma este szolgálatban órabéren?
próbálkozz, szívem, majd szólj nekem
vége van, hazudod magadnak, azt mondod, vége
tudod, hogy nem bírod nélkülem, újra hívsz majd
unalmas, unalmas lenne neked vele próbálkozni, értsd meg
mérgező, csak vaddá, hajthatatlanná tenne
még csak nem is nézhet rám más férfi
nem vagyunk őrültek, ez csak a mi pato-patológiánk
patológia, a-a-a
ha egyedül maradunk, az egóm megetet
az egóm megetet
az egóm megetet


Citizens, listen to news:
At night, over city Yahotyn
A bizarre sphere flew,
Blue-blue, like a bump on forehead.
There was no smoke from sphere, nor noise,
Only lights twinkling,
It landed near last well
And drank some cold water.
What is was? Maybe UFO1.
Out of the blue it sailed in the sky. (2x)
People say, that tractor driver Savka
Had some ufonauts visiting him,
They were all green, like cucumbers,
They fell out of the saucer, as from barrel.
Savka came out to talk to them
And gave them cigarettes Prima,
And newspaper 'Facts' says, because of it there was a fail
Of the attempt of interplanet contact.
Kateryna is friendly girl,
But is pregnant for 7 months2,
people say: what the heck?
She did not have a boyfriend.
Dad and mom are complaining:
Poor poor our daughter Katrusia,
she have been with us at home day and night,
maybe those cursed aliens are guilty!
So, what UFO it is? Nobody knows.
Only gossips are flying around,
that it was not for nothing -
soon, collective farms will be dismantled!
But now we have to wait
and feed tales to ourselves,
And to not lose the interest,
Let's say 'thanks' to dear press.
Refrain. (2x)
  • 1. Unidentified flying object.
  • 2. Another possible meaning of this line: Is pregnant for only 7 months

The Chrysalifourfouro

In the valleys of Lillipoupoli
a flower comes out
which is called Chrysalifourfouro
and looks like a little golden rose
Blow, blow the Chrysalifourfouro,
blow it to bring the Spring
And if it flies like a wing and a feather,
someone loves you and you do not know it.
Gold little coins are hanging
under its petals
and in Zephyrus' play
as if it jingles every now and then.
Blow, blow the Chrysalifourfouro,
you are holding spring in hand
And aw! If it becomes dust and gold dust,
you love someone and he/she does not know it.
And aw! If it becomes dust and gold dust,
you love someone and he/she does not know it.
You love someone and he/she does not know it.

Colonel Marcos Pérez Jiménez, Constitutional President

Colonel Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Constitutional President
Chosen by the people
With national pride
Venezuela loves you a lot
And cheers you with joy
Long live the new ruler!
Guarantee symbol
Long live my Venezuela!
For peace and tranquility
For the order and justice
Work without resting
He's a genius in the military.

From that iron that has made

From that iron that has made
my wretched bridegroom bleed
I learned cruelty.
Beholding a son so wan
and laved with my blood
I forgot pity.

Lucky Boy

If I might, I would always be on holiday
If I could, I would write down the sky in a room
But if I had to be honest, it's not the paradise here
I smile as I lie to the hell of the truths
No problems, never ending problems
One day it looks the last one, another one gets you out of your mind
But if I had to be honest, it's not the paradise here
I smile as I lie to the hell of the truths
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
I'm a lucky boy
Because they gave me a dream
I'm lucky
Because there's nothing I need
And when it comes the evening and I'll come back to you
When all is said and done, my luck is to meet you again
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
Siddhartha told me only love matters
And everything you need can fit into your heart
But if I had to be honest, it's not the paradise here
I smile as I lie to the hell of the truths
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
I'm a lucky boy
Because they gave me a dream
I'm lucky
Because there's nothing I need
And when it comes the evening and I'll come back to you
When all is said and done, my luck is to meet you again
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
I'm a lucky boy
Because they gave me a dream
I'm lucky
Because there's nothing I need
And when it comes the evening and I'll come back to you
When all is said and done, my luck is to meet you again
They gave me a dream
There's nothing I need

Thrice to death

Well look how, your soul that was a light,
that was an angel warm,
I took it and threw it into darkness,
well look how, our love,
that was my whole life,
I took it and broke it into thousands pieces.
Forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death''.
Well look and don't ask why,
because I betrayed you,
me that I've made thousand dreams for us,
well look, you that I loved so much,
I cracked like glass
and with poison I watered your two lips.
Forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death''.
Forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death''.

