Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 37

Találatok száma: 2239


I'm a girl like you

Erika: If I want my breakfast hot
Mrs Carp will make me pay
And I have to collect the eggs myself
The barn isn't nearby
In the meantime, it's frozen
That omelet I dreamed of
So I think to myself let's stay in bed
To have a lie-in
Annelise: For my breakfast I ring
The service bell
And on a beautiful golden plate
I'm brought delights
I'm helped so I eat well
When the minstrel sings
And I go read, to think better,
Natural sciences books
Erika: I'm like you
You're like me
Sometimes we wished we could change
Go elsewhere where dream becomes king
Yes I'm a girl like you!
You didn't think
It's would be like that
I met you and there it is
It's a big day
Because suddenly I realise
I'm a girl like you
First I choose a fine fabric
I pin the model on it
And I sew below and on top
There's your lace dress
Annelise: I love lace
It reminds me
I always love dancing
Both: So I choose my divine life
Without anyone to bother me
Annelise: I'm like you
Erika: I see it's true
Annelise: You're like me
Erika: Yes I believe
Both: We look alike you and me
We do what we must
Do and we will do it
Yes I'm a girl like you
I'm like you
I'm like you
You're like me
You're like me
It's an obviousness, it's clear
A beating heart
A voice to say it
Yes I'm a girl like you

How can I refuse?

I leaned over, bowed down,
I crawled like a rug.
For ten years, I practised my kowtowings...
Today I'll extract
This treasure from its hideout
That was only waiting for me...
How can I refuse?
I'll come back as a hero
Who found a treasure.
For a princess,
I'm the perfect husband!
I'm the savior suitor
The whole kingdom loves
That's why I'll have the crown!
How can I refuse?
Let joy erupt and let's raise our glass,
Here comes sovereign Preminger!
I'll become mighty for the king
Will be me!
By marrying the princess
I'll have everything I want:
A donjon, an ermine coat, a palace
If she treats me with distance
It's to cover her passion for me
But deep inside she doesn't know how to refuse!
That'd be too good
I won't give in, I won't run,
Just because a queen chose another beau!
It's a slight retreat,
Only a little gripe
My ego is only half scraped
I'll be back, I promise,
To show them who's the boss!
I bet you they won't be able to refuse
Imagine the girl vanished
And the king totters
I'm the savior knight
I'll get her back!
So the grateful queen
Will want me to marry her daughter
I'll tell her, humbly:
How can I refuse?
After the ceremony
I'll reign directly
And this Annelise idiot will kiss my feet
The kingdom and the castle will be mine forever
The crown fits my head, how can they refuse?
So prepare the roses,
We must crack open the cottle of champagne
With such a strategy, we'll triumph!
Before the end of the chapter
I'll be greater than Charlemagne
Even if it's a little ungrateful, how can they refuse?
How can they refuse?!

I am still lost

We met in snow.
Dazzled by youth and without seeing
a tangle of cheers and curiosity
we met in the language, a secret place
and thither we go,
again and again,
again and again,
and the notes became an elongated refrain,
a plot, a tale, a pop tune,
lullabies broken by the cries of the sirens.
We felt like,
an airless balloon,
an airless balloon
an endless sentence, completely capsized and empty
I am often haunted by ideas of escape
but laughter draws your face so beautifully1
You stretch your body
while the sun rises
while the sun rises
we brew coffee and drink a cup
and when we get caught up in the noise of everyday life
then we roll our eyes and share a smoke
then we founder,
where tenderness is,
where tenderness is
we march bravely with the army of benevolence
a love worn out and completely desperate
only carried by the promises, unyielding and clear
A trembling moment
my sleepy you
my sleepy you
my drama is long, my reason is broken
and when I get scared and when I get angry
then lower my ships and give me your peace
I see a coast
and soon it gets bright
and soon it gets bright
so take me for granted it seems so quiet
I am still lost despite the years
and sing with grattitude this love song
because it was supposed to happen
we met in the snow.
  • 1. A nod to the poet Inger Christensen, who in 'Alfabet' has a similar line.

