Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 14

Találatok száma: 485


Love is Pain

The wind blows, flowers bloom
Now I try to erase you
Those days I used to love
Now I want to forget them, I want to forget them
Like tears in a mist
Your scattered eyes
The ever deepening wounds
They're touching them, it will hurt
Me who loved you so much
You who hated me forever
The thing about love is that
It's just a wound, it hurts
And even if that painful wound makes me cry
Even if that pain cuts me into pieces
The memories of you sleeping inside me
It was love
You left on a dazzling day
I couldn't see you again
Your tears left at your fingertips
I'll touch them again, it will hurt again
Me who loved you so much
You who hated me forever
The thing about love is that
It's just a wound, it hurts
And even if that painful wound makes me cry
Even if that pain cuts me into pieces
The memories of you sleeping inside me
It was love
And even if that painful wound makes me cry
Even if that pain cuts me into pieces
The memories of you sleeping inside me
It was love


Without realizing he was already outside,
he was clinging to the window bars,
and screaming to the prison guards who where inside:
'Let me out!'
Just learning.

Start Anew

I turn the alarm clock off again
I roll over, oversleep the Friday
Facebook and emails are avoidable
I need a different lightning rod
I stop myself, take my time
Deceleration was never so close
I let go and perceive
That everything around me is resting
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It gets hectic here
Let's start anew
It feels right
It feels right to me
Give my Mac away at the ticketcounter
My cell phone lies at the bottom of the Alster
The car was only on loan
And now stands in the middle of Berlin
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It gets hectic here
Let's start anew
It feels right
It feels right to me
Before insanity corrodes your soul
Before the tempo forgets our hearts
Before the people relocate their houses
Use their summer homes, for nothing
(Let's start anew)
And the people drive their cars in
Stock up on canned food in the store
(Let's get away from here)
All the banks close, and money comes to an end
Come, we'll finally leave
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It becomes hectic here
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It gets hectic here
Let's start anew
It feels right
It feels right to me

A forest cemetery in Pasewalk

You have earned the right
to be buried by us here,
where German oaks shade your graves.
Recieve these symbols of freedom, strength and life
as the most beautiful jewel
adorning your grave.
In a German forest, where the German spirit dwells,
in this quiet grove where you rest peacefully
thousands will come to honour you in a thousand year.
We will enter the thick verdant forest
to reach the place where your graves lie.
We will then lighten our step
for you speak to all of us.
So will you live forever more, long after your bodies vanished.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The Miracle Child

O Lord, Father of all men
You've blessed me with a gift worth more than gold
An infinite treasure
A bright present near the end of my life
His light is a treasure
A miracle, a star, an oasis
You answered our prayers for a son
Dreams come true. Be blessed, Joseph
A brother, a victor, a lord
And tender happiness in our arms
His hand in our dreams
I'll raise his spirit and heart
His universe will be wide
His brothers' love will cradle him
He'll know the warmth of a happy family
You're the miracle child
You're the light
You're the golden sky
Stars will bless your life
Your proud journey
Your ephemeral sorrow
Joy is your destiny
Your path that of kings
A hopeful song has come to the world
For you are the miracle child
The sun dances in your eyes
The moon is amazed
Your smile is gentle
You have grace and light
You can cross a river of sorrow without trouble
Heaven's angels guide your heart
This is the prophecy
For you are the miracle child
You're the light
You're the golden sky
Stars will bless your life
Your proud journey
Your ephemeral sorrow
Joy is your destiny
Your path that of kings
A hopeful song has come to the world
For you are the miracle child
My dear mother
And the father I love so much
This colourful coat is a memory
And the promise of a song that shapes the future
I am unusual, I am set apart
Without rules and with nothing binding me
No one has the power to chain my blazing heart
For I am the miracle child
A rainbow is my halo
I'm not afraid under the storm
Heaven's angels guard me
But being a meteor in the dawn's light
Is my ideal life
For I am the miracle child
This world's fury
And the thunder and shadows
Will never dim my light
I fly to the shore, equal with the stars
For I am the miracle child

Glass after glass 1.