The Redskin

Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Uè! Uè!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
the most handsome in the tribe.
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Uè! Uè!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
the most handsome of the tribe.
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
As soon as I wake up
I put the pen on my head
And in the faces of these savages,
I get a tattoo
with mom's lipstick!
Tumba Catumba ... Catumba mba!
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba! ...
I am Catumbo the redskin,
I have a spear and a plaster pipe.
Here nobody fools me! ...
I'm the best of the tribe!
Who calls me: 'Black Arrow'.
Who calls me: 'Yellow pen'.
Uh! But what an exaggeration! ...
I do not understand anything any more!...
'Sitting bull' from here,
'Crazy horse' from there,
they start dancing around me!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
American redskin ...
Uh! What fun it is to be an Indian
with mom's lipstick! ...
The final:
Who calls me: 'Black arrow'.
Who calls me: 'Yellow pen'.
Uh! But what an exaggeration! ...
I do not understand anything any more!...
I am Catumbo the redskin,
american redskin ...
Uh! What fun it is to be an Indian
with mom's lipstick

It's impossible

You might be thinking that I'm not calling
and I'm not forgiving your mistakes
I might have lost you but I remember your number
I still do secretly call you and I remain silent
It's impossible, It's impossible to forget you
it's impossible, I can't, even if I wanted to
at night, I wear your thoughts
in bed before I lay
but how could I sleep, I'm thinking about you
and I still love you
I might seem cheerful around strangers
and claim not to love you anymore
I might not count my mistakes and my all-nighters
happy on the outside, yet inside lies the pain that I bore


Versions: #3
You push me away, and yet I return
To me, you're the center of the world.
You're blossoming, and I'm shrinking
You're going to destroy me, you're doing your damnedest to do it.
What a poison, what a knife from your hand 1
There is no death for me.
What even is your kiss, this mercy killing of yours?
I have become immortal.
There is no death for me.
Am I your love or am I a sacrifice?
And you, you're counting each embrace I give you.
I weep whenever I touch you,
And you dress me in shame. 2
  • 1. Sounds like she's torturing him.
  • 2. As in, he's ashamed to love her, but he can't seem to stop.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


(Attention please, we inform that we have a slut on board,
You're asked to fasten your chastity belt and not to smoke her, thanks!)
Here came the tramp!
It comes from the sky, her pettiness!
Before sweet and than killer
Her strategy and her claws i already know them.
Why had
that tramp to happen to me?
How can
The tramp besiege me, even if I won't let her do it?
I close the doors and the windows,
I swear it, I won't open them!
Tramp! Go!
You'll be my ruin...
To get used to you, surely not!
What will I do?
The tramp steals the best of me.
What will I say?
Will I be enough strong to tell her 'go away!'?
I'll have to decide quickly between the tramp and madness!
Why had
that tramp to happen to me?
How can
The tramp besiege me, even if I won't let her do it?
I close the doors and the windows,
I swear it, I won't open them!
Look at me!
You still have time, so... save yourself!
I have no arms to defend me!
I'd rather go back to my soul!
Always... always...
always you!
You can't hide thd moon
Behind your slutty eyes!
I'll die!
If you want to, i'll disappear!
A tramp was born,
Between the blue walls of my house)
It's your end!
A sudden end,
You dance like a slut and don't smile anymore.
Round, round a ring, the tramp is the least of the world)

She's Like That

As alive as light itself,
Beautiful like a blossom,
Filled with kindness
And innocence.
Her singing is a violin,
Her laughter is a bell
And her voice, a throstle.
When I sing,
I'd like to paint
Your smiley shape,
Woman of Buenos Aires. 1
And (I'd like to) say,
To anyone who wants to listen,
To the sound of this little ...
She's like that.
When she gives her love
She is fire and passion,
She's blushing modesty, she's loyalty
And abnegation.
Without spite, she nobly lends
Her forgiveness even while suffering
The vilest of betrayals:
She's like that.
A woman's heart,
Maternal heart,
Blue illusion,
The home's warmth.
She's capable of, without fear,
Killing and dying
Out of filial love:
She's like that.
  • 1. Porteño, a is the colloquial demonym for the inhabitants of Buenos Aires.

ShinChan Intro German

Say Hey, hey!
If you search for trouble is he your man
Say Hey, hey!
He breaks the rules so good he can
He is really naughty
And unbearable
His behavior is unexplainable
He drives his parents crazy
His teachers are clueless
Homework finds he are nothing for him
He prefers to sleep through the whole day
He is Mom's favorite
Ask her, Yeah Ask her
He is a walking bundle of chaos, walking bundle of chaos
Say Hey, hey!
If you search for trouble is he your man
Say Hey, hey!
He breaks the rules so good he can
He is really naughty
And unbearable
His behavior is unexplainable
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Who Taught Me

Who taught me to speak,
to express what I feel?
Who taught me to speak,
so that I could be understood by others?
He did not teach me the words
in order to tell you what I would like.
He did not tell me how I might do it—
to convey to you my love with different words.
Who taught me to write
to express a fleeting thought?
Who taught me to write
to trap a fleeting moment?
He did not tell me how I might write
something great that you talk about.
He did not tell me how I might write
the long poems that make you dream of me.
Who taught me to live
from sunrise to sunset?
Who taught me to live
among the people of the world?
He did not tell me how I might live
those long evenings without having you close by.
He did not tell me how I could do it—
to live alone without our love.