Elrepülsz velem

Születésnapom van, mégsem hívsz fel
Nekem tök mindegy, mi dolgod van
Ma tulajdonképpen egy jó nap van
Mégis, ha becsukom a szemem, ott állsz elöttem
Látlak a lakásodban, mennyire értéktelen vagy
A gyerekkori fotóinkkal, mögötte az első szerelmed fotója
Soha nem mondanád, hogy büszke vagy
Csak azokat az érzéseket mutatod ki, amikor csalódott vagy miattam, ó
Látom a fotókat rólad, mint katona, mégsem vagy számomra egy harcos
Te okozod Anya fájdalmait, és a húgod könnyeit
Maradnod kellett volna, akkor is mikor a becsületeden csorba esett
Egyetlen döntéseddel három ember életét változtattad meg
Azt mondod ' hogyhogy' ? Én az okot akarom hallani, nem volt áramunk
És te hol voltál akkor? Csak egy okot mondj, nyisd ki a szád!
Tudom, amikor a világ fényeit láttam, nem akartál engem
Miért remélem mégis, hogy a sötétség arra vezet majd, hogy lássalak, igen
Felépítem saját Paradicsomom a te köved nélkül is
Te sohasem tanítottál repülni, most mégis lebegek
Légy része ennek az utazásnak, vagy hagyd úgy ahogy van
De hagyd, hogy örökre szóljon, akár mit is választasz
Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Hm
Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem?
Marlboro es Heineken illatod van
Ez az illat szenvedélyként hat rám, amikor túl magányos vagyok
Az Ex-em méreg volt, mégis ugyanilyen illata volt
Legalábbis igy képzelem el, ezáltal az idöt együtt töltjük végre
Amikor te nem vagy itt, olyan fiúkkal vagyok, akikben te tükröződsz
Nem tudtam, mi volt az értékem, és miért lettem szerelmes
Nem tanítottál meg semmire, és föként soha nem tanítottál meg magamat értékelni
És önmagam helyett, minden férfiban, akivel csak találkozom, téged kereslek
Hogyan tudsz nélkülem élni?
Miért vagyok olyan értéktelen a szemedben?
Miért nem mondod, hogy hiszel bennem?
Kár a fáradtságért, hasznot csinálok ebből, és az álmaimat élem
Felépítek egy Paradicsomot Anyának, Patinak, nekem, és igen, mi jól vagyunk
Eljöhetsz, amikor csak akarsz, mégis te csak egy vendég vagy
Remélhetöleg, a gyermekeim apja majd véget vet az átkodnak
Ugyan még nem ismerem őt, de legalábbis tudom, hogy ö sosem lesz olyan, mint te, igen
Felépítem saját Paradicsomom a te köved nélkül is
Te sohasem tanítottál repülni, most mégis lebegek
Légy része ennek az utazásnak, vagy hagyd úgy ahogy van
De hagyd, hogy örökre szóljon, akár mit is választasz
Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Hm
Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem?
Szükségem lett volna rád, amikor üres tányér előtt ültünk
Szükségem lett volna rád, Ámor elsö nyilainak idején
Szükségem lett volna rád, valakire, aki a gyengeségeimböl erösséget farag
Szükségem lett volna rád, o, a rossz karmád ellenére is
Szükségem lett volna rád, még akkor is, ha te egyikünket sem érdemelsz meg
Szükségem lett volna rád, hogy mellettem légy, de nem csak mint fantázia
Szükségem lett volna rád, igen, miattad emlékezetkiesésre vágyom
Szükségem lett volna rád, hogy csak legalább egyszer mondd, hogy szeretsz, igen
Felépítem saját Paradicsomom a te köved nélkül is
Te sohasem tanítottál repülni, most mégis lebegek
Légy része ennek az utazásnak, vagy hagyd úgy ahogy van
De hagyd, hogy örökre szóljon, akár mit is választasz
Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Hm
Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem? Elrepülsz velem?


There was once a boomerang.
It was a bit too long.
It flew a short distance,
but it never came back.
The crowd there, for hours, still
waited for the boomerang.