I go around drunk, but the good thing is that I don't fall
'cause I am supported by the strength of my pride.
You, who said 'I already bring this one wounded',
never in your life your eyes will see it.
Glass after glass, bottle after bottle,
as I go drinking, I get cheered up,
you may be very pretty, but, with me, that doesn't work,
nothing in the world will make me fall.
When, at night, I used to tell you that I loved you,
it was a lie, I was just feeling you out,
I am a swallow that goes crossing the sky,
never in my life I will be seen in a cage.
Glass after glass, bottle after bottle,
as I go drinking, I get cheered up.
Already I say good-bye to your love, I leave singing,
your beautiful eyes won't see me fall.
Glass after glass, bottle after bottle,
as I go drinking, I get cheered up.
Already I say good-bye to your love, I leave singing,
your beautiful eyes won't see me fall.


If after arriving here
you think something has changed
Right now it's my time
Take the knife once and for all human!
There was a time
when my brother warned you
that if you continued this way
You would have a bad time!
But it was no use
you hands are stained
with blood and dust!
Now it's too late
There's no more forgiveness
There's no more determination
for the thousands of friends
that couldn't say goodbye
I don't believe in you anymore
Now it's too late to say
that it was not your intention
that all has been a mistake
All the damage you've done
is shown at your hands
I still remember the trail of bodies
where I found my brother!
At these moments I'm
completely alone
I go only with the dust
as a reminder
Your steps trigger death
everyone shakes at seeing you
When we see again
it will be burning in hell!
I swear for everything in what I believe
that this doesn't end like this
that every corpse
will turn into a scar
I feel disgusting
the destiny of your steps
Revenge will make me pay the lifes
of those you have taken away
There's no more forgiveness
There's no more determination
for the thousands of friends
that couldn't say goodbye
I don't believe in you anymore
Now it's too late to say
that it was not your intention
that all has been a mistake
All the damage you've done
is shown at your hands
I still remember the trail of bodies
where I found my brother!


Mit kell tennem, ha ezt látom?
A szelen nem tudok változtatni, csak a vitrolán.
Ezernyi kérdés, cigánykerekezés
Nem új életet akarok, csak egy új napot.
Mi tesz jót, mi fáj?
Egy érzésnek nincs szüksége hadseregre.
Előre, hátra, oldalra, állj
Nem túl késő
Nem túl késő
Nincs túl korán, nincs túl későn
Egy jó terve több, mint egy ötlet
Ne dobj több mindent egy fazékba
A változtatás tiszta elmét igényel
Nem akarom szégyellni magam egy kis szerencséért
Csak én gondolom így, vagy a világ tényleg megőrült?
Mutass tiszta sorokat a has és az ész között
Nem túl késő
Nem túl késő
Újrakezdést vezényelek
Nem túl késő
Nem túl késő
Nem vagyok immunis az ellenszélre, de nekiiramodok
Az összes szép emléket magasan tartom
Egyik nap gyengének érzem magam, egy másik nap pedig mint egy újszülött
A régiek ellen nem akarok küzdeni, újat akarok létrehozni
Kövesd a hívásom, az álmok hamar elmúlnak
Kiürítem a virágokat az útból, kihasználom a lehetőséget
Elől kapaszkodom, ingadozó érzés
Nem túl késő
Egy újrakezdéshez
Sosem túl késő
Egy újrakezdéshez
Nem túl késő
Sosem túl késő
Egy újrakezdéshez
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Being hand in hand with a child

Versions: #2
Being hand in hand with a child
to lead him to the future,
To give him confidence in his way,
taking a child like a king.
Taking a child in your arms
and - for the first time -
dry your tears, without showing your joy
taking a child in your arms
Taking a child in your heart
to comfort its sorrows
very gently, without talking, shameless,
taking a child in your heart
Taking a child in your arms
and for the first time
shedding tears, without showing your joy
taking a child at your side
Being hand in hand with a child
And singing him lullabies
to let it sleep at the end of the day
Taking a child with love
taking a child as it comes
and comfort its griefs
Living your life for years, then suddenly
taking a child by the hand
Looking to the end of the way
Taking a child as your own.

