A keresés eredménye oldal 16
Találatok száma: 547
It's Too Late
Fragrances of May, perfume of sulfur
Uncertain dreams where one delves into
So many yellowing pictures
So many words, so many cries
All these silent faces
These hazy calls from the emptiness
Rising in fever so many nights
Where our chimeras came to battle
I smiled, me, the worrying one
Beneath so much hope, innocent
Fragrances of Summer, perfume of rage
The eye too bright under the makeup
In the harmful neon lights
Beating heart, bitter mouth
To want so much to mask one's fear
To always be hunting happiness
Upright, stood in the light
Heavy eyelids, light soul
I murmured, me, the glorious one
Beneath so much powerlessness, fearful
Fragrances of Autumn, perfume of melancholy
Hidden shadows where these pale silhouettes
Take shape
Incarnations of evil
When just the flame of a silly hope
Dances in their gaze
Weary from being so little understood
Broken from being so unsuccessful
I kept quiet, me, the arrogant one
Beneath so much hatred, unsteady
Fragrances of Winter, perfume of mourning
The wind's caress on the leaves
From so many days gone by
From so many withered loves
Another movement to catch
Just the shadow of a memory
Another word, just a smile
A final breath to tell you
But what use is it? It's too late...
A child cries, somewhere
Song to the Auvergnat
This song is your's
You the Auvergnat that, without fuss
GIved me four wood's pieces
When my life was feeling cold
You that give me fire when
the 'croquantes' and 'croquants' *
all this people well intentionned
slammed their doors on my face
that was nothing much than a wood fire
but it had heated my body
And in my soul its burning again
As a bonfire
you, the Auvergnat, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father
This song is your's
You the host that, without fuss
Gived me four bread's pieces
When my life was feeling hungry
you, that opened your bread box when
the croquantes and croquants
All this people well intetionned
they laughed seeing me fasting ( do not eat)
That was nothing more than a few bred pieces
But it had heated my body
And in my soul its burning again
As a great feast
you, the host, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father
This song is your's
You the stranger that, without fuss
Looking miserable you smiled me
When policeman caugh me
You, that didn't applaused when
the croquantes and the croquants
All this people well intentionned
Laughed seeing then taking me away
That was nothing more than sweetness (honey)
But te heated my body
and in my soul its burning again
As a great sun
you, the stranger, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father
On A Summer Day
I met a man on the shore
On a summer day
He asked me to go boating with me,
I refused
He had a funny features, a turned-up nose
And blue eyes
He came and sat next to me on the beach
On a summer day
He asked if he could stroke my face,
I refused
He was sunburned, had sand between his toes
And blue eyes
He lengthily watches the sea
On a summer day
Then says, 'Come, I'm offering you a drink',
I refused
He didn't look well, had nicotine-stained fingers
And blue eyes
He tells me, 'I just strangled my wife'
On a summer day
'Come with me to the crime scene',
I refused
He wore a straw hat, had a medal around his neck
And blue eyes
He says, 'You could save my life'
On a summer day
'Please come swim with me',
I refused
He had nervous hands, a cheap ring
And blue eyes
I thought to myself, 'He's delirious''
On a summer day
And blue eyes
I thought to myself, 'He's delirious'
On a summer day
He stood up and walked into the waves
Without looking back
He disappeared into the foam, no longer could I see his suit
Or his blue eyes
Dead Leaves
Oh! How much I would like you to remember
Those happy days when we were friends
Life was more beautiful back then,
And the sun warmer than today
Dead leaves are picked up by the shovel load,
You see, I didn't forget...
Dead leaves are picked up by the shovel load,
Memories and regrets as well
And the northern wind blows them away
In the cold night of oblivion
You see, I didn't forget
The song you used to sing to me...
