Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 142


Donbass is Behind Us

In pitch darkness, the Beast woke up
And the price of God was set.
Everyone succumbed - even the brothers in Christ
Everything succumbed, but not my country.
It was a fruitful leap year
And death was drunk to satiety with blood
The firmament bent from the leaden clouds
Everything succumbed, but not my country.
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Here, the memory of the ancestors isn't betrayed
Here, the forefathers' land isn't given away
At what price - words can't express
Here, they fighted to the death for the Motherland.
And again the Russian might is in the hands
Both life and death for the Motherland is fair
It stands and holds the firmament for centuries -
My unconquered country.
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Let it be destined to perish on the cross
But you can't bring us to the knees!
In a bloody field, one for all
Donbass stands and holds the firmament
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Moscow is behind us, 1 and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
  • 1. 'Nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!' - Famous words, uttered in 1941 when the armies of Nazi Germany stood right before the capital of the USSR (Look Battle for Moscow)


[1. versszak]
Abból ahogy jár, látod, hogy ő az én csajom
Abból ahogy beszél, látod, hogy ő uralja a világot
Látod a szemeiben, hogy senki sem tartja láncon
Ő az én csajom, az én szuper-csajom
És akkor az mondta, hogy 'Semmi baj'
'Eltévedtem az úton de én egy szuper-csaj vagyok'
És a szuper-csajok csak repülnek
És a szuper-csajok nem sírnak
És akkor az mondta, hogy 'Semmi baj'
'Későn érkeztem haza előző este de én egy szuper-csaj vagyok'
És a szuper-csajok csak repülnek
[2. versszak]
És akkor azt mondta, hogy nem történhet semmi baj
Mikor szerelmes vagy, mi rossz történhet?
Aztán átnevette az éjszakát, amíg el nem jött a reggel
Maga előtt tolva a félelmét
És akkor az mondta, hogy 'Semmi baj'
'Eltévedtem az úton de én egy szuper-csaj vagyok'
És a szuper-csajok nem sírnak
[3. versszak]
És aztán lekiáltott a soron
Azt mondta, hogy nincs több ideje
Mert ő egy szuper-csaj
És a szuper-csajok nem titkolóznak
És aztán üvöltött az arcomba
És azt mondta, hogy menjek, hagyjam itt ezt a helyet
Mert ő egy szuper-csaj
És a szuper-csajok csak repülnek
Igen, ő az én szuper-csajom, egy szuper-csaj
Magokat szór, fákat éget le
Magokat szór, fákat éget le
Igen, ő egy szuper-csaj, egy szuper-csaj
Egy szuper-csaj, az én szuper-csajom


The red and white flower has run away from me
O pomegranate1 come visit me 2
O dew on pomegranate flower, come visit me 2
Has he3 heard something bad from me?
O pomegranate come and visit me
O dew on pomegranate flower, come and visit me
I didn't tell him something bad
O pomegranate come and visit me
O dew on pomegranate flower, come and visit me
Why has he discontinued his love?
O pomegranate come and visit me
O dew on pomegranate flower, come and visit me
O pomegranate flower, come and visit me
O dew on pomegranate flower, come and visit me
My heart is with the sweetheart tonight
My heart is like an underdone chicken tonight
Make a kebab from Fayiz's4 heart
Because the sweetheart is our guest tonight
  • 1. It's a metaphor. The poet has likened the beloved to pomegranate and in the next lines to pomegranate flower in beauty
  • Most likely means I'm sick, come and visit me
  • 3. Apparently, the poet of this song is a male but as the singer is a female, I considered the pronouns based on a female speaker
  • 4. The poet's name


I am Matilde the Beautiful,
I am the queen of the dance,
and the rays of the moon
they envy my charm.
Some cat call me
others speak to me of love,
Just as if I were
the sun with its resplendent gleams
Ay, olé!
I am serenaded
under my balcony

Távol vagy a szememtől.