Confused moon

Confused moon, tired of the sky
which agonizes among mists of dead angels,
and there, laughter comes to an end.
We are lost in the dream of flying,
to the peaks of coldness,
where there's no sound
and the celestial nymph shall speak to you.
Unfinished phrase that dictates your soul,
singing to the breeze
that crawls your fears,
doubting if heaven is for you.
Perpetual moon, anchored to the sea of stars,
searching to be part of them,
without realizing you are my godness.
You already forgot about all of that blood
spilled in your temple of that suffering...
sacrifices to make you smile.
Just learning.

Wail of the unfaithful

Good folks,
Listen to the sad song
Of stray lovers
Suffering their torment
Because they loved
Unfaithful women
Who cheated them
Beware, cruel women,
They could well retaliate
Sorrow is not eternal
Even for the best of lovers
Beaten with your own weapons
You will know in turn
Despair and tears
Of distrust and love.
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers

Good folks,
Hear the chorus of cruel girls
Lawless and faithless,
Cheated by their lovers
Because they loved
Unfaithful women
They take their revenge
Ah! Suffer my turtledoves
Now you are short of a lover!
It's your turn to feel the torment
Of deadly dismay
Shed your pretty tears
Yes, weep, it's your turn indeed
You had to surrender your weapons
And love is dead, love lives forever!
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers


A child from France

Think about how lucky you are
To be a child from France,
It is a beautiful country.
Think about all the people coming here
From their distant land,
They have children too.
Tell yourself that all the words
They hear at school
Will stay in their minds their whole lives long.
Consider that when facing distress,
Surrounded by tenderness,
One can make friends.
Consider that it is not easy
For all the people who go into exile
To find happiness.
Consider that they are ready to build
An empire full of colours
With you.
Tell yourself that every second
Somewhere in the world
A sweet angel dies.
Think about how lucky you are
To be a child from France,
And let your heart go.
Feel free to correct whatever I wrote, even when I haven't requested proofreading. ^^

Flower With no Spring

Versions: #2
Flower with no spring
I planted a flower
I planted it
To see if it was all right
Three days after
I had stopped watering it.
On my return, it was already dead dry
It wouldn't spring up at all
On my return, it was already dead dry
It wouldn't spring up at all
I showered it
With the water falling from heaven
And I watered it
With the tears running from my eyes
My friends told me
Don't feel sorry for this flower any longer
This flower doesn't spring up again
Dead is its heart
This flower doesn't spring up any more
It's dead at heart
I showered it
With the water falling from heaven
And I watered it
With the tears running from my eyes
My friends told me
Don't feel sorry for this flower any longer
This flower doesn't spring up again
Dead is its heart
This flower doesn't spring up any more
It's dead at heart