Don't make a fuss
I know you can't stay mad
Don't make a ruckus
After all that happened
Don't be shy
Say all you want on a dime
Don't be afraid guy
Today I feel pretty fine
Don't look at me like I'm maniac
Don't be like this, You'll make me insomniac,
I missed you so much don't go come back
What did I said to make you this mad
I won't yell at you this time , honest
I won't let you down, I promise
I am obsessive, you know who I am
Don't run away, I'll catch you flawless
Don't make a fuss
All you want on a dime
Don't be shy
Today I feel pretty fine
Don't look at me like I'm maniac
Don't be like this, You'll make me insomniac,
I missed you so much don't go come back
What did I said to make you this mad
I won't yell at you this time , honest
I won't let you down, I promise
I am obsessive, you know who I am
Don't run away, I'll catch you flawless
I won't yell at you this time , honest
I won't let you down, I promise
I am obsessive, you know who I am
Don't run away, I'll catch you flawless
I won't yell at you this time
I won't yell at you this time
I won't yell at you this time
I won't yell at you this time


[Verse 1]
Azt mondod nem tudom majd megcsinálni,
nincs bennem potenciál,
de tudnod kellene, hogy semmit sem tettetek,
megmutatom merre van az ajtó.
Be akarod mocskolni a nevem,
próbálsz a porba dönteni, de mindhiába.
Próbálsz köveket zúdítani az utamba,
de meg van bennem, ami kell.
Amikor velem szórakozol, akkor a tűzzel játszol,
gyűlölj csak, mert ezzel emelsz magasabbra.
Mondd, hogy gyenge vagyok, és hazuggá teszlek,
mondd, hogy gyenge vagyok.
És hazuggá teszlek,
és hazuggá teszlek.
[Verse 2]
A történeteid kitalációk,
a mélybe akarsz lökni,
megmutatom, hogy jobb vagyok,
egyszer s mindenkorra.
Most te is velem akarsz tartani,
próbálsz lemásolni,
te is egy szeletet akarsz a tortából,
de más nem maradt semmi.
Amikor velem szórakozol, akkor a tűzzel játszol,
gyűlölj csak, mert ezzel emelsz magasabbra.
Mondd, hogy gyenge vagyok, és hazuggá teszlek,
mondd, hogy gyenge vagyok.
És hazuggá teszlek,
és hazuggá teszlek.
És hazuggá teszlek,
és hazuggá teszlek.
Úgy csinálsz, mint az ellenség,
pedig ez csak féltékenység.
Azt kívánni, hogy a barátok legyünk
csak egy homályos emlék.
Úgy csinálsz, mint az ellenség,
pedig ez csak féltékenység.
Azt kívánni, hogy a barátok legyünk,
de számomra halott vagy.
Amikor velem szórakozol, akkor a tűzzel játszol,
gyűlölj csak, mert ezzel emelsz magasabbra.
Mondd, hogy gyenge vagyok, és hazuggá teszlek,
mondd, hogy gyenge vagyok.
És hazuggá teszlek,
és hazuggá teszlek.
És hazuggá teszlek,
és hazuggá teszlek.
Mondd, hogy gyenge vagyok, és hazuggá teszlek.

Wake up girl

I cut my hair
and I made a blanket with it
I leave it on the bed
so that it can keep you warm
'cause since I haven't been loving you your back
is quite exposed
your neck is more fearful
and every night is a storm
that hurts you a lot.
I gathered my tears
and I made a potion with them
I leave it on the cabinet
so that it can quench your thirst
'cause 'since I haven't been loving you
your throat is a gorge
your chest burns a lot
it's almost suffocating and doesn't let you breath.
Wake up girl, wake up girl
you were a beautiful neapolitan cherry
full of life, full of money
but now you can't go on anymore because...
I cut my nails
and I made a blade with them
I leave it on the water bowl
so that you can shave
'cause 'since I haven't been loving you
your skin is suspect already
a strong hair has grown on your stomach
an on your heart and hurts you a lot.
I cut my veins
and I made a dye with them
I leave it on the tub
so that it can paint us
'cause 'since I haven't been loving you
your dress is always dark
your clothes are black
as crows on coffins
they are always cawing.
Wake up girl, wake up girl
you were a beautiful neapolitan cherry
full of life, full of money
but now you can't go on anymore because...
I cut my head
and I made a nice ball with it
I leave it on the balcony
so that you can play a bit with it
'cause 'since I haven't been loving you
you fell into depression
locked up in a room
like a flower in a sheaf
and you lost your mind.
Wake up girl, wake up girl
you were a beautiful neapolitan cherry
full of life, full of money
but now you can't go on anymore.
Wake up girl, wake up girl
you were a beautiful neapolitan cherry
full of life, full of money
but now you can't go on anymore because...

