A keresés eredménye oldal 10
Találatok száma: 766
Nem akarok mást
[1. versszak]
Mindig torkaszakadtából üvöltök, míg el nem szédülök
Nekem a dalaim játszása teszi elviselhetővé az életet
Nem fogom visszafogni magam!
Szeretem őszintén csinálni dolgaimat
Holtbiztos befutó vagyok, az életedet rám bízhatod, tényleg
Gyűlölném ha miattam találgatnátok
Én állandó vagyok, akár az évszakok, és engem sosem felejtenek el, öregem!
Ne hagyjunk szót kimondatlanul és a megbánás legyen a megtörteké!
Vissza fogsz nézni egyáltalán ha rám gondolsz?
Nem akarok mást csak egy saját helyet, amit a sajátomnak nevezhetek
Hogy meggyógyítsam az összes magányos szívet
Vóaa, tudod, nagy dolgokra vágyj
De közben szerényen járj!
Nagy dolgokra vágyj de közben szerényen járj!
[2. versszak]
Van még mit bizonyítanom, ettől hajlamosak a dolgok haladni
Míg körülöttem mindenki mondja, hogy a napjaim meg vannak számlálva
Fültanúja voltam, de mi a francot képzelnek, mit tudnak?
Az én fejem a víz felett van, míg ők kiáramlásban fulladoznak
Ne hagyjunk szót kimondatlanul és a megbánás legyen a megtörteké!
Vissza fogsz nézni egyáltalán ha rám gondolsz?
Nem akarok mást csak egy saját helyet, amit a sajátomnak nevezhetek
Hogy meggyógyítsam az összes magányos szívet
Vóaa, tudod, nagy dolgokra vágyj
De közben szerényen járj!
Nem akarok mást csak egy saját helyet, amit a sajátomnak nevezhetek
Hogy meggyógyítsam az összes magányos szívet
Vóaa, tudod, nagy dolgokra vágyj
De közben szerényen járj!
Ha rám hallgatsz
Éld az életedet magadnak!
Mert ha alaposabban megnézed
Senki másra nincs szükséged, gyerünk!
[Gitár szóló]
[3. versszak]
Na akkor ugorjunk vissza oda, amikor minden tökéletesnek tűnt
Egy gond se a világon, mondd, megérte ez az egész?
Én megkapom, amit akarok, úgyhogy mindenki folyton megítél
Én nem félek semmitől, az egész világ itt van előttem
Nem akarok mást csak egy saját helyet, amit a sajátomnak nevezhetek
Hogy meggyógyítsam az összes magányos szívet
Vóaa, tudod, nagy dolgokra vágyj
De közben szerényen járj!
Nem akarok mást csak egy saját helyet, amit a sajátomnak nevezhetek
Hogy meggyógyítsam az összes magányos szívet
Vóaa, tudod, nagy dolgokra vágyj
De közben szerényen járj!
Szerényen járj!
Szerényen járj!
Szerényen járj!
Nagy dolgokra vágyj de közben szerényen járj!
In the turn of separation
Rain hitting the room
My mind walking around
I finally ask if you found the courage
So I can know all that you never said
I stood for a while in the turn of separation
I looked back to see if you'll return
I saw you leaving and I went crazy
I fell inside myself and got lost
Tell me so I can know if your body is empties
If it drips some love drops
Tell me if I bring fairytales to the Earth
Tell me that I'm dressing lies with truth
Some leaves are still fallen on the ground
I'm here and I'm still asking
Because my soul is painted with silence
And my life is more naked than ever
I stood for a while in the turn of separation
I looked back to see if you'll return
I fell inside myself and got lost
Either I love you or I went crazy
Tell me so I can know if your body is empties
If it drips some love drops
Tell me if I bring fairytales to the Earth
Tell me that I'm dressing lies with truth
I'm in emptiness without you (ey)
My soul is in the dark (ey)
I don't know where my mind was
It was behind me when leaving you
Our love was like a movie (uh)
Maybe we'll start over (maybe)
Take the ropes in your hand
Rampapapam rampapapam
I missed everything with you
The nights ah wandering on your skin
To smell and kiss until the morning (brr)
The true love roses
I miss laughing with you
Netflix on the couch and making love (uu)
Your fire burns and dries me (bleh)
Ashes of true love
Rampapapam rampapapam
Rampapapam rampapapam
One time
I let you make me sad (make me sad)
I can't turn a blind eye to empty, empty words
Walk the ways, you
Rampapapam rampapapam (yeah)
What you hid
It's no secret that my heart (shh)
I'm at the top, you're at the bottom (ha)
Come on, come on move on
Rampapapam rampapapam
I gave the ropes to your hands (to your hands)
But why did you want all the skin (skin)
Cult movies you watch (haha)
You thought it was real, is that so? (ha)
Fool, understand, it's too late (oh)
I can't stop anymore uh-uh I can't slow down
I passed by you too fast (pop off)
You thought it would’ve lasted, is that so?