Maybe you've told storries about your first night of se*
'Is not understandable, i wonder how it was seen that way!? ''
That instead of love in excess...
You've hardly breath' perverted, doing them ho*
'Maybe' you've stolen, 'maybe' in the vein ya injected yourself
You've wasted yourself , too little you've given a fuc*
Maybe' you've smoked without a stopp
You've 'smashed yourself' again and again!!
Maybe's the same vicious circle ...
You're understood and you understand in a reverse sort of a way
Maybe you're asking yourself ...
You're missjudged ,.... ot not!??
At this question i'm not the one to respond you....
You're gonna always answer it yourself !!!
Chorus x2
Stop carrying away the words...
You're gonna hear now what you 'don't see' in facts
Stop saying,.... after all
All you're hearing is 'CONFIDENTIAL'!
Two o'clock, 6th 4th mounth, in 79, i was born
Like any other normal man, in an Bucharest hospital
I didn't knew of anything
I didn't knew of fear, too little i was
I didn't think that life's complicated
And i'll like to complicate myself
I've met lots of peeps in my life ...
Lots of motherfucke**, taken myself lots of 'punches in the face'
That's how you learn , and now let's put cards on table'
Let's start, cause lots of peeps ask themselves if ::
If i've fuc* other mans wife?
If others have fuc* my woman?
If i've reapeat years in the class XIa si IIIa?
If i'm wasted now?
If even a day goes by, i without rolling a smoke ?
If for real i think what i sang ?
If i'm laughin' when others are crying?
If i'm afraid of someone ?
If i care for someone?
If there's someone to be on my taste?
If my name is Ion?
If' ,...you want an honest answer...
You know what...it may seen shitt* to you or not ...
My answer is YES!!
Chorus x2
Stop carrying away the words...
You're gonna hear now what you 'don't see' in facts
Stop saying,.... after all
All you're hearing is 'CONFIDENTIAL'!
I still have lots of answers 'to give' , 'as it seems'...
But i'm gonna only answer
To those that already asked me :::
If, with hero** i've injected myself?
Ever, Cause people are talking...
If i have lots of money !?
If i have 28 years?
Once again: If i have lots of money!??
If my family is proud of what i do ?
If i'm always smilling?
If the BMW car in which i've been seen , is mine ?
Or if i've ever been to a vote?
If at a political party,
I have what to like ???
IF, IF, IF, IF, IF, IF ....??
If the parazitii band broke up ?
I don't give a fu** on what you believe !!
My answear to all is one ...NO!!
Fu** Off!!
Chorus x2
Stop carrying away the words...
You're gonna hear now what you 'don't see' in facts
Stop saying,.... after all
All you're hearing is 'CONFIDENTIAL'!

Stage fright

Ten past six, in less than two hours I'm gonna meet him
My hair isn't shiny, I got no clothes to wear
But I want him to see my at my best
I must leave nothing to chance tonight
Glimmering heart - I feel the tickle inside you
Glimmering heart - you're floating like a butterfly
And I got stage fright, state fright
Stage fright when I'm about to step into the limelight
Close to half past seven, I'm ready but yet I think
It's better to keep him waiting a little
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
One last glance at my watch, it's time to go
Glimmering heart - I feel the tickle inside you
Glimmering heart - you're floating like a butterfly
And I got stage fright, state fright
Stage fright when I'm about to step into the limelight
Glimmering heart - I feel the tickle inside you
Glimmering heart - you're floating like a butterfly
And I got stage fright, state fright
Stage fright when I'm about to step into the limelight
I got stage fright, state fright...
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.

Dandelion field

Your alphabet planted in me
Danced away with vigour
Hidden it deep inside me
Brought to life at night
Your hand in my belly
And you spring from me
As if sown on your own
By the wind on a dandelion field
You held me tight in your hand
Were naked when I found you
Sparked the fight with great bravery
Worked extremely hard
It breaks, I can't hold it
It wants to spring to daylight
It grows from every hole
Animal in me, what more do you want?
Your hand in my belly
And you spring from me
As if sown on your own
By the wind on a dandelion field
Your hand in my belly
And you spring from me
As if sown on your own
By the wind on a dandelion field

Children of Paradise

They were smiles, they were sobs
They were those laughs that make the songs of birds
They were mornings when we go to the seashore
They were the heart of sadness, they were the heart of light
They were poems, they were birds
They were the «I love you»'s that we say on the bank of the creek
They were from the café, they were from the pub
they were foreigners, they were without flags
They were from Paris, they were from the provinces
They were the hearts of rain who make hearts that squeal
They were full of life, they had the eye of Spring
They were the hearts that laugh when heaven is crying
They were promises, they were becoming
They were much too young, yes, to have to depart
They were the sons of the East or sons of the West
Children of paradise, children of the Bataclan
They were French hearts, or international hearts
They were the dew that cries from under the shawl
They were promises, they were buds
Who make sadness grow, they were songs
They were families, they were friends,
They were what shines in the night sky
They were lovers, those who were huddled together
One against the other, against tyranny
They were like me, they were like you
They were not warriors, but they died in combat
They were hearts of love, they were hearts that fight
And who will always fight even beneath the cross
They were these friends who I did not know
They were my country and yours too I believe
They will stay Paris, Paris will always remember
These friends, the light will shine
They were called 'I love you', they were called youth
They were called poem, they were called tenderness
They were called sister, they were called brother
They were called little girl, they were called little boy
They were called joy and nonviolence
They were called, I believe, the children of France
Of all horizons and of all names
They were called love and horizon
They called Jacques Brel and I think Barbara
They were called heaven, they were called 'why'
Forever sleeps here the horror of the hollows
He who joins the eternal, goes innocent, I believe
They were lifted fists, tjey were our concerts
They were tightened hearts, yes, in the face of the torturers
They were the hearts of carnations, flowers in the face of shootings
In our grieving hearts, we cry for our friends
To the innocent who is killed, yes, fallen under the bullets
To the unknown soldier under the horror of gunfire
If these are the dead letters, the hymns of sorrow
Because knocking at the door are the plains of Verdun
If fallen tonight, on this black Friday,
The brothers of my country, leaving us desperate
My country, your culture is dead, assassinated
But you know my culture will never die
You my country of Molière, you my country of Vinci
You my country of Voltaire, you my country of Valmy
You my country the Earth, you my country Paris
You my country on the ground, stand up my country
You my country of light, you my country of life
My literary country, my country of sad life
You my country, my brothers, you brother of my country
As we cherish our mothers, we cherish our fatherland.