Mi az?
Hideg levegőt érzek, pedig nincs tél.
Mi az?
Ma este a gyerekek az utcán már nem játszanak.
Nem tudom miért, a barátaim boldogsága már nem szórakoztat.
Az egyik azt mondta.
Távol vagy a szememtől.
Távol a szívtől.
Messze vagy, messze tőlem.
Aki visszajön és rózsát vársz tőle,megfeledkezett rólad.
Távol vagy a szememtől.
Távol a szívtől.
Messze vagy, messze tőlem.
Most már tudom, ez a szerelem íze ami még áradt belőled.
Amikor te messze vagy és nem tudom hol vagy.
Mit csinálsz? Hová mész?
Tudom miért nem tudom már elképzelni a mosolyt
ami a szemedben van.
Mert nem vagy velem.
Távol vagy a szememtől.
Távol a szívtől.
Messze vagy, messze tőlem.
Aki visszajön és rózsát vársz tőle,megfeledkezett rólad.
Távol vagy a szememtől.
Távol a szívtől.
Messze vagy, messze tőlem.
Aki visszajön és rózsát vársz tőle,megfeledkezett rólad.
Távol vagy a szememtől.
Távol a szívtől.
Messze vagy, messze tőlem.

We turn grey, my beautiful beloved lady

We turn grey, my beautiful beloved lady
My years of life i'd find to give them to you
As if 'tis but you to be my mountain of light
You're acceptin them ...and your little shoulders
that'd be so fragile, and at their start
They'd be Alike 2 monks destinated to face
their canon thr prayers
They too would know all that suffrest i in life
and of the hopeless days i've had
Whilst i was lost amongst such rains
you would've be my remembrance of our love again
You would've make long gone such burdens
and would've veiled the heart of i in the spring parfume
The years are but to make its doin pon us my dear lass
But in happiness at heart i'm there for you
Whilst the merciless old age doin
That got its claws in you like a tempest pearcehd through
your weakened body, yet i alike an flower
i'd carry it eternaly
For only you to see the such love i have for you
Brought to its knees without a say
'Tis but to wear the clothes given
Accompanied by such many a numerous frailties
As many a time also by such needs
My women ye're found with such scars and ye'd bear such memories
Given by such sefferings, and by childhood mem'ries
Yet nonetheless be it how it'd be ye'd always be
The bride of my very soul
The years are but to make its doin pon us my dear lass
lonelinesses over cucko's nest
We're awaited by the green grass that'll cover our grave
For us to lay underneath it our life last experiences
From our very bucket of memories
Yet next to our souls by now
The 'young trees' Are to be raised
They're blossomed alike the spring bud
And all around surrounded we'd be
By the scent of the moments memories we had in 2
In the life numerous swarming enchantments
And i love you so, beloved lass
my very magnolium autumn flowery flower


I'm on my nerves in the evenings
Because in our wilds It is very difficult to live.
Me without long conversations
I would give it to America, Live and not grieve.
Only at night I confess I can't part with you
My darling! My tender, my girl!
Like in America, get high
I'm from sweet kisses My dear, my girl, my!
You are mine, my America!
You are mine, my America!
You are my little America!
You are mine, my America!
It's better in the States, no doubt about it
Knowing closely the relationship Dollar to ruble,
But I guess I'm a bum I don't need this money If I love.
Someone is looking for the shadow of paradise Ocean Flying: God will judge him! (God will judge him! God will judge him!)
Well, I'm not flying away, For me the gate of paradise Where you and me are My girl, mine!
You are mine, my America!
You are mine, my America!
You are my little America!
You are mine, my America!


This most beautiful season of mine
I want it cut off by you
Because my heart’s pounding, tells of my spring
It seems I can have dangerous dreams
After the words have been cut short
Only the sadness comes along
Until it’s suffocating
You’re fine, if you want it
Don’t mind you spoiling it, if you want it
Awaken my eyes, cause I’m a young girl
I will not regret it...
Even the meaning of love
Is a season to be changed
I’ll remember a strange dizziness
Embrace me tight, without thinking
I want to leave everything to you
Anyone, a girl, yes
If it comes to it, leaves it to others
You’ll pretend to be uncertain
Breasts shaking while trembling
Enjoy it however you like, as long as it’s you
Awaken my eyes, cause I’m a young girl
I will not regret it...
You’re fine, if you want it
Don’t mind you spoiling it, if you want it
Awaken my eyes, cause I’m a young girl
I will not regret it...