Rampapapam rampapapam
Rampapapam rampapapam
Stop! You're tired of running around (yuh)
You have a place to breathe (KÖK$VL)
Fear your insatiability but it's hard to admit to yourself (yaw yay)
How hard it was to remember your name (ha) (ey)
It's an obsession now. Did it work? (a-ha)
You always take the second step late (okay)
There are people running
If I bring you water from a thousand streams, you will not be purified.
But you hide yourself again (uh eat)
You couldn't fool him again with a ton of talk
Go then or rampapapam (pa pa pa)
While you're home dreaming of Netflix (yay)
As he hands you the ropes (bow)
When two lambs are separated from the flock (bow)
Wolves chasing woof woof woof (auu)
Rampapapam rampapapam
Ra pa pa pa rampappapam
Here, Life
Versions: #1
I had thought that the day you left life had ended.
I had experienced the death the day you left.
I had thought time had stopped the day you left,
turns out, I was wrong.
Here, life is still flowing in its course,
here, life is being lived without you too.
It's said that here life is like that,
time is erasing everything.
See now the memories I once experienced are so far away from me.
The moments filled with you are like a blurry movie.
Look, despite everything, if I think of your eyes time to time,
a green (hopeful) undescribable ache covers every inch of me.
I think now you are a dead sun.
I think now you're a voice without an echo.
I think now you're a lifeless breath.
I think now you're like everyone else.
A Fókusz Nem Vall Kudarcot
Felfedeztem nem a zavarodott életet éli az egyetlen elme
És a kudarc nem velem született, mert mindenem az enyém lesz
Küzdök és áldozok, ha értéket találok
Nem leszek megvetve a kudarctól
Nem engedek
Most a lelkiismeretem diktálja az utamat
Nincs több bocsánat, nincs több hiba
Most a szilárd irány megerősítette elhatározásomat
Ne féljek a következményektől
Egyáltalán ne féljek, a fókuszom nem fog kudarcot vallani
Nem bukok el, és nem esek kétségbe
Nincsenek többé zavaró tényezők, nincsenek késések
Megszabadulva a gátlásoktól, amelyek szilárdan tartanak az utamon
Most határozott és határozott elhatározással
Ne félj a következményektől
Hey, yeah
We're having quite good time
Instead, we're balancing
Between self protection and being a bit irritated
I'm drunk again
Finally numbed again
I'm loud, I'm honest, loud instead, yeah
I ain't defending myself
I'm acting dumb, yeah, that might be pulling me down
Though the only thing
That bugs me afterwards, is the Harry Styles' new record, yeah
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Three days Paris
And I'm in love again, I'm in love again
Paris, Paris, bro, I'm in love again, yeah, yeah, mhm
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Mhm, all the pain, oh, Paris, Paris, bro
I'm in love again, yeah, yeah mhm (yeah, oh)
All the pain, it was worth it, yeah
Mhm, mh-mh-mhm
You've Got Such Eyes
You've got such eyes
That look like they have two pupils in each,
That the only the latest cars have.
At night
Cars fly from highway to highway, whirring
With two pairs of headlights.
You've got double eyes,
Enough for two faces.
All the oceans shine through the eyes
Multiplied by two.
You see, your eyes are
A map of the two hemispheres of the Earth.
When you close them,
The equator sinks into the night.
And when I ask them to open,
They reveal two blue poles
At the moment of opening.
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Itt ülök, a csillagokat bámulva
Játékokat játszva és kocsikat üldözve
Én vagyok a koronázatlan király?
Hallom, ahogy egy belső hang azt súgja,
Érezd az ereidben áramló vért
Akárcsak az emlék, maradandó
Mert ez itt a harc ideje
Nem pedig a bukásé
Hamarosan lángra lobbansz
Nem futsz többé
Nincs mit veszíteni
És mindent meg kell találni
Tedd meg, mielőtt
Kifutsz az idődből
Woah oh oh oh
Szívesen csinálnád?
Woah oh oh oh
Vonz téged?