Sonic The Hedgehog

Blue, like a blink of an eye, the speedy hedgehog
He is like lightning when he comes to help everyone
Sonic, like the wind
Sonic, intelligent and sharp-witted
Sonic, he is the speedy hedgehog
He thinks of all the friends, a sensitive hedgehog
Be warned, there's intelligence in his eyes, and also a glimmer
Sonic, like the wind
Sonic, intelligent and sharp-witted
Sonic, he is the speedy hedgehog
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Endless Joy

This blizzard will also pass
And the calm sea will come back
This storm will also pass
And the sky will get serene again
There will come a moment in which I won't miss you
And I will talk about you
As if you never existed
Don't think that I'm sad
I'm fine on my own
Don't worry about achievements
There isn't someone else
Someone that with a smile makes your life spin
And let it be an endless joy
It was you who wasn't here
With me
This storm will also pass
And the torment will fade away
Like a sleeping pain
That maybe won't wake up
There will come a moment in which I won't miss you
And then I will tell you
That we were lucky to know each other, you know?
Don't think that I'm sad
I'm fine on my own
Don't worry about achievements
There isn't someone else
Someone that with a smile makes your life spin
And let it be an endless joy
It was you who wasn't here
With me
Don't think that I'm sad
I'm fine on my own
Don't worry about achievements
There isn't someone else
Someone that with a smile makes your life spin
And let it be an endless joy
It was you who wasn't here
With me
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


Imagined dreams not coming true happens more often
Envying those who surpassed me makes me start to hate myself
There are also nights where it seems I'm crushed by light sleep
and friendly neighbors are baring their fangs in the shadows
Like turning off the TV watched by force of habit
I sometimes want to stop living
Is life pain? Is success everything?
I just want, to see you, you
It's okay if it's deplorable, it's okay if you're covered with desire, too
Because I just want, to know your, your truth
The sound of laughter echoing and then disappearing, walking alone on a cloudy road
I just want, to see you, you
Who's fault is it we can't continue every day as outlined?
Just observing the passionate battle from the bench
Like covering a flame that's about to go out
I want to continue living without giving up
Is life tragedy? Is success loneliness?
I just want, to see you, you
It's okay if it's not just, it's okay if it's trivial, too
Because I just want, to know your, your truth
A key sounding deep in a bag, a crow calling for it's murder
I just want, to see you, you
For what reason are you living? For who are you living?
I just want, to see you, you
Do you resent others? Do you hate sadness?
Because I just want, to know your, your truth
Secrets, tears, alone in the rain, anxiety strikes when I wake
I just want, to see you, you
Lies I want to believe, medicine that doesn't help, a goodbye that can't be returned
Shout, shout, shout
I just want to see you