When you have no way out
and the emptiness comes upon you.
For a moment in the loneliness
you feel your hands shaking.
In the silence only mud around
remain with your face on the ground.
You take your time but you don't know what to do.
press the accelerator hard.
Boredom boredom boredom boredom ....
take my mind, tire me out.
let me out again, let me out.
thoughtless grasslands.
Now win your escape,
come down where the moon goes.
You play everything without alibis
you have nothing to lose anyway. (nothing)
But Don't stop if dogs are acting
borrow another face.
follow the air of the fans.
While you fall asleep
slap your dreams.
Boredom boredom boredom boredom ...
take my mind, tire me out.
let me out again, let me out.
thoughtless grasslands.

Ring Na Na

I want to feel the heat
Of your lips the flavour
When you look at me like that
There's nothing left of me
If you don't liven up
I'm leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving
I won't stay waiting
So decide now
Ring ring na na na
Your call comes to me
Chorus: From Tokyo to New York
Today the lights lose control
I can be in London or in Paris
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
The rhythm turns on my skin
And there you are looking for me
If you want to find me
Ring ring na na na
Your call comes to me
Chorus: From Tokyo to New York
Today the lights lose control
From Buenos Aires to Madrid
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Chorus: From Tokyo to New York
Today the lights lose control
I can be in Rome or Tel Aviv
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me

I frankly don’t give a damn about men

I frankly don’t give a damn about men,
I’m cold like Arctic ice and myself freezing,
And men will never ever find out then,
That naked I am visually pleasing
When something’s trending I will take a peek -
In galleries and theaters – I’m arty,
And as appropriate I’m moody once a week
In sauna or right after an important party
All those men they’re bastards – no doubt,
And gals are fools but they sure have a reason
They rush to marry running in a crowd -
All just to get a man in their comfy house-prison
I frankly don’t give a damn about them,
I’m cold like Arctic ice and myself freezing,
And men will never ever find out then
That naked I am visually pleasing
What is a real, eternal mystery to me,
And there’s no hope to ever understand it -
Why am I sad that I have never ever seen
A man with no clothes on – did I intend it?


[Verse #1]
Just one look from you, takes me back
To the days when i simply
Had you in my arms, before you left (far away)
I haven't met loneliness
But you, only you
Like a movie plot that you don't know where it's going
You say that this can't be, it can't be
Our last and most beautiful scene
I can't believe it and thus i want to
Nana to hug you and
Nana to talk
Nana to make up and
[Take it] from the start do we don't end up
Never - never- never here
I will never leave you
Again - again - again i will ask you
Nana to hug you and
Nana to talk
Nana to make up and
[Take it] from the start do we don't end up
Never - never here
[Verse #2]
It needs my undivided attention
Different story every night
She looks like magic in the dark
With all the tricks that she does
I just want
Nana to grab you from
Your back and break you
On the bed and you
Only you know what i want, when i want it
The right moment, yeah yeah
I have you naked, on the highway
Do you wanna film a movie in the backseat together?
Damn mami
I can't believe it and thus i want to
Nana to hug you and
Nana to talk
Nana to make up and
[Take it] from the start do we don't end up
Never - never- never here
I will never leave you
Again - again - again i will ask you
Nana to hug you and
Nana to talk
Nana to make up and
[Take it] from the start do we don't end up
Never - never here
I will never leave you
Again - again - again i will ask you
Nana to make up and
[Take it] from the start do we don't end up
Never - never here

Some Day, Maybe

You're far from me now,
My heart does not feel pain,
I don't care where you are anymore,
Your face slowly fades.
Some day, maybe,
I will forget your lies.
Some day, maybe,
Until then, you forget about me.
Forget, that I loved you,
Forget, that I wanted you by my side.
Even if I wanted to, I can't anymore
For you to go out day after day.