It's a song that looks like us,
You loved me, I loved you
And we both lived happily together,
You loving me, me loving you
But life pulls apart those who are in love,
Very softly, without a noise
And the sea erases, in the sand,
The footsteps of seperated lovers
It's Hard to Believe
It's hard to believe that you don't love me anymore
From that fire-like love, not even the ashes are left
That afternoon an unfeeling wind blew,
Carrying away our dreams to a world of loneliness
The moon was ours, the sun, and the road
And the passionate kiss, watery with the morning dew
It's hard to believe that you don't love me anymore
From that fire-like love, not even the ashes are left
I remember the nights of spring time
When heaven's honey would sweeten our sadness
We swore to love one another, and we were sincere
Together forever, words gone with the wind
Everything is over, a story has ended
On their journey toward oblivion, our memories drift away
It's hard to believe that you don't love me anymore
From that fire-like love, not even the ashes are left
Without Loving You
Without loving you,
Without ever being able to,
I will go ahead and forget this summer
You and the summer,
Gone forever,
My memories of them will soon be erased
What you said about the sun,
What you said about the night
Come back to me, muffled,
And makes autumn smile
Always, always,
I love only you
Take me, take me,
Take me into your arms
I love only you,
Don't leave me
Without loving you,
I am lonely and disappointed
You loved me, and summer was burning me
In the alley
Where winter, having come back,
Makes me regret every one of these burns
Without loving you,
I never believed a single one
Of these words, of your slow kisses
And if your heart had ever wanted it,
Forget, forget all about this summer
Versions: #2
A pair of glasses
On a pillow
That's all I have left
From a very dear friend
A pair of glasses
Forgotten yesterday
By a cobra
My friend in the flesh
Why did you leave me
Your glasses?
This pair of glasses
That cost a lot
Who even knows how many pesetas?
What a bitter price
This pair of glasses
Moon or sea
You put them on your head
To see clearer
Why did you leave me
Your glasses?
This pair of glasses
This glass mask
Hid me a thousand words of nonsense
A thousand dashes of hell
'Cause the coquette snake
On a winter night
Slid his perverse rings
Into my bunk
Why did you leave me
Your glasses?
When the pair of glasses
Wanted to embrace me
I rang the doorbell
And the green devil
Got scared away
Completely nude like a worm
Abandoned his glasses
On my open bed
Why did you leave me
Your glasses?
Since, I no longer have
A head nor a tail!
Si vous voyez une erreur, dites-moi svp.
N'hésitez pas à utiliser mes traductions où vous voulez si vous pensez qu'elles sont assez bien :)
If you see an error, please tell me.
Feel free to use my translations wherever you want to if you think that they're good enough :)
The sweet local joint
The sweet local joint
blooming under the branches
is full of people
every Sunday.
The maid is a brunette.
There's so many happy people.
To each their own,
boys and girls are as one.
Lovers infatuated with themselves,
we sure do love one another
and we're tipsy too.
It sure should last long enough
for Jeanne and Pierre
to have no regrets.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Times gone by
In over-complex calculations
twenty years, thats a lot of happiness.
My 20 years ended up in the war
on the far side of the field of honour.
If I've known a rotten time, certainly,
it was indeed the time I was twenty!
Nevertheless I mourn its loss,
it's lost and gone so it was the good time.
The time gone by is always nice.
Once they've all died,
we forgive everyone who has offended us,
the dead are all good guys.
In your little memory like a sieve
Bécassine, you still have the memory
of our wry-mouthed love affair,
love that was null and void,
halfpenny love that certainly didn't go
any further at all than the end of the bed.
Neverthless, we mourn its loss,
it's lost and gone it's grown more attractive.
The time gone by is always nice.
Once they've all died,
we forgive everyone who has offended us,
the dead are all good guys.
I've put on my darkest outfit
and my funereal face
to send off a bundle of old bones
to the kingdom of the shades.
The world has certainly never produced
a nastier piece of work.
Nevertheless, we mourn her loss,
she has died, she's been embalmed.
The time gone by is always nice.
Once they've all died,
we forgive everyone who has offended us,
the dead are all good guys.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.
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