I have a wound in my heart

How did you burst into my life, I do not know
I do not understand, myself anyhow
You whirled by unreliable, crazy wind,
But fall out of love with you is impossible now
Your beautiful eyes are full of a cheat
In your words is a lot of an enticing dope
You set up your love traps so capably
You bewitched me, I couldn't leave
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb1
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies
I wanted to see you faithful, dedicated
But how I didn't distinguish you at once
You blinded me as the Sun, so suddenly
I was for you just a gambling
From the sweet kisses just left a bitterness
The string of my soul has torn like a threadie2
You are just a dream, you are a strange vision
You are my disaster, my storm, my eclips
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies

Rám néznek

Oh, nem
Oh, igen
Verse 1:
Megragadtam a figyelmed?
Úgy nézel ki mint aki elvesztette a lélegzetét
Amikor körözök a szobában,
Te forgatni fogod a fejed
Ne gyere nekem ezzel a viselkedéssel
Amikor az ajkaim vörösek
Ha magam mögött hagylak,
Keresheted az össze tört exed, nem nem
Mert én voltam már itt egyszer kétszer
Ne aggódj a szemek miatt, ( gyere)
Ne csak ott állj és bámulj, édesem
Próbáld meg mozgatni a lábaid
Ha azt hiszed hogy rád néznek
Nem mert rám néznek
Könnyen és szépen tudom csinálni
Átveszem a vezetést
Nem is rád néznek baby
Rám néznek
Rám néznek
Igen,igen, rám néznek
Ha egy tanár után epekedsz
Én megtanítalak olyanra mit nem tudsz
(Meg tudok tanítani neked dolgokat amiket meg akarsz tudni)
De fel tudom adni mindet egyszerre, úgyis túl adagolnád magad
Nehogy bármi féle bikát hozzál a szobába ma este
Ez egy teljesen új rodeó
Lehetnék én meg te
De tudod hogy úgyis elrabolnám a showt
Mert én már voltam itt egyszer kétszer
(mér voltam itt egyszer kétszer babe)
Ne aggódj a szemek miatt
Ne aggódj a szemek miatt
Ne csak ott állj és bámulj, édesem
Próbáld meg mozgatni a lábaid
Ha azt hiszed hogy rád néznek
Nem mert rám néznek
Könnyen és szépen tudom csinálni
Átveszem a vezetést
Nem is rád néznek baby
Rám néznek
Rám néznek
(Nem, nem, nem)
Igen, igen rám néznek
De rám néznek baby
IMert rám néznek baby
Héj, magam mögött hagylak
megkeresheted az össze tört exed
Ne csak ott állj és bámulj, édesem
Próbáld meg mozgatni a lábaid
Ha azt hiszed hogy rád néznek
Nem mert rám néznek
Könnyen és szépen tudom csinálni
Átveszem a vezetést
Nem is rád néznek baby
Rám néznek
(Csak rém néznek, csak rám néznek)
Rám néznek
(igen, rám néznek, baby,baby,baby)
Igen, igen rám néznek
De rám néznek, baby
Rám néznek

Wake up Gliori

Today that I faced you
and saw your picture,
your bravery I imagined
and your valor.
Don't let them catch you alive
even though it was as luck had it,
beucase for our homeland
your blood was shed.
Wake up my Gliori to see
how Victory was so close,
and you they put in front
because to you it belongs.
A mother of such a hero
is an insult to cry,
she insults her brave son
the one who will be missed.
Offering to my Homeland,
my son, my life,
and because he didn't surrender,
and stayed and got killed
may he have my grace.

The dance of my heart

Come here, stop thinking about it now, don't say no
This night is like a party
In my mind, only you and the stars that fall like rain
I'm the sea and you're the shore
Drinks, music, and this tipsiness
that reminds me of your kisses
I want you here with me, to live this moment
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart
Don't speak, don't ask, I want you to love me
Summer is two people together
Forget that life goes on
Time has just stopped here
Drinks, music, and this tipsiness
that reminds me of your kisses
I want you here with me, to live this moment
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart


We became face to face again in this city,
What can we do, we don't have another city
Maybe we could be happy,
Maybe we could be happy,
Maybe we are happy, we just don't know it..
How much time has passed since then,
I couldn't recognize you, forgive me!
I used to think that I would die without you,
I used to think that I would die without you,
I didn't die without you, forgive me...
This fate, this destiny was written without us
We were like a pair of rocks that were thrown by catapult
Perhaps in this world we were not 10-15 years,
Perhaps in this world we were not 10-15 years,
but hundreds of years apart...
Who will help us jump over this separation towards each other
Neither road, nor bridge won't come to our help
If you are dead, If you are alive, no matter what you are,
Wait, Wait,
At least let me kiss your hand...