You and I

They say love never dies
When you love someone, you can never stop
Promise me we wouldn't play no games
We were floating in the clouds no pain
But it ain't the same
When you look at me honey
When you say my name
When you kiss my lips buddy
When you hold my hand
Look into my eyes
I don't see the spark, anymore
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
I must be crazy, crazy in your love
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
Baby, baby oh
You said you loved me
You said you will never stop
I gave you all my time
This love we got just ain't the same
You like the feeling
Now I'm seeing flames
But it ain't the same
When you look at me honey
When you say my name
When you kiss my lips buddy
When you hold my hand
Look into my eyes
I don't see the spark, anymore
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
I must be crazy, crazy in your love
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
Baby, baby oh
You don’t respond when I call your name
Why must I feel this way?
Love is not supposed to be painful in this way
Why are you making me feel this way?
You don’t respond when I call your name, oh why?
Why must I feel this way?
Love is not supposed to be painful in this way
Why are you making me feel this way?
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
I must be crazy, crazy in your love
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
Baby, baby oh

In the distance

To fly with wind
To those parts where you are
To touch you imperceptibly
Hundreds of kilometers
Between us and
Falling asleep, I want to wake up
From you knocking on my door
I will open and embrace you
Don't leave anymore, don't leave!
In the distance with one touch
Up and down
No borders
In the distance one breath
Without you
The distance is unbearable
No one will find out
How I waited for you
How weeks draged on slowly
Let a million eyes watch
I will hide my tears behind a smile
I want to repeat everything like the first time so bad
Knock on my door
I will open and
Finally embrace you
Don't leave anymore, don't leave!
In the distance with one touch
Up and down
No borders
In the distance one breath
Without you
The distance is unbearable

How Cruel You Are

Not merely to entertain you
Here I am, honey
Nor merely to help you release
Your yearning oh honey
My heart is aching
You make me this way
You come and go
As you please
Oh... how cruel you are
How could you do this to me
You come and go
As you please
Oh... how hurt this heart
How much I loathe you
This heart is really aching
But I do still miss you
This heart is filled with hatred
Yet I do still miss you

Throw Away Your Regret

Wipe away tears on your cheeks
Don't be drown in the darkness of the past
Don't have to, but it might be there
Crashing waves of living in this world
Leave behind your most bitter day
Don't be buried in the gloomy pit
Don't you ever feel like today is dying
Million pages of your life is waiting
Take my mouth
Which will shallow your agony
Love, throw away your regret
Let go of your worries to a heart that opens for you
Love, write your life story
On a brand new page
In a heart that opens for you
Wipe away tears on your cheeks
Don't be drown in the darkness of the past
Don't have to, but it might be there
Crashing waves of living in this world
Leave behind your most bitter day
Don't be buried in the gloomy pit
Don't you ever feel like today is dying
Million pages of your life is waiting
Take my mouth
Which will shallow your agony
Love, throw away your regret
Let go of your worries to a heart that opens for you
Love, write your life story
On a brand new page
In a heart that opens for you
Love, throw away your regret
Let go of your worries to a heart that opens for you
Love, write your life story
On a brand new page
In a heart that opens for you
Love, throw away your regret


I walk far in longing
This lonely heart is without friend
Just like a dream, my life is full of misery
Oh how much I long for happiness
Stars, take me with you
Don't you go and leave me behind
Really there is no meaning in this miserable life
Oh how much I long for happiness
I cannot bear it
Tears are dropping relentlessly
I've had enough trying to face it
The life that is only filled by suffering
Oh where is your mercy my Merciful God
This night I long for happiness
Don't let my tears wet my cheeks
How much my heart longs for happiness

Oh, early on Kupala night

Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
By Kupala the nights are short.
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Where did Kupala sleep?
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Spent the night in the open field
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
What did Kupala have for dinner?
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Dined with white cheese
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
What did Kupala wash it down with?
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Washed it down with vodka
Oh, early on Kupala night.