Woah oh oh oh
Mindent megadnál érte?
Woah oh oh oh
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Woah oh oh oh
Szívesen csinálnád?
Woah oh oh oh
Vonz téged?
Woah oh oh oh
Mindent megadnál érte?
Woah oh oh oh
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Belégzés, kilégzés
Belégzés, kilégzés
Most, belégzés, kilégzés
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Keltsd életre magadban
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Mert ez itt a harc ideje
Nem pedig a bukásé
Hamarosan lángra lobbansz
Nem futsz többé
Nincs mit veszíteni
És mindent meg kell találni
Tedd meg, mielőtt kifutsz az idődből
Woah oh oh oh
Szívesen csinálnád?
Woah oh oh oh
Vonz téged?
Woah oh oh oh
Mindent megadnál érte?
Woah oh oh oh
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Woah oh oh oh
Szívesen csinálnád?
Woah oh oh oh
Vonz téged?
Woah oh oh oh
Mindent megadnál érte?
Woah oh oh oh
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Woah oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Woah oh oh oh
Szívesen csinálnád?
Woah oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh
Érzed, hogy élsz?
Make It Hard There
And now make it hardthere there there there there
There there there there there there there there there there
And now make it hard there (make it hard make it hard)
And now make it hard there (there there)
And now make it hard there (make it hard make it hard)
And now make it hard there-re-re-re
Make it hard and leave me happy
I'm going enpercosiao, your asshole I break
I see you at the disco I get violent
All your movements kill me babe
Go to the bar, tell me what are you going to do
I ask for one of Cirôc, another one of Moêt
Because later from here you're going to move it for me
You're going to make it hard and I'm going to throw it at you in return
Come on bitch, don't pretend, I know you swallow it
I know that you are a bad, you like my milkand I throw it on your face
Even through your nose, inhale, you're a spoiled brat
Your boyfriend thinks you're a saint and
What you are is a saint but without the iiiinnnn
I don't want a Rihanna now I want a Beyoncé
And do it like G-Eazy to kill her in all the poses
She is a cat, that likes the grazing
For her I pay up to a thousand bottles of Rose
And she straightened it like the Eiffel tower
She was crownedwhen I bathed her
She says she likes how I do it
That she feels it hard and strong like Floyd
And now make it hard there there there there there
There there there there there there there there there there
And now make it hard there (make it hard make it hard)
And now make it hard there (there there)
And now make it hard there (make it hard make it hard)
And now make it hard there-re-re-re
You make it hard and put me in para
You waste silicone for the face
I have a cannon that shoots milk
Impregnating the belly with a bullet
You look good making it hard there
Badyou have me since I saw you
Crazy, I'll kill myself if you move it like that
Let me live inside of you
Touch it, bite it, spit it out
Pull it, eat it, suck it
Grab it, jump it, take it out and put it back in
As you want mistreat it
I give it to you, enjoy it
If I already left and it went down, give it a kiss and make it
Come on babe, I'm for you tonight
If you want, come and make it hard there
Come and make it hard there
Make hard that chapa that I like
In your face I see that you are pure adrenaline
I have your vitamin so if you want come on, come enjoy
You make it hard going down, you make it going up
You make it so pleasantly when I take it out, when I put it in
And now make it hard there there there there there
There there there there there there there there there there
And now make it hard there (make it hard make it hard)
And now make it hard there (there there)
And now make it hard there (make it hard make it hard)
And now make it hard there-re-re-re
The world doesn't see your simplicity
Tried to found friend but found war,
Beautiful boy will disappear in lie.
People won't understand the warm under heart,
Under sign of heart wasn't found soul.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply doesn't know how to say.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply offended again.
Tried to found summer but found February,
Under the snowy plaid you will get frozen again.
You'll come home and once again turn on your favorite film about love.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply doesn't know how to say.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply offended again.
I Want Nothing, Not a Thing!
Versions: #1
- You are such a silly girl, troubadour's play thing,
Look, you've lost a lot of weight, got slim like a string.
I shall tend to all your needs, I'm a king!
- I want nothing, not a thing!
- Your hysterical condition is worrying me,
Dear daughter, why don't you eat a fresh egg or three?
Or, perhaps, I'll call a doctor for thee?
- I want nothing, don't you see?
- Ah, my wretched princess girl, it is all too clear,
Very soon some foreign singers will come in here.
Well, pick anyone of them, I shall pay!
- I want nothing, that's my say!