Floating on the silvern sky

Floating on the silvern sky
Solla1 wearing a blue dress
Doesn't play the game
Because the next christmas is far away
I think seeing made of ivory
A button of a shirt's collar
sacks2 of summer
Right up there by the Árbæjarsafn3
Take me
Yes, take me to the moon if you want to
Spill the cooked out of me
And scrape the bottom as crazy
A woman full of mud floating to me
And swings me to the dance
Barefaced this Vala 4
Tthe friend of Óli 5
Kisses me on the cheek
And kisses the toe6
Sucks at my eye
So now I see everything from the inside
Tongues talk
Talk tongues
Tongues talk well
Tongues talk
Talk tongues
Tongues talk well?
  • 1. a women's name
  • 2. a lot of
  • 3. a museum of old houses in Iceland. Very beautiful :D
  • 4. a women's name
  • 5. a man's name
  • 6. the biggest toe on one's foot


úgy tűnt, mintha azt mondanád 'olyanok a melleid, mint két szultánkenyér'
lassan jár a kezed, azt gondolom 'Istenem, tegye velem, amit akar'
de te az első pillanattól tudod, hogy ez az ágyba vezet,
de én az első pillanattól tudom, hogy a férjem leszel, s gyermekeim apja
az első pillantás óta úgy tűnik neked, minden hétköznapi lesz
de én az első pillantás óta tudom, kitűnően választottam
értsd meg így vagy úgy, de nehogy félreérts
ez nagyon hasonlít a szerelemre
harmincasok, semmi rendkívüli
vajon elborult az elmém,
mikor ezt a valamit megemlítettem neked?
ezek csak az első jelek, első jelek, amik emlékeztetnek

Break my world

The glass cups are still on the table
The same sadness is still with me
My soul is still in pain because of you
I'm still drinking, but I know it's pointless
Break my word slowly
Like a flowing river of sadness
You've left just like that
Like a storm
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it
Everything with you was like a dream
You were everything in my life
Every true love comes to an end
It's your fault we have come to an end
Break my world slowly
Like a flowing river of sadness
You've left just like that
Like a storm
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it

Soacha vich tu

Padan ja baitha main kitaaban vich tu

Heavenly Glance

A thin thread in a great tapestry, although full of colour,
doesn't know if it's part of the Great Creation's design.
And the stone on that mountain that you can see up there
thinks it is more important than the ones that shall support it.
But who knows their life's worth
or who shall appreciate it?
No mortal's eye will ever see it.
You must look at it
with a Heavenly glance.
(Lai lai lai lai lai lai...)
Pure gold was not considered more than spring's water.
Like one would a king, the lost sheep will see her pastor.
And if a man lost everything, has he lost his value?
Or is it just the beginning? Has a new life started?
A man's riches or vigour,
you must not judge.
To what he won and what he gave away,
an answer will be found,
an answer will be found by those who look
with a Heavenly glance.
That's why we want to share today, although you will find little.
If you have nothing, you'll be surrounded by much more.
'Cause you will find no lamentations if you must change your life,
and if you don't know the steps, you only have to dance.
You only have to dance!
(Lai lai lai lai lai lai...)
Will you say your neighbour has value
because of what he shall buy?
No earthly eye will ever see it.
Look at what is Heavenly! You must look
only through a Havenly glance!