A világ legszomorúbb napján voltam
és fel kellett fedeznem, hogyan éljek
nélküled minden másodpercben.
Sétáltam a hidegben,
néha megtanulom, hogyan kell repülni
ki kell tölteni az űrt.
És nagyon megtanultam mi az ami kell
és hogy nincs olyan nap,hogy ne várnálak
nem hagy alább a keresés,hogyan térj vissza
és hogy megtettem érted.
Újra veled vagyok
értem mi a helyzet
mosolygom és hiszem, hogy lehet
hogy te és én együtt legyünk.
És most, hogy itt vagyunk
minden újra tiszta lett
Bevallom, megtanultam, hogy lehetek távol tőled
szeretnék melletted, lenni.
Ma az életem legjobb napja van
nem volt nehéz,hát már tudom hogy
mindig van egy elrejtett pislákoló fény
ma láttalak,már vártalak
megfogtam kezed és azt mondtam egyszerűen
miért késtél ennyit.
És nagyon megtanultam mi az ami kell
és hogy nincs olyan nap,hogy ne várnálak
nem hagy alább a keresés,hogyan térj vissza
és hogy megtettem érted.
Újra veled vagyok
értem mi a helyzet
mosolygom és hiszem, hogy lehet
hogy te és én együtt legyünk.
És most, hogy itt vagyunk
minden újra tiszta lett
Bevallom, megtanultam, hogy lehetek távol tőled
szeretnék melletted, lenni.
Újra veled vagyok
értem mi a helyzet
mosolygom és hiszem, hogy lehet
hogy te és én együtt legyünk.
És most, hogy itt vagyunk
minden újra tiszta lett
Bevallom, megtanultam, hogy lehetek távol tőled
szeretnék melletted, lenni.

My mental state is zero

When you left me, went and walked away
The pulse that in my heart stopped
My mental state is zero
My life don't have a taste
The dark is covering my heart
I need support from the god
To let my personality come back
My mental state is zero
Your heart didn't say the truth with me
The dream stole
What's my sin to let your love for me
Being ink on papers
My life don't have a taste
The dark is covering my heart
I need support from the god
To let my personality come back to me
My mental state is zero
You was taking snooze and sleeping on my thorax
But you forgot the love that in myself
God's right, the resurrection happened
My life don't have a taste
The dark's covering my heart
I need a support from the god
To let my personality come back
My mental state is zero
I hope you like and understand the translation that I did

I Forget Myself

I forget myself, darling, I forget my name
Darling, I forget when I am with you
And I find myself, darling, with you
And I want to continue living my the rest of my life with you
From tonight my heart is yours, from tonight my soul is in you
From tonight I will see, my darling, life with your eyes
I forget myself, darling, I forget my name
Darling, I forget when I am with you
And I find myself, darling, with you
And I want to continue living my the rest of my life with you
I forget myself

The faultless detective Conan

Uuohhh uuoohhh uuoohh
Detective Conan, Conan ×2
Every mystery for Conan
Isn't a mystery anymore,
He cleverly tells the truth and the fake apart
Uohh uuoohh
He solves every case
Following his instinct,
Following his instinct
And he never gives in,
He makes it this way,
Only he knows
What to do,
Only he knows
Where to go,
Only he knows
Who to look for
So that he can discover the truth.
Conan, a superdective wearing glasses
Who chases the criminals
He will uncover the secret face
By investigating more,
Conan who never makes a mistake,
Who always looks for his goal,
But we currently don't know
His real identity.
Uuohhh uuoohhh uuoohh
Detective Conan, Conan ×2
He's in love, but
He can't propose,
Because he's become a child again
For quite a while now.
Only by investigating, he knows
That, maybe, he will find
Who will make him an adult again,
So he never gives in.