Come closer and let me smell the smell of your skin
Come closer because I want to dance till dawn
Come closer because the night is short
You and secretly the rest doesn't matter
I want to be your coat on cold nights
Teach me how to please you, I accept the challenge
I want to move to the rhythm of your joys
And before the sun rise to make you mine again
And you to beg for my every kiss from those lips that know how to drive you crazy
And let your heart tremble early in the morning every time you wake up
And you go crazy
I take off all the clothes
You dominate me soft with your mouth
It bites me, burns me, hypnotizes me, provokes me
And you go crazy
There will be no rest because the night is short
Dominate me slowly with your mouth
It bites me, burns me, hypnotizes me, provokes me
When you are going crazy
Dani J, Ephrem J, I know you like it
Let me learn how to capture you
I will do it right, I promise
Put your insecurity aside
I will keep your secrets
Travelling your body in details
Life would pass
I will discover those hidden corners
That I didn't know
And you to beg for my every kiss from those lips that know how to drive you crazy
And let your heart tremble early in the morning every time you wake up
And you go crazy
I take off all the clothes
You dominate me soft with your mouth
It bites me, burns me, hypnotizes me, provokes me
And you go crazy
There will be no rest because the night is short
Dominate me slowly with your mouth
It bites me, burns me, hypnotizes me, provokes me
Slave of my kisses and caresses
(When you are going crazy, crazy crazy crazy)
Alone in the dark rising the temperature
(When you are going crazy, crazy ... )
Dance with me
Listen to this song
Listen to this song playing
I listen to it everytime that I think of you
And now you are here, next to me
I feel very happy
I like it, it has a beautiful melody
Nice lyrics that fill me with joy
Like the story of the two of us, of our love
I want to dance with you
Hold me tight and let'e forget the others and dance
Loose yourself in my arms, let the rhythm of our love guide you
Your body and mine, how nice! I feel magic between you and me
Between you and me, let's dance my love
Let's dance to celebrate our love
Our history written as a song
With a beautiful melody
It's the most beautiful feeling
Let the heart guide us
This moment will be unforgettable
While we dance I get lost in your smell
Stick more on me and feel my heat
I want to dance until the sun comes up
With you, with you
I know that you like it
Dímelo, León
Hold me tight and let'e forget the others and dance
Loose yourself in my arms, let the rhythm of our love guide you
Your body and mine, how nice! I feel magic between you and me
Between you and me, let's dance my love
Let's dance to celebrate our love
Our history written as a song
With a beautiful melody
It's the most beautiful feeling
Let the heart guide us
This moment will be unforgettable
While we dance I get lost in your smell
Stick more on me and feel my heat
I want to dance until the sun comes up (Dance with me)
With you, with you, with you, I dance with you (Dance with me)
Completely in love
Given up, in love
Here we are like to dogs without owner
Tonight it is imposible to deel sleepy
Sticked in the middle of the road
We look like just married
When all our friends are gone
Completely in love
Crazy about us two
I am burning for the first time
And for the first time you touch me
Completely in love
Like drunk, I don't know what
Among the trees' shadows
We take off our clothes to make much love
To love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much
Together, we are in love
We died laughing
With the moon sliding down your back
You wear my shirt, I wear your skirt
Happy (Oh-oh)
Completely in love
Crazy about us two
I am burning for the first time
And for the first time you touch me
Completely in love
Like drunk, I don't know what
Among the trees' shadows
We take off our clothes to make much love
To love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much
Together, we are in love
I know that you like it
Ephrem J
To love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much
Together, we are in love
Completely in love
Crazy about us two
I am burning for the first time
And for the first time you touch me
Completely in love
Like drunk, I don't know what
Among the trees' shadows
We take off our clothes to make much love ...
When all is fine, the old man says :
'Someday every bonfire will blow out,
And the winds will carry the ashes off,
However, while the fire still brazens,
Everyone holds onto it's warmth,
Whether for bitter seasons or cold months.'
When nights grow old, they barely light a flame,
Gathering strength and firewood,
They waste not, sparing the forest.
But sometimes there be a fellow,
He'll get it all wrong,
And his fire will reach the heavens.
And all is not fine, yet it isn't over,
The light of day hasn't faded yet,
And not everyone regrets the great fire, and God protects me.
He who was wise would save his fire,
He accepted he could not warm others,
until a warmer season,
But without pain he survived until a warmer day.
Yet you were wrong, you let it all go in an instant,
And within an hour it all burned out,
And yet in this hour, we were all warm inside.