Oh My Daddy

Silence is golden and we can no longer find the words
Outside it's raining buckets like it's raining text messages
I don't tell you this often, my daughter, but I love you so much
[I have] trouble expressing myself, sometimes I don't have the words
It's crazy how you've grown up, I haven’t seen the time go by
Your teary eyes are drowning in regret
I may not be the father you were expecting
But I swear on my life, my daughter, that I will change
It's only words (words)
Yes, only words (words)
I'll pick you up from school (from school)
I give you my word (my word)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
You're my daddy (you're my daddy), my very own daddy (my very own daddy)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
Don't listen to her (don't listen to her), pretend (pretend)
[Your] mom, I'm going to surprise her, I'm going to go all out
Tell her to forgive me, I’ve been too proud
You know, your mother, I love her even if I don't say it to her all the time
It's true that we fight, I’ve made promises in the wind
You know grown-ups are dumb, they act deaf and dumb
I have been blind and I didn’t see that she was suffering
I’d like one last chance, if you knew how much I blame myself
The only thing that matters to me is to make you happy
It's just words (words)
Yes, only words (words, words)
I'll pick you up from school (I'll pick you up from school)
I give you my word (my word)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
You're my daddy (you're my daddy), my very own daddy (my very own daddy)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
Don't listen to her (don't listen to her), pretend (pretend)
[On] my life (life), I swear I'm no longer the same (same)
I’ve come down with a bump (with a bump), I’m clinging to our ring (ring, ring)
[On] my life (life), I swear I'm no longer the same (I'm no longer the same)
I’ve come down with a bump (I’ve come down with a bump), I’m clinging to our ring (ring)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
You're my daddy (you're my daddy), my very own daddy (my very own daddy)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
Don't listen to her (don't listen to her), pretend (pretend)

Még mindig nem tudod a nevem

[Verse 1 ]
Elvettem a szíved
Olyan dolgokat tettem veled, amiket csak a szeretők tesznek a sötétben
Ez Istenné tett téged
Papok, pápák és prédikátorok azt mondanák nekem, hogy rosszul tettem
de hé
Mit mondjak
Hogy létezhessek?
Ó, idegen
Még mindig nem tudod a nevemet
Még mindig nem tudod a nevemet
És én meghalnék, rabszolgád
Kicsim, pont most
De még mindig nem tudod a nevemet.
[Verse 2]
Azt kívánom, azt kívánom, bárcsak átjönnél
Hiányzol, Csókolj meg hamisan
Én álmodok az összes lehetőségről
Megcsókolom a tested mindenhol, Nefertitim
És ahányszor azt gondolom, hogy a bolygók igazodnak egymáshoz
Még mindig közel vagy, de közben olyan távol.
Még mindig nem tudod a nevemet
Még mindig nem tudod a nevemet
És én meghalnék, rabszolgád
Kicsim, pont most
De még mindig nem tudod a nevemet.

Almost There

It will still have to wait
How much time are you going to wait?
I have no time for distractions
I need to work
I want grandchildren to take care of
Actually, this city
Makes us get accommodated
I know very well where I'm going
And I feel that some day I'll get (there)
I'm almost there, almost there
They go around saying that I'm crazy
But I never mind
Struggles and problems
I've had already
But now I'm not giving up
Because I'm almost there
My dad told me someday
Everything can happen
Seeing the dream coming true
Only depends on you
I've worked a lot until where I'm now
Now the things will flow
I just need to insist
A little more and get it
I'm almost there, I'm almost there
Many people coming from everywhere
I'm almost there, I'm almost there
So many struggles and problems
I've had in (my) life already
But I climbed the mountain
I crossed the river
I'm getting there
I'm almost there, I'm almost there

Maybe It's Not Our Fault (그건 아마 우리의 잘못은 아닐거야)

Honestly, I don't know exactly
Where the anxious feeling was born
And how it came to us
Even though it blooms without me knowing
And grows into a big scar between us,
Maybe it's not our fault
So we have to hold each other's hands
Not to fall into the sea
We have to make eye contact with each other
Not to lose each other
Whom we sometimes take for granted
Even though it blooms without me knowing
And often hurts us,
Maybe it will make us grow bigger
So we have to hold each other's hands
Not to fall into the sea
We have to make eye contact with each other
Not to lose each other
Whom we sometimes take for granted
The aching hearts that we are used to
Over and over, they don't let us go
Can we be happy?
So we have to hold each other's hands
Not to fall into the sea
We have to make eye contact with each other
Not to lose each other
Whom we sometimes take for granted

Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl

And now look at that:
Yes, what's coming here? A train!
Only one small wagon, a locomotive,
But everyone is excited by the whistling
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
But at one point the end station comes,
Maybe you even dream of that one time?
Of the ancien locomotive,
As if it was shouting as a goodbye:
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
Until one time it can't go on any more.