When The Night Reaches The Port

Sleeping with the open window
Out there, the night goes broken
The voice that went silent, something that falls apart
Town is brutal when the night reaches the port, port
Fever and equinoctial
The walls grips closer
Heart's on the throat just like in a Cohen Vals
Patchy kind when the night reaches the port, port
Sleepless summer nights.
Something inside of me releases
Give me a rain, come out of nowhere
Gasp for air again, when the night reaches the port

The Cold Night

In this night (in this night)
In this such cold and silent night
I remember you, darling
You're my only one lover
Could it be (could it be)
Could it be that you will come back, darling
Even if it is just for a second
Oh my love
Who knows where are you now
I've been trying to look for you
In this such cold and silent night
I'm alone.
Could it be (could it be)
Could it be that you will come back, darling
Even if it is just for a second
Oh my love
Who knows where are you now
I've been trying to look for you
In this such cold and silent night
I'm alone.
Who knows where are you now
I've been trying to look for you
In this such cold and silent night
I'm alone.
Who knows where are you now
I've been trying to look for you
In this such cold and silent night
I'm alone.
Could it be that you will come back
Could it be that you will come back
Could it be that you will come back...
Could it be that you will come back
Could it be that you will come back
Could it be that you will come back...

Gloomy December

Cold wind blows tensely
In the month of December
Rain falls heavily and strongly
My heart palpitates
I remember the shadow of dream
at that night
The gloomy night, you told me the words
'Goodbye, darling'
The honeymoon you promised me
Flies away, more and more
Vanished, lost swallowed by rainwater
You didn't come.
This month is the second December
I've been waiting for
For two years I've been waiting patiently
I'm struck by loneliness
Cold wind stabs my heart
It feels, oh, painful
The honeymoon remains a dream
Without realization
The ray of love, as bright as the moon
has faded now
Gloomy December always haunts
all of my dreams
This month is the second December
I've been waiting for
For two years I've been waiting patiently
I'm struck by loneliness
Cold wind stabs my heart
It feels, oh, painful
The honeymoon remains a dream
Without realization
The ray of love, as bright as the moon
has faded now
Gloomy December always haunts
all of my dreams

Hate but Love

I am not only an entertainer,
Also not only an object of
your longing, oh dear
My heartache
You make me this way
You come and you go
all you want
Oh... how cruel you are
How could you do this to me
You go and you come
all you want
Oh... how hurt my heart is
I hate you so much
This heart is so broken
But still I miss you
This heart feels hatred
But I miss you

Don't Let Me Be (All Alone)

Let the rain soak the earth
Or a month that does not bloom
But don't you let me be all by my own
Without you, my life will be lonely
Don't let me be all alone
I am only meant for you, my love!
Don't ever leave me alone
My love is only meant for you!
The sacred love within my heart has blossomed again
A gloomy face has finally turned brilliant
I hope that you will always love me
Only you are my idol in my heart
Don't let me be alone
I am only meant for you, my love!
Don't leave me alone
My love is only meant for you!

The heat (music party)

The golden sun slowly gets dark
the rhyme of passion starts to glow
A red hot clime as if it incites the dizziness
Made me lose the scars of memories
I give in in the excellent place, I melt in you
If you looked for me, you can close your eyes
Shala da la, get on the wind
Feel the music, the party
The bass beat piles up
The rhythm of the heat resounds
Carved over and over, go through the air
The words of the red moon consumed
In the tides that cross time silently
Even your invisible whereabouts smiled
Shala da la, get on the wind
Feel the music, the party
The bass beat piles up
The rhythm of the heat resounds
Shala da la, get on the wind
Feel the music, the party
The bass beat piles up
The rhythm of the heat resounds

Dance, flower

A faded flower shivers in the wind
Only waits without dreaming anything
You ask 'Where can I go?' looking to the sky
The wind suddenly shouts 'If you give up, it's the end'
That's the loneliness that doesn't fade, an endless pirouette
Did you wish it? Were you thirsty? With hard closed lips
Be strong, your sleeping force is reborn now
Be very furious, tender and brilliant to bloom
Until today you could forget
A bud called passion
You bloom looking to the sky and not for anyone
Dance, small flower while you control the wind
That's the light overflowing, even if its radiance shuts your eyes
You'll have a fever burning your body and shining behind your eyelids
Come on, the flames will burn brilliant now
While you live and love, this flower will never wither
That's the loneliness that doesn't fade, an endless pirouette
Did you wish it? Were you thirsty? Never in the mouth
Be strong, your sleeping force is reborn now
Be very furious, tender and brilliant to bloom