And all is not fine, yet it isn't over,
The light of day hasn't faded yet,
And not everyone regrets the great fire, and God protects me.
Nem tudom elmondani a szívemnek
[1. versszak]
Ha nem baj
Égve hagyom az éjjeli lámpát
És a helyére teszem a vizespoharadat
És ha nem gond
Ébren fekszem majd éjjel
Azt játszva, hogy mellett vagyok összekuporodva
Tudod, én ezekben a beidegződésekbenforgolódom,
Emlékekből élve
Még mindig messze vagyok attól, hogy elfogadjam
Hogy már nincs olyan, hogy te és én
De ha azt hiszem, hogy még szeretsz
Akkor találn túlélem
Úgyhogy azt mondom magamnak, hogy hazajössz
Ahogy milliószor tetted
És ha nem gond
Én továbbra is szeretni foglak
Mer' nem tudom elmondani a szívemnek
[2. versszak]
Csak én vagyok ilyen?
Bűnt követtem el?
Nem hiszem el, hogy téged szeretni
Csak időpocsékolás
Vagy csak a én képzeltem el
Olyan dolgokon spekulálok, amiket sosem mondtál
Mer' még mindig nem találtam válaszokat
Hogy miért nem tudtuk megoldani
Szeretném azt hinni, hogy én csináltam valamit
Hogy visszacsinálhassam
De ha azt hiszem, hogy még szeretsz
Akkor talán túlélem
Úgyhogy azt mondom magamnak, hogy hazajössz
Ahogy milliószor tetted
És ha nem gond
Én továbbra is szeretni foglak
Mer' nem tudom elmondani a szívemnek
[Middle 8]
És semmi nem fog közénk állni
Meg akarom győzni magamat, hogy tökéletesek vagyunk
Minden egyes szempontból, amíg képes leszek
Az igazságot kirekeszteni a szívemből
Óh, mer' nem tudom elmondani a szívemnek
Mer' még mindig nem találtam válaszokat
Hogy miért nem tudtuk megoldani
Szeretném azt hinni, hogy én csináltam valamit
Hogy visszacsinálhassam
De ha azt hiszem, hogy még szeretsz
Akkor talán túlélem
Úgyhogy azt mondom magamnak, hogy hazajössz
Ahogy milliószor tetted
És ha nem gond
Én továbbra is szeretni foglak
De ha még mindig hiszem, hogy szeretsz
Akkor talán túlélem
Úgyhogy azt mondom magamnak, hogy hazajössz
Ahogy milliószor tetted
És ha nem gond
Én továbbra is szeretni foglak
És ha nem gond
Én továbbra is szeretni foglak
Mer' nem tudom elmondani a szívemnek
Nem tudom elmondani a szívemnek
Letter in a bottle
I wrote it down with ink
rolled my secret thoughts up in paper
I will drunkenly stuff it into the bottle
gift it to waves with a toss
Now you think that it is love
that I entrusted the bottle
be surprised because it are the slaps
that lustfully hit my bride
Into the glass it pours
and you read what I want to give you
across the sea it drifts to you
full of lust the message in the bottle
I bend her over, please don't think badly of it
stuff a cloud under her belly
exactly because she doesn't expect it,
my darling gets the hose from behind
Into the glass it pours...
Like a swarm of bees I want to serve you
without stinging without avenging
offering and becoming horny
with what you're stingy is what entices me
Into the glass it pours...
The message in a bottle
full of lust it comes from me
the message in a bottle
When I am strung up at the gallows
The inquisition it already holds me
with an evil glare on a rope
I had thought out loud
that the earth was flat, flat, flat
When I am strung up at the gallows
I will know how heavy my ass was
one more loud scream, a scream, a scream, a scream
Damned as a heretic into hell
the stars in the sky they were my grave
the noose tightens
will soon finish me off
When I am strung up at the gallows
I will know how heavy my ass was
one more loud scream, a scream, a scream, a scream
They preach water and drink wine
that should be a lesson for all
a cloth covering my eyes
then a loud curse
When I am strung up at the gallows
I will know how heavy my ass was
one more loud scream, a scream, a scream, a scream
[Verse 1]
The girl on the broom
flies to me at night
the girl on the broom
I am drawn to her magically
Come into the house, sweep the sadness away
bring in what we both desire
a life in the lap of luxury
let us take from the heavens now
I'm sure you know the best game
come sit on the broom handle
Witch, witch, yes you sweep through my night
(you) come in and it gets loud
(you) show me your white skin
witch, witch, yes you sweep through my night
Belladonna, hot blood
fire stokes the flying sparks
[Verse 2]
The girl with the broom
(you) are the one that I mean
the damn beautiful being
carries the same stones that I do
You open the garden of Eden for me
(you) lie spread eagled you bad girl
(you) make my suffering your own
you most beautiful of the heaven's violins
I'm sure you know the best game
come sit on the broom handle
Witch, witch, yes you sweep through my night
(you) come in and it gets loud
(you) show me your white skin
witch, witch, yes you sweep through my night
Belladonna, hot blood
fire stokes the flying sparks
Witch, witch, yes you sweep through my night
(you) come in and it gets loud
(you) show me your white skin
witch, witch, yes you sweep through my night
Belladonna, hot blood
fire stokes the flying sparks
I am freedom,
he said, freedom
with all the dangers
that it will bring you
And, to silence me
you'll have to kill me.