Tell Me

Anywhere anytime
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
I ran away, I’m getting used to it
Like a misunderstanding, I thought the end was here
I messed everything up,I’m in another typical drama
I feel so empty
Only filled with regrets
I luv you in my mind
I wanna hear those sweet words from you
Just like before
I know you in my heart
Words that comforted me
I’ll look back, I’ll hold on
Just like the days when things were hot
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Tell me luv
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me tell me
Tell me tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Come back to me babe
Let’s go I miss you all day
Every day, I draw you, as if I’m a painter
Even deep into the night
I hear you in my dreams
Memory replay
Don’t pass me by
Come into my arms uh
I’m lost, looking for you, go walk walk hard
I luv you in my mind
I wanna hear those sweet words from you
Just like before
I know you in my heart
Words that comforted me
I’ll look back, I’ll hold on
Just like the days when things were hot
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Tell me luv
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me tell me
Tell me tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Come back to me babe
I wanna hear your voice
The melody that rang in my ears
Whisper to me once more
I know I’m so selfish but I’ll try to embrace you
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me tell me
Tell me tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Come back to me babe


Bass, Drum, MIC on the rhythm
Guitar, player this is N.Flying
Out of control, uncontrollable
Hold up hold up you know who we are
This is N.Flying sensations
Ok. Come on
Can’t believe it,
your red lips that call to me
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it,
your words are so chic, I can’t even talk to you
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it
It’s frustrating oh frustrating
Oh frustrating frustrating
Oh I can’t believe it
You’re romantic and
sometimes nerve-wracking like a thriller
Cupid’s arrow came and hit me
It’s frustrating,
why am I becoming so powerless?
Yeah baby I’m doing it right
Oh ma god be ma ma babe
Oh ma be ma ma babe
Answer my question
Will you be my darling?
I’m falling more and more for you
Can’t believe it,
your red lips that call to me
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it,
your words are so chic, I can’t even talk to you
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it
Pretty sexy cutie, your beautiful lips are like red tulips
Your natural look makes you look valuable
It’s not just one guy who is bewitched by your silhouette
But they all come and go like swings, leaving you alone
You’re probably tired of that love but I’m different
I’ll always hold you and place you by my side
Oh ma god be ma ma babe
Oh ma be ma ma babe
Answer my question
Will you be my darling?
I’m falling more and more for you
Can’t believe it,
your high-bridged nose controls me
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it,
can’t take my eyes off your mysterious tattoo
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it
I look here (can’t believe it) I look there
You’re pretty even without any BB
You’re sexy without undoing any buttons
Your shoulder tattoo is driving me crazy
Can’t believe it
It’s frustrating,
why am I becoming so powerless?
Yeah baby I’m doing it right
Can’t believe it,
your high-bridged nose controls me
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it,
can’t take my eyes off your mysterious tattoo
Oh lalalalala oh lalalalala
Can’t believe it
It’s frustrating oh frustrating
Oh frustrating frustrating
Oh I can’t believe it
It’s frustrating oh frustrating
Oh frustrating frustrating
Oh I can’t believe it
Все переводы выполнены на русский лично мной, иногда с помощью знакомых.

Yesterday love

When I close my eyes,
I see my whole life passing by,
and I feel consoled
remembering that love.
Today, I remember sadly
our love from yesterday,
and I almost feel your lips
kissing me as once they did.
Today, the years have passed,
what wouldn't I give to go back
and live again for a moment
our love from yesterday!
Today, I remember sadly
our love from yesterday,
and I almost feel your lips
kissing me as once they did.
Today, the years have passed,
what wouldn't I give to go back
and live again for a moment
our love from yesterday!