And So Now All The Chittering And Singing Will Tire Away

Versions: #1
And so now all the chittering and singing will tire away
Even that mouth!
And so time, it'll cheat me,
And that dream, it'll come.
And so I'll lie down peacefully, I'll close my eyelids,
I will close my eyes,
And I'll lie down serenely, and I'll dream
Of the trees and the birds.

killer tune kills me

A moment in a flash
Shines forever
If this heart is pierced, killer tune
I want to dance, I want to sing (That's all I want)
If I pass you by, looking back
That's the killer tune
If it's that song, I've already removed it from the playlist
I've changed my email and accounts
I've also deleted the photos
It's over
I've found a nice sound but
It's not like this
Only the intro is best
But I want you to steal my heart, ah
I want to start, so let's forget it (Goodbye my love)
Meeting a new love by chance is a killer tune
I want to dance, I want to sing (That's all I want)
If I pass you by, looking back
That's the killer tune, killer tune, killer tune
Just hiding the hurt
With a bandage you can't see
It's still there
My cold heart
Without earphones
Will waste time today
Such a routine
So I slip away
I can hear that nostalgic melody
The heart throbbing is forever
You will steal my heart
After all, there is all but that song
Bathed in light, embraced by the beat
It healed my wounds, but
That dream, those emotions, they become distant
It's so faraway, ah
The stars have returned, I, too, will return
Alone, I sing to myself

I knew it

I knew it... you would leave me
I knew it... you were selfish
Yet, I went along with it, hoping..
that, in you, I find the pleasure of my life
I knew it... you would leave me
I knew it... you were selfish
Yet, I went along with it, hoping..
that, in you, I find the pleasure of my life
I am not asking.. why your heart left me
I am not asking.. why you deceived me
I am only asking, why would my heart go..
to a heart it knows, never loved me..
I am not asking.. why your heart left me
I am not asking.. why you deceived me
I am only asking, why would my heart go..
to a heart it knows, never loved me..
I knew ..
Since the beginning, I had that feeling
that your heart is not feeling me
From the beginning, I was pretending
I didn't know what was going on
Since the beginning, I had that feeling
that your heart is not feeling me
From the beginning, I was pretending
I didn't know what was going on
From the beginning, my love to you
was based on a beautiful lie
Since the beginning, I've been running away
trying to escape.. the end.
And this is how it actually ends

So real now

Tell me my dear
are you happy, are you on the right road, or
do you need something more
than what the eye can see
I'm falling
When everything is good I feel my heart calling
so near, so dear
When everything is heavy I start to fear myself
Tell me my dear
aren't you tired of being without me
or do you need more
playing tough don't make matters better
I'm falling
Even when everything is good I feel I
need something more
When life is heavy I'm afraid of myself
I want to give it my all, throw myself into it
The only thing I need is you
When we're together we're invincible
Tell me you want to confide in me
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
sha-la-la-la-la la-la-low
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
it feels so real now
Hoo, huh, uh, huhh-ow
Huh, huhh-huhhh
I want to give it my all, throw myself into it
The only thing I need is you
(Åge Sten Nilsen, supplying:
All I need is you)
When we're together we're invincible
Tell me you want to confide in me
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
sha-la-la-la-la la-la-low
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
it feels so real now

Ukraine is Caroling

Versions: #1
The Christmas candle, let us alight
Let us bring in the light of God,
That it may glow in every home
And that it may warm us all up!
Refrain (twice):
All Ukraine is caroling!
The whole earth is caroling!
In heaven, the angels are all singing,
All are glorifying Christ!
Maybe at home some is sad,
Maybe someone there is missing .
Let's not forget them that aren't here
And for those who are sad, let us cheer them up!

Instead of you

Instead of you, I chose a blooming hell,
a dungeon filled with screams and rain,
A shipwreck at the center of a chimera
To gaze the impossible and the silence.
I will continue searching in the music
whatever life didn't give me and took away,
laughing and drinking,
singing and hoping
that before this journey ends within the wildest sorrow
in an unknown place, oh, it will be revealed to me, why so much effort was worth it.
I will continue searching in the music
whatever life didn't give me and took away...