But, nobody stopped him
He was allowed to speak.
On his own oh, he was
to lead Man to break free
from the iron and steel cycle
in which injustice, poverty
had, over time, locked him up.
I am freedom
he said, again.
Look at yourselves! You are dead.
But short on food, we weren't
So we did let him shout...
Grasp some sunlight
In your two palms
A bit of sun
And go away!
Go with the wind
Follow your dream
Depart right now
Youth is so short!
There are some ways
Unknown to Man
There are some paths
So overhead!
Don't regret what
You leave behind
Look over there
The shining view
Always farther away
Sing on your way
The world belongs
To those who own nothing
Early in the morning's when I think about you
I hit you like what you sayin'
And the morning when I wanna fuck you
Yeah,I hit you like what you sayin'
I could fuck you all the time
I could fuck you all the time
Thats what the fuck we be sippin
Thats what the fuck be drippin
My Trap house still tippin
Face time on the go
She gave me dome from the distance
She love to climb on top
But she love to walk off limping
Pimps up,hoes down
Legs up or toes down
Why she jock me, cause she knocked knee'd
And we got trees, so many go around
Gotta know I ate her
She so sweet now and later
I want that all the time,all the time
I know you all mine...
Early in the morning's when I think about you
I hit you like what you sayin'
And the morning when I wanna fuck you
Yeah,I hit you like what you sayin'
I could fuck you all the time
I could fuck you all the time
Early in the morning's when I think about you
I hit you like what you sayin'
And the morning when I wanna fuck you
Yeah,I hit you like what you sayin'
I could fuck you all the time
I could fuck you all the time
Red Rose
A red rose and a heart of love
His love remains forever
The sound of a whisper, the heartbeat
And I am yours, after and after
1, 2, 3
Fiery Fiery, your love is never extinguished
fiery fiery
Burning thorns and mouths
fiery fiery
Night with my eyes
my heart is broken
My heart is not enough for you
Me and you in the nest, let's write
His love remains forever, the hard number
A red rose and a heart of love
The sound of a whisper, the heartbeat
His love is forever
And I am yours, after and after
His love is forever
And I am yours, after and after
Red rose, heart of love
The world is sweet and love grows
More and more every second
Do not be upset this night
And the nest after it is tricky
My thoughts
My, my thoughts
My, my thoughts, uh huh
I didn't call, I didn't write to you
I blocked you everywhere and it's good for me this way
I'm still trying to drown you
In glasses of wine, to be able to forget you
And I won't admit out loud
That I miss us
Any song I hear takes me back
Into your car, I know it's too late now
But my thoughts
Speak only of you and
They ask if you're not coming back
Why can't you leave
My thoughts
They turn against me again
I can't escape your memory anymore
Why aren't you leaving, why aren't you leaving
My, my thoughts (my, my)
My, my thoughts, uh huh
New places, new people
And here I'm thinking about what your eyes see and
If I'm nostalgic for late nights
And walks in the rain
But I won't admit out loud
That I miss us
Any song I hear takes me back
Into your car, I know it's too late now
But my thoughts
Speak only of you and
They ask if you're not coming back
Why can't you leave
My thoughts
They turn against me again
I can't escape your memory anymore
Why aren't you leaving, why aren't you leaving
My, my thoughts (my, my)
My, my thoughts, uh huh
My, my thoughts (my, my)
My, my thoughts, uh huh
Like in a labyrinth
Is kind of all that I feel
But all I do, all I do, all I do
Is lie to myself
How do I get out of here
How do I forget you exist
And I won't hear, won't hear, won't hear
Everything you say to me
But my thoughts
Speak only of you and
They ask if you're not coming back
Why can't you leave
My thoughts
They turn against me again
I can't escape your memory anymore
Why aren't you leaving, why aren't you leaving
It's really time to go
On the rainy evening, evening, evening,
When the pilots, let's face it, have no job,
We'll sit at the table,
Talk about things and stuff
And sing our favorite song:
It's really time to go,
We're leaving for a long, long voyage,
I'll wave the silver wing at you
Above the sweet threshold,
Even though fate lead us far away,
Don’t allow anyone to conquer your heart,
I'll monitor strictly,
I see everything from above, just so you know!