Sonic Underground Intro

Triplets was born
Was facing a fate
Had to be separated
And the mother waits
Sonic Underground
Sonic Underground
The vow the mother made
The kids grow up
Learn what's right
Fight for the Freedom
Searching for their mother
She knows this
Comes the prophecy true?
Sonic Underground
Sonic Underground
Queen Aleena:
I yearn for my kids, but I must wait
To act too soon would seal their fate
The vow the mother made
Sonic Underground
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Versions: #2
They say that I am immune to pain
And that I only think of myself
Seven nights I am not with you
And I don't count days without you
These eyes don't pour tears
And when they cry, they hide very well
You will never know how much
I push you out of my heart by force
This girl is like a stone
She knows how to fall
She loves and then goes on
One love more or less
This girl is like a stone
She gives it to you to break it
But from this side of the wound
She just wants you to love her
I don't love you so bon voyage
I look you in the eyes and say:
Abandon my four walls
So that they don't listen how I lie to you
These eyes don't pour tears
And when they cry, they hide very well
You will never know how much
I push you out of my heart by force
This girl is like a stone
She knows how to fall
She loves and then goes on
One love more or less
This girl is like a stone
She gives it to you to break it
But from this side of the wound
She just wants you to love her
She just wants you to... love her
She just wants you to... love her
She just wants, she just wants
She just wants
This girl is like a stone
She knows how to fall
She loves and then goes on
One love more or less
This girl is like a stone
She gives it to you to break it
But from this side of the wound
She just wants you to...
This girl is like a stone

The Last Dreamer

A river without a bed—
a field without flowers—
a face without a name.
A day without sun—
a sky without stars—
the world without love.
The hot wind of summer—
friend of many years ago—
sunrises with a ruby sun.
Beautiful days of serenity—
on the roofs, songbirds,
to embroider melodies.
But time
has erased everything—
unfortunately that is so today.
But I am convinced
it cannot end everything—
it cannot end badly.
They will return—
the beautiful springtimes—
and love will be victorious.
The hot wind of summer—
friend of many years ago—
I recall how it was yesterday—
I burst with happiness.
The long rivers run to the seashore—
the nostalgia of the first 'no'—
I will be a deluded dreamer
but one day everything will change.
The long rivers run to the seashore—
the nostalgia of the first 'no'—
I will be a deluded dreamer
but one day everything will change.

When Discussing Plans of NATO

When discussing plans of NATO,
Can I be polite? I cannot!
I'm in general perverse,
I can't live without a curse!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Yedi Kule

If you pass by Yedi Kule you will see the prison,
surrounded by multiple tall walls.
There you will find me -because of you- tied
and in the cell I am mourning hopelessly.
They deprived me of light, my life has been unbearable,
I see death in person -my dear- across from me.
I am in prison, you among the flowers
I suffer in my heart, I want you to cry
Come, walk by the Yedí Kule
See the misery I have to endure
Let a black dress be made for you
and make an offering of oil in the synagogue.

I Was Born with You

As soon as I saw you, I fell in love.
As soon as you looked at me, I realized that
the sun was everywhere, the sun dawned on me.
Then the days of my life made sense.
I was born with you—on this night with you—
from the moment when you appeared to me.
I was born because you are now part of me—
perhaps, my love, you do not know the good you do me.
As soon as I saw you, I fell in love
And now that we kiss, I see that
for me you are the world. The world is perhaps better now
that I live my life because you exist.
I was born with you—on this night with you—
from the moment when you appeared to me.
I was born because you are now part of me—
perhaps, my love, you do not know the good you do me.
For to me you are the world. The world is perhaps better now
that I live my life because you exist.
I was born with you—on this night with you—
from the moment when you appeared to me.
I was born because you are now part of me—
perhaps, my love, you do not know the good you do me.
My Love, My Love, My Love …

Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka

If it happened a moment ago, I'd remember
If it happened a year ago, I don't know
You say it's a long haired woman. There are a lot here.
Sorry. Ask somebody else
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
She quitter half year ago. She didn't even saluted us
She took a Mary client, she made an uproar
You can't have such lack of manners
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
It's a girl who came from Yokohama
She was good for jitterbugging
She was there until three months ago. One night she picked a kitten
She scaped with the kitten
I don't know to where
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Though she said she liked Yokosuka
She looked pitiable with foreigners
Though she was a girl who didn't speak much
She talked with the kitten
She paid me in advance a month ago and she left
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
A while ago she was sitting on a box of that corner
A client touched her somewhere and she ran from the store
Somehow that girls doesn't want to be an innocent baby
Hey, you're in love with that girl, aren't you?
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Egy Normális Élet

Annyi barátom van körülöttem nap mint nap
És vannak ellenségeim is, akik megütnek
Valamint az egyetlen szerelmem, amit sosem fogok elengedni
Az életem örömmel teli, minden nap izgatott vagyok (majdnem)
És a hobbijaim különlegesek, nem úgy, mint a többieké
De van egy dolog, amim nincs
Egy normális élet, egy normális élet
Az életem egyáltalán nem normális
Mert én egy normális életet
Akarok, egy normális életet
Nem mindenki érti, amit mondok
Sok ember van odakint, akik most összezavarodtak
De engem kérdezz, hanem magadat
És alkoss saját véleményt arról, amit mondok
Az álmom, hogy legyen egy családom és velük egy házam
Hogy kiköltözzek a társbérletből
És elmenjek ebből az ellenszenves városból, mert én csak
Egy normális életet, egy normális életet akarok
Az életem egyáltalán nem normális
Mert én egy normális életet
Akarok, egy normális életet
Nem mindenki érti, amit mondok
De remélem hamarosan érteni fogják...

Women port town

Women port town
Why the sunrise comes too early?
'Then, goodbye'
Murmured a man like a black gull
Farewell words are very fleeting
Though I want it, I can't forget
A painful love
Women port town, my farewell tears
Nobody will understand them
Women port town
Crying, you raise the anchors
'You shouldn't cry' says a man
Who in a hurry he waves his hand on the deck
Though I understand it's a temporary consolation
Though I want it, I can't forget
A painful love
Women port town, in my lonely smile
A rain of sorrows fall
Though I hate such man from the heart
Though I want it, I can't forget
A painful love
Women port town, my farewell tears
Nobody will understand them
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Every tale is a game

Every tale is a game
That is done with time
And it's only half true
You can live it in its entirety
In one moment
It's a tale and it's not reality
Every tale is a game
That ends if you hear
Everyone lived happily and satisfied
Maybe it has always existed
Age doesn't matter
Because it's only half true
Every tale is a game
It's an invented story
And it's only half true
And it goes around the world
And who knows where it was born
It's a tale and it's not reality
Every tale is a game
If you stop and play
After a while let it go
You cannot find it
In any city
Because it's only half true!
Unknown universes
Light years to explore
Spaceships of the mind
Towards other realities!
Every tale is a game
That is done with time
And it's only half true
You can live it in its entirety
In one moment
It's a tale and it's not reality
Every tale is a game
If you stop and play
After a while let it go
You cannot find it
In any city
Because it's only half true!

I want to know about you

Where are you, dear?
I want to know about you.
Now that I've found you again,
I smile again,
the light of the beautiful city, linked us,
and that love that one day went away.
It's never late to begin,
I still love you,
I want to know if you love hasn't died,
if it's true what you have inside.
I want to know about you,
I want to know that you want to continue,
I want to know that being far away you thought about me,
Nothing else matters because I want to love you again.
I'll tell you about me,
about all the nights I would spend,
looking at your photography and my loneliness,
now I smile again because you're here.
Look, I'm not scared, I want your body, I have nothing.
Look, i want you kisses and your looks.
You are the most beautiful thing of my life, of my soul.
You are what I always expected in my life.
I want to know about you,
I want to know that you will love me again,
I want to know if being far away you thought about me.
Nothing else matters because I want to love you again.
I have never forgotten your love,
so pure and so tender,
It's like the instinct that God sent us,
to make this world more beautiful.
I swore before God that I love you,
I don't ever regret it,
while there is light in the sun, I'll love you,
this love I feel is eternal.
I don't care if I die,
because I know I'll revive out of love,
don't be afraid because I'll love you forever,
and you know my heart will live for you.
You will feel for me,
the same love I always have in my heart,
because you feel trapped with the illusion,
of feeling always the kindness I gave you.
Look, don't be afraid, I know you miss me,
I know you love me,
Look what you are saying with your look.
I don't care if I die,
because I know I'll revive out of love,
don't be afraid because I'll love you forever,
and you know my heart will live for you.
I want to know about you,
I want to know if you will love me again,
I want to know if being far away you thought about me.
Nothing else matters because I want to love you again.
I'll tell you about me,
about all the nights I would spend,
looking at your photography and my loneliness,
now I smile again because you're here.