I hope so

I run through the dry desert
To where I can open my moisten wings
While I gather
Anything I go past
In the sky that is hotter than yesterday
There are no boring dreams shining
I'm passing and raising sand clouds
With this land
To get to any place however. Spreading my wings
To get to any place however. If I could look below
I want to bury in the spilled sand
Scars that I can't understand
Now I can laugh saying 'They're mirages'
My favorite cracked shoes
How many times I sewed them together?
The map fluttering in the wind ejects the past
And draws the future
To get to any place forever. Spreading my wings
To get to any place forever. Now I look below
I want to give in into the spreading sky
The smiles that only lie
Go to a fading future like a mirage
Go ahead and tell us what they really mean
To get to any place forever. Spreading my wings
To get to any place forever. Now I look below
I want to give in into the spreading sky
Without borrowing anyone's hand
To get to any place however. Spreading my wings
To get to any place however. If I could look below
I want to bury in the spilled sand
Scars that I can't understand
Now I can laugh saying 'They're mirages'


These eyes... why don't you know about me?
It is etched into my heart... know my name.
Do not end it... I will make you strong... Let it resonate.
The power is unshakable so what you see is what you get.
Don't make it all.
Don't rot away, dream again.
What you say...no.
Your wings have been wounded and so you can't touch the sky.
Overcome my limits once again.
Turn your sadness into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.
Why don't you want to touch me with your lips?
Don't hold your desires back... kick it out.
It's not a lie... I will make you strong.
Push yourself to keep running.
Don't make it all.
Don't rot away, dream again.
What you say...no.
Your wings have been wounded and so you can't touch the sky.
Overcome my limits once again.
Turn your hatred into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.
Turn your sadness into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.

In the origin, the woman was the sun

I burned out falling in love
And I loitered through a glacier called loneliness
The destiny loved by sorrow
Beckons my heart
But the sun rises in my bare chest
Now even the sadness
Becomes strength to live
I feel no grudge for anyone
That's why someone stares
At all of me still
My heart lost in dreams spilled blood
Angry for an unrewarded love
The night exists for greeting the morning
The sky and the earth taught me
As a woman born in the origin
The truth is that
I want to search for love
Nobody console me
But someone feel
All of me embraced
Darkness melts, the wind murmurs
I caught even the weakness
What was the good about you being born man?
Surely I'm glad that I was born woman
Nobody console me
But someone feel
All of me embraced
All of me

Red flower

I rescue by myself
The days spilling through my fingers
That this person has left me
Is a desert that gulps even the light down
Ah, my heart cries and shouts
But in this dry world
No voice resounds
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
Let me see it with my eyes at least until its red color melts
The coincidence of meeting casually
Becomes tenderness and a knife
It's an unbearable pain
But, why I chase you?
Tear me up in pieces soon
Until I don't feel anything
Hurt me and go away
Now please, don't tell me your reasons to leave everything
Don't tell me that even the love that shone far is a lie
If I spilled my last tears is for not seeing you anymore
I'll keep walking anywhere through a rusty landscape
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
I want to watch over it at least until its red color melts

Fire starter

Hooh the way of starting a fire
Hooh I will teach you
Hooh Just Let Me Take Your Heart Tonight.
Hooh Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Attraction, temptation, my mood is of a dangerous lady
With my cold eyes, I drag burning flames
A rhapsody that is played by two exchanging sighs
A red petal burns on an eternal night
Fire starter, thee gaze of a sniper
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!
Only in dreams my mood is of a doll of song
With the wet eyes, I live la dolce vita
If someday I find a man I don't get tired of
One day I can become the queen of his heart
The morning star melts secretly in the morning glow
A pain that doesn't save anything, a mysterious fantasy
Only flames pass, plied up shadows are left behind
Heart shaped hungry angels burn out devotedly
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!
Hooh the way of starting a fire
Hooh I will teach you
Hooh Just Let Me Take Your Heart Tonight.
Hooh Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Only flames pass, plied up shadows are left behind
Heart shaped hungry angels burn out devotedly
Pirómana, sighs that burn hearts
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!