Hot Potato

Yes, hyung?
If you could be born again, what would you be?
A potato
A potato?
Yes, a hot potato
Wherever I go, they all recognize me
My face is my business card
My every move, whatever I do
They all copy me
They go so crazy
Everyone gather here
Even when I put on a small smile
They fall like dominos
Oh so hot, so high
Sometimes, I wanna rest
But people keep calling me
From my head to my toes
Are you all the paparazzi?
The lights shine brightly
Whenever I sing, they all fall for me
I’m a hot potato
A famous man
Say my name
I won’t easily cool down
Cuz I’m a hot potato
I won’t easily cool down
Here and there, pretty girls say hello
Hot! Hot potato
Whenever I blink, it’s like being in a photo shoot
I buy hearts with just one smile
No time to rest for this hotness
I can’t stop it
Please leave me alone now
Just stop before they find out
Wherever I go, it becomes a carnival
I really need it
An issue to cool me down
Even if I won’t shine, it’s alright
Sometimes, I wanna rest
But people keep calling me
From my head to my toes
Are you all the paparazzi?
The lights shine brightly
Whenever I sing, they all fall for me
I’m a hot potato
A famous man
Say my name
I won’t easily cool down
Cuz I’m a hot potato
I won’t easily cool down
Here and there, pretty girls say hello
Hot! Hot potato
Is it that? It is real
Stepping on the red carpet, eating at a buffet
If I want it, I’ll have it, we get that
Oh got them, they look at me and freak out
Wait wait wait, don’t block us
Whether we do something or not, mind your own business
Even after tonight
Come back tomorrow
Softly come into my arms
Soft and mellow
What use is it being alone?
They say they need me
I won’t worry anymore, I’ll sing so hotly
So everyone here faints
The lights shine brightly
Whenever I sing, they all fall for me
I’m a hot potato
A famous man
Say my name
I won’t easily cool down
Cuz I’m a hot potato
I won’t easily cool down
Here and there, pretty girls say hello
Because everyone waits for me, oh woo
I won’t easily cool down
Because I’m a hot potato
I won’t easily cool down
Here and there, pretty girls say hello
Hot! Hot potato
Hot! Hot potato
Все переводы выполнены на русский лично мной, иногда с помощью знакомых.

Goddess of the Blue Hell

It's cold and the silence freezes me
The darkness submerges me in a grey cloud.
Remembering is only part of a torture
That will not end
I don't see any halo of light,
Drowned in my own solitude
And here I am, waiting,
Goddess of the blue hell
Don't walk
Don't ask
What it's going to be
No destination
Carry me to no place
Goddess of the blue hell
Night that will not pass
And here I am, waiting,
Goddess of the blue hell

He Is Born the Divine Child

He is born, the divine child,
Play the oboes, ring out the bagpipes!
He is born, the divine child,
Let us all sing his coming!
For more than four thousand years,
The prophets promised him to us
For more than four thousand years,
We were awaiting this happy time.
Oh! But he is handsome, he is charming!
Oh! But his graces are perfect!
Oh! But he is handsome, he is charming!
He is so sweet this divine child!
A stable is his lodging
A bit of hay his little bed,
A stable for his lodging
For a God, such humility!
Leave, great kings of the Orient!
Come join in our celebrations
Leave, great kings of the Orient!
Come to adore this child!
He wants our hearts, he is waiting for them:
He is here to conquer them
He wants our hearts, he is waiting for them
Let us give them to him at once!
Oh Jesus! Oh All-Powerful King
Such a little child that you are,
Oh Jesus! Oh All-Powerful King,
Rule over us entirely!


At the end they're only words
They fade out in the air
Your words are always complicate
Your actions talk more clearly than the water
You promised
To stay alone for a while
That there are very recent wounds.
That you mustn't, you can't, no
In any way
But deny it ig you dare
That when I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
I confess, I confess
That it's burning to me like it burns to you
What is worth to let it there?
Let's take a cold shower.
Don't misunderstand me
My only sin is I'm sincere
Tonight there's full moon
It's so pure and clear...
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
Tell me that you don't, you don't feel it
Tell me you don't, you don't, if you dare.
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Look my love, that already from longtime
We've grown...
And I know that it is no worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution
Then, let you fall here close to me
Remain subjected at what you'll find
Then tie up here close to me
That come confessions

I Am Unhappy

Versions: #2
I am unhappy
I know that you don't love me, so why should I insist?
May you live happily, darling
I'll always feel the love you gave to me
I feel miserable
So you think I'm going to die because you don't love me?
Let them serve me another drink
Barman, I'll pay for them
To ease this pain
May you live happily
In your fantasy world
Don't think about your love and your betrayals anymore
I am in a wretched state
So you think I'm going to die because you don't love me?
Let them serve me four more drinks
Barman, I'll pay for them
To ease this pain
May you be happy
In your fantasy world
Don't think about your love and your betrayals anymore
I am unhappy
So you think I'm going to die because you don't love me?
Let them serve me four more drinks
Barman, I'll pay for them
To ease this pain