We're having fun now,
Then, what makes you get depressed, my honey?
We'll drink a glass and then another glass
To our glorious 'U-2',
But so that not to have a headache tomorrow.
We're the good guys,
But to prevent our curly girls from jinxing us,
We also will kiss them softly
Before the flight,
And spit three times over the left shoulder.
You don't understand
I'm leaving, stop crying
I go in search of my truth
I'll go away so I can think
You don't understand (You don't understand)
I'm leaving, one day I'll come back
I must go for our sake
Your love for me will never change
You don't understand (You don't understand)
You don't understand, you don't understand
It will be your age, your love will be
You don't understand, you don't understand
I'm going to leave my loneliness.
I couldn't explain to you what will become of me
If I can't find the reasons that will make you happy
And you don't understand...
I'm leaving, I search in myself because
I no longer want to be one in a ton
If I'm alone, I have to apologize
And you don't understand (you don't understand)
My guitar will sing to you
my poems will be yours
I only ask to find myself again
And you don't understand (you don't understand)
Ma Benz
Versions: #1
Intro - Lord Kossity & Joey Starr]
Yo, yo rude boy !
Jaguar Gorgone, Kool Shen, Lord Kossity
Come back again, now man !
SP.One from the track
Everytime I’m coming with car (for real !)
He comin' with them shaiza
Hook x2
Let me zoom zoom zang
In your Benz Benz Benz
Girl, when you point your bumper
It drives me nuts, nut, nuts
Let me zoom zoom zang
In your Benz Benz Benz
Girl, when you point your bumper
It drives me nuts, nut, nuts
Verse 1 Lord Kossity
Girl, you're sexy, come see Kossity
Original raggaman 1 in the city of Paris
Girl, you're pretty in your Versace
Come have some fun with a Top Celeb DJ
Whine and move, touch the groove
I love girls, especially when girls move
Move up, move up
Rough like a she-wolf
Move your body from head to toe
Alright I approve, move up, move up
Girl, wind your body
Show them that you're not afraid to excite all the thugs
Wind like a viper if you know how
Don't worry, there's no punishment
I wont tell your dad or your mum
Ondulate like an earthworm
Shoot me that panther's look from your eyes
Hook x2
[Interlude - Kool Shen & Joey Starr]
Go ahead, Joey, explain it to them
It happens in the back of a Mercedes Benz Benz Benz
Yeah, on the Saint-Denis side, baby, I guarantee
There are some crazy guys
Verse 2 Joey Starr
You're my target, I'm the arrow flying at the area between your legs
Slave love, we'll live in troubled waters, you and me
But tonight, it needs to shine, we should get a move on, I want some freestyle
I want you to wake and stimulate my inner beast
Pump baby, get on top of my Seine St-Denis funk
I'll make you a way, I'll get you, that's my fucking shit 2
When we touch, I turn into liquid
It's like an intemporal thing
Move that female body, looking at the length of your thighs
I flow, work your body, baby, yeah,
Okay, awesome
When you touch I'm insatiable, the air is humid
It's like a spark in your eager look
Hook x2
Verse 3 Kool Shen
Tonight, we gotta get mad, baby, we need to clash
Clearly, yeah, we don't have to do this stupidly
So move your body, get the bandits hard
Then your ass brandishes, you will come out taller
You know what they say, it gotta slip, and then it sweat
That put me in a trance, worse, I have to breathe more
At all, give me, give you , give all you got
Damn it's crazy what you have as a talent
but where do you have learned it all, after all that
I don't care, I just want you to be able to enjoy me until dawn
So come on, get on my Seine St-Denis funk
(Hey man, 93 style)
[Outro - Lord Kossity et Joey Starr]
Pump !
Hey girl, if you see a black Merco coming with the windows tinted
Booming system, it's my Benz Benz Benz
And we go zoom zoom zang with Jaguar Gorgone and Kool Shen
And SP, baby 93 style
Lord Kossity Seine-St Denis style
All bad bwoy nuff respect!
West Indies, we are the best
The skies are cold as ice
But fly forward and be silent.
See how you fly
The whole world stares with bated breath.
Fear and flattery, slander and filth,
And that year passions do not subside.
Fall! Make a mistake at least once!
In an instant, you will be torn to pieces.
The game is not by the rules
And again the nets are set
But insignificant souls will perish
In your raging flame
Oh, if only you were in the sky
Surrounded by love
Not vile envy
You couldn't fly
You couldn't play
And go all the way without giving up.
No fear, no pain
Not in this world.
Only flame and will
And playing with death.
The skies are cold as ice
And the closer to them, the harder it is to breathe.
But no one on Earth waits -
Only autumn rain on empty alleys.
So go ahead! Let yourself be carried
Along the deserted routes of the heavenly heights!
Wish, and you will buy everything:
And love, and faith, and the meaning of life.
The game is not by the rules
But again the wings are spread
And loneliness slips again
On the very edge of madness.
Oh, if only your wings
Filled with love
Not black rage
You couldn't fly
You couldn't play
And go all the way without giving up.
No fear, no pain
Not in this world.
Only flame and will
And playing with death.
In the midst of icy peaks
You will build a nest and then destroy it.
Behind the glass of expensive cars
You hide your face and soul from everyone.
And when people dream,
You look at the sleeping city from the balcony,
And all night long the yellow face of the moon
Burns above you like a dragon's eye.
The game is not by the rules
And the hopes are abandoned
At the entrance to the waiting room
Where silence will be eternal.
And the soul of a dead man
And under the mask of the face -
Emptiness and weariness.
But fly to the end
And play until the end
And go all the way without giving up!
No fear, no pain
Not in this world.
Only flame and will
And playing with death.
Filozofálok, nem tudom mi
két uborka vagy
két padlizsán - attól függ
az étvágyad
Philosophy of remorse
Versions: #1
Imbibe much wine and you’ll whine
Look at flowers - don’t eat what’s of flours
Wait! Lest you’ll need to lose weight!
Drink much wine - you'll whine!
Look at flowers - pains cause flours!
Wait, weight loss - a mess!
I have the sea
I have the sea above my soul
I have the sea above my thoughts
I have the sea above my dramas
No matter where on the earth, if there's the sea, one can stay
Go walk, get off the paths
Let in the air of the entire world
Don't give yourself away, no, don't give yourself away, no
Come back to me sometimes to tell me
I walked before you
I didn't see it at all, oh really far from here
But the little that I know, oh, the little that I know, oh
Come back to me, sometimes, I will tell you
I have the sea above my soul
I have the sea above my thoughts
I have the sea above my dramas
No matter where on the earth, if there's the sea, one can stay
Go dream, dance, sing and play
This is the lifeblood that will make you grow
The is the reason, such as one answers
To the question, 'What do I do to be good?'
Here that's what I know about myself since I went far
I have the sea above my soul
I have the sea above my thoughts
I have the sea above my dramas
No matter where on the earth, if there's the sea, one can stay
No matter where on the earth, if there's the sea, one can stay
If you dare not, you have the choice, you will feel the war in you
If you dare not, you have the choice, you will feel the war in you
If you dare not, you have the choice, you will feel the war in you
If you dare not, be that as it may
You would have you father above your soul
You would have you father above your thoughts
You would have your father above your dramas
No matter where on the earth, no matter where on the earth
No matter where on the earth, I will be your father
Little bastard
The birth
Come see
It's too early to go out but look, we are ready
Listen, it's been a long time that we slack, we are going to get up
We launch towards the light
Even if we know the future is solitary
In front of us, the springs with days so long that the nights begin
Long before that the sun thinks about it and so much better
The oceans with such slow and quiet waves
Also the white of the tall peaks is as far as you can
The world is so beautiful when the beginning of the story comes
Even before the memory
The world is so big when you enter it for the first time
When wailing at the radiances
One does as one can on the way, one will keep the fire
Against the winds, the rainy days
Between love and violence, nothing will stop the birth
Take me hand, get go of nothing, anyway, it's not long
The end, it's the horizon, the happiness, it's the quest
As long as the life will be by our sides
Let's rest our feet on the skin of this planet
The world is so beautiful when the beginning of the story comes
Even before the memory
The world is so big when you enter it for the first time
When wailing at the radiances
One does as one can on the way, one will keep the fire
Against the winds, the rainy days
Between love and violence, nothing will